The Washington Huskies Offense WILL EXPLODE in the Big Ten | Will Rogers' Impact on U-Dub's Huskies

Published: Aug 20, 2024 Duration: 00:42:32 Category: Sports

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first off we are back boys what a uh we're fully back when he gets rolling man I mean he is he is hot he doesn't miss and that's kind of what I want to see with him is is pre- snap reads and just being efficient efficient efficient and he'll be a tough stop there's probably only a couple a handful of guys who you could trust across the country to step in year one be a leader get dialed in Focus like a mad man in the in the in the film room and then operate the very next season with four months to to go one example of it Colorado brings the backer which causes the scad to come off right now it's would be normally double team and it starts up inside and it's a nice play for a nice hole we're going to be looking at the offense on this on this uh podcast we'll be setting up another one for defense later next week but we might not have a lot of starters back but there's a lot of experience coming into this this off offense of Jed fishes and if you watched any of the Arizona film this offense is very Dynamic and explosive and makes great plays and I think I think we're going to see a lot of that now uh ISO as you're looking at this offense and you're seeing the experiences coming back uh what are the who are the players that really are popping out to you yeah um I think it starts with your signal caller right it's a perfect scenario and Noah and I talked about this and we'll go into this more in the podcast we talked about this offline um you know the the way that this the way that and you'll see this in the videos that we show and things like that but the way that this scheme lines up is getting the ball out quick misdirection making sure timing is dialed in on throws they're let's let's not mince words the the biggest question mark around this offense is on the offensive line it's not at running back we have two top tier running backs in the conference we have studs a receiver um it's it's the offensive line and so he he has to be dialed in he has to be a leader with everything that he does from timing it's not just being like we view Will Rogers as the guy for us it has to be executing and and making sure guys are where they need to be on time expecting the ball when they need to be um all of that stuff so I think it starts with him and the thing that Noah and I talked about offline was the Will Rogers was massively successful in an offense with under Mike Leech where they got the ball out quick timing yes they ran five receiver sets with no running back right they were they abandoned the the running game almost entirely as an offense but he has to get the ball out quick because they have to drop schemes that basically account for running plays three yard passes four yard passes where that's where you're getting to keep the chains moving and um that's what this offense feels like like the you know it's not we have much more to lean on with the running game but there's an aspect of the short pass Gadget plays with Char Jackson things like that that are going to be key and that starts with your quarterback and so all eyes all eyes on on being able to operate pre- snap motion uh mixing Up Tempo um you know going from a slow offense to all of a sudden you complete a couple passes and then you got to speed up speed up speed up to keep the defense on their toes to keep substitutions from happening so all that type of thing is going to be really leaned upon this year and that's how you're going to get to scoring 30 points a game and that's what I see coming from Will Rogers and yeah you know and that's that's a big number you said uh they actually averaged uh 34.3 points last season now Noah when we're looking at this offense and we want to get to that 34 points a game because if we can do that I think our we're going to be very successful as an offense um how do you see that playing out like us getting to that 34 points if you were going to say this is what the udub offense needs to do and maybe um dial it to a specific as opposed to just uh generalization yep so the big thing that I like is um you know when you talk about a team like you Dub with you know a maybe a younger offensive line or maybe not a ton of experience on the offensive line um one of the things is is having a quarterback like ISO was talking about that that can do the pre-nap s reads that can get the ball out quick and one of the things you know going back to Arizona we looked at in kind of the Jed fish offense that he calls him and Brennan Carrol when they wanted to move the chains last year they were a 6535 split pass to run so they wanted to move the chains with the pass the nice thing about udubb and the two-headed monster we have you know you'll be able to see a little bit maybe more balance you know at the University of Washington in 2024 but the idea that they have that signal caller that has the ability to do that I think is Keen um and last thing I want to say is when you're looking at a balance from this style is we are really like a pro style offense one tight end set you