Jedd Fisch Unleashing a BOLD Recruiting Strategy | Washington Huskies Football

Published: Jul 31, 2024 Duration: 01:00:21 Category: Sports

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and we just get one hello dog fans let's go baby we're 30 days out Richardson he has a high bar for what he expects from his guys and he wants them going 100% all the time this is somebody who will Embrace that willingly so and you can see it in his game like it's already there the swag is there I can understand why anybody would you know suggest one of their favorite prospects in the class top 20 top 20 is is a great start great point I think that's kind of The Benchmark for Success that we've had over the last I don't know 5 to 10 years um we're heading the right direction obviously there's a lot of people who still need to commit and that includes two ubb um and we you know we expect what what did we say no unclass size maybe we start there um I think we're we're guessing we're at 24 now if you were to guess is to how many commitments we'd end this class with where would you end it I would put it right around 30 um think you can go as high as 31 maybe even 32 if the right guys wanted to commit yeah um and I think we'll get into some of those guys tonight but uh and we just get one hello dog fans let's go baby we're 30 days out yeah I dude I can't freaking believe it but yeah we're I think 30 is feeling like the magic number at least for the purview of the people that we know about that the huskys are still recruiting I think there's probably five or six names GES uh some offensive linemen some defensive linemen um potentially some Edge players that that will still continue to Target Jed fish is going to be working to flip some guys um and I know there's the moniker oh it's flip season here we go yeah you're going to see a bunch of flips I I'm not saying that we expect to see a ton but to think that there's not going to be any flips coming into you dub uh is kind of naive do you remember when we were sitting right around like 16 you know maybe about two or three months ago I posted question yeah I posed a question to the Discord and I said something along the lines of um you know where we are today because you know there were some doomsday prepping going on people were like can we actually commit you know can we recruit in the Big 10 Etc I posed the question is uh you know would you be okay if I said to you right now I will guarantee you the six spot in like a top 22 class and I think everybody was like uh yeah we would take that what's interesting is now we're 18 class 13 class depending on the rankings you're looking at top five in the Big 10 it's it's things have flipped you know people want us to get even better and better I just want to remind everyone that this is a different type of staff theore had an absolute Elite onfield coaching know game teachers not so much saying that this staff isn't it's just this staff is like they're Grinders on the recruiting Trail they put a ton of effort a ton of time into forming these relationships and the other thing is I think this staff led by Jed fish has really taken that next step really realizing how important nil and what that can do for uh you know do for a program so yeah I think we are 1,000% on the right track where we want to be yeah yeah I mean if you're finding yourself in the top six I think like these this is where you want to be in the conversation with is really these six schools right% and if you're edging out one of these two schools you know coming off of a you know a personnel-wise in terms of numbers like 45 players you know damn near I I think I think that was the correct number right it was like 40 or 45 somewhere in there are newly coming into the program if you're sitting in the top six in that position you're heading the right direction um you know I think there were you know we've talked at nauseum about like the o line and and what they you know sometimes what they didn't bring in um in terms of like a big name tackle to fill that spot and I I see them basically kind of taking that on the as a chip on the shoulder like being like hey let's go rock this High School recruiting class and make sure that we make up for that Jed fish keeps saying these you know he had that we had the media day and then they came back and they did husky media day and one thing that he that I loved that he talked about was he said um that the expectations of what they are he's constant like of what they're doing in the recruiting room he's constantly finding out like things that people are doing that are creative and asking why that they aren't doing that first and it driving you know kind of trying to be like drive toward Innovation like let's do things that are different um that are going to have us stick out um and I think you're going to hear over the coming weeks some changes some big changes within recruiting um you know I I've kind of hinted towards this on Twitter I I put out a tweet that this was you know this change to the number of scholarships was just the start of things to come and bigger changes there's going to be change to where things are going to level out and it's not going to be uh um they're going to make big big steps toward it not being just whoever has the biggest nil budget gets the most amount of play good players um maybe you can read between the lines on that but I would just keep your eye on that and I think this this level of recruiting is what we're doing isn't really impacted and so we will stay the course but some of these other schools they've got to make some big adjustments is what I'll just say so um it'll be interesting to see but let's uh any anything else before we talk about the you know seven eight players that we didn't cover on the last on the last podcast that you guys want to say just in a general recruiting front yeah I think honestly when when we talk about the 45 players I I think coach fish hit the nail on the head when he said that there's at least 30 players that started spring or fall practice today that weren't on the field or in the building for spring practice Yeah like and that's transfers high school players like whatever but this is a really solid like this is a really solid team there's a lot of development that's there for it and I think we as husky fans are going to be pleasantly surprised are we going to take some lumps for sure but I think that