[Music] what's up SAS you girl s j and welcome back to my channel guys welcome back I've just watched episode 11 of Love is Blind UK and I'm not going to lie I was on me edge of me say especially when it comes to Freddy and Catherine I was like oh lord I can't watch you know what I'm saying I F like I I wanted a little mini roller coaster do you know what I me a little roller coaster I was happy I was on edge anxious I cried you know I mean not cry cry not ball My Cry ball I'm cry sh a little tears you know what I'm saying a little tears me tell you all about it don't worry but anyways guys before I get into the video please give the video a thumbs up and if you're new to the channel welcome please subscribe to the girls Channel help me to get to 5K before the end of the year okay trying to grade these subscribers here guys help us this out okay but anyways guys so obviously um episode 11 started on Demi and olle and as I told you guys when I watched um episode 10 I felt deep down that Demi was not going to marry Holly now I felt it guys I just I really felt it and I didn't know how I was going to feel or how um olle was going to react cuz I could tell in episode 10 that olle was literally committed at this point to Demi and I feel like if olle was asked the question he would have said yes do you see what I'm saying I feel like he would have said yes um and you know he would have been hurt by hearing the no from from Demi but as I mentioned she did say no and you know what I respect it I respect her answer you know and like I said you could tell the difference of when she first started this journey and the confidence she grew in confidence and I loved her reasoning cuz she said you know what I love OE but I love me and in this experiment I've learned to love me you see what I'm saying and it's because I love me I'm making this decision and the way I feel about myself it's a compliment to you ollie because you helped me to get to this place and this is not the end of our story but I just feel like you know we need to go through a different path and they just not ready guys they weren't ready and do you know what when olle looked around he like but why I thought oh my God he's going to kick off he's going to kick off but he didn't he was understanding of it and I think this is to show you that they have a true genuine connection and it's not just about this right now because what people don't understand is well I'm I'm sure most of you guys understand this is this is is a big deal you can be in a relationship with somebody for a year two year and they ask you to marry them and you're not ready trust me I know I've been there you're not ready so to have to make that decision in a matter of weeks it's very it's very hard to but the thing is I I love that they are not taking the fact that they're not going to make that decision today because marriage is a commitment and once you make that that you know you make that leap into marriage is completely different you can't just walk away if you guys realize this is not working out it's not as well you can it's just not as easy so I'm glad that they decided to take their time and and olle was very understanding of this because you know um Demi explained like I love you and I want us to work and you know what I feel like even though olle would have said yes he would have said I do there's obviously some sort of relief cuz you hear him telling his friend like listen I'm I'm I'm happy and I'm sad at the same time because I feel some kind of relief in a sense where I think he knows it's too soon to take that leap he might love Demi but it's too soon you just want to enjoy this moment as a couple to get to know each other do you know I mean to work through any differences you might have do you know I mean any obstacles and I'm glad that it's not the end of their story for this and like Olie said like listen I might not have gotten the desired outcome but you know I'm leaving here with somebody I love and who loves me and there's nothing to be said about and I love his approach to that and I I just wish Demi and olle the best like honestly I I see them working I I see them building a future together and I just hope you know fers cross that everything works out for them and I'm glad that you know somebody had to somebody had to make the decision somebody had to be honest with themselves and say you know what we're not ready right now it doesn't mean that we're never going to be but right now is not the time and I respect um Demi for that but anyways um let's talk about Bobby and um Jasmine because I really I got to be honest this is the part that got me tear because Bobby and Jasmine's um vows and what they were saying to each other literally made me tear up because they just look so good together and they have definitely formed a bond now there was times that I had concerns about Jasmine especially when they she was like uh when they moved in together and she was like oh you know I just don't want you to be on your phone and I felt to myself you know what sometimes our own insecurities can make us become a bit controlling and demanding and I wondered whether you know he was going to be receptive and understanding of what she was saying or he would automatically think you know what I'm not going to do this but they work through it they work through it and do you know I mean I really think that they look really nice together and those words they have to come from somewhere those are not words that's just been coming off the tongue just flipped off the tongue you know those are definitely emotions involved in those that that trust me there's some there's some serious emotions involved in those words and they literally got me choking up because I was tearing up tears was rolling down my face especially because I thought to myself you know obviously judine relationship with her mom you know she said it herself she's always done what her mom wanted and her mom basically was having these concerns where she felt like