would see a lot more you know in the DOR era we ran a lot of two tight end sets with with with West over and Culp and you'll still see that with ginton Moore and latu the thing is you know you might see Moore hang back more in a in in a past protection and put lot a lot out into you know any sort of uh offensive passing tree so but but but that's the thing I really wanted to highlight is you'll see a more balanced Pro style approach with this offense and uh you know this year with udub you know and before we get into the um the positions uh ISO when we're talking about moving to this single tight more Pro style but still they still spread it out some as well um what are your overall thoughts when you're looking at that like especially when we're talking about you know you brought up Will Rogers and um I remember you know in kayin dore's offense pennx was big on the pre- snap reads like remember he would move the offense around get an idea what was happening how do you see Will Rogers playing out do you see it being similar or different than uh with under jetfish as it was with kayin deore I think um there was a lot of they we ran so much pre- snap motion last year that it was almost just like expected that you as a defense you were not going to have an idea on any given play you know what routes were being run on your defense you just kind of have to guess and Mike would hit guys in timing and so I think where the difference is in terms of pre- snap motion is that we'll probably run it with a little bit more intention like um it's it's not we're running Mo pre- stab motion on every single Play It's that we might be running it 40% of the time and at the beginning of the game it's really to set up fake pre-ap motion stuff in the second half I see like you get you you run the exact same look pre- snap motion you do the same motion but it's an entirely different play and so the defenses are expecting you know one thing because they saw it earlier in the game and then it's totally something different I like what you said where it's going to come with intent yeah now as we dive into this you know part of the pre- snap motions and what's big about it is what it does for the quarterback so let's look at the quarterbacks and we know Will Rogers is going to be the starter DeMont Williams is really impressed I went to about six of the practices in the spring and man just his ability kind of got some Russell Wilson young Russell Wilson in him uh Noah with Will Rogers being our qb1 uh have you what have you seen from the Reps that you've been able to see but what have you seen from Will Rogers that uh leads you to be confident that he'll be able to run this offense this season yeah you know what I saw in Spring then at the spring game and then videos I've kind of seen from practice I think he's I think he's been this the solidified number one since the spring game and that's nothing against Deon Williams either I think you see a young kid there who is going to be a human highlight reel on M Lake for the for for many years to come I just think he has another full year to kind of Garner the knowledge the understanding of playing at this speed this D1 football like what iso's talking about the pre- snap reads you know I think the only thing with him is he might take off a little bit too early sometimes I think the coaches want to see him sit back you know hey trust your eyes trust what you're seeing in front of you and make that play but when it comes to Will Rogers man you know there's a couple questions I have like you know Will Rogers best year under Mike Leech was 2022 he had uh 3700 plus yards I wonder Under fish and this Pro style offense and in my opinion probably better weapons than he ever had at Mississippi State you know can he break 4,000 this year because if he can get us to like that 4,000 yard you know yard marker uh man look out because I I really think we could be around that 33 34 35 points per game and then um you know he is coming in as a leading passer and and and remember I say that with this he's the leading passer ever in SEC history what is SEC really known for their Elite defenses so us moving to the Big 10 you know Smashmouth football what do they do you know they they like to show you all you know you have your Penn states you have your Iowa your michigans your Ohio States all these all these you know Elite defenses but one thing is with Will is having a leader that's seen Elite defenses his whole career I think that's something that that that is just a Bonafide um Plus for you dub you know having that as your signal caller the other thing is for him is efficiency efficiency is going to be key for will if you go back and watch his film you know I like to say man he's streaky but streaky in a good way he's kind of like the Ray Allen you know of college football like when he gets hot man that dude absolutely can slang it and he doesn't miss and so you know I talked about he had 630 attempts in the year that he had his 3,700 plus yards so for context penx had 555 attempts last year and he had 11 picks okay during Will Rogers top year he only had eight picks so when he gets rolling man I mean he is he is hot he doesn't miss and that's kind of