Steve Belichick is Revolutionizing the Washington Huskies' Defense | NFL Meets Big Ten

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 01:04:28 Category: Sports

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I think they are going to be lethal but he's going to have to dumb it down so we're going to have to we're going to see one how it starts and how far he has to dumb it down and then how successful the scheme looks eat the feet baby that that's the that's the thing is like that first initial step where you can get up on an offensive lineman and then you get him back on his heels that's going just absolutely go to work with him we're going to try to do our best to put the math equation together of how this looks right all right the defensive preview we're going to go look at all the players as we go into the defense but the first thing we really want to get into is Steve belich bringing his NFL system to college football guys I'm gonna start with you ISO on this one what sticks out to you about Steve bich what do you think this his what about his system is so special it's going to make the difference for this defense going into the Big 10 so it's not like breaking news that uh he has a deep understanding of NFL schemes right of comp Lex NFL schemes I mean can literally you can't draw up a situation where you would be more born into complex NFL schemes than being the son of bill bich um that's not breaking anything crazy um what'll be interesting to watch is to see how he simplifies things for the college level because these aren't NFL level IQ players that he's now molding it's totally something different I think they are going to be lethal but he's going to have to Dum it down so we're going to have to we're going to see one how it starts and how far he has to dumb it down and then how successful the scheme looks and then uh as the season progresses how more complex he's willing to push things because you know whatever you see in week one there's so much more than what you know than what he's actually showing so um yeah and then the other adjustment that they're going to have to make is what's effective and what's not versus this style of offense in the Big 10 versus what he's used to in the NFL uh even in the dep chart there's four quarterbacks listed as starters um you would think if you're looking at that you would go these are running offenses primarily or just that's the aura that the Big 10 is running offenses power football things like that and so I'm I'm we're going to we're going to see like is the bringing that many quarterbacks onto field indicative of him playing the pass all the time if that's what's being listed so uh it'll be interested to interesting to see that adjustment and if he is going to consistently bring six DBS five DBS on a regular I mean five is almost a Shone conclusion that he's going to be doing that on a regular basis but six is that going to be really frequent and how is that against uh Michigan or a Penn State or whatever rushing attack that you want to list off so um it it is the the flip side of that as well there's so many twists and turns is that it is innovative and probably new for this conference um and so all of that mesh together we're going to try to do our best to put the math equation together of how this looks right we'll familiarize everybody with what is on tape from when he is at uh from when he was at New England um and kind of go from there he's known for targeting weak spots in the offensive line um and exploiting those and really looking at areas of strength and weaknesses for each offensive line and then going after specific offensive linemen who are struggling at certain techniques that when you look at the defensive line and you look at the edge group and how deep it is in comparison to last year that structure plays well toward hey let we're going to specialize this defensive lineman for this task get them very good at it which I love because you're just going to strengthen key points and specializations of certain players and then attack offensive linemen who have that specific weak weakness those are the types of things that when we when Bill the bellich get this level of credit uh that they're talking about like picking up on little things like that and then really leaning the scheme into it and having the scheme played towards that and that's why they run this m multiple look defense where there might be one guy with his hand in the ground versus three or five and they're mixing that up all on the same drive on a regular basis guys are walking around you know uh behind the defensive lineman and you don't know really what your look is it almost looks like an offense scheming against a defense it's like we're playing offense on defense trying to confuse the offense it makes sense then why that roster is so eclectic as far as how it was put together different players with different skill sets all the same positions but like we were saying there's a defensive end that's 227 lbs and then one that's 292 lbs one that's 61 one that's 66 so that plays right into what you're saying it does and um the other thing that you'll see as we go through this is that they're masters of neutralizing specific players not only on the on the offensive line but uh double bracketing wide receivers who they feel are threats like trying to neutralize that getting you going to you know uh putting the ball in hands of guys that you don't necessarily game plan as an offense to hit with the ball on a regular basis um and you'll see you know we got some clips later we where we'll show you that um it's just going to be interesting to W watch them Force Big 10 teams to go to their plan B and plan C because we're just not willing to let plan a beat us and so if you think about an Oran if you think about an Ohio state where they got multiple you know threats see how they mesh with that right if they try to get even more complex at that level of the Season where they switch up who their key focus is rather than at the beginning of the game plan being like we're taking out you know acha egbuka today and he's not scoring can they shift one quarter focusing on egbuka to another quarter doing it here or drive by drive those are the things that we'll see progress throughout the season and it'll be interesting to watch uh watch how it develops as the season goes on ISO you came to play today man you a you ain't lying man broke us down come on baby I appreciate here no you know what do me a favor answer the same question because you have a also your own unique experience being a former player yeah man I mean I mean just looking at this uh you know my initial thoughts on this staff and you know what it brings I mean I I'll say upgrade upgrade upgrade uh you know you got to look at Stevie B from from from the pat that like ISO just hit all you know the different attributes that he brings but what about J Rich coming up from Arizona I think he's one of the top 10 defensive back coaches in America I think you have Robert Bala with the inside linebackers you got to love getting that Bama pedigree him learning under Sabin for a year that mindset on and off the field Vinnie Vinnie sanseri my fellow Pisano you know the tough mindset and the grinder uh Jason KUSI BigTime fundamentals guy you know wear your feet you know strike with your hands wear your eyes check your hands you know all those things you know you get with these coaches they're teachers they are they love the game they're football hungry and I mean ISO H ISO hit it what I call you know everything about that when he talks about moving guys bracking players it's scheme adaption he Stevie B from his dad's 24 years you know in New England it seems to be that like constant approach that they take is you know they preach the do your job philosophy philosophy and be disciplined and New England was always