Angry Biden spins more lies! PLUS, fact-checking the DNC with Trey Gowdy | Will Cain Show

one what a sweet opening act what a heartfelt speech from Ashley Biden and then the main event at the Democratic National Convention Joe Biden plays a set list of the greatest hits in hoaxes factchecking Joe Biden two the house oversight committee has investigated at and determined that Joe Biden and his family fraudulently profited from service in the United States government to the tune of over $20 million will it lead to impeachment with Trey gouty three Cowboys Packers Jaguars Patriots no matter how you feel going into every football season it always seems that your team zigs to your zag so how do we feel about our team going into the NFL season here on the will Kane [Music] Show it is the will Kane Show streaming live at Fox on the Fox News YouTube channel and the Fox news Facebook page Always On Demand apple or Spotify just hit subscribe or watch the willc show every Monday through Thursday live at 12:00 Eastern Time on YouTube by simply hitting subscribe come hang out with us here on the Wii we got a big show coming up today Trey gout is going to join us and break down the latest from the GOP house oversight committee which puts an investigation to the accusation for years that the Biden family is in fact the Biden crime family what will it all mean will it lead to impeachment that's call coming up a little bit later here on the will show but let us get to night number one at the Democratic National Convention with Story number [Music] one Joe Biden took to the stage on the first night in Chicago at the DNC he was a headliner held out of prime time he took the stage at something like 11 p.m. eastern time well after much of America had gone to bed but shock ly still awake Joe Biden and he came out with energy his eyes they were alive he performed he didn't mutter he didn't slur he had energy now it was anger but he was ready for his night perhaps the last night for Joe Biden as the head of the Democratic Party while he Still Remains the leader of the Free World while he Still Remains the president of the United States Joe Biden had his moment in the spotlight and he chose to take Center Stage by playing his greatest hits of hoaxes that was his set list let's run through some of the topof the charts Lies uttered by Joe Biden first he told you about Donald Trump calling the Fallen America's veterans America soldiers suckers and losers Joe Biden that Trump went in Europe would not go to the grave sites in one of the in France the brave service members who gave their lives of this country he called them suckers and losers who in the hell does he think he is who does he think he is so joyful what a positive and optimistic message what full of Mirth and wonderment so much joy Joe Biden tapped into his energy his eyes were alive but they were alive with anger I guess it was better for Joe Biden than the alternative which was a sequel to his performance in the debate against Donald Trump no instead that was left to some other members who took the stage at the DNC like for example Congressman Jamie Rasin Jamie Raskin took the stage and once again gave us a moment as Democrats have done on repeated occasions straight from the HBO sitcom vep when he seems to have all of a sudden been confronted by a blank teleprompter Jamie rasing someone should have told Donald Trump that the president's job under article two of the Constitution someone should have told Donald Trump I feel bad for rasing I I actually really do you know I mean that that is if you asked any television personality what's one of the greatest fears that you could encounter it would be a blank teleprompter now the jokes write themselves and you would say oh my God these people are incapable of speaking without a teleprompter for what it's worth there is no prompter here in front of me on the willc show but I come into this show knowing I'm just going to have a conversation with you I'm just going to talk I don't have a script when you host a prime time show for example though it's a very script driven show now that's all Prime Time Shows there's virtually nobody that riffs their way through an hour of prime time television not Sean Hannity not Tucker Carlson not will Kane when he sits in for Jesse Waters that doesn't mean that you're a robot reading the words of someone else almost all of those people that I just mentioned write their own scripts it is their own thoughts and their own opinion but a great fear I think of anyone who then goes toward reading what they have to say instead of conversing or thinking in a less polished manner like we do here on the will King show um is that all of a sudden you lose the script you lose the teleprompter what people do so often is print it out you have printed pages on your desk and it's a little bit of a juggling act if you were looking into a teleprompter that is at camera Lyn's eye and all of a sudden it goes blank for you to reposition your eyes find where you were on that page start marking where you are and catch up on your speech this literally happened in vep as I mentioned show starring Julia Lewis dfus who plays the vice president who does ascend spoiler alert to the president um it's a really funny show but she's giving the State of the Union Address and they're editing furiously her script and they blank it out they delete it and she's standing there in front of a joint session of Congress with a blank teleprompter I mean it will send your brain into complete panic and you can almost see the panic in rasen's eyes as something must have happened with his telepromter he had no idea where he was no idea what to say next for me it's never happened to me um it's happened where all of a sudden it starts jumping around and you're like oh my God what's happening did somebody just have a stroke running the prompter it goes flying up goes flying down and you realize they're trying to find their places you have to just Divorce Yourself from it you it's not um it's not a life buoy you can't hang on it's not even a life jacket it's it's more like um a compass pointing you which direction to swim and I I I think at that moment you just have to let go and say okay now I'm going to start thinking my way through this instead of reading my way through this and hopefully at some point because you can't ad lib a 15minute speech very well um I mean Donald Trump has a teleprompter he ad lives on and off of it but he does have a teleprompter for example in those hour and a half rally speeches but they become compasses for him he goes in and out of the prompter always you got to be ready to go out of the prompter but that's a learned skill and I feel bad for Rasin right there he is terrified in that moment oh my God what do I do presumably he's confronted there with a blank teleprompter but Joe Biden made it through but he didn't stop playing again his set list of greatest hits of lies and so after giving you the suckers and Liars hoax he went on to some of your other fan favorites like that if he loses the election Donald Trump Trump will call for a blood bath Joe Biden he's promising a blood bath if he loses in his words he's promising a blood bath if he loses now I could fact check this and and and you know I shouldn't take for granted that people all know exactly what I'm talking about but these are all almost they're all have been fact checked but they they've not all been fact checked by institutions that are um flying under the banner of Presumed objectivity um for example did a fact check last night wherein they went through Joe Biden speech but they had nothing to say about these greatest hits of hoaxes that I'm taking