what I want to see with him is is pre- snap reads and just being efficient efficient efficient and and he'll be a tough stop I think you're right I know I have a if you see a couple of these drives that he had in the mock game when he started getting hot he started hitting everyone all over the field and it really stood out now ISO um same question with you is when you're looking at Will Rogers what do you what do you want to see from him here in year one like what is going to be I mean you don't have to say exact numbers but what what do you think he has to do that's gonna end up making this offense successful and getting to that 34 points plus a game this is such a cop out but I don't care he's gotta say he's got to stay healthy like that's objective number one especially behind this offensive line uh if there's some defensive linemen in this conference that are going to be looking to take that dude that dude's head off um and thinking that they're going to be coming into this game circling it as like hey this is a this is like a show me game like I can show out during this game against this offensive lineman because people aren't going to be doing the research that they need to be doing ahead of ahead of uh assessing that but um what I think is interesting and I think is going to play toward toward Will Rogers getting to the goals that Mike you know that Noah is talking about here is um we don't really run like an elementary play at least from the plays that I've seen on tape you don't really see us do just like oh I know exactly what that is soon as the play gets drawn up and that these routes are Elementary these routes are Elementary and we're just running it to go through the motions to see if a guy gets open um like no had said at the end there like pre- Snap reads it'll be interesting to see if Will Rogers able to quickly identify early on in the season plays that he needs to scheme out of or get like audible he needs to audible out at the line and he does so and then the play that they audible into is not an elementary play because it seems like everything every time you watch receivers go out for for uh you know on routes that it is like a confusing thing to deal with as a defense and so I'm wondering if not every play when you step to the line is going to be a surprise and I'm wondering if Will Rogers is going to be able to step to the line and then assess that this is not the right play he should be in and then they pivot to another play and it's something creative and I know that's a deep cut I'm aware that's a deep cut but um I ju I I think if he's able to do that well and you see that early on it'll be a really big sign for the rest of the year like dude we might have some here yeah seriously on offense and if somebody's going to be able to do it a veteran like him is going to be able to do yeah you know he's got that time under his belt um which the other quarterback on the roster actually doesn't have now let's get into Deon Williams a little bit because I'll be honest during the Spring I thought demon Williams looked like he could challenge for the number one spot he looked that good in the practices when it came to the spring game he struggled a little bit but still flashed um what do you like I'll start with you ISO on this one what do you think do you think Deon Williams is gonna play some this year do you think he'll play a little bit do you think he he won't play at all how do you see that playing and also answer me this if you were to see Will Rogers get down go down could demon Williams lead this team yeah I mean I don't think like let's God forbid if that were to be something that happens early on like uh Jed fish was on with Tony castrone yesterday um you know that being Monday Tuesday um it it does it definitely doesn't seem like he wants him to see the field much this year based on just if you're reading through the Tea Leaves of what a coach is saying during an interview um so for that reason I feel like he what Jed had said was that he's very confident if you talk to the player Deon Williams he's some maybe even overly confident to a degree is almost like what it sounded like he was saying um So based on that I think deand has the confidence to step in and play do I think he's going to do you know not throw picks I think he would throw picks if he's called upon to step in there um so I will say that I do think he's gonna move the football though if you've been to a practice or if you've been to the spring game just as a fan dude he is not he is totally something different like I don't want to say Lamar Jackson because that is just on a different level but it that there isn't he's closer to that than whatever scrambling quarterback you have dud he's he's lightning in a bottle man I mean he he is he's the he's the best running quarterback I've seen in the University of Washington since Isaiah standback and yeah he he's it's like that so he'll be able to go out and create and if a play breaks down his first read doesn't go well he'll be able to escape out and he's going to get you some yards for sure so it's not the end of the world if he has to come in and play but it's not g to it's not going to be picture perfect now um