Kamala vs Trump?! PLUS, Fox News Sunday's Shannon Bream | Will Cain Show

[Music] one breaking news the New York Times reporting President Biden has told an ally a close Ally he is considering whether or not to stay in the race for president two faith family and freedom on this 4th of July let's take a moment to focus on family with duck Family Treasures Jeff and Jessica Robertson on their new book dear Valor three Fox News legal correspondent Shannon bream the host of Fox News Sunday on whether we are just moments away maybe days away at the most weeks away from Donald Trump versus KLA Harris it is the will Kane Show streaming live at Fox Fox news.com on the Fox News YouTube channel and the Fox news Facebook page marketto Market Coast to Coast on terrestrial radio and On Demand whether or not you're on the treadmill or in traffic by hitting subscribe at Apple or on Spotify but if you want to hang out with us every Monday through Thursday live at 12:00 eastern time just head on over to YouTube and hit subscribe set some reminders jump into the comment section become part of the alitia hang out with us here on the will Cane show it is July 3rd what a great day to hang out only real debate when it comes to American holidays is what takes first place Fourth of July or Thanksgiving two holidays whose Traditions never get old you know football and turkey all day family Thanksgiving properly rated Fourth of July all day fireworks Sun water Lake family friends properly rated you know I can think about all the different fourth July cuz you know I'm a big sports fan where I spent scrolling on my phone to see if there's a a w bomb from ESPN you know what a w bomb is Right Adrian wowski NBA Insider or Shams over at wherever Shams is now the athletic breaking some news about NBA free agency which all too often lands right around the 4th of July you know and like oh did my Dallas Mavericks sign insert failed free agency Pursuit there whatever you want Dwight Howard Shaquille O'Neal LeBron James it doesn't matter fail fail fail fail as a matter of an aside we did succeed this year we signed Klay Thompson but the point is like Fourth of July has kind of been sitting there with NBA free agency and updates in the sense that something could happen some bomb could drop a w bomb it's different this year most of the newsworld is off they're already on vacation I'll be filling in for Jesse waters on Jesse Waters prime time tonight but it feels like there is a bomb ready to drop in news it feels like any moment sincerely no hyperbole no exaggeration it does feel like at any moment we could find out that it's no longer President Joe Biden running for president that it's just we're on the doorstep of Donald Trump versus kamla Harris in fact let's start there today we'll break it down a little bit later as well and ation with Shannon bre but let us start with Story number [Music] one New York Times Biden told an ally he is weighing whether to continue in the race Katie Rogers reporting at the New York Times says President Biden has told a key Ally somebody very close to him that he knows he may not be able to continue and he may not be able to salvage his candidacy if he can't convince the public in the coming days that he's up for the job as part of that attempt to convince the public public he will appear with ABC's George Stephanopoulos let's never forget that when they attempt to turn to a mainstream objective journalist they can almost inevitably land upon someone who used to be a spokesperson for a Democratic president in a taped interview on Friday set to interview on Sunday Joe Biden will sit down with George Stephanopoulos but the knives are out the questions are being asked White House Press Conference right now is an absolute bombardment for Karine Jean Pierre they've tried every excuse possible it's a cold they're still running with it was a cold he was overprepared he had jet lag he had a bad night when it came to the CNN presidential debate last Thursday but it's not stopping it's not stopping what is feeling like a snowball Gathering momentum Gathering Mass as it rolls downhill about to run over Joe Biden New York Times columnist Ross Dow tweeted out I think it's going to be kamla it's increasingly looking like it will be kamla Harris not if but when they replace Joe Biden first of all if you want the biggest piece of evidence on why he will soon no longer be the candidate for president this is an open Labs set of political polls that's inside the Democratic house Shannon bam who hosts Fox new Sunday will'll be joining us a little bit later on the willan show wondered aloud who leaked these polls these are inside polls for Democrats North Carolina Trump up 11 Georgia Trump up 10 Arizona Trump up 10 Nevada Trump n Pennsylvania necessary swing state to the presidency Trump 7 Michigan report a few days ago that Governor gr Gretchen Whitmer said to Democrats said to Biden that Michigan Michigan is no longer in play according to these polls Michigan Trump plus seven Wisconsin Trump plus 4 New Hampshire Trump plus three Virginia Trump plus6 and on and on there is a electoral map you know Electoral College map that shows under these conditions this is Trump winning over 300 of the electors in the Electoral College this is a landslide Trump versus Biden so it makes you wonder well then how does everybody else pull better than Biden is the answer honestly Pete Buddha judge probably plls the best Gavin Nome still polls better but better than Biden kamla Harris you ask well will if kamla Harris plls worse than Buddha judge or nuum why do you think it will be KLA Harris I have 93 million reasons $93 million raised by the Biden campaign that can't just be transferred over to Gretchen Whitmer $93 million has to stay within the campaign which includes kamla Harris $93 million that tells you it'll soon be Trump versus kamla it's pretty amazing to see the party that has sold itself on saving democracy and remember all of the links we've gone and the sacrifices we've made to save democracy we've censored the First Amendment we've discredited the Supreme Court of the United States we've run hoax after hoax against any political candidate we've interrupted the Democratic process for anybody on the Democratic side that would want to run for president all in pursuit of quote unquote