[Music] what's up S your girl sassy J and welcome back to my channel guys welcome back so you don't know go just watch um Love is Blind UK guys and listen as soon as I finish watching it I said let me just come out here and do this R like really quick really quick really quick you know saying but anyways guys so before I get into the video please give the video a thumbs up and if you need to my channel welcome please subscribe the girls trying to get to 5K subscribers before the end of the year so guys I'm not going to lie I was actually I'm disappointed I'm disappointed because Stephen and Sabrina I really had high hes for them and they are not together guys sabr and Steven and it's not only that they're not together they couldn't even sit with each other you can see you can feel the tension between them they you could tell they literally would go into an argument if if Emma and um Matt didn't kind of like step in do you know what I'm saying well basically so um Sabrina is saying that the distance played a part of it but also she felt like Steven you know all the stuff that he said said to her about you know supporting her you know when she said she was going to change her job and all that kind of stuff he was saying that he would support her but that wasn't actually the case he wasn't supportive she said the communication was bad he wasn't consistent cuz she said obviously like um Stephen doesn't like to talk on the phone and message and all that kind of stuff so when they weren't together you know that made it really hard because there was no communicating and she said she felt like she worked towards making um the relationship the marriage work because she traveled back to see him seven times seven times but he only went to belf twice D two times now come on the disappointment is very high for S because two times no sir two times but anyway let me finish what she was saying so she said that she went there seven times he went two time he came two times but she said even when he did come to see her she was accommodating to him but he never made any adjustment she said he wanted I board she gave him an iron board she said she rented a car for him to go to the gym and all of that kind of stuff she said when she did go to see him he never made any adjustments he never prioritized spending quality time with her but Stephen is trying to say that that is a lie Steph said not Stephen saying that out of respect for the person that he thought he married he's not going to really go into it as much but what he's saying is what Serena is saying is a lie he said that he felt like he tried to make it work but the distance did kind of play a part in it and obviously he's saying that the whole thing is like it's a difference being a part of the show when the show is catering and footing the bill all that kind of stuff but he was struggling financially in some areas and he had to prioritize work basically which he was saying that obviously um Sabrina knows about this and she did say well listen I did try to support him in a lot of different ways but what Stephen is saying that is in real life between them it was a bit more harder it was harder because of the expectations he believed Sabrina had of him I don't know maybe she was expecting him to continue with the luxury dates and all this kind of stuff maybe that's what he was trying to say but guys I'm not going to lie them two look like they wanted to fight right they could not and it's so weird because I was rooting for them but they looked like they wanted to fight they couldn't even cuz obviously there was other couples that went together but they could not sit with each other that is crazy to me and even their face in their face when you look then they look at each other you could tell that they were going back and forth back and forth back and forth I honestly feel like the frustration is from um Sabrina when you know you go try to see somebody seven times I'm not being funny like communication is a big thing for me right it's a massive thing for me because if you can't prove to me you know what I mean that you can communicate and take the time out to to to communicate and to to spend time with me for me you'll lose me right there and then because one thing I never take from my head my mind is that when you like somebody or you love somebody you're constantly thinking about them they're on your mind so it's impossible for you to go throughout the whole day not wanting to talk to them not wanting to message them not wanting to communicate with them to talk to them tell them about your day even just to hear their voice so at the end of the day like I feel like it's a wedding it's a marriage at this point this should not have been happening and do you know what I did have concerns about the distance but I was hoping that they would make it work because at the end of the day I've Got Friends that that they live in separate country and they're in love with each other and they're making it work you know what I'm saying long-distant relationships can be challenging but if you want to make it work you will make it work and that's it Point Blank period anyways I mean I am kind of like you know I'm disappointed and I'm sad that they weren able to make it work but at the end of the day it is what it is but anyways um OE and Demi guys OE and Demi they're not together they seem cool but they're not together and um Demi was saying listen you know I watched back the show I did not like what I see that was not me you know what I'm saying I'm in a better place now I'm on a different Journey she's on a completely different self-love journey and right now she's saying listen olle is a nice guy but he was just not my guy do you know what I mean and I don't