you know we're going to be pleasantly surprised with the development because this is you know this is a staff that took you know players that were pretty low rated and by the time that they were red Shir freshman red shirt sophomore they were all all conference players so you know I'm not going to have you know I have complete faith in this staff in terms of their ability to not only recruit but also to develop on the field am man yeah what did uh what did the kids say um what did the guy say he was he played for uh red fish um and it was the Big 10 Jake butt I think it was Jake butt that who that was he said they took yeah he tied end they never took a snap when he played that they were at a disadvantage God man I mean and he what to me I mean you know it just says that Jed fist truly understands the game in the sense of like scaling too so he calls a play to set up a play Maybe It's the next play Maybe It's a play three three plays down you know down the line it's just the ability to have that overarching like strategy and like vision and Mission what we're really trying to do on the field and that to me uh is is exciting especially with the athletes and the veterans we have on the offensive side of the ball I mean you're Jeremiah Hunters you're Giles Jackson uh and you know Austin he had some some some really nice pieces on the outside in Arizona you know in McMillan um couple other guys too but I'm really excited to see kind of how he takes those guys puts them in certain sets and just just kind of uses that leadership we have on the offensive side of the ball kind of once again put the defenses in a bad position definitely yeah great call this Camp is going to be really interesting there's more battles at Big positions than I think that is typical for us so it'll it'll be it'll be very interesting to to watch that piece too and maybe glean some highlights on we kind of understand what the scheme is right to to that degree but you they're going to play toward player strengths too so it'll be interesting to see what kind of adjustments they make to make sure that certain players get the ball um really quick is you remember you know you remember in Fall Camp last year know there was nothing crazy in the sense of like surprises you know I mean we knew who was on the outside you know we knew we had our bookend tackles we had Michael Pennock you you know but this year you know I'm just I'm just thinking going into fall camp and and and us actually attending a fall Camp practice when you're really getting uh me close to a brand new team and it I think there's so much to like Garner and Learn by by us getting out there and really seeing that I'll be out there at least three or four practices don't forget about that scrimmage that he wants uh 20,000 fans to come to as well amen yeah let's hop into it the first player we want to I want to start out with is uh Dylan Robinson from Bon High School in in California this this one um generated a lot of excitement online when it happened um I think a lot of people thought we were you know probably behind the eightball in terms of where we sat with him you know maybe a month or two before his commitment uh and they really pushed and they pulled it out over Notre Dame over UCLA um he's a he's a freak on both sides of the ball and I mean he he's not he's bigger than a Trent McDuffy but man I see him as like the next big like lockdown corner at UB I and that's not sliding some of the guys we have currently I'm just saying I think that this kid has I mean elite elite um just playmaking abil ball skills uh lock I mean he's he can be a lock down corner for a lot of years to come for you if if he's willing to put his head you know his head and nose right on the ball like he does in these last couple um last couple shots here I they quick enough to be able to come up and make plays like that I mean and and you you'll play early and often who's the kid who went to North uh went to Carolina played for the Panthers got drafted fifth round quarterback oh Keith that's a great one right there Keith Keith Taylor so what I was gonna say about Keith Taylor is and Dylan Robinson is he's got the length like Keith Taylor which which you know once Keith Taylor kind of got the like really got the position understood spots he was supposed to be in understood kind of like like the the give and go and the push a little bit with it w with with his like safeties was you know he was a showstopper this kid's a lot more athletic with the length though right if you remember you know eth was kind of awkward at a young age because he was like 6'4 190 lbs but this kid is like he just looks so much more fluid at at you know these are are these These are junior highlights there's a reason he's the number eight athlete in the country yeah like and you just turn on the film and you can see it that's a great that's a kind of the best way to sum it up okay this is probably this might be uh I'm not going to say that I was going to say this might my favorite recruit I'll say he's top three for sure I I mean I really think this kid can be special special on this team I think there's justification to say like he presents the highest upside of any recruit in the class the next one we got covered so uh we touched a little bit on zad's last podcast some of these guys who were committed uh prior to the last podcast like champ uh you know Raiden vinbrite uh guys on on the next podcast Dash byle like some of these you know some of these guys we need to go back and cover but we want to talk about the newest folks now and we'll we'll come back and talk to about some of those guys um Chris Lawson is next stud 61 175 PB wide receiver track guy um kind of plays bigger than you would expect at 6'1 175 at least that's what he's here yeah is that your thought on him as well or what's that's exactly my thought as a matter of fact it's funny you say that is I when I went uh you know you're doing it on your screen I'm looking at mine you know moving around I thought when I saw him play and and I must not realize he was 61 I thought he was like a 63 64 guy right for you to say that you know not queued up nothing like that that's exactly my thought as well like I really thought he was like a like 6'3 but he goes up and gets the ball uh his range know just just his his catch radius is is incredible I mean he he's a he's a playmaker as well and he's a very exciting guy