you to right now if you just go through CNN's fact check for example you'll see them talk about things like Biden talking about taxing billionaires or Joe Biden on carbon emissions um they keep going down Biden's Claim about removing lead pipes from schools and homes it's almost enough to bore you absolutely to death on what they have but nothing about bloodbath nothing about suckers and losers and absolutely nothing about for example whether or not Donald Trump wants to be a dictator on day one here's Joe Biden and that he'll be a dictator on day one in his own words by the way this sucker means it now Donald Trump joking around said well if I was a dictator I just want to be one for one day and then Joe Biden and Democrats latch onto that say see see he's a threat to democracy he's a wouldbe tyrant Donald Trump says there will be an economic bloodbath if he loses his election meaning that the economy will tank under a then Biden or now Harris Administration he's not calling for blood in the streets but they lean into that because that's The Narrative of this election January 6 the end of democracy he's going to be Hitler they lean into that and so he has to use these lies over and over in his greatest hit set list by the way think about set list guys in New York I was thinking about this because of course I just went back to the Zack Bryan concert this last weekend and what I did going into the concert is I listen I looked up the set list of what he'll play and I listen to that to do my homework right so I mean of course I'm ready for Oklahoma smoke show or I'm you know I'm ready for heading south but I'm not I I want to know them all I don't want to be surprised I don't I don't go to a concert for Discovery so you know I wanted to listen to like I discover or do my homework on the set list of things like nineball or the 5th of May little little deeper cut you know what I mean yeah yeah yeah you're read reading off your sheet I know it's fine but here's why so um there is an element to life that's fun that's like exploratory like I went to fade one time my wife and I went to farm a in Connecticut it was awesome you guys know Farm Willie Nelson and it's like 20 acts I mean Neil Young John melan Camp Chris Stapleton Sturgill Simpson on and on and on it's amazing right but no homework just sat there for the day and like Nathaniel riff comes up I'd never heard of him and all of a sudden I'm like my wife who is this and we loved him and then so that's fun but generally I think that things are better when you have context when you understand where it's going so what I mean by that is like um you guys know my son is going to Ireland this weekend to play in the week zero college football he's not a college football player he's a High School kicker and punter and his high school team is going to be playing as one of the you know Friday games before Florida State and Georgia Tech kick off in Dublin and I was talking to a Budd morning he's like what do you think that trip will be like for him I'm like nothing like well they will not get any experience of Dublin they will I mean they it's an organized trip so they'll take them on tours but you know when you have no context for anything and you're traveling with a bunch of American buddies and you there to play American football you're like where's the McDonald's in Dublin that's what they'll do you know what I mean and so you need context to make it richer like where am I where is this place like Dan you just wanted a soccer team you and I were texting about it and you picked Aston villet and one thing you said to me is I've been reading about their history well that's going to make it way more fun because you have context about who they are right and that's part of the fun learning the history and the the past of Aston Villa yeah I loved it I mean I always have to do that before I go through anything and your son it's not like they could have Guinness pints you know and know about Ireland so they're not old enough yet but yeah right right I remember when I traveled to Europe in law school I went to Italy and I went to Venice and um I was by myself and I read a book called if I've told you guys this sometimes my conversations blend on air and off air I don't know same person but bad memory um I think it's the author's name is Irving Stone I read a book called The Agony and the Ecstasy did I tell you guys this I don't think so about the life of Michelangelo about the life of Michelangelo oh yeah yeah yeah sorry yeah on the pH on the phone call I Wasing the show well like by doing by doing that and learning like who was Michelangelo as a human being who was he as a person and how he picked a piece of marble you know traveling I did Florence as well traveling to Italy and seeing all this stuff had way deeper meaning to me like I had it in context like the David didn't just become a beautiful statue now I understood like how many years he worked on it how he selected that piece of marble all this stuff and it's just such a richer deeper understanding um and so but the reason I'm bringing that up is I'm thinking about these set lists right and and I it made Zack Bryan better for me to listen to all of that ahead of the concert instead of going into it blind and the context you need on Joe Biden's set list to understand exactly what's going on here right bloodbath dictator for a day this is to make you believe that you are on the edge of saving democracy and if you don't Donald Trump will come in and he will be literally Hitler and of course Joe Biden ran that one out there he ran out that Donald Trump praised Nazis and white supremacists as very fine people here's another greatest hit from Joe Biden the president was asked what he thought had happened Donald Trump said and I quote there are very fine people on both sides my God that's what he said that is what he said and what he meant but here's your context he didn't say that here's the set list you have to know going into this concert that when Joe Biden plays that greatest hit it's been thoroughly debunked that Donald Trump literally says as we've covered on this show on numerous occasions I'm not talking about the white supremacist and the neo-nazis they should be condemned literal words from Joe Biden but all of these economic blood bath versus the insinuation of blood in the streets if you haven't studied the set list if you haven't given the context if CNN is not interested in factchecking any of this then it washes over you and the David becomes just a pretty statute the speech becomes just part of Joe Biden's Legacy and it's interesting to me Joe Biden's Legacy when he came out after that introduction by Ashley Biden I'm gonna be real with you I was like oh he's kind of energetic oh that's a sweet moment between he and his daughter oh he is gonna lean he can lean into the lie but it would be a lie that he could pull off that he's a transitional president to a younger generation of Democrats that he's the selfless guy stepping aside for the future of the party and by extension the country but that's not what he did he reverted to his greatest hits of hoaxes he divided once again and in my mind leaned away from that Legacy that's being handed to him they're trying to prop it up they're going to create it but leaned back into a divisive incompetent failed presidency in one last set list by Joe Biden the house oversight committee has investigated the Biden crime family and they've published their investigation we're going to break it all down coming up with the the host of the Trey gouty podcast and Sunday night in America with Trey gouty Trey gouty here on the will Kane Show I want to tell you about tunnels