Disney Keeps Disappointing Its Best Customers...

Disney is disappointing its loyal customers with subpar experiences, including a lackluster Communicore Hall and uninviting festival setups. hey guys welcome back to clownfish TV this is neon I am here with geeky Sparkles hello and it's time for another daily dose of dismal Disney uh we're going to talk about communicore Hall in Epcot this is this is the uh lackluster Costco looking Warehouse thing they built that was supposed to be the big uh Festival Pavilion replacement right it was supposed to be it was it's Bleak and open and then just like hard farse because they're going to use it for festivals like that the picture there was the concept art they going to use it for the festivals like that and that would be a festival of the Arts obviously and I love like the orami and Stu like that would be amazing but that's what they promised and instead they're using it for a a a store like expectation versus reality I mean you want to talk about dismal Disney I think side by side this illustrates modern Disney more than anything uh we have a very budget cut experience it looks like a Costco food court and it's just a big empty space where they're trying to sell you overpriced [ __ ] and what's really the sucks is we're to look at in my article too is when it opened and they had the media event they had it all decked out and looked great yeah and that's not what they give you now then then then right after and took it all down which makes no sense to me yeah so let's uh let's talk about it because this is really like Disney has got to up their game they have got to but they're spending money everywhere El like yeah they're going to fill in the rivers of America and build a bunch of cruise ships and yeah you know whatever we don't have to spend money on Epcot you you uh uh pay pigs will just keep giving us money year after year and some people will let's talk about before we get into it any further Please Subscribe for more pop culture news viws and rans get woohoo if you do woohoo so walk me through this okay so yeah now it's a little more okay blog Mickey put a picture up today so the festival the the Epcot International Food and Wine Festival started today right all right and Disney kept saying you know hey hey you know this is it's it's meant to be it's wide open and Bleak because it's meant to be a space it's versatile we want to keep it you know basically neutral so could be used for whatever okay fine everybody's like okay it's going to be amazing when the festival's hit so the day of the Festival open now to be fair the first picture that blog Mickey posts is before the crowds got there but it is like that it's a little more there's more there than what you're looking at it straight on when you're sideways there's a bit more than what is shown and then they do have the table still there for food back behind there this is a Costco food court yeah so there's some the tables and chairs are still there but they're behind they took the space divided in like a half and then the storees on one half and I think they're doing some of their food and wine kiosk on the other but it it it it's just like a little shoehorned in Disney's new Epcot store and recent events have disappointed loyal customers with unimpressive designs and less theming. store that they didn't put up the cool things like they're showing in the in the concept art everybody expected like something to be like at least at least be as good as the Odyssey it's not even as good as the Odyssey no and the thing is is they they knocked down part of inventions for this and they could have done the exact same thing yeah in Inventions they had a big empty hallway that they could have used they shut down communicore for a communicore hall for a few days to prep it for the prep it for the the festival people are expecting them to be something awesome and that's what they they added this as a store now like you can't really see it from looking head on but it does go back with a lot of merchandise on those shelves behind the the mannequin and the orange shirt um more so than than that's run Disney well that's what that's what bio reconstruct who actually if if you want really good pictures of construction at Disney and Universal follow follow him he's really really good but he said yeah compare the presentation quality of a three or 4 day run Disney Expo to a store that will operate for months in communityall that's the valid point like that's an excellent point they put more into run Disney and that's what it looks like to me it looks very temporary it kind of reminds me of when they were doing construction at Caribbean beach and everything was like intense and just very very very temporary and um well yeah it's not good like you can see a better shot there yeah yeah but that's still not good that's that this not people are waiting on this Wing to check out this is [ __ ] like they were going to build this massive like Triple Decker Festival uh Pavilion it was going to have you know plants and it was going to be I'm sure it was going to be expensive because probably they have their dessert parties on top or something but that was impressive and people were like okay go ahead and knock down part of interventions you know whatever and and this this is what we get this is worse now if you go to My article which I did about it earlier um scroll down through the comments we're going to go down here go to the bottom it's almost at the bottom um oh no there it is right there this is okay this is when they opened it Nathan and Hartman brought up never forget they gave the pain customer less theming for a monthl