will I do I think he will play if Will does not have God forbid an injury um I I probably not unless it's in garbage time um I think you could see him if they are going to bring him in it's it's in a gadget Play you know it's it's in an RPO where he knows what he's doing before the ball's even snapped and he only has one decision to make that type of thing because he's the he's gota I don't know if I I don't know if I can say this super confidently but I'm pretty confident he's the fastest player on the offense oh wow okay okay I know that um you're saying so basically he's gonna They're Gonna Keep when if he comes in they're GNA keep it simple on the reads and let him use his athletic ability to bridge the gap from what he might not know schematically yeah like I'd be so curious what it would look like in the Red Zone if in a like in a big game all of a sudden deand came out and on a third and 12 yeah you bring him in and he has the choice to run or pass and that's this that's the sole play he comes in and he breaks a run for 20 yards you know like that is totally in the card so if it'll be something like that or something where he only has to make one decision otherwise I think they're GNA lean on getting him garbage time touches in four games and maintaining his red shirt see I would love to see something like that is a exactly what you just said with him is maybe let him play against a Weaver State let him get some more vers uh Eastern Michigan and then you let him just learn and study and then maybe late in the year in a big game you know like you said great example third and 12 Red Zone oh guess what you haven't prepared for this kid all year and now all of a sudden what what is a defense have to do they have to burn a timeout or they have to go okay we got to bring in different Personnel maybe you know maybe maybe they bring in like their Zoom package or NASCAR package just to be able to contain a kid with speed like this so I think you would absolutely put the freaking defensive coordinator on the opposite team you know you know just just to to Wit's End trying to figure out what do we need to do to to to stop this play in in a key game so I really like that idea because remember you get him for two games in you know uh in those early games two more during the season and then maybe you know you make a run late and and have him for Gadget plays as well so that's kind of exciting and fun so you don't see him playing more than the the four games that uh a freshman can play with before burning the red shirt yeah yeah yeah I don't I don't see that either yeah yeah that's okay he's too valuable dude he's too valuable that he's literally probably the future of the team moving for after this year if he's the fastest guy on the field I would love to see a player two that's designed to get the ball in his hands and space and watch him make people Miss I'm glad you're bringing this up Mike because now that we're talking about it like there's probably no way that they don't yeah he's a weapon he's somebody that we could actually use yeah if you see him run you'll get it like I just don't know like he's so fast and Shifty man so so let me ask you this just makes dud mess I don't know so if he gets on the field then and he proves to be a a real weapon because like you said if you saying he's the fastest guy on the offense in your opinion if you have that kind of guy do you think he could Mi go over those four games because he's that much of a a weapon with the ball in his hands that's a tough thing to say his his value is rooted in it's a his value is rooted in him uh being like a surprise like Noah said because you couldn't just I don't think they want to be in a position where they're having to rely upon him to move the football okay like if they're leaning on him that much things went left yeah that's real that's real yeah and to what I said earlier too when and I think I think Mike you said you saw this in the scrimmage it's like when will gets going and he's hot there's no other quarterback you want on the field besides will yeah so in turn like you don't want to have this like dual quarterback you know back and forth like okay what this series for you Deon this series for will back and forth like you want to get ideally you want to get Will Rogers in you know in his Groove let him go and and that that to me is the most successful um a udub offense can be in 2024 is with a hot Will Rogers yeah I agree and and I think that either two of the both these quarterbacks are very talented and I think they're going to be they're going to be okay when it's all said and done but one of the big things that they have to have if you're going to be a successful quarterback is wide receivers to throw to that's my friends just segue it is very much a segue brother so let's shift our Focus now to the wide receiver group because we had three NFL what looking like three NFL starters on our roster last year they all are gone off to bigger and better things and now we're bringing up the next batch and we have guys in waiting I mean remember last year talking about Denzel Boston about how he was pushing Rome and all that kind of stuff and he got to play some but we didn't get