WOLF'S GREETING: The unbelievable self-dramatization of Turkish President Erdogan

The sporting success of the European Championship encounter between Turkey and the Netherlands has almost become a minor matter. The headlines are dominated by the fact that Turkish President Erdogan is coming to Berlin today to misuse the European Championship quarter-finals for a political appearance. However, Erdogan is unlikely to be very enthusiastic about the suspension of his national player Demirel, who had shown in the stadium in Wolfsburg that the Turkish goal scorer Demirel is out. After his right-wing extremist Wolf's big celebration, UEFA banned him for two games. Instead of distancing themselves from the nationalist greeting, there is even support from the organized Turkish fan scene. The Turkey Ultras want to use the quarter-final against the Netherlands as a right-wing extremist stage and announce on social media We call on all Turks in the stadium to make the sign of the Gray Wolf during our national anthem. Recep Tayyip Erdogan will also be right in the middle. The Turkish president canceled a trip abroad in order to spontaneously fly to Berlin. Probably also to support his players and compatriots after the Wolf incident. Erdogan considers the right-wing extremist greeting to be unproblematic. Demirel just showed his enthusiasm. Does anyone say anything about the Germans having an eagle on their jerseys? Because Demirel's greeting sparked a debate about Turkish right-wing extremism in Germany, Erdogan's government denounced any criticism as racist, discriminatory and Islamophobic. Don't come here because you 're an avid football fan. And he didn't plan it for the long term, as you can now see, but instead turned it into a political issue. And of course our security authorities are also on guard. Around 3,000 police officers will be on duty at the quarter-final game between Turkey and the Netherlands. That's ten times as many as at normal Bundesliga games in the Berlin Olympic Stadium. This is of course the absolute non plus ultra high risk game. What we can have if we look at the pairings is of course not that politically explosive. But we all saw the tens of thousands of Dutch fans. We all know the community, the Turkish community in our country and then the game also takes place in Berlin. So we can do a lot of things there. If the Turkish national team prevails against Holland, Erdogan and Co could go to Dortmund on Wednesday. If they are eliminated, it will be a long night for the police in Berlin.

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