long Festival than Disney is disappointing its loyal customers with rising prices, subpar experiences, and prioritizing cost over aesthetics. their one day opening media event look at all the cool things they have on the wall yes they don't even have they took that down like they're hanging from the ceiling and reflect on the wall they took that down after the media event like they could have been this up this whole time and make it at least a little more visually interesting they took it down yeah and now you're left with the picture underneath yeah cuz they could do projections and stuff like that you know people they could just why could they run little films of like the old rides or something on the walls or something to make it seem interesting and they're not even doing that no like I said this looks like a Costco looks like a Sam's Club um the reason they do it for the media event is all about buying and they want they want it to look more impressive than actually is is why then why couldn't they leave those things up because it would have kept it looking better than it does cost money already had them developed and you could just leave them up and well probably like well it'll be hard to take him down we have to switch things out but isn't it better to have something up for the majority of the time because all summer there was no festivals yeah like if it was festivals all year round okay but there wasn't festivals for months I I I don't I don't even know I mean I'm at a point now where I'm just like I'm so damn disgusted and disappointed with Disney we had people like Nathan Hartman who's been a huge we actually had him on we had him on uh early when we first started clownish TV because we were doing the Disney Media stuff even while we were running clownish TV and we had them on and we were talking about Galaxy's Edge coming up and um but I'm seeing a lot of people that are Disney Defenders or historically have been Disney Defenders and they're looking at these decisions and they're like this is awful your prices are going up and your experience is garbage and you we joked before we said Disney could just charge you admission to get you into an empty parking lot and then just suck the money out of your wallet charge you admission to go shop which they've done before they did that in Disneyland Disneyland when Disneyland was closed for Co and they wanted to get some reopening going on because Disney World could reopen but Disneyland could not they got permission to open part of the downtown Disney shopping area and a little bit of the one Park like when you walk in where the stores were yeah so that they could charge you a fee to go to this event and shop and spend more money and I'm not I'm not joking they literally found a way to charge people for the for the for the honor of going in to spend more money yeah it's it's disgusting I mean I Disney prioritizes profits over customer satisfaction and legacy, charging more for a lesser experience. know people you know are like why are you guys so hard on Disney why are you you know and for us it's not even I mean yeah they they politics they've gotten weirdly political but whatever for us it's not even that it's like there's no respect for the legacy of of Walt Disney and his imagineers and what they wanted to do with the parks and even the people that worked on the parks 20 years ago right they don't seem to give a [ __ ] about and they want to just constantly gouge the consumer I mean this is ridiculous this is this is Corporate America uh you know on full display here um how much money can we get and how little do we have to give him return and and the truth is as long as the pay pigs and mousers line up to give Disney money they have no incentive to change none whatsoever but go down the to the very bottom I think one of the best comments I've seen is it keep going clear to the bom the article um keep going keep going I I put a lot this one I love this reply by mail breaking Disney adds a sixth key to their keys to customer service good enough and and that's it that's across the board like I'm sorry like you okay so you can argue about the Splash Mountain rethe which is broken again by the way it's it's it's you know it's broken yeah it's 52 days in a row I guess it's broken down right we can we can argue about that whether or not it was a good idea to rethe it whatever and I think it could have been an amazing it always broke down before that's not new but you think if they spent that much time retheming it they would fixed it good enough cuz there's no M what do they spend the money on because I I was joking like when you see this and when you see that it's like that's like Hobby Lobby plants everywhere yeah um so you you start to see the bigger picture here which is basically everything is good enough they're Hotel uh they're hotel theming and and even wdw news today who is now back on the media list after they got booted off the media list and went to quote unquote war with Disney but whatever they're they're calling out the hotels the hotels look like basic Marriott hotels for three times the the price and it used to be that you paid that extra for theming they're taking away perks like the magic Express it's less for more the Disney difference now means less for more yeah that's that's exactly it and this is this is why it's so disgusting because I mean I understand charging more if it costs more to run your Parks if you're going to pass that on to your cast members who bust their ass if you're going to create new attractions that cost a lot of money if you're going to PL everything as as Disney prioritizes profit over customer