Did Jonathan Gannon Make A MISTAKE Sitting Kyler Murray, Arizona Cardinals Starters In Preseason?

Intro did the Arizona Cardinals make a mistake puning on the preseason bow and who's trending up who's trending down for the cards now [Applause] [Music] there's some boys in this house there's some boys in this house welcome in it's the phnx Cardinals podcast live from Studio K presented by our friends at Circle K your Premier Arizona Cardinal podcast like And subscribe with a five star wherever you get your programming I'm joh venerable he Bo Brock in studio K Damon dog producer extraordinaire behind the mic how we liveing on this football Monday gentlemen I didn't know you were gonna have the we are gonna have Johnny the stallion remix phnx Cardinal style but beautiful we several blessings today on a PHX Cardinal football Monday it's that was Unreal W well we're kicking off a new week of phenomenal number one Arizona Cardinal podcast programming here on pH andx Cardinals a lot to discuss some to celebrate and then some questions gentlemen Damon Bo that we gotta ask here on a football Monday because you know we grinded hard in the studio we watched the Cardinals basically punt on another preseason game as it relates to playing not only their starters but a large majority of like notable players for this team have not participated yet I'm flipping around the tube on Sunday and the better part is Saturday and there's Brock pie and there's Patrick momes and there's everybody Under the Sun minus the LA Rams They're all playing within the landscape of the preseason and I wanted to start off today's show because again Johnny Ganon spoke about it Bo you were with him today in Tempe did the Arizona Cardinals are they making a mistake and putting too much pressure on themselves ahead of week one against Buffalo by not playing anybody in the preseason they are punting if you think that anybody of note is going to be playing come Sunday against the Denver Broncos I got news for you they're signing UFL usfl players right now today to fill out that roster for Sunday that should just give you an idea of what they're going to do yeah along with a roster cut nearly a week before the team has to cut down from 90 to 53 but it it is I I I feel a little uh jealous of other NFL teams they're getting their Christmas gifts early well we have to wait until the day up right and and that's tough is as a child who who wants to open up gifts with the rest of his friends we're a family that is uh we are digging in and we're and once Christmas morning comes we can open our gifts on opening day against the Buffalo Bills nothing before that none leading up to it hey this is your gift for Christmas so don't worry about it when the day comes or hey you can open this up on Christmas Eve none of those Shenanigans it's strictly opening up on Christmas morning which is the I like that to an extent that's good tra like tradition but at the same time you know talking to Jonathan Ganon today you know in particular like I asked about Darius Robinson you know how he kind of had his uniform on before kickoff and you know but we don't see him in that game it would have been his second game and as a pro as we saw his debut preseason week one look great Ganon said it's just because he had a ton of snaps in the in the joint practice also talked to Trey Benson today and Trey Benson was like that was like playing three games in just a matter of days that's how intense things were so you got to take in consideration at least who wasn't available this preseason week two based on that they had two pretty intense practices with the Colts leading up to it that's fair and I think that that your rationale right there and Trey Benson's answer is the most logical response that I can think of as it relates to what's going on because again like people in the chat I I love this comment here the only thing you miss is the social media buzz from dunking on some tuos Hello B Nick right and the gross love affair that Sean pton and bonick feel like they're earning here winning meaningless games in the preseason awesome that you were seven of eight for 26 yards B knck but when the real games come it's ones V ones and here's what I'll say I don't love it from an optic standpoint I would like to see Kyer in this offense at full strength get a possession or two but that has happened whether we like it or not during practice right and they have seen enough however fair or not and I emphasize that fair or not this team will be judged if they start slow against Buffalo if they start slow against the LA Rams the Detroit Lions we have lined it up they have a Murderers Row schedule the first six to eight games Pro Bowl quarterback after Pro Bowl quarterback that this team is going to have to find a way to survive there it is Damon dog Buffalo La Detroit three playoff teams from last year Washington you best not lose to Cliff Kingsbury coming to town then San Francisco Green B the LA Chargers the Miami Dolphins six of your first eight were playoff teams last year and seven of eight have playoff odds if you count the Chargers to make the postseason in 2024 so again it just when you say it out loud and you see that piece and you see the breakdown of the schedule it's like wait a minute we're not playing anybody for three weeks we're not seeing the starting offense jail in you know in sync before week one one when this team has to go to Buffalo I'm all for it if it works and again this is very much our first year because last year they could barely field the team let's call it what it is their starting quarterback coincidentally just announced his retirement today when in fact he was retired during training camp last football so you can throw out that preseason that train from a year ago it didn't make any sense everybody got a mulligan this is who Jonathan ganon's Cardinals want to be in August and I am all for it big thumbs up from Johnny boy if it works Buffalo right it's 21 nothing middle of the second quarter people are G to be pissed in the chat people are gonna be in their seats no I do agree with that and you mentioned Washington and not it's unacceptable to lose to Cliffy boy who's up to his own tricks his old tricks as we saw today and we'll get into it a little bit later but you know we used to always say like this organization especially under Kingsbury and kind it went against the grain so many times yeah and it's fine to be unique and strange but if you're winning right because then it's just like it's colorful but then if if you're losing if you're four and 13 back-to-back Seasons you're like okay well if it doesn't work if it doesn't have some method to the madness then it's not worth it then go back to the drawing board and I think that Jonathan Ganon is always trying to tweak how he gets his team prepared it's all about the process and you know he joked at the end of last season like after his first season like did he learn anything he's like yeah I might have I might have just learned that I want to burn it all to the ground and start fresh and you know I think he took some of the concepts that worked and then some of the stuff that didn't and then and things that he learned along the way and and put it in place going into his second offseason and now training camp and preseason and they feel pretty confident that they put pretty good uh just process in place um and I think you know like is this what it's always going to look like under Jonathan Ganon the preseason where you just you just you're never going to see any starters I don't necessarily think so like if they do line up another rock solid like team to Joint practice with you can probably bet that the starters aren't going to play at least that week and the number one concern or focus and Z Jones kind of revealed this is that the starters get to week one as healthy as possible it felt like you know they talk about Jonathan G has the five buckets and health is one of them and it seems like that one is is is is emphasized as much as possible right now you can sell me on there's continuity and um there's been repetition Kyler Murray knows what he's doing tryy bride Michael Wilson they know the role right but like I don't care if they're a veteran or not like Evan Brown's never started a game for this franchise Jonah Williams hasn't played right tackle in a hot minute like I I think the Arizona C Cardinals could benefit from let's see ma Wilson play the little inside linebacker under JG which is going to be different from playing in Cleveland and New England right I I just you can mix it up without saying oh yeah like we're not we're gonna sit everybody it's it's alarming to me when we were watching Saturday night and it's like not only were the ones not playing the large majority of the twos were not playing like outside of they had to play their twos on the offensive line because who who do you throw out there in that instance but like defensively I am shocked with the lack of you know notables that are out there because again as we're reminded time and time again this defense does not have household names this defense is in