Maria Georgas | A Maria Tell All

Published: May 13, 2024 Duration: 00:51:30 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: maria bachelor
[Music] off the vine hey everybody Welcome to off the vine I'm your host Caitlyn Bristo how do you say your last name Maria georgees oh it's just that simple yeah okay well we have Maria the iconic Canadian Queen from the season of The Bachelor we talked about everything yeah we did I don't even know how to tease it we talk about uh we settle up some rumors people that think they can talk [ __ ] about you and they can't because you have a voice we talk about your recent podcast that you did on caller Daddy and cleared up boyand and a lot of boy bands we cleared up some rumors and we talk about just like what's next for you and I loved today that was so fun did you have fun so much fun okay you're you're the [ __ ] Caitlyn and you're doing great things and you are the [ __ ] and we are the [ __ ] and I love you I hyped for this one one because I see myself in you quite a bit and not just cuz you're Canadian just I feel like you're Unapologetic I feel like you want to like live this authentic life but with that always comes some backlash because people don't understand when people are just free to be whoever they are and say what they're feeling and say what they want to say and be who they are I feel like it's very intimidating to people yeah and it can create some some backlash or some controversy or online chatter if you will but we'll get into all that I wanted to start off by just backtracking a little bit because obviously we all know you from the season of The Bachelor what were you doing before you were in um so I worked for my family's company oh okay okay yeah we own like a Sprinkle company I always say that and they're like oh a what company sprinkle sprinkle like like like you know like the little like toppings and stuff like sprinkles sprink like sprinkles no cuz it's so funny everyone always says like sprinklers I'm like no sprinkles you know cute yeah what a cute job I know it's a family business you know we've been in candy for a long time and um yeah I was just wait what's the business plug it out oh no I mean I've been everyone knows now but like um I didn't oh sound like everyone but kayn but no honestly yeah no it's just like a Sprinkle company you know my dad owned a chocolate factory prior to this with his dad and like it's just he's always stayed in the candy business um and now it's kind of like what he did with his dad he's doing with us that's adorable and I was just like his assistant you know cute it out sprinkle company I know right um You said before we started that you were a little nervous so nervous makes you nervous is it well you told me I was going to answer for you but no no no I mean if you ever want to answer for me do it please but no I just think that like you know sometimes like when I'm comfortable and already I just know I'm comfortable with you and like you said like I when I watched like The Bachelor and I've always been a huge fan I love the franchise like you were always someone I looked up to and not only because you're Canadian but because the way that you are also unapologetically yourself and if I was ever going to go on I was like I want to be a Caitlyn you know oh bless no like literally you know you do it the way you want to do it and that got you far and you know I just remembered whatever so just being nervous because I'm so comfortable with you already where I'm like what am I going to say today um what that's the beauty of you why do you think I'm lubing you up with SP and Sparrow's wine oh honey I do you like the Ros beautiful isn't it nice I love it well that's what I was going to tell you so um so we both have a mutual friend who Peter gges oh Peter bro I met you so he did a whole like thing for wine a party you were there I was there guys okay you were at my wine event at yes I was and I was in like you know how he did like a little private like section for you I was sitting there and he brought you to the table and I was like hi how are you we took a shot together I'm like oh I feel like you won't remember but it's okay I actually do remember that okay that was me and I was like and it was right before I went on the show it was did you tell me you were going on the show or you didn't know yet no I didn't know yet I didn't know we had a shot of tequila we did have a shot of tequila mhm wait how funny shout out to gges I've known him since I was 19 and I'm 38 so that is a long ass relationship he's the best like he's just such a good person and like yeah I told him about wanting to go on The Bachelor and he brought you up you know and and that's why when I remember always telling him and then he brought you to the table and I was like hi how are you oh my god funny you weren't working there you were just there no I'm just eating funny I do remember that there's like three other girls with you there was yeah oh my God here again just drinking now you've been on Che to that and cheers to your success honestly like amazing and but yeah I want you to know that like you stood out to I'm sure a lot of women but me including and I you always were in the back of my head going on this season because I was like if I'm going to do this I'm going to do it in my way but also I like the women that have done it in the past who have been themselves and like weren't afraid to like just push the push the limits like just have fun and that's who you were and I was like I mean I'm going to do the same well and you want people to watch like you want your friends and family to watch and go that is so her yes but that I said that I sat them down and I was like I will not go on this show without allowing you guys to see the Maria you know I can't I couldn't do it I couldn't be anyone else yeah yeah um because that the the The Jig Is up real quick you start to see through those people were there people on the show I can't believe I'm saying this but I didn't really watch this season and which is crazy it's like it's blown up yeah it's like okay show is back like I still want to go back and watch because of just how good this because you interview Joey too and like you you know he's great and like can I say that like there was a lot of stupid drama this season sure but stupid drama is what everyone loves if people think that the drama is going to stop on any season they are ridiculous and delusional let's get let's use that word it's giving delusional because that's what people tune in for they Tune In For Love of course they