need a guy to validate me on my feelings and you know how I feel about myself you know I can't get that validation from a guy and she's 100% right I loved watching oie and Demi and I feel like they would have made such a good couple I definitely feel like they had a strong connection I do but like I said about um episode 10 the fact that Demi had said that when they had that time apart she did not have any communication with olle it goes back to what I say again communication if you really love me you will be communicating with me because you will want to talk to me you will be missing me so maybe do you know what I mean it's just one of them things that were just never meant to be and I do feel like if I was to be completely honest I do feel like you know this is probably the best decision for her and I said it in episode 11 I'm happy that she made the decision that she made and I'm happy for the reason why she made them because in this life we have to put ourselves first we have to prioritize oursel as well and at the end of the day OE is not a bad person but at the end of the day you want somebody who is going to love you um with intention you know with intent you know I want that person person to to prioritize me to care for me to I don't want to have ever have to wonder or to think whether or not does that person love me I don't want to be in any doubt any confusion you know what I'm saying when you love somebody you want it to be completely clear and transparent there should be no confusion love is not confusing it is very straightforward and at the end of the day if it wasn't being reciprocated like that or if Demi F felt like that was not the feeling she was receiving from Ollie then I am so happy that she made the decision that she made because at the end of the day listen men come and go but you only have the one you so well done baby girl I like the fact that she also pulled up Katherine on a comment that she made about um not thinking that Ollie and Demi would work and I like that Jasmine gave her two pence as well because um Katherine was trying to play it down and I when she said it for me personally I did kind of think is she talking about the fact that OE seemed to have liked her or is it more of physical appearance and in back of my head I'm thinking I feel like she's going off physical appearance but to be honest with you I also was wondering whether or not he would have gone for demi if you and and to be honest let's not be around the bush here I still honestly believe if Demi was standing there and cathine was standing there and they didn't have any proper um what's wrong with the voice girl any other like communication I still felt like he would have gone for Catherine OE is saying no because he said he wanted to make that clear that Demi is the kind of girl that he would normally go for it suits the girls that he's been with not Catherine I don't know I mean we just have to take his word for it but I honestly feel like if they those two ladies were standing side by side he probably would have gone for Catherine I don't know purely because of how I see him behaving when he met Katherine that to me is the reason why I said that because he was more kind of like flirty they were both flirting with each other I felt like he was more kind of like drawn to her within that moment and this is my reason for it however I am so glad because at the end of the day you should never make anyone make you feel less than you should never let anyone make you feel lesser than you are not we're beautiful inside and out we're Queens we should love ourselves love ourselves enough I always say listen I love myself enough baby for the both of us you know what I'm saying so I love Demi for decision that she made it's all about selflove and that's what we're going with but anyways so let's move on to um Maria and Tom now they decided to go their separate ways and obviously we knew that was going to happen because of the the comments that Tom had made Maria expressed her anger towards the com those comments because she felt like it was like an indirect insult to her family to be honest if you I felt he was insulting because at the end of the day him saying that he wanted his daughters to grow up as independent young ladies is almost assume that he trying to say that um what's what's her name Maria is not independent and Maria did say listen I just want to clarify I didn't expect him to pay my bills and do all that kind of stuff um I just wanted to let him know that I expected to be treated a certain way listen let me tell you something let me tell something let me tell you something me I look foray all my bills right now not ask Christ me want a man to P all of my bills then me want to be a housewife not really but um but I want a man to pay all my bills I do I want a man to pay all our bills all bills I would want that however I have no problem to pay my bills and I have no problem to do 50/50 in a relationship to cover our bills but if I do 50/50 honey it's 50/50 down the line so I wash a dish you wash a dish I cook a meal you cook a meal do you know what I'm saying for me it's either either we go modern or we go old fashion that's that's that's it you know what I'm saying we ain't going to try to ride it through the middle we ain't going to do that I'm even going to stay at home I'm never going to stay at home cuz I have to work I'll get depressed um but I'm either going to you know work in my own time and do my work and whatever you pay the rent and I do a little bills you know provide the food do the cooking all that kind of stuff I don't mind me I look for a man to take care of me me I look for a man to take care of me that's what I want now I can take care of myself I'm going