WOLFSGRUSS: Provocative president - Erdogan's visit makes Hendryk M. Broder's hat go up

We want to talk about that. With our columnist Henryk M. Broder. Thank you for your visit. Good evening. Are you looking forward to Saturday evening, Saturday night, here in the capital, as I am . Home game for the Turks. Naturally. Home game for the Turks. We have this every day. I have yesterday. I live near Kurfürstendamm. This is a long evening. Yesterday and the day before yesterday. Was it really over the day before yesterday? Tuesday, Tuesday. You see, under Erdogan's influence, time flies. Yes, I am very much looking forward to the visit of the Turkish President. And I have to say, I like it more and more. That 's kind of like me puking in front of your door, calling you xenophobic, insulting you a lot, then saying yes, but tomorrow night I'll come over for dinner to make sure everything's okay. Yes / Yes. And there’s a nice old term for that. That's chutzpah. And I have to say, that has something. However, the Interior Minister would have even more chutzpah if she simply banned the greeting beforehand. In Austria and also in France. That's how it is! But now Ms. Feder has simply passed the whole thing on to UEFA and said that they should take care of the player Demiral. That doesn't show much chutzpah, because what do you want to do when Mr. Erdogan suddenly stands up there and makes the wolf big too? Yes, that 's exactly. And to be honest, I kind of hope so. Especially since I've been there all day and somehow I can't do it. You don't have to do that anymore. Maybe it's signs of gout. I hope not. No. Yes, I'm happy to see Erdogan standing there. But really do that greeting. Whatever woodchip makes is good. You ca n't really take this minister seriously anymore. For example, she only ran for the job of Prime Minister of Hesse, got a better 15% in the elections and generally did more than in the European elections. 1% more, I think, even one and a half. No, Ms. Fischer, said this sentence: The symbols of Turkish right-wing extremists have no place in our stadiums. If she says that, then we know the opposite is true and there will be no consequences. She has already said the same thing about German right-wing extremism . There is no room for anti-Semitism. In other words, Welcome everyone. In any case, UEFA has initiated an investigation. The result is not yet clear. But Mr. Demiral, who also commented, said after the sport how I celebrated, so it has something to do with my Turkish identity. There is no hidden message behind it. We are all Turks. I am very proud to be Turkish and hopefully there will be more opportunities to show this gesture. Yes, I mean, he also said he didn't know what he did there. If he really didn't know what he was doing, then the appropriate response would be to say okay, I'm sorry, I won't do that in the future. But that shows even more that he just wants to provoke. How ridiculous is UEFA making itself if it doesn't ban him? UEFA is making a complete fool of itself and not for the first time. I mean, she wants to investigate. What is there to investigate? With video evidence, a penalty kick isn't investigated for long. Then you just watch the video recording again. Exactly. Then there was the case with Antonio Rüdiger. I don't know what was being investigated. And the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey has made a statement, namely, not every person who shows the sign of the gray wolves can be called right-wing extremist. I mean, not everyone who wears a swastika on their chest has to be a Nazi, right? Even a great friend can convince you of this. Yes, that can also be a friend of Indian customs. The swastika comes from this room and not everyone has to be a Nazi. But strangely enough, in Syria it was all Nazis, right? After singing a silly, stupid little song. But this is also the assessment of the Turkish Foreign Ministry. But ultimately this is also a slap in the face for Kurds and Armenians and others. Yes, no, by the way, also a slap in the face. I'm not a German patriot, but for us Germans this is a slap in the face. This is not how you behave as a guest in another country. Quite simply, it goes against the rules of etiquette and someone should tell his Turkish friend that. Perhaps they should also be reminded that in 23 over 60,000 Turks applied for asylum in the Bundeswehr. And they were either Kurds, namely people who were actually being persecuted, or just people who wanted to have a place in the sun here. 60,000 from a country with which we have good diplomatic relations. A country that wants to be welcomed back. And we let it happen. Number one among the refugees are the Syrians, then come the Afghans for obvious reasons and then our democratic neighbor and NATO's protective shield in the east, Turkey. You should say that too. And you know what else I find so crazy is - the question is, who is the sovereign here? And very, very obviously there are moments when the Turkish Prime Minister or in this case, the President, who is sovereign and then points the finger at us and says: You are all xenophobic. This is more than just such shamelessness. And then it is not enough to summon the ambassador. After something like that, relationships should actually be frozen for at least a few days. But no longer, Mr. Broder. Thank you very much. Thank you.

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