RFK Jr, Trump's savior? PLUS, Kat Timpf on what divides us | Will Cain Show

[Music] one this is the University of Michigan taking on Kent State this should be a blowout this is an A Team versus a B Team night two of the DNC saw what once was The A Team of the democratic party set the stage up for the JV Squad and with all the talk about what is weird let's get into Tim Waltz something's off something's weird something is not right with Tim Walt and something is very very wrong with the economic policies that could lead to a cratering in the economy of America Two reject binary thinking think critically outside the box and outside of the two parties a conversation with cat Tim and three Brian Flores told Tu a Tong of aloa the quarterback of the Miami Dolphins that he wasn't any good that he didn't belong that he's the reason that they lose every day when Flores was the head coach of the Miami Dolphins but I thought the reason he was no longer employed at the highest levels of the NFL was because of racism it couldn't be simply the personality of Brian Flores [Music] it is the will Kane Show streaming live at foxnews.com on the Fox News YouTube channel and the Fox news Facebook page Always On Demand wherever you get your audio entertainment at Apple or on Spotify just simply hit subscribe and you can listen to the willc show whenever and however you like if you're watching us on Facebook or YouTube figure out a way to set reminders join us every Monday through Thursday live at 12:00 Eastern time the easiest is underneath the text description of this live stream there's a little button to subscribe to the will Cane show on YouTube scenario your girl walks in you're sitting in your living room you're relaxed you're comfy some sweats maybe even you're a little dressed up because she bought you some uh Lululemon or Vari so you're in your athleisure and you're playing a little m you're playing a little college football 25 you're playing FIFA you're playing Call of Duty is there any bigger turnoff for your lady not just your lady friend but your special lady then you playing video games so says a commentator on X that the most unattractive hobby for a man is video games perhaps not uncoincidentally a lot of video game players back in the studios in New York City of the will Kane Show the willisha Manning the control room is I think chalk full of unattractive hobbi men and I thought about this and I want to defend you guys because hey you're my rider dies you're my team you're my militia you're the WIA and also it would just play really good on social media for me to defend a bunch of dudes who sit around on social media wearing jerseys and playing college football 25 but I got to tell you she might have a point if you walk in on a dude playing video games it's I would just have to think among the things that climb the peak of Mount masculinity it falls short it's a small antill it it's turnoff for the ladies silence yeah no defense from the boys in New York you can't even Mount that's how ulated you are Oh no you're so I think it's fine you're so Tim Waltz Walt to America's kamla Harris you know you know what it means there's something off about Tim Waltz there's nothing wrong with playing video games yeah I also I think I look just fine in my athleisure but uh I mean start spling cover two load in the Box all the different intricacies that go into this game and just kind of show off the bra a little that goes into it play sci-fi video games it's fine yeah I trust trust me boys you start playing you explaining cover too she starts purring yeah that's that's what's working for you so you're saying when I go out this weekend I shouldn't tell her about my Road to Glory player no yeah I think that's the only thing worse is she walks in on you playing video games versus she runs into you at a bar and you start telling her about your video games yeah you're scoring I'm sure you're scoring on in in college football 25 and in and in the bar uh but here is the debate here's the question for us today we'll hit this a little bit later on the will Cane show um what is the converse what is the most unattractive hobby for a woman what's the biggest turnoff for you if you find out she's really into say needle point or being an Instagram influencer what's the biggest turnoff for men when it comes to we're going to rank some of these a little bit later on the will Kane Show both ways you know video games for men Instagram influencer for women that's coming up a little bit later you can join in jump into the comments section on YouTube hit us up on social media we'll bring you here into the willc show but it was night two at the DNC so let's break down our three takeaways from night two at the Democratic National Convention Story number [Music] one night to at the DNC saw your Varsity players take Center Stage when Barack Obama took the stage last night one can disagree with his politics one can disagree with his philosophy but I think one has to come away going that's when politics was at the top of its game Brock Obama can deliver a speech Barack Obama can command a crowd you'll soon hear from as well Bill Clinton and you'll remember what it meant to actually be able to exec Ute the X's and O's the cover two in the words of young establishment James the actual plays of politics you saw Varsity you saw a team and it only puts into context I think for me where we are at this point in 2024 KLA Harris and Tim Waltz represent junior varsity they represent as Jessica tarov told us in Monday's episode of the will Cane show a blank slate they represent a return to election for the n9th straight year that is simply a referendum on Donald Trump but because everything in politics since 2016 has been about Donald Trump that has meant that not only any manner of personality but any manner of policy has been able to sneak by in the shadows of Darkness of the night lack of attention and all of a sudden you're running out there your Junior VAR City quarterback hoping to win the state championship here's what I mean first Tim Waltz something is off with Tim Waltz yesterday on the will K show Trey gy said Republicans win when we talk about the issues and when we talk about policy Democrats win when Republicans talk about personality when they make ad homonym attacks and I think that's right from gouty I think it's unwise I think it's it's not smart to talk about whether or not K har is black or Indian to talk about KLA Harris's elsat score it's better to talk about the failed job of protecting the American Border but I also can't step away from also saying it like it is and something's off with Tim Waltz I mean I want you to look last night KLA Harris and Tim Walts took to the stage at F serve arena in Milwaukee Wisconsin the place where you know just one month ago the Republican Party held their convention and here comes Tim Waltz walking out and I'm just going to tell you right now no matter what mean a com of ESPN says about her preferred form of masculinity and that Tim Waltz represents a less toxic form of masculinity I don't know a single dude over the age of 16 that acts like that that's the bottom line I don't know anybody and I don't know if you do either who walks out and does the double hand wave overhead overhead double hand wave okay I'm I'm that's just that's the cold hard truth that's much less a guy who's served in the military much less a high school football coach now maybe Tim Waltz is playing a character maybe he's playing the character that we've been delivered for probably some 20 odd years in America and that's the bumbling middle-aged white dude dad in the sitcom who gets everything wrong is the buttt of the joke maybe that's the character that Democrats want to see maybe that's their definition of masculinity but what I'm seeing right there from Tim Waltz I'll just say this it's weird