Loren Gray | TikTok Queen's Netflix Debut

Published: Aug 21, 2024 Duration: 00:44:33 Category: Entertainment

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I'm Caitlyn Bristo your session is now [Music] starting pH welcome to [Music] the hey everybody Welcome to grave therapy I'm cayin Bristo here with Sydney Quinn who is visiting for a little while and you got to sit in on the Lauren Gray podcast who 12-year-old me was screaming I think 9-year-old you oh yeah and 12 and 12 but you love Lauren Gray from Tik she called the Tik Tok Queen and she is very fascinating girl because at 22 uh I don't think I had the perspective that she does but she's been through a lot and she went through a lot of bullying and ended up doing homeschooling and then became famous on Tik Tok she's also got she was first on musically and then she was on Tik Tok she got famous on musically and she has 23 million followers on Instagram I went looked at her Tik Tok is like 53.8 53.8 million followers that is huge I talked to her about the responsibility of that and this new upcoming movie that she's in oh my God I'm so excited to watch so it's basically like a not a spin-off but like um the humor and setting of super bad which is one of my favorite movies and she's got a really big role in it so it was really interesting to talk to her and um I enjoyed it did you I I really enjoyed it okay how old are you I'm 22 22 okay so my niece is 16 she's here with us today no what year were you born 2007 oh that scares me so I'm 85 guys okay when I hear anyone born in the 2000s I'm like what like the other day I thought this guy was so hot and I looked him up and it was like 1999 I was like up no yeah yeah I'm I'm starting to feel that a little bit 22 I was at a I was us feel that way I did a meet and greet the other day and they were like you know I don't know anyone here like any of the new up and cominging people like I only knew you and I was like that's great I used to be that that's yeah well up it's I I was The Bachelor at 9 years ago and I'm now at the phase where people's like oh my gosh my mom loves you I'm like oh my God you're that's such a compliment though sure winning the affections of the moms is like that's that's true there's a lot of moms out there that don't like me oh Sydney and I were actually laughing so hard going through my DM so funny going through her DMS because well it's funny and it's sad because this one woman who shall not be named because she probably listens to this podcast starts telling me about how my ex's new girlfriend is much prettier than me and better than me and all these things and honestly it didn't even face me I went I'm I'm not going to compare myself to my ex's new girlfriend I do think she's pretty she's successful she's what what does that mean that doesn't take away from me and it was just interesting to watch this and talk about this with Sydney because 16 years old you know you go through phases in life when people are mean and you just realize that at any age I'm sure Sydney have you experienced bullying yeah yeah you've experienced bullying you've experienced bullying and it's like obviously I'm not making an excuse for it because it's not okay it's just like it says everything about these people like it's we could do whatever the heck we want and they'll find reasons and once I had an honest conversation with her she was like you know what I think I'm just worried about you kids and I was like you talk to her yeah and I went worrying is one thing and that's kind you can worry about me but you don't need to compare me to another woman and you don't need to tell me that I messed up in my life by letting something go you don't know me it's actually one of the best decisions I've ever made for myself and you're so brave you're you're a mother you're a mother looks like you're about 65 to 70 and like shame on you yeah and yeah shame on you so I know you've experienced a lot of bullying I think we talked about it a little bit last time which is funny cuz we both didn't remember that you were on this podcast 2020 I say 2024 is on drugs 2020 was just a whole like a blackout year I don't remember that time period I don't remember it I don't remember what I was thinking I don't remember where I was I feel like we were all just numb trying to get through like the scariest time of life and that we all just blacked it out and that's what we like to call trauma yeah actually I feel that way I think I forget everything like I remember this year but then like anything that happened before that I'm like might not happened actually right yeah what do you feel this is most random question like when we were going through 2020 2021 and all these bad things kept happening and the world was just so scary I got to a place where I was like that fan right there could start talking to me and I could realize that fans are aliens and i' be like probably yeah like nothing phased me do do you feel like it toughened you up and kind of made you like Fearless in Life or did it did it make you fragile I think it made me car less yeah cool like I was just kind of like you know yeah things happen yeah yeah things happen I've been telling Sydney you got to just roll with the punches at this point like y you know shitty things happen and scary things happen and we're all just going to get through it together you got to listen to the to the universe is what I've been learning recently it's like if there are things coming at you and you're like this is a lot is happening right now maybe take a step back oh you know you're lucky you learned that at 22 I'm learning that 39 I'm still learning it I don't I don't want to believe it but I know it's true it is true it's and I always always say that women's intuition is