tune in for all the different personalities and this show is so well done that I always say there's a reason it's been on for 30 plus years like this is one of the longest running reality TV shows and it's because the format works and part of that format is drama and we are here for it do you think that it was portrayed truthfully the drama that was going on yeah I think I and i' and I've said this before that it has been such an honest edit because I've I you know I've heard girls and and like especially even after the show you know some girls were were saying you know oh they didn't show enough and they were insinuating there was more that the audience wasn't seeing and in my head I'm like oh no no no this was a perfect edit you guys just thought it would look better on your end and that's the thing everyone always wants to run to it's a bad edit or it's this or it's that like what I and I'm a straight shooter so I would say it but no I have to say like it was an honest edit you know we were all involved we were all there and I'm just happy that cuz where I was kind of like where it was tricky for me I didn't know how other people would perceive me I knew how I felt in the house and like how I felt with the other women and like why I felt so like I feel like I'm being wrongly perceived here but the edit was honest and people saw my truth and were like no I stand with Maria right now you know do you feel ever misunderstood by The Bachelor Nation I guess like is there something that we don't see where you're like this is actually who I am and I'm like Mis represented here the honestly the opposite uh so awesome yeah that was what the best part of this all was we like maybe I wasn't fully backed up in the house maybe I didn't feel protected in the house because I I had I didn't really have anyone come to my defense although I made it very clear to the girls that loved me in the house that I didn't want anyone to come to my my defense but when it was airing the audience was like coming to my defense to the point where like they saw me for exactly who I was and loved me and it was so honest where I was like wow okay they're seeing me for who I am and they're appreciating it but also just seeing that like you know all this shit's happening and they don't understand it and they don't get it and like they kind of made me realize okay maybe I really wasn't in the wrong because if this entire audience now watching the show back and still riding for me it just it made me feel really good because it made I was like thank you this is the moment I've been waiting for validation it was just it was like this is it isn't it nice to feel supported for being who you are yes and like shocking because again you go into a house where you're you're feeling like no one no one really wants to really get to know you or like people are so against you for no reason and you're like questioning yourself so then coming out of this and then hearing what other people have to say I've gotten the most amazing supportive messages where like I I'm almost like feeling undeserving of it imposter syndrome yeah literally and like it just makes me yeah that's why anyone whoever comes up to me like I take the time to like talk to them and like like love them off too because I am in all of them and I appreciate it with all my heart and it's been amazing and so for that I love it I love because I feel like the show has evolved so much with just how we look at women yeah and I feel like that's a really positive thing to see for me because I I got so much hate back in that day like N9 years ago for really oh Lord you so different especially for bachelor and and that's why I loved you so much cuz you weren't the typical you didn't fit the molds in ways that was a big old [ __ ] but it was amazing and you made things spicy you turned [ __ ] around women like me who would move like you walk so I can run [ __ ] but no but seriously h i I loved you I I I don't know I I I was like yes I get like this is a woman that's going to make me want to go on the show because I you know I don't resonate with a lot of the cookie cutter you know whatever I it's funny too because I do think there's something about what's in the water in Canada because you know a lot of like southern girls like they did have that pressure of being perfect growing up and they did have this like expectation on them and pageant girls and I just feel like in Canada we're like be who you are and everybody like like if you're a virgin yeah if you're a little [ __ ] yeah like you just have sex wom supporting women they want to do like that's your choice [ __ ] I love it do you have brothers or like are you no I have a sister who feels like a brother she's got like uh I think we both have dude energy like same like Alpha is energy and and I always had like guy friends I had girlfriends all the time but like I love I love guy energy this was really flattering and I'm only using this as not only a humble brag but a transition you said that people like me made you want to go on the show let's talk about you wanting to go on the show and people thinking how that's you know quote unquote the wrong reasons I truly wanted to go on the show to build a brand I was like what a cool opportunity like if I find love cool like that's going to be even better and I think it is possible that show and as we know it really is but I went on because I I thought of it as an opportunity I was kind of stuck in my life I didn't know where I was going next and people [ __ ] on that for some reason and I don't think it's a bad thing I think it's how you use it like once you get there if you're like you know like I'm open or like but I heard there's some girls that were like oh if I'm The Bachelorette blah blah like there's you know a fine line of being open and wanting it to be an experience or blatantly going on to like Joey over and use him to get ahead you know I was I was like I want to build a brand and I'm open to Falling in Love what was your I respect your honesty and honestly so I actually mentioned this on another podcast where like I had said like open and honest I wanted to be on the show I've always wanted to be on the show I I I just I really love show I like I can see Inc like right I'm like okay and so people were actually like responding like very well to that they were like wow I respect the honesty like you know a lot of girls will be like oh you know like I got asked to like whatever but for me I'm like no no I was like get me on the show what do I have to do whatever and it's funny cuz buddy over