to Towers who the foundation honors fallen heroes by supporting their families and they always have in a multitude of ways let me tell you one of the ways they do that they do it with families like that of US Army Chief Warrant Officer Shane Michael Barnes so offer officer Barnes he enlisted in the Marine Corps in 2011 earning numerous Awards including the distinguished flying cross he cherished the camaraderie of military service and excelled as a supportive leader during a 2023 deployment Barnes perished in a training flight when his aircraft crashed into the Mediterranean Sea he leaves behind his wife Brandy and their two children now to honor officer Barn's memory and service the tunnel to Towers Foundation provided Brandy and her children with a mortgage-free home through their Gold Star Family home program this program provides mortgage-free homes to the families of Fallen service members honoring their sacrifice with a lasting tribute and I can tell you that I have personally seen Frank Siller and tala Towers award these mortgage-free homes to Gold Star families over and over again like they have here for Army Chief Warren officer family Shane Michael Barnes you can join tunnel to Towers on its mission to provide mortgage-free homes to America's Heroes and the families that leave behind by donating $1 a month to t2. org that's T the number two Trey gouty coming up on the will Kane [Music] Show the World of business moves fast stay on top of it with the Fox Business rundown every Monday and Friday Fox Business reporters anchor and hosts 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take the quiz every weekday at the quiz. fox and then listen to the quiz podcast to find out how you did play share and of course listen to the quiz right now at the quiz. fox [Music] House Republicans declare Biden engaged in impeachable conduct just hours before his 2024 DNC speech it's a will Kane Show streaming live at on the Fox News YouTube channel and the Fox news Facebook page always on Dem man just hit subscribe at Apple Spotify or on YouTube while you're there while you're subscribing to podcast you can head over and subscribe to the Trey gouty podcast Trey also the host of Sunday night in America with Trey gouty and the author of start Stay or Leave joins us now here on the will Cane show hey Trey hey Will how are you I'm good uh looking good slick back hair today um you've been going with this hairstyle for a while so I'm proud of you on that it's good it's a little the Gordon gecko look I'm just waiting for the change up you know what I told my wife I guess two days ago is not not when not if but when Fox figures out that I'm not really much for television and gets rid of me I will never cut my hair again I will look like Gandalf and Lord of the Rings or the guy from the count of mon Cristo it will be long gray hair with two earrings as soon as as soon as they get rid of me earrings you'd be an earrings guy gouty double double hoop like George Michael from Wham Trey Trey and I have some mutual acquaintances friends even from Baylor and I based upon this conversation alone I'm going to go back to those acquaintances and be like you got to give me a little more color on who gouty was in college because I want to know High School Trey gouty if you're if you're just itching to get back to the hooped earrings and long hair I'm going Trey gouty was in South Carolina you're one of two guys you were either a Trans Am guy right you were the muscle car um muscle car long hair guy or you were kind of like the alternative I'm not going to go hippie cuz you're not that old so like the alternative guy from the 80s but I don't think that's you so I'm kind of thinking Trans Am guy no no it was actually neither because my father um as soon as my hair touched my ear he took me to the barber and I had to take my earring out to go home for spring break or I would not be alive I would not be here with you if my father had seen me with an earring of my ear I I would he had three daughters and said he didn't want four so he he would have I would not be with you right now he had three daughters he didn't want four uh well we all went through our long hair phase I did that now I mean I got I got close to the shoulder beyond the ear let's put it that way in college um all right Trey grat here live it looks like he's live from the DNC which is awesome so you watched last night I'm sure Trey with Joe Biden speech and I just got done talking about this I think that it's interesting that Joe Biden sits at a moment in his career which is interesting because it's been a 50-year career more um where he kind of has an opportunity to find his legacy because the Democrats and the mainstream media are going to tee it up for him they're going to allow him to paint himself or they'll paint the picture for him as a transitional figure a selfless figure who stepped aside for the betterment of the country but I thought last night he did not lean in to that opportunity he did not lean in to that figure which would have required I think some um a softness some some welcoming in even of like Republicans and moderates but he did the I think I think Trey he did the divisive thing he did the greatest hits of hoaxes like very fine people and bloodbath and he was angry and I thought he almost rejected his opportunity for people to accept him even if it's a lie even if it's not true but accept him as this selfless George Washington of 2024 you yeah well he would have a hard time selling us on the selflessness cuz you literally can still see the fingernail marks from them dragging him out of the Oval Office it's not like I mean the only reason he's not running it will is because not only would he have lost he would have cost them the house and the Senate an overwhelming number so I mean you can say he jumped right before he was pushed but they were pushing him out I actually when I think of him think a little bit differently I think of a man who lost a wife lost two children You could argue lost a third to addiction so the humanity part of the story is part of it um as a husband and a father my heart breaks for anyone who's buried a child and then I think about Robert Gates who reminded us that the fact that you're experienced doesn't mean you're right um he says he's the most experienced foreign policy hand that we've ever had but yet none of us decisions were correct uh he also was the was the pilot of a country that most people think is headed in the wrong direction I mean make no mistake the reason he's not the nominee is because he was losing it wasn't an act of selflessness he's not a Christlike Billy budlike figure from Melville's Billy Bud he was going to lose no doubt but that no doubt and by the way the the when Ashley Biden gave her speech and he came out I guess that's what I I neglected to say but what I was feeling in my opening monologue today is it humanized Joe Biden in a really endearing way I think it did I saw some of the same thing of what you saw there um and then he quickly veered away from it by being angry and and and doing the same old trit speech that he's done and I don't think he I don't think truth and objectivity allow him to paint himself as this George Washington transitional figure I totally agree with you I love the analogy of the fingernails but I think that they're going to help him create that image that's what they'll do I mean there was Nancy Pelosi last night with a we love Joe sign smiling saying we love Joe and she's the one with the bloody knife and so they're going to help him they're going to help him create that image if he'll create it himself and I don't I don't know Trey I don't know that's a lot of