to see him really unleash bring you wanted him playing Mike I remember last year you were like play his ass he was really good um but also Jeremiah Hunter yeah d looks I mean if you've been watching him in the in the preseason he's looked phenomenal um those two definitely look like one and two and then Giles Jackson Rasheed Williams um when you're looking at this wide receiver group who's the who's the who's the number one because it's I think it's hard to to Really discern between Hunter and Boston right now yeah that D that's a that's a great question man because what's interesting is Bost Denzel Boston and Jeremiah Hunter are both big body wide receivers um but I would say their traits are definitely different I think your Denzel Boston can can be a possession type receiver but I think his Elite trait is like get up and beat you over the top because he can absolutely get up and go and he can catch the ball uh I mean he can catch the ball at his feet you know across his body flip around one-handed catch like you saw in the scrimmage I mean he can do it all but then you have a Jeremiah Hunter who in my opinion is like the pinpoint pimp at the high level I mean he is absolutely I mean he'll catch C anything and everywhere he's a Red Zone killer and I think that's the difference between maybe a Denzel and a Jeremiah Jeremiah's a little bit older so he knows how to use his body a little bit better but then lastly is your Giles Jackson you know looking at him you know Shep has told us for years this guy is mean he is a grinder and it's like I want to see Giles take that next step and it wasn't as much as his injury last year that didn't allow him it's that we had Rome jmck and pulk and so those guys were getting all the bread and butter right those guys were getting all the accolades which they should but I can't wait to see Giles just take that next step that's a real interesting thing to bring up because I think that if you watch the film of Jed fish's offense he's got literally plays that are for a player like Giles Jackson now ISO I got a question for you because he is now the Elder Statesman in the room and he's the leader of that wide receiver room or one of them at least does he get 50 catches this I think so you know I was we were joking about this in the offseason once the NCA video game came out uh and we we saw uh from udub football practice Clips them running that that Jet Sweep or that jet pass or whatever and that thing is a cheat code in NCAA football or whatever you want to call it EA CFB um and if you count those as catches the guy's gonna have like a hundred catches because I I think they're gonna I think they're gonna have a lot of Gadget plays and behind the uh screen bubble bubble screen stuff like behind the line of scrimmage things going on for Giles um I agree ISO and especially going back to what we said earlier Right Moving the chains I think that's one of the big things that the 6535 split Arizona last year moving the chains I know we're going to have better running backs than uh than they had last year but I just think he is a sure-handed first down machine and that's kind of what Giles is he's that possession receiver he's kind of he's also that like release valve for Will Rogers so I think Giles will really give uh Will Rogers that comfortability and I think you'll see him I think you could see a game or two where Giles has like 10 plus catches and I'm serious as we switch to the running backs this is a position where we have some established guys Jonah Coleman and Cam Davis I think could potentially be a top three in the Big 10 running back Duo they're that good and Davis hasn't lost a step I watched I watched him in the spring when he was still kind of Ginger but still looked really quick and fluid but after watching him in this m game he looked really really strong and Jonah colan looks like a prototypical number one um as we go and look at this running back room because there's a lot more than just him Noah what do you feel how do you feel about the running back room as it stands right now yeah I mean I I think this is an easy you know name but like the two-headed monsters man I mean that those two guys are Bonafide number ones uh and then it's it's nice to have you know James Otis Graham at the helm as well better known as Scotty Graham I mean he's an absolute Legend I mean he's put out some some great running backs but I mean when you look at when you look at you know what Jona Coleman had you know his partner Partners in Arizona you know in uh DJ WIlliams and Michael Wy both very good running backs but neither of them were anywhere close to what Cam Davis is so what I think what I think about both of them is they're both Elite running backs but they're both willing to do the dirty things and the dirty things that running backs are do is are they willing to put their nose in there and pass block are they willing to pick up that 235 PB bling linebacker that you'll see all over the Big 10 um and then the other thing is they can both catch the ball out of the back field and here here's one thing I want to highlight especially coming out of this offense there was two backs last year at Arizona who had 25 plus catches both