if that's how we're going to Define modern political discourse what's normal and what's weird that right there is weird and it's not the weirdest thing about Tim Waltz we've gone over this over the last couple of weeks since he's been named the vice presidential candidate under Comm is Tim Waltz has trouble with the truth and that is the truth now if one is sitting here listening to me and I got some notes last week when I hosted Jesse Waters prime time from some very notable figures over the last half century in media very notable formative figures in my life and my career in terms of who I looked up to on the TV and who I've had the privilege now to get to know I got some notes from people saying how can you pull out Tim waltz's tenous relationship with the truth when his opposition is Donald Trump who has a tenuous relationship with the truth that's always the rebuttal first of all that's not a good enough rebuttal it's just not you know it's not good enough to say oh yeah but you are too what more I think these conversations have to delve into specifics point out to me the lie I'm not going to sit here and say Donald Trump is a paragon of 100% honesty that he never exaggerates that he never isn't guilty of hyperbole or that he's always told the truth but I think we have to go through them one by one because I know that most of the things that have been called lies have been truths and most things that have been called truths have been lies since Center Stage was taken over by Donald Trump but Tim Waltz in a short period of time walking out with both hands raised above his head doing a double wave to the crowd straight arm no Bend in the elbow since he's walked out on center stage with that wave has been exposed for a very very very tenuous relationship with the truth here we've walked through it he has a exaggerated his military service not his 24 years in service which is commendable and should be applauded should be honored but he has and this is simply a fact exaggerated that service to make the electorate once he became a politician believe he is deployed into combat and he is not he has put out press release he has made statements saying he's carried War weapons of war in war that he's deployed in support of operation enduring Freedom he deployed to Italy he did not deploy to Afghanistan or Iraq and in fact stepped out of his military service and away from his unit months before they deployed to actual combat in Iraq and Afghanistan he has exaggerated that service B Tim Waltz when he was a high school football coach in Nebraska was arrested for drunk driving he was taken in he was administered the breathalyzer ultimately he got out on some technicalities had it pled down to a lower charge but in politics he turned that into he wasn't guilty that he drove to and from the police station the officer didn't think he was drunk those are are not just a tenuous relationship with the truth and not simply exaggerations those are lies the officer himself has said that's not true the police department that arrested Tim Walt said that's not true anyone who was at the police station that night said he didn't drive himself and no officer would allow him to drive himself to the police station he went on by the way to move to Minnesota become a football coach in Minnesota and run for political office and lie about his past in drunk driving okay this is where somebody listening goes well you know Donald Trump exaggeration Donald Trump doesn't tell lie let's stick with Tim Watts for just a moment instead of deflection and instead of um you are to let's just kind of start adding it up because every politician is guilty of lies and exaggeration but now we're at two we're at two in about two to three weeks of national Spotlight again hands raised above his head straight arm no elbows double wave to the crowd then there is Tim Waltz saying on MSNBC that he and his wife conceived their children through IVF making an argument against various Regional proposals from Republicans to regulate IVF he tells a personal story personal narrative that IVF is responsible for his family it's not true and it was even called out on CNN JB Vance knows nothing about that and then he keeps going into all of these things today's IVF day thank God for IVF my wife and I have two beautiful children now it's that's not accurate right I mean uh he it wasn't IVF uh it was a different procedure and his wife Gwen walls the first lady of Minnesota is taking care to tell CNN that they actually used a procedure called intrauterine insemination IUI IUI IUI it's a process she described it as incredibly personal difficult experience they did use fertility treatments it wasn't I any woman sergeant major I'm sorry hold on I want to any one of the one in seven women who goes through fertility treatments IUI is part of The Suite of fertility treatments it's a step below IVF it's direct insemination versus creating embryos I think that is a stretch to say that it's not part of the broader fertility Tre the way they explain it is he just talks like how regular people I mean my husband would have know the difference well but the lfer then goes on on CNN there to say even and I'm not here here to debate the merits of any type of regulation on IVF but even under those proposals from Regional Republicans it would not include IUI so the point is he exaggerated his personal experience to act as though Republicans would have kept him from creating his family that's C and D is as we've had Pete Heth and others on he might not have been quite the college high school football coach has played up to be he was a defensive coordinator in a high school I personally don't Grudge him that I think once a coach always a coach but the point is through four different stories being told in less than four weeks he has a very very tenuous relationship with the truth and it's super weird something is weird this bumbling sitcom dad character that he's playing cowt to kamla Harris finding her Doritos in a convenience store is not the modern American definition of masculinity and it is quite simply to play the same game of checkers weird second from the DNC beyond weird is the terrifying proposals coming out from the Harris Walts first the Biden Harris Administration in the harrit walls ticket about the economy this is actually not weird this is terrifying I read now from the street KLA Harris is Joe Biden's proposal for 2024 and she's given us very scant details about what she would do in 2025 but she's been a part of administration for 1,300 days that proposes the following a 40 4.6% cap or capital gains tax we're at 15% jumping that to 44% for capital gains and that's not even the worst of it beginning to tax unrealized capital gains a 25% minimum but then it scales up for unrealized capital gains for people making over $100 million I want you to set aside for one moment the people making over $100 million part of this proposed legislation do you know how this works so let's just say that you qualify you buy a house for a million dollar that house as it's appraised in the next year goes up in value to $1.2 million you don't sell the house but you have the house you now owe taxes on the $200,000 in unrealized capital gains one another example you have a 401k the stock market does well that year your stocks go up but you don't sell so you haven't received any money you owe taxes on the increase in the value of your stock portfolio you say what if I pay that and then the taxes then the stocks go down what if the housing market goes down I don't know the point is both of these proposals 45% on cap gains or even worse taxing unrealized capital gains it grinds the market to a halt no more transactions people stop trading and you get back now to the $100 million well it doesn't affect me I don't make a $100 million those people flood the market the