literate with pro bowlers they've got a lot of young players I would love to see their ability to gel together and if that's happening it better be over the course of practice from the past six weeks awesome but I I guess my push back is you know Shawn McVey can do things that other coaches can't because he's buil up the most Equity I can imagine from any young coach in NFL history he's going to the Hall of Fame he's won a Super Bowl he'll probably get to another they've been in the playoffs every year but two since he's taken over I I think that if you're JG hate this because he's our boy he's a friend of this podcast you're just you're leaving yourself open to criticism and he knows that that's the byproduct of of coaching and he would not be doing this which is this is his decision this is not an OS for decision Ganon controls this once the 53 is decided he controls who plays and when he wouldn't be doing this if he didn't feel like it was the best interest of his team so who am I to sit up here and question it but everybody yourself included Craig Morgan who's GNA be in attendance at the Buffalo Bills away game is gonna have to sit in that press room if they look slow to start yeah against Buffalo and say do you regret not playing anybody in the preseason yeah it's putting a ton of accountability on the coaching staff and the players to get their work done behind the scenes right during training camp during practices leading up to Buffalo because yeah if they do come out and it looks like 2022 where the Cardinals fell flat against the Kansas City Chiefs and just an absolute just beat down of Epic Proportion to open a season uh you know then then yeah you gotta you got to answer a lot of tough questions and and deservedly so but you know there's a big difference right do you trust the people behind the scenes that that they are putting in the work and that they are going to be prepared and I I also think like you have to really look at this organization and what they value like I know like and Rapaport had the uh the scoop on Dennis Daly getting released and I'm sure that's via his representation getting the word out there that Dennis da were looking for work but for the most part big moves don't sneak out of that organization right it doesn't they don't do anything that doesn't benefit them winning football games and when you look at like the preseason like they just view the games and the like this dress rehearsal the first team offense or defense going out there and getting some reps they feel like they can find those and create those that atmosphere on their own without putting people In Harm's Way without showing anything schematically and just putting themselves in the best way with the most like cloak of uh like the Buffalo Bills not understanding like what they're going to see from this team uh on on week one and having to adjust for it on the fly like they don't do anything they're not going to put anything out there and they have full power over it that is going to hurt them in the long run or in the even in in the short term I think that they they don't value they don't see any value in it eventually too like and maybe this is unique to this off season because they how many young players have they added to their team and so let's let's let this rookie class shine let's let all these young players from round two and onward get a bunch of the snaps I like that mindset because again like on the flip side if I play the Counterpoint the people who are making big time money take care of your [ __ ] before week one I don't I don't want to hear about a preseason necessary for a lot of these guys but on the flip side it's important for Max Melton and tip Ryman and Isaiah Adams and Taylor demerson to be out there and competing so I'm all for that that now would I sacrifice a possession or two from our starters I would it's not the approach I would take but again we we've got a lot of time to decipher it here is what I'm optimistic about the first two picks of the Arizona Cardinals draft appear to be home runs by the mere fact that they're not playing in the preseason at all like they're they're impact starters instantly and I know that was not a high bar to climb for some with this Aros on a cardinal roster we already know what we expect from Marv and he absolutely obliterated the Colts defensive backs during practice last week with my co-host and my producer were there live but Darius Robinson now basically being told you're good you don't need to play in this preseason game Darius like I know he may not be a starter on week one which means nothing Blau Nichols can go out there for a play and here comes Big D Robinson Darius Robinson is going to end the year as your best defensive lineman book it right it's very bold that's a very bold take the 27th overall pick is gonna be a good football player Damon do we have the it's not always been the case with this team now come on now with Jonathan Ganon I'd asked him you know was was it you know Darius Robinson and the work that he put in was it a testament to him not playing in the preseason game and he basically corrected me on this one and uh oh actually you know what I didn't send that to you my bad you're probably like what the hell are you talking about but B you know it what I said earlier is he put here's a guy that played a lot of snaps in those two joint practices against the Colts going against guys that are gonna play a lot of snaps for the Colts including their first team uh offense and then like something uh stuck out to me that Baldi told us in his breakdown at Darius Robinson is like we don't know how his body is going to respond to playing 17 games for the first time and one thing is like we hear Marv talk about preparing for the rookie wall but then you got these trench players where it's a whole different beast and like you see even like when the Arizona Cardinals are going up against each other and you're not really tackling but if you've got like Darius Robinson coming out of the defensive line and going up against a tackle or a guard and just how his head's getting snapped back like each and every rep you're taking I'm sure it's got to take a toll and and getting that guy who's going to play a significant snap load in his rookie seon seon I'm sure they're they're taking an account for that absolutely and the the the pressure that's going to be put on Darius is tenfold that he faced in in the SEC and so you want to try to pick your spots with these line of scrimmage players so I'm I'm all for that like Darius Robinson can be grandfathered in especially after that first preseason game when the guy started right with the ones and he was instantly your best player defensively and then they quickly took him out it's like we've seen enough we're good and that's totally fine but emphasis on he got a possession or two he played in the preseason right I I have no idea what Jonah Williams looks like as a member of the Arizona Cardinals he is in Witness Protection Program until week one I have not seen him play a snap and I say that tongue and- cheek I saw him at the Red and White scrimmage we've seen him in practice but like that was their Marquee free agent signing I have not seen him play same with Mack Wilson who got a three-year contract Justin Jones got a three-year contract I just think it's kind of odd that these guys who made big money and I'm not talking about buen Baker's made big money buha Baker doesn't need to play in the preseason James Conor has been a member of this franchise you keep James Conor in the garage until it's time to take the Corvette out the rest of these guys I mean I probably want to get them integrated a little bit but clearly it's a difference in philosophy and if it works they're going to look like Geniuses if Kyler Murray plays 17 games I will come on this podcast and I will say Jonathan Ganon you're right I'm sorry I ever doubted you but it is it is strange to look around the NFL landscape and see every other team and I'm not just talking about the starting quarterbacks but like most of their first team has seen some kind of action Cardinals aren't playing anybody they are actively telling you we do not value the preseason by and large outside of making some decisions on the bottom end of our roster yeah I mean you want to go you want to see something cool like Kyler Murray throw behind the back pass like that my life it'd be awesome right uh but it'd be a good trailer to the 2024 season absolutely but you know I I see somebody push back was it Arizona animal or U Arizona TV animal TV was the is it the yeah chat name um saying schematically we just look at the tape from last year it's like no no no you got different you got different actors playing roles here like Marvin Harrison Jr is a far superior uh you know EX reer receiver than whoever was in that position last year um and and you know addition to kind of bolster the Run game a little bit and obviously Kyler Murray going to the kind of the drawing table with through petting and saying hey I like this but I don't like this let's put this in here and this is where I