saving democracy but now in order to save democracy we have to set aside democracy a handful of what political insiders and media Elite have decided the president's cognitive ability no not that it's gotten in the way of running the nation no that it's dangerous to be involved in a multiple Foreign Wars even if by proxy with a president that should probably be subject to the 25th Amendment no not because it's bad for America but because hey you know what the public saw the emperor has no clothes the public saw what we've been covering up for a year no patience by the way no sympathy for media today that has all of a sudden seen the light and come to Jesus not interested in America they're interested in power so what they've seen is Joe Biden can't beat Donald Trump because of that they've now decided it's okay to tell the truth but for the party that is here and the media willing to be their lap dogs to save democracy they're willing to set aside the democratically elected candidate in a Democrat primary the will of the people the vote of the people this is what Democrats said they wanted they wanted Joe Biden but now because Joe Biden can't win the media Elites the political Elite whoever that may be Barack Obama whoever that may be are ready to set aside democracy to save democracy they're ready to set aside Joe Biden to make it kamla Harris versus Donald Trump we'll get into that just a little bit later here today with the host of Fox News Sunday Shannon bream coming up on the will K show but next faith family and freedom you're ready you're ready to fire up the fireworks and the barbecue you're ready to crack open a cold one you're ready to celebrate America faith family and freedom let's focus in for a moment on family with Jeep and Jessica Robertson next on the will Kane [Music] Show well they say there are certain things that shouldn't be brought up at the kitchen table but not here at the Duffy so pull up a chair and join me Rachel Campos Duffy and me former US Congressman sha Duffy as we share our perspective on the discussions happening at kitchen tables Across America and we're going to share some real life Solutions as well to the everyday issues that you all talk about and we're going to talk about some of those things that we agree on and some that we don't download from the kitchen table the Duffy at Fox News podcast.com or wherever you download podcasts July 16th on Fox we're deep in the Heart of Texas where the game's biggest stars align for the midsummer classic stars are everywhere byon judge he is Superman Harper the swing of his life the MLB allstar game July 16th on Fox the world of business moves fast stay on top of with the Fox Business rundown every Monday and Friday Fox Business reporters anchors and hosts will bring you beneath the stock market speculation and boardroom drama to tell you about the biggest business stories of today whether you're on main street or Wall Street Fox Business is invested in you listen to the Fox Business rundown every Monday and Friday at Fox Business podcasts.com Apple Spotify or wherever you download your favorite podcasts [Music] real life vep you ever see vep on HBO Julia Le drus playing a character that is so reminiscent of kamla Harris it is the will Kane Show streaming live in foxnews.com and on the Fox News YouTube channel hit subscribe Apple Spotify or on YouTube and you can join the community hang out with us here on the will K show like TR Tren who says on YouTube kamla versus Trump is like someone someone in elementary school versus someone with a PhD deian Smith said if kamla had addressed the Border issue in the way she should have she'd be a shoe in post debate I'm not so sure about that deian I think that once the attention fully turns to kamla the question will be will she for the first time in her career be embraced by the public remember this is a lady who pulled something like 1% in the Democrat primary and you can also be guaranteed that if it's kamla we're about to rewind to 2020 we're got to be inundated with everything is racist you don't think K would be a great president you're a racist and the interesting question will be what's the tolerance now what's the appetite for the public to be accused of everything under the sun no matter your criticism coming from a source of racism Paul Woodward says on YouTube KLA won't be able to stop laughing to even debate we did it Joe we did it Joe you're about to do it kamla welcome to the presidential race but we're on the verge we're on the Eve Fourth of July Eve and so let's get into a little bit of Americana a little bit of America let's get into family let's talk to the host of duck family treasure on Fox Nation the author of a brand new book dear Valor it's Jeep and Jessica Robertson here on the willc show hey guys glad to have you what's up hey I'm a big fan I used to watch you on ESPN all the time hey you upgraded you I did thank you Jeff I hope you still watching me on uh on Fox man that means a lot thank you I'm a been been a big fan as well um I love for what it's worth duck hunting I can't pretend to be an expert Jeff but uh I mean that's if you had me rank hunting when I was growing up it was number one duck and the number one I'm working on trying to get back to so maybe you invite me over to Louisiana it's a short hop from Texas absolutely buddy I'd love to um let's start with dear Valor so um I'm gonna start with you guys tell me about the book and then we'll kind of dive into just some some different things about why family and different styles of family are so important but um Jessica tell me about the book tell me about dear Valor yes so here's dear dear Valor um it is a sweet adoption story we got to write with Brave books um our youngest is adopted and it was a way that we can interact and tell some s bits of things that we've we've kind of come across with our son being a black child in a white family adopted into a white family um things that he's had issues with and other people ask him why do you look different than your mommy and daddy so Valor is a tiger and he's adopted by lions Fiona and Authur and kids ask him why are you different from your mommy and then he asked has have those questions answered you know and it's really a beautiful story of just conditional love from a family no matter where you come from