Zay Jones Suspension, Darius Robinson Injury Latest Updates! Where Do We Go From Here?

this video is brought to you by bet us Sportsbook and [Music] casino hey yeah let's see how you do Under Pressure oh yeah I've been wanted this ever I've been in the field with whatever they throw at me brush it off pick myself up moving on to the better okay hey ain't no errors baby it's a new era I wake up early feeling rich like I'm Cas I get to the [Music] paper yo yo yo what's going on everybody welcome into the live stream that we're going to be diving into today hopefully you guys are having a fun filled Friday afternoon but if you guys do not know there's been a lot of news coming out of the world of the Arizona Cardinals today um and we're going to be talking about it we're going to be talking about every single thing that has dropped today huge shout out to the people that are currently in the chat right now appreciate you all for coming through do me a huge favor smack up the like button do it for the algorithm but man we got a doozy for you guys today let's cue the breaking news so if you guys don't know a lot of news has has dropped here pertaining to the Arizona Cardinals if you guys didn't read the title yes Darius Robinson our first round pick was injured yesterday um and there was a press conference that was held this morning with Jonathan Ganon and if you guys didn't actually catch it Jonathan Ganon was not happy with the media he was not happy with the media at all apparently there was a somewhat of a leak or report that came out when closed practice happened yesterday that Darius Robinson was actually carded off the field man wasn't happy but nevertheless there was an injury that happened with Darius Robinson and um it looked to be very very serious because he was actually carded off the field now a lot of people speculated about potentially a knee injury but with Jonathan Ganon coming out today he ended up coming out and saying that it wasn't a knee injury it's actually a calav issue now obviously an injury is an injury right and I think where we are at right now as a Cardinals organization we cannot what's the bet we can't afford any of these things that that's happening to the Arizona Cardinals right now at all we can't afford it and not only that probably about two or three hours later there was other breaking news that dropped about Z Jones uh one of the newest Acquisitions to the wide receiving CP and a potential number four for the Arizona Cardinals and Z Jones he was supposed to be a guy that we think was supposed to kind of swap back and forth with potentially Greg dorch this man is suspended he suspended for five games now we're going to be diving into both of these in nauseum right in terms of if there's any updates pertaining to uh Darius Robinson and I think right now there's just a lot of Cardinal fans that need some sort of therapy session me included because as of right now this is crazy this is absolute crazy news that's currently happening right now in the world of the Arizona Cardinals but I want to give a huge shout out here real quick before we start the show to bet us they are the sponsor of the Arizona sports fan throughout the entirety of the NFL season if you're looking for a brand new sports book bet us is the way to go they do got the fastest payouts in the industry and they do got 125% sign up bonus up to $2,000 on your first three deposits check out bet Us in the description below all right let's let's get started here let's let's talk about what we're dealing with r ladies and gent let's first dive into darus Robinson right and then we're going to be tackling the whole Z Jones situation because there is a little bit of updates that's been happening here and there uh pertaining to Darius Robinson it hasn't been a lot the Arizona Cardinals have been keeping it very very close to the chess pertaining to just any updates that's been you know anything and obviously it's very very important because this is a first round pick that needs right this is an Arizona Cardinal first round pick for the Cardinals that that needs to be available in week one and I I think it seems very very Bleak at this very moment now we did see a report that came out here from joh uh Josh weinfest of ESPN now take this report the way you want to right I I get that it doesn't 100% give us very much information but it's it's something to kind of I guess hold on to is I guess is the best way to describe it uh because at the end of the day an injury is an injury but I know there's some Cardinal fans out there that are looking at the Silver Lining and the Silver Lining right now is that it's not a knee injury right but it's still in an injury at the end of the day but Josh weinfest did drop this probably about 30 minutes to 40 minutes ago and he says this in other Cardinals news A source told me that uh card rookie defensive lineman Darius Robinson is hopefully going to be okay Jonathan Ganon said earlier today that Robinson suffered a calf injury during the closed uh portion of practice yesterday so like I said a little earlier take it the way you want right but at least there's I guess some positivity in the air pertaining to Darius Robinson but this is just a huge blow this is an absolute huge blow for the Arizona Cardinals defensive line uh for the attempt of of pressure because we've been talking about this in nauseum we've been talking about this in nauseum for the Arizona Cardinals like are they going to make any moves right and right now the Arizona Cardinals seem to be staying Pat with the idea that we're not going to really do anything right now or at least they're bringing in people but like I don't think it's really people that that are really moving the needle at least to me right they're bringing in players but it's not really addressing the elephant in the room and and if we're going to be dealing in a world where darus Robinson is going to need some time off not off but I'm sorry is going to need some time due to injury I I would hope that this front office is going to do something to to kind of help us right to help us now granted the position that Darius Robinson plays we we got some pieces back there right with you know Bal Nicholls and then