one of the most you know lowest penalized teams in the NFL but they were constantly one of the best and so I think that's what you'll see with udub too is we'll bring different approaches different looks one thing that I also want to say too is sneaky sneaky remember that Adam the Butler from that Adam Sandler movie sneaky sneaky s it's that's the thing you'll see with linebackers when they go oh see that guard he he he's he's showing us something you'll never see them give away Here Comes The Blitz from you know coming up the B Gap coming up the a gap that's one thing you always saw in New England they brought Blitz packages they brought they brought people from all angles all sizes but they were they were ready to go at the snap they never gave away pre- snaps that like we talked about with Will Rogers he's always looking like oh it looks like this middle linebacker's coming oh it looks like this uh this safety's coming or this cornerback on a blitz they're very good at being sneaky about being deceptive on where they're bringing it yeah the last thing I want to say is this Steve's NFL background is huge uh and ISO said this as well it's going to be a challenge to to teach These Guys these these full-blown NFL Concepts but one thing that really excites me is you know is the sheer just the football mindset that these guys have and being able to not only teach our players but also teach the other coaching staff members you know how to teach and how to be elite coaches so I think that's something that you also see from this staff you know one of the things that was actually in the notes that I I uh that really stuck with me and I wanted to ask you guys both about and uh ISO I'm going to ask you second I'm going to start with you Noah um you know at New England he had jabril Peppers or he had Matthew judon who was gonna be how is he going to uniquely use the Personnel that he has to to force his will upon these offenses in the Big 10 yeah that's that's a great question uh so you're I'll say it now I was going to talk about it later but but I I want to talk about I I'll talk it now because the question there's a guy in New England right now he's at number 91 his name is dietr wise Jr uh he he's the kid out I think Arkansas fourth or fifth round pick a couple years back what he does with him is you'll see Dietrich wise stand up over over top of the nose tackle you'll see him as a nine technique he's 65 288 I think you're going to see that type of Defense from our defensive line from guys like a Zach dery guys like DeShaun Lynch you'll see them line up line up like I said as a three technique next play they'll be a nine technique real wide you know ready ready for for a pitch or or just a bad out of hell coming out the quarterback I think the the overall approach is play our play our defense set our defense to the Elite Talent of our players you're not going to see you're not going to see U us go okay we're going to do some crazy baref front defense the whole game if we don't have the guy that can run a bare defense the whole game so that's the scheme adaption you really see you know starting with with Papa bich and now you see it with his son yeah ISO now I know that you had a lot prepared for this so get into he broke down a lot of the defensive line um where else do you see that playing as far as the the strengths of of bich che's defense and how he uses the personnel and I'm thinking like the linebackers in the secondary yeah Bruner and tupal are going to get caugh to be kind of jacks of all trades I feel like uh what do you mean what do you mean when you say that I mean just like they're going to be bouncing all over the field like they're not I mean I guess it's no different necessarily than any other defense but I just think that when there're so many moving Parts it's so important that they have Bruner and tatala in the middle of the defense calling out where guys should be especially some of these younger defensive players um and it's I can't imagine how much of a learning curve it was from the previous defensive scheme because Morell ran everything through the safeties and I assume a lot is run through the linebackers with with h belich and Bruner and tatala they got to do all the studying and learning of what belich does you know from a scheme and and uh and verbiage standpoint to then be the quarterbacks of the defense and and move guys around uh make sure they're they're in the right spots um the other two would be like Cam faab and Jordan Shaw uh in the DB room like cam faab um he'll B they they use the they have safeties like they have their safety and their nickel really Mo like bounce between schemes often it's not like they don't like primarily run out of Zone one day and then and then go to man like you know you know for this last quarter or something like that depending upon the situation like we said when the whole defense is moving around that includes assignments for Cam faab and Jordan Shaw and really all the safeties and DBS but more so your safeties in your your nickel Corner um Shaw's got to keep stuff in front of them um you know I just think those two are going to be asked to come up and and probably play in The Run quite a bit more often yeah um and so they their their assignments are going to look a whole lot different um this you'll see it on in the The Edge room like you'll see it on the clips that we'll show uh how much they have different things schemed for for d for guys like dery and ward off the edge uh like are they coming in you know when we talked about how they attack certain offensive linemen at certain shoulders and with certain um you know exploiting certain weaknesses of certain of guards and centers and stuff like that those are creative stunts and these are things that we you know we're seeing dery for the first time really other than like a brief Ser you know a couple series or something like that in in a late bowl game um and so it'll be interesting to you know they're taking a guy who hasn't played a whole lot of snaps and then asking him to do some really creative things on the defensive line and can he do that um and then a young Edge and Ward too so um the the flexibility of this and the playing offense on defense factor I think is going to give us the upper hand and I think a lot frankly a lot of offensive coordinators in college football probably have never seen as well coached of a defense that is this complex before yeah the it's going to be a tough unit to stop and I guess you kind of let into what my the next question is and what we're going into and that's kind of breaking down belich che's scheme and what I mean by that is you know if you look at like somebody like Steve spagnolo he's an attacker he blitzes he goes out would you say that that belich is an attacker or does he play more of a chess game like if his guy wants you to attack he's going to play back if his guy doesn't respond well to pressure he's going to Blitz you what do you think how do you think his scheme um how do you think his scheme differs from what we had before but also make what makes it unique a lot of defenses you know you like like certain defensive coordinators get the Mantra like we're going to create turnovers and like how I'm going to create turnovers is I'm going to blit you and then you're I'm just going to have to throw the ball up and my defense is going to have to make plays you know defensive backs I don't think you're going to get like I'm going to Blitz this is like Steve Bel right I'm going to Blitz just because I need to Blitz I think it's a very calculated I think ISO said this earlier it's almost like this offensive philosophy like I'm trying to figure out what's going on there's this chest piece going back and forth and I think you'll see that with a Steve belich type defense is I'm going to exploit your weakness because that is the best