experience, downgrading its offerings with overpriced attractions and services. Walt said you need to plus it you can't downgrade and what we're seeing is just everything getting a downgrade and they they they they you know tell you they PE your head and tell you it's raining they're like you know it it's for it's such it's such a vast improv we're adding all this new stuff we added this new community Corp Hall it's like it's a literal like cafeteria looking you know Hospital cafeteria Airport concourse it's crap um um Stock's not doing too hot got a little bit of got over 90 that's a little bit of an improvement but you know remember last time they said that the parks were disappointing and they said their parks are going to stay down for multip several quarters they said why why the hell would you go pay $125 $150 a day to go visit a Costco food court and that's without even having to pay for the lightning Lane yeah upch charge that you can get on to rides well and that's that's what people think is actually behind the Cars reskin like part of it in Magic Kingdom you guys can go watch videos tons of videos out there about how they're going to fill in the rivers of America Tom Sor Island and make it a Cars Land East Coast Cars Land um it's not even that it's problematic so much as that that's another E ticket they can charge lightning Lane that's exactly what it's about it's about adding more e tickets so they can make more money off and they can gouge people because it'll be virtual q and if you can't get a virtual queue you can pay individual lightning Lane for $25 $30 a person yeah that's exactly what it's about I I don't even recognize this company I Disney's decline is heartbreaking for loyal customers who have a deep emotional connection to the brand and can no longer defend the company's current state. think that's what's so heartbreaking is like Disney I mean I know there are a lot of people that jump on the Disney bandwagon Disney hate trainer whatever A lot of people I can tell that complain about Disney have never actually been there or they haven't been there very much or they don't know their Disney history or whatever right in our particular case this Disney the Disney company and disneyana meant so much to our family for so long it was a huge part of our lives and to see the company in this state right now I mean there are people that are like oh you guys are just against Disney because they got rid of you no nobody fired us we walked away that was that was like we just were like yeah we're kind of done with Disney I don't even recognize this company and I'm talking like we were in like Flynn on the media list just five or six years ago yeah but now we're not cuz we're we're the wrong we speak the truth but everybody else is saying what we've been saying this whole time yeah but it's okay when they do it it's okay when they do it we're already blacklisted but I digress you know what I'm saying but I'm like just to see theany in this state right now I can't defend them I won't defend them I I don't have like there are times when I'm like like oh Disney prioritizes profits over customer satisfaction, disappointing even its most loyal fans. yeah well Disney maybe they're just doing this because of XYZ reason I'm like no everything they're doing right now is [ __ ] stupid it's simple that it's greed greed based as long as people keep paying and coming they're not going to change there's no of to change they're destroying these Parks they're destroying these Parks it's not just like Oh Oh look The the bigots are angry about this one small change says the people writing the Articles from you know Portland that are never going to go to the theme par the people that are M that are mad that they'll write whole articles the same coin different sides if no one cares then why are they writing an article about it you know what I mean the the thing is is we we are the people that were considered the Disney super fans we are the people that were spending thousands of dollars a year to visit these theme parks and bought then we got smart and we got people paid for it for us yeah but you know what I'm saying like we were we were you know Disney Family Disney adults whatever you want to call us right even before going to the theme parks as much as we did you know we worked on Disney comics and stuff for years um I'm a huge fan of of Walt Disney himself the man himself um and I know geeky wanted to workright Yi you allright ysis geeky wanted to work for Disney you actually yeah they want to be an animator yeah she wanted to be an animator and uh yeah we glad I didn't I I can't imagine working for this company now and there are some good people there like you know I mean this is this is so Disney's refusal to fix the Yeti ride and instead replacing it with an IP-based attraction is a disappointing move that prioritizes profit over customer satisfaction. heartbreaking about this there are good people there but they can't do [ __ ] as long as our hands are tied and like maybe Joe Ry just walked away on his own maybe he's just like I can't I can't do this anymore breaks my heart anyway they're not going let them fix the yeti that's for sure that's for damn sure they'll just they'll just take the yeti out and they'll just put another little empty storefront up there like oh hey guys we're going to shut the ride down you just go shot no they're just going to turn into something IP something and it won't matter God uh we're going to wrap this up yep it's depressing Please Subscribe for more pop culture news views and rants we'll talk later bye [Music]

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