stock market craters middle class Americans or everyone with the 40 K one K get hammered this is not simply ideologically very farle this is inan this has crash the economy type proposals and these are people telling you that they're here to fix an economy that they've been in charge of for 12 of the last 16 years eight years of Obama four years of Biden Harris and we're supposed to look at KLA Harris today as a brand new politician ready to save America from the ills of America they have controlled for 12 of the last 16 years and third from the DNC there are reports out from Nicole Shanahan vice presidential candidate for Robert F K Jr they're looking at dropping out of the race Nicole shanan says they are so disillusioned with the DNC and its process quote we are taking a very serious look at making sure that the people that have corrupted are fair and free democracy do not end up in op in end up in office she said on an episode episode of the podcast impact Theory quote is the risk of a Harris Waltz president worth us staying in that is what they are now considering why they have banned us shadowbanned us kept us off the stages manipulated polls used law fair against us suit Us in every possible State they even planted insiders in our campaign to disrupt it and create an actual legal issue for us she's a former Democratic donor always been a part of the Democratic Party Nicole Shan and Robert FK Jr looking to drop out of the race and throw their support behind Donald Trump to save democracy betting markets like it for the first time in a week or two it's now tightened up it's back to almost even in the betting markets kamla Harris and Tim Waltz against JD Vance and Donald Trump let's break down the effect of RFK dropping out and the effect of binary thinking on critical thinking with feld's cat T next on the will Cane show the tunnel to Towers countless veterans Villages they stand as a Beacon of Hope for those who've sacrificed everything for the United States of America these facilities they're committed to helping veterans achieve stability and independence by providing housing and services to keep up with each of their individual needs now within the village residents will find support in Community among those who truly understand the meaning of service with several veterans Villages already completed or in development Nationwide the foundation and its supporters believe the power of unity and that no veteran should be left behind through its homeless veterans program veterans Villages and the national case management Network the tunnels of towers Foundation has provided housing and supportive services for over 8,000 veterans since the program Inception you can join tunnel to Towers in their goal to eradicate veterans homelessness and support those who've given everything to this country by donating $11 a month to t2. org 95 cents of every dollar donated to tunnel to Towers goes directly to helping America's Heroes that's T the number two t.org how you can help donate now at tunnels Towers cat Tim coming up on the will Kane [Music] Show I'm Dana Pino co-host of the five and co-anchor of America's Newsroom join me for my brand new podcast Pino on politics 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willc show hey Cat hey how are you yeah good is that right video games one of the most unattractive things men can do as a hobby I was nodding along the whole time you were saying that yeah my experience unfortunately comes from having dated a man who was into video games and One Singular man because I never did it again just the thought of just pict that you're sitting there you're being ignored while he's wearing a headset and like fighting a fake battle so now i' I married a man who fought an actual War so I much more attractive uh to to actual veteran than h a Call of Duty playing man what I'm trying to think and I think we're going to do this in the third segment here today of the wi I'm trying to think what else is up there like if you're ranking your five most unattractive Hobbies um and this is from the ladies out there um because I know if I want to get like hero status on the internet on social media I should go to battle with you right now I should defend the dudes out there playing college football 25 but I recognize I'm capable of stepping back and going even if I were in the moment doing it yeah this is not this is not attractive what else is on the list though cat like as you walk in the room what's the unattractive hobby I mean that so that to me is is honestly I I agree with it being like number one because of the way that guys generally aren't into video games just a little bit it's often and then he'll turn it around on you where it's like you don't understand that I just need time for myself it's like that's one that's really one hell of a way to spend nine hours unsh showered you know on your couch eating Doritos but I think also just anything similar like the guys that are really into those weird fantasy board games is also kind of gross yeah I don't want I I want to be the hobby I want I want to be you know I can't wait to see you I love you so much but I'm I I'm not trying to say I'm not a nightmare in my own way because of course I am but Anne brri says on YouTube watching a man um house cleaning does it for me so I don't think she she's saying it's one of the more attractive Hobbies so I'll just I I'll run one by you maybe one of my I'm not going to call it insecurity but when I do it I do wonder I was um I was my wife and I were with another couple at night and I went into their backyard we sat down in their backyard to have a drink and I was like Hey Marne are those hydranges over there I really I really like that uh I notice Landscaping I like Landscaping I think a manicured yard looks good and I I'm curious and I'm not an expert I wish I was like what's that tree what's this tree what's that so I'm just kind of I'm curious and interested I would not say I'm a green thumb or I plant but every time I do I'm a little bit like is that masculine Landscaping I think Landscaping is so my husband he's actually very into like he's a little too into it because we don't have we don't have a yard but what he'll do is he'll watch lawn mower videos he'll watch videos of someone mowing a lawn I guess it's a he would love nothing more than to just leave this all behind and be like a dude who landscapes in the midwest somewhere where uh but unfortunately that's that's not where our life is right now he really does he wants to be he wants to be like a blue collar Landscaping man uh so I think that's his way of of kind of pretending for a little bit Yeah Yeah cutting grass is therapeutic yeah dudes dudes take pride in in their grass that's that's not to I don't start issues that I don't start like that's not to say that like if I see him watching that when I'm in the room that I don't I don't make it a problem because I do to be clear I'm like you can watch that when I'm not there's not a beautiful woman in the room yeah I I wish you a long and happy marriage cat because there's going to be a lot of landscaping videos in your future um it's not always going to be attention for you something I think you already know um you have a new book out called I used to like you until and I want to get into the some of that but the book in large part through personal stories as well is you you you talk a lot about non-binary thinking and it's worth saying you know you talk about binary thinking through a lot of different prisms so religious prism political prism um and I think it's worth analyzing this Instinct it's probably an instinct that we all have to reduce things into um to Binary choices um I want to come back to it in just a moment but I want to kind of start with something in the news because I think it applies and that's RFK and there's this talk