that is awesome I cannot wait see you know adoption is it's so interesting and you know I don't know where we are in this stage but it's something my wife and I have talked about and it's like you know I think Jeff as we talk we're probably going to end up talking in some terms about faith we'll talk about being called in some way but I'm just kind of curious what led your family in this direction what made you decide to adopt it was funny it's like when I met Jessica she said we were dating she Saidi want to have five kids and I was like I has a lot of kids and uh we had four naturally and then I went on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic and we had our church was doing working with an orphanage there and after meeting these kids and I we brought them some just you know Whitey tidy underwear and some some hes t-shirts and they cried their eyes out because they never got anything new like that as far as cloes I just thought I want to take all these kids home with me right now I got back from that trip and I told her I was like let's do adoption let's look into it I'd always wanted to or I've been feeling that calling for a while and so you know after that we were young we had our four biological kids and um and so when we were kind of our early 30s we were we were kind of I was feeling like oh this is something we feel CAU I feel called to do and so I think just in this book and and it'll teach children how to empathize with kids that are maybe different and are adopted and and it's just a sweet sweet story it also talks about um him wanting to find out more about his biological parents which we had a closed adoption but we will work hard if if and when he ever wants to know about his biological parents we will totally support him in that and that is part of just the beautiful adoption story and just loving unconditionally and being there for each other so Jessica I want to ask you this um both of you and I don't I want to be careful because I don't want to betray any any confidences that aren't mind to betray you know my family my wife if I'm being real very involved as well foster care system adoption this whole process I do know something about this but I I say that humbly because I haven't crossed the bridge that you guys have crossed but I do know that one of the wisest things you can do is to go into adoption or fostering Eyes Wide Open right you you have to know that that you are are um as you point out whether not it's race or whatever it may be there you can't go into it expecting it to be perfect and everything's going to be beautiful at all times it's going to be hard on everyone the child and you and everything how do you kind of Recon I think when you have a natural child you can delude yourself a little more I'm going to engineer this perfectly right but when you go into adoption I think you almost have to be Eyes Wide Open about sort of what the blessing is like what's the outcome what's an optimal what is succcess right and and success is I've talked to my co-host Rachel campost stuffy about this a lot success is love right in the end that's all it is it's simple it's just love Yeah correct I mean it it's definitely it all it doesn't matter race like you said there there's going to be challenges you know we we adopted Gus when he was three days old we raised him yeah I mean from three days on his Mommy I think his birth mommy got to hold him once and she was unable to keep him and we were so grateful that she had him like that that's the beautiful story too of adoption and um and so but there have been challenges we raised them just the same way as we raised our for biological but there were genetic dispositions that he's different you know um and like with with sensory issues things that may come up it doesn't matter it's not a race thing it's it is you know it's different you know raising a child that did not come from you and you don't know what gentic dispositions they are going to bring right the genetics plays a huge role in who we are and there's some familiarity might be the word or comfort in a in a kid that is an your Offspring your genetics cuz you intuitively know how you would handle something so how do you handle somebody who's kind of genetically similar to you with adoption you're you're kind of flying with different instruments you know I don't know so kind Jeb would you just kind of like I don't know just put some flesh on that bone like what G can you give me an example or two of some challenges so I mean probably the the saddest one I can think of is he was like two and a half years old he was in the bathtub and he was scrubbing his arms really hard and I said g what's up buddy he said I don't want to be brown I want to be gray like you and dude I just my heart melted and I was like oh my gosh I cried and I was like buddy you were so beautiful and we talked a lot about that but it was a it was one of those things where he just wanted look like us you know just cuz he felt so different and he's also right always been like a foot taller than any any kid in his in his classroom so he's also big for his age and so he feels so different and we you know it's hard as a parent you're like I we love you unconditionally but it's hard to relay that over to a child when they just want to feel normal they want they want to feel like there's no difference right and so we just have always right over and over poured that into you know you are beautiful God does not make mistakes he designs you and we're so grateful that God wanted us to be your parents I'm just guessing and so I'm just having a conversation with you I'm just guessing here like um I just want to be like you I want to fit in I want to be I want to be normal whatever normal is right and so it seems to me like what you have to do I'm guessing again is you have to establish normaly I know this sounds TR but you go back to like normaly is love like that that's the normal thing here all the other stuff is I don't believe in this like colorblind world and we ignore differences no no no we have to understand and acknowledge but then we also understand their superficiality to a degree they have limitations our differences and normal is I love you just like I love him or her or the other four and that's and we're a family for sure so many times I've said