feel most comfortable with these looks um I mean why why would you want to reveal any of that uh for games that don't matter so yeah um I think that I mean we I saw a stat today that the Rams have played 98% of their offensive snaps in the preseason and 11 personnel they just AR any personal packages changes at all so it's just like people have different ways of kind of playing things tight to the V while also evaluating you know the players that they that are vying for roster spots and and man do the Arizona Cardinals have a ton of them and you know look at the snap counts and who's been playing a lot you'll see who's buying for a job on this team and who has their roster spot you know pretty much solidified boy what a banger preview we're doing for our coverage Sunday of the Denver Broncos Arizona Cardinals preseason game three but we're fired up to talk about that because show baby that's what it's all about it's the bow show on Sunday there are decisions the the real B the bo Brocks not the bow nix's uh there are decisions to be made with this roster and um again not everything has been put to bed yet and that brings us into trending up trending down but before we talk about who's trending up and who's trending down for the Arizona Cardinals let's talk about our friends at bet 365 of course using the bonus code PHX 365 at sign up you can dabble on the line if you want if you're interested in dabbling on the last preseason slate of the year until our uh football Lords bless us with it next August again dabble with our friends at bet 365 but in all seriousness they've got um over unders still popping off everybody and their mom's telling me this morning you 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that you can kind of uh I guess give a sigh of relief is that it's not just Jonathan Ganon spitballing in his office and just saying hey uh what do you want to do with the starters in preseason and somebody's like ah we should sit him I think we should play him he's like say let's flip a coin and just see what comes up and then we'll make we'll just go off of that no I mean like they Deep dive this thing and they make sure and and feel like they put in place the correct process that's going to benefit the team the best and like they say it's Case by case for each player but we're kind of starting to see like you know there's a different case for people who are full-fledged starters on this team and they're going to play you know heavy snap loads and they're going to be you know high volume backup and then there are guys that are fighting for for rosters spots and you know I think that when they geared up their practice schedule you had the low Tempo day you had the medium Tempo the high Tempo and they based all that off of what they you know they conducted and and kind of figured out as the best path for this team leading into the regular season last year they they managed to have Joshua dos come off cold albeit after preseason with another team and complete over 70% of his throws against the commanders week one so it's not nothing um and again I I I trust JG uh we're going to keep a close eye on it and I can't wait to see who plays on Sunday uh we'll play a little game we do it every Monday during the regular season and the preseason it's trending up trending down who's making their Mark with the Arizona Cardinals we haven't had much time to chat Bo since the dust settled on Saturday night but uh some Trending Up players helped themselves let's turn to trending up for this week here's our list of three players and two of of them we got to talk to today Cameron Thomas in the pass rush room he saw him kind of kick inside too where he was able to pull off a sack one of two sacks for the third year player out of San Diego State cam Thomas and then Trey Benson who had a really really impressive day playing mostly just you know some of the first half nine carries 43 yards got to talk to Trey got some insights takeways from his performance and then Krell Clark who forced a fumble um that I think you know making his case to uh grab a roster spot on the final 53 week from tomorrow yeah big fan of Trey Benson what we saw on display and I think more confidence running behind this second team unit I I can't wait to see what he does as I tweeted it out with the ones with the Elda FR Hol will Hernandez and Paris Johnson Jr and then again like kro Clark had a nice day on Saturday lowkey under the radar tackled well I hope there's a place for ke TR on this roster it's good to see him healthy again he's been active you've mentioned mention this a multitude of times Cardinals are going to have a lot of tough decisions but maybe no more so than at the DB spot they're going to be multiple guys you know that are that are going to go out there and they're going to have to really perform for their job and their security on this roster like I think you could make a case right now KRA Clark is a better corner right now than Elijah Jones but Elijah Jones was the top 100 pick this year who's going to get the benefit of the doubt come cutdown time so there's going to be some interesting conversations that have to be had if your money for and Jonathan Ganon but I mean KR Clark after being forced to run with the ones and twos last year he's in a good role now as a special teamer a rotational DB and uh you know after getting to know him so much last year I would hate to see him just kind of cut loose but could be the byproduct B of how loaded this position group is with new athletes yeah they love his makeup right and then you know what he's up against is is being a six round pick maybe a little undiz but he's a guy that I I think they anticipate If he if he earns a spot can uh take a jump in year two whatever his role may be now Jonathan Ganon said something interesting today in regards to Darren hall because I was kind of pitting Darren Hall versus ke trell Clark and that kind of becomes a little tough when you're just going player for player uh on the roster and who's gonna make the 53 where Ganon expressed that he sees Darren hallmore as kind of a nickel safety okay hybrid where I see keyr Clark is a corner and then he he fits in the in the nickel and can play slot so I they're kind of different players okay let's count let's count the safeties that how many you think they'll keep and the names and then let's do the same thing with the quarterback group so starting with the safeties booted Jaylen rabbits and Darren hall there's four is that the four they carry right I mean is is does Darren Hall beat out Andre sasher I think so okay with the he's had a really impressive preseason okay and I don't I don't disagree with in like would the would the team would they covet more of a veteran presence or a youthful guy who's just flying around and I agree like Darren Hall he's he's made his case so well over whether it's training camp practices joint practices and two preseason games now Darren Hall has been all over the place so there's your four safeties again if if ganon's calling him out by today and you see him jump off the screen um to me it's an easy decision uh and a lot of people are asking did he play in the XFL I don't I don't remember uh I know he he signed a a Futures Contract with the Cardinals he he was once upon a time with I think the Colts and maybe the Atlanta Falcons but I mean he's only he's only 24 years old and I think Buddha and Jaylen are older players especially Buddha I think you want to flush that position group with young athletes let's look at cornerback now yeah and we know who the major players are Shawn Murphy bunting Garrett Williams Max Melton easy decisions there one two three then I think is a third round pick he's not he's not getting cut Starling Thomas has made this team there's five are they gonna carry six yeah I think ke Char Clark could play that play that role especially if he's gonna play teams and and I don't think like six is an egregious amount and you're not really pushing pushing the the limits there um I mean it's it's not a it's not a great place it's not an enviable position to be in like the six Corner when you've got guys who are way ahead of you as far as who's going to actually see the field yeah um so he's going to have to excel in a different spot and that's got to be like special team so yeah I mean so that that would be 10 DBS and that's about on par with with what most NFL rosters carry yep and again like guys like Jaden Davis who we've had an opportunity to to cover an interview here on the show like practice squad eligible work your way up there's a lot of opportunity for growth there but that's a that's a young defensive back group outside of Buddha Baker who is approaching 30 everybody else is like the average age of that group you're looking at 24 25 years old yeah Steve K would want to get like a 33 year old safety on a one-year deal probably in there yeah feel comfortable Hamilton get him back here and raise the the age range up about 10 years there but yeah Cameron Thomas showing life that trending up this week was easy let's I do want to touch on real quick we didn't talk too