of RFK dropping out of the race and the Betty Market swung to Trump and I'm a little surprised by that I guess we always kind of wondered who does he pull more from does he pull more from from first Biden now Harris or does he pull more from Trump and right now it's looking like shockingly he pulls more from Trump because with him out more more of the vote swings to Trump what do you think about this third party guy RFK and and him potentially dro out of the race and his support going to Trump so I think a reason that a lot of that doesn't surprise me about his support going to Trump because I think a lot of people what they really like about him is a lot of the things he's had to say about covid and I actually don't think it's the specific things that he says so much as he said things that weren't the allowed things to say whether people agree with the specific things that he says or not I know people who be like oh I think he's kind of cooky on this or that but I was if you I mean it wasn't that long ago that people's real life relationships were destroyed over these people veering outside of the acceptable Lane of thought on covid and this stuff that was I mean I don't know most of these conspiracies now turned out to be not conspiracies at all and there were really tangible things that people lost I mean people lost businesses people couldn't say goodbye to loved ones and people lost relationships over things that turned out to be lies anyway and I that's why I do think honestly that being everyone does it right everybody has preconceived notions it's human to have preconceived notions but I think that it's really healthy and it makes you a smarter more well-rounded more creative more perceptive person to acknowledge that and and willingly try to look out look outside of that and see if what you think is just because of certain pressures or what you think and why you think it so as I mentioned you you take this idea of non-b binary thinking and you and you bring it through the prism of religion and politics but I think maybe the most interesting to me is also just our personal relationships become very binary and um this is from some of the some of the talking points and experts from your book but I'm going to read this we write people off unnecessarily we miss out on personal relationships that could have been fulfilling um for example someone you might disagree with on guns might have a parent suffering from the same illness or no good lawyer who can keep you out of jail you know cat this I spent five years you and I actually knew each other before I went to ESPN and before I did Sports we knew each other at National Review so I was in this world I left this world and went to sports and now I've come back to this world and I will say one of my favorite things about five years in sports was yeah you stopped I'm never going to pretend like it's not in there and not part of the conversation oh he's Liberal oh he's conservative oh she's this he's that but there were some many other touch points at which you could relate to somebody and the most obvious one was sports like what do you think of the Cowboys what do you think of this and and it makes people more dimensional which we are and it makes people more interesting and I do think that is a healthier and maybe it is how most Americans live their life anyway you know um my five years in sports put me back in touch with America and how they because what you and I do is very much in the bubble of thinking things about politics often but America has gravitated into that bubble of losing the depth of the person you're interacting with and seeing not how you disagree but all the commonalities yeah I I I and you know I'm someone who's independent and so it's very rare actually it's never happened for me to find someone who is I'm aligned with on everything I have a lot of friends that are conservative but they don't love Trump I have a lot of friends that are super manga love Trump I have that are very leftwing I have friends that are disengaged from it and all of these relationships are relationships that I'm very very grateful for and I I think that there's also this fear I think that there is a fear of expressing an opinion outside of whatever your team is if you're seen as you know oh I'm I'm conservative or oh I'm liberal out of a very real fear I think of being ostracized by that group because I think as divided as we are to your point we're not still as divided in in our minds and reality then we see portrayed not just in the media but also in our conversations with each other what's interesting as well you live in New York I don't remember where you're from cat but you're not from New York City yeah from the Detroit area I Met Your Dad one time I remember I Met Your Dad in the lobby um I lived in New York for 15 years and that meant obviously that I had a lot of friends who were liberal the majority of my friends were liberal because I lived in New York it's just that's the world that's the bubble right um I will say this cat and I'm not I don't want to do a Tit for Tat or I don't want to try to make I don't want to otherize but I do think and and in acutely since Donald Trump that I think that many on the left use it as their primary identity so you're what you and I are talking about is there's so much more to your identity than your politics but even though I had those friends and I'm still friends of a lot of them and I think I would say this often socially I felt an undercurrent of judgment like there's a judgment to whatever is going on or what I might think about something that is about how we differ politically and it didn't Define the relationship 100% there were other our kids our Sports whatever it may be but I do think that the left has has draped themselves in their political identity as their primary identity a little more than the right I live in Dallas now and I do think I have some some um I think I can compare it I don't think it's as extreme on on the right I really don't I'm not saying it's not there but I don't think it's as Extreme as their primary identity I think so I think first of all that you're correct that I think it's gotten worse um in terms of people getting broken by Donald Trump i' I've someone that have has my beliefs have been the same I'm small government across the board so sometimes it places me at odds with people on either side um but I had a friend who was a very close friend of mine who suddenly it was a problem the things that I'd always believed because Trump was running and all that mattered was that Trump lost I hadn't changed um but all of a sudden things were different and this is a very close friend that is no longer in my life anymore because it became where we'd be out just trying to have like a social event and he'd be like oh how are you going to you know be talking about the I had the libertarian candidate at the time Joe Jorgenson on my comedy advice show sincerely cat rip uh I had her on that show that I had at the time and I wasn't even allowed like in his mind to do that because how could I be giving a platform to her right now meaning the time when Trump must be defeated defeated above all else but I think I've also gotten it from people who if I'm critical of trump people will come after me call me a traitor say that and again I've never claimed to be a republican which is why it's so funny when I'm called a rhino it's like no I'm not I'm independent I've never claimed to be a republican either but I think that you really really really nailed it when you say that for people could become their identity and I think something else that I write about in the book is there's this study and it's very obvious uh but moral outrage is more often uh rooted in self-interest than altruism it can make you feel like you're doing something to help these problems when