muscle CBS NBC ABC CNN New York Times Wason that's a lot of muscle for image creation Garner uh muscled forward to create that picture of Joe Biden his legacy is will I mean first of all it depends on who gets to write history typically it is not folks that think like you and I that write the history his history will be that he defeated Donald Trump um Democrats never Lov Joe Biden he's he's a gaff machine I mean this is the same guy that said Barack Obama was clean and articulate I mean if they're two bigger racial tropes than those I don't know what they would be uh Afghanistan was a disaster um there's a reason that he was losing but you're right uh they they they want to send him off and I get that I mean even if someone's a bad employee you still have an go you still have a going away party for him I think he fell for the trick that a lot of politicians fall for they forget who the jury is I mean you're a lawyer you know who the jury is you think the jury or people in the room hey look they're already voting Democrat if you're a delegate you're already voting Democrat the jury would be people watching from home that's who you're trying to persuade but I think he fell prey to I need the the Applause of the audience that I'm in front of that's not who you need to win the election you need people who haven't decided yet who they're going to vote for uh it's an old trick to fall for you would think somebody as old as him wouldn't fall for it but he did that's really good Trey really good about the jury I also really like what you said like people like me and you don't get to write history um we certainly don't get to write the first draft of History right now I think we have cracks at it on the second and third draft of history and just made me think when you were talking in your estimation Trey what is the biggest falsehood that we understand about history that you know like you said people like you and me don't get to write so somebody with a different idea a different sense of reality a different subjective view of the world wrote that you're like that's I'm just curious if you have one off the top of your mind that is totally wrong the way that history is understood is totally wrong God that's a great question um I think um my mind immediately goes back and this will surprise people because I am a republican although I've been accused of being a rhino I Republican um it goes back to the Civil War and the post Civil War Days uh the damage that was done to our country that is still being done to our country I remember being at Liberty University with Tim Scott and they brought us to speak about the Constitution which is a majestic document put together by Geniuses but I was sitting there on the plane trying to look at the Constitution Through The Eyes of an Afric African-American man who couldn't vote who wasn't considered fully whole and so I think we would all do well to look at history Through The Eyes of those who did not feel empowered by what was happening so the biggest myth in history um I don't know there's a reason that you know my father you know was never crazy about the history books that we were given that the victors write history um I guess the best example of that is the battle at thermop in I guess 374 BC 300 Spartans preserve democracy for us when I go back in history that's not a story that's told very often but they held off the Persian army for several days until the Athenians could figure out hey we could we could win this war if we help you and I might not be having this conversation certainly not in English if not for 300 Spartan soldiers you rais a great point I mean can we protect participate in the writing of History yes but people with your and my Orthodoxy don't usually go into education we don't write school books we don't set the curriculum I mean have you ever thought about it running for school board I hadn't I'd rather be the North Korean prison to be than be on school board so a little dramatic it's a lot dramatic I don't want to be a North Korean president but I don't want to be on a school board either um you know Trey on that on the you know I joked earlier about like the Trans Am thing and and all that in a lot of ways I kind of feel like I do know who you are I don't know I don't know I do I think that you and I have some similarities not we're not too a te so I'm thinking about what you said about trying to see the founding documents Majestic and written by Geniuses no doubt about historical Geniuses like we're talking about over in my estimation centuries of periods you take a 300E period of history and you're looking at some of the breast and brightest right there in that moment in history and but what you said about trying to see it through the eyes and the lens of an African-American and I think it's the hardest thing in the world and it's a big ask it's a big ask to ask an um an African-American it's it's a big ass to ask any human being to divorce principles from the flawed individuals who um executed those principles it it's really big ask but it is the ask of African-Americans it is what America has to ask of them them because the principles themselves are Beyond good they go back to what I said minute ago they are moments of genius and human history unparalleled over centuries of time and they were flawed in their execution and application and so what we're asking of African-Americans is not to reject that document but to reject the flawed application of that document for a century right and it's a tough ask because of course like well it didn't apply to me right those principles didn't mean anything to me yes but they can and yes but they should and not only that they are ultimately the only deliverance from the thing that was a grotesque moment in history you know I know I I get what you're saying and it's a hard ask but it it it's like a necessary it's not just necessary ask it's a necessary step to understand the genius of those principles divorced from the flaws of the men that created those principles so you and our Bo trial lawyers and this is the way we would do it we would say go back to what Jefferson wrote we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men and women are created equal it's just a shame that Jefferson wasn't there for the writing of the Constitution he was overseas but but our birth document our birth certificate does have that level of aspiration and even the Constitution itself well it begins with in order to form a more perfect union so we admit our imperfections but at least we set that as a goal and and and we gave ourselves a process to amend to correct our mistakes so I I don't look I've never heard Tim Scott complain one moment about it it I was more right Laing the virtue of trying to look at Life Through The Eyes of people who do not agree with us because you and I at one time had to spend our living persuading people and people who agree with us don't need to be persuaded so how do you persuade people that say I'm not quite with you you and empathy is a good way to do that so I want to ask you about this as well Trey um the house oversight Committee just hours before Joe Biden takes the stage last night puts out their investigation um they accuse Joe Biden of of and and his family I I believe I don't have it right here in Fr of I think it was like over $20 million worth was the was the the accusation from the investigation $27 million right uh improperly profiting various members of the Biden family through deals made in Ukraine and Kazakhstan and a host of other countries as well what comes of this trade you've been a part of this process I mean I I see the word impeachment being thrown around um what