go to beat around the bush I can take care of myself but I also want a man to take care of me right the same way I plan to take care of my man all right anyways it's not about me why am I making it about me show Cam know but anyways so Maria said what she said now Tom he's basically trying to say that he's watched back the episode and realized that you know there were times that he did not treat Maria properly and for that he is sorry and that he felt like um he should have treated her better and he wants to say sorry to the family um do you know what he's saying that but for me that Sound dry that sound dry at the end of the day Tom is just up his own ass let's face it Tom is anybody wants to look down on somebody because of what they do do you know what I'm saying because first of all first of all Maria being a makeup artist that is very artistic why are you looking down at somebody being a makeup artist what is wrong with being a makeup artist please I just don't get it even if she wasn't a makeup artist and whatever she was you don't look down on somebody because of that for me only ignorant people do stuff like that you know what I'm saying so for me from the moment that Tom said that I had him I was giving him a look from my side eye because I'm just like M you know what I'm saying M you know I mean but you know at the end of the day it didn't work out they went their separate ways obviously they don't hate each other at this point because they were able to sit beside each other unlike um Stephen and Sabrina but at the end of the day I think that's it for them um there was some clarification there about the mixer about um Tom making it look as if and Natasha was saying that she was in love with him within that moment um and Natasha clarified that that was her talking about when they were in the Pod right I do think that Tom was playing the game with that whole situation because Tom was really flirting with Natasha and he tried to downplay what he was doing so for me that's when I said I couldn't trust him at all because when he brought that back to Maria it made it look as if he wasn't flirting with Natasha or he wasn't showing Natasha any interest which to me they were flirting you know what I mean so I didn't really trust him from that moment however as it turns out he said about a week ago he um reached out to Natasha so maybe they're going to try and see if something happen between them I don't know but obviously they're in contct talking about people being in contact OE and Charlotte they literally seem to be getting together she's saying it's complicated for me complicated probably means that you know they're probably friends with benefit at this point he's he's saying that they're in a good place she's saying that they in a good place but let me tell you something honey let me tell you something if you are saying it's complicated more than likely a pencil is going into a sharpen now and nobody's earing the pencil or the shop now you know what I'm saying but let me not dwell on it just letting you know that Ollie and um charet is getting entangled at this very moment in time but anyways guys let's move on to bayah and Nicole do you know what if I had to guess if somebody had said to me SAS if one of the couples were going to get a divorce or separated which one would you think would be the couple to separate I would have never said Steven and Sabrina I probably would have said uh Nicole and bayah why because I felt like you know even though they like each other quite a lot and they had feelings for each other I felt like I could spot some doubts on the day that um Nicole was getting married and I felt like she had the doubt and she got scared I felt like she had cold feet for a minute but I'm glad that she managed to overcome those and um say yes because look they're together a year later they're together they're happy and they just look really cute and you know what I really loved that when Sam came on stage um right away instantly you know Baya turned his attention to his wife and was making sure that she was okay for me that protector kind of Vibes I love that because you want to feel safe in your man's company in your man's arms you want to feel safe and he was instantly the moment Sam came on all his attention was turned to her like are you okay you okay I love that I love that they're you know one year on and they're making plans and it's working out because do you know what when you're able to watch their their Journey from the pods even watching Those Behind the Scenes it just shows how much they connected with each other and this is why I got so kind of like confused when Nicole decided she was going to you know get with some because I'm just like how but then again it was obviously to do with the fact that um when she asked bah whether he wanted to get married and stuff like that and he wasn't too Keen or he wasn't giving off a certain response that she wanted I think in her head She's Like H he doesn't want to get married you know what I mean he might not be feeling the same way I think that's what it was and you here bah saying obviously he just felt like it was so good to be true that he got scared you know and they both took like accountability for their part but now was just like no it's all on me you know I should have done this and do you know what fair enough she did make a decision to go with but she was the one who called it off at the same time she decided that she did not want to go to to Greece and continue with the experiment with Sam and she said obviously Sam was not happy which for me Sam was not happy why did Sam go and tell um bayah that um Nico wanted to sleep with him do you know what I'm saying Nicole is saying I don't know why you