you are really not doing anything at all and I think the perfect example of that is you know what we saw even at the convention the Democratic Convention that's happening this week which is I'm the good team and so therefore just by you're the bad team Trump is dangerous as Obama said Trump is dangerous and he talked a lot about division being bad and I agreed with that but I don't see how calling Trump dangerous really helps achieve those ends right um then you get to be good just by very virtue not being on that bad team and I think that can be really hard for people to give up because then it's like oh wait I'm not just good because of the box that I check when I Vote or because I'm not a republican then you have to think about actually getting out there and doing something that's a lot harder that's really good moral outrage is more about self-interest than it is about altruism that is a very um that is a very flowery and accurate way I think of explaining what we've all kind of used shorthand virtue signaling right what you're doing is draping yourself in virtue by having the right opinion and I've said and I don't want to spend the the bulk of our conversation being like and the left is bad to you know but um I think that for much of the left your vote has become The Ballot Box has become your church and your vote has become your act of penance or your or your charity that you're a good person because you went into the voting booth and checked the right box to your point or even less just Express the right outrage on social media or even in your Social Circles that you become a good person um I think that is definitely something indicative of the left now this is not I don't want to do this to say everything on the right is right you know but but I do think this binary thinking that you're talking about on a personal level has really really inhabited the left see I I I and and and I definitely understand I I I get it from both sides and I I explain it in the book this way where I will have you know viewers of fox and and this is not all viewers right I I have I'm on tour I sell out shows these are Fox people coming to these shows a lot of the audience is awesome but there are of course those exceptions of people that are like she made fun of trump or she's you know she's not a she's not registered Republican or she votes third party therefore she's my enemy and and they'll give me those things on the other side though there are people who are on the left who will not speak to me at all just because I work at Fox News so it doesn't matter what I say real quick cat and the difference in those two groups of people that that I that I noticed though is the people who require you to be predictable right I used to like you until the people who on the right who who require you to not deviate from anything they agree are honestly strangers their Their audience and you are a personality to them at least the way you're describing it to me right now and the people who on the left who are ostracizing you because of your views are supposed to be the ones that already know you on a deeper level and understand those vulnerabilities or understand the the the layers of of you as a human being and I guess that's the difference I do think the right is guilty of it but I haven't had many friends on the right ever go well will you disagreed with me in this way and therefore we're not friends and the left it seems to be more willing to exercise personal relationships because of politics I you know I think that makes a lot of sense if if we if if I can also get just get really deep and probably too personal right now but it's in the book so whatever I have experienced that with religion as well I've had experience personal relationships where I'm I'm no longer religious and that's created some riffs in family relationships I I get really deep into the relationship with my mom who's been dead for 10 years which not because it was easy but for me I'm somebody who I know that I would be happier if I were religious so I I'm the I'm the opposite of Judge religious people I know I would be happier I personally can't get there but this is another thing where um and and I actually I'm not I'm not closing that door I hope to get there someday so it's it's actually more than just that I that I wish I could um but I think that the the key here is is to be willing to talk to people um to I have many many close friends who are very very religious people people who are not judgmental people I think that this country was founded on individual rights and I think the more that we could get back to you know respecting individual rights that would be better um and and and but I sadly I think we go more and more towards this idea in in the opposite direction where you kind of have to fall in line um I really think that the key is communicating with each other more and I really think the key is being willing to have those those conversations and not shutting each other out um I'm willing to put myself out there so and you have you have in I used to like you until and I know you've got to go in Just moment I just want to share two Thoughts with you before you go so when it comes to the other two areas that of of binary thinking that you that I mentioned that you talk about uh one is politics and we can talk about this on another occasion I don't like partisanship cat I don't consider myself on a team I like to think that I'm a critical thinker I also think it's interesting that we have to think about over the last 10 years how those two team teams those two bipolar teams in politics have really changed their underlying policies and I don't know if that should make us cynical or hopeful um to the binary system I don't know the I honestly do not know yet what I think about that but on the religious front um I'll be interested in continuing to know you I and what I mean by that and I don't mean to be patronizing or I'm older than you but I I mean I think I've said this to my audience or I hope you know I I lost I Lost My Religion for a while I mean I I lost faith and I know why and it was a lack of humility for me it was too much huis and too much intellectualism and and these types of things I know you're going to have a child soon which is awesome and I'm not saying that'll be the thing yeah I'm not saying that'll be the thing that changes it but it could be the thing that changes it I don't think religion as someone who has come around you like you said you're open to it and by the way I always was as well I wasn't dogmatic I was always open um it's not bipolar I don't think it's I'm a question mark So and that's what I would have describe myself and I just think actually getting Beyond strict bipolar thinking and just being open-minded and openhearted is what led me back to seeing that it's the path to a greater purpose and maybe it will find maybe you'll find it maybe you won't but I don't I will say I don't think I got there because I joined a team or it was bipolar but I was not just critically thinking but critically open to something that I think is ultimate truth yeah and I'm still open and and you know I've I'm always open to changing as a person you know and and as I learn new information and even I I'm very excited to be a mom uh which is never a sentence that I thought I would say in my entire and again you've known me for a long time so you know how true that is uh that I'm ex I'm four months pregnant I can't wait to be a mom and as much as I tease my husband he's truly the best thing that's ever happened to me and I'm really excited um for this I know like next chapter sounds so cheesy but it is I mean it's my life is about to completely change and and I can't wait it's going to be awesome as long as up video games uh all right you guys should go get her book it's I used to like you until tell