comes of something like this investigation from the house oversight committee nothing unless they can tie it to this General theme that she was the co-pilot of the Titanic uh because after this week he's really irrelevant he's still the command in Chief um I don't think he should be impeached because I don't want her to be the president I think if you're running against an incumbent kamla Harris it is much more difficult than running against vice president Kamala Harris U does it arm you with in with with ammunition if she does become the president if you maintain the house yes does it show that oversight Works yes but you know you're a really smart guy you and I can't figure out whether a tree that falls in the forest makes a noise or not I think it does but if nobody picks up on what the oversight committee has done does it matter and if it's not going to be on Fox or the Wall Street Journal who's going to hear about this and they're going to say well that was old news or you know that that that was that wasn't coma Harris they'll draw a distinction what I find unique is they were Partners when it benefits her but she was independent and separate when it doesn't and if Republicans want to win first of all they need to talk stop talking about things nobody cares about like race gender LSAT scores and IQ they need to talk about policy and she really was the co-pilot for the Titanic I mean there's a reason most Americans think we're headed in the wrong direction so to the extent they can tie what comr and Jordan have come up with to her almost aiding and abetting it or being complicit in it that it could work but you got to break through this honeymoon she's in and that sounds like a stretch to be able to tie her to it cuz I haven't you know I've stayed up on this story as best as possible through this and I've never seen her name linked to any of this now I didn't read the house gop's report and if her name comes in does her name come in in any way connected at all to what the Biden family is accused of doing not not that any of my friends have have mentioned and I'll show a little bit of duplicity here on behalf of the other team this is a little known fact will it may shock you Donald Trump's name is mentioned more in the Minority Report on Benghazi than Hillary Clinton's name is mentioned in the GOP report and I and I see the look on your face you're sitting there thinking what did Donald Trump have to do with Benghazi Libya and the answer is nothing right but the minority led by the late Elijah Cummings God Rest of Soul mentioned Donald Trump's name more than the Republican report mentioned Hillary Clinton's so they get away with stuff that we don't get away with you're a sports nut Sports nut the referee is not the same for both of us in what way did he mention Donald Trump in the Benghazi report um that uh it was all it was a political document I mean he had nothing to do it he didn't make the decision to go to Libya he wasn't responsible for getting the folks out it it it was it was no way connected but do you think anyone from The New York Times ever ask Adam Schiff or or any of the other members of the Benghazi committee hey why did mention Donald Trump's name because he actually was a businessman when this happened do you think that question was ever asked right no no uh so okay Trey really quickly I want to get two more things with you if I can I don't know your time frame here but so okay your your your jury is the American people your jury is the persuadable American people most importantly those who are still trying to consider between Donald Trump and KLA Harris I agree with you that some of the arguments that you just talked about is she Indian is she black this kind I do not think that is a persuasive argument to the persuadable jury pool of Americans but what is Trey because here's one example I would be curious with your thoughts on I talked about this yesterday accusations of Communism are a knife that has been DED by Republicans through overuse in time however that doesn't mean the knife should stop cutting when KLA Harris says I want equal outcomes she is giving voice to mark ISM when she talks about price controls she is giving policy to socialism and those are big policy issues but I do worry or Wonder has that knife been dled over time that it doesn't actually affect the persuadable jury pool so I would tell you if you and I were co- Prosecuting this case let's go find a new knife to the best of my knowledge she was given two jobs as vice president stay awake during funerals and protect the Border uh I don't know whether she stayed awake during funerals or not uh there's no video I just know that there are lots of innocent Americans that were killed while she was put in charge of the Border there's a reason most Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction under her stewardship so border economy crime when I hear mayor Pete buddigig talk about crime being down well of course it's down because victims quit calling the cops and cops quit showing up so yeah crime stats are down but crime is not down so anything that's related to to policy Republicans win when it gets into personality mispronouncing her name ethnicity all of that other stuff we lose so the question is and look president Trump has W being the nominee you win certain rights you have the right to Pi your vice president you have the right to set the agenda but you're also a fiduciary I mean you're a fiduciary for people who are worried about the future of this country so you have an obligation to change your strategy to to effectuate a win I mean you're a sports nut I'm a sports nut if you're calling the same running play every single down and you're not ever making a first down you have a fiduciary responsibility as the coach to go throw a pass every now and again I just think the policy you went how can she defend the Border she defends the border with the Senate border bill will name me a single person who would still be alive if that Senate border Bill and pass just one name me one person killed I'd go through the names of every person who lost their lives to somebody every one of them know them by name I love how you approach this as a lawyer uh approaching a jury but let's go back to sports all right where are you in the game Trey like how do you feel what's the score KLA Harris Donald Trump are we in the third quarter late third quarter and who's winning and who has the momentum I think we're coming out of halftime and and you know I told all my friends it's going to be a long week it's like being in a courtroom and the prosecution is arrested and the defense begins to present its case you don't get to talk I mean it's a long week but it's just a week so how do you use this week you listen you plot you plan I mean whenever I hear her say on day one she's given us an opening well cuz she's actually on day 1,21 I mean don't tell me what you're going to do on day one you haven't done it yet so listen and then the third quarter starts as soon as this convention is over and if it's on policy and we remain disciplined in our messaging you will win the house the Senate and the White House if you continue to litigate this on an ad hominin basis you will lose the race thank God for that bulldog in this in West Virginia and in 10 he and Montana you're probably going to hang on to the Senate but barely but if his own personality we lose if it's on policy we win all right last question um I've thought about this try I'm sure you've thought about it a lot but let's to me KLA Harris this is um I'm not saying Donald Trump is Alabama I don't know what Donald Trump is in college football let's put it this way though