there's nothing you could ever do ever say no action that will ever change my life for you you know you're going to you're going to have bumps in the road and the same thing with our biological kids they they may do something wrong it's just reaffirming there's nothing you could ever say it's just like our Father in heaven like he loves you and and when you can gra when you can even a little bit grasp that love I mean we know how we love our children but like think about that the bigger picture God is he is an amazing father and so we're just trying to do the best we can obviously raising our children loving other people anybody we come across that's just showing the love of Jesus it's amazing um I mean I don't know I I could I I could do have this conversation for a long time I just think it's so fascinating um to to do this and to understand I think you've learned something my guest je and you constantly are we all are but you learning something that I don't have access to right now right that most people listening who haven't adopted just don't have access to and you're learning about Gus you're learning about your family unit you're learning about yourself as a man you know I don't know you come out it's kind of interesting you come out of this to be real like with the insane amount of wisdom for sure dude I mean like it's funny somebody told me the other day if every Evangelical Church in the world if one family adopted we'd end orphans there there would be no more orphans and I'm like man that is such a crazy easy seems like thing to do and when and the the crazy thing is those families would so love it just like we do it's like it's like the most awesome understanding of kind of how our faith works and it's just yeah I mean well you go into it and you think too it's like it became a question of why wouldn't we do this like we both wanted to we were able to we were capable our kids wanted us to and um and so you know but on the flip side is we've been so blessed by him and our lives like it's been you go into it think we're going to bless this we're gonna bring this child in we're gonna love him unconditionally or her unconditionally we're gonna and it's been such a blessing on us and our entire family all the aunts and uncles cousins you know it it just exponentially everyone loves him just beyond measure and by the way I I know stories because again my my access is to it from maybe you adopted Gus you said it three days so I'm I have some experience later in life you know and um it's not always like certainly not perfect it's not always even like on the surface good it sometimes it's very very difficult and disruptive to the existing family but the point is right that there is a different definition of what success is and what you are called to do it's just different than organizing the perfect family that's what like it's weird to say because that's all of our own goal right when you two started out I was 28 when I had my first kid I think no I wasn't I was 31 or two the idea is it's all GNA be perfect right and and you just let go of you let go of perfect just like that's not the point anymore like Perfection and perfect families you try but that's not the point um I don't know this is awesome dear Valor um incredible Story by the way how old is Gus now eight years old he's eight and a 12-y old body so it's a big boy he's awesome yeah you might be seeing that kid on Sundays one day telling you he's a good athlete really Y is that right uh youngest then other four are older yeah we have two in college that are just got married a year apart and then yeah we have a a senior in high school and a 15y old boy so yeah it's a big span there yeah um well this is a cool book uh dear Valor it's about this experience that you guys have had that as I think you point out I wish yeah I it's hard for me to say same thing Jeff I wish other people do it because then you look at yourself and go will why haven't you done it um but uh I want to ask you guys about Fourth of July as well so how you guys going to spend it what are you going to do you guys by the way for a lot of people you are Americana so how does Americana doe Fourth of July well we're actually celebrating with one of the Great American Sports baseball because Gus made it to All Stars in baseball and so we'll be spending our fourth at the baseball be americ than that yeah you know what I'm saying what more American than baseball travel Sports so that's I know how I know how that goes that defines your time and your life okay cool yeah baseball on Fourth of July of course uh and for everyone else a little early then our little fourth July yeah yeah our little fre yeah we did a big event in my brother's place and so we had a thousand people it was open to the public we did that this past Sunday so we do that every year it's called Faith Family Freedom yeah I forget what part of Louisiana are you guys in it's like Northeast oh yeah yeah I know it yeah okay I can't wait to get over to Monroe I can't wait to hunt with you guys I can't wait to read dear Valor I think every everybody should check it out and I just think uh um you know you may have been a fan of what I did or whatever I had to say on ESPN I may have been a fan of you know the entire family and Duck Dynasty and duck family treasure but I'm such a fan of what you shared with us today and what you're doing with your family with your life so um Jeff and Jessica Robertson thank you guys so much for hopping on with us today on the will Cane show happy Fourth of July awesome story pick it up dear Valor um it's a children's book what an awesome life experience what an incredible story I'm going to be buying it dear Valor I want to I want to read about this experience something I've always been personally intrigued by and feel some level of calling as well I don't know that I ever will or what form it may take but um I don't know just just feels like you know family is so important don't you have more to give more family all right let's get into what promises to be a gigantic week or a couple weeks just feels like it's coming it's coming something's coming could it be Trump versus kamla next on the will can show with Shannon [Music] bream I'm Emily compano host of the fox True Crime podcast on May 5th 1993 three young boys were brutally killed in