The Love Is Blind Reunion That Exposed Every Single Contestant... (DEEP DIVE)

hi so as promised I finally doing the Love is Blind reunion now if you don't know what I'm talking about love is blind is a show that makes your eyes blind that's why it's co Love is Blind you had love and you watched it now you're blind it promises what it delivers and they have had six seasons off this garbage Nick Lee is probably the most evil character in Marvel history the point is the only thing worse than Love is Blind is the reunion shows because by and large they have been absolute messes from the first season to the most recent one which was a live stream that ended in pure disaster tell me that he was one of your strongest connections you never told me it was in People season six promises nothing less than everything else and boy does it deliver because season 6 of Love's blind was easily the most tragic season I've watched it featured a group of people in which I wanted no one to succeed for the first time and I don't even remember who succeeded oh yeah it was that one couple that everyone forgot about my gosh as I said if you you haven't watched my deep dive on it I would suggest you do so or at least watch the series to catch yourself up because today is the continuation and at the end of the Deep dive it did say everything you thought was going to change every character who you thought was good is bad and the one character that was kind of bad seems pretty good so here we are watching Love is blinds reunion is this how they hear each other like this if we went to music festival would I be able to carry you on my shoulder so the show starts off in an odd way it's actually Nick and Vanessa Lee in pods and Nick Lee uses one of his risible lines and then she laughs like an evil witch so it already shows you that the show is going to be so good if you have earphones that are noise cancelling I would definitely want to boink you for the first time ever The Love is Blind reunion is coming at you from the actual stage of Love is Blind every season they do something different cuz they're like love is blind's first season during lockdown was actually its most viewed season by a country mile it was even I believe nominated for an Emmy which is just a tragedy now it's gotten to season six and they're like what can we do differently you have Nick Lee saying things like I'm going to boink you so for all the genz I'm going to boink you means the same thing as I'm going to Pork you which is just an old way of saying I want to bang you but sounds more hungry we got more behind the scenes more guests and more surprises than ever before come on out guys welcome guys good to see you everybody so they're taking this show from Love is Blind Studio which means nothing to anyone but what it actually does entail is the fact that all the other contestants from the other shows are on this show most of them are couples there's one or two that are just randomly there and like big question marks as to how they decided who was going to come on the show so if you watched all of the seasons you might recognize some of them there's a Alexa I remember her because she's there's her husband who I can't I actually honestly don't even care about his name enough to know about it we're going to we're going to catch up Bren a see I even read it I was going to call him Brendan I didn't even know he had two n three NS in his name that's too many because two of you have a very big announcement you got to ask yourself why this is kind of like a weird thing where like the other couples who made it get to weigh in on these couples and I feel like everybody's story is different so it almost feels like they tried to do an idea which is bring all the contestants back talk about them but now it offers a weird perspective because it's a very personal event for the seasons couples but then you have other people inserting their opinions into this and half of those couples we don't even like so it's a lot of [ __ ] going on this show has started off and you can already see the Anarchy that is about to ensue 11 couples have ended the experiment by choosing to say I do and nine of those couples are still married to this very day honestly wait what and nine of those couples are still married to this very day okay 11 couples in six seasons got married and each season had like I don't know let's just say 30 contestants success rate is slim to none and out of those 11 couples two of them even after saying I do said I actually don't so that's they're gone so nine people from Love is Blind are still together in six seasons which is honestly I'm they're counting the new ones as as well so that's not bad honestly with Nick and Vanessa I'm pretty sure they're counting themselves as a couple so I don't know that's a pretty extraordinary number it's not actually an extraordinary number if someone got like 10% on a test out of 100 you wouldn't be like that's extraordinary if you followed it up with the word bad then that's true that's an extraordinary number you idiot what the hell was that how' you [ __ ] that up we want to take a quick look back at their love Journeys a oh yeah so now they for whatever reason even though this is about season 6 show every couple getting married I don't know if this is some Nostalgia trip if I watch the Disney movie and they showed me every other Disney movie before the Disney movie I think I'd die this is such a stupid concept kwami and Chelsea ah yes Chelsea and kwami I remember them I did talk about those yeah so this is my partner and the father of my baby Ah there's also in some with the nine couples the other person is not from Love is Blind so Nick forgot to disclose that fact but this is Blake who is not in love is blind he's just in love and may be blind he's on the show and part of the couple that made it apparently so they're counting anyone who found anyone and was on the show Good job that 10% is half to five Blake Horseman say hi to love his blind hello everyone Jeremy Aloha ah okay so after all all that crap that means absolutely nothing to anyone we actually get to the season this is like watching a whole ad before I guess it's like YouTube they're doing their own YouTube wow we get to the first contestant like from the actual season Jeremy and he is dressed like he's in a mix of Caro's way and Scarface already you don't think that it's going to be good cuz he's sitting