we got Justin Jones now granted they play more of that interior defensive tackle compared to your defensive end and what darus Robinson plays but I mean we need help everywhere right the whole defensive line if darus Robinson isn't there it's just one of those situations where you know it almost kind of feels like every other week we're hearing somebody else right somebody else getting hurt because BJ oari was probably about two or three weeks ago we were hoping that the Arizona Cardinal were going to do something uh they ended up working out Carl Lawson that didn't work out the reports that came out saying that the workout was not good but Carl Lawson signed with another team already so he impressed somebody it wasn't the Cardinals but but he impressed somebody so the defensive side of the ball is still very very unknown right now and it doesn't change it doesn't change the fact that you know what's going on right now obviously this is a huge blow for the Arizona Cardinals Darius Robinson a lot of excitement for him right as a first round pick 65 250 plus pound man in the defensive end position this guy was supposed to wreak havoc especially in week 1 versus Buffalo now yes the Silver Lining is that it is a calf injury and not a knee injury right that is a silver lining now we don't know exactly how long he's going to need this is the latest thing we ended up getting here from Josh weinfest is the fact that hopefully he's going to be okay that it's a that's a calf issue and not not a knee issue because obviously when you're dealing with knee issues you're dealing with more a severity time of him missing time right so if you're looking for any Silver Lining is that it is a calf injury but as of right now there has not been any updates but Jonathan Ganon did come out this morning he did come out this morning and actually said that um he's going to get Imaging today so maybe sometime during the stream we'll get any information about Darius Robinson probably probably but but I was really hoping the Arizona Cardinal were going to do something I I really was and with this news it only kind of expedites the idea of hey maybe right may maybe we can um but but it's just we're not I don't get it but but we're we're just not making any new moves right now um and it's a concern yes it absolutely is a concern but it's just kind of the real the reality that we're living in right now now let's move on over to the other breaking news if you do not know now you know all right here we go and now it's going to be about Z Jones this one right here is kind of shocking now I I heard that there was a legal issue going on with Z Jones I did hear that there was a legal issue going on with Z Jones but you know the moment that they dropped it I thought they were we were in the clear but apparently not because the NFL ended up doing their own investigation and they decided to suspend them for five games so let's talk about this shall we um and then we're going to be talking about a little bit more I'm just giving you the information that I know right now um and then we're going to be diving into exactly what the Cardinals can do what do we do now uh that type of stuff we'll wait to the later part of the stream uh and then we'll get involved in the chat as well I appreciate you guys for being here by the way right now we got 60 people here um in uh a midday of Friday so I appreciate y'all for being here okay let's talk about this breaking news dropped probably about an hour and a half ago um Tom peliso and every Insider out there you can think of has has posted this already so it's confirmed it's confirmed that Z Jones will be missing time with the Arizona Cardinals won't be available for week one two three four and five he's suspended for five games so the original report came from Tom pisero where it says the NFL has suspended Cardinals Z Jones the first five games of the regular season for violating the personal conduct policy and then he retweets it with more information and he says this the Florida State Attorney office dropped a misdemeanor domestic battery charge against Z Jones in March when he was on the Jaguars but the NFL ran its own investigation which is standard and returned with the five game suspension so apparently there was an issue that ended up happening last year I believe if I if I could remember correctly this was done I think November of or October of 2023 he went through all the court systems all these different things um and in March it seems like it was dropped right the misdemeanor domestic battery charge was dropped but the NFL was like no no no wait wait wait just a second here ladies and gentlemen well we're still investigating on our own now it is standard right Per Tom pisero it's standard so it's not like one of these things where I'm like oh the Cardinals are getting you know uh you know short in the stick no no this is standard this is absolutely standard in terms of okay let the criminal justice do their own work right they need to investigate but we're still going to be doing what we need to do too now they found out that this is not acceptable because a five-game suspension is now being placed on Z Jones which is supposed to be our number four wide receiver so trouble in Paradise absolutely TR in Paradise indeed for the Arizona Cardinals where do we go from here that that's the biggest question that we're running into right now right where do we go from here now the Z Jones suspension we we we might know a little bit more information on this in terms of where do we go from here because we know it right it's already been nipped into the bud it's five games is this going to hurt the Arizona cardos of course of course z Jones was suppos to be number four wide receiver or at least a guy that's supposed to kind of swap back and forth maybe kind of split some time with Greg dorge maybe split some time on the outside just kind of really depending on a certain package but being the fact that Z Jones won't be here in five games it's a big blow it is because after Z Jones it's Chris Moore and we got a lot of other guys right that might not make the roster now with this we might see Zack Pascal make make the 53 right veteran we know he plays in the NFL but