he is a top 20 program okay and KLA Harris is she's worse than Baylor to take a shot at you gratuitously she is a you know 70 to 100 ranked program in the you know in the nation this is not a game you should lose I'm very you should not lose this game um if in fact this election is lost to KLA Harris Trey there will be a there has to be a long look in the mirror on all kinds of levels like media politicians narrative everything everything what happens in your mind like if Donald Trump loses oh all right I'm going to agree with you on one point and then I'll answer your question I do not think she can win I think Republicans can lose and there's a difference I think I think Republicans can lose when you have this many people think we saying we're headed in the wrong direction as a country you should not lose to the person who's the co-pilot of the vehicle so she Andre on top of that she's an objectively bad candidate she's to the left of Bernie Sanders she literally I mean that's not hyperbole literally the most Progressive liberal member of the US Senate so what do we do afterwards um there's a reckoning well I mean is there an err apparent to the Maga movement I think Donald Trump is a unicorn I I don't think anyone else can mimic him there are others who try but I don't think anyone can I'm a limited government kind of guy I I am more of a traditional conservative less of a populist so there'll be an interessing fight over the future of the party and there'll probably be some dark days as we figure it out what I have noticed about Democrats is they're willing to push aside this person that they lawed last night they're willing to push him out because he was losing do we want to win enough to figure out how to resolve our differences and present a unified front or are we just happy being Instagram stars and winning in our own individual house districts while the country goes to Hades in a hand basket we got to figure that out are we Kardashians or do we really want to govern it's really good it's been too long I know you're hesitant to do media because I don't know if you're on the golf course or what or you're just big time I don't know why it's so hard to get you but it's worth the wait uh to get Trey goty here on the willc show all right Trey have fun hard cuz I love you we're we're we're F Cowboy fans I mean I love you I got to watch Special Report to see you or Sunday nights those are my options Sunday nights or Brett Bayer uh but I love having you on the show here man uh so we'll be checking out the try gouty podcast as well have fun at the DNC Trey thanks will I always love talking to you hookham horns or whoever you pull for that's it I'll give you sick them Bears just in response to that kind of nice behavior yes hook them horns and sick them Bears all right there goes gouty um hopefully we'll get him on the show a few more times before he hangs it up puts in the gold hoops and grows his hair out uh that would be nice to get him a few more times before he just says Sanara to this conversation all right coming up in just moments um speaking of sports Cowboys Packers Patriots Jags how do you feel and how would you feel with your team on the line and a 50 yard field goal to win the game how would you feel if that's your son coming up on the will Kane Show [Music] from the Fox News podcasts Network I'm Janice Dean Fox News senior meteorologist and my podcast the Janice Dean podcast every week I'll be focusing in on a place or a thing that deserves your attention because it makes the world a better place be sure to subscribe to the janisan podcast at Fox newsp or wherever you listen to your podcasts and don't forget to spread the sunshine America is listening to Fox News the Democratic National Convention live on Fox News do we believe in the promise of America get democracy 24 coverage you won't see anywhere else from the number one non in news plus special analysis from the voices America trusts there's a reason why more Democrats more Independents and more Republicans watch Fox News than any other news network the Democratic National Convention all week coverage on Fox News Channel America is watching from the Fox News podcasts Network listen to the allnew Brett Bear podcast featuring Common Ground talking to lawmakers weekly from opposite sides of the political Spectrum about the issues of the day and how Americans can find common ground in a politicized world that's just not happening on Capitol Hill it takes leadership right yeah it absolutely does along with all your Brett Bear favorites like the campaign the candidates the allstar panel and much more available now at Fox newsp or wherever you get your [Applause] [Music] podcasts the no win proposition of having your son be a High School kicker and punter plus how do you feel about your team we're getting ready to kick off NFL and college football here on the will cane Show streaming live at Fox Fox News YouTube channel and the Fox news Facebook page hit subscribe Apple Spotify and YouTube joris Loose says hi European here we love the USA and are grateful for what you did for World Peace the last hundred years or more that's a nice way to start it up jores that's a really nice comment thank you for that little bit of uh little bit of gratefulness goes a long way but personally I'm very worried if DT gets the most votes why joris I'd be curious why because the whole NATO stuff and the US isn't going to bankroll the back of the security for the European continent without some contribution from Europeans I I'm I'm actually not trying to create a straw horse or pick a fight I am curious if the threat is if what you're worried about is America First bessame says uh talking about Joe Biden he appears Juiced when he yells when he does the yell yeah I do think that could be part of it I mean there's a reason for Joe Biden's up and downs right fatigue is clearly one of them with age you have your good moments and your bad moments but like everybody wondered I mean two days and tin foil like everybody wondered he's not taking the stage until 11 that's not good like the he's been talked about the Sundowners effect you know that he's bad after 800m and actually that was a report that came out that he he really kind of worked between like 10:00 a.m. and 600 p.m. right 7 p.m. yeah it's past my bedtime so hey I just finished Killing Kennedy by Bill O'Reilly you know what I was taken back by all right so we all see Barack Obama go BL uh go gray in eight years and and George W bush as well right and everybody talks about how stressful the presidency is and the aging and I'm sure that it is you know what I'm a little bit surprised by that I learned in Killing Kennedy is the work schedule it's not quite as strenuous as you would believe like I believe Kennedy woke up at like 7:30 he read he gets his CIA daily Intel brief he read the newspapers he took breakfast and bed um and then he got dressed and got going and worked took meetings starting about 9:00 a.m. right so by 9:00 a.m he's in meetings through about 12:30 where he takes lunch and then after lunch Kennedy goes and swims every day cuz he had a lot more health problems than I was aware of as well his back was super bad he had all these issues Addison's disease so he swam every day naked by the way and had meetings with dudes naked in the pool with him just how they rolled like like the Greeks um and after he swam he took a nap so I'm guessing at this point after a swim and a nap you're looking at like 2 or three in the afternoon would be my guess and then he did work until 7 or 8 at night when he had his dinner at 8 and then he did a little extracurriculars all the time at night that was made very