much let's give Cameron Thomas flowers I know did in the post game but you know I he had he didn't have any sacks last year right he had shocking to me yeah he had a and and you and I I think it was one of the guys we were wrong about going into the season you know he's he opens the season he's in the right place the right time falls on the football pushes it in the endzone scoop and score against Washington and then never heard of again it's like your guy Dan in in the preseason game the other on Saturday didn't see I didn't know where he was I was concerned him but uh yeah Cameron Thomas like we didn't get anything as far as pressure on on opposing quarterbacks where that's all we really saw from him and from different spots and you know I talked to him like first question I asked him today was like look you you went from San Diego State to Vance Joseph's defense to Nick RS Jonathan ganon's defense how how much better are you feeling with that continuity having the same play caller for the first time in your young career like it's making a huge difference like he's just able to do what he he needs to do and he said that one of the things that Ganon kind of um asked him to do this off season was focus on you know throw his fast ball more often and it's really kind of I think his in his repertoire his fastball is getting after quarterbacks so I think that they're just asking him to kind of narrow his focus on you know putting pressure on opposing QBs there a possibility I know we've talked about the weight loss and the weight gain and and having to remake his body a couple times yeah is there is there a possibility he just I'm not saying he was out of shape maybe he was underweight is there a possibility he was not in a position to play the position they needed him to last year based on his physical stature well yeah I mean last year was when he so I I had him confirm that today I said did you did you gain weight this offseason no I actually maintained my weight from last year the previous regime Vance Joseph cliff and and the the powers that be had him gain weight his first season so he he uh dropped that weight last year and now he's saying like uh now now he's getting to the point I'm sorry I I fudged it up the his rookie season for VJ he dropped weight and then he gained back last year and now he feels like he tweaked it he's toned up a little bit and he feels in a good spot with that extra 10 pounds on he's on the Christian Bale routine poor guy we need to make sure let's just keep him at one stop losing weight for roll like The Machinist to Batman yeah The Dark Knight then you know then he did that movie where he was the boxer come on we need to cam time it's just we need you at one weight and one weight only and I think maybe they're seeing the benefit of that now I don't want to overreact to one preseason game I think he's made this team though I mean especially with the situation with BJ o jalari here's what I can I can wrap my arms around and I'm not gonna be the person that sits here and dog on a player for being undrafted or they a late round pick however with that being said with all due respect I mean we remember covering that draft and this isn't disrespectful to cam Thomas this might be disrespectful to other people though okay I he was a what was largely considered a fringe second rounder solid third round pick by everybody and that means nothing now two years later but it tells me he had the ability to be a top 100 player he was the best player at that University albe a small school so think about that the small school jump of San die state to the NFL you're on one of the worst teams with one of the worst defensive coordinators in my opinion and now you you start all over a new scheme like maybe this is exactly what the Arizona Cardinals need I remember in 200 maybe seven I can't remember when it was exactly Bertram Barry was supposed to rush the passer for this team he got hurt I think it was berberry Calvin Pace has had been like a bust and wasn't very good he was a first round pick out of wake force and then they had a regime change and nobody thought it was kind of like reic last year in Arizona nobody expected anything I remember I wrote an article for for a former site I used to work for and I was like why is Hassan reck even around like can we can we move off of him and I remember the same thing was being said about Calvin pace and Calvin Pace had a really nice year when nobody was expecting it part laid that into a big contract with the Jets and then had like double digit sack seasons for the Jets maybe this is one of those instances where like Hassan like Calvin Pace maybe Cameron Thomas just needed an injury to bjo galari to say no I have this ability put me in positions I can get after the quarterback so I I want to see him do it again against Zack Wilson this weekend if if Zack Wilson does play or whomever they Trot out Q for the Broncos but I I'm not writing this off as nothing I've seen people do that online let's let's give it another week Mr Jay Johnny says with all due respect and the even the chat takes cover yeah everybody knows that what's coming next it's probably the most he's just gonna verbally spit in somebody's face after with all due respect no but I also saw I think it was bees that says Joe Douglas is is ready for he's he's all over cam Thomas and his his potential if that's what's happening if they're building up his value then Monty Aon Ford you you are a saint you are a God I don't think that's what's happening yeah here it is uh he's Joe Douglas's next Bryce Huff if you know you know Bryce Huff who had 10 sacks and limited opportunities last year partly into a big free agent deal look I mean when when you have injuries like this when when and a opportunity arises it's it's how guys make money in this leag you have to be able to take advantage of if you don't then then you go into kind of um you you just don't want you go into football purgatory and you you know onee vet minimums and try to make a roster and it's just a uphill climb at that point where I think Cameron Thomas is he's he he bought in obviously early on and that's why he's one of the few holdovers from the previous regime and he was willing to do whatever was asked of him last year and maybe he wasn't a scheme fit at first but they've they've found a role for a guy and and you get why like he has ability and now they just want to emphasize where his strengths are and and if he can do that W with you know playing time that maybe didn't exist with BJ o jari being healthy then then good for him and it it could benefit the Cardinals you and I make sure people understand this that are new to the show we're not blowing smoke like he was a when in when 2022 ended and this team had nothing to build on he was what we considered one of their few ascending players on the team yeah and we're like well [ __ ] he's GNA pop with JG he'll be a good complimentary piece to this defensive line and it was so bizarre to watch them play last year and he he have no impact yeah and again I have to attribute it because he works hard he's still around ma Sanders goodbye Isaiah Simmons get out of town he's still here along with zav Collins we know how they feel about zaven I am willing right now to give him the benefit of the doubt and say scheme fit took a year remake your body took a year the shambles of the defensive tackle group probably impacted him and he's getting run over by interior offensive line I think right now Cameron Thomas like this is an ascending player for this team once again I would you want to rotate him with Dennis gard and and zavin Collins week one I'm all for it put him and Darius Robinson out there he he looked unblockable all be it against twos on Saturday night it was not nothing in my opinion it it doesn't help you sleep at night but just you know don't kill the messenger but when you think about what the pass Russ rotation is and who who they legitimately could rely upon it's zav it's Dennis gek it's Xavier Thomas it's Cameron Thomas right now that's it the Thomas Bros I know those those are B andc options yeah those are B andc options but those are the ones that those are that's the quartet that needs to step up and and overproduce what their Pro projected you know production is supposed to be and we didn't talk about Xavier Thomas another sack on Saturday night looks I mean again has a ways to go I think early Downs run defense knowing where to be well talk about throwing your fast ball I mean we know what what it is if he just comes in and just throws smoke you know he's throwing 99 and it's like hey pen your ears back like get after a quarterback then then that's what you that's that's a role again this unit which I don't hate just needs one more veteran to stabilize the group that's it they need one guy who's had a double digit sack season that has a little bit of juice to help even it out when you Trending Down one more one more let's get into trending down following the preseason loss to the Colts and again a lot of folks that uh you guys probably assume would be on this list Desmond Ritter who