really bananas like if we really it's hard to get quiet these days with social media but if you really get quiet and listen to your body mhm it'll tell you what's right and wrong yeah it really will yeah so you started musically Tik Tok at what 2019 or were you on it before that and that's just when it blew up was around 201 19 2020 uh it started blowing up around 2017 201 I was 13 oh my gosh how do you handle that level of attention at 13 not well yeah not well but at the same time I was really looking for that like I needed not fame or like anything like that but I was just so lonely and it was very I found like a community there it was good in that regard obviously once things get bigger and bigger there's more and more to be careful about and more that's going to hurt your feelings yeah but at the time especially in the very beginning it was like perfect because it fell into my lap it happened by accident and then all of these people cared about me I don't think that's by accident I don't either okay I so crazy crazy story my mom when I was 12 so right before all of this happened we were I remember exactly where we were we were going down a hill by my house and we were driving somewhere and my mom is like she's tapped in I don't know what she's tapped into yeah but she just knows things and she's really good at manifesting things Y and she looked at me she was like out of nowhere she was like you're going to be famous and I was like no no I don't want that no I don't want people in my business and my mom was like I don't know really it's going to happen and I was like oh no that's the last thing I want and then like literally 6 months later everything started spiraling so you didn't want it and then when it happened you were like wait this is amazing yeah and I was like in a way it was kind of exactly what I needed I there was nothing at school that made me feel whole I always felt like something was missing and I didn't make friends easily I actually had quite the opposite experience so yeah I don't know once that happened it things started to make sense a little more what do you think that is in high school like me was Middle School I never made it High School oh Middle School I was homeschooled in high school oh amazing well probably not amazing because it was probably because you were getting bullied yeah I left school initially because of that well I left school twice I left school in the fifth grade because I was bullied for uh I was really ugly I was really really ugly um and people thought I was like albino they were afraid of me CU I was so blonde gosh so that was like I left school after that and I went back I watched like I would finish my school workk I was doing online school I would finish super fast and then I would go online and watch makeup tutorials yeah and I learned how to do makeup while I was homeschooled and then in seventh grade I told my mom I was like I want to go back cuz I felt more confident cuz I knew how to do my hair and do my makeup and so I went back and then the whole musically Tik Tok thing started and I ended up leaving again cuz I was bullied for the opposite reason see it doesn't matter you are a beautiful person on the inside and out and you will get bullied for your outside appearance and your inside appearance because and I always say this people are afraid of a bright light and you are a bright light Sydney is a bright light and people don't know how how to deal with that if they have their own inner darkness and it's sad for them but obviously you can't process that as a young woman and I can't imagine like what Sydney's experience is now especially cuz the internet was sort of it was on on the rise I guess when I was in Middle School but now it's like everything so I can't imagine what is your experience so bad tell tell us why why I got bullied no like why the internet well sure but why is the internet so bad right now everything just gets shared so easily and like every time like something happens someone texts the other person and then it just goes everywhere and everyone knows about everyone's business and it probably blows up into something that isn't true and then whole bunch of rumors start yeah and why are people mean to you yeah cuz I'm short cuz you're short girl please cuz you're short y That's absurd they make fun of you cuz you're short and they say I'm fat so that's absurd don't listen to that but yep okay well I will say my heart like I would have cried right now but I confidence her you have such I don't even care well you care a little bit like it hurts but you don't you don't let it Define you yeah cuz I you are very confident mhm and you know that people say things from an insecure place right 100% good and you witness it with your auntie who's 39 and like just like trying to live my truth and people are like I hate you and I'm like so does that do you think it helps you to watch me get bullied I don't know I mean I can't believe that I don't know the right answer to that one what do you say to people Sid when they say things like that to you nothing it's over social media no one says anything to their face anymore everyone's too too scared to say it to their face yeah it's like it's like a little drug for people where it makes them feel better in the moment to bring you down but then they go to sleep at night and they're probably like I'm a dick also this is something that I started learning I would say after I turned like 20 but I've talked to you for maybe 5 minutes and I promise you you're smarter yeah than all of those people and that goes such a long way like if anything like at the end of the day I don't look like this I take off my makeup I look like a rat no and I get into bed and I sit in my nest and I sit happy knowing