this opens up more spots or at least for the five weeks right because suspension he's not going to be able to do very much for the Cardinals at all there's nothing that Z Jones can do for the first five weeks absolutely a big blow now we all know as Cardinal fans number one number two number three right we we know that Marvin Michael Wilson Greg George those supposed to be our three guys but we can't we we can't sit here and lie and not say this is this is a big blow it absolutely is z Jones was supposed to give us that insurance policy in case anything happens we better hope nothing happens in the first five weeks let's just say that right and here's the crazy thing right here's the crazy thing we were trying so darn hard we were trying so darn hard to to make sure that everybody was what's the word we were trying so darn hard to make sure that everybody was bubble wrapped right but but now now we got these big big breaking news going on Darius getting hurt BJ oari getting hurt this is this is this is big big time players that are supposed to step up for the Arizona Cardinals this year and now now where does this land us right now where does this land us we got my guy Kevin in the chat what's up Kevin he says this kind of this is kind of like Hollywood Brown getting suspended by speeding it just feels like the Dark Cloud it feels like a dark cloud around our Arizona Cardinals where something needs to remind us that no you are the Arizona Cardinals get back to get back to the spot right get back down there that's what it feels like that's what it feels like will be will we be fine I think at the end of the day we will right we just better hope that there's no serious injuries to any of our top three wide receivers and I and I saw sobody in the comments say bubble wrap Marvin Harrison Jr honestly at this point bubble wrap Marvin Harrison Jr absolutely I agree because this this hurts this is a big deflation a Big E go punch to the to the Arizona Cardinal organization Dr Rob maybe a little bit more than Z Jones because we know right we know the Dr situation that we're living in right we know that there's a lot of unknown that comes around our defensive line he was supposed to be our savior I I know he's a rookie I get it he's he's a rookie but let's just hope we hear some news a little later on and I and I think we might because he was supposed to be getting Imaging done today let's just hope we get some news here pretty soon so at least ease us as Cardinal fans at least ease us right because right now we need to be eased what's up Jonathan appreciate the $2 donation absolutely appreciate this he says why doesn't why does this always happen to us that's how I feel too you're not alone Jonathan you're absolutely not alone this feels like a real occurring thing over and over again right we're literally a little over two weeks away from the start of the season two weeks we were doing everything we were supposed to do we said we're not playing any starters for the remaining games Darius Robinson wasn't playing Marvin Harrison Jr didn't play week two of preseason nothing's going to happen week three the biggest storyline we got going for us is who's going to be qb2 that's the biggest story line we got going for us and who's going to make the 53 and the 53 is probably going to be changed in in a week after release because the Cardinals you better bet your bottom dollar are going to go after some people that are getting cut in other organizations so just because he get 503 men roster is set doesn't mean that the Arizona Cardinals are going to keep it that way no but this is this is this is crazy this is this is crazy didn't they say it was a calf St I haven't heard anything personally um I don't know if you guys have heard anything personally but to me I'm waiting for the the the big guys right I'm waiting for the big guys like your Adam schfer your your Ian Rapaport those guys that report that those are the guys that I'm really kind of waiting for to to see if there's any news for Darius Robinson that's what I'm waiting for I haven't heard anything from any of those guys that there's been any updates pertaining to this Cardinal fans right now we're hanging at the edge of our seats we're hanging at the edge of our seats right now now Z Jones out does this mean somebody else gets an opportunity of course of course you you know who I'm really high on right you know there's a player that I I really really like and I probably talk about him in nauseum some people might feel the same way last year that they they probably feel this way you know who that is there's a wide receiver I really really like on this roster that I really want him to get an opportunity really would love for him to get the opportunity do you know who that is come on you know who that is Xavier Weaver Xavier Weaver let let's see what this young man can do right because when things like this happen another opportunity unfolds here for the Arizona Cardinals let's take it to the chat here uh what's up 23 he says if Marvin Harrison Jr or Kyler Murray I I don't want to say this I'm not even I'm sorry I'm not even gonna say this right now I'm not even gonna try to speak into this is crazy no I'm not even gonna I'm not going to mention either of those names in that that H that HW or I word I'm not going to do it I'm not going to jinx my team anymore that I already feel like like I feel like we're jinxed Weaver is good I agree Weaver Xavier Weaver I do like him too but but Weaver is the guy I'm talking about a lot of fans might come at me next year especially if he doesn't make the 53 but I really really really like him and this might open up an opportunity because that wide receiving that wide receiving core right now after the front three is very open is very very open right now and this Z Jones suspension is a big big big knock big big knock what's up Andrew he says to think that the round table already didn't respect our roster facts facts you know the one time I puff out my chest and and say things like oh we got this this this this this and this right and now we get this news right I I feel the same way brother I feel the same way if you do not know what my guy Andrew is talking about every Tuesday at 6 PM