had uh by and large one of the worst showings of the preseason thus far uh really tough second half after a bad first game for the Arizona Cardinals again I think SE Sunday is his last outing with the Club I expect him to be cut after the third preseason game I don't have that Source directly but he's been underwhelming I don't think the Cardinals would hesitate B to move off of him especially now with the Rond Del Mo return being unfortunately Nolan void for Atlanta you can't have this guy on your roster he's not presenting any kind of upside you either keep Clayton tune as your qb2 or you go out you claim somebody you sign a different quarterback they did it last year with dobs it can be done but you've given Ritter every opportunity from OTAs mini camp training camp preseason hey grasp it's just not a good fit you can just chalk that up if if somebody asks you if you're Bonnie o for Jonathan Ganon hey we brought a guy in it's a young guy with a lot of experience just not not a good fit for this team yeah and I go back to you know what the philosophy is on game day and you know what what would what role does Desmond Ritter play and it's like he's gonna hold a 53 man roster spot and is he going to be part of the you know 40 plus that that you know get a wear a jersey on game day like it just doesn't make sense the guy had not only a tough preseason performance six for 10 um just really wasn't able to move the ball with with him and quarterback with the offense has has led the Cardinals to just three points in two halves of football it just hasn't been productive and then you know he gets in a two-minute drill in the joint practices and first play he overthrows his receiver and hits the safety right between the numbers it's just it's been a brutal camp in in preseason for Ritter and I just don't know where is it like if where where's the upside where where's what's the point of of keeping him on the roster you know I saw Josh wein tweet out he talked to a source within the organization and you know they felt like maybe the quarterback the backup and I don't know how much I believe it this is is not even on the roster but maybe like a third quarterback like I don't see I don't see them keeping Ritter like I could see them changing somebody in for Ritter before the regular season I just don't see the point at now after seeing him perform uh throughout the preseason in training camp uh Christian Jones right now feels like a guy who needs a developmental year and again I don't want to knock a rookie but he I mean he had a tough night Saturday night and what makes it harder for Christian Jones is the rest of this rookie class has performed and performed relatively High I know Isaiah Adams has his es and Flow but if you look at a lot of the analytic breakdowns Adam's been a tremendous run blocker you look at his PFF grade like his physical tools are on display where Christian Jones is a tackle you got to be a little bit more refined so um I think his roster spot right now is tentative I think he still makes it at the end of the day but he's not going to be the swing tackle uh I think Kelvin be's in line to to take that job so Christian Jones really will just have to be a sponge this year uh have an opportunity to learn from a lot of good veterans I mean he's got three really good players ahead of him on the depth chart if he makes this team but again you just see the speed of the NFL compared to the Big 12 last year he's been in college for a long time there's an adjustment period that he's going through right now and unfortunately it was on full display on Saturday yeah and that's one of the main reasons that Monty Austin for each and every offseason now he's been at the Helm of the Cardinals been their their architect is he'll lock up some veterans on some team-friendly deals just so they have them in place that yeah they want to draft and develop if if some of these guys need a little bit more seasoning and Christian Jones is absolutely one of those guys uh when you start doing crunching the numbers it's it's you've got bars Johnson Jr as your starting left tackle you've got Jonah Williams as your starting right tackle and then you've got Beach as your swing and I think you have the luxury of that Trio of stashing a guy like Christian Jones because you want tackle depth and I think you want something a little bit more up side than Elijah Wilkinson and I know like some of you think I'm joking by saying that but yeah I mean that that's obvious and then like uh you know who else would be attack like an Austin Pleasants who's been kind of a journeyman early in his career like I think Christian Jones gets the benefit uh and like I think fifth round is probably the round where you know you're not necessarily guaranteed a roster spot you don't want to miss in on fifth round picks but um you know it it doesn't exactly just guarantee as spot in your first after your first training camp in preseason well we all like that pick I don't want to say everybody but we sat there late on day three and that was good value again I'm not bearing the kid yet he's got a chance to go out and compete on Sunday but like I like the value and again the rest of this rookie class good lord it's on fire Kudos namman Austin Ford which makes this decision very difficult is Victor D mcki going to make this team it looked like he had not one not two three opportunities to Zack quarterback on Saturday multiple look like scheme fits or scheme designs to free him up could not make the quarterback uncomfortable uh for Indianapolis couldn't finish and if I I understand you know if you're in an opportunity to play special teams Victor D mcki that's where most your values going to be you had four sacks last year but right now I mean in my opinion you've been passed up by Xavier Thomas I don't think that's a question and then Cameron Thomas just reinserted his name into the discussion on Saturday night so I think Victor D mcki Jesse Letta these guys that I mean Letta did have the strip sack that was nullified so uh I want to give him credit but do M right now if you're not sacking third stringers unblocked in a preseason game and that's what it was it was a third string QB for Indianapolis you're gonna tell me you're gonna sack Josh Allen in week one those are expectations we have for you no that's not realistic I know it's like it's it's tough when you see a guy get free he's home and he can't finish the play and you know in the NFL especially with d mcki the first sack he missed it it turned into an extended drive and turn into a touchdown and when you've got you know raised expectations sure that might be it's never fine right to to have Miss plays like that and I just don't think you know these these near sacks like at some point you know you are who you are in the NFL and in like the team might feel differently like I know Nick race and Jonathan ganet have a ton of respect for Victor D mcki like he's one of those guys and I know sometimes you feel like it's hyperbole but plays with violence they love the violence that D mcki plays with yeah obviously he's got a role on teams and stuff like that but when you have a a pass rush group or outside linebacker group where you need production from unique spots like you need guys who are going to produce at least at some point you know I know it's you're not going to get the consistent production that you're going to get from those lead guys that you look around the league that that are you know on in the top 10 in sacks and top 20 but you need a guy that can can get a quarterback on the ground and can finish plays I don't want to just go off of PFF grades for a week two preseason game because God help me I'm a sicko but Jesse Letta was the highest rated player the Cardinals had and had a team High 93.9 pass rush grade um Victor D mcki was a very mundane 56.6 rushing the 44 um again not the end all Beall but when it's that had a 44 and he was getting to the quarterback that's kind of crazy yeah again I think a lot of it he was unblocked a lot it was just like hey you just got to run at the guy and Tackle him and he couldn't do that uh you know we mentioned the Buffalo Bills come week one are the Buffalo Bills starting to show a little cracks in the foundation ahead of week one we're going to talk about that but before we do I want to talk to you about my guy coach Stark's home here on a phnx Cardinals Monday as many of you know coach Stark close friend of mine helped me buy my first one here in the East Valley with us what's that I mean he's close friends with the entire show I mean that's maybe acquaintances with you close friends of your boy friends of a friend I think we could say but in all seriousness he's the president of Coach Stark's homes is Chris Stark via the West USA realy was a high school basketball coach and educator for 20 plus years before real estate 12 years as a head varsity coach and what I got to know and have gotten to know about Chris is he values relationships with people right he's all about Once Upon a Time his players and now his relationships with his clients and again he's been winning