said it was disrespectful plus it was a lie we didn't hear Sam saying whether it was a lie or not I feel like I honestly feel like Isam might have um told Nicole no I'm still sticking with that but I think he wouldn't answer in this situation because of the heat that he's already getting right because even then he was like Sam just say sorry apologize you were disrespectful to be honest I'm not going to lie like it was kind of like unnecessary for him to say it it was unnecessary and it's not like a a man's thing to do it's not like a gentleman like thing to do do you know what I'm saying but it is what it is I think he just got really pissed off about the whole fact that bah was there with Nicole and he probably must have felt a bit rejected or turned down himself as well so it's a whole lot of things but Sam is saying that you know he went on with good intention they did ask him about that I Think I Love You situation and he said listen I said that because at that point I was not there I was not there yet and I didn't want to say that I love her because I didn't feel like I genuinely did you know what got to respect him for that at the end of the day I think I love you if I don't love you I'm not going to say I love you so he said I think I love you I did think it sound really weird do you know what I'm saying I did highlight that and I wanted that to be the the that little switch in Nicole's head to realize that Sam was not the one cuz Sam was not ready for that kind of commitment do you know what I'm saying but she just let that flew over her head within that moment luckily she made sense of of everything and realized that she was making a mistake before it was too late but but um you know I can't bash Sam for saying that I think I love your situation and for his explanation because the end of the day it's hard I don't think I would have fallen in love with somebody that quickly I don't think so and even if I did feel like I had these overwhelming feelings I would have probably not said I love you I would have probably just said me too which probably would have been a bit worse because trust me I've had experience that people say to me a SAS I really love you and I'm like a thanks cuz I don't know what to say or I said ah me too why cuz I'm not there yet and I'm not going to say it because you said it to me first that's just how I am as a person so I completely understand why he said that also take note of the fact that he said even when they met it was really awkward remember I saying to you guys how awkward that meeting was it was so awkward to watch and I was hoping at that point can you not see how awkward it is Nicole can you not see thank God she did you know what I'm saying but anyways um what's his name Sam is saying obviously he's been bashed a few times and he's been bashed by by people on social media and all that kind of stuff but his intentions were good he went in there for love and you know in the hindsight looking back he wish that he had dealt with certain situations a lot different um than the way he did but it is what it is guys I mean things happened for a reason um and manah and Nicole look at them they're happy they're together and that's all that matters um let's talk about Jasmine and Bobby honestly but Jasmine and Bobby is I just love them and I told you guys when I heard those vows like I just knew that that came from the heart that touched me differently I think I would have been devastated if I found out that did they did not make it do you know what I'm saying cuz for me I just you look at them and they're so happy literally Bobby said after two days two days after the wedding they moved in together you know what I'm saying and they now bought their own house and they're trying for a baby which for me is just so beautiful you know and finally um Jasmine's mom can leave them alone now because she's saying you know um Bobby has my blessings 110% this is why it's so important to make your own decision remember what I said sometimes when you let people influence your decision you're left in that kind of space where you might be in regret like oh my God what if what if what if what if let's say what if Jasmine had listen to her mom what if do you know what I mean look she would have been missing out on such a great um relationship such a good bond between her and Bobby it is crazy and this is why sometimes it's important to follow your heart you know what I mean it's okay to listen to your families and friends and their concerns you know what I'm saying but take it on board does not mean that you have to let their um concerns or their doubts influence your decision and I'm so happy that Jasmine did not allow her mom to influence her because look they look they look so happy you can see the love you can see the happiness in the eyes the way they talk about each other the the way they're smiling constantly touching the body language every single thing guys I am so happy and you know what I'm going to have to follow them on social media cuz I want to know when little bisha and Jasmine uh comes into play you know what I'm saying because they're trying for a baby so congrats to them now Katherine and Freddy not together but they seem like they're really good friends Freddy said listen She'll always always be one of my good friends for life you know he said he was 50/50 he said you know what the problem um started after they left the Pod he felt like um Catherine was snapping at him for no reason it wasn't Justified and he felt like he could not be himself to be honest I think it was clear that he couldn't be himself do you know what I mean and I didn't and I don't feel like and I don't feel like anyone should turn down who they truly are to please somebody