there was like whose dick did you sucked no no no IM kiding I'm just kidding but no Budd was like oh yeah she kept asking me to go on the show and there's a reason why I didn't get on as soon as I probably wanted to if it was as easy as just asking him to get me on I probably would have been on sooner he there was there was no help in that so I don't know why he would even say that or mention that but okay wait to clarify buddy is Nick and he tried to make it seem like you were asking him to get on the show yeah like buddy no like I if anything I did this all on my own so yeah thanks for that for trying to throw that out like it was a dig I already talked about how I liked and wanted to be on the show thank you very much I knew that yeah like get over it um anyways um but um oh we'll we'll get there yeah and and so I was going through a point in my life where I was so open to wanting something and I was like okay I want to go on this reality TV show because I thought I love the show it's always something I wanted to do but also I was so open to it where I was like I I'm like the most ready which is kind of nice that I didn't get on any other time because I don't think I've ever been more ready timing is everything I had a psychic literally she had told me about how this was going to happen and actually happen the way she told me I got to go see her again yeah you do no she was like it was crazy um no I I believed to psychic so much once and she literally predicted that I was going to win Dancing With The Star she didn't even know I was on TV we talk about that by the way that was fantastic F thank you congratulations thank you it's big accomplishment for me but she didn't even know that I was on TV like she had no idea I found her on a street corner and like she had no idea I love those ones kind of thing yeah but so exciting 3 years later I was like saving my own bath water and sleeping with it under my bed because she told me to and I was like this weird but you know what nothing bad happen do that too though I would do anything I know I know okay so she told you that it was going to play out the way did she there was another time that I was trying to get on the show and it wasn't working out and I remember going to see her and and she was just like listen it's not going to happen right now because something bigger is happening you don't see it yet but she basically told me the timeline and I just didn't want to believe it because I was like no but I want to go now but then anyways I get on Joey actually funny enough so I had contacts with a producer from prior whatever yeah like when I was going to be on the show in the past and as soon as I found out was Joey I'm like please put me in the running um I was such a last minute Edition literally I was in LA August 27th for my birthday and soon as I found out it was Joey I texted her I'm like please put me in the running I don't know what you got to do just get me in there and uh interview after interview and then I I got on and then three days prior they're like okay pack you're coming LA and I was like three days yeah three days to pack everything like I had no idea what I was getting myself yeah three days yeah oh I couldn't have done that I like prepped for so long and oh that's crazy okay you lucky girl I couldn't yeah no I didn't I didn't get to well I mean you did just find all your outfits for fire um but yeah people like took that theong wrong way when you said you had planned your outfits you knew you were going on TV I was just like yeah was I manifesting my chance to be on the show Absolutely and I and I'm proud of that because totally I I love the show yeah and I'm not afraid to say it because every girl that's on the show trust me when I tell you guys they knew of the show when they act like they don't they know they knew what they were doing I'm just being honest about it I wanted to be on the show and so I did it thank you yeah you know what hold for Applause hold for Applause okay are you a pet parent who wants only the best for your little furry friend well look no further let me introduce you to a brand that is changing the way we feed our beloved pets something that I have Ramen and Pino on and have for years and that's the farmer's dog now I'm excited to share with you why the farmer's dog is my go-to choice for pet nutrition now the farmer dog just isn't another pet food brand they're on a mission to revolutionize the way that we care for our pets starting with what they eat and let me tell you the benefits speak for themselves so there's improved digestion healthier skin and coat increased energy levels the list goes on and it's not just about feeding your dog in my opinion it's about nourishing them from the inside out and the best part is the farmer's dog creates personalized meal plans tailored 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Jen Jen she wanted to be The Bachelorette oh so can I clarify something actually so I had said on a podcast that that her and I had spoken and she and I said she like really was ready for this yeah and now I'm talking after the show her and I got really really close by the by the end of the show her and I were talking all the time FaceTiming all the time and we would just talk about like how ready we w we were for like relationships and like the future and like what that holds and you know she would talk to me about how she put her all into this and what I Canon ly say about Jen is that during the season she was so in it like to the point where I was almost like like she is dropping all the walls it was so uncomfortable sometimes for me where I was like oh I don't know I don't know she was giving it her all and I applauded her in that and I loved her for that that's who she is you know she really wanted to see a future with Joey and she gave it her all and and I admire her with that and so when we would talk after the show obviously we were both single and bachelorette came up and like that so obviously we would talk about relationships and what we want what we see for our future and she was so ready to get engaged and to you know get to that point in her life where that's what I was trying to say when I said she was so ready because we would always have heart to Hearts so to sit here and say that like I think it's admiring that now we have a bachelorette who is so ready to be in that position wanting that for her future and is literally like so ready like to give her all to someone else like I was I respect that and I love that about her and I wasn't trying to say she was in the house