just like as a coach best in the west three years in a row 2020 2021 2022 and he's an avid listener of this fine podcast here and he's worked with massive Cardinal fans massive Cardinal players like Frank Sanders Marte Jenkins on multiple occasions and he's in Buckey from Maricopa to Tucson he helped me in the East Valley he will fight for you to find your best fit but it does feel like rates are starting to go in the direction of a buyer so now's the perfect time just get on his radar and he is gonna go the extra mile from you he would come this is a little inside baseball from Buckeye to the East Valley on week nights on a dime to be able to show me a house my wife and I a house and it ended up securing the house of our dreams here in the East Valley so I'm telling you right now if you're in the market for a home with interest rates the lowest they've been since last year in 2023 you got to get a hold of Coach Stark's day he is going to help you out you can get in touch with him I'm gonna give everybody his phone number right now if you're thinking about it right just dip your toe in I promise he'll take care of you that's how I started I didn't know if I was buying or not it was the best decision I could have made the number 623 695 3929 or check them out websites fantastic coach starkhomes.com follow him on social coach Starks homes give Chris a call tell him you heard about him through of course phnx Cardinals he's gonna donate $1,200 of his commission to your closing costs because he's predicting the Cardinals guess what 12 games or more this year 12 game winning streak excuse me 12 game wins Total that's $1,200 in savings just for our friends here at phnx phnx Cardinals love to hear that I can't wait for the future Mr and Mrs Damon dog uh for Coach Stark to get them in their home their forever home it's going to be going to be unbelievable it's gonna bring there's not going to be a dry eye in the house you got me tearing up emotional stuff just thinking about it the future dog family it's gonna be gonna be something else um you know you talk about going from Buckeye to the East Valley probably racking up the fuel mileage there and uh you know that I'm sure coach Stark is a member of the Inner Circle he's got to taking advantage of Circle K's unbelievable gas prices pump prices how about 3.49 right now UNL it putting in your vehicle plus hey are you member of the Inner Circle you can save 25 cents per gallon on your first five Philips just by signing up for this free app this free membership then three cents after that then if you're a big baller like me Damon dog Johnny coach Stark you get that five cent Echelon and you're saving five cents per gallon on every pump uh of gas that you get 69 cents on any size froster or Polar Pop through the end of the summer September 3rd that remains uh one of the best deals around plus they got so many great deals in this app you can save 10 cents uh on fuel plus great stuff like Monster uh you get buy two get one free don't miss out on any deals become a member of the Inner Circle today don't delay go to 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more on that here in later days but again chop the number 18 collection become a Die Hard go phx.com Bo I love wearing the math tea and there's you know uh I've got lots of young nieces and nephews and they're just learning uh you know adding and subtracting and they're like 1 plus 18 equals 6 that ain't right I was like Common Core is lied to you is is a it is a lie and one plus 18 does equal six just watch each and every Sunday this casuals they don't know math oh I'm sorry I didn't know was talking to a a non-n knower of ball yeah I didn't know you hated ball yeah educ I like this one too by the way this you can find a locker it's PHX football t-shirt we have the best clothes we have the best shirts uh this the little podcast that could of the Fanboys uh AZ Moses 89 Super Chat 199 JV Mr with all due respect I can't wait to bust that out uh when it really calls for it uh AZ Moses 89 when somebody really deserves say hey he's a great human being but with all due respect get him off my team all due respect with all due respect there's the door yeah humanitarian with all due respect tip Ryman I need you to catch more than one pass for three years come on you not see some of the clips you not some of the clips where he just are we allowed to put tip Ryman just hey tip Ryman new Ben calling him a lawnmower today called tip Ryman a lawnmower he Trey Benson's sitting there he's sending tip Ryman clips from game film where he's just abusing Defenders but here's Johnny saying hey until you catch you know 50 balls for 800 yards you're dead to me that's right play tight end sir tight end is a dual threat position I can we just call him tip Ryman guard hey tip You're Gonna Play guard but it's actually gonna be a tight end guard combo but you're you're a six offensive lineman I'm okay with that that's fine that's what Dennis Dy played for him in the preseason last year it's like okay well instead of actually put six sixth offensive lineman out there actually a guy that can go maybe catch a pass if you need to Dennis Daly cut by the Arizona Cardinals today you that bow um but still Cardinals are in good shape injury-wise uh outside of BJ o jalori everybody knock on wood looks good ahead of week one can't say the same for our week one opponent those snarky little Buffalo Bills what's going on with the Buffalo Bills oh I'm playing receiver for them not quite but it might get to that point Damon dog let's see those bills injuries ahead of week one sounds Bills injuries piling up like newly acquired the Gemma free agency Curtis Samuel yes still playing football has a turf toe he's having trouble moving around Demar Hamlin starting safety he's weak to week and now multiple weeks that's a crazy sent himself yes it is it's pretty wild good for Demar uh Mitch trabis knee Marquez Valdez scandling neck he's out Mo he's not playing week one quit Morris shoulder so I count it three skill players that the Buffalo Bills likely are going to count on one way shape or form are maybe questionable if not out come week one for the Arizona Cardinals that includes their starting inside linebacker captain of their team he's out inde definitely if you're scoring at home let's go through the Buffalo Bills receiving core of course starting with second round pick Keon Coleman you would assume he's GNA start I saw him drop a pass over the weekend the rest of the group KH khil Shakir okay probably the best option yep Mack Hollands and KJ hammer and then potentially with the injury now to Curtis Samuel will Andy Isabella make the 53 man roster uh Lord done for other people ask that you do it for this podcast and let Andy Isabella suit up week one against the team that inexplicably drafted him ahead of the likes of DK metf Jos Allen said Keon Coleman quote has the best body control he's ever seen no that's a lie apparently he's never watched Marvin Harrison Jr ever play football the Buffalo Bills are on Pace to start a trio of receivers in Keon Coleman KJ hamler and khil Shakir that have a combined how about this dating back to last year a combined 51 yards receiving as a collective group of course none for Keon Coleman Shakir last year had 33 yards on four catches and then uh who's the last guy hamler had 18 yards last year that's their battery against mhj Greg dorch Michael Wilson it's like that Green Bay playoff game where Aaron Rogers had Jeff Janice as his top Receiver right I mean you can't count out QBs like Josh Allen and Aaron Rogers they they can they can put teams on their back but it it does make things tough for them and like I is it still six and a half is the spread still six and a half you guys I'll look it up right now you guys talk but uh I mean even if ktis Samuel is good to go is that does that strike fear in a Arizona Cardinal secondary I don't think it does I mean it does like does your focus on keeping Josh Allen at Bay and not going out making plays with his legs and putting the team on his back um even more important but like you should be able to get enough stops to put the ball in your your offense's hands to to win a football game they have not had a good preseason have the Buffalo Bills um they got r run over by the Chicago Bears they've been inconsistent they're going to try to win with Josh Allen running the football and they're they're tight ends they have good tight ends Dalton King K and then James Cook had a had a breakout year for them last year like if you're JG in company like it it's you're blind if you're not seeing what they're about to try to do week one run the football 45 50 times work off a play action but um you think you think like Shawn Murphy bunting Max Melton and Starling Thomas and they match up with Marvin Harrison Jr every practice and that Keon Coleman's gonna throw something at them that they haven't seen before still six and a half by the way but yes to answer your question no I think they're going to be have to play contained have to be smart that's where I I worry about Xavier Thomas getting lost in space