to have on this team definitely it's his John it's like his his stride length and maybe that is what it is maybe he's got a shorter torso and just some long legs exactly what it looks like he just moves well I mean like after the catch very few as good as Chris Lawson you'll see there's a couple plays where he yeah I mean I don't think it's a couple plays pretty much all of them where it's just like dude that's going to translate you know some the this is high school on high school like obviously he's going to get bigger and be able to do this at the next level I think it just looks really clear I love the way in this clip here he was able to Throttle Down avoid going out of bounds on the sidelines and then break two tackles and go up field yeah like just the slipperiness right there and then he's like okay I'm gone yeah and that's something that's still really really good awareness like spatial awareness same thing right there it's utilizing your blockers to just free up space and then just straight up outrun the defense D yes so I'll be the I'll be the first to say I've never heard of his high school Archbishop reordan I I've never heard of that school um but I'll tell you what he when you watch him you know the first thing that pops to me the game just looks e like to him like he looks like he's just that much better than everybody else like not like he's lazy I'm saying like it looks like it's just I mean that's nasty can you go back to that play yeah that Quinton Johnson guy for the Chargers can't make this catch God everybody's on that guy so funny I love that he um slot yeah that's nasty I love that what we gonna say ISO um I blanked um oh to your point about him like the game just kind of coming naturally to him there one of my uh good buddies from high school he played um played college football at Kansas uh and we T I asked him about running backs the year actually that tybo Rogers uh committed to udub and there was three running backs that we were after and I sent them all three um Rogers was the lowest rated of the three and he said I'll be honest with you Rogers is the best out of all three of these guys and that ended up being true uh obviously for the for short stint that he was at udub but he um he said to me there's things that you do not learn that are at this age are not learned through you like going through drills there's stuff that you honestly pick up on the playground and watching your favorite players like do Jukes and Spins and how they are in space and um he plays like he's on a play I mean like he obviously is disciplined in his in in his route running he looks crisp you know for for his age but there's things that he does with the ball in his hands that's like this is playground this is playground ball like that's how he makes these guys look like he's got that he's got that innate ability to make guys miss and he just takes he just take he'll take a slant and just take it to the house I mean he and I mean that that's to your point is I think that's like he just has that just that natural gift to always make someone Miss right I mean that catch right there is filthy dude you know who he kind of reminds because he's looking over his left shoulder adjusts and catches the ball over his right d he reminds me a little bit of Jeremiah Hunter I know Jeremiah Hunter I could I could see that actually like B like playmaker we'll see I mean I honestly I think he probably he has more upside than I think Hunter because he's got more speed he's definitely F he's definitely he's definitely faster definitely faster yeah but I'll tell you what though Jeremiah Jeremiah Hunters uh not not to get on him cuz we're talking about Chris Lawson but Jeremiah Hunter uh snatching the ball out of the air and high pointing the ball is Elite as hell I mean it's elite of elite yes agreed that's like hiso totally they're not I like this kid though I mean that's nice too all right Chris L we've had enough that that was that I like that kid Hey Kevin Cummings nice work kid great get man great get obviously you already know that you know what you're doing but yeah seal approval already I know you're not done little little nugget on on specifically Chris Lawson and Archbishop rarden there's like three or four players in the 2026 and 2027 classes um that are on that that team that udub is has offered that have significant upside let's hop over to Ryland Dillard Allen uh he is a tenacious player and he's in the right spot at the right time can hit can pick balls off great in coverage um you know you just got to see him put on the weight but I think when uh I think when Noah and I were talking about him and I don't want to steal your thunder here Noah um you said that this is a kid who like very clearly loves the game super rangy I mean just everything about him he just I mean he wants to take your head off dude I mean that's what you want from a defensive back know there there's a kid in this current class I'm sorry the last class we got you know that was very iffy that we we said he was like an NFL prospect uh type player at the safety position but he just didn't know if he wanted to play defense you have to to play defense especially at this level you have to have that like a little bit of a screw loose mentality and I think RDA has that for sure yes I would agree now obvious you know whenever it's uh Hey the the key here is hey just have him put on weight for a player typically you would you know if you say that you're like uh you know I don't feel great about that is this a project sometimes it has to do with like you have to make a body change and you have to make uh changes or coach him up on intangibles and and different things like that for RDA you have like like a a painting that's already almost complete the game like Lawson comes naturally to him and you just that's the check box that you need to check otherwise everything else because of the love for the game he's going to be you know hard steadfast on development when you have a coach like Richardson he has a high bar for what he expects from his guys and he wants them going 100% all the time this is somebody who will Embrace that willingly so and you can see it in his game like it's already there the swag is there I can understand why anybody would you know suggest one of their favorite prospects in the class let's move on another big get there um by the way I'll just say one more thing on