of these guys one of them was Jonah Coleman so now he's at udub but but but Cam Davis that was one of his big traits was his knack for the end zone and catching the ball out of the back field so these both of these backs fit right into what you know your Scotty Grahams and your Jed fishes are looking for and they have all the elite traits you know you wanted for for that stable of uh running backs yeah you know so that's you know for the two running backs being as good as they are it's going to be hard to get touches to both of them all the time ISO like how do you see the the running Concept in jedf fish's offense playing to that to that advantage of making sure both these guys both these horses are fed honestly honestly what what I see happening is literally just keeping both of them I think they're just going to spell each other I I I think it's less defined more than ever because of their skill sets being similar in being one one move guys typically making guys miss in in small space versus like your you know salvin OED who breaks out and makes a guy Miss in the open field type of thing these are the types of dudes that throw their shoulders into guys and run between the tackles very well um both of them honestly you can trust on the goal line Cam Davis especially there's no when you watch them just like Noah's highlighting both of them are good pass catchers both of them you know they have just very similar traits both of them can block um I just think what they're gonna do is be like hey who's uh who's feeling the best today all right you get 51% the other guy gets 49 like I really just think it's gonna be 1 a 1B um and as Noah was talking I had this Epiphany um if you thought that like think about Dylan J Dylan Johnson's production last year it like Dylan Johnson was not 100% at all like for what when did he get hurt when did he take that foot injury it was like maybe week nine week 10 yeah it was towards the very end of the season you're right and that thing was just absolute mush by the time he got to the back 12 Championship um but like if you like if that production that that's like to me uh the low end like like of what I expect C Davis to be this year does that make sense like in terms of just his ability like his production as a running back his ability to make plays to break out in space like I honestly think healthy Cam Davis this year probably would have had a arguably a slightly better season than Dylan Johnson last year and that's one running back of the two that you got so do you see do you see these guys possibly both going for a thousand no just because we're going to pass too much maybe total yards because of pass catching Pro actually I would say that might be a hot take right there that might actually happen both of them combine for over a thousand yards next year P receiving and running I could see that happening okay I could I could see that um Noah do you see both them guys being on the field at the same time man you always be putting me on these hot takes or he's asking the questions question I love it you know so I'll say it this way I think you could easily see them you know on the field at the same time and and not because just of their skill but their like I said their willingness to maybe do the ugly things or the dirty things so dirty yeah I mean yeah I I try to change it up to ugly know whatever it is don't matter he was naughty last year yeah yeah the naughty things but no I mean dude having we really have abundance of riches with our running backs man and the thing is is uh I'm looking through our notes as we're talking you know and we have Jonah you know uh and we have Cam Davis and it's like dude don't sleep on this young freshman Adam Muhammad either I was literally gonna just bring it bring that up dude bring it up man because I'm telling you you talk about like these freshmen getting four you know four games dude I'll tell you right now he don't look like a freshman that's real well and and that's what I was going to say is these other guys that we have in the stable like do you think the first guy up after the two starters is Muhammad It's gotta be gotta be yeah thing is he looks like a dude no he does the thing is is like kind of what we've been saying right it's like burn the red shirt oh man that would be brutal because if you think about it him if you're envision the future and it's Washington speed uh and then and then Mohamed and deand Williams like dude those skill positions set like re fire fire lightning and Ice Baby yeah it really is it really is um I just want to make sure you guys are all signed up for the Discord there's literally a QR code right here there's a link down in the bio our Discord has the best husky information that you get outside of talking to Jed fish himself you're going to get it's free to join but if you pay the the the fee for the VIP there is nothing better as far as getting recruiting updates like getting the hot takes on who's going to be the next dog also same thing with coaching we have access that other people don't have and as a result our information comes out at least a week before you hear it on the major uh new news outlets so make sure you go hit that QR code or