it's the newest book from cat Tim as she said she's vulnerable she's thinking through these things open-minded and critically and applies it to all aspects of life I think you'll really enjoy it I used to like you until cat Tim thank you so much for being on the will Kane Show than you great seeing you you too all right go check out that book I think uh that's it's um it's a rarity meaning there's a level of authenticity of willing is to see not just yourself as an individual everybody wants to see themselves as individuals but to see other people as individuals you see what I'm saying like constantly as a habit as a practice walking through the world seeing other people as individuals Ryan hit says on YouTube seriously cat video games are a nogo a dude can't escape a fantasy battlefield but to watch videos of someone mowing the grass because you fantasize about having a yard is perfectly okay I think actually yes Ryan I mean look I'm a video game Defender I want to be there for the Wii but can't can't we like as an individual step inside for a moment the mind of a woman just see yourself Through The Eyes For a Moment not what you want it to be and how you feel defensive but Through The Eyes of a woman and simply me12 says well if they're playing video games at least they aren't cheating on their wives sounds like someone needs a hobby of their own some men on the other hand get mad if a woman is reading a book there's always a there's always a silver lining if you're playing video games you aren't cat around on the town let's get into this and whether or not as it turns out you can get fired and not rehired because you have a bad personality or you're bad at your job and it's not just cuz you're black that's coming up on the will Kane [Music] Show the World of business moves fast stay on top of it with the Fox Business rundown every Monday and Friday Fox Business reporters anchors and hosts will bring you beneath the stock market speculation and boardroom drama to tell you about the biggest business stories of today whether you're on main street or Wall Street Fox Business is invested in you listen to the Fox Business rundown every Monday and Friday at Fox Business podcasts.com Apple Spotify or wherever you download your favorite podcasts with the nomination official and a running mate pck we have the momentum and I know exactly what we are up against vice president Kamala Harris moves on to Chicago for the Democratic National Convention and 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golfing gives me way more ick than video games okay Jessica I'm not even a golfer but now we're having trouble like that's that's that's a step too far uh get her out yeah I hear you young establishment James get her out van Landry says when it comes to all the landscaping and cutting grass talk I thought I wanted that 20 years after living in New England with leaves grass and snow I now want low maintenance I want a condo um all right willicia in New York City you have 60 seconds you have 60 seconds on the clock you have elected as your leader to it days Dan to make your argument to the jury listening right now across this country on YouTube Facebook and on terrestrial radio you have 60 seconds to defend video games go so video games are escapism a little bit there's nothing wrong with them they're all diverse as long as you're you know interacting in life still what we doing did we just go onto the stage of the DNC just throwing a word out there they're all diverse okay yeah exactly point for the mock jury yep exactly um but there's nothing wrong with having a hobby like that I mean it as long as it doesn't take up all your time and that's all you do it's fine you know the ladies love to watch their bachelor and bachelorette and binge watch those shows so it's not all that much different but we're actually using our you know hand eye coordination and doing these things and we are basically athletes if you want to put it that way we are basically athletes doing this I like it so oh it's not that much different than binge watching a television show but we're doing a little bit more than that so I think it's not that bad and I think ladies should you know lay off us just a little little bit quick cross-examination if you're working on your hand ey coordination through your Xbox paddle and you're basically an athlete if you're playing Call of Duty are you basically a Navy SEAL I wouldn't say that I'm not using Stolen Valor here but I'm saying that you know you work on your eyesight you work on your I don't know how I'm defending this one this this is a tough one but yeah some of my buddies at breakfast this morning were giving me a hard time they said um ker is posting a whole lot of homoerotic photos on his Instagram feed from his Seal Swim in New York City and then they said he definitely thinks he's an honorary Navy SEAL what what do you what do you got Patrick I see you raising your hand wa by the way before he goes any odds on what not Patrick remembers what he wanted to say it was literally 15 seconds ago he raised his hand he wanted to say something 5050 let see 5050 odds does he remember go go tinfoil okay I had it and now no um I was going to remember so the the armies literally in the Air Force are literally hiring people as drone Pilots based off of video game play video games are that important it's become you know you it is Valor it's becoming Valor yep pilot simulation all right I was nervous for you Patrick I was nervous you sometimes you're like a lawnmower that's 20 years old and had been greased up like it I'm yanking the chain it's like it gets started maybe but it takes a few pulls on the chain and there at the beginning I was like here we go again the salon mower is not firing up today guess we're not cutting the grass but you got it out you got it out you got it out and you basically said that everybody on video games is now an American hero uh you guys let us know by the we have a ranking I think we have a ranking of the least attractive Hobbies uh for men we're gonna get to that in just a moment but I want to take a diversion here into Brian Flores for anyone that's not a sports fan or anyone that is you could have forgotten Brian Flores is the current defensive coordinator for the Minnesota Vikings but he was the head coach of the Miami Dolphins during some very rough years and years when they got to select former Alabama quarterback Tu a tonga aloa as their first round draft pick and he wasn't good Tua under Brian Flores now why was that well Tua Tong OFA went on the Dan lebatard show and explained his relationship with Flores listen to this if you woke up every morning and I told you you suck at what you did that you don't belong doing what you do that you shouldn't be here that this guy should be here that you haven't earned this right and then you have somebody else come in and tell you dude you are the best fit for this like you are accurate you are the best whatever you are this you are that like how would it make you feel listening to one or the other you see what I'm saying and then you hear it you hear it regardless of what it is the good or the bad and you hear it more and more you start to actually believe that so that led to a little bit of a mini debate in sports media about you know what is hard coaching versus not abusive but self-defeating coaching and and I think that is a I think that is an actually interesting conversation I do I I mean I don't think that you have to treat athletes specifically pro-athletes with kid gloves but there's an interesting clip going around about Nick Sabin known as one of the harder coaches out there when he was at the University of Alabama saying he never treated his quarterback like he treated the rest of the team I don't know if that's true from Sabin but he says he didn't treat the quarterback the same as