Arizona time we do an NFC west round table on the NFC West Roundtable YouTube channel make sure you check it out we go live every Tuesday to chop it up everything NFC West appreciate the uh uh the comment but you're right you're right and to think they already didn't respect this and now this right yeah big big blow absolutely a huge blow for the Arizona Cardinals Z Jones suspension he's going to be gone for five games Per Tom peliso and where does that put us let's look at the Arizona Cardinal schedule here real quick let's look at the Arizona Cardinal schedule I know the first three I remember that back to back to back I know the first three so we got the bills we got the Rams we got the Lions commanders and the 49ers okay so those are going to be the five weeks that we're going to be without Z Jones now obviously I I would rather it I'm not even gonna say that I was gonna say I would rather have this Z Jones than no honestly I would rather nobody get suspended you know what I mean I I feel like everybody is a viable option for the Cardinals um but this is kind of where where did that give me one second here we go this is the schedule that we're dealing with right now okay now that did not show up the way I wanted it to okay so he's going to be coming out on week six so that puts us at October 13th against the Packers so the bills the Rams the Lions the commanders and then the 49ers he will not be available he will be available October 13th versus the Packers I I mean that's a lot of time for anybody to shine you know what I mean like if there is another guy that steps up Z Xavier Weaver Chris Moore that that that's a lot of time I ain't gonna lie that's a lot of time five games is a long time in the NFL it really really is it really really is man this is absolutely not what the doctor ordered this is absolutely not what the doctor ordered at all big blow to the Arizona Cardinals absolutely huge blow to the Arizona Cardinals let's take it to the comments here let's see what you guys have to say here in the chat Andy says we can live without Jones we have other Talent that's fair I are both of these two breaking news I think the one that hurt me the most is probably going to be Darius Robinson I ain't gonna lie to you right I think Darius Robinson is more of a heartbreak than than the Z Jones true I can agree with that it still sucks it still sucks right now there is no updates on darus Robinson just FYI if you know you know there's there's no updates as of right now let's keep it with the comments here we go we got another Super Chat coming in here IL Dre what's up IL appreciate you thank you so very much for the $2 donation and he says this thank God for McBride and Wilkinson's uh tight end so you're saying good thank God for the tight ends well we got tip Ryman Higgins and and McBride I mean we got a solid roster we do we absolutely do we got a solid roster for sure we do we got a solid roster it's just things that we were trying to prevent from happening is now happening right what is our front office going to do to try to combat that that's the biggest question right now right that's the biggest question what are is what is our front office going to do to try to combat that because although we can say to ourselves that we got some pieces right in the defensive end position that can potentially replace I want to say replace but be the Band-Aid I guess let's put it that way be the Band-Aid for Darius Robinson right Dante Stills I like Dante Stills I think he a respectable year last year in 2023 it was a sixth round pick for the Cardinals and I think he did it pretty darn good I mean he was good he was good I mean I wouldn't hype him up like I hyped up Darius Robinson though right Cameron Thomas actually showed up very very well I I'll give Cameron Thomas that this man showed up very very well so we got some players that could potentially fill in the role if there is time that needs to to to wait right if there's time that darus Robinson needs then of course yeah I think we got we got we got some but here's the thing and I'm not trying to be negative Nancy or anything like that but here's here's the issue that we're dealing what if what if it's bigger right what if it's Huger then we're dealing with a different situation right we better hope we better hope that that it's it's it's something minor he was carded off off yesterday he was carded off from closed practice yesterday I don't know if that means anything I don't know if that means anything to you but but he was carded off yesterday so and and now Jonathan ganon's coming out and saying it's a c issue right I see where that can be I guess a breath of fresh air right because calav will take calav over KNE for sure here we go we got another Super Chat coming and let's go I I I we're changing this color we're not doing orange anymore I don't know why so we're doing it red now all right super Chatters thank you so very much for for providing super chats appreciate you guys for being here by the way we got Ivon Ivan what's up brother he says skill positions are deep I'm far more concerned with Darius in that dline he was the anchor and that's the crazy thing you're you're right 100% 100% when it comes down to it both of these informations that we got today right both of these the suspension and or the the Dr robob right so the suspension or Dr I agree with you darus Robinson is far more concerning to me too 100% and that's why I think there's a lot of Cardinal fans on pins and needles right now waiting from some sort of sliver of Hope to say hey he just needs three weeks four weeks because then we can have Darius Robinson and still the first part of the season but right now the unknown is what scares everybody it's the known right now that scares everybody but I agree with you yeah I I don't think you're wrong in this assessment because it's not just the skill positions you're not just talking about wide receivers you're talking about running backs you're talking about tight ends I'm right there with you I think the Cardinals have a very very solid Weaponry people outside the bird game probably don't feel that way but we do and that's all that matters and that's all that matters Trey McBride come on now who