RDA RDA is j a jedf fish you know Richardson guy I I think early on as soon as we as soon as this staff came to UB I was getting messages like hey you can kind of chalk this one up they they've done a great job recruiting the whole time so yeah here's the other thing too about RDA really quick like don't think for a minute that he wasn't like a crazy coveted Prospect like yeah he's maybe a three star four star and something I mean he officially visited visited Bama I mean he had he had offers from you know all of his instate schools UCLA Texas A&M Nebraska Oregon Ariz I mean he's a he's a very coveted athlete and if you're telling me that you can get him to commit uh know pretty dang close right after he's on an official visit to Bama sign me up that's that's what I like to hear shout out animal put out a couple animal H animal love you buddy um cool you animals always will damn right absolute Legend um awesome cool yeah and what also this indicates to Noah's point is that you have to have an nil competitive nil to win a battle or to to win to win a recruit like a recruitment where it includes Nebraska and you know more specifically A&M Oregon USC Alabama that you know if there's indication that we're heading the right direction there's there's an indication for you yeah hey M Maddie real quick do you remember what uh what did salela say about RDA didn't he say he was like one of his him and um um Desmond love robu too yeah robu I think RDA and robu were like some of his favorite players coming out of like the Phoenix area this year correct yep yep well robu but the same thing from okay from Arizona and Sh Lea always much love let's move on Ran's Adams anything specific you guys want to cover with rans other than pulling up his T athletic background i''s say athletic background uh um so I want to say he he has some pretty pretty good numbers in long jump and triple jump and uh you can kind of see it in the game film um a lot of his Clips are on offense from at least this this highlight or this amount of highlights they lined them up all over the field but I think at the end of the day like some people are saying oh well you know uh you know we can we can talk about oh well the fact that you know we didn't get uh Z Morano the commitment from Z Morano and um you know oh I think his frames better y Yad y well clearly the staff identified raman's Adams and felt that he was somebody that they wanted to bring in and um you know honestly anytime that you can make inroads into Texas you know continue to make inroads into Texas from a recruiting standpoint but also um from just a pure athleticism standpoint um Tech's been doing a good job recruiting and getting him to decommit from Tech and actually uh you know come up take a visit and then turn around and you know commit to ubb within a couple of weeks is really impressive and again yet another you know shout out coach Jay Rich um he wasch right he's good he was committed to Texas Tech for a good like I want to say at least a couple of months um yeah but yeah I really like love that he's a three sport I love that he's a three sport athlete too plays basketball runs track uh I mean there's no question man I mean he he's he's slight but um frame his slight frame yeah it doesn't I mean it doesn't affect him that much on the field I mean he'll have to put on some weight you know he he'll need to put right there where he uh he's he did that you know almost like a hitch and go um I like that getting up to full speed I need I need ball Bo amen yep but yeah that that and then just he blows past the defense um on a hitch and go just nasty I mean he's he's running past these guys like they're standing still another good get yeah and I know bastri isn't like this like ultimate pre you know he's not he's it's not Duncanville and you know that sort of stuff Lake Travis Etc um but that being said Texas high school football athletic you know is impressive I mean they lined him up at quarterback and just was like here go make a play we weren't hearing this name um really at all I know I wasn't um but for our coaches to take his commitment when we know for a fact there was some pretty um I don't higher ranking 247 on three guys we were after whatever that really means but point being is for our coaches to take that commitment to me that says that they really like this kid absolutely yeah you know what I mean so and I'm definitely in a in Jay Rich We Trust because I think he is one of the elite EB coaches in the country and and I'm not just putting that out there just because he's on the udub staff I think you I think his work kind of uh shows for that so if Jay Rich says this kid can play and and develop into a you know power four starter yeah that's rad yeah amen yeah I think I think the background of what happened or how this all kind of played out was you know obviously during the evaluation period in the spring and uh early summer um there were several camps that happened in um I know like the Dallas Metroplex SMU had a camp um there are some other camps in like the Houston area Etc that udub staffers went to um you know to to basically like coach at and and participate in and that's where they identified him and you know reached out gave him that offer and then uh you know work to work to get that commitment so I mean there's there's another flip right there I like how they've gotten some guys that are like okay probably going to play as a red shirt freshman or could potentially play as some snaps as a true freshman um and then you got these guys that they're going going to take a little bit to develop it could develop into you know they're the gems right those hidden gems and I think that what this staff has really done a great job of so far just in the 2024 class is identifying both and securing both so you have a guy like a Dylan Robinson who's got a lot better you know he's he's got a great opportunity to start at a earlyer age and then you turn around you know and I would also consider like into that that realm um to a certain extent he just needs to show a little bit more physicality which I know he's been working on but then you have a guy like Ramon's Adams and it's like okay cool um and the question has been posed like multiple times well how many defensive backs are we taking well we're going to lose like potentially up to six defensive backs you know anywhere between four to six defensive backs so you've