on the couch bending over alone they're about to attack him Vanessa Lee is uh I would say Infamous for not knowing how to be objective in a situation she's actually one of the worst hosts that I've ever seen in my life like the amount of times she could be seen as bullying other contestants for point blank no reason honestly disturbs me a little bit and this is no different are you are you seeing anyone it's been going well and yes I am seeing someone she actually is here today guys should we bring her out no Sarah an ah there it is so have the two of you been together ever since since you rode off into the sunset on jet skis yeah we've been dating for almost a year now nice so this is the couple that left on jetskis in the actual Love is Blind season 6 Sarah and Jeremy they're the ones who had that weird discussion with the other girl that Jeremy actually picked up we'll see her later on and anyway they had this huge fight and Sarah Anne and Jeremy rode off on jet skis and everything was happy we never heard from them in the series again but it turns out they've been dating question is does nicet count them as aou couple on love is BL I don't know what Nick Lee is counting weird questions we live together actually you live wow Laura has shared her [Laughter] location ah the fact that they brought an audience in is funny this is honestly it's a mix between love is blind and like [ __ ] Mory at this point desan you are you are not [Applause] say everyone should be on this show we're sitting here with one woman you've been engaged to one woman you're currently living with yet there's a third woman said that you two were actually engaged while you were applying yeah like I said this is the dirty laundry episode you might as well have brought your like detergent cuz this there's definitely dirty laundry in this one Jeremy apparently has been dating someone or was in fact engaged at the time of applying for the show which is pretty shitty so now we're gonna listen to Jeremy's excuse because it seems like Jeremy always had an excuse for some type of rationale to his behavior I cannot understand why anyone willingly come on the show knowing that someone was going to find out Jeremy why' you do it it's not true yes I was previously engaged everybody I dated was well aware of that sold my house I did go ahead and apply after I was out on my own oh okay so this is all [ __ ] okay I think what's Happening Here is I'm just listening to Jeremy explaining the fact that he actually disclosed this to everyone and love is blind turned this into a dramatic moment for a gotcha effect the only thing this does is it shows the audience that love is blind is trying to get them to feel a certain way about a narrative or without actually painting the full story which is really really sad because we want the show to be good I don't know how to feel about this in fact I think that the person Jeremy was engaged to even says that he did disclose that which would just lose all credibility for the show itself got approach to do it and decided to move forward at that point Laura how does that sound to you in the PA he did mention that he had a pance before I think I called her Julia and her name is Laura this is a good guess right I mean it's the same I mean it's not the same but it's pretty [ __ ] close all right so her name is Laura I would have got there eventually and she says he did disclose that so everybody knew about the situation and love is blind chose to not make that known and then try and have a little gotcha moment at the end which again like I said just creates this brand of disloyalty to the audience watching it makes us feel like Love is Blind thinks we're dumb and tries to like put all this dramatic stuff onto us I don't like when reality TV does that I think it's really poor execution and it makes the contestants look bad why would people want to sign up to a show if you're just going to make them look bad speaking of that um that math guy Andrew the one with the square shoulders he doesn't turn up for some reason could they not make a clause where you have to turn up for the reunion if you're on the show come on Love is Blind seriously okay did he mention one to you as well yeah so you guys just messed that up for nothing good work why on Earth lie about your location after you shared it with Laura did you not think that the little button would continue to move I didn't intentionally lie about that okay so then Vanessa Lee starts grilling Jeremy on the location and he doesn't really give a good answer Laura rolls her eyes we're pretty much getting a recap of what actually happened in their relationship in real time I did share my location and then forget honestly I'm convinced that oh my God she's rolling she literally rolled her eyes both ways I've never seen someone do it left and right before honestly what it says to me is that Laura has had so much [ __ ] in her relationships that she's had time to practice both eye rolles good work Laura they droing off that's not true once I saw his car get on the highway I heard him come home and purposefully stay in the living room you were not waiting for me when I got home okay so now they're arguing the shittiest and worst part about this is that they're both in relationships with someone else so now we're just like arguing arbitrary things Vanessa nicke as usual don't really mediate anything I always miss sha from 90-day fiance I could place her there because I like her she treats things objectively you called off the wedding that day why why did you do it people on 90-day fiance are pretty despicable and she just lets them talk because she doesn't know how to stop and when she's done she's just like all right shows ended everyone said what they need to this is the opposite everyone gets roasted and grilled and then the people that they like get nothing I was waiting up for you I should have been on the front porch waiting for your ass at 6:00 a.m. is what I should have been okay so having an audience have confirmation bias is really again not good because I think the people of Love is Blind no I I think we can all agree the audience is more girls and guys who are subjected to watching this [ __ ] by their Partners so the audience is going to feature more girls who are probably going to side with the girls and also get really mean to the girls they don't like I.E Sarah n which is not good because you don't