the rest of the team because everyone knows the role of confidence it's real confidence is like the ultimate performance-enhancing drug for this job and certainly for your job and certainly for athletics um I don't know about different sports like the role confidence plays in degrees but since my sons are so into soccer and for that matter also a place kicker I think it is gigantic in those two jobs probably golf as well but like in soccer confidence is literally a performance-enhancing drug you will play marketly I'm going to say 30% is a swing and it could be more than that if you believe in yourself and you think everybody else believes in you you will play 30% better than if you feel like nobody believes in you and your coach thinks you stink I haven't thought about quarterback but my guess is that Tu is on to something here and if somebody is telling you every single day that you stink you don't belong and your back bad at your job you will begin to believe that you will and then you will literally be what you believe you will be worse at that job but that's not actually the part of the debate that stuck out to me because everyone ESPN is kind of having this conversation about hard coaching versus confidence building what stuck out to me is the same people on ESPN and I just want to say I'll I'll ask the Wii because I don't want to be the guy that's always like oh well I've been involved in all these race debates so it's something that I noticed but if you notice this is I'm not mining here this is not needle and the hastac stuff Brian Flores sued the NFL for racial discrimination because he has not been rehired as a head coach in the NFL and when he was fired the conversation was well the Dolphins were literally tanking and they put him in a position to lose and that set him up to fail and they wouldn't have done that to a white Coach and they would have had more time and then he's not rehired and it's like well it's because he's a black coach and my point is okay my point in all this is it's a little bit like our conversation with cat Tim about seeing people as individuals you want another example I'll give you another example to show you how this happens over and over Eric benemy for a long time was the offensive coordinator of the Kansas City Chiefs and a lot of offensive coordinators under Patrick Mahomes or over Patrick Mahomes got head coaching jobs Matt naggie um who else there's like three of them have gone on to get head coaching jobs and everybody's like well if all those white coaches get jobs but Eric bemy doesn't then it's once again the NFL is racist and my constant rebuttal would be and was and still is what do you know about these people as individuals right if you walk through the world thinking everybody hates you because you're black or white or Mexican whatever you have given yourself a hall pass on your individual characteristics that might be impacting how other people see you maybe not everyone around you is racist maybe you're the bad roommate maybe it's your personality and we have to know these things before we indict everyone and when I say everyone if you're suing the league you're suing 32 owners so you're saying 32 owners don't like black head coaches instead of your reputation your personal abilities your personality have become well known and people don't want that and I wouldn't want that the ultimate asset in the NFL is a first-round drafted quarterback it sets your franchise up for 10 years or sets it back for five years it just is death or life and I'm going to put that in the hands of a man who is going to berate him no way man and so my whole point of this is I don't see that conversation in sports right now literally a year to two years ago everyone today that is talking about how bad of a coach Brian Flores is and that's what they're all saying like ESPN analysts are not defending this is hard coaching they're saying this is bad coaching literally a year or two ago we're saying oh well Brian Flores is not getting jobs because he's black and I don't hear any accountability for that nonsense which I would say is toxic cancerous and divisive nonsense today I hear no accountability for calling everyone racist now my question to you guys who am I today am I the guy forcing race in the conversation am I the guy with a memory which one am I today I don't think you are at all because the perfect example of this is Angel Hernandez sued MLB for racial discrimination but it's a lot easier to objectively judge an Umpire because they have scorecards we don't know what goes on in those coaching locker rooms but now that we do um it's it's it's seen and it's a big it's a big story and the flor's name is out there and memorable yeah and I think there's a need to bring it in you're you're not just bringing race into it I mean when things like this come up that is bad coaching that type of what Tua just said is is an awful thing so it you know it should be brought up and I guess what I'm upset about is what I would call drive by race baiting or drive by accusations of racism we do this it consumes our cycle whatever it may be look you think anybody's ever gone back and said what are the facts on uh Bubba Wallace in the garage like we know the facts by the way cuz we've seen we've seen there was was it even an FBI report I think the FBI was called in to investigate that there's never an accountability it's like it's and so like if you ask people on the street the average person did someone hang a noose in Bubba Wallace's garage I think they're going to go yeah that did happen right and just like hey did Trump call Nazis and white supremacist veryy people yeah that did happen right no one pay the the the most obvious example is everybody goes the correction newspapers on page two and at the bottom of the page but the but the lie was in 12o font on the front page you know before and it's like no one ever comes back after torching the village down to go hey um was it really was the was the village really infected with ebola did we need to torch the Huts no one ever goes back to it like this we go on WE destroyed the village why Ebola was there Ebola who cares Ebola it's like everything is racist but we never go back to say even after evidence shows like this Brian Flores will never be a CO head coach in the NFL do we all agree with that he's done yep will he ever get a head coaching job in the NFL very slim chance I think no and it'll have nothing to do with his skin color nothing to do with his skin color I don't know I just at some point we have to have a corrective mechanism in real time and also after the fact so that we can this is healing the country facts truth and accountability heals the country drive by accusations of people's internal motivations with no evidence is what divides the country and that's not a denial of the existence of racism perhaps it's actually a protection of the corrective mechanisms of racism which is going to require truth okay light in the moood now back to you guys in New York share with me the most unattractive Hobbies after video games uh for women can can you see can you see you can read you can read that to us go ahead this is according to Liz wheeler okay playing video games is the least attractive hobby um collecting figurines is next in that order hold on so what is what is that is that like uh Star Wars figures yeah like like Collectibles yeah like and um yeah Sports fig bobbleheads yeah exactly what is that is that got one let me see hold on yeah so you're number two on the list he does have a figurine and I play video games I should have some on my desk isn't that what every person does every Pat Patrick has stuff on his desk you got doc Prescott you just promis me won't do bobbleheads though that's a little overdone is there a new version of that Dan like the popsockets is that a thing yeah there's