got to naturally like replace that and I think that the staff is more interested in replacing that out at the high school level and maybe adding one or two in the portal versus you know going a little bit more portal heavy and you know risk losing out on those types of battles that's a really good point dud in this in this era in this era dude you can never take too many any position that's just the reality of the era we're in right now also what are we talking about too I mean if we're going to 105 scholarships that's what I mean don't matter we've already seen as as udub fans what it looks like to not do a quality job of consistently recruiting the defensive backs room we we don't need to go back to 2022 and we had those couple of games where we were playing Walk-Ons against Arizona State because of injuries UCLA exactly like those types of situations I think that's something that you know we definitely don't have to worry about now yeah I mean and not to not not to beat this dead horse cuz I want to get into these trench dogs think about where we were a couple years ago too with like our with our middle our uh interior linebacker room too yeah I'm not going to name names I'm not I'm not here to throw any shade at any any of our ex dogs but I mean you can't miss year after year at certain positions and I mean abundance having a you know an abundance of riches is is what makes Elite programs Elite year after year after year you lose guys to the NFL you lose guys to the transfer portal oh but guess what we got seven more in the cupboard yeah so yeah see like quarterback wide receiver and defensive back I feel like I'm really not concerned about that for the future for like quite you know seems like we're really checking those boxes to say the least yeah so so getting into this next guy because I know where you're going yeah uh you know is though looking actually at our offensive line I'm you know this year you you know my concerns you know just just with just with actual onfield um like a veteran presence I felt like you know we were a little bit lacking we've peace a pretty nice talented offensive line together but you know talking about for the future I mean we have a ton of young guys who we could end up having like in my opinion a top three type Big 10 offensive line in a couple years and and I really believe that yeah I mean Brennon Carol's done nothing but prove that he can take guys and turn them into you know it you know like you said you're not we're not thrown shade but there's one of the players from Arizona he came in I guess I don't have I'm not throwing shade I'm just making a comment on him uh Wendel Mo was one of the kids that we wanted and when wend Mo came in he was real big like uh I think he he 400 pound yeah hu huge um and that guy is a he's like a projected NFL guy I feel like offensive line coaching is one of like every for I felt like the first like four or five years everyone would constantly uh question uh recruits that or not everyone but a lot of people would would question the recruits that Scott he would be in and he would constantly prove you wrong based on what he would produce on the field with the offensive line and it feels like Brennan Carroll we should have we should learn from that and look at his body of work and kind of be patient with him for lack of a better word because there's a lot of there's question marks on the offensive line if he can make this offensive line that we have right now into a you know halfway decent offensive line the Huskies are going to have a phenomenal year this year and exceed Expectations by a long shot because it's pretty much I agree with that for sure yeah so anyways my pointed with that is len Coleman brua is one of these guys that is a Washington kid not being you know coveted by you know your A&M and your you know your Texas and USC and Oregon and stuff like that um but when you watch his film understand what what Brennan Carroll has done with less than this and then watch it and be like and try to where where's you know if you're a Savvy you know uh a film evaluator you can spot things and and and pick them up and say Hey you know we need Improvement there but this tape right here screams like this kid is going to be a very very good interior offensive lineman for ubb you his feet are fast and we're not I mean you know he's he's 65 290 but him and I think he plays you know left tackle for for east side or or Kennedy I'm sorry for Kennedy Catholic but he uh he he's going to be he's going to be a good-looking pulling guard absolutely I'm super pumped for him I mean I think the the hype there was a lot of hype about his younger brother and what I loved is that it doesn't feel for an instant that he did anything but other other than Embrace sharing his commitment Spotlight with the fact that his younger brother is probably one of the best defensive ends in the country coming out of the the 2026 class uh I've heard people say recruited by everybody yeah he can go wherever he want I've heard people say that he's the best Edge to come out of state of Washington ever uh you know and that is not a bashful statement and dude I I loved seeing that people myself included I even sent a tweet out like hey you should pay attention to this fact that his brother is uh you know his this highly coveted kid and 2026 looks really good and he got a crystal ball for you know for udub right after his uh loan committed and his brother was embraced all of it of course right you would think but sometimes man that's just that's your that's your Shining Moment and you got to share that with your brother and I just thought that was cool I know how competitive my family is and my older brother so but I just thought that was awesome but this kid is this kid is GNA be yeah I I I love I love this kid for interior offensive lineman down the road I mean I really do especially getting the ability to you know in high school play uh offensive tackle so he's got he's got the feet um but then being able to take that and then just be Absolut explo also at the point of attack on the interior offensive line is going to be hu you he can run a little bit too no when he gets out and go yeah he can move y agreed actually we'll talk about a little bit later uh he can run too in uh help me with his name again zachi yeahi yeah saskowski he can we we think we have pretty good shot with that kid and he he can he can get