want people to feel like they're being targeted Love is Blind you don't want people to come on a show and then leave the experience feeling very sour for doing it do you get what I'm saying maybe having an audience there is not the best idea if you can't have hosts who know how to keep the situation under control I feel like I should host the dam show from home you've never taken accountability you've never like flat out apologize besides you're a clown this is what I mean when you start calling people names and people start clapping that's not cool cuz it doesn't matter how mad you are getting emotional and start using names is not the right way to express your emotions and I know it's in the moment it's like ha you piece of [ __ ] whatever it's like oh okay okay you tell them sis but really you shouldn't be saying that no matter what and I feel like people starting to clap makes it feel like you can say this to people and you shouldn't it's not that you can't but with grownup UPS why use those things to tole people it's just not a good way to vent and shows like this make it feel like this is the correct way to do things and it's just not relax calling someone a clown when you sat and told him [ __ ] about me in the pods the entire time saying that I'm a Pik me girl you're the Pik me girl I thought she was saying Pig me like I thought that was like a pck me girl is a thing apparently on Tik Tok or like gen Z culture it means like pick me because I'm Different I didn't know that was a thing pick me you heartbroken so now this turns into Jeremy Kyle or like some other crazy show where they start fighting each other maybe even WWE who knows and Sarah Anne starts fighting people and the other contestants start like fighting her back and we get this kind of show so again congratulations love is blind if this is what you wanted love to look like you achieved it did y'all kiss no absolutely not no okay they contined maintaining they just talked till 5:00 a.m. what are your thoughts on that I don't care what they did no of course you care of course everyone's caring cuz we had the whole conversation you can't do that and say I don't care nobody goes up to a restaurant and then you like wait in line and like what do you want to eat and you're like ah I don't care I'm not hungry I'm leaving that's not a thing say what you need to and then leave guys stop at no point was I thinking I'm not going to get married that night when they stayed out together that he was going to break up with me so he telling me how much he loved me hits me goodbye as he went to the bar yeah I I said this on the actual deep dive that I felt sorry for what was the name Julia Laura God I can't anyway I I felt sorry for her because I felt like he picked her like he could have said no to Laura and picked Sarah Anne but he chose Laura and then he muddled her up in this only to leave her for what would inevitably be his girlfriend afterwards so of course like Laura's not going to have the best feelings and it's a bit but then again that is kind of the experience that you're going on to Love is Blind any show hosted by Nick Lee you can expect a 60% chance of disaster and or tears I do want to talk to you about the message that I sent because I know that that came across so disrespectful to you not going to lie I was in the real world while you guys were there and I was kind of heartbroken oh my God she talks so much what why why why are we here no wonder they had to cut her out the show they're like bro we only have time for 10 episodes if we keep her on it'll be like three seasons in one do I think the message was a disrespectful I do I was like as a woman to woman but I was like at the end of the day he made the commitment to me not her I am literally blindsighted credit to Laura for understanding at the end of the day it was his responsibility to reply in XYZ kind of way it is disrespectful that's that is disrespectful but like it takes two to tango that's kind of what she saying and for what it's worth that's true I don't know why they cut that footage if it was so important but again Love is Blind just taking out all the good pots to create controversy over nothing I don't know what the Jimmy context was about but sorry appreciate the Strays sorry about that Jimmy uh yeah Jimmy caught a stray for some reason this dude as soon as he was born he started catching Strays I don't know it's just being alive apparently catches the wrong woman he's like a Pokemon and his bowl go everywhere except the way way he wants I remember me having a really tough decision I'm sitting here in the Pod everybody else picked me up that day and Jeremy said at least I can sleep tonight knowing Jimmy's the villain I don't recall saying that but if I oh we got more eye rolls from another guy called Matt who also was pretty despicable I will say everyone hated Matt so badly and he's remaining married so can you please wake up like please bring up the energy well you me start dancing or something no I'm just saying like you're always tired yeah I work a lot that's like a villain hitting the other villains I don't know clearly was on your mind you're still talking about me in your own relationships and stuff no I I understand that I'm sorry for saying that to you because it was not meant to be anything serious oh okay well this is how the guys like talk about things like ah Jimmy's a piece of [ __ ] and I hate him ah I didn't mean that all right that's cool that's a great resolve right there love is blind if it was just like these like they didn't have like the girls on they had an episode for guys and girls the Guy episode would be like 2 minutes there was a bit of an icy reception how does your relationship with them stand today I don't talk to any of the women that's because she liked to unfollow us and still follow our fiance at the lake date oh [ __ ] shots fired boom boom boom uh I don't care I don't give a [ __ ] I feel like if anybody's actually doing this crap oh my god get rid of them life is so hard without this crap if your wife is following someone or your husband is following someone guess what they're a [ __ ] stalker stop stop get some help just don't make life hard love is blind the only thing that's hard should be your husband's PE you guys iced me out of a group chat nobody was mean to some you guys iced me out of a group chat Chelsea looks like a rare bird doesn't she she looks like