that I was smarter than everyone that ever made me feel terrible and like you don't realize the value of that when there's things like pop it and looks and followers in the mix but like your intelligence and the way that your brain works so much more valuable oh it really is she has the kindest heart and you're so you're just such a lovely human and that's literally I don't even remember High School like it doesn't matter I L hate high school it's the worst me too I I didn't even go I'm like yeah maybe should get homeschooled in your last year Sid that sounds kind of nice my best friend she she left school I think her senior year or sophomore year something she left school and then her and I became friends but it was the same thing like yeah girls being evil and she she just left and for her that was like the right thing and she's you know one of the kindest nicest most amazing people I know and it's like people pray on that too oh my gosh they'll pray on anything let me guess your medicine cabinet is crammed with stuff that doesn't work you're still having trouble sleeping still dealing with pain stress constant companion I was right there with you so I decided to clear out my cabinet and hit the old reset button on my health with CBD from CB Distillery and let me tell you Game Changer their targeted formulations are made from the highest quality clean ingredients so no fluff no fillers just pure effective CBD Solutions designed to truly support your health in fact two non-clinical surveys showed that 81% of 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wanted something simple yet powerful so I started with their Works collection and you get everything you need you got a gentle cleanser a toner two amazing serums and two luxurious moisturizers basically the full package it's all you need and while you're at it go check out their serum Duo the tinted wonders screen or their incredible TBT cream which is a retinal alternative that I've talked about for a while now it's got over 2 million happy customers and countless festar reviews so what are you waiting for head to Dime beauty.com now to get 25% off sitewide during their anniversary sale so whether you're stocking up on your favorites or you're going to try something new don't miss out and hurry cuz the sale ends Monday that's dime Beauty o.com for 25% off sitewide until Monday it's just crazy you've you've gone through a lot in your very short life so far you you still have like what over 20 like do you have 28 million followers on Instagram no something 23 something that's crazy to I always try and think about it like this like u i look around we were at the Zack Bryan concert the other night oh the best concert I've ever been to was it fun it was everything and I look around and there's probably I don't I don't know 65,000 people in there and that's you're looking out at that and you're going this is so many crowds and crowds of people and then you like times that by however to equal 23 million do you ever think about it like that like just football fields and stadiums and stadiums and stadiums and hundreds of stadiums of people just watching you or did I just freak you out um freak the road I mean I thought about it that way for sure but it does doesn't it doesn't feel that way do you feel like a responsibility or are you really just in your own lane of like this is what I do on Instagram I don't have to get into politics I don't have to get into religion I don't have to share this aspect of my life do people try and like tell you you've got a responsibility because you've got this platform yes but my my responsibility to for myself has always been to young girls yeah and to younger people so you know what I mean like because there's a lot of things that I don't know and I don't want to pretend to know or try to like be holier than thou on but one thing I do have experience in is being a really sad lonely isolated 13-year-old yeah and all of my experiences through you know between 13 to now I do know that and I do feel like I have a place in that and that's something that I'm really confident in and so yes I feel a responsibility in a sense and it's not even to like be I have to be a role model you know what I mean because cuz you just want to be you and yes and kids aren't dumb like they know I'm not perfect but if there is even like a little something that I can say that sticks with someone like Sydney who's like in school and dealing with yeah those kind of people then that's where my purpose is and all of it gosh it's so I love I love the younger generation these days me too and I just I think that it's so like the internet can be so great and the internet can be so terrible and I had I mean my like I said my experience was on like the precipice of it becoming what it is now but even at that time I had people tweeting about me and posting about me and threatening to jump me on Snapchat and all these things I had the haveit to me once to get threatened to snat and they're never going to do it right no no no but like that could be reported to the police yes but no one no one does because it's just it's just school and it's you know and you don't you also don't want to be the person that's making it a bigger scene or making it a bigger deal than it has to be oh I don't like that though I'm like use your voice stand up for yourself call the cops I mean my mom was showing up to people's houses my mom didn't care my mom was showing up to the school like once a week my mom was showing up to people's houses bless your mom but I would be like Mom please no because it's you just don't want to draw attention to yourself and you kind of want to like blend into the background but when you're older knowing what you know it's so easy to be