up and run a little bit too yeah that kid's a dog but yeah I just wanted to show you know not a lot of people dive in to to game film on every recruit that we get but you know we're freakish nerds and that's why we have this podcast and whatnot and we do our thing but um this this one was one where it's like I don't care what he's I I'm not going to look at his rating at all like it's very clear with his he's so Compact and he has such good feet there's such a there's like a canvas there you know and it just it seems very unlikely knowing Brennan Carrol's track record and knowing this is a football family that this kid's not going to continue to develop but also like my opinion he's very underrated I think trying to figure out what his knock is I mean like guess does I mean does he have shorter does he have shorter arms maybe yeah maybe but again like 65 on the interior offensive line it's hard to tell because he's so big yeah yeah sometimes you take like the 285 tackle and you're like all right we got some work to do this kid is not very far off from being exactly where he needs to be physically you know you can chisel up of course he's in high school but it's pretty clear this you've got a Surefire thing high high floor guard cool for sure anything else on let's do it no I'm excited hey man let's let's get one let's get two Coleman bruces man I'll take them I'll take them all like the younger it's kind of like the third Hatchet brother man yes I read an article the other day about him he's turning into a hell of a football player too let take let's let's just take them all I'm with it bring them on but does he hit dingers um okay sukowski so Crystal Bal to udubb we'll go we'll go through this quick uh was committed to Minnesota has been for some time um took a visit last weekend to udub for the um what was the name of the event Luau at the lake or luau on Mont Lake luau on Mont Lake um say that 10 times yeah he rode he rode that boat from Minnesota all the way to Lake baby that Cuma I don't think we're breaking anything here we're not you know obviously the kid has to commit still hasn't yet there's players retweeting him saying dog you know typically if you want to look for a sign sign that's a reliable when it comes to sleuthing Matt will tell you this that when players are quote tweeting you and saying dog and purple umbrella emojis pretty clear sign that things look good also he's obviously got the Crystal Ball from Huffman and that usually means too really quick that usually means that he probably got added into the class uh text message group oh yeah so he most likely probably told he probably told all the guys that he's coming to ubb that's that's most likely why they're retweeting him too so so a couple of hits on this and more specifically a little bit of background on uh saskowski is you know plays out a Central Catholic at uh um in Portland Oregon they've historically been a pretty damn good team now obviously the past couple of years you know you've had your West Linds you've had um I'm trying to remember who won last year for Oregon um but you you typically like prior to that Central Catholic was you know a Powerhouse and uh they're a pretty runhe heavy offense um but they like to do a lot of stuff with you know the screen game and um everything else and I think just what staskowski brings to the table in terms of potential um is that you know quintessential prototypical taple um but if we get into the film like the her uh Noah likes to uh discuss this but I really really like his movement skills and uh I love how he finishes blocks I I was talking to somebody about him um just a source who's telling me H another guy I've said this a couple times but High floor Sure Fire Surefire tackle very uh clearly not going to play in on the interior this is a pass protection guy um and his frame screams tackle you're not going to move him inside yeah I love that he gets to the second level super well finishes there can make blocks in open space um if I was going to sit here and like you know try to say what is it about him that you know evaluators are seeing that he needs to work on I would say probably his his initial you know pop initial point of attack you know to absolutely just Dominate and finish a guy up front um a little bit of a catch there but I mean but you see once he kind of gets his hands on a guy he absolutely is a pancake machine um so I think that comes I think that comes just getting a little bit stronger in the base sure has I think you can little top yeah that's fine there's a there's a clip in this where he literally just rides the defender all the way like yard he walking him like 50 yards down the field yeah look at that right there he's like hey when you use his hands pretty damn well though I'll tell you what he uses his hands when he I saw what you were talking about there know like a initial point of attack um but once he gets engaged he seems keep his hands inside and really Drive guys down that's that's nice okay all right last two or last three uh very exciting three here we'll start with the guy whose commitment is impending for where he will choose um from what I'm hearing it looks good for us right now now any time a kid pushes his commitment out you know after a visit you can never figure out why you don't know I you know my my thought with him is so just for to back up here laran Clardy is from Florida very close with some of our current uh recruits um when zadrian Clardy um now what I had heard was basically that Florida state was a little bit late on getting on to Clardy um as were some of the other schools too uh down in the South and udub and Jed fish and J Rich and sineri and I know I think Vinnie was kind of running point on his recruitment really made an impact during that time while you know there was there wasn't a lot of focus from schools nearby and they made a giant impact and they had him out here and he had a fantastic visit um he's from uh the same Pensacola high school as where Devon Witherspoon Seattle Seahawk who played for Illinois is from um so on his visit or actually I don't think it was on his visit it was down in Pensacola uh prior to Camp starting for the Seahawks Devon Witherspoon was down uh at the high school there's clips of Clardy and Devon Witherspoon um you know and I think I think uh that connection makes him more comfortable with the idea of going to school in Seattle living