talking about Bachelorette that's not what I was saying got it I'm just saying we were two best friends at the time FaceTiming about what we wanted in her life and she was so ready and I respect her for it at the time not anymore no she is on her Bachelorette journey and she's going to find the man and I cannot wait to meet him and he better be good to her or else okay but you're still friends oh absolutely Oh I thought you were saying like we used to be oh I love Jen and and that's the thing it's like you know coming out of it and like having my experience with Bachelorette I just wanted to not speak on it I took my time off like I wasn't posting wasn't whatever because I just was there to support Jen and to like put her she was like you know she got announced I wanted to just show my support I don't care about my story at that point it's done it's not me it's Jen and I just wanted everyone to know how ready she was for it and it wasn't and and again Nick bringing it up in such a negative way to be like oh it's like she was saying she gave her opportunity to Jen no it's Jen's opportunity it was given to her and it's it's hers and it's it's he also knows as do I that there is usually about four or five people that they will think about for that's actually not a secret and people know that and because they have to take that seriously and they have to like they don't just want to be like oh that's the person like we're going to they're smart they what they're doing you got to like keep people you know who would be best and so yeah it's not like you were like well it's not me so you're welcome here is your it on a silver platter The Bachelorette rooll you're like you know what I'm not ready okay she's going for it she's ready MH so I literally can we talk about Rob Mills yeah okay so I mean if if they say we can can we cuz I love him he's my favorite human he's on the plan literally the the coolest man on Earth and I love and respect that man so much and I and I even said to him I was like I was like Jen is going to be perfect for this position not only is she ready but like you know like for representation she she is the perfect well-rounded Bachelorette and I don't know how that didn't come across with what I've how I've been supporting her and what I've been saying and so for anyone to twist my words and to make it something that it's not I'm like uhuh I have been a gen Stan since the day I met her how we supported each other in that house we would you know before uh we would go on dates we would write each other notes to like you know encourage us to like you know kill it that day and you know it's very isolating in that house sometimes you know it's so it's nice to have that person you can go to and you know obviously you don't want to know too much about what's going on with with each other's connection but at the same time we always supported each other so what I'm going to do now and moving forward is always to show my support to her and I cannot wait to watch her season and that doesn't listen I can share my story and what happened with me but also show and share my support with her it can be it can happen you know at the same time but I don't want anyone twisting my words or thinking that I was saying anything that and let me set the record straight I am in full support of Jen she's deserving of this and that's that team Jen I would wear a shirt right now that says team Jen if I could but I I didn't make it yet well I should have made it for this but that's yeah I I mean people will always take what you say and hear what they want to hear oh and that's a point that's that's pisses me off the most it's like if you're not going to watch something in its entirety I don't want to hear what you have to say about it it's it's just fascinating what people will take and make into their own story when they don't know the full story you know like you're filming and I've said this on my podcast before you're filming 20 17 to 20 hours sometimes a day you're doing it seven days a week and it's you probably made it to what nine weeks somewhere around there and people see one or 2 hours every Monday of what they would like to see because you need to you can't you have to make everybody their own character show what you can we are onedimensional on television we are not in real life yes and same thing with your Instagram even though you have the complete creative control over it people are like oh she tells me everything she tells me too much or she's crying or she's this or she's annoying or that I'm like you I have 24 hours in a day you probably see 10 minutes of my day and that's a lot like that if I share 10 minutes of a day that's a lot but it's they never know and they're always going to take things that you say and and spin it into whatever they want to believe and I get it and even if it's for their own attention or their own downloads or whatever whatever works for them to make their like story better in their eyes but I always try and with my podcast do the right thing yeah sometimes media will pick up something and it'll be a headline that I'm like oh that sucks cuz like if I hope you read the article cuz that was a good headline but that's not actually how it happened but my whole like heart wants to give people a voice share their side of the story and and also have it be fun and funny and lightharted but also deep or whatever it is that you're feeling yeah and I mean I know you've talked about this so many times now but with the whole Bachelorette offer and I'm sure you talked about it on caller Daddy but I'm going to ask again you turned it down and I I actually respect that because you say timing is everything if you weren't going to be wholeheartedly in it and somebody else was more ready for that opportunity and situation yeah you think they're more deserving so I respect it do you regret your decision at all no okay not even for a second I think uh I actually had like a realization that I had did the exact thing that I should have done yeah and I'm very happy because it wasn't my time and I was really putting my mental health like firstes and I you know and I respect my decision so no I I I I don't regret it at all I love that because I how old are you 29 okay first of all I love that you're 29 that's one of my favorite ages really yes tell me why because it's such a pivotal moment for you that's what I'm thinking to it's a pivotal age 27 is actually really pivotal age too um but so is 29 27 27 is a magical year 27 yeah yeah 27 are you 27 yes you lucky [ __ ] 27 is magical and pivotal and then 