Category: Gaming
[música] [aplausos] [música] bem amigos da rede nova fam com imagens diretas e aqui com a nossa galera aqui com a nossa t com caio com o júnior os jogadores vem vindo aí e assim que eles entrar em campo a prioridade é deles um grande espetáculo muito bem então o seguinte aí vem eles a bola batida pro... Read more
Category: Gaming
[música] [música] 4 e [música] [música] [música] 4 [música] [música] [música] [aplausos] e amigos da rede globo falamos com imagem gente ao vivo e com muito prazer a partir de agora estamos levando a vocês jogos mais importantes de todas as emoções vamos lá vamos fazer o seguinte vamos para imag do... Read more
Category: Gaming
Amig um grande momento daqui a pouco nós vamos ter um jogão de futebolo do belíssimo estádio o juiz vai caminhando ali pro meio do campo o jogo está por começar aí o lançamento não subiu a bandeira não hein posição legal trabalha olhou descola o lançamento faz a enfiada de bola a bola arrombada pediu... Read more
Category: Gaming
He's going forward he's going forward he went forward i thought i saw the real real growth i mean there was a real sense of urgency i was excited i don't know if they heard the angels see like i do but and i we need to keep going we need to keep building in in the detail the focus um you know the uh... Read more
Category: Gaming
[applause] welcome to the eighth oldest stadium in the country bought hemingway at oxford mississippi home of the old miss reel where the fans never lose a tailgate and don't plan on losing the game today what a game and what potential drama we have in store you've seen this scri before top 10 team... Read more
Category: Gaming
[applause] welcome to upstate new york syracuse university and under the dome today we have a terrific clash and score we believe we've got a great one in store today and we've got a team that makes it into the top 25 now when you go on the road that's when you pro you belong as we'll see the number... Read more
Category: Gaming
Con tan solo 21 años jud bellinga lleva un par de temporadas siendo de los mejores mediocampistas del juego pero yo te pregunto para ti cuál es el mejor o cuál es el que tienes en este momento y es que la palmera gullit no nos puede faltar puede sacar una carta de bronce y va a dar muy buen resultado... Read more
Category: Gaming
[applause] the bounce house and it's easy to see why they call it that home of the nights of ucf what do you think about that and this crowd is ready for a big one and while today is the final home game of the season for one team it is more importantly a celebration senior day as we'll see the number... Read more
Category: Gaming
Here love to throw now a deep ball toward the end zone is what a throw christian watson touchdown packer anybody who has the idea that just the play a terrific play at the back of the end zone great that is so hard to do but something you did during your career how do guys pull that off yeah the key... Read more
Category: Travel & Events
Chelsea delivered a footballing master class dismantling wolver hampton wanderers with a resounding six to2 victory the atmosphere in the stadium was electric with fans roaring in approval as each goal hit the back of the net the players fueled by the energy of the crowd played with an intensity and... Read more
Category: Sports
[musik] the first chelsea corner sent bym a decent delivering to the back post i a for chelsea what for that far it do absolute brilant from chelsea ing it through how something you would see to the left side it's clinical i think it's be and walles might be caught out herema class chelsea palmer he's... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[applause] so the corner played into the box will it be and that was goalkeeping Read more