else do we got James Conor in the running back come on now that's fantastic it's fantastic and then the wide receiving core with Marvin Harrison Jr is an absolute plus right now darus Robinson news 100% agree with you is far worse than Z Jones facts but but I would would rather keep all my guys you know I would rather none of this information pop up I I I would rather none of this information pop up uh let's keep it with the comments here I appreciate y'all for being here right now we got over a hundred people if you guys are just joining in appreciate you all for being here by the way if you can do me a huge favor smack up that like button right now we're chilling with 36 likes with over a 100 people up in the chat let's see if we can get to 30 let's see if we can get over I'm sorry not 30 let's see if we get to 50 likes appreciate y'all for being here by the way uh we got my guy in the chat saying I'd be fine if we trade Buddha I don't agree I don't agree personally if this season goes sideways then come back to me at the trade deadline right now Cardinal fans and this offense offensive pieces seem to be pretty pretty excited about what we can accomplish this year now like I said if this goes s if this season goes sideways then come back to me because he still might be one of the most valuable person in terms of assets for the Cardinals he might very well be let's take a real quick commercial break for our sponsor bet Us Michael Vic ATB catch an incredible 125% sign up bonus on your first three deposits plus 10% gamblers Insurance bet us my online sports book and casino another shout out here to B us appreciate you um yeah we're going to keep this going thank you everybody for being here by the way another huge shout out here to bet us link is in the description below if you do want to play along we're going to be uh propping it up all season long so I appreciate yall for being here let's go with Andrew with another Super Chat Andrew appreciate you man thank you so very much for the $2 donation and he says this smack the like button if you love the cards d there you go appreciate all right we hit our 50 like goal thank you so very much everybody appreciate y'all um but yeah this is going to be a very interesting season to start and we're going to start this season is starting here soon a lot of people seem to forget but like it's over a little over two weeks we play on Sunday September the e8th like this is coming soon I don't think people are quite 100% realiz ing that that how soon the Cardinals are going to play here pretty soon it's little over two weeks once we hit Sunday of this week in two days there's literally two weeks there's literally two weeks away from football and that's Cardinals versus Bills gotta wake up y'all there's there's some Cardinal fans out there that are not even in in football mode right now this is big news absolutely big news what's up Dez with another Super Chat $2 Dono appreciate you he says t we'll do great I love the optimism um but for the new people that are just joining in we do got some breaking news that dropped earlier today pertaining to the Arizona Cardinals let me do a real quick recap for the new people that are in the chat let's go ahead and cue the breaking news all right so another quick recap for the people that just joined thank you so very much we do got some terrible news for for the Cardinals just just overall uh we got not these I apologize uh here we go darus Robinson uh was hurt yesterday from the closed uh portion of the practice uh Jonathan gon was not pleased with the media at all darus Rob uh yeah Jonathan Ganon was not pleased with the media at all he almost kind of scolded him in the last press conference this is actually kind of funny to see uh but yes Daris Robinson is hurt it's a calf issue not a knee issue but he is going through Imaging today um and let me just do a real quick kind of search through the x/ Twitter world to see if there's anything posted about the Arizona Cardinals and of course nothing with darus Robinson so far so the latest update that we have um is from Josh weinfest and it's just optimism more than anything right it doesn't really tell us very much but optimism and it says this in other Cardinal news A source told me that Cardinal rookie defensive lineman darus Robinson is hopefully going to be okay Jonathan Ganon earlier said today that the Robinson suffered a calf injury during the closed portion of practice yesterday so there's that right now like I said a little earlier if it doesn't give you very much I mean this is all we kind of have so it's it is what it is at this very moment now let's move on over to the Z Jones situation um in the Z Jones situation is the fact that he suspended uh Z Jones is suspended for five games and uh there's some Cardinal fans out there that do feel like we'll be fine um I think we will be once we kind of get accustom it's just obviously I would rather not go through this obviously right but Z Jones is suspended for five games uh due to violating personal cont policy um and at the top of Tom piso's report it says uh the Florida State attorney's office dropped a misdemeanor domestic battery charge against Z Jones in March when he was on the Jaguars but the NFL ran its own investigation which is standard and returned with a five game suspension so if you do not know now you know for the people that are joining late two big breaking Bombshells dropped earlier today about Z Jones potentially our number four wide receiver and then darus Robinson rookie standout first rounder that is injured so a lot to take in a lot to take in right now um we are just all going through the motions right now I think we're all just therapy sessioning it up as a very at this very moment let's take it to the comments and let's see what you guys have to say we got my guy uh Jim what's up Jim appreciate yall for being here he says we'll be fine didn't need Jones I mean I don't know about that I mean I think we'll be fine but I think having Jones on this roster is better than not you know what I mean I would rather have the depth because here's the thing we don't know if Michael Wilson's going to be able to stay healthy right Michael Wilson although a lot of people