opportunity I have to create pressure and keep guys home you know I'm going to look at it more more it's just it's not just a Havoc defense that's like pressure pressure pressure it's very much of a chess piece that that I think that I think we'll end up seeing from from this defensive staff okay yeah um you guys want to start getting into some of the concepts then yeah let's do it all right um Isel I know you have some stuff already uh kind of set up let's uh let's get into that yeah so I want to show you uh and shout out to coach coup again um I almost want to just put a constant shout out to coach cou because I think uh I think throughout the season what we're going to do is as we look at our opponents we're going to get some game film from them and pepper in clips and so that we can actually see what we're talking about and it's not just words um and we'll do that here today we've got a handful of clips that we're going to be talking about today um the first one is uh as manfree Concepts is it are the manfree concepts that bellich utilizes and then the cover four scheme as well or inside the cover four schemes um he's going to use these on Big 10 offenses and we're going to see how that looks like given that our as a teams coming from the West Coast we're like all these guys do is run that's all the Big 10 does they just Pound The Rock we saw it with Michigan that's what every offense is um but that's not the case obviously I think they are obviously power football teams but we'll see what it looks like when we're you know against the P maybe we're just going to try to make teams go ahead run it run run a lot do it okay um so he's finding ways in exploiting weaknesses in the offensive line with creative pass rush strategies as well and we're going to see that within the cover four to where guys can do their job in the secondary because just rushing a few guys getting the job done up front versus like crazy bunch of blitzes and so the first thing we're going to take a look at is um is within this scheme within this manfree concept here uh is him taking away scheming out the best receiver in the game and taking them out um for forcing offenses to look elsewhere so we'll pull that up here okay one of the things that the Patriots now Washington defensive coordinator belich will do is he will take away their best receiver at times so one thing he will do is like for example here's Keenan Allen they end up bracketing him they're doubling him inside and outside so they take away their best guy and force him to go elsewhere with the football so here you see it they got inside outside on him he's man on number one and you're basically playing cover four down here but right now they're taking away the best player with inside outside concept and force them to go somewhere else with the football all right they do and they have plenty of bodies out there playing cover four on this side again he takes away to slant they got the raet Up on Allen and he's in man so one thing he will do is he will take away an offense's best weapon thoughts first off you gota you gotta love those clips that they're both they're they're two clips and Justin Herbert Stone incomplete pass gota love that it was exactly what you guys had said about him specifically deciding I'm going to take a guy out of this out of this game I'm not going to let him on this play beat me and they did that with the best receiver on the on on the field there and I think that's that's genius it it's a layer that offenses have now taken especially in the NFL which is that sometimes the best player on the field on the offense is in the slot that's real that's real and they're bracketing the slot guy I mean I don't know Noah you tell me I I this is something I typically have been paying attention a ton to as to like how often are teams bracketing slot receivers college football I mean if if you if you think about it I mean you know if you technically if you bracket a slot receiver probably should be easier than bracketing the outside guy because your safety can still remain in their normal spots right right but but one thing I want to say I want to take us back for one second do you remember when we got JM back last year and you'll realize why I'm bringing this up yeah when we got JM back last year we talked on our podcast and said I don't think we realize that when you had JM pulk and Rome you pick your poison who you want to bracket that's fine but then you got to go one on one versus those other two guys the rest of the game yep and it and it took our team from like you know this great level to that Elite level and then we played for the national championship right but you look at it as we go through this uh you know go through these big 10 teams your Oregon your Ohio States your michigans we'll try to neutralize their biggest threat right but you're going to see teams that you know have have other good receivers where you know you bracket one all right boys Elijah Jackson you're on an island today pryck you're on an island today lock it up and it's like I think that's once again where I don't think that bich is going to say let's double team a guy if he doesn't think he has the guys to do it on the backside right does that does that make sense yes it does and actually I'm getting even more excited as you're saying that because honestly though trying not to Du I'm keeping my dug in check for doing the best that I can but I think about are there a lot of teams in the Big 10 with with two guys going the first three rounds like I I think May Ohio state with like bua and Ohio State's got some absolute dudes there's no question that Jeremiah Smith kid uh you know a meca abuka and I mean people would say Oregon have a very Oregon is a very good wide receiver room too I mean that's that's here no there it doesn't really matter like we also don't play Ohio State this year well we do in the big we do in the Big 10 Championship exactly exactly no but uh point being is no one is seeing uh a pulk JM and uh Rome not not not this year and if you look at our DB room there's some there's three I mean Corners just Corner three dudes yeah yep agreed and a whole bunch of safeties that are really good too to add yeah absolutely you know so M check check checked check box checked first first thing right if that's what what you're going to do in the Big 10 is you're going to isolate a receiver and take him out of the game can Ephesians prw or uh Elijah Jackson or somebody else take on their number two guy I'm taking our y I don't know I'm kind of I'm liking our DBS I'm liking our Corners I agree all right next thing that next thing I wanted to get into one of the big things that with successful defenses is how do they do on third Downs ISO I know you have something something queued up for this how does Steve bich and his scheme take advantage and and win those third Downs because they're going to be what could be the difference between a win and a loss in a game this is how right here actually this that scheme right there probably um and other things too but I brought that piece up into this because I think on Third and long that strategy is phenomenal strategy and I think uh dub tailing in I think he has it he has on and then we'll see this especially on third down when guys are when we know they're going to be passing on Third and long is that they're gonna this is where Steve will try to identify the weak link on the offensive line and Hammer that offensive lineman with pressure and stunts and different things and so let's let's pull that up here um let's pull that up here in the clip from coach uh coou one thing about a b Chi defense is you going to see that if you have a weak Link in the offensive line meaning you have a vulnerability in the pass rush they will attack it so here the Right Guard in the Colts game was very susceptible to pass rush games where