because I mean look look what happened Saturday they let you know a bunch of backups for Indianapolis graned against their back CS go up and down the field a little bit so uh yeah I like the Cardinals chances week one I know a lot of people are going to call that a homer pick I think buffalo's defense pom poms in the house yeah get the pom poms out get the face paint red and white face paint I'm telling you right now Cardinals have all the Mojo they have all they have every incentive to go in there and win this game Shawn MC's on the hot seat they that that unit defensively has had turnover they've had injuries uh they are primed to be upset I wouldn't even take the six and a half I would just Hammer the money line money line what is it plus is it 230 it was more than that like 270 I think at one point w so we'll see Kye Murray Marv Michael Wilson Greg dorch Trey McBride versus whatever the hell we just listed and I like my chances with the with the Red Birds it's all about K1 though and it's not like they have a whole lot of um veteran leadership to to fall back on they they released a ton of those guys that have been part of the core of the bills run here where they've they've won you know the AFC what is it three four times in a row but if I asked you both it's so important we talked about it earlier for the Cardinals to get off to a fast start that receiving core we just named is not going to enable them to play from behind what they want to do is they want to get a lead and they want to grind the Cardinals out so if you're K you need points on the opening possession you need points and force the issue so that Allen turning the ball over he's forcing throws to Keon Coleman that's how the Cardinals are going to win that game if they play into the buffalo's hands it could be a long day but I mean they have every opportunity now six and a half is just an egregious line it's egregiously bad Cardinals are around plus 280 money line love it I love it Cardinals can score in my opinion on just about anybody in the NFL and I'm sorry buffalo's defense Daman you know this you said AFC East football it's very Hit or Miss especially early in the season it's good in November and December when they get their [ __ ] together but they can be beat in September they lose September games every year they're good they're good when it gets cold in their own stadium they're they're built for that but particularly last year I mean their off their defense kind of went with Matt Milano and he's not going to be playing week one so uh I mean I I think with he's one of their team captains they're they already lost about 10 team captains from last year I don't know it doesn't feel like they're going to have a lot of continuity out there feels like it's a fresh start I like the Cardinals to take him by surprise Jo Brady is their play caller like on the offensive side of football he fizzled out as quick as he got to Carolina uh he took over for Ken dorsy at some point last year I mean how about our new head of production Shane deach getting in here out of pocket right at of gates everybody congratulate Shane on the promotion we're excited about that I'm uncomfortable oops you want me to get HR on the line for you uh without the um attempt to open up a big can of worms I did want to point this out FanDuel put out maybe one of the most egregiously bad lists and again I thought we were tired List season but I guess not I love me some Patrick Peterson but this ain't it each NFL team's second goat second greatest player of all time and again you could have an argument for a lot of these guys let's just focus on the Cardinals here that's behind Larry Fitzgerald uh B Brock I'm giving you the floor Patrick Peterson y or is he the second greatest Cardinal ever it it is pretty wild to thing about I mean seven time proor correct wearing a Cardinal's uniform I know seven or eight yeah he reached It All Pro status uh but is the held in higher regard than like anias Williams no right Williams is in the Hall of Fame right he's already got his bust and can I uh but like I think Peterson makes can make a strong case for you I disagree I think this list is very much a a prisoner of the moment did Patrick Peterson make this list no I think some 18-year-old made this list somebody who's only been watching football for you know a half an hour um I there's a clear answer of who it is um and it's not Kurt Warner and it's not Anquan Balton and it's not anas Williams Larry Wilson is the answer Larry 1966 defensive player of the year he was first team All Pro six times second Team all pro once he was an eight-time Pro Bowl pro bowler his jersey is retired He was largely considered before Fitz the greatest Cardinal ever he wore number eight that's why nobody can wear eight now I know like there's schools of thought with people if you want to say best Arizona Cardinal versus St Louis versus Chicago if we're just talking about Cardinal football is a brand Larry Fitzgerald is number one followed by another Larry Larry Wilson is is number two I don't I can't disagree with that I think that's a good good call I had a different approach to this list I was looking at who who what are the biggest poverty franchises in terms of players like like seriously like Jimmy Smith I mean come on Jags fans that's tough to take right who else is looking bad on here I mean number who's their number one portal it's I think it's got to be uh the left tackle right oh yeah yeah B uh Basel yeah how about J jar jar Evans behind yeah that one was tough he's four time first team all proo I looked it up right now because I was I was gonna call him out Von Miller behind John Elway yeah like isn't Payton better I don't know about just because he didn't play long enough in Denver but like Shannon sharp Davis I don't have an issue with it because he won them a Super Bowl like I I he they won a Super Bowl with a defensive team I don't have an issue with that what about Chad Johnson I mean like I I like the guy he's a fun player but that's your second greatest franchises player of all time I'm guessing that's after isn't it that's pretty rough man probably probably who's the Carolina Panthers best player ever yeah are they saying it's uh Cam Newton I MVP okay Sammy B like how long's been gentlemen the commanders just like they're they're poverty bad like even like the Super Bowl teams that they had in the early 90s and late 80s like it wasn't chalk Full of Stars like darl green has to be probably their greatest player sh shaes right in the chat Steve Smith is the greatest Panther ever not not cam new no I C Smith a receiver yeah he was great but I think they're saying Cam Newton is my guess because he MP at quarterback is he in the whole Fame cam wasn't even on the Super Bowl team yeah he was in another Super Bowl though Steve Smith Senior he played the Rams oh you're right way back with like uh delom man deep Steve Smith Senior isn't he in the Hall of Fame nice up I don't think [Music] so okay I think he's largely considered the greatest Panther ever then I would put cam behind him for is Josh Allen I mean that seems a little early now he's the greatest bill is he's second on that list I'm sorry yeah they had him second behind like Bruce Smith J Jim Kelly but I'm saying both those I mean Jim Kelly's surpassed what Josh Allen has done at this point of his career and you can't have Bruce Smith not on there right Michael no disrespect with all due respect but this list is [Laughter] horrible oh man yeah it's a bad list but Cardinals second greatest player ever is Larry Wilson if you want to say in Arizona you probably pat p probably is the correct answer yeah I like like we've had pat p on the show I like Pat Patrick Pearson I hope his his name is in the rafters one day he just he puts his foot in his mouth and just says a bunch of dumb [ __ ] and it's just like can we just focus on how great of a player you were from 2012 till whenever is OJ the greatest player could be right 2K in the 70s or was it the 60s was in the 70s yeah pretty impressive I I in in a MCG after one decent point just polarizing one with the OJ comment the Kyler thing I I think think Kyler is not far off what would Kyler have to do to get number two uh go to the playoffs and make a Deep Run um I mean he's already like statistically just because how feudal it was he's already like third statistically is a quarterback like total touchdowns he's already got third most in franchise history and he's going to approach I think third most passing yards in franchise history here probably this year with a you know a even a under par season if Kyler Murray ever makes an NFC Championship game he is number two behind Larry which is sad as a barometer but he's about to have like the longest tenure of any Cardinal quarterback ever like opening Seasons up we're like a year and a half away from that Marvin Harrison Jr I'm ready to put him second over second a weird way to spell Marvin yeah it's kind you know what that's a strike against the htl crew don't there Damon didn't hold the line for Marvin Harrison Jr is the second best Cardinal of all time uh bo I