one of the like those like feathery ass Birds I just realized that I was I've been watching this for so long you watched me fall my eyes being the in the room does not make you the most it doesn't matter I'm not trying to be loud it's not about that I'm always loud nice good I'm glad we had that conversation so love is blind is going swell how's your day going everyone I had to watch this and then cut it and then watch the whole series I've never watched the TV series that makes me want to reverse time just so that I don't watch it that would be the first thing that I would do if I went into a time machine you know World War II happened and I would rather not watch this than that that's how bad this is for me just curious if any of you have seen Jeremy in the subsequent time since the show since the show oh yeah what the [ __ ] does that mean Chelsea Chelsea why she just so says some [ __ ] every now and again and you're like what she could have just said yes but she didn't oh yeah I saw Jeremy I've seen all parts of Jeremy and then just doesn't elaborate every time I see them they're broken up I've seen you twice I asked if you were so with Saran and you said no when okay we do love each other all right so that's out the window thanks for not elaborating on any of that cool thanks Chelsea Chelsea is known for being someone who is known for not actually having the truth so I wouldn't really ever think what she says means much sorry Chelsea every time she's ever said something remember when she was like hating on Jimmy and she said you were with all these girls from love is blind and he was just not well I was in bed and you were out I think you're fishing when I'm getting told that you're out at a bar when I'm to bed what did you do last night when you left what did you say to me I'm going out I'm going out why are we still here Chelsea is the classic person who's like I heard my friend said that you did this so so I'm going to believe that not really a good source of information chel I'm not going to say everything's been perfect but we're still fighting for that every day yeah you did a video uh that appears to show you living in Jeremy's home what why would you say it like that what is wrong with you there's a surveillance footage of you appearing to be in uh Jeremy's house what the [ __ ] is uh that explain to me how a woman could live in the presence of a man why do you sound like an alien when I posted the video I guess to the magnitude of the internet I never really could understand that people really do become the FBI and PS things and whoa whoa okay Nick every time every now and again Nick does something like when people are saying some sus stuff Nick is like yep you know there's a story there I would like a whole Love is Blind reunion on just Nick and Vanessa's relationship I'm still convinced they made him in a lab and it's an experiment that went terribly wrong and he's just out now and they don't know how to like you know tranquilize him while we're talking about things that have been put out online um I have to ask you about something else apparently uh Sarah an actually ruined the show by putting it on her social media and people saw that and she said that she didn't know the show was big basically she insinuated Love is Blind is so not watched by anyone she could do that and she was wrong some people still watch this I would know he posted a video saying this is reality television it's meant to entertain you and that's exactly what we're doing we didn't miss with this one baby we miss baby we miss baby yeah okay she talks a bit weird huh like man she's talking kind of like Southern black type of be I don't know what that was we miss baby that's what we do huh I'm experiencing a ton of hate on the internet there's never an interview of me talking about how I feel about this man but I think that they didn't air all that because he had picked Laura this would have been the thing by the way Sarah an if they actually didn't want to bully you on the show 24/7 you could have actually explained your relationship and people could have seen whether the relationship is something worth rooting for as the audience or not but we don't get that opportunity and I know Sarah Anne is a talkative person and we miss baby type person but in Ideal World you want to have everyone have their say and Sarah Anne and Jeremy just don't get it here and I don't think of it w so I feel a little bit sorry even though I don't agree with the way they got to their relationship it's worth actually listening once in a while you've had a year to reach out to me I understand you guys are together now whatever that's fine but this was my real life and my real fiance my real wedding that was made a mockery nothing's real on Love is Blind I'm sorry I I appreciate you Laura but saying it's a real wedding real ceremony on a show called Love is Blind that's like saying McDonald's food is Gourmet dude that's not really a thing Laura sitting over there she's like my 96-year-old grandma this was my real life that was made a mock no I know V Vanessa we literally heard what happened holy [ __ ] why is she just repeating things what am I missing the show didn't make a mockery of her this situation did I'm sorry and I'm I'm sorry I'm sorry that Vanessa why why did she just repeat it what why even have contestants just have Vanessa Lee Read things we are happy you found each other there could have been probably I think Laura agrees a better way for all of this to unfold Laura are you dating anyone right now okay so it ended in a culmination off we're happy you guys are cool and I I guess everyone's okay I guess they apologized in their weird way so nothing ventured nothing gained Laura says she is dating someone and she even gets a bit Snappy because they don't even have time for her to expand on her partner because they're just like oh you are dating someone anyway bye I am moving on huh Trevor how's it going buddy yeah so they cut Laura from the Skype call or wherever the hell she was and now we bring you to my favorite contestant on Love is Blind Trevor the dude with a mullet boneheaded Trevor Meathead with a heart of gold but it turns out and this is going to hurt me to say Trevor is really a meathead on the inside as well what the hell Trevor why screenshots came out which were allegedly between you Trevor and the girlfriend that you had at the same time time that you were