the D tackle went B Gap and the linebacker Lop a gap so here it is right here they got a game on D Taco is going to Loop all right and then you see the game and the pass rush game here's another example of right same type of Defense same scheme right again they trying to attack the Right Guard because he's a big Turner in protection he turns which allows this Loop stunt to come back inside as they play quarter quarter half on the back end but one thing you want to do is when you see a b chick team is that they will attack protections they will do it well and they will get home again they're trying to take advantage of this Right Guard because he's a big Turner and he turns his shoulders and pass protection they will often find that guy and rush but pass rush games accordingly judon is killing that guy yeah I wasna say Quint Nelson healthy on the left side go the right 100% bro uh did you did you see I didn't even know that was a first time I saw that clip I just want to say you see who was lined up in that five technique seven technique and then a nine that d wise kid 91 on the on the other side point being is like uh did the loop or the or the twist whatever you want to call that that they ran there I mean that is just run to Perfection and you know why that just absolutely juices me up is because we have probably three or four dudes in our Edge room that can easily freaking M make those plays in dery Ward uh I mean Jaden Wayne uh tanui uh uh Lance holtzclaw can you imagine can you imagine bandis or one of the Parker Brothers being on the the inside of one of those Loops of those twists and him coming on the edge with his 45 46 speed I mean dude that's that type of move right there if you can execute it which I know these these coaches are are going to be absolutely pinpointing and like just driving that home is going to be something super exciting this fall man definely I saw Lynch and Wayne doing that um during the game they lined them both up literally on the same side where maybe Wayne was on the inside and Lynch was on the outside and they they would kind of stunt like that yeah uh you know I was I was the depth that they were getting before the stunt happened I think had a a lot to do with why those stunts were so successful because the offensive linemen are already committed at that point and once they're committed and he loops around there's nobody to pick him up yeah eat the feet eat the feet baby that that's the that's the thing is like that first initial step where you can get up on an offensive lineman and then you get him back on his heels that's going just absolutely go to work with him and and that if that that interior offensive line just cleans them out and Here Comes Your Here Comes Your Looper on the other side I mean that's that's that's textbook right there and no wonder it's New England no I'm the expert here no no you are you're killing it's not like you played edged col baby you're kill you're killing it today I want to say this though it's not like other teams don't do this I mean every team in the country runs twists runs Loops you know runs sort of you know these upfront games and schemes but the thing is it's how you teach it it's how exactly what you just said Mike wow it's it's interesting watching how deep they got into the lineman before they did their you know because if you just go down set hike and you just twist the lineman just look at you like oh sick guys you're okay yeah I got him you got him you know what I mean it's just like you know playing playing an easy easy Sunday you know walk in the park but it's how you get up into the guy and then and then you hit him with the twist so I think that's where you start to see you know the the the Jason cfus always going back to where your eyes strike with your hands eat eat with your feet I mean all those little things that he's teaching those guys teaching to become technicians that's when you yep that's when you start to see it you know come to fruition and you start to eat on the field ISO I know you have another clip lined up to this is manfree concept with with added pressure here from coach coup um Steve's manfree coverage with extra pressure confuses quarterbacks uh and and creates opportunities for turnover so that's kind of what this highlights here another thing Bel likes to do on third down is they play a ton of manfree Concepts they like to play manfree coverage but what they'll do is they will sometimes being in an odd front with five men on the L scrimmage with a mic here they'll bring this mic and they will drop two men into coverage as rat Defenders while everyone else is playing man free so have man over here man here man on number three he's blitzing he's free but what happens is these two linebackers will act as rat Defenders meaning they are helping underneath and if the back releases their way it will be picked up by one of those players here he ends up picking up in protection here he two rat Defenders helping underneath making it very difficult underneath isra is looking to go with the football right now on Third and three they take that away and now they force him to throw the ball and scramble took away the easy route there's no place to go with the football and he has to throw it away did did you notice on that so they blitzed that Mike linebacker they went bracket on the top side on that last coverage what it showed you was it really did had that those Pat defensive guys dude they trusted all those guys to go oneon-one on that bottom side yeah and that's exactly what we were talking about on that last one is like I I just don't think these guys are going to run a defense that puts players like oh we know he can't beat that guy so you know what I mean they're just not going to do that not gonna set guys up for failure think they're gonna put them in like the best position possible to be successful yeah man that was that that's giving me uh flashbacks to last year we would say that all the time on offense yeah and now we're saying it on defense is there anything else you guys want to expand upon with the scheme before we start getting into the players D I'm ready man I'm I'm excited I'm excited for these players man me too all right well we have a great scheme but you got to have players to run it so we're going to kind of go in and break down position by position the guys that are going to be Manning up this scheme um and we're going to start with the dline there's lots of new faces on this team um one of the ones that I think sticks out the most of us is Sebastian Valdez um Noah let's get into this defensive line how's this defensive line and the and the players that are here going to be able to really flourish in this in this scheme yeah man I mean looking at looking across this defensive line you know I think there's I think there's five guys that you'll really see rotate I mean I think you'll have a very strong four you know you you'll have your your Bandz your Valdez uh your Javon Parker and then you'll have like this Deshawn Lynch piece who plays a little bit of your Edge a little bit you know a little bit on the interior but but you know when you start breaking down guys like Valdez I mean dude he is he's coming out of Montana State and I think I think people automatically go like oh you know coming from like the the lower levels did Sebastian Valdez has a has an opportunity to be one of the better interior defensive lineman in the Big 10 like that's that's not a that's that's not some like hot take here throwing the glasses on I mean wait till you see his wait till you see his hands wait till you see his quick burst in his first step I mean I I I love what he can bring to us and then on the other side really quick I want to talk to Javon Parker dude he is a menace up front and uh D he's a very handsy player with an elite first step um and him being able to like get that