like who cares yeah well that's I mean I guess that is just part of the Journey of life you just have to go through these things learn the hard way the the way we all learn lessons is through the thick mud yeah you can't get around it you just got to go through it and then we all like are so much stronger and wiser and better for it so how do you compare yourself now like the person you are on social media now in your life now outside of social media to when you were 13 14 15 going through all this crazy stuff I definitely think I'm more resilient but I still have a lot of lingering feelings yeah and even my experiences through my teenagers up until now have been so trying it's like I feel like if if I were If I Were Meant to Break by now it would have happened so I do feel like I've gotten stronger but there's still that part of me that doesn't really value myself truly and that's something that I've been trying to work on yeah um it's a lifelong yeah project by the way but I put myself in situations and I'm like dude everyone's telling you you're better than this yeah and that it's hard for me to see it so I think on there's both sides of the coin on one side I do think I'm stronger when it comes to the internet there's not a lot that can affect me but but in my personal life I just feel like I don't value myself as much as I probably should are and are you working on that like what do you do for your mental health I'm trying I mean I don't even know how where to start a lot of the time I mean for me I've tried to build better relationships with the people around me lean on people more because that's something that I feel like in the past I've felt weak doing is like reaching out to friends and asking them hang out or whatever cuz you just feel like a burden especially cuz like I have like two groups of best friends and one group there are a couple they've been dating for almost 10 years my other best friends have been dating for seven wow and then there's me and then there's me right right I'm like 39 and I'm like how have people been together for 10 years and I'm over here just struggling to find a yeah so I'm the person that's like hey guys can I come watch a movie with you they're like actually we planned a date tonight but maybe tomorrow yeah um so you're not dating uh no not not currently not anymore oh shoot yeah not anymore but we're happy about that um I think so I think it's I think it'll end up being for the best it's just I'm in that delicate like GH days right now I feel that but sometimes walking away is the strongest thing you can do for yourself so woo snaps for that snaps for that yeah um yeah that's I feel that and it's hard when you're like you don't really truly believe that you deserve better yeah but I just kind of have to take everyone else's word for it and let it do its thing and well take their word but also like I said get quiet with yourself and write out do you ever a journal yes and I have like kind of impostor syndrome when I do interesting I don't know if anyone else has ever experience this or if I'm just really like probably messed up a little bit but when I start journaling and I start like writing stuff out I feel so detached and I'm like interesting I feel like I'm reading about someone else's life and I'm like no surely not interesting yeah I don't know I get like impostor syndrome and oh my God my brain sometimes this is where I wish I was a therapist cuz I'm like I would I want to know what that means um yeah me too I'm it's probably something I really bad but and I actually did recently start talking to a therapist this is something that I've been like super on the fence about because I was like I I don't know I don't feel ready to unpack things and then I just start talking and I she didn't get a word in probably the first like three sessions and I need to see her again but oh my gosh therapy has changed my life I love therapy yeah Sid goes to therapy I go to therapy we highly recommend it really is it's not even if you like it's like you said you just go in and all of a sudden you're talking and they don't and sometimes that alone can help is just getting out your thoughts that's why I like journaling too is it's just getting out your thoughts and like going back to you think it's the right thing and your friends are telling you this but I think you know in your gut yeah it's the right thing yeah for sure okay yeah I think I'm taking small steps big changes happen in the micro shifts big big things happen over time in the small steps so you just keep taking those small steps and then like life goes by so fast I never believed my parents when they said that and then my 30s passed and I was like okay I get it and it when I look back on my 30s all the small changes has have led me to where I am and I'm like even though I seem like a complete disaster to certain people online I'm actually in the best place I've ever been and in way I just yeah I mean I'm still hot mess and I'm still emotional and I'm still figuring things out and I still have wild insecurities and I still you know all the things but I like I said this with Jared freed I'm like I'm just so confidently insecure and everyone everyone is yeah I don't you just got to lean in I don't believe that anyone's truly completely secure and if you are I'd love to meet you no you wouldn't love to meet them that's called cocky and delusional like a little scary all right you guys I have been on quite the makeup Journey as of lately especially since I was in Costa Rica and I had the absolute pleasure of getting my makeup done every single day which I can't wait to share what that's about but it's been such a blast exploring the world of beauty I get more into it year after year I think it is because I get