participating in this experiment damn it Trevor that's such a meat-headed thing to do like normal people humans Trevor would be like man if I'm going to cheat or whatever the hell I'm going to do I'm not going to go on love is blind and do it because that's a show that uses cameras and technology and people will get invested in the relationships so someone's going to find out Trevor the Meathead was like ah more people for me and just started texting up a storm you were texting her as you were traveling here and as soon as you left the pods we actually have the text they got the text too God damn Nick actually came prepared like this was his like final assessment for uni or something a he gets an a as well I love you so much honey I'm excited for it but more excited to get back to you after and start our life together do you still love me she says pumpkin I'm crying yeah I guess he also he's also a bit needy he says do you still love me and she just replies with a like I think a a vegetable pumpkin is pumpkin a vegetable I don't know meanwhile he's on Love is Blind professing his love to Chelsea I love you more than anything in this world and I'm going to marry I hope you know how much I love you and had to pretend that this wasn't real life dude he's smiling like he's in the principal's office after the principal caught him for something he's about to be expelled for why I hope you know how much I love you and had to pretend this wasn't real life to say anything I said he's acting like he's in Mission Impossible Trevor what the hell to say anything I said she responds with it's okay pumpkin she keeps calling him a pumpkin he's a human being man and he's he's a neanderthal human being if she called him a homo sapien or like a homoerectus or some [ __ ] like that that would have been better I'd like to hear what you have to say yeah a lot to unpack there oh my God Alexa shaking her head she's the only one who hasn't done anything wrong ever in the series ever very very good Alexa not only Vanessa and I but everyone on this stage would love to hear what you have to say about that oh man so they put him on blast on Love is Blind reunion I don't know if he signed up for this because I honestly don't know what Trevor's intelligence is like for all I know he could have been fully aware they were like we're going to show the texts and uh you're going to face an audience and a world of people so are you okay with that hell yeah brother I think this will be good I don't I don't know if he understands exactly what's happening because when they actually ask him what happens he has no explanation pretty sure he doesn't know where he is right now um I don't know there it is there that's the one Ice Age was based off of his real life experiences I was not dating her technically like I never said will you be my girlfriend for obviously we were close she was the typical girl I'd go for in real life oh okay but in fake life like in love is blind in this fake reality simulation Trevor thinks Love is Blind is a VR simulation for some reason he he doesn't understand what television is this honestly I made a joke at the start of the series saying like he's he a bit of a caveman and then he also says he's smarter than people give him credit for and he genuinely has proved the opposite of what he said I was just making a little joke but like he honestly proved me right and I told her I want to go on this to try to experiment something else that sounds [ __ ] horrible what I just said I wanted to meet somebody that I wouldn't go for in real life I wanted to meet someone who I don't normally meet in the cave oopsy that he honestly if he just said oopsy I just like silence for like 10 minutes okay moving on that would have been just as good saying I love you as you're entering the experiment so to say she wasn't really my girlfriend you don't say I love you to someone you don't care about on that I did care about her that is what I'm attempting to go with yes yeah I she is not my girlfriend so and love is blind is a simulation okay so I'm saying how unfair is it to everyone on the stage y why has that dude Zone the [ __ ] out Matt wake the wake up dude dude zoned out like he was like if that was me I would have said um honestly I would have just punched Nickolas and ran I think okay and I'll call out chela directly because there was a moment there where she easily could have said Trevor you are the one for me unbeknownst to her you have someone on the outside don't use words like unbeknownst you know this man doesn't understand words like hair cap frame he's come on Nick you as soon as you use that word you know he's his own the [ __ ] out he barely understands where he is right now her and I were so [ __ ] toxic so toxic that after you got out of the PA you said I'm going to marry you no that yes yes I'm I'm toxic as well you know what I actually I give credit to Nick Lee and this is the only dude who makes Nick Lee look like Albert Einstein I will say maybe credit to Trevor but Nick Lee is actually keeping on topic here for once I I admit that like I know I'm toxic I know I need to [ __ ] change all right not just Trevor but everyone do people go on American Idol if they know they can't sing sometimes yes I think of you I think do people go to Burger King if they're not hungry no they do it because they hate themselves this show is a show about love if you know that you're toxic why would you go on the show if it's actually for people who are looking for love all you're doing is messing up their chances if you know beforehand you have all of these problems and you think a show Like Love is Blind is going to solve it if you're toxic don't go to Love is Blind go to therapy do you guys want to say anything I'll stay out of it pumpkin I had just this intuition of why I shouldn't have picked you I I couldn't explain it and now I can damn the Lord like woke her up in her sleep and she's like hey don't don't don't [ __ ] Trevor though okay I'll see you later I think it's just disrespectful we all put T toes down into this experience for you to also be playing the other woman that's also disrespect yeah no Britney is completely right with that I mean that's EX exactly what I was saying like everyone who really wants to actually try and find love is going to end up like having this is not like something you want to end up with because you're not trying to have this experience