29 it's like I don't know what it is something shifts in your brain where you're like ready to enter your 30s and you feel the most secure about yourself and yeah it's it's a really good place to be I was 30 when I was The Bachelorette yeah and I always say if I would have been any younger like it wouldn't have worked out for me that wasn't the timing for me but I will say if they asked me at the time mental health or Bachelorette I would have said Bachelorette I would have not chosen my mental health because I would have been like I'll deal with that later I'll deal with her later because you you were saying like you had a goal here like you know you you were open to whatever but also you're going to start your brand and you did it and you killed it thank you well I would have never thought that they would pick me as the bachelor oh really oh you were shoeing for me I was like oh no no I want Kaitlin oh you know and then the way that it happened for you though like with the whole like guys having to choose between two beautiful women like [ __ ] you had it like in a way like no one else can say that they did it like you that is the craziest way of to start the season cuz you I'm sure didn't even know what was going to happen I mean I was probably the most confident I'd been in my whole life at that point because I'm not even that confident now like I I don't know what happened I went backwards yeah that's how it works though when I was younger I'm like I'm like I was so confident I'm like who was that b were you delusional oh I was probably a little delusional but yeah know I look back some like damn like I where is that girl but when I came out of it and I was engaged when we broke up I was like I'll never date a bachelor guy again that's yeah I did and now I'm like I'll never date a bachelor guy again and then I go but they're hot you know what they're hot and they know what you went through they know what you went through they have they're they remind me like I was in an athlete era and now I'm like reality TV era oh I was pck [ __ ] over here really were you a pck bunny yes I was a puck bunny I lived for it I would look up their freaking schedules and like so I see this is why I love you because you're so honest like who's going to ad embarassing but who cares no it's not embarrassing oh it's very embarrassing looking up their schedule that's a whole other level of like that's like you with boy bands back in the day but you oh god let's talk about the boy band oh you know what actually this is actually something new because you know what you know I I've seen the questions and stuff like that I have always that's actually funny good good transition I didn't think I was talk about this today you know what it is you know what it is I so I used to love going downtown getting hotels and going to concer concerts and then when you're downtown you meet people who know people who know people and then you're just like all of a sudden you're in out of an Afterparty with these people yeah and you meet them and you become friends with them but what I've always said said and I've always been this girl I'm always like never sleep with these people you want to hang out with them become friends with them and be the girl that they can never get yes and so I've always maintained that and so when when I heard stories of like this one girl on Tik Tok I'll never forget and I and I wrote to her I'm like listen you can keep the story up it's kind of entertaining I don't know what the you pulled that out of your ass but um so untrue she's like her dad's in a band and her dad knew like people who got her anyways anyways there's a lot of stories of how I know certain band mates or why I've been in connection with One Direction and this person this person but the reality of it oh God they're jealous I jealous no the reality of it is that when you meet people you know they know people who know people and then you just need to be the girl that never gets touched by these people so that they allow you to be around and so I've been around them yes yes have I hung out with certain band mates sure which ones Harry oh I love Harry I've met Harry before I actually have a really funny story what okay first of all you're telling it but let me I listen to you and I go damn I wish I wish I had your brain back in my 20s I was like sleep with all of them no see that was like I've I've always been such a they used to call me mother Mary in high school I'm not that was definitely not my it's okay it's okay it's okay I like no Jud but that's the thing that's why like like people are like how are you the way that you are like like I I even said on the show that I was an introvert and people rip me apart they're like uh your clothes aren't introverted so are you talking about and I'm like listen when I dress up and I go out and I meet people whatever like I am very flirtatious but like it's because I don't know maybe I I just I don't know that's just that could be who you are I'm a hug ones yeah but yeah I know I know as you should flirt as you should be Harry tell me your hairry story oh the hairry story oh [ __ ] this is actually this is actually a really funny story so so my dad and I we had he had in New York City uh for work and so I went with him cuz I was like oh we're going to go to New York I'm I'm I'm coming to New York I love New York and he booked a hotel and my friends okay this is actually funny so my girlfriends at the time were all in New York and they were like oh you know One Directions here like whatever stay at this hotel and so now I'm I'm traveling for work with my dad and I go to my dad okay Dad we're going to stay at uh blank Hotel it was like this very bougie ass Hotel he's like okay like whatever just book the hotel we'll go so I'm with my dad now yeah and I'm not thinking anything the girls were just like hey stay here because it's good area and like maybe One Direction might be staying there too so I didn't want to tell my dad that I was like okay Dad we're going to just stay at this hotel no questions asked and so we did anyways anyways I wasn't thinking anything of it I wasn't even trying to be a part of like any of that but I was in the hotel and I went out uh with my Dad we had a meeting and then I got back and I had to use the bathroom so bad I was going to piss my pants so I'm walk walking to the to the to the elevators and there was two separate elevators one's for like a certain amount of floors and the other one for another amount of floors and there was a bunch of fan girls on one side I was like uh oh this