West Memphis Arkansas leading in investigators to believe it was part of a Satanic ritual Jesse M Kelly Jason Baldwin and Damen Eckles were arrested and convicted of the crime one they didn't commit but it wasn't until 17 years later that they would regain their freedom but not their innocence available now on Apple Spotify and fox newsp podcast.com this is an election year unlike any other that's why you need America's number one most watched news source Fox News stay with us all the way to elction night the candidates are ready I believe in America I believe in you the American people we will fight for America like no one has ever fought before Americans across the country are ready and so are we this is democracy 24 your freedom your vote Fox News America is watching I'm Emily compano host of the fox True Crime podcast on May 5th 1993 three young boys were brutally killed in West Memphis Arkansas leading investigators to believe it was part of a Satanic ritual Jesse Miss Kelly Jason Baldwin and Damen Eckles were arrested and convicted of the crime one they didn't commit but it wasn't until 17 years later that they would regain their freedom but not their innocence available now on Apple Spotify and foxnews podcast.com 2 weeks ago they told you not to believe your eyes don't believe your ears it's all a cheap fake it is the will cane Show streaming live at foxnews.com on the Fox News YouTube channel and the Fox news Facebook page Always On Demand if you're on the treadmill you're stuck in traffic hit Spotify Apple subscribe but every Monday through Thursday if you want to hang out with us live just go over to YouTube and hit subscribe to the will Cane show you can see for example interviews with former president Donald Trump Kevin Cosner Dwayne The Rock Johnson Dave Ramsey and much much much more past episodes exclusive interviews or the every other week episode of off the rails with Will and Pete by subscribing on YouTube to the will Cane show two weeks ago headlined CNN right-wing media Outlets use deceptively cropped video to misleadingly claim Biden wandered off at the G7 Summit by line date Friday June 14th 2024 June 15th Washington Post headline cheap fake Biden videos in in Rapture right-wing media but deeply mislead bying June 15th 2024 New York Times how misleading videos are trailing Biden as he battles age outs two weeks ago now the knives are out now according to the New York Times today they are reporting that Joe Biden has told allies close allies he's considering whether or not he should stay in the race for president let's break it all down with the host of Fox News Sunday and Fox News Chief legal correspondent Shannon bream I assume in her Washington DC office it's a little messy but yes I'm very honored after especially after that list of interviewees that you had just listed there I'm I'm in great company thanks for having me you are it's getting big time it's getting big time over here it um you have made it Shannon last time I saw Shannon she was dressed in an 80s jumpsuit dancing um like you've never seen the host of Fox News Sunday uh I can promise you that you never saw Chris Wallace dance like Shannon bream get him to wear the outfit I'm gonna call him Shannon um I was on with you a little bit earlier today on America's Newsroom uh you and I both working on July 3rd I I find this this this this I don't know parting of the clouds this light that they have seen this come to Jesus by the Press entirely I'm I'm just I'm I'm what do you call it I'm I'm skeptical my I'm cynical I'm not skeptical I'm cynical because two weeks ago they were selling me on cheap fakes for the past year they were calling it basically a conspiracy and now and now it's different and I don't want to ask you why I think we know why but I guess I want to ask you what does it mean what does it mean now that they're willing to tell the obvious truth well I think because if they have a stake in this race or they see it as something personal they feel like they're going to quot lose and so now it's a different story I'm not saying for all people I think that there are a lot of people that are good folks out there in the media working hard who will complain about the fact that the White House blocked access on many occasions and in many ways from this president that we haven't seen for several terms and and several previous presidents but the fact that on debate night we had so many people out there like oo this is surprising and we know that they weren't surprised a lot of people who were making those comments were not surprised it was just that they could no longer hide it from the American public so they had to Fain some kind of surprise like oh we didn't know he was in this rough of shape um a lot of them knew a lot of them knew and so for them now they're trying to cover themselves uh that they hadn't probed and pressed harder with the White House or with the president and um they're afraid they're going to lose with if you're worried about the country that's a different calculation than you are about worrying an election and losing an election that's what to me has been made so obvious and it's like you didn't care about the country you cared about power you didn't care about you know the risk of you know World Wars on multiple fronts even through proxy being run by a man who is clearly diminished you cared about the fact that he's diminished diminishing your abilities to win I I want to ask you this Shannon um you and I and I'm we we come at some of this from different places I mean literally geographically and personally from from different places what I mean by that is you know I live in Dallas I'm in New York on the weekends I don't have a lot of personal interaction with people who would be you know the mainstream media who I am now criticizing today right you do you live in Washington DC you interact you know a lot of these people as individuals so you know I want to ask you this because you were say you know some of these are very good people I I I am probably Shannon to a fault willing to indict the entire class right I'm willing to indict the entirety like where was the Intrepid journalist willing to report the truth you perhaps more accurately are you know turning these people back into individuals well there's some good ones and some what I wonder