pressure up the middle will just absolutely collap collapse that pocket and if you remember I think it was the Elijah Jackson tip verse um Texas yes vers Texas if if if you want to check me on this please do look at Javon Parker get into the back field against Quinn ERS get his big old mid up there him just getting that's that's kind of like collapsing that pocket making that quick throw and then you have on to the Natty baby but I mean like that's the type of that's the type of impact you see on passing downs from your interior defensive lineman that I think we have multiple guys this year you know like I said your Parker your your Sebastian Valdez is you bringing your D desan Lynch inside I mean you have those like quick Twitchy guys that can get up and go on the interior defensive line as well yeah and if you watched valdez's film they were double teaming him constantly and he was still wreaking haboc that's how good he was was at that level um Isel what do you think when you're looking at the dline yeah like I heard uh regarding Valdez two things I want to point out one was uh I was listening to a podcast uh from some respected guys who you know I I don't I'm not super familiar with them but I know that some people that I trust their opinions uh were like do listen to them I can't remember their names to be honest with you but they were doing a preview and they were uh talking about the additions that offense each team in the Big 10 had made and they got to Washington and they brought up the obvious one Sebastian valz who I think a lot of people consider as the best addition that we made through the portal at the end of last at the end of the last portal cycle and what they said was that they like him but that he uh his tackle rate was lower than was like uh uninspiring or was lower than they expected and I asked some coaches about that and what they had told me was that the reason for that if that showed up and and they said this is literally why there are podcasters and there are coaches is because the the reason for that is because he was in on plays that he should have never been a part of like I'm I'm talking about like he was around the ball carrier when there's then no other defensive tackles would have prayed to be around and so uh I mean there there's a reason to be excited there's a reason why people were calling him Godzilla coming out of camp and stuff like that is he's a beast um the other thing that I was going to mention was I was uh talking to some people who are connected to the Montana State program and what they were telling me is that uh they consider him a lot of people consider him the best player who's ever played at Montana State and if you look at the if you look at the stat sheet there was even some players that had like more tackles and stuff like that than than he did and there was even a defensive lineman that graded out PFF wise higher than him uh I remember I remember I hold on I remember I called you like in like February or March and I'm like okay we got Valdez which we absolutely love him but have you seen this other kid who I forget that guy's day but yeah we were saying that Montana State should be a feeder program to the University of Washington agreed yeah yeah I that was when I think I noticed it but um but yeah man like obviously like there there's some layers that PFF and that uh that that if if you're looking at tackle rates and things like that thing that that t you might be able to trust in a lot of regard that Valdez is playing himself into a different way of how you should be evaluating certain statistics it's like that I would put it um so I'm just Uber excited about what he brings I think uh bandis um you know he's another player that we have to bring up senior leadership we heard a lot of about him coming out of Camp just kind of taking the next step uh just as a leader and and doing that taking care of what he needed to with his body to take that next step uh on the defensive line because they're going to rotate a lot of guys this is big with all of this movement and all of these different assignments and and different packages we're running there's going to be a lot of defensive linemen who play and Bandz is going to be despite him I think he was listed at the second spot on one of the defensive lineman positions um I he's going to get used a lot and he's going to get called upon to be an anchor and I think in his fifth year he he going to show up and people were saying like uh you know just some just some duck fans who were talking about the team and speculating how we weren't going to perform well and even not duck fans other teams too were pointing at the interior defensive line I'm like man you guys are in for a surprise if you think that the interior defensive Line's going to be the problem there's like six dudes who can play seven dudes who can play last year we saw a huge drop off when Tulie came out of the game big time you know no shot to the guys that were on the team but there was a there was just this Gap and development in year in the in the age that they were that now we've we've closed that Gap so I'm really excited about those guys I'm really ex AR I'm most intrigued and excited to watch this group just out of curiosity see how effective they can be because I think I think I think a name too that we just we definitely don't want to forget is is elenius Davis oh yeah that's where I was about to actually go I was to say we we had named the the top four guys sagalo was the one that was kind of like he's that big you know 368 368 pound guy but who are the guys after that because we do have Davis and we also have Butler as well who was a transfer where do we see who do we see those who's the next guys up I think you'll see elenius Davis as your five and I'm telling you I think I know that's why I brought this up in in and you you'll hear it on our other uh depth chart uh podcast uh is when you look at DeShaun Lynch you can put him so many different opportunities so many different positions so that's why I'm saying that like there's like five kind of six guys because you have the alenius Davis as you're like your fifth true interior defensive lineman and then you have deshun Lynch as like this hybrid but remember you also got voy tan I was about to say voy then you got voy who also plays like that hybrid role and I mean dude I don't think he was 282 last year I could be wrong I do not remember him at 2 I think he was like 258 260 like right in that ballpark dude 282 I mean 61 282 I mean he's getting he's getting into being like if he bulling yeah D that quick little twitch bro I'm telling you that's a that's exciting to see did you have a clip you wanted to play too want to show kind of how valz Bandz and Javon Parker will be used against Big T Big 10 running games so let's take a look at this okay now we're going to look at how the Patriots play the Run they're very sound defensiv in their run scheme here is one of their schemes they play a 4-2 right they'll play the 4-2 when they get one tight end in the game and three receivers on the perimeter so you're going to see this run quite a bit at Washington you'll see Bap player I player he's AAP the ball you see him fing hard in the S and he's deap try to run the football he's squeezing he's coming down he's triggering right not a bad job next play is the same they try to run the same play at him all right and this time the safety is really going to f hard up inside again they set the front the three technique to the tight end side everyone's got their gaps okay safy starts coming down this time and he's going to play it hard and you got one two three as this guy's trying to come here he's coming here and he's squeezing doing a good job inside holding their ground they're very good at playing their gaps the Patriots they play solid defense up inside and they're able to stop