screams there must be boy band men around so then I get to the elevator the elevator elevator doors open I hear a gasp from like the girls on the side I turn over it's Harry and his bodyguard walking they steal my elevator he walks into the elevator and then the the security guard goes like this like so like knowing come in I'm staying at this hotel I am a paying customer this is my hotel I have to piss I'm going to piss my pants hello let's go so I'm about to pee my pants so then he the security guard goes like this so I walk up and I go like this to Harry and his security guard I'm like that was my [ __ ] elevator and I go like this and then Harry starts laughing whatever so then the door's closed he goes up then I'm waiting for the elevator as whatever I'm waiting the elevator door is open it's his security guard he comes back to me he goes I just want to tell you like Harry thought that was the funniest thing and he wants to meet you no yeah oh God I never told this story ever in my life but you know what the girls maybe if there's anyone that was there that day that saw me give the finger to Harry please stand up cuz that was iconic because who the was going to do that I was just like wait I'm OB I'm going to piss my pants screw you I don't care who you are I have to go pee and my room's up there but anyways he comes down he's like yeah Harry wants to meet you blah blah blah blah blah and yeah and I'm I I went to go meet him that night very polite we had a good laugh about everything and um oh my God and that was that but again that was that yeah right no I literally was telling I'm like uh I'm here with my dad um you know and respectfully and he was very respectful it was very sweet it was just like a nice like I don't even think you know the story I have not told this story to be honest to like anyone but I thought it was the like the funniest thing because of the way I gave him the finger it just was like an amazing be on my Tombstone it was like a reflex I just came right out I was like but well when a girls got a pee when a girls got a pee I don't give a [ __ ] if I don't care who you are who's I don't know name a good celebrity I don't care maybe Evan Peters I I wouldn't give you the finger but okay who is that who's EV Peters so hot okay do you first of all do you think Harry still knows do you think he saw you now on TV and was like I don't know that [ __ ] gave me the finger and then I made out with her I'm sure if I ever saw made out I don't know about that I don't know about any of that um it was a respectful meet and greet we just said hello respectful meet and greet in his hotel room it was very nice that he got his security guard to like come get me and like it was it was like okay but I really need to pee but it was really nice to meet him honestly respectful nothing like that um but Evan Peters is um you ever watched American Horse story no girl I will though yeah he's so hot he's just a hot guy that like have you ever slid into his DMS he doesn't have social media oh even hotter I that's what I said damn that's why I'm so into him no social media but back to like Bachelor guys and stuff like that that's I was like this is a good Circle back so would you date somebody in The Bachelor Fran and if you did who's your top celebrity crush and if you say Tyler Cameron I'm going to throw chop you okay that's everybody's like come on what no so so I met Tyler on at Stage Coach actually I met a bunch of celebrities at stage coach who knew who I was and I almost [ __ ] my pants I know um it's the craziest thing ever yeah I I met Tyler cam I went up to him like Tyler he's like Maria I'm like you know everyone wants us together but absolutely not no I think he's amazing man I think he's so career oriented and like he's strong and has nice abs whatever but yeah he's and he's so sweet and he's the sweetest person ever but no I like nothing nothing going on with that would I date anyone I don't I don't think so because what I've realized now with how people take things to like next level I take a photo with someone nicely and then all of a sudden it's like are you dating them what's going on with that and I'm like you know how many DMs I got people being like Maria Isel cozy with Jason oh my God no absolutely not and and I told Jason I was like Jason by the way I'm going on Caitlin's product I love k no he was very he's like good for you like go for it like he if he ever said anything bad about he never did I would be like absolutely I don't know I don't like what people say if they if I God forbid I take a photo I'm like oh no if only you know oh trust me I'll take my girlfriend Katie Maloney we take photos and people like are you gay now oh Lord I'm like what oh I'm a I'm a bisexual Queen now oh same because oh no okay there you go no I I you know I mentioned on the podcast that I had made out with um my ex-boyfriend's Miss they called her mistress she's a friend of mine and I don't call her that but um it was a joking way to just say like it was the girl that my ex cheated with I just made out with her but anyways they're like now everyone in my DMs are like oh you bisexual queen I'm like you know what whatever whatever you want to say hey you know what I never know how to and I don't want to label myself I always say I'm attracted to energy okay there you go yeah and I'm like I'm a I'm a I like people Queen yes yeah as you should this episode of off the vine is brought to you by Progressive Insurance you know those days when are just super busy and life throws a curveball on you you wake up late you have no food in the house you get a speeding ticket life can be hard but you know it's easy getting a quote with Progressive Insurance Progressive does all the heavy lifting of comparing rates for you so you can snag a great deal that fits your needs even if you end up choosing another option so their comparison tool is an absolute Game Changer you just visit their website customize your 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everyone away and no one really knows this I don't like to talk about it because it's like it's such a weird place to be in because you you go back when you talk about it you kind of like go back to that moment you're like uh I'm not that person stronger than that but like it brought me to a very very dark place and I think that was in ways my rock bottom because the mindset that I was in was something that I never experienced before it's scary and it's scary because you it's something I I felt alone I wanted to be alone and I made myself be alone and like