clear all the time I mean you could I'm GNA say it one more time so you fully understand all the time you could take some Liberties when you're the president I think but my takeaway was I mean that's a lot that's a decent work schedule but that is not I mean there's guys putting in way way longer schedules and Churchill famously also didn't get going until like well Churchill was a night owl so I think worked into the you know small hours of the night and he took breakfast in bed he had a scotch for breakfast by the way in bed he was out he drank his yeah he drank all day damn all day long but um you like two brandies I'll be curious but you know Biden's schedule is not that strenuous you know it's not it's just not I would be fascinated by a side by-side breakdown on presidential schedules just to see how much they have to put in on a day day to-day basis I'd be really curious but do they actually give out the real schedule or is it just kind of like what they want us to think the schedule is because we'll never see what he's really doing and how long he's actually doing it right it's a good point well I don't know because I think there it's not just hours like I think sometimes hours worked is a a bad proxy for stress and the strenuousness of a job right like there is such a there's a theory out there that you have decision fatigue that a human being in any given day is only capable of executing at a high level a certain amount of choices and decisions and like I think it was George W bush said that's my job I'm the decider right like all day you're presented with here's the issue here are your options you choose what we have to do and so you're doing that all day like famously you guys notice famously Steve Jobs wore the white T-shirt and blue jeans because he didn't want to expend any willpower on that one choice to start the day he to save it up like it's a finite resource interesting how much discipline choice and willpower you have throughout the day so I'm not burning any up on what I have to wear that was jobs' Theory so I mean whether or not you work six hours or eight hours that is what you're doing all day and I'm sure it takes an incredible amount of stress on your body and they're high level stressful decisions um yeah I'm sure that's you know hours worked is not always now you you can Outsource those decisions and my suspicion is a guy like Biden has outsourced a lot of that stuff which by the way brings me to Mary Hooper on YouTube says Trey who is running the White House such a great such a great question right now I know but it's serious like who really who is running the White House sounds like a joke but it's not it's not Don pegar on YouTube says if the Democrats would cut out the lies of their speeches you could be in bed by 8:00 p.m. um all right so it's college football week zero this weekend Georgia Tech Florida State you pumped up tin foil that's your squad the seminal I know I'm I'm feeling it it feels pretty good to be back um a little nervous just because there a lot of question marks especially a quarterback and receiver and but I I feel pretty confident so well you got Georgia Tech Florida State on Saturday but in the leadup it's like spread the college football gospel weekend right so they have high school football games and I've mentioned one of the high school football teams going to play in Ireland is my son's high school football team it's his first year on Varsity he's a kicker and the punter now last week he went two for two he kicked a 36 Y and a 33 Y in a scrimmage it was a preseason doesn't count on your record game he kicked the it's a 50 yard in warm-ups by the way Dam um yeah I need but here's the thing I I'm super proud that's the truth but I got to be careful because the upside on the kicker dad is this is like um it's like going to the roulette wheel and saying put it on 18 whatever my number is I feel like if it hits 18 I get super jacked but the overwhelming odds are this season there's some heartbreaking missed field goals it's high school it's high school no I I have a I have a question for you as a father too cuz I'm not a father yet how do you deal with that stress like in any sport with your with your kids like that must be the most stressful thing watching your kid play a sport and want them to do well but I would be just beside myself stressed out well I'm gonna let you know this season about this because up until now it's been like JV and it's very low low stakes you know not that Varsity is higher Stakes that by in the scheme of things right but it's still high school football but here's a theory I have for you a fluid game like basketball or soccer is easier true it's it's it's fluid it's constantly moving a mistake can't linger and the guys who don't let a mistake linger are rewarded but a job-based sport like baseball or football are a little bit harder because it's clear you failed or you succeeded and you don't you may not get a second chance you know you whatever so I don't know I I'm I'm super interested and concerned about what this is going to feel like this season talk about getting more gray but I talked to you guys about this like kicker is one of those things I think punter as well where you don't index for level because all we ever watch those guys always like pros like oh yeah look 40 yard but if a high school kid goes out there and Shanks a quote unquote Shanks a punt 25 30 yards like what's a high school punter supposed to do you know he can kick a 40 y he also that the point of the difference is the consistency I just don't think we expect the offensive lineman to look like NFL offensive line but we expect the High School kicker to look like Brandon Aubrey who just kicked a 66 Yar with the Cowboys it is a bit unfair and you see these kids online now with Tik toks just kicking the ball out of the stadium it's weird like how do people get better at things I watch all these like skateboarders they're they look so much better than guys 25 years ago it's it's like it's improving like 60 yards is going to be nothing in like eight years well you know what's fascinating about that during the Olympics um I saw Michael Phelps has no more I think he has no more records I don't know that he holds any more World Records or one more he holds one maybe so swimming is one of those Sports where every cycle people are getting faster and better and makes you wonder where it can go but here's what's fascinating track is not like the guys that won the 100 meter dash this year like Usain Bolt would have blown them away mhm and he's held that record for as long as Michael Phelps and I did see a I saw an Instagram video like if You' given the guys running in the 30s and 40s the same track literally the track that we're running on now and the same spikes and the same shoes and the same starting blocks and all that they'd be very close to what Noah ly ran in the hme dash it's not they didn't their time is slower by like I think it's like a second or less than a second but the argument is that's a lot of technological stuff that they didn't have then that's helping the guys now I just think it's kind of interesting how a lot of sports they just keep going and some you kind of stall out a little bit like track I I do wonder will we have kickers regularly kicking from Over the 50 yard line at some point Brandon Aubrey just hit a 66 y Justin Tucker just hit a 68 y like this changes the game if guys start hitting kicks from from that kind of distance tinfoil you were G to say something yes um but I forgot go for it this is goingon to be good this is going to be real good you are so ready for prime time you are so ready get him a prompter uh wow this is some