and what I'm where I get Shannon and and by the way I'm not saying I'm right I'm saying you're I'm probably wrong and you're probably right to do what you are doing but they haven't given me the evidence from a distance to grant them that benefit of the doubt and what I would say to them or what I surmise I'm curious what you say this is maybe they're good people who just bought into a mass psychosis hysteria like I think that what's happened is they believe Donald Trump is an existential threat to democracy and if you believe that then there is nothing really that is beyond the pale in order to save democracy yeah tell lies but also diminish the Supreme Court of the United States whatever because we've got Hitler on the doorstep we got to save democracy and that will make a lot of as you point good people sick I do think that there is definitely a strain of that and and part of the problem we've had the last few years is that people have bled over from journalism into advocacy and that's fine if that's what you do if you're an advocate if you're an opinion person make that clear I think the tricky part is people who are within the Press Corp who have maybe blurred that line and aren't willing to admit it but I do think they think those folks that they're coming from a good place that the country is under threat as you describe the way that they view president Trump um that they have a duty to protect the country from that but when it it leaves you um getting untethered from a neutral position and going into a biased or advocating kind of place you need to disclose that because that's not journalism I do think that there are people there in the Press Corp here in Washington who have pressed and they have called out the White House publicly and have said we need more access to him why isn't he answering more questions everybody has seen when he's out at a press conference or any kind of availability that there's a list and you're supposed to ask this name next and you're supposed to be this person next and you know his suggestion that people get off topic if they order if they ask him things that weren't part of the agreement so I think that it's been very frustrating for a lot of people here in the Press score I think that's different from the people who have decided oh no we're just going to Advocate and look the other way because we dislike president Trump more than we're worried about President Biden what do you think happens next Shannon it feels like something's happening it does feel like wheels are turning you know I made an analogy earlier in the show to NBA free agency like it just kind of feels like at any moment we're going to get a tweet from Adrien wardowski saying that you know so and so has signed with the Los Angeles Lakers it feels like at any moment we're going to get a tweet presid president Trump I mean I'm sorry President Biden has decided not to seek reelection but I mean curious what you think is going on right now the New York Times reporting that he told someone that he's con he's he's weighing it he's weighing his future so what's going on behind the scenes you get this real feeling that if he sticks it out for a week or so he's gonna be okay if he can ride out this turbulence now over the weekend of course he spent the time with his family at Camp David that was a pre-arranged family event and they're going to be his biggest cheerleaders hear that you know the first lady and Hunter his son and others were saying to him you got to fight you got to stay in this um and your family you know those are the closest advisers that he clearly listens to the most but they're going to cheerlead and tell you um like all of us I don't know I I my parents unfortunately at times um were brutally honest with me like maybe that's not your thing maybe you don't try that anymore maybe we go a different path um but for him the presidency is his thing and I think they're trying to be very encouraging to him after a very tough night now I think once they see elected lawmakers who are now worried about the down ballot impact and are now publicly speaking out because they worry about their races I think that you know we're hearing 25 house Democrats or more are adding to this list are going to come out publicly call for him to step aside whether he can weather that remains to be seen that's huge that's not that's not media pundit that's huge isn't it 25 people in your own party who are saying we think for the good of the country or for the ticket includ our seats um you know they're trying to hold on to the Senate trying to flip the house and they see that slipping away so you hear donors you know these reports about donors saying that they maybe want their money back from the Biden campaign so they can throw it down ballot if he stays in so he's got a lot of pressure and I do think um there's a quote freak out at the White House among a number of staffers who again they're worried about the personal impact too where does my career go from here if this whole thing falls apart so um they're definitely cracks his BRS for sure yeah that's another part of this Shannon because with all the the blame you know like he had a cold he had jet lag he's been traveling another thing that came out is he was overprepared SL poorly prepared and so it's a little bit like the staff is being thrown under the bus it seems like he's okay he's he's under assault and he is like we've never seen by the way in four years at least when it comes to the media and so what he's doing is he's he's he's uh making his circle of trust much much smaller and it seems to be directly like his family like Hunter and Jill and the 85y old guy who's his good buddy um all these people that the Atlantic or AOS called the oligarchy but who's on the outside of that bubble seems to be his staff and he's kind of thrown his staff under the bus a little bit it feels like and that's another thing that's happening where the cracks in this entire Biden campaign Administration presidency seems to be falling apart and so I just kind of wonder what's the straw that breaks the camel's back like okay you lose your staff you lose 25 Democrats you lose some doners like when is it you've lost when's the last straw laid on in the camel's bra breaks for Biden yeah I would really watch this meeting tonight with