need you what is this Kurt cousin's birthday playlist by the way what is going on with this Kurt cousin I saw he was playing some Jimmy world the yell little departure from Creed I I put this in here because I just was like what a giant door Kirk Cousins is it's a little small here but I mean like Stacy's mom and like that's a terrible side like dude we're at of football practice we're trying to get the boys hyped up this is bad I mean it's just this love by Maroon Five this isn't real he didn't put this isn't real the Falcons Twitter account put this out and said Kirk's got the ox today I swear to God Dirty Little Secret by All American Rejects it's bad man this has got to be a joke there's no way this is real he's just the dorkiest guy of all time Stereo Hearts by Gym Class Heroes like come on dude you think like the rest of the team is just like what is going on I hope to God this is a joke this hat this is this playlist went over like a fart in church man there's no people are like what the hell is on yeah KK you been traded to uh the New York Giants get out pack your [ __ ] Michael penx comes in he's just like cut that music off let's go let's get some bangers in here like not to say that I'm not guilty of liking some of those songs on that playlist that's I'm I'm saying some of those are like dis Love by Maroon 5 it's it's a good song you know that's a good album come on but like that's horrific out a practice field when you're trying to get the boys hyped here put that list up real quick and I'll tell you which one's like I would actually that actually clear her okay um I get a lot of respect for Jimmy World being the the Arizona from Arizona yes I have no issue with that they got some they get some great songs that's a that the middle I just don't think the middle is a song that you play at practice Foo Fighters are good Foo absolutely Good Charlotte is egregiously bad Fallout boys is terrible any any playlist that features Good Charlotte it Torpedoes the entire and discredits everything on that playlist yellow card's terrible awful forgot completely forgot about the existence of yellow card Johnny this brings me back to some old College playlists that were illegally downloaded Bose cool Jam summertimes mix was called B's definitely a Green Day guy yeah H yeah they're they're good can't deny that one of one of the American rock bands Gym Class Heroes that's terrible I think Mar five how about All American Rejects getting two spots on this playlist I I love Foo I just don't know if I go with the best of you for food yeah that might that's like one of the worst ones you probably could have picked you could sneak that into another list that's respectable and you be like okay that's fine but that's having that be one of your Mary songs on here is pretty bad I'm glad you brought that up that is what's the chat saying on this most people think that now Kurt Cousins after sharing that's gonna have an all for year and I agree with that you like that playlist that's good it is yeah just alltime just career worse year incoming for man what are they gonna do with Michael pennx man he looks like he's ready they won't put Michael pennx in a preseason game well boy worst song ever yeah his team does his team is just like what are we doing it's not even like when he was wearing the jewelry on the plane ride back from that Buffalo game and he's he's dancing around it's like okay he's a lovable nerd this is just like all right it's lost all its charm turn this off and get the original playlist back on it's like when people got sick of Russell Wilson shtick and they're like we're done this is this had a shelf life it's expired now go away like especially when you've got a guy like penck in the same QB room now where people are just like why AR we just playing this guy this guy who can move around a little bit that played college football for 10 years let's get Michael penck some snaps if the if the Browns and the Giants didn't have such Gody QB contracts in their own building Kurt Cousins would be traded yesterday that's my hot take the Browns paying Watson who's been bad this camp and Daniel Jones who's the biggest fraud in all pro sports like Kurt Cousins would be with one of those two franchises and I'm not saying that it's not possible before like the trade deadline when a lot of the guarantees are paid Kur cousins could absolutely Be Be Moved they they would love to have a mulligan they would absolutely love to have a mulligan just play Michael penck right now is his is his contract movable at all I don't know yeah I mean every every contract is movable I don't know it's fully guarant cap hit 25 mil this year what's the dead though dead cap 90 million this year 65 million has he practiced at all yeah I think so with his bum leg I'm GNA tell you right now they're scheduled to open up Steelers Eagles Chiefs I mean if they start let's just say they start like one and two there be people that saying like get him out of the lineup this ain't it but on the flip side I happen to think the Falcons are gonna be pretty good this year because after what I've seen from Desmond Ritter as a member of the Arizona Cardinals it was moving Heaven and Earth that that team scored points last year that they were actually like a viable team in the NFC South for part of the year if they lean on bejon they'll be all right be a good team pride of Damon High School Johnny wanted me to uh draft Drake London second round yesterday he was really get me too felt sabotaging me a little bit no it's not a league I play in he goes now now we know why he was trying to get out of the The Waffle House last place spot most of the Year moves like that I'll make a I'll make a prediction right now I will okay I will 100% make the playoffs in our league this year we it won't even be discussed that I'm ever in contention of going to Waffle House and when are you going what are you going to do if that doesn't happen no whatever you want me to do I hope you guys got your licks in the last two years because like me sweating it out for 14 weeks I'm gonna have the most boring conservative team you've ever seen and I'm just gonna I'm clocking in and I'm clocking out it's gonna be the most Blue Collar fantasy football team you've ever seen and I'm just gonna meet and Poes yeah it does I'm gonna meet and potato my way into the postseason Evans he's trying to talk to you into Drake London and he's saying I'm gonna have the most blue call team that Ain that ain't Blue Collar he's just going for consistency I respect that Alvin and Michael Pitman were right next to each other in this draft that he was doing it's not like this is an egregious take I was trying to get him to overdraft a player wait I'll put I'll put onine Drake London yeah I went with Pitman yeah no [ __ ] I watched him just cook for three days he cooked all last season do have U anymore could be getting some balls courtesy of your boy Anthony Richardson Anthony Richardson is good we'll think of something I'm gonna I'll make the playoffs this year there's no doubt in my mind no doubt in my mind just like the Cardinals it'll be a playoff playoffs to spare this year come January this show it's gone off the rails today on a football Monday it has we apologize but we don't uh we're fired up about our coverage this week uh hit that like button subscribe to bnx Cardinals here on YouTube Cardinal signed uh a free agent from The usfl Today notable signing or somebody get them through this Sunday's preseason game yeah get them through the the preseason uh I mean it's I don't think you sign anybody with anticipating for them to fight and win a roster spot and just as little as a week time I mean they they're off tomorrow they practice Wednesday Thursday day Friday and then it's game time so the guy would have to make a hell of an impression for himself I mean remember the guy who they picked up off the street before the Vikings game they have like two or three sacks in the preseason finale and then was just sent walking remember that guy the linebacker yeah probably similar situation but look I mean maybe an opportunity to maybe get a Rost a practice squad spot no news on the pass rush for the Arizona Cardinals going with h house options as of now uh cut Downs happen week from today into tomorrow so movement on the 53 man roster continues with the Arizona Cardinals make a move this week we'll be covering it in full if they do in the meantime subscribe to phnx sports here on YouTube find phnx cardinals via wherever you get your podcasts follow leave a like and uh how about a five star review for your boys full coverage Craig Morgan just dropped his Banger of a new article following today's practice coverage here cam Thomas JG roster decisions and a little bit more about what's going on with Dennis Daly rabbit and Darius Robinson check it out right now for free go phx.com great to have Craig Morgan in the fold as our beat reporter here on phnx Cardinals for B Brock Damon dog I'm Johnny venerable thanks for joining us we're back tomorrow [Music] peace we all like the May

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