in Florida now from the jump with his commitment um it to me it was clear that you know uh that there was some maybe trying to kind of and perfect strategy here if I was larian I'd be doing the exact same thing of kind of pitting schools against each other and really being vocal about where he was leaning and things like that uh and I think that fear of missing out from some of the schools in the South like ol Miss Florida State Miami started that interest started to pick up um with with Clardy and so uh that drives up your nil I mean it's a good kudos to you man get get your get your pay and um I think I think udub is willing to play ball for a kid of this caliber he's he's a very good defensive back um so I'm excited for him I just want to kind of give you guys a little bit of a background into his Comm uh recruitment it's a super interesting one um nothing but good things happened for the kids so but it's a long way to travel and I I was kind of always of the mindset that if if a school from the south really wanted to prioritize them they there was a door that was always open and then I saw very shortly after and again this is really good strategy I don't know who's Consulting him on this stuff or if it's really just him knowing what he's you know what he's doing with this after his udub visit that reportedly went very well uh he tweeted out a video of him and Lane kein in lane kin's car and uh and I think that that video for me when I watched it struck me a little bit it was like oh this kid is you know he's good at at negotiating if if that's what's happening here um and rightfully so because frankly it's a long way to travel for family to come up here but I think you know I I think uh I would assume that we're we're doing the things that we need to do on our end to soften the blow of that travel to the most that we possibly can um so we'll see it sounds like it sounds like tonight as though that he got a uh like I say this it's like a joke but he got an official offer um from Florida State tonight so August 1 is the uh the date that the 2025 kids can basically officially be offered so it's it's basically midnight or you know 1201 that they can get that offer and so clearly several hours ahead of here Florida state was able to to you know do that andish official public offering at 901 pafic got yeah is that okay that that's what that was yeah now to consider with uh with Clardy is that he uh he was set to be taking he was set to take a visit to Old Miss now number one Old Miss has been one of the schools that have been recruiting him the longest um and so there there is a significant amount of of trust he's taking multiple visits there um but he was supposed to be taking a visit there today um after his udub visit and he didn't visit he didn't end up visiting I think that was the last like thing that I saw that's fantastic news to be honest so obviously you know and then you know basically Tuesday or whatever it was is you know or maybe it was earlier today that he pushes back his commitment and you know hasn't announced like when he's going to commit but that's not necessarily the worst thing in the world um having him up here for huge yeah yeah man dude this kid is ferocious how I put it he's kind of nasty too like in a good way yeah swag he he he talks a little is too yeah he got that swag it I'll say I mean I know we're hearing good things about him you pull this kid out of Florida like Pensacola right I mean dude that's a hell of a coup to to be able to go into Pensacola and get a kid like this it is UN man it cannot be understated when can you name like a bigger like a blue chip kid from Florida going to udub can you name a more kind of just like off the beaten path like yeah uh obviously we're not going to talk about Michael penx originally being from Tampa but he was not a blue chip recruit so I'm I'm talking just going and getting a blue chip recruit out of Florida as a high school senior you know what I mean like that is phenomenal and yeah's I Paul Charles Charles Frederick's got to be the last one yeah dude that is insane this is what Jed fish is doing you guys like this is the difference the coast to coast connections as well and of course people will will sit there and joke and be like haha like you know this is going to be he's Jets recruiting him to Florida to to come to Florida in like two years or whatever I'm like going back to the whole like Jed thing I'm not going to get off topic but like I just sit there and laugh at that I'm like that's so stupid bro who wants the Florida job these days dude that's that's last n but let's uh let's move on to some uh yeah some nasty white outs yeah let's talk about the white outs last thing here commitment for larian clarity got pushed back to what date was that Matt hasn't announced I I thought I saw oh he didn't say a specific date then no he just said he's he's postponing and I haven't heard back from him so okay um okay you we'll see what happens 43 offers it's just so funny how things go down these I'm telling you right now this kid could wrote the book on how you negotiate an nil increase like well I think what's great about it too is that like like you said he wasn't Rec being recruited heavily by instate schools and it wasn't until after Washington offered that he got a Florida State and Miami offer like he has old m one how do you not offer you're in Tallahassee the kids in Pensacola and you don't offer like you know and that can rub some people the wrong way and yeah we got two more big time wide receivers here now you ask either one of us on these guys re re you know F rewind a month and a half ago we would have been like let's not even talk about this because there's heavy interest for first we'll talk about Andrew Marsh from Michigan and again this is like what are what are we doing here like we're not used to this are we we just have this on on campus last week I was told that things went really good and that there is a very real shot for both of these next two guys and I would have told you hey sounds good hope it happens talk to you later if you tried to bark up this tree with me uh you know a month ago but we're making some damn moves Kevin Cummings doing Kevin Cummings things here we've already got four guys in the boat here and now we're talking about looking at I'm not saying it's happening but if you get either one of these two next guys Andrew Marsh or Philip