um you know uh Jasmine was more in love with Bobby than Bobby was in love with Jasmine and she basically made a comment about um you know she felt like Bobby might not be able to financially take care of um Jasmine and the family if they were to have a family and stuff because of his job now the thing is I guess sometimes this has to do with our upbringing and the life that we've we've lived right and I don't know what happened with Jasmine's mom because sometimes you know we can't even blame her because sometimes it's how we were raised and how we grew up or the the difficult times that we've been through in our past because when you've lived a life of struggle you know you automatically want to make sure that your kids don't have to go through that life and I know sometimes you know it make her come across Like a Villain and I've said this like I don't know if I could deal with with her but in a sense when you really deep it I think she just it's just your baby girl and you got that concern and she might have gone through struggle and she don't want that for her daughter do you know what I'm saying but at the same time they say love conquers all and I know love is not everything because you need love the Bible say and you need work you know I means you got to put work in it you know what I'm saying it's not just love but at the same time I feel like love is a big thing and if you love somebody you know I mean if you truly love somebody you're able to work together with that person you're able to understand to listen there's certain things that you do cuz love makes you do the darest of things love will make you be soft and all this kind of stuff it just changes when you love somebody it it does something to you and I feel like if you really want to make something work and I feel like if you really want to make something work you'll make it work and I honestly feel like you know she shouldn't I understand where Jasmine mom is coming from but you shouldn't put that responsibility on your child you shouldn't put that doubt on your child you know of thinking okay well you know because of his financial status and first of all he's actually able to take care of her right now but my thing is we can't make everything about money because money only takes us so far do you know what I'm saying money only takes us so far money isn't love do you know what I mean Love and Money Can't Make You Love Somebody no matter how much money they have if you don't have a genuine connection with that person you will never love somebody because of money you can never truly let me add that you can never truly love somebody just because of money you know what I'm saying it's either you love the money or you love the person or you love both but you can never all of a sudden fall in love with somebody because they've got money no no because the moment that money goes you'll realize that that love goes because money is not everything and I'm glad that this was that one time that Jasmine stood up to her mom and did something that she wanted to do because ultimately that decision was Jasmine's to make regardless of the influence it was her decision to make her mom's lived her life already this is her life you know what I mean this is Jasmine's life and yes she might make this decision and maybe later on things might not work out the way they want to you know what I mean but end of the day regardless of whether that happens or not you have to always make that decision for yourself that whatever happens you can live with that but when you don't make a decision that you're happy with and you go with what somebody else wants and things go the wrong way then you will always live with that regret in the back of your head what if and one of the worst things you can live your life with is that what if in the back of your head constantly asking you constantly constantly constantly because trust me I have been there and it's one of those annoying little things that sometimes if you're not careful it can just overwhelm you so I'm really glad that you know we have a married couple Mr Mrs Johnson out of Bobby and Jasmine and I just wish them the best as well you know I really really do wish them the best now let's move on to um benaya and um Nicole for a minute there I'm not going to lie I thought that uh Nicole was going to say no I really thought that she was going to say no for a moment I I was remember I told you guys I was so sure that Bai was going to say yes but listening to Nicole and her doubts I feel like you know because she's been married before it's like this crunch time make you think oh my God you know you know I was married before and that was somebody that I spent a lot of time with and I loved and look where it ended up we ended up in a divorce and I think that conversation that she had with bayah when he mentioned you know divorce you know situation like this could could lead to divorce and stuff like that I think you know that kind of like make you a little bit more anxious and I think that's what it did to her I think she started to doubt everything thinking my heart's telling me one thing but realistically I don't know this person I don't know how we're going to manage in certain situation I don't know how we're going to overcome certain situation so is this something that I should do am I making a bad decision here you know and I think that is probably something think she was battling in her head back and forth but in the end she decided she was going to marry him cuz even when she was up there I'm like girl say yes or no just say something cuz I'm getting nervous right now but she did say Yes And even she said yes something to myself you can still see the worry on her face in that first few moment as you know like she's thinking oh my god what have I done did I make the right decision but I think as soon as she heard Bia comforting her and saying I love you you could see where she kind of revert back to how they are usually and back into that little lovey dovey