so many tips and tricks from professionals so experimenting with everything from Bold eyeliners to the perfect lip glosses I feel like every day I get to discover new ways to enhance my look and it's been so exciting to find products that really make me feel fabulous and Camera ready even one time Cleo was like oh you got your makeup professionally done I was like I did it it was me and just in time cuz guess what Macy's is having their 10 days of Glam right now and if you're as obsessed with makeup as I am or even if you're just starting to dabble and dip your toes if you will into the Beauty World this is the perfect opportunity to treat yourself to some new products okay so the timing couldn't be better for me personally to EXP my collection with all of these incredible deals I love a deal so one of my absolute must haves that I have absolutely fallen in love with is Tarts shape tape concealer everybody's obsessed with this and now I see why this little 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and use code Vine to get 15% off your entire purchase that's t h oou ai.com code Vine I want to know what the transition you were literally called the Tik Tok Queen oh yeah and now you're into singing and acting and we'll get into that acting that's huge this role that you have um what has the transition been like for you do you love it are you like cuz Tik Tok can obviously fun but are you like okay then what's next like what's more for me how's that been I mean I feel like people are always shocked when cont cont creators step out of the box and try different forms of you know more traditional media but I I've explained it this way a couple times if someone's consistently putting themselves out in front of an audience that's just someone who loves performing and to me it's like naturally that person's going to want to try other things and for me like I started before social media I was doing cheerleading and I was doing competitive whatever shows and then I started social media and it's I feel like it's kind of the natural trajectory of someone who really loves performing and I mean it hasn't been simple you have more to prove yeah of course because of preconceptions yeah but yeah that's true that being said I I've been more selective I've been I've had to work harder which for me I think is a good thing because I love a challenge and it's been it's been great honestly and like even the music is I've had bumps there of course yeah um oh I heard the music industry is rof it's rough out there it's I mean I've talked about it so much but it's just you got to be a different kind of strong to put yourself through that but beyond that I think it's just the natural sort of evolution of someone who really really wants to perform yeah that's cool I mean it takes a lot of confidence and bravery to like step outside a comfort zone and accept a challenge I feel like that's huge I hope you give yourself I hear you and I just go okay but give yourself credit and put yourself on the back give yourself a hug you're doing big things I think the day that I give myself credit though is the day that I get complacent oh no and I just I've kind of always thrived off of being like no keep going okay I'm the same way but I've had to like really work on sitting back and like appreciating and like soaking in the winds that I've had over my years and instead of being like okay but what else could I do like yeah you really have to do that it's a practice yeah and I think for me it's like kind of a balance of removing myself from La for a little bit I go back to Pennsylvania and I have my moments there and I um will stay there for a couple weeks at a time and that's been super helpful and just kind of being like okay that was a good run let's let's regroup yeah but it's hard when it's you cuz I'm so good at celebrating other people but when it comes to myself it's like I don't want to I don't want to look at that have you done personality test before um which one um the anog what's that she's such a two I want you to take a personality test I'm just it's you're you sound like the helper or like the I feel like I don't know no I'm just labeling you as a two but I want you to take it just cuz it's I love learning everything I can about myself I want to know my birth chart I want to know my personality test I want to know my everything that I can I want to get to know myself so do the anagram test and then let me know well I think the most telling thing about me is like a lot of people are going to roll their eyes right now but I'm an Aries yeah but I'm a double cancer so I have cancer rising and cancer Moon and then my my son is Aries but I actually like one of the personality tests I've done CU I also love to dissect myself told me that I was like avoidant which like tracks yeah it tracks adds up adds up interesting but like I want to know if I'm a two or a yeah I'm curious I'm where do I like where do I do that anagram.com I think I don't know I don't know I want to do Sydney have you ever done a personality test I haven't we should do it after this wait yes and what is you're a Capricorn aren't you yeah I love Capricorn I do too actually I love it yeah you're so stable well she like tilts her head you're stable but with hormones so that makes sense that's that's do you get mad when I talk about your hormones all the time oh I'm sorry okay so let's talk about you have this a big character your playing in is it a movie or a show movie it's a movie okay it's called incoming and What attracted you to this role tell us all about it because this is I want to know yeah we're very excited about this oh okay cool thanks um yeah so this is my first movie I've ever been a part of and there's been of course there's been roles