and going on Knowing damn well that you've already got like someone on the side just doesn't make this a complete experience for someone a little concerning that she was okay with it but yeah it's it's disrespectful to them as well and what if I did choose you would she be lingering around no she would come and live with us no rules in caves I told her you and I are toxic together if I meet someone in here then I'm staying with someone in here that's why you were going to marry her when I left I was in a [ __ ] emotional wreck did you come whoa whoa whoa whoa chill chill chill Vanessa Jesus I did oh was good okay well we got the answer we came for guys that's very good guys I just want to say participating in Love is Blind it's really a once in a-lifetime Opportunity unless you come on for more seasons then it's not please stop what the hell they treats this like even on American Idol you can come on the next season why are you treating this like it's this is the most exclusive [ __ ] I've ever done in my life Vanessa and I believe in it from season one on you can see the results look around this room honestly dude don't just stop stop roasting yourself this room is a sorry mess of people and like one or two good couples yeah nine out of 80 contestants nine nine is not only a funny number but it means no in Germany so [ __ ] no bro this is horrible look at this couch right here we do not want people to come here I know he's schooling this [ __ ] Trevor like he's honestly acting like he works for NASA or something dude please motivated by Fame it's not what this is about it's just wrong we've got to call you out for it so Trevor I know you asked to leave you can leave now man all right so Trevor asks to leave after being roasted and then he leaves like the hunchback of notredam caveman so honestly genuinely I think he's was an actual caveman pretending to be a human man so oh my gosh we have a sign in the audience ad all day y I just wasn't in a place now we take you to ad and Clay if you remember they actually didn't get married cuz clay at the altar said no and I don't know how people felt about that but um I think like for what it's worth it's probably better that he said no in the long run although he waited till the very last minute to do so and there's nothing I wouldn't have done for you and I feel like you played in my face clay cuz you knew you didn't want to get married that's that's not true then why are we not married I don't know how to explain this to like certain people but like clay seriously seems like someone who has like emotional baggage and instead of carrying that baggage on and then possibly H having a marriage that would just be ruined he said no before that to save that from happening for what it's worth a lot of people come on the show thinking that they want to get married and then realize oh they have a lot to work on Love is Blind is equally as much a therapy session as it is a dating show at this point and I feel like off to six seasons most people need to realize that there's a huge possibility of people saying no although ad is right to feel sad because it's obviously not easy to have someone say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and then at the AL be like nah I wanted to say yes as it was going on days are like weeks when she walked down an altar I swear it was like three days respect to ad I love her and it hurts that you don't even think that it even feels sad cuz like this dude starts crying I thought he was a deag at the start cuz he he came off like that and then he had this whole self-realization to a point that we're on the reunion I don't know he doesn't seem like someone who didn't learn he seems like someone who actually got a lot out of the experience in terms of his own self-realization and I feel like Love is Blind needs to actually have something where it's like okay maybe you didn't get married but you realized you're you got a step closer and that's actually worth having rather than like I didn't get married now I'm just [ __ ] other people not a thing you know like this is actually good I went to therapy I want to be a good guy I want to be the best version I could be and it sucks that I wasn't like that for you I really you are a good guy I swear it broke my heart okay so I mean like I said a really roal moment and something that if the ordinance was going to clap at anything that would probably be the one that I'm like okay a breakthrough D but they're like yeah call him a clown you yeah call him a [ __ ] face see that one that hasn't been used in a while guys now they have questions from the Love is Blind cost and this one is that girl what did your friend think about Chelsea sharing your little secret with the world she didn't deserve that one of them is really pissed off at me for mentioning it and she asks Jimmy why that's pretty much what she asked and Jimmy just his life has just been gone down the [ __ ] since he came on the show looking like a happy 27-year-old now he looks like a 40-year-old divorce how do you feel feel about Jimmy sharing a secret and her sharing that secret on camera who thinks that a secret shared in confidence shouldn't have been repeated on camera yeah good one Nick that's funny who thinks that that no no secret should be shared who out of all of the C who's who thinks that guys guys hands up who thinks that guys everyone put their hands up guys it was something that was affecting her in a relationship then she has to show it that was a huge issue and it was really sitting on me and I could never apologize enough yeah I actually was reading the comments on my love is blind and to my like surprise in a good way like a lot of people were like yeah chelse probably shouldn't have been on the show because she's not really ready she doesn't illustrate all of the tools that would actually be in a long-term relationship if you're insecure and you don't know how to communicate and you get emotional at someone but don't know how to express why so that they don't know how to fix that how could you really be in a longterm relationship what would the keys to that look like because Jimmy doesn't seem like bad guy I don't think he did anything that I looked at as like oh that's horrible he seemed like a pretty normal dude but like they had a lot of issues and it really seemed to be stemming more from her end it's it's a lot of insecurity and lack of