FRANKFURT: For 184 km! Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock Flies Despite Green Night Flight Ban

Football is currently bringing the country together. But the tournament now means trouble for the Greens . Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is the trigger. After the German national team's game against Switzerland in Frankfurt am Main, the minister was chauffeured to the airport and then flew to Luxembourg. However, that was shortly before midnight, and there is a ban on night flights at Rhein-Main Airport from 11 p.m. Enforced by the Greens, of all people. Particularly annoying: Baerbock could have covered the 91 kilometers on the climate-friendly train in almost the same time. The Foreign Minister in the stands of the Frankfurt stadium at the game between Germany and Switzerland, Annalena Baerbock, celebrates the national team together with cabinet colleagues. Then we continue by plane to Luxembourg. Despite the ban on night flights in Frankfurt from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. Departure of the Luftwaffe Airbus shortly before midnight. The flight only lasted about 35 minutes. The route from Frankfurt to Luxembourg measures a total of 182 kilometers. A short-haul flight that is repeatedly demonized by the Greens . The Foreign Office's argument: The next day was the EU foreign ministers' meeting in Luxembourg. The exciting question is, yes, it is: Why did Ms. Baerbock have to be at the game in Frankfurt when her tasks in Luxembourg are so important that she should perhaps concentrate on that? According to the Hessian Ministry of Economic Affairs, an exemption from the ban on night flights is available due to the special public interest. The Frankfurt Greens, of all people, had fought for a ban on night flights and warned before the European Championships. Euro 2024 in Germany with its five games in Frankfurt is a major sporting event. However, this public interest cannot simply be used as an argument for suspending the ban on night flights. In addition, the Frankfurt Greens at least pointed out to fans and teams that all venues in Frankfurt were also connected to the train.

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