that have been that have come in and I was really excited about this one cuz it was the first one that I auditioned for that seemed out of the or for me it seemed like sort of left field something people wouldn't expect and the script was hilarious and I wanted it so bad because you get offered a lot of roles especially when you have like the followers and the numbers that people just want you there for the sake of having you there to bring in whatever audience you have pre-existing but I wanted something that I had to work for and win and I did so many auditions I did self tapes I went in person and read with the Sheron Brothers in person it's very like super bades humor that Rony yeah out there and and my role was very as Helen likes to say it was very humanizing oh I love that and I don't think people will be expecting what where it goes for me specifically yeah but I watch the movie so many times now and I I love it I think it's hilarious oh my gosh I'm so excited to watch yeah we're so excited and you've already filmed it yeah when does it come out it comes out in August in August okay so will it be in theaters uh no it's coming out on Netflix Oh even better even better yes just there it will be I'm like theaters are a Dying Breed put that [ __ ] on Netflix oh my gosh that's incredible Netflix yeah imagine being on Netflix like that'd be so cool I mean I am on Amazon Prime uh back in the day if you want to search Bachelorette season 11 girl that is Hulu Dancing with the Stars but never is like the go you Dancing with the Stars I won you did to brag or anything that's so cool I won you're so cool I'll tell you what nothing made me feel cooler than winning that show I was like that I am cool you were like yes I am the star and you are dancing with me yeah and I am a Mirrorball champ no it was crazy cuz I grew up dancing my whole life and then I like couldn't make it as a dancer cuz I wasn't good enough so it was like the full circle moment where I'm like you you made it I was like in my 30s and I was like I just won the Mirrorball I am I'm a dancer there you go yeah it was amazing um sometimes the validation comes later okay so I you said a little bit it's like the runchy kind of pulling from super bad inspiration funny comedy which are is like one of the most iconic movies of all times like I quote that movie all the time was there anything like behind the scenes that you could talk about like did you have a little crush on whenever I was in musical theater I always had a crush on like the most unexpected human I'd like hear him sing a bar and I'd be like oh wait what Michael topping his name didn't see that one coming well I so for most of the time I was only on set with two of the boys yeah and um they were like 15 so oh no little weird um no but they were really cool and I spent a lot of time with them obviously so we were good friends yeah that's nice and I I enjoyed seeing I actually had a friend in the movie um his name is Tomas barbusa and I didn't really register that he was in the movie until I saw him on one of the last days of filming and we were like really yeah wait wait a tick yeah I was like wait wait interesting you get here that's so funny wait so and you're like a big role in this yeah I guess yeah give yourself the damn credit woman you're a big role in this yeah and you worked hard to get there what would your dream role be moving forward in the acting world I don't know I really really love like what I really loved about this is that it was unpredictable and it wasn't I wasn't just playing like the popular girl yeah yeah it so Gorge there was more depth to the character and I really appreciated that so um I like things that are a challenge yeah because I feel like there's been a lot of no-brainers that have come my way I'm like yeah I get that I'm the same kind of person like I love a challenge off the vine is brought to you by Progressive Insurance let's face it sometimes multitasking is overwhelming like when your favorite podcast is playing the person next to you is talking your car Fan's blasting you're trying find the perfect parking spot but then again sometimes multitasking is easy like quoting with 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speaking of Netflix the show on Netflix what is it called dancing Dan the devil there's that show dancing with the devil about the T talk world did you know these people have anything to do with this world no okay did you hear about it at any point and when the documentary came out you're like I'm glad this is getting exposed or you just saw it come out and you're like what the hell I had no idea I don't I didn't even know about I didn't know of any of them until and I mean at least I don't think I did the the influencer sphere has gotten so big and there's always messed up things happening that like it was really sad it wasn't surprising necessarily I see crazy stuff all the time but no I didn't know anyone personally okay God I watched it and I was like this is I had two thoughts of it one I was like I the family doing this to the daughter I'm like this feels like you're ruining your relationship with her even more cuz she seems quite happy but also I want people to be exposed if they're doing something wrong so it was interesting to watch but I just like remember I don't know if you're ever part of the there's like a Tik Tok house for you weren't part of that okay gosh yeah I can't imagine those were crazy yeah those were like people I don't have the mental stamina for that no and these kids were driving like Ferraris and living in this house at the age of the hype house is one of them the hype house yeah s yeah okay so who's your favorite person to follow on Tik Tok I don't know cuz I just kind of like scroll