communication those are the two big ones that I saw for Chelsea for how horrible I feel for bringing it up and ruining that trust cuz it ruined everything Jess doesn't need me to tell her this but you're absolutely you're gorgeous okay okay all right chill I was I was vouching for you there it is there's I mean you knew this was going to come out like as soon I knew Jimmy probably looked at himself in the mirror one day and went [ __ ] like as loud as he possibly could not because Chelsea's like not good-looking or something but because Chelsea being that person and then Jess actually being more respectful out of the pods just would be like a kick to the nuts Jeremy show me the picture in in the gym we were working out Jeremy it came up a conversation and I was like oh yeah are you and Jimmy friends I thought we were damn what the hell Jimmy how many Strays can you catch you own this this Jimmy oh my God I saw an interview that you did recently and I was infuriated first of all I've had plenty of interviews and I've taken every opportunity I've had to speak highly of you except actually on the show itself where you got pretty mean for those first few episodes if you need someone to hold your hand and guide you and cuddle you she will never be me and she'll never be a woman like me when you see and realize what you missed out on you are going to choke and I also uh again super surprised in a great way lots of people said that her concealing the fact that she had kids until a few like till they were like deeply in it that's a red flag and I thought so too to be honest I thought like you should probably tell people from the get-go cuz even on dating apps I think like lots of people will be like I have two kids so if you're not okay with that then it's like at least oh okay cool I'm not okay with that perfectly viable thing to say I'm not okay with that by the way or I am okay with that and everyone makes their decision from that point cuz I'm being asked why I didn't choose you that's part of the reason the way you talk to me during our last date I didn't say horrible things about you I just said you walked out on our date early so this all culminates in Jimmy and I forgot her name I think it's like Jennifer or something I don't actually know uh the two contestants are like fighting and they're talking about how the date didn't go well and one person left early when the truth is they actually had uncut footage that they didn't show and it actually seems to uh be the opposite of what Jimmy said when I still hadn't made a decision you never once told me you love me I don't know why I have to go first I wanted I wanted you to say it first I felt like I had given you so much and shared the most intimate details of myself my daughter intimate details of your da what oh she means like intimate details one of them being her daughter right Jesus Christ I hope that's right my past and the things that I shared with you I've never shared in any relationship I've ever been in oh my God you have kids with someone else how could you this man you didn't even meet him he was behind the pods when you broke up how can you love a pod okay all right whatever an hour and a half into it not 10 minutes but it felt like 10 minutes to me your perception like you said was 10 minutes you went in an interview and said that that's actually how it happened I wish if justess talk like this throughout the series I would be a huge fan because whenever she's talking like this she's not raising her voice she's not actually being disrespectful and also when she was talking to Sarah an Sarah an was the one screaming and she also took responsibility for saying I removed you from the group chat if this was how she acted throughout the series and had that like just maintain that then she'd be a great like a catch but it just it can't it comes so late and then you said I'm really proud of the edit that she had I still believe it was 10 minutes someone please get the receipt and the receips are gotten because her wish is granted I'm not giving up I'm not walking away but it's feeling forced so I think we should leave it alone for right now again I asked the question why didn't love is blind just put the word 50 minutes up later why did they have to wait till the reunion to do this but thanks guys way too late but anyway Jess was right so Jimmy was wrong and he sucks and everyone hates him I don't I don't know what to say apparently Love is Blind season 6 should feature a poster of Jimmy with like lots of bruises on his face just cuz it's like beat up Jimmy that's the whole season speaking of the media taking over this show the debate about the comparison to Megan Fox oh okay so okay all right well I don't love Chelsea right and Chelsea uh is not my favorite but at the same time she is a human being with feelings we don't really do we need to to compare her to Megan Fox like she looks like Chelsea that's cool it's cool Chelsea why okay silly little Comet that just slid in there and my whole world has flipped up upside down it is what it is you know what she handled that really well I'll give her credit because uh it's really stupid Chelsea even said and I remember her saying it people say I look like that I don't think I look like that and then for whatever reason Jimmy thought she would be exactly Megan Fox Britney and Kenneth to you um I don't want to make you uncomfy but did either of you just want to you know like do it oh and then Alexa ask about the contestants that I actually felt the most I was just like what about it's Britney and Kenneth the contestants who just they seem to have like one argument about not having a spark and then they just left and never came back but now they're actually doing better than ever not as a couple though they're best friends but they seem really nice and weirdly enough even though there is one couple that got married on the series I feel happier about them than anyone else we speak nearly every day I get FaceTime call calls at work I call him at work although we are no longer in a relationship the bond that we have is for an eternity that's actually one of the coolest thing I don't think I'd ever see this on Love is Blind that people found a friendship that might actually supersede a relationship and I think that's one of the most underrated things ever is having a relationship with someone realizing we might be better as friends and being good friends