the run here again they're not big the team in slanting in movement they're not going to be a Washington c Gap responsibility guys really playing that Gap anchoring themselves into their responsibilities and you're going to see some really good defense from them up inside very hard to run the ball against them between the tackles for that reason here's the last one there's a three Forefront there sometimes play and then when you go two tight ends 12 Personnel you're going to see two tight ends you're going to see them sometimes go with three four personnel and me of a nose two D tackles two outside backers two linebackers here here's a strong safety coming up into the box here in 12 they try to run the ball to the right right nice job by the DM blocking beating his man he's squeezing hard here and then really not a lot of running Lanes up inside to run the football good job everybody converging and getting to the football that's a little bit about their run defense see more of my post for more information thoughts uh man discipline very disciplined like everybody along that D line 100% bro I mean that's gap Integrity man it's crucial in this scheme and I mean it's uh and it goes back to being disciplined just like just like Mike's saying and the other thing too man it goes back to the to the pho man what is the schematic Pho that they want out of these guys man do your job if 11 guys do your job you would be very difficult to beat man and it's like that's the thing about the Pats for for years I know they've had the Tom Brady and the mosses and all these guys but belich che's philosophy man in the do your job is it's not about you it's about the team and when you know you don't have guys you know making some stupid swim move or some rip move to get on the other side of the Gap they're in their Gap they're they're making sure that we are going to shut down this run game in between the tackles and and that that's saying hey if we shut this down you guys can't beat us so it's they they just know what they're doing man and that's what what it's it's actually fun to watch I was just like shaking my head just like laughing I'm like dude they have hold four new defensive linemen on that clip same game Justin Herbert still at the quarterback four brand new defensive linemen two new linebackers and it's just like but they all are just locked in doing their job you know what's crazy is you you watched how they sat in their gaps and even if they everybody gets blocked you have linebackers that are all ready to clean everything up because they don't have a guard on them they don't have a tackle on them they're they're clean and that kind of that's my segue into this next uh into the next part that we're going into is our linebackers and because we have the defensive line to do it now do we have the linebackers to clean it up how do these guys different skill sets play into that scheme as far as being linebackers Noah yeah no I mean uh Drew fowers I mean it's funny because he's like that lunch pail guy but he's just somebody who always seems to be he kind of has that Carson Bruner esque you know kind of uh mindset you know local product kid you know always wanted to be a dog but he just he's there always in the right position always make sure that he fills his Gap um and then you look at a guy like a camori house uh and don't think I forgot about Parham either but you look at kamor house and it's like um the big thing I was hearing about kamor house was if you dub was going to create this like Zoom package or this NASCAR package we talked about last year what I was hearing was Kami house uh on pass rush Downs was like almost almost like impossible to to to block wow and then that yeah and that's where that's where it was like Hello Zack dery hello Isaiah Ward then you got freaking you know these the these two big boys up front and then you bring in like a camori house and Bruner in this crazy NASCAR package that that you can bring three of those guys and drop two of them bring six of them you know and only you know what I mean I mean it's just there's just crazy things you can do when you have speed like this and so looking at that I mean the last thing I want to say is this is a question I I'll pose back I think uh I think Parham is is has solidified himself as like that legitimate like he can play both linebacker positions and I think he'll be our like legitimate three third guy in the sense of you know Bruner Zo and and he'll rotate and he'll play a ton uh do you think camor house because of just like that Elite skill he's done in the fall like and you just kind of seen him is how do they keep him off the field like it almost seems like he's going to be a guy that burns his red shirt yeah I think he's definitely a guy that'll end up burning his red shirt to be honest I um but I do agree with you I think Parham if you have to dub somebody in number three he's probably got to be the guy yeah and then um I wonder if basically the way they view houses that if you're deep in a game and you need a rotation you need to give guy a rest that he is not a far step down from what they see y but they understand he's younger and they've got older guys yeah especially if they're trying to utilize speed like say we're playing a team that has a lot of speed and maybe he's the guy that fits that role um that sounds like I said it sounds great when we're talking about what these guys can do and how they're going to actually supplement you know it's funny how we're talking about them blitzing and what it's going to do for the edges so let's move into the edge room let's do it um The Edge room is very very interesting because there's so much talent but there hasn't there's not a lot of it that has played out on the field yet for us I think maybe voy has the most uh production at the power five level of everybody um but I think Zack dery is who everybody's curious about um Noah you were the edge so I want to start with you on this um break down this Edge room and and what are you excited about and how do you think they're going to thrive in this in this defense yeah uh man there is you said it man there's there's so much untapped potential on this team um I mean we have six dudes that I think this this staff six or maybe seven that the staff probably feels pretty confident in playing um I mean dery I don't think you go through a practice and you don't hear some report on him just absolutely mauling someone uh you know he gets his big old mits on you dude's got like 24in guns I mean he's just an absolute tank uh remember man deru came he he comes out from like that quarterback pedigree and he was Twitchy and he can run he can jump I mean he can do everything you want and then you look at like um you know your Isaiah Wards this is one thing about Isaiah Ward that you have that people have to understand understand yeah he's only 227 230 but he is 65 and he is long and his b his best trait is he doesn't allow the offensive lineman to get their hands on him when I watched him at Arizona that's why he that's why he played at 220 because he never allowed the offensive lineman to get his hands on you those guys out weighing by no no joke on you know 80 90 pounds but if you could but if you can use your speed and create that space it's really hard to block him so I I'll cover those guys too I'm going let ISO take a couple and then I'm going to come back with with a sleeper that I I want to make sure we hit on as well yeah I I think I know who your sleeper is so I want to make sure I save him for you um um yeah I I I don't have you know I don't have a ton more to say other than the fact that dery was a guy who was beating Rosen Garden in in like plenty of snaps last year one-on-one and practices and so you just wonder and I'm not talking about everybody saw everybody's seen from dery that spin move he does and a lot of his