bubble and all that kind of stuff so you know that's another couple guys so I really wish them well I wish them well with that um but let's move on to um Katherine and Freddy now I'm going to be completely honest at the beginning I feel like I S like that man that said the beginning sorry guys but that's what came to my mind when I said beginning um but at the beginning of the pods right I was was rooting for Catherine and um Freddy secretly I mean apart from my little worry about them being siblings like cuz I was just like no they're like a match made in heaven but then when they had so many things in common I started getting worried about whether they're siblings and even now I'm not going to lie there's a part of me now think to myself well you know Katherine was adopted we don't know whether they actually are like blood relatives like listen I'm not going to lie because sometimes Catherine do look like um Freddy you know but anyways none of my b business um but you know I'm not going to lie as the episodes go on and on I became less and less kind of for Freddy and um and Katherine's Union mainly because I don't think they're compatible at all um and it's so weird that two people that had so many things in common how different they are right and for me I just don't know I think maybe Catherine has a lot of work to do on herself personally because you know I think she mentioned that she felt unloved when Freddy decided he wasn't going to go through with the wedding and I guess in that situation that feeling is very much valid like you you can feel like rejected and unwanted but I think she has deeper issues um because here's the thing I think because she felt abandoned by her mom her birth mom and she was put in a situation of um being adopted even though her parents her adopted parents were good parents to her um I think it leaves you with that feeling of Abandonment and feeling unloved and unwanted like the person that brought you into this world they did not want you um so to have this feeling this rejection it's almost kind of like bring those things up so now I'm sure she's just going to feel so un love and unwanted like you know nobody wants me nobody loves me all I want is somebody to love me and nobody will do this and I think think you know these are things this is the reason why I say I feel like she also needs to focus on herself I think she needs to do some kind of therapy because those are deeper issues and I feel like that's what she needs because I think she needs to get to a place where she loves herself and will always feel loved in that situation regardless whether there's a man there to validate that you know what I'm saying and I think um I think she will take it a lot harder because of those unresolved issues in her life um don't get me wrong it is a big it's embarrassing it's a big thing regardless of how you know how long they've known each other it is a big thing and you still feel embarrassed um and it is hurtful but I think having those unresolved issues makes things more difficult you know um when Freddy told her like and I I the way that he said it I completely understood and I and I get it and I was so happy and I was glad that talk that Freddy's sister had with him because I feel like if she didn't do it she would have felt like she let him down if anything was to happen you know because I would have done that as a bigger sister I would have done that you know because I I've got loads of sisters that all younger than me because the only one that was older than me was my brother and we were just like a year and a half different so for me as a bigger sister even if it was my brother and I'm a younger sister I would still want to voice my concerns and I'm glad that that she did this and you know I think hearing those concerns and and Freddy said it himself like he had those concerns anyways you know and even when um Katherine said yes she do you know I he said that he felt like a part of him wanted to just go along with it but I'm glad that he stayed true to himself because they that he's got too much at stake Freddy's got too much at stake to rush into a decision like this especially when there's so many telltale signs that things are just not right because I think Catherine is spoiled Catherine is spoiled and sometimes you know when we find the right person they can humble us in a way where we see the world differently but I don't think she's there right now I think she's spoiled and I think she's trying to conform a little bit to fit into Freddy's life but only to have him as her husband for now because at the moment she has a lot to gain and it feels right and I don't just mean financially I think you guys need to understand this on a deeper level you know being somebody that was that felt abandoned um at Birth by your birth parents her having a husband in Freddy means that she has she's here to gain somebody that's constantly there somebody that's meant to love her to replace that love and that affection that she didn't get right so she's gaining from that she's gaining and also financially she doesn't live um on her own she lives with her parents Freddy has his own place you know what I mean at the moment I don't think she's actively working because of something that Freddy said a while back in the episode when they were having a conversation but I think that she has a profession in the sense of she's a dental nurse um but I honestly feel that and Freddy is a really good man and you know he's a gentleman cuz even the way that he dealt with the situation it takes a lot of guts knowing that you make that decision first of all it takes a lot of guts to make that decision when somebody that you feel strongly for you know just just left there and you know that they're her and first of all you know when he made this decision she said don't hug me when he tried to hug her she see what I'm saying I think I don't know I don't know I just even those kind of things and I understand why she would say that but realistically