the governors at the white house because pritzer hokel Nome I mean people he really needs to be out there advocating for him and listen Newsome's already committed to he's going to be campaigning in Michigan Pennsylvania New Hampshire next week so he's all in and I think there's part of him that is very much trying to stay 100% in support of the president so if this thing falls apart and somebody at some point says let's pull Gavin news into this conversation he can say I was out there campaigning for him I stood by him um and I still stand by him that's been his message but this meeting tonight it'll be interesting to see what's come what comes out of that because if they come out convinced like he's he's sharp he's with it he can move forward they're going to immediately be advocates for him if we hear sort of crickets chirping from the h the pritsker the others along that line who haven't already committed as Newsome has to these other campaign stops I think that's going to be very telling because he needs to them to be out there to be circuits and listen we've reached out to numerous Democrats um Governors to come on the show this weekend we've reached out to the Biden campaign as we do every weekend and a lot of people are just kind of taking this wait and see attitude um and I'm saying listen this is doe or die time if you're going to go out there and Advocate this is it so I think that Governor's meeting could be very telling tonight oh just out of curiosity so you're booking Fox News Sunday yeah it might be hard it's such an important weekend to book because it feels like again these events are happening in real time so fast but if you're a democ but if you're a Democrat I don't feel comfortable going on Fox News Sunday because not because oh it's hostile environment not not any that like what am I supposed to say right now right because it could be by the time we get to Sunday that like you pointed out 25 Democrats have now sold him down the river you know that no I I don't you know we've already talked about Lloyd doet and I think a congressman from Maine and others have already said no he's got to go so what do you say on Sunday do you look like a fool if you come out and go I'm all in on Biden do you look early if you say he should go I don't know what you say if you're a Democrat yeah well you know last week we had Senator fedman because he had been so full-throated in his defense saying listen I know it's like to have a bad debate and still win said a little curse word on Fox News Sunday um because he felt that strongly about about it like these people need to in his tweet it was chill the F out but um on on our air he said something similar because he's like these people got to get over it like this is the nominee and we're moving forward now I can tell you we're talking to a couple of Democrats who have publicly called for the president to to step off the ticket I think one of them will land on the show Sunday um to explain why they think that's the way to move forward like I said we're talking to the campaign like okay bring us your best defense you know attorney to come argue why uh this ticket needs to stick together as it is so it listen between now and Sunday is a world of time in politics and so we'll see where we are but we this is a week to have Democrats come and have this conversation about how they move forward so Shannon is it your understanding it's it's mine tell me if we have this correct the $93 million I believe it is that's raised by the Biden Harris campaign if Joe Biden drops out that can't just be transferred over to Gavin Newsome or Gretchen Whitner is that correct the only the only potential candidate that could inherit that 93 million Isla Harris yeah because she's part of the Biden Harris ticket so that's the argument that's been made in these behind the- scenes conversations that you know do you want to unleash something uh where you have a free-for-all of a number of people who are in the bench we keep hearing about decide okay this is an historic opportunity we all want to bite at the Apple or do Democrats say we don't pull the plug on this thing unless we are already United behind who it's going to be is that the vice president she said terrible pulling this it's been worse than the president through most of his presidency but she's getting a little bit of a bump now as she becomes a real possibility she's within Striking Distance of this latest poll with you know president Trump how that would really play out head-to-head it would be main you know I I can imagine that he's gonna if she ends up being the nominee instead he's going to want to talk about the Border 247 and the role that she's done as Zar but she is apparently the only one who could inherit that pocketbook which will be critical um whether Joe Biden stays on the ticket or not so what would happen the donors would get a refund if if it goes to the convention or whatever and the delegates pick say Gretchen Whitmer the $93 million all those donors get a refund and then the new ticket to fund raise well think about if if part of it is going through um the DNC I would imagine that their portion they can keep and would be able to try to funnel it to things that would help another candidate you've got a number of outside groups that are responsible for a lot of this money too but anything that's gone directly to the campaign that's in question we have read the articles and the reports that are out there with these donors as we said as we were talking about earlier who've said give me my money back so I can throw it down ballot and try to help House and Senate races so I think because it's kind of unprecedented nobody's exactly sure what would happen right and do you what and you're I don't know if you're talking about the mystery just regarding fundraising or about how they'd pick someone too so they go to an open convention I mean obviously whatever Joe Biden had to say would carry a ton of ton of weight you know obviously if he said absolutely you know give give give all my delegates to Gavin Newsome but but I still like then all the delegates have a big debate it's also so weird it's like they're just pushing out the guy that they democratically elected in the name of saving democracy like who whoever they is you know the media Elites you're sharing