clips from when he was uh uh in high school in Joo or whatever uh he has he's so strong and athletic there's other stuff that we're just they're they're they've been developing like ISO can I cut you off for one second on that uh and this is not directly at dery but you brought up that I think is a very real thing that a lot of young defensive ends have a tendency to do and that is go to a move that you know you're good at and for dery it's probably that spin move the problem is is that spin move you know that's that that's a counter move when you feel someone leaning a certain way you hit him with a spin the thing with dery you saw him doing it is it was almost like that would take him back into his comfort zone was like I think I can beat this guy with a spin instead of it being like a progression off of a power move does that make sense yes and I yeah and I think that's what we'll probably see this year hopefully next year as well with dery is as he gets comfortable you know in that initial power move in that initial speed move and then he uses his like you know his sexy moves like his spin move or his dip and rip or like whatever it may be it's like using what brought you to the well before you're ready to to eat you know like like use use what gets you there and so that's one thing I'm super excited about dery is don't just go all the way to the spin move every time because it's comfortable and you're good at yeah you know yeah and you know bel's all over him with that Stu too yeah he's the right perfect coach for that and so is kfoi tell us a little bit about Holz CLA what you've been hear in is yeah he's I mean the same things that everybody saw in like the Olympics clips that they did or whatever where they kind of did like a pseudo Olympics uh on the field and whatnot just different like stages that they were running in different games they were doing and Holtz Claus jumping over people he's the most probably if not the most one of the most athletic players athletically gifted players on the team yeah now I haven't heard specifics like holtzclaw is phenomenal at this move it's pretty much just been like everyone is really intrigued by what he's going to be doing on the field so uh very curious about that very curious about him um but yeah I thought honestly know I thought he was your sleeper no my sleeper is um Jacob Lane oh oh God how is that even a sleeper how did I I know but um my sleepers Jacob Lane just because uh I think we brought in these pieces from Arizona we finally get dery back you know to actually like have you know that that starter role he's back dude I think Jacob Lane is somebody who once again slowly but surely you're going to see him just when he gets his opportunities he's going to make the the most of it and it kind of like the Carson Bruner uh like perspective you remember when he was like you know your your fourth guy your fifth guy coming off the bench but you're like damn every time he's in he gets a fum he you know he picks up a fumble he gets a pick he makes a big you know tackle for loss that's what Lane's going to be I think for this defense this year is he's going to take every opportunity and he's going to be successful until he ends up being our like starting defensive ENT in a year I could see that I could see that I I I think we noticed that last year especially you know he played a lot towards the end and he seemed to always be around the ball um I'll tell you what after for me after watching the film the guy that stuck out and made me think that he's gonna play all over this place is jayen Wayne you know you guys were talking about dery having one move that he's comfortable with and that he's going to you know he's developing all these other moves what I noticed with from Jaden Wayne's film whether it was a speed rush or a bull rush he had the ability to take advantage of whatever the weakness was of the end or the tackle he was facing against and I think that the slower the bigger slower tackles in the Big 10 are going to have a real tough time keeping up with his switch like that and I think you're going to see dery do the same thing on the other side that's my hot take I mean I love that all right uh we have nothing left we want to talk about with the edges fellas yep good all right now let's go into what might be the most prolific room that we have and that is our DB's room and I'm talking about the corner safeties and nickels um ISO and I'm going to start with you on this um as we've been looking at the scheme we can see that they they ask a lot out of the secondary how do you who do you think is going to thrive the most out of the secondary in this and why it's a great question um it's really I I think it's going to be really dependent upon who we're playing like what I this is what I kind of expect I kind of expect that you'll see a a every once in a while interception from Elijah Jackson and Thaddius Dixon and Ephesians pryck but that I think teams are going to try to maybe ear especially early on test Shaw and I think they're gonna quickly learn that they should not do that like I think that you gonna learn today yeah you gonna learn like I mean he won best hands and had the most picks in this Camp uh for a reason um you know especially looking at his age they're gonna be like who's this red shirt freshman playing nickel what do they think they're doing like Belichick's in out of over a skis here maybe hopefully they say I doubt they'll say that about Steve but anyways uh I he just seems like when you look at the size of the guys on the outside that you know you might want to try to pick on Sha and that that's going to be a really big mistake um so I think when I think about who will Flash and who will you know fill up the stat sheet with interceptions just feels like Jordan Shaw's that guy at corner um but then again the other thing too that you got to factor in with how you assess nickel with Shaw is that he's going to be asked more to do in the Run than any other DB outside of maybe cam faab but probably even more so than cam faab uh in the box so you wonder about fatigue and and things like that um so we'll see I just I get this sense that people aren't they're not going to be especially if we're getting s safety help and bracketing wide receivers and the number one wide receiver that they they'll probably whoever is on the number one wide receiver isn't going to get a lot of love because I believe belich is going to probably be successful in scheming out the best play the best receiver on every offense because I believe our safety and our cornerbacks that we have are going to be able to effectively do that so it'll be interesting to kind of she see who pops um so yeah that's kind of my thoughts on it to be honest no that no that's good is I mean I want to I want to say something because I was gonna say like don't forget about my boy Darren bacin but bark Barkin excuse me uh don't forget about my boy Darren Barkin uh so my thought on him though is this I have so much respect for J Rich and I think he is such a good coach that I don't think you put Barkin as your fourth guy there in an or scenario with Dixon unless you think he's a freaking dude because I truly think that Dixon pryck um and uh sorry I'm totally blanking onson Elijah Jackson thank you and Elijah Jackson it's like you don't put him there un unless you think he plays at that tier right so so I wanted I wanted to say that really quick before I go into my safety thoughts but when you look at our safeties man uh dude we brought in Justin Harrington and brousard and I think we were starting to get a little nervous if you want to know the truth in summer and we were starting to look nothing against catap stud nothing against Mel Ain stud but I think we started to look and go I don't know uh if we have enough like veteran presence on the backside behind those guys and then