dealing with that was just so hard but like were you like badly injured that's the thing like if you had looked at the car and the scene like people thought I was dead but I walked out like all is good like it was it was bad like I went to you know I had a little like minor a black eye um you know I had to go do therapy for a bit like Physical Therapy um my whatever all whatever but like the way I saw it was like no I walked out alive so I have nothing really to complain about but then it's like it's not complain it's how you feel how you that's a traumatic event yeah going through a car accident like that and seeing what or having a near-death experience or seeing that that's a traumatic thing go through yeah I knocked out for a couple minutes like cuz I got hit twice and so when I had passed out and then I woke up I didn't even look into the mirror because I was scared to see how I looked and it was funny the story was like I was out for coffee with my dad and then he had made the right I had made the left and I had just gone into the accident so I had to like call my dad to tell him to come back but again I don't even know how I look like so that I just see glass everywhere my my back do is up the street my glass everywhere glasses in my hair all these things and I remember just being like I don't even know if my face is like in one piece right now I feel pain but I I I think I'm okay so I remember just like anyways it was a very traumatic event but I it's like that moment was nothing it was like the aftermath of like those thoughts those negative thoughts that like put you in such a dark place but it made me you know like really appreciate life after that like just like be more appreciative like every day that I have on Earth and like that was kind of like another thing I said in the house like with the girls when like I was like I don't want to tolerate these little stupid like stupid fights like I don't want even want to entertain this like there are bigger things in life that can happen like there are people dying like to me this is such a joke so you having gone through some things that have been traumatic in my life it just builds character and like I don't know makes me stronger I guess but it does no that's like that's like my biggest fear in life is getting into car accident literally terrifying this is a this is a weird way to switch into the next topic but we need to clear up some stuff I mean please please you mentioned dropping some tea lately about knowing Nick um obviously before the show how did this all happen how did you meet him actually funny my friends and I like we were again fans of the show and we liked Nick we thought Nick was great like at the time whatever and so through social media like we started talking and it started like you know we would talk all the time like literally all the time and we and we were we were just like building a friendship and I did that too with him yeah oh yeah I know that's why you came on your season but yeah okay no that was it and but have you ever met in person oh yeah yeah oh okay oh yeah I know yeah people were wondering if that was if it was whatever no of course we have oh so it was like a little like fun like a meet you met him you talked to him you hung out with him and then what happened from there no I mean I ended up get he went he had told me when he was going to be Bachelor and I congratulated him and he went to go do that okay and then um I got a boyfriend at the time and yeah we were just like always found our way kind of like back to communicating but it was again very always friendly did Nick play any sort of role in your journey to becoming no a contestant on the bach absolutely not no and absolutely not he did not so then how do you feel with his wife now calling you delusional M yeah you know teach their own like if that's what you think that okay so I had said on the podcast my a little conspiracy theory that I had I was saying it in in such a joking matter that I thought callor daddy yes okay I thought it came across as me being like all I said was in the moment can you imagine now Kaylin a guy you were talking to who was part of this world telling you if you go on the show you might be a villain and this is why and you not understanding that because when you hear villain you think well villain people hate villains why would I be a villain right I didn't know what if a bachelor villain is different than like a villain villain apparently it's different anyways anyways so you hear a guy tell you that and then after getting off the show the girl that was villainizing you the entire season for no reason now if you were giving her a reason to villainize you fine fine but if literally for no reason and then you see them in a picture together after the show all I said in a Laughing Man joking haha he he ho ho I literally didn't even mention it to anyone like it's not like I went around telling people like or I didn't even message Sydney to be like Sydney um were you friends with this person like no I just sat down and call her D like I just wanted her to I was shooting the [ __ ] with her and I was like Oho this is what I thought in the moment seeing that photo I was like holy tits like uh the guy that said this and now the girl that did this are in a picture together what the hell is that but I wasn't being serious right so Nick decided to run with that and think that it was a serious thing that I actually felt and thought that he had this pull first of all no one's going to make me a villain right the only person that's going to make me a villain is me and I'm not and that's why I wasn't um but it was just something that kind of crossed my mind maybe you like maybe in ways I thought maybe you might have sent the girl to come come after me I don't know but it was a joke I'm just so curious If he if he if you and him did something go south where he did you guys lose respect for each other along the way like if it was all fine why does he seem to want to talk [ __ ] about you MH that's a good question I sat on the caller daddy sofa and I I said I congratulate him that there's no animosity between us that I'm happy to see him grow I said all the nicest things because you know we haven't spoken in a while but I just thought that out a mutual respect because we didn't end badly that you know we kind of just went our separate ways and we respected each other at that point I thought him seeing me on the show he would be like oh my God my girl Maria good for her go off like but then when he kind of like was breezing right past me on the like