are excited about Michael Wilson and his potential and what he can be wide receiver too for the Arizona Cardinal right I think we all can agree that that is going to be a big big big focal point for the Cardinals but Michael Wilson hasn't been able to stay healthy in college he hasn't been able to stay healthy in the NFL so I think the optimism is there and I love it right but I think having him in the roster is a lot better than not I I get you're looking on this on and the positive side of thing but depth is what he was and I think he was a really good depth piece for the Arizona Cardinals really really good depth piece because let's call it like it is it's the Marvin Harrison Jr and Michael Wilson Greg dor show right that's what it is and and that's what it's going to be it's going to be those three guys not having them there hurts it does let's go with big bird what's up big bird he says he's good because uh he's a three position guy and can give us breaks individual players when needed exactly right 100% that's the way I felt about it too is the fact that the Arizona Cardinals were in a much better position with him on the roster than not I feel like we didn't need him is kind of uh it's kind of harsh it's in my opinion um but but I get where you're coming from you're coming from a positive standpoint that will be fine so I respect that uh but I do think that he's better on a roster than not um because as of right now the Arizona Cardinals in terms of like outside the top three guys we're rolling with Chris Moore Zack Pascal Andre pachelli dalen Baldwin um ton Palmer Xavier Weaver which I really like Xavier Weaver I really do but I would honestly obviously have him make the 53 and and have him continue develop because I I I think he could be a very good wide receiver for the Arizona Cardinals I really do I think Xavier Weaver is that um yes the de yes Dr robob news absolutely is brutal 100% agree with you 100% agree with you let's see if there's any news updates pertaining to drub still nothing still nothing right now we might we might need to drop a video later on especially if it's crazy crazy news um we don't know exactly where it is the biggest highlight that we got going for us right now is the fact that it's not a knee injury and the fact that it is a calf injury right that that's the biggest thing we got going for us right now is that it's a calf injury and not a knee injury so we wait so all we can do right now is we wait um and I do feel the same way you guys feel in the chat that darus Robinson news is a bigger blow than Z Jones I agree and I think because we know we know already what the result of Z Jones are right let's now try to start establishing what we can do to fix it we don't know what daryus Robinson's going to have we don't know that's the scary part we we don't know how long he's going to need is it going to be full season it's going to be half the season it's going to be four games three games two games one game is it going to be available in week one we don't know the unknown I think is is the worst scary part right now for Dr robob and obviously would we would rather have him on the field than not right we would rather have him on the field than not yeah big blow big blow um let's see here what's up de de says when I first heard about D Rob's injury I thought it was a joke I think I'm even still in denial I mean you're not alone there Dez you're not alone you're not alone um I originally heard it yesterday I originally heard it yesterday but I was like let me wait let me wait to see what comes about this right now like I said earlier Jonathan gon was not impressed he was not impressed with with media or at least some of them right that that LE that let this leak come out in close in close practice because per their policy if it's a closed practice you can't report anything somebody reported it somebody leaked it that darus Robinson was carded off and of course everybody feared for the worse I mean rightfully so if you're carded off of course scary thing but now that it's a calf issue or calf injury I think Cardinal fans or at least some of them would rather take that than a knee than a knee injury right obviously none we would rather take no injuries that that that's what we want no injuries but because we're dealing with what we're dealing with we would rather take the calf because I it can very well be something he can come back sometime this year but we'll see we'll see what happens what's up big bird says mike do you think this pushes Monty to try a little harder at acquiring an edge rusher we know he's reached out but maybe he's willing to spend money now I hope so I hope so one thing that that I will always be honest with you guys one thing that I will always be honest with you guys is that yes I I I'm not going to say I started the whole let Monty cook I'm not gonna say here it start right like Chef Monty I'm not gonna sit here and say say I started it but I I was a big advocate in terms of being a big big fan of what he done in terms of the draft so far we haven't seen Monty Austin for be as aggressive as I would like him to now like I said I'm not expecting him to come out here and try to get Hassan if that happens then dang that happens and obviously we'll take that I'm not expecting that but I am expecting if we have a big issue like we're having with right now Dr down BJ oari going down these are some serious big needs that need to be addressed so to answer your question I would hope so because we talked about this on on a prior stream do you feel like the Arizona Cardinals Edge position if they were in a better position do you feel like if we had a premier pass rusher or even a guy that will get you 8 nine 10 stocks a season maybe not 15 plus or 13 plus but a guy that can get you seven eight nine sacks do you think those guys are crucial to giving you one or two more wins in a season right what are your guys's thoughts in the chat do you think a a good pass rusher can get you one or two more wins in a season and the short answer is yes it is yes they can they can get you one or two more games one in a season if you have good pass rush right whether it's the interior or on the edge the answer is yes why were not attempting