yeah okay so what's your favorite kind of content to consume on Tik Tok my algorithm is really not normal I don't think think um H it's a lot of like Carousel like type swipe memes oh stuff like that um I don't know I try not to scroll too much good for you cuz then I like I've been reading more bless yes and no because I think reading depending on what you're reading for me it's like the same mindless like like I'm reading the book and it's just like the most intense plot line I'm just like tapped in yeah um so to me it's like the same mindless like activity but at least I'm learning new words that's what I think that's what I think when I that's not skibby whatever yeah like it's like actual words when I read books I'm like at least my vocabulary is probably growing a bit yeah and I like Google words when I don't know them so that's but I will say Tik Tok inspires me to be a little funnier yeah like I'm like oh also it's very humbling so I'm like I'm not that funny so humbling I think I'm so funny and then I watch Tik Tok I'm like not really I like Britney bro a lot okay that is if I saw her page i' probably she has a podcast she was like the kombucha meme yes oh my God I'm obsessed I love her I think she's really funny she's so funny I don't know I try not to watch like too too many people that are similar to me cuz then I start getting a little bit uh going a little czy that's why I don't listen to podcasts yeah because I start comparing and you're like oh my God this person is so much more interesting and Cooler Than Me y yep I do that all the time I do it all the time God it if there wasn't a world of social media would we still be comparing ourselves so much to so many other people yes okay you watch Bridgton I watched the first season okay I'm on the first season right now I just actually just started the second season on my drive here I was like listening to it amazing like that's my podcast yeah but even then they're like you know Deanie is the diamond of the season and all the girls are like G you know it's the same Vibe it's true there's always someone to compare yourself to God even when I was like a kid I was comparing myself my sister I was like she's so cool oh that was me in the dance studio we just there's always ways to compare yourself and be like I'm not good enough and whatever but then everyone else is like you're so dope yeah I know we got to we got to Hype ourselves up the way a best friend would to us yeah and I have great friends why do we not want to be our own best friends I don't know I don't know if I can handle being friends with myself I think about this I was so blessed to not have a twin yeah I've said that before about myself I would be the evil twin too and that's I know that I would I would be so competitive my ego would be too big and I would be like like yeah there can't be two of me yeah exactly I feel you on that what upcoming projects do you have besides a huge Show on Netflix what are you excited about right now um well I'm starting music again amazing so excited what's your favorite style of music everything really I listen to everything and a lot of people don't take me seriously when I say that but like from heavy metal to Country to like Taylor Swift everything in between I listen to right now I've been listening to the acoustic version of I took a pill and ABA by my Posner Inc I discovered that recently because I'm going to Aba and I was listening to the song and then I was like oh the song's deep um ouch yeah yeah I felt a personal attack there and I was like ouch add to playlist yeah um so that I've been listening to a lot also Helen showed me this cover from um the band Michael Sarah Palin of If It Makes You Happy by Cheryl Crow and it's like a like rock version of that song and it's so sick okay I'm GNA listen to that you I think you'll like it I love well woman with tastes thank you you wouldn't tell by my outfit together I'm wearing boxer shorts she's got taste I like to think so but I always feel like I'm like am I one of those people that's just 39 now where I go like I'm just trying to hard to keep up with the young folk no okay thank God not that like you need more than 23 million followers but where could people find you I don't even know my ads Lauren Lauren Gray somewh and it's l o r n yes and is the gray with the a yes yes okay that's important information no one ever gets that right thank you really yeah thank you I do my research like with your Instagram page do you ever like will you promote the Netflix show or do you strictly stick to your niche of content no I post everything okay cool yeah so you'll post this podcast cool cool yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah of course of course like I could really use those views um thank you so much for coming on and I'm so excited Sydney and I are gonna we should FaceTime and watch the movie together we should that's cute we should do or just fly me out to come see you that that works too okay I'll do that too that works too um so when when we're watching the movie what can we expect it's crazy it's there's a lot happening okay a lot happening all at once like what's the setting is it high school yes and it's all about this party okay so and I'm there and you're at the party until not oh [ __ ] she did oh god well okay you're at the party till you're not um sold that was a good teaser right there thank you I I will be watching enough said um thank you so much for coming on you're such a little gam you are a light I hope you know that yeah you got to believe in yourself a little more working on it I'm Kaitlin Bristo your session is now [Music] ending and if I'm being honest I wouldn't find a rating and review [Music]

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