you know doing his Recaps and like okay it's fine you know he didn't say anything bad about me until he didn't say anything about you until yeah yeah that's true but also he did he did and people were coming to me being like how are you going to let him say this [ __ ] about you um when I opened up about an a car accident I got with my mom when I was one year old one years old where I was actually announced dead at the scene and oh yeah it's traumatic as and Nick was like what was Maria's story even what what even was it but even when he did that I I stayed silent I was like ah okay maybe he was just you know asking questions yeah maybe you was just curious yeah I was like you know what and I stayed I stayed silent I I didn't put my two cents and I was like it's okay it's okay whatever I would rather a guy from my past Breeze right past me than talk [ __ ] about me the entire time so I was kind of like okay you know what Nick go off do your thing I don't care I mean whatever right yeah it kind of like it shocked me to hear his response to what I kind of did on caller Daddy I thought he would kind of laugh that off but also appreciate that I was being very supportive and giving kind words I didn't know the timeline of the wedding sorry for how that worked out I didn't know when [ __ ] was going to air I don't have your wedding on my calendar um sorry but I really don't but I thought I was being as pleasant as I could it's not like you didn't do anything wrong like oh my God you spoke you protected me on my wedding day yeah no but literally and like I was just at the end of at the end of the day like putting rumors to to rest because if one of us if one of us didn't unlike the other's Instagram photos if one of us didn't have anything to hide I mean the one of us that has nothing to hide is sitting in this room with you and I'm sorry to say it but you know I was thinking of quoting quoting K Lamar right now I told him that because I was just going to say listen like like a wise man once said like don't tell lies about me and I won't tell truths about you how do you respond to to the criticism in general whether it be on his podcast on the internet like how do you respond to criticism you know I've had a I you know I've had the most amazing support since leaving the show and like uh you know and whatever but obviously there are the ones that you know come at you a little bit whether it's my looks whether it's the way I dress whether it's like how Plain Jane I am to some people they they they're upset that I don't wear earrings I was considering wearing earrings today no I'm not we I was I was considering I was like maybe I should she was like are you going to wear a necklace or I'm like nah um the criticism of like how I act and who I am like this is how this is what I say there are the people that get me and when the people that get me I respect like you there are so many podcasts I don't do you know Dave Neil yeah of course I love he's a king anyways oh oh the mom and dad podcast oh yeah they're amazing oh when I tell you they got me to a te of who I am as a person and they recap the season and they recap me to the point where I'm like okay if people like you guys get me the people that don't and they want to criticize me please do yeah because you know what at the end of the day I can sometimes when they write me things or like they're they're mad about something I learned from him I'm like okay maybe I'll change that or maybe I'll do that yeah a little constructive criticism you I respect it I get lost in it yeah yeah no no no I I've been called ugly I've been called this her teeth are this that I oh I don't care I'm like when when you get to a point in life where you've accepted yourself for exactly who you are knowing that you're not going to be the best looking you're not going to be the prettiest you're not going to be the coolest and just accepting that there's power in that there is because when people are going to come at you you're like okay it's okay you are cuz you know they're here and you're where you are and it's you know it's you we all know the what's the girl's name who does the they're in the bleachers yes brne brown brne brown like oh go just go listen to brne Brown and you'll be healed and last but not least what is next like I feel like you're like people this is not the last you'll see of me like what is next um well I'll say this like you know I have opportunity but you got a lot of opportunities i i i the way I see it is like the this like unless I know 100% things are set in stone I don't like to talk about it because I'm like oh I don't know if it's going to happen what's going to whatever but there are put it down to the universe on your own yeah okay yeah and I think I think you know I actually want to ask you how was dancing with the stars oh God I'll tell you at dinner that a it take an hour Rob Mills time me up oh yeah that's what you should do no cuz that's something I would be interested in doing okay I guess it could be like what's next like what would you want I would wants I have know people okay can you that's that would be a great next move for you it's not cuz I'm like listen I danced in the past I'm not good I don't claim that I'm good but it would be like that's the coolest thing that you ever did and not on not only did she just do it she won like it's like the there's levels to this [ __ ] I think it'd be just be fun and exciting I think it's something that like I you love it and you'd crush it oh thank you and also is there anything else that you want to clear up before or did we hit everything um I think I pretty much hit everything I just want you know I would never what's the what's the saying bite the hand that feeds me you would never do that is that yeah I would never like again anything that I ever try to do or whatever is because and me even trying to become like or continue with this franchise was because I love the people that backed me up for it and also because of the producers that were behind me and supported me like I just want people to know I love the show yeah and I will never and I want people to understand I'm not unhappy with how things went everything happens for a reason and this just won't be and this and it's giving delusional and I am delusional this and you know what we love you for that thank you thank you I appreciate that and I will continue to be delusional I'm Caitlyn Bristo I'll see you next Tuesday I'm Caitlyn Bristo I'll see you next Tuesday see you next Tuesday [Music]

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