to bring in guys is it is is beyond me I I I don't know right but this is definitely something that we're going to be following throughout the entirety of the season because I almost promise you if he still doesn't do anything this is going to be a reoccurring question why haven't you addressed what we've all been talking about about because I'm the first one that says I love montia Force drafts I think he's actually setting us up for the future right in terms of the players that he's drafting he's setting us up very very well but in free agency it's all right his his trading skills it's okay right and I mean players not not drafting I'm not talking about trading draft picks I'm talking about trading for players we haven't seen anything yet so I would hope hope that the Arizona Cardinals will put themselves in a position to potentially bring in somebody right Chicago just made a move did did you guys not Chicago just made a move I think they they they traded for what's his name um they traded from somebody in the Seahawks and his name is just completely skipping my mind right now let me see if I could find it um but they just traded for for somebody oh here we go Daryl Taylor right I mean why why can't we do that you know what I mean I get Hassan reic might be expensive I get that right I get that but we're talking about a Chicago Bears team that has a rookie quarter back and it's it's trying everything they possibly can they traded at sixth round pick I mean I would take this a sixth round pick can get you a guy that has 21.5 sacks 89 pressures 28 stop uh stop uh run stops five Force fumbles in the Seahawks and huge shout out here to PFF Chicago Bears because they're the one who actually has these stats I would take that and and I know see some people in the chat say who is that I agree with you too I don't know who Daryl Taylor is you know what I mean but but the production's there he's actually having production instead the Cardinals are signing people that we have no idea who they are the Cardinals just signed a wide receiver from the UFL what what and this is before Z Jones maybe they already knew maybe that's why they brought him in right maybe that maybe that's why they brought him in but we're signing people from the UFL and I'm not trying to disrespect those guys from the UFL but we got we got some pretty big uh things to address so to answer your question in a very very long form yes I would hope that this lights the fire under Monty awen for absolutely so my question is where do we go from here front office knock knock knock we got two of the the two guys on our defensive line that was supposed to be staple points on this offense I get it we're in year or two of Jonathan Ganon doesn't mean we can just sit back and relax right there's still fans paying for these tickets for the Cardinals to win right there's still fans going to these State form Stadium expecting a competitive football team am I wrong or am I right there's still fans expecting the Arizona Cardinal to do something and we're kind of sitting back Darius Robinson probably missed a game we don't know how many games he's going to miss BJ oari done for the season these are Big crucial big crucial players that we were depending on to make a huge jump this year so I need our front office to wake up and the excuse of oh this is this is year two this is still rebuild well guess what there's plenty of teams that change in organization in one year there's plenty of teams that done it plenty of teams that do it you just got to be willing to bet on yourself that's it bet on yourself and take the risks to bring in people that are going to be able to fill in the void of BJ oari and or darus Robinson we don't know right now Yanik King gque is still a free agent facts he is Carl Lawson the Cardinals worked him out I was actually excited about that I wasn't excited about the potential signing him but I was excited about okay this front office is now starting to realize that hey we got a big hole let's feel it I was excited that we were active but now we're just signing people that I mean like I said before no disrespect but they're not going to move the needle they're not going to move the needle what I could say right now is the Cardinals truly feel a lot of faith where at least per Jonathan Ganon and you got to keep in mind Jonathan Ganon is not in a situation where he can flat out sign people right that's not his job now granted do does does Monty and Jonathan Ganon have meetings yes of course they do right I would hope Jonathan Ganon comes out and says hey I really like this player what do you think hopefully we don't know we're not privy to that information I hope that's going on in the background but who are we expected who are we expected to take over the Darius Robinson injury right it's GNA be probably Dante Stills Cameron Thomas those two TJ Carter the Arizona Cardinals just brought in I I don't I don't know who he is I'm sorry no disrespect 25 years old 64285 I don't really know him very much doesn't really have any stats in the NFL either for what it's worth so I would hope right now the biggest question is how long does he need how long does he need if it's two or three weeks from now that'll put us in a good position if it's four weeks okay we're probably dealing with he's going to miss a game or two if it's two months oof it's a lot of time but but it's reasonable we can roll with Dante Stills but the biggest question right now biggest question right now is how bad is this injury it's a calf issue Pur Johan Ganon and this is the latest thing that we have from Josh wein fiz and it and you know it doesn't really give us very much right it doesn't give us very much now I do see something here that and I'm not going to put out here but I mean it seems positive if darus Robinson's good then I think I think we can stop the Chicken Little you know what I mean and if you don't know what I'm talking we stop the whole chicken little oh my God those guys falling because we can live without Z Jones we can this is the bigger story Darius there is Rumblings right now that he's going to be fine we don't know what fine means we know fine doesn't mean full season so I guess we'll take that but right