something it's just the bobbleheads overdone even Dan was getting a little weary of it okay all right was his show for a while all right collecting figurines is number two all right this I agree with this should be on the top for me actually is magic tricks that should be the number one least attractive hobby I'm just throwing that out there real so here's the thing but magic tricks are awesome oh come on I know they're awesome but like come on dude that's not very H have you never have you ever been if if Chris Angel walks up and doesn't imagine trick you are you love it when I see it on TV magic tricks are awesome and you know it but you don't want now here's the thing you don't want to date it you don't want to be the magician you don't want to date it um that's why those dudes have you noticed like these the the vein of magician there's the magician with like the vest on and you know he's doing it and he's Goofy and I can see how he so what the the alternative is is the Ed Hardy magician right you know like the Vegas guy wearing Ed Hardy with a ton of tats and piercings and he's gone the other way to show you he's actually a grungy magician so he's cool he's mysterious yeah I like the goofy ones all right what's what's next all right online trolling is unattractive I didn't know that was a hobby to be honest heck yeah it's a hobby is it oh yeah yes damn who do you think all yes like if we were looking at internet comments any particular platform and I love you guys in the comment section I do I want you in the comment section but I'm asking you in the comment section right now the people around you how many are Bots and how many are professional trolls like when I say professional trolls like they devote too much time to this you know what I mean and by the way I want you all here but don't but but either way you're in the comment section right now on Facebook or YouTube you recognize another person in the comments or YouTube that is real and someone I would say for example is a member of a community with with you here that you're having an actual conversation with versus online trolling I think we can all agree that's pretty unattractive what's next to a all right let's see what we got um gambling is next on the list I mean that could ruin your life for a of days so yeah that that's that's a real bad thing I think they just don't want to see obsession with that um and then next is building model trains I mean that's hot come on come on what about like a battlefield go down give me the end of the list go through them all Taxidermy is next comic book collecting and bird watching the older I get the more I understand bird watching I'm just throwing that out there hold on Taxidermy is that like if you have Taxidermy in your house or if you are a taxidermist both I really don't know what that means like cuz women don't like Taxidermy they don't walk deer they don't like deer heads on the wall they don't they but I don't I I like that I like that um but or is that if you're actually a taxidermist cuz yeah I could see how like walking into a house of half taxidermied animals would be a real turnoff but that's a that Taxidermy is a profession I don't count that as a hobby that's an actual living so I guess it would be just having Taxidermy will have you ever had one of those things in a house or anything like a deer or absolutely a cow what are you talking from Texas yeah I'm from a small town in Texas j a rhetorical question Ducks pheasants I have actually never had a fullon myself deer mount European mount European mounts just the rack not the full-on head um yeah but I'm not I'm not dying to like I'm not dying to get one in my house right now I don't have one in my house right now I should get one in this studio yeah put a big old right above you maybe a longhorn big old that's yeah I mean that's that's a little different because that's not you know something you shoot you don't hunt those yeah um okay really quickly then what is the what is the converse what is the most unattractive hobbies for women in the eyes of men now there's been a couple nominations pre-show today so what do you think is the most unattractive thing for a woman hobby I'll go pretending to be a foodie or an influencer that is a that is a bad hobby for me I think so you're going out on a date with a girl and you find out she's an influencer is there a threshold on that like if she is a certain like she's super big does it get okay for you so I'm like cat between a want to be influencer and an influencer I'm like cat I did it once and I'm never doing it again in a relationship I've been through that and it's not so Zack Bryan is dating an influencer from barcol that would be a turnoff for you yeah and I think his fans are getting a little you know hey you might want to like tone it down a little bit kind of thing of her so Shane Gillis is dating a girl my age now and she's I don't know somewhat unpopular among those fans she's an influencer yeah she like in the city friends of friends but little they're they're all a little self-centered I'm going to get in trouble I'm trying to think what the most unattractive hobby is for a woman crocheting oh I got a good one I think there's a I think there's a video game wouldn't be it what um I say this as someone with Taylor Swift on my workout playlist but I think not in moderation moderation is fine just like video games in moderation is fine but anytime there's a super obsession with Taylor Swift I think it's a major red flag and I would add I think of like teenagers it's like it's mid 20s too cats I yeah I would add like anytime they become obsessed with something that makes it their personality so like you have Disney you know adults um where it's like that's everything about them is Disney it's same with swifties like you have the people who just listen and then you have the people who are swifties and that's their entire personality I got a I got one I got a controversial one this is where we're going to end the show today but we're all going to be honest all right you meet a girl and she's super into sports she's super into football she has a lot of takes she's she's ready to talk to you about the Broncos versus the Jags this weekend and I want you to be honest that sounds yeah when you're 19 or 20 it sounds fantastic I see you sitting back to a days because this uh because you know I'm telling the truth yeah um so there's there's definitely a uh I'm on something there's a spectrum there on that there's a reason for that there's a reason they're so into it um there's a spectrum on that for sure there's being interested in sport but you know what I'm my mom is into it my sister-in-law is into it and I never judge them now never never and I I love it and I talk it with them but it they're not trying to impress me you know what I mean that's the thing it if it feels affected like you're trying to impress me or or you're Crea it feel that's the whole thing maybe that's Disney maybe that's Taylor Swift maybe that's influencing and maybe that's the sports thing if you're image creating it's a turnoff you know what I mean like if this whole thing feels like an affectation it's a turnoff if you're genuine you know then it comes with kind of some humility and I'm into it you're not trying to be an expert but I just like it then then it's not it's not and I think that is the Tie that the thread that goes through for men just don't don't try to impress me quit trying to affect something an image to me whether not it's Instagram sports or with Taylor Swift all right jump into the comment section on YouTube Facebook let us know what you think you're always welcome here to the will Kane Show bring your comments in we'll revisit them later this week same time same place next time on the will Kane Show a [Music]

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