I think if you really thought about it because if I was in that situation yes I'd be embarrassed but when I hear his reasons I think the reasons behind things make things different for me it does anyways and I think the guts that it took for him to face her parents afterwards and just to explain on a onetoone even her mom could acknowledge that and do you know what it's just obvious that he's not he's not trying to run away from the whole situation he's not saying that it's over he's just saying that this is not the right time for us do you know what I mean and he and he went to see her to try and tell her this you know and for me it's just to show you how people react differently you know she when he said what he said he explained it to her she said don't hug me right and then the first thing she does she takes the ring off she takes the earring off these are all Tantrums these These are Tantrums don't get me wrong I understand she might feel embarrassed but these old old Tantrums I feel like Katherine has she need she has she needs to grow she has a lot of growing to do you know within herself right I don't think she's in a place where she's ready for that commitment for marriage I think that is that is way too much she's nowhere near that and I think Freddy made the best decision it's not an end of story for them and that's what Freddy's trying to get her to see it's just that he's trying to say listen I think this path of marriage you know is not we're not there yet but I'm willing to commit for us to be there because he's telling her parents like I still want her to live with me I still want us to live together and just get to know each other and try to work through these issues do you know what I'm saying and learn more about each other it's not the end you know and I would have thought that she would have been more understanding to that because at the end of the day they both know this experiment it's not been long it's not they've not known each other that long you know what I'm saying and I think if I've not known somebody that long and they decided that they're not sure about marriage and they they're reassuring me to say listen I want to be with you but right now I don't think we're in a place of marriage you know what I'm saying for me that is completely different this is not a Tom and Maria situation you know what I'm saying because I don't have a problem with um Tom saying no to Maria I think that they made the best decision because they weren't getting on they weren't showing that compatibility in a lot of cases they they weren't agreeing they were two different people and I mean the difference in beliefs would have caused conflicts and I don't think you should Venture into a marriage until you're able to to learn about each other enough to know how you can navigate yourself through those conflict without you know destroying the relationship or whatever but the difference with Tom and Freddy is Tom seems like he just ended it and I don't think Tom really wanted to continue in a relationship with Maria because just by him saying I don't want those values to be taught to my son or my daughter do you know what I mean so I feel like for them it it seemed like a closed chapter where with Freddy and with Demi you know it's not a closed chapter it's not the end of the story it's just we're not ready right but not because we're not ready now does not mean that we we won't ever be ready you know what I'm saying and I respect them because it takes a lot of strength it takes a lot of courage to make that decision especially when that person is there right in front of you and in front of all these people you're trying not to hurt anybody it's a very tough decision but I am so proud I am so proud of Demi I am so proud of Freddy I am so proud of the that decision and I'm so proud of how Ollie received what Demi was saying as well because I feel like that for me speaks volume and I wish all the couples the best obviously you know unfortunately for Tom and Maria it seemed to me like it's the end of the road for them um you know I don't know I I for me I can tell that's the end of the road for them but there's still hope for um Katherine and um Freddy um and obviously we know that it's not the end for olle and Demi and we have three married couples guys we have Steven and Sabrina we have Jasmine and Bobby and we have Nicole and bah and you know what I wish them the W I'm not going to lie I'm a little bit about Nicole and Bia I don't know there's something within me make me feel like I don't know I just feel as a bit touch and go I'm not quite sure if Nicole is sure about her decision that's my thing I'm not she had a concern she felt like he might just want to live his life freely I remember I said this in the very first episode I feel like that could be a thing that might not work well for them because bayah is used to this free lifestyle so he might not want to be the settle down type but I think only time will tell um I'm not going to judge them too much but in my hearts of heart I just feel like they're just not out of the three people that got married they're not the strongest you know what I mean I feel like they're more along the weakest line um but let's see I hope I wish them all the best guys I wish all the three married couples the best and marriage is a serious decision and I hope it works out for them but anyways guys if you got to this far in the video and you haven't yet thumbs up the video please go ahead and give the video a thumbs up and if you're new to my Channel or welcome please subscribe um I don't know when the reunion is going to come on um I'm hoping there going to be a reunion but guys if there is then you will see another video from me about the reunion of Love is Blind UK but for now the girl is out thank you for watching I love you guys and have a lovely lovely weekend okay and I'll see you guys in my next video but for now keep it sassy delicious [Music]

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