else in a relationship because it will never work on the long term because your partner should be ble to accept you for you you know what I'm saying my annoying side my crazy side my every single side not just my good side you know what I'm saying so I am glad that um Freddy made the decision that he did I still stick to the fact that I don't feel like they're compatible surprisingly you know sometimes you know we can have people in our lives that we just get on like so good with as friends and sometimes they're only meant to be your friends you know what I mean sometimes we get confused by the signs and we take the signs you know to a different path or down a different path than they should actually go so maybe Catherine and um Freddy was just destined to be friends and nothing else um Katherine did agree though she agreed she said she had the best laugh at Freddy and she agrees that you know she can be Snappy and she was saying that you know she's thankful or grateful to Freddy because Freddy definitely kind of like changed her a way of thinking and so did some of the girls as well Demi and all that and you know she said that obviously she's happy she just they're happy to be friends they're good and you know it is what it is they they're happy together they're friends they can hug it out there's no bad blood between them I they just weren't compatible and it is what it is I'm glad that he did not um forc himself to make that decision to say I do just because um Katherine said I do because I feel like had he had done that they probably would have not been in such a good place as they are now I think they would have definitely gotten divorced and I think they would have probably been similar in a similar place to step and um and Sabrina if not worse because remember uh Catherine is Snappy and you know the whole thing about the prenup um after the whole marriage situation if that had gone down that could have probably caused even more drama and problems for them um so I'm glad that they were able to make this decision um before the whole marriage thing and and all that kind of stuff before they committ on that deeper level I don't think it was ever going to work for them because Freddy just looked so unhappy all the time do you know what I'm saying and they were so happy in the Pod and the irony is he was saying to um Emma that you know while they had the walls around them in the Pod everything was good they felt free but the moment they left the pod that's when the walls came up which you know that's when they should be free but they weren't and I think that's when you could see the true colors of Catherine coming through through um I just think that like I said before in episode 11 I feel like Katherine has her own demons to work on like we all we all do do you know what I'm saying and I feel like she just probably needs to work on herself a little bit more um with a lot of things cuz she did get emotional on a lot of different topics throughout the whole um throughout the whole show to be honest so I do think that maybe you know certain things affect us differently and the fact that she commented quite a lot on her adoption I think that is something that's probably bothered her in a lot of different ways as well um and that she felt like she felt unloved and unwanted and I feel like and I feel like those kind of things do kind of have an impact on how you are and how you behave as a person so I do feel like you know maybe she just needs to focus on her at this moment um but it was good knowing that her and Freddy was able to part ways in like a a good way and they did ask Freddy like why did you buy the earrings and he said you know what I felt like if I didn't buy the earrings then it would have made it look like I wasn't wasn't making an effort but I knew that if I did buy the earrings it would have probably given the wrong impression which it did it did kind of make her think that he was going to he was going to marry her but at the same time I get where he's coming from so it's like a you know you can't win in either way but I'm glad that they did not get married um and proving from tonight's show I think they would also agree for the fact that you know it was the best thing that happened the best decision that they made because they just weren't compatible but anyways guys have I covered every single person I think I have covered every single person um and that's it comment down below let me know what you think about the reunion guys um is there anything that shocked you anything that you was expecting I think for me I was actually thinking that Demi and Ollie would have been together as a couple I actually thought that um I was not expecting Sabrina and Steven to be in the place that they are now even if they were on the show and they were saying listen they couldn't work because of distance I was not expecting for them to be um you know at each other's um neck like that I I wasn't expecting that um it was good to know though that at least two of the couples are still happying together um I was expecting the outcome of um Freddy and Catherine I knew for a fact that that weren't going to happen same with Maria and Tom I was expecting that um so I guess the only two that I wasn't really fully expecting was the Sabrina and um Sabrina and Stephen and the Demi and and olle but at the end of the day it is what it is and I'm glad that you know whatever happens with these couples they're staying true to themselves and they're doing whatever they think is best for them but anyways guys I'm going to love you guys and I'm going leave you and I'll see you guys in my upcoming videos but for now keep it sassy delicious a [Music]

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