that even within the Democratic party there are those who are saying Donna Brazil one of the you know big voices out there saying this is what cockus scorers and primary voters decided more than 3,000 of these delegates have already been awarded to President Biden he would absolutely have to open it up but I got to think he would have a real issue with going Beyond his vice president they made history with her they've been Partners in this thing there are also warnings out there from a lot of folks who say listen she pulls better than you do with voters of color with younger people she's been your point person on abortion which has been the best issue for Democrats the last couple of years she makes the most sense a lot of people out there saying this is going to be seen as a big problem if you Lea frog her and go to another white guy I mean that's not going to play well with a a chunk of the base who is not going to understand why you would choose this woman to be One Heartbeat Away from the presidency and then when it really came time to support her you didn't I think I think President Biden is very very well aware of that problem what do you think Shannon about KLA really quickly like if KLA becomes the nominee for me all the cultural issues go to the front of the line for everything any argument or criticism made of KLA will somehow be tied back into misogyny or racism abortion as you pointed out pushed to the front of the of the debate issues what I wonder is the Public's tolerance or appetite for that it's just so we're four years into this kind of fevered pitch racial reconciliation of America and if it's kamla I can just imagine that's the protect of cloak used to Shield off any criticism I just don't know where America is on okay enough of the race card it's going to be tricky I think if that's what happens everybody's going to have to be very careful about the conversations that they have but there can certainly be political attacks I think back about a memo that we got about four years ago that came out from a number of groups that said be careful how you talk about women of color women on the ticket don't use things that refer to their appearance don't talk about them being drill or ambitious I don't know if you remember this memo but it went out from a number of these organizations and it went out to the media saying you need to be careful how you talk about these folks it was before um just before um the Vice President was named to be the vice president on the ticket but it was a warning about how you use language to talk about women and women of color specifically so you got to know that those groups um who issued that warning for years ago are very much going to be watching very closely every bit of a jab that goes towards uh the vice president president if she ends up at the top of the ticket um but you got to be able to have political conversations and like I said I think the thing with the border is going to be tough for her but she's been a great advocate for them on the issue that does Drive Democratic voters the base to the polls and that's abortion and it is on a number of State ballot this fall so she'll be very effective on that front if she ends up at the top of the ticket or the way that they're using her now is the number two so last question for you and I'm looking at the Open Lab polling that you tweeted about you wondered who leaked this by the way um and she polls her polling is at this point according to those polls better than Joe Biden but so is whitmer's so is Noms um every it's kind of at this point everyone's is better than Joe Biden's and Buddha budha judge by the way was the best I think of all of them I forgot him but I think he pulled the best on most in most of those swing States well remember he was such a headache for President Biden in the in Iowa New Hampshire back in 2020 who do you think has the best chance to beat Trump like of those who would have the be the most appeal against Trump I mean I think you gotta go somebody with name recognition I mean if you really want to do a contrast on age issues you go with a Pete Buddha judge excuse me secretary Buddha judge now he is a Cabinet member um I think Gavin new H has some real problems uh that will be easily um targeted by Republicans and conservatives if they go after him but he also super telegenic um he's a very likable guy um I just don't know I mean Gretchen Whitmer is allegedly she turned down an offer to join President Biden on the ticket last time around um but she is very popular uh on the left and I think that she would fill a lot of holes for them I mean being a woman being a lot younger um and apparent why did she turn it down we see she should what a mistake like she she could be on the why did she turn that down what a mistake she could be on the doorstep of the presidency I I think that there was real concern from her team last time around that Biden wasn't going to win and potentially she would be tied to a losing ticket hurting her future right Ambitions and efforts um and maybe that's not true at all but the report was that that they wanted her on the ticket and she took a pass wow all right shann and bream I hope you get some time tomorrow do you are you gon to be able to celebrate the 4th of July I am going to from home I will be wearing flag teed apparel and there might be a cookout okay how about you okay yeah I'm going to a lake I in I don't know what I'm gonna do I intend to be on some water um best place to be and yeah well and well hydrated all right Shannon so I hope happy 4th July thank you you too there she goes the host the host of Fox News Sunday and the chief legal correspondent for Fox News Shannon bream fascinating conversation I'm telling you take a vacation have a good time celebrate America maybe watch Independence Day I've been thinking about that I might want to revisit Independence Day um but don't tune too far out it feels like it's happening all right that's going to do it for us today check me out tonight on Jesse Waters prime time I'll also be there on Friday night I also will be working on Fox and Friends this weekend but as for the will Cane show which I hope you subscribe to at Apple Spotify or YouTube I will see you again on Monday [Music] oh [Music]

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