it's a very rare thing and you probably have to be a pretty personable person to have it CU most people are like my ex more like [ __ ] graveyard I'll dig a ditch for that [ __ ] mostly but like there's also people who like yeah I have a great relationship with my ex and it's not toxic at all and for like my personal opinion I see I get along well with everyone uh that I have data and whatever and I like the idea that you can just be friends and trying to make sure people get along in life I think it's cool cuz again life is really hard so I I just don't like fighting with people and to watch you guys speak to each other with so much love just reminds us what it's about why we're all here to find that love and regardless to find that relationship and that communication no no no no you guys are here to get married these two are friends what it's not love as friends what I knew she would take credit for this [ __ ] they found two people who are like very emotionally mature and she's like that's exactly right I was talking to the other contestants who I got married and they said they're exactly the same people cry do you remember Cole or what this season of Love was Vine also had a mat and I'm sure you you recall Matthew was accused of telling two women ad and Amber the same thing in the pocket Matthew was accused of looking like wrecked Ralph and he actually never beat those charges so he's currently serving time in an animated prison because he is indeed an animated character who came to life you can't convince me otherwise after today I am not sure cuz I don't want to tell something to somebody else and then I'm just not going to do that I asked you about your dad cuz I really don't know if I could propose to somebody without permission so Matthew gives a calculated response I don't know what we were expecting to be honest he's Matthew like he probably wrote this down memorized it and said it to every girl ever made so I don't think this is really telling information it's Matthew being Matthew you think he was saying the same thing to both of you well yeah yeah absolutely did you ever reconnect with Matthew in the real world so here's the part like I mean there's a lot of shocks in the series we've seen 90% of them this lost 10% and the shock is that ad and Matthew remember Matthew broke her heart and then left and so she would never have anything to do with Matthew right well you're [ __ ] wrong she actually went on dates with this man what kind of game does Matthew have that he could break someone's heart look like wrecked Ralph and also date someone that's crazy after the show I did what oh no okay okay did you do you know Kraken what what did he say about a kraken does he call him a kraken that's that's an animal nicke what the hell I think he said did you crack that nut but I don't know why he said cracken and then paused he's like drilling a hole in my the side of my head does clay not know about this is this news to you clay oh no it's not Matthew and I we went on a few dates you know Matthew kind of cute like what Matthew kind of cute all right all right all right well you know what maybe he is I just can't believe Matthew said that and then she was was like H okay even though you made me cry I'm I'm going to date you anyway lowkey he's cute y'all like respectfully all right Vanessa found that extremely [ __ ] funny I don't know why I must be the Edibles finally hit we live two completely different Lifestyles we left it right there clay you want to go run some laps and get this out of your system hey at the end of the day it's an experiment and Matt did it the way he did it Matthew's an experiment dude I don't he got her back to his place Matthew has some game that I'm not aware of I need to see Matthew on season s of Love is Blind I don't I'm not finished with him not here to kick Matt's back and he's not here in front of my face he obviously met up with ad seems like it was respectful so at the end day respect to Matt you know I have nothing disrespectful to say all right so the best thing about love is blind literally is the car like the reunion in my opinion is the character AR of clay because at the very start when she says that she's talking to a guy called matth he actually laughs and doesn't even know who that guy is and disrespects him at the end of the series even after going on dates with Matthew he says he's not here so I'm not here to kick his back I Feel Like Love is Blind doesn't actually Harbor good stuff like it's got some really dank contestants and really doesn't offer insight to why you're doing things but there are three contestants from season six who have shown emotional maturity enough to get themselves help and even though they didn't actually end up marrying anyone those three contestants will probably do the best in the whole series so Izzy and I are actually going to be on the next season a perfect match [ __ ] what why' you what oh I was wondering why those two boneheads were there Izzy was from the last series and the SpongeBob was also around that series and apparent they weren't dating so I was like oh are they married they're not married they're going on perfect match do you guys remember perfect match it's when all of the leftovers from the other series come together oh God thank you all yeah and that's how it ends so with that Nick Lee ends the series and will there be a season seven of Love is Blind I don't know all I know is that I'm going to have to wait a while because this is I just finished filming a recording of uh the ultimatum South Africa which is another show that nickolet came up with in his torture chamber and now I realized that perfect match is happening again so if that's something that you want me to take a look at please let me know down below but until then we just finished another series of love is blind and I feel like the contestants from now on should be screened because each season it gets far worse than the season before and if we don't actually get any better by season 10 it's going to be contestants from the series Fallout so thank you so much by the way for being here I as I said I wasn't feeling too good I don't really want to explain that one but um this has at least taken my mind off it so thanks I will see you guys hopefully on the next nickolet Masterpiece take care to my my brown tee you look free in my head

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