Bell that's incredible I mean some some of the guys I would some of the Twitter accounts we uh follow I was seeing um them talk about Andrew Marshall like he is the best wide receiver in the country he's that good let's let's pull up the tape on on Marsh anything you guys want to say about him I mean for him to be that good plays at Katie Jordan I mean he's a he's a stud man I mean he's a he's real deal Holyfield he does everything there's literally no weakness in in his game look at this look at this get off me the his he yeah I think the only thing that you could potentially knock is the fact that he's 511 and he's not 6'3 but that doesn't matter in a in a wide receiver like not anymore I mean it does but it's just what are you asking of him like because if this guy's going to play the slot he doesn't necessarily why it doesn't matter right there yeah it like the athleticism is off the charts so you don't you don't need him to be 63 for him to be a 15 you know a no look at that cat 15 touchdowns and, 1400 you know 1,200 yards yep I we should just sit here and Marvel at quarterback is not accurate either like he's having to make some but some acrobatic catches same thing right there just with Chris Lawson it's like he's he's making things look easy yeah yeah this is another kid that's like not just getting offers I mean he is being heavily pursued by every blue blood in the country too M I mean I mean yeah Ian he's a showstopper man I mean if we got him he would be the I mean he'd be the cherry on top of this class man you it would take this class from you know uh best case scenario of number 18 number 17 to now best case scenario of like number 14 13 and like the number three class in the in Big 10 number four maybe we'll see how some of these other guys but this is like if you pull one of these two receivers and it's if it's Marsh and Clardy and you and you get those two that like it instant success no matter what happens the rest of the the class is unbelievable for a first year class and Jed is absolutely living up to the expectations that he set with the fan base so yeah really excited I'm really watch this film and then go directly into watching Philip Bells because you'll just kind of be able to see what obviously these are their highlight tapes right but I mean like it'll be exciting to kind of see the difference in these two yeah Matt do you want to tell us a little bit about Bell's recruitment um yeah I mean we're going to hit the the unfortunate part first he lost his mom a few weeks ago gotcha and uh you know pretty suddenly and uh I think that's thrown a significant you know obviously he's taken a significant step back in his recruitment um and it's also led a lot of people to to speculate you know oh well is he really going to leave you know SoCal kind of a thing got um that that being said Tom ly is you know pretty positive and optimistic and said he wouldn't you know he definitely wouldn't be surprised if the huskys um end up pulling this off for him and uh that that's a huge deal because for the longest time it was considered USC Ohio State battle and anyone else was on the outside looking in and obviously he also took an official visit to Penn State but you're talking a situation where udub and this this staff and he's visited udub multiple times but this staff has done a hell of a job continuing to recruit him and and you know being relentless and then you know potential relationships with Dash byley and again Andrew Marsh and and that sort of thing is and it's like okay could we really seriously see a situation where we take you know anywhere between 5 to Six Wide ceers in this class and the answer is for these type of players yeah sure yeah it's just I mean for for us to be talking about winning recruiting battles against Michigan Ohio State USC for two wide receivers in a with a a firste head coach is something that is Chris Peterson ES and so like I I'm I'll say it right now I'll go on record if he pulls this off and we're heading into 2026 with sitting with a crystal ball for uh Len Coleman brussa excuse me Derek Coleman brussa you've got s uh um uh ansu the running back uh uh athlete the fourstar kid that we've got committed and who's the other 2026 kid that we have committed right now as well sorry oh the the the the kid the kicker from the number one kicker in the country um that is a hell of a start to 2026 and what I was going to say that I felt like is something that is going you know making a call a shot in the dark here is that jedf fish will have will be the best arguably pulling better recruited recruiting classes than than uh Chris Peterson was yeah and I I think yeah volume or or just in general like again looking for a little bit different caliber um and I think the other thing that helps that could potentially help out as well is depending on how things shake out with Phil Bell his high school quarterback is a 2026 you know QB recruit so there's those connections as well I got I got a trivia for you uh we he said Chris Peterson who's the Mission Vio wide receiver that Chris Peterson got to sign at udub in his tenure who didn't Xavier who did he is he from is is a the Fresno area kid is no I said I he did get him Austin Osborne's from Mission v as well man I was say I thought of yeah yeah good poller I'm optimistic does not quite capture how I feel about how things are headed like to just think I we're the season hasn't started we have to play the some football but seeing the talent acquisition after the portal the portal was good and the you know there was mud on the on the parade because of because of the offensive line stuff we wanted a bigname left tackle um some things went left this is like this is what we needed to see man we're 30 we're 30 some odd days away um from a podcast perspective man you know we'll really start ramping up we'll definitely do our um ISO and I will definitely do our longer show to kind of kick off you know position maybe do an offensive pod do a defensive pod do a prediction pod so get ready get ready for that we're excited we got some we got some really fun news coming up as as well in regards to the podcast and it's uh it's exciting so we appreciate you guys all um all our subscribers Etc man we uh thankful we're dog fans man no love you Matt love you as always thank you guys for doing this and uh with that go dogs go dogs

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