now I'm not going to officially say anything until one of the big guys come out here and you know what I mean by big guys Ian Rapaport Adam shefer those guys that's what I'm waiting for so here we are here we are ladies and gentlemen a lot of news dropped today man it's wonderful to be the Cardinal fan right it's wonderful to be a Cardinal fan I think we're just kind of used to the abuse we come back year after year we're used to the abuse oh my God hay maker that's why I feel I feel like we just my mind was in a funk I kid you not I was trying to hang out with my family a little earlier today I ended up getting some Starbucks uh my mind's in a funk this organization man it's probably going to be the death of me not going to lie it's probably going to be the death of me uh let me get to Dez what's up another Super Chat appreciate you man thank you for the $5 Dono he says lots of sports uh pants say this is now zavon Collins's time to step up and will more than likely be the key to the defense this year I can see that well I mean yeah I mean he he's he's the number one guy right now I am I confident not extremely but I have to be right because it's the decisions that the Arizona Cardinals are going to be rolling with am I confident not 100% I I would say I'm 45 I'm looking for a guy that's going to give us upwards of 10 sacks a year if zav gives us that then then we we got him until 2026 for really good steal but right now we're talking about a guy that came in playing the middle linebacker that was moved over to the edge and I think he he gave us some production last year right it's not like that he didn't he did and it's only another year under his belt playing that position so hopefully right that helps out but yeah it's it's it's zav Collins right now he's the guy that we're leaning on step up cuz we need you on on the other side Dennis GC Cameron Thomas Dante Stills a late round pick last year not in 2024 2023 of course so it's just it's a lot it's a lot to to take in right now it's a lot to take in username in the chat saying we should have traded for uh Matthew judon don't even get me started on Matthew judon the Cardinal should have done something and for the people out there saying oh we're we're not ready to compete you tell that to Kyler Murray Kyla Murray wants to win Cardinal fans we know we're no we're know we're not Super Bowl bound but like we said before a solid pass rusher can get you one or two more wins easily easily a solid pass rusher can give you that why it wasn't as important to outbid the Atlanta Falcons I don't know but they got him for for a third round pick they got him for a third round pick now granted he his age is up there he's older he needs a contract extension that's the reason why he went because he he he's dealing with a contract issue with the Patriots and from what I've heard the Cardinals reached out the Cardinals reached out to Matthew Jon's team and said what will it take they reached out to New England Patriots what will it take the Cardinals are in the market that's the truth the Cardinals are in the market for somebody is just I think Monty really really values draft picks I think he really really values draft picks and that's not a bad thing it's not a bad thing I'm not sitting here and say it's a bad it's not a bad thing but he really values draft picks a lot but here we are here we are for the people that are just joining thank you so very much for being here by the way if you could do me a huge favor smack up the like button we have over a 100 people we did Smash our 50 like goal we got 65 likes right now let's see if we can hit 75 by the time this stream ends and it's going to be ending here pretty soon but for the people that are just joining us right now we got some people already asking what is going on with Z Jones um if you don't know here you go Z Jones was uh suspended for five games Per Tom pisero suspended for uh first five games of the regular season for violating the personal conduct policy and there's that top portion as well from Tom peliso being the fact that the charges were dropped but the Cardinals did oh sorry the NFL did their own investigation and they found that still he needs to get a five game suspension so if you don't know now you know now um personal contact so basically if you read the top part it's a domestic battery charge against Z Jones and apparently this happened last November last October if I could this is the time when he was with the Jacksonville Jaguars so there was an issue that happened outside the field he went to court in March they dropped it it was a misdemeanor charge the NFL did their own investigation and they deemed them as having a five game suspension do you agree it's you know not our our call this is what the NFL deemed so that is the latest here on Z Jones we've already talked about what we feel about it what can the Arizona Cardinals do I think the biggest story is obviously Darius it's the bigger story but it's still a big blow I would say it's still a big blow so we're going to be closing up shop here I'm hoping that we get the Darius Robinson news soon with what I'm kind of hearing in the background some people are saying that it seems like he'll be fine but we don't know what fine means we don't know how long he needs we know that it's not a knee injury we know that it's not we know that it's a calf injury that's what we know that's it that's the extent so we're going to be following the storyline very very closely and hopefully hopefully we'll hear something here pretty soon pertaining to Darius Robinson let me give a huge shout out here to bet us if you're looking for a brand new sports book they do got the fastest payouts in the industry and right now they go got a sign up bonus 125% sign up bonus up to $2,000 on your first three deposits link is in the description below thank you everybody for tuning in as always we're going to be closing up shop in you better bet your bottom dollar I hope we get some news today about darus Robinson and finally get a timeline because that's what we're missing all right everybody appreciate y'all for tuning in as always have a great resta your day go-karts [Music]

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