raise his hand finally get the talk fin the talk and now I butcher it geez that's right that's the second that's the second strike that was the second strike the other day I told you if you get a chance just say what you got to say you don't have to answer my question directly you have something to say say it write it down one more strike you're out I got distracted by the uh by an email notification coming through and like my ADHD just triggered H it's the worst do you have ADHD not officially okay just self- diagnosed all right I want to do this really quickly uh we're missing young establishment James today he is a Patriots fan tin foil is a jaguars fan and two a is a Packers fan of course I'm a Cowboys fan everybody keeps coming up to me how do you feel how do you feel will um no CD lamb Dak Prescott needs a contract should they sign Dak that's the biggest questions I get how do you feel about this season and should they sign Dak and I've thought about this and the answer is absolutely you signed Dak Prescott I don't care if he's not a top five he's a top tener and I am maybe this is the antithesis of everything I preach like go for home runs but I'm afraid of the quarterback Wilderness in pursuit of finding the next Patrick Mahomes I am afraid of the bad odds of saying you know what you can't win the Super bowl without a top three quarterback and trying for that and ending up with Daniel Jones for all these years and nothing against Daniel Jones but that's where the Giants are stuck they're stuck in that zone and there's worse there's worse places to be than where the Giants are and the vast majority of teams are in that and with Dak Prescott I have a top 10 quarterback that I feel very very confident maybe he's eight nine maybe he's 10 but he's in that range and the answer is yes you absolutely signed deck Prescott without a doubt so the so the reason you guys haven't won is not dak's fault it's in part dak's fault it's not all dak's fault okay what would you guys you guys are not Cowboys fans you would say we walk away from Dak Prescott I would consider it man I mean you got you got a lot of shots a lot of chances I know it's scary out there I know it's uncertain but I don't know I would have a I would have a hard time going in another season with him okay hold on so the Cowboys have been incredibly lucky they have gone from um from well when did it start to go from Tony Romo to Dak Prescott and undrafted quarter back to a fourth round quarterback and end up with franchise quarterbacks is totally against the odds right that is incredibly lucky we had a little bit of wilderness period between Aman and Romo okay the only franchise You could argue who has been luckier is your team Dan the Packers you have gone almost directly from Favre to Rogers to love yes sir and you seem to have hit three times so what I think happens is you are now living in a you're going to take it for granted mindset like it does that's just how it works you know but it isn't how it works and both of us have been lucky and I'm aware of it Patrick's a Jags fan I mean you had Mark Brunell and Trevor Lawrence and you've had a lot of other things in between and if you're ever in that zone it's the worst it's the worst so you're walking away from Dak Prescott is sitting on 17 with the dealer showing I don't know 13 right I got a decent chance to win there's a chance the dealer gets an eight you know or seven or six but I think I have to stay I can't hit the 17 I got to stay but do you after this if you guys don't make it to the Super Bowl or as far as you want to go is it done are you done with him no in your mind really I don't think so how much longer do you give him you just keep drafting backup quarterbacks until one beats him out yeah true it's what you guys did in Green Bay you shoved Favre out and then you shoved Rogers out and you never had your if Tre Lance can beat out Dak Prescott great but I don't think he can but my point bringing this up is I don't think I'm very good at predicting my seasons for my teams I don't know when we're on the verge of a good season I really don't I didn't see the Mavericks coming this year I didn't see the Rangers coming last year I I don't see it coming and it obvious often is the opposite of how I feel so I don't feel good about the Cowboys I feel like I think they'll make the playoffs but I think it'll be the same thing as always so the question is does that mean it's actually going to be a great season because I'm not good at this so I'm betting against myself and my instincts so what I thought is tell me how you guys feel about your teams going into this season you are way too Lucky by the way luck luck everywhere ridiculous what do you feel Patrick so Patrick how do you feel how do you feel about the Jags going into this season not good um the offensive line looks terrible I don't know if they got enough on defense I mean the south is always weak I don't think the Texans are that good you know all right so you're pess they make the playoff yeah they playoff I'm always pessimistic that's kind of no s that's right I was going to say two days that's no surprise no he's p yes and the only thing I've ever seen him optimistic about well two things I'll give him this is Florida State and um the will Kane Show I think he's optimistic about yeah about this this project where it counts yeah I try everything else everything else is just going to hell in a hand bastic that's absolutely true and after the end of last year theu one yeah the FSU one is not looking good either yeah all right two days I feel good about it so I was worried about Jordan love I thought he would take a few years to really get where he is now and it's been fantastic so I feel really good about it I'm knocking on wood for that exact reason um but got Josh Jacobs in there hopefully we got a couple years out of him a year out of him that's pretty good I'm going I'm get how confident are you in Jordan love like do you think Jordan love is like for sure now a top tier top two tier quarter back in the NFL absolutely top 10 quarterback for sure oh my gosh I don't feel that way from afar I think he'll be a top 10 quarterback Midway through the season I have that much confidence I didn't think I would this season for this SE I know how you're gonna answer this for this season and this season alone I want you do this then we're going to wind this show up you've got our three quarterbacks Trevor Lawrence Jordan love Dak Prescot for one season draft them who's last Trevor I know my answer Dak second Jordan love first who was third Trevor Trevor yes Trevor tinfo you'd take your own guy last out of those three right I don't think so I don't I don't think Dak Prescott's very good to be honest I don't think Jordan love is that good I don't know I mean we'll see like to see more get more I'm clipping this whole segment so we'll see in about a few weeks see IED try not to I everybody's everybody's hot takes on Twitter to use them later when it happens but I don't like to Give opinions beforehand for this reason because my my opinions it goes in reverse order yeah third Trevor Lawrence second Jordan love first Dak Prescott I'm willing to place a bet right now that whatever metric we want besides wins and losses um because that's a team stat uh that Dak Prescott has a better season than Jordan love I don't think so I think you're wrong I'll touchdowns interception we'll find the metric okay we're going to find the metric and figure it out all right that's a bet and that's a show an extended version here of the will Cane show all right same time same place see you again next time [Music]

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