you bring in Justin Harrington 6'3 209 lounds you bring card you know you know all conference type player absolute GameChanger game record like at all facets of being a defensive back and and you start to look and you go dude these are impact players Harrington's intriguing with his size you have brouser brousard knows for the ball like a beautiful compliment just about anybody else you want with him you want to go Cam camab and brousard you want to go Mel Esten with br brousard do you want to go Harrington with brousard I mean he kind of can cuz he can do everything he can hit he has good he has good ball ball skills I mean he can do everything you want and so getting those two guys later in the transfer portal process really solidified the safety back end and I think that's I swear man that's what's going to end up keeping us in that like dude we're still kind of hanging around boys we're going through game seven game eight game nine and and like dude the huskys were only supposed to win five games they're not very this year but getting these these types of players in this process is allowing you dub to stay at that upper echelon of the Big 10 you know what when and I was thinking about this too when they brought in brousard and Harrington they brought him in for size both guys are 63 uh like you said Harrington's almost 210 and gard's right at like 200 I believe I could definitely see a lineup especially when we're playing these really run heavy teams where you see Harrington in the nickel rard and cam Fab playing the safeties and they're going to be built to stop the run like having three extra linebackers on the field um and then can you imagine pryck and Elijah Jackson 6'4 and 6'2 on the on the corner positions for I mean those some that's some length you know in your secondary That's so exciting to think about not to not to skip over I'll just give a real brief footnote uh guys like Payton Waters your ler yeah your Caleb Presley's um Payton Waters especially man like he he popped this Camp yeah um he look him and Paul Mankey Jr boy your Raheem rights I mean we talked about this in the offseason like we are so set for future uh Leroy Bryant I think is dealing with a little bit of a nagging injury so I don't know how much we'll see of him I would assume he'll probably red shirt and I and I'm hoping that we're so deep with these guys that we're talking about at safety that payt Waters red shirts as well but gets in in four games that's what I kind of see playing Out Boy pton Waters is capable um so we'll we'll see how we'll see how that all shakes out but it's hard not to get EX it's hard not to talk about this room and then you look at the the young guys and you're like oh my god dude we're so stacked at DB for the next like four years then you have guys like then you have guys like Tristan Dunn yeah yep yeah I wonder I mean there's so much talent in the room I wonder how long all of it is going to stay here because oh yeah that's great minky and and W and and and Waters were hard to keep off the field and you heard the coaching staff talking about that all through fall Camp Sean Clark dude hold on Mike Mike that's a really good point I know we don't have a ton of time but I want to say this really quick that's a one of the funnest things about a jetfish Le uh team is dude these boys ain't these boys ain't scared to play freshman man yeah they'll play freshman and that that's like don't don't think for a second some of these youngsters aren't going to play this year and they're going to be impact type players cuz cuz that's one thing Jed's been known for in a lot of his career man a lot of his programs yep all right so we kind of broke down all the players and we've really been diving deep into uh Steve belich and you know he's got NFL pedigree that's where he's from he Bill bich son been coaching for the Pats for what four or five years too how does that experience translate to the college game is there going to be holes in the game is he just going to go and own everything like ISO what do you think when you're watching or what what are we going to be watching to see if the game translate if if what his schemes do that are from the NFL how are they going to be successful here in college I'll roll through this really quickly so we can get to the previews here I know I've got a lot written here about this but bringing an NFL scheme like this that's so complex and there's so many layers and like knowing you know we're talking about here with uh with running where it's not like your cover two is specifically guys in zone all the time and you know and some of them are in man and there's variations of this and and same with cover three you got half the guys in man half the guys not layered blitzing complex packages and all this stuff bringing that from the NFL to the college game with college players who are still developing their IQ is going to be the probably I would say the biggest challenge because when you break down the positions like we just did There's I would say if I had to be nitpicky maybe it's unproven Edge depth is like the thing that maybe sticks out like I have no problem with our linebackers in their depth Corners safeties you know uh uh interior defensive line it would that if I was going to be nippy that would be it um would be Edge depth and so yeah I just my point in bringing all that up is like those guys these guys are still developing their IQ they're switching from one staff to another and bringing in one of the the Beautiful Mind of of college football of the bich family so um you've got veterans who've seen it all in in the NFL and you've got college guys who some of them might be still picking up basic coverages um and so when you think about bringing in these younger defensive backs they've got to check those boxes and you can bet that bich is going to want to see that on film and in practice before he's comfortable putting somebody in to you know into this defense so um yeah it's it's interesting because they you they're constantly keeping the offense guessing because like we keep saying they're playing offense but on defense and so it's a it's really unpredictable and I wonder how effective the defense can be if they have to dial that back and that'll be the thing that we're checking in on now that was the question I'm actually just about to pose to Noah is because this is such a complex defense do you think younger players and players just in college in general having to pick up this scheme and know all the little nuances do you think that could be a place where we see some Growing Pains early in the season yeah I I I think we will see Growing Pains early in the season but you know what's beautiful about having a season kind of shaped up the way it does with the first like three four five games you know kind of lined up the way it does is those types of uh teams that we're playing kind of allow you to have some growing pains and maybe still come out and be successful so yeah it is it is a it is a learning curve that's going to be Steep and but like like we talked about is I think one of the best things Bill bich and now Steve has done throughout their careers is not just being these football brains but being able to teach and coach the game of football to to uh athletes and players and other coaches on their staff you know brains and minds of all different facets but understand the concepts quickly and be able to deliver on the field and so I think that they do that they will do that and uh man he he'll him bringing his NFL experience to Mont lake is only gonna uh is only going to just provide man a fun year that we're going to have there you have it folks that is our analysis on the defense in Steve bellich system for myself Mike flant my guy ISO my guy Noah we are dubbed up and as as always go dogs

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