hit the link join our Discord today ISO let's dive into some of the film that you brought like you found some really good stuff on online and uh and it really breaks down this offense that jetfish runs so uh talk to me yeah so shout out to uh coach coup uh on Twitter he's got 32 years of experience um been a defensive and recruiting coordinator uh he's done some CF B and NFL research analyst stuff he's got his own substack he's at coach coup and that's coach kouu on Twitter uh hit him up I saw him break down a couple uh just Snippets of game film last year from Jed fish and I was like you know what I think this is exactly what we need to look at as we look at this offense heading into next next uh well next year next freaking week um and we we're going to do the same on defense he's done the same he's at Steve belich defense at at the P you know with when he was with the Patriots and and there's some good stuff to glean from that but I wanted to show you uh I had him break down five six clips uh that kind of dissect what we do on offense and I'm going to show them to you here this is the a run concept uh this is the Arizona duo duo Run game and again Watch what you're asking of your receivers and tight ends on this clip here in the Run game they love to run Duo and some other gap schemes Duo is a great play because allows you to get two double teams at the point of attack while letting your running back hit the hole at downhill Manor here's the play right here there supposed to be two double teams but the linebacker walks up so he ends up taking him what's different about duo in zone is that duo the back will start opposite the center here's one example of it Colorado brings the backer which causes a SC to come off right now would be normally double team and it starts up inside and it's nice play for a nice hole now they run it similar to the LA Rams right because they bring the receiver inside when there's a nine technique he blocks out and he takes the strong safety and run support it's a nice scheme nice change up they get a nice do a nice job and they get a nice gain is another example of their Duo Run play in the Red Zone again same type of thing back starts opposite right they hit it up inside they do a nice job exent blocking up front again there supposed to be two double teams but should be two here to here two double teams this tackle to the backer but with pressure and sometimes okay they get it they get a nice block there they do an excellent job in the Run game here it is again right Duo this time the tight end takes in and they just run it up side with a nice job up front last example of Duo Colorado game again they run it with what we call orbit motion again running back starts opposite to Center makes a great cut and does a great job in the Run game here it is again you'll see the center right he's starting and working here and the center's working in the opposite direction which makes this right a Duo type Run play if he was to work in the same direction push this side front side then it' be considered inside Zone here it is again they or motion right they do a good job running back finds a hole and they hit it for a huge game that's one of their major run plays and their Gap run schemes so the two things watching those plays that I see is first off the ability for PRI snap that you see that Colorado linebacker he takes one little hesitation step to give away that he's about to Blitz and that guard knows to not Doo together and he ends up picking him up uh which is great but then as as it goes you see the other ones you the scoop blocks where they go double team and scoop up to the linebacker dude like that I mean that dude that's that's that's textbook um just coaching man and being able to get your players to do that next thing I want to say is first play was uh Jonah Coleman second play was DJ WIlliams third play was Jonah Coleman again what do you notice what do you notice about both those running backs Vision but also you notice North and South running yeah they're hitting the hole right off the bat right from the jump no Dancing In The Back Field I gotta find it I gotta find it dude they are North and South running dude and that that goes back I don't know man d That's Scotty Graham to a t go look at him at Ohio State I mean dude he is a north and south Runner he's a north and south teacher and I just love seeing that in in those clips yeah I'll tell you what the vision on that though was what stuck out the first thing that I saw when I thought when I saw saw that was man imagine what miles gasin would have done in that in that offense you know what I'm saying cuz he had the best vision of any running back I've seen at you dub yeah me it's it's exciting and I also picked up on they you can hide that that run play in the three wide receiver sets with one tight end right I think one of those clips had two tight ends in them but they're hiding that in that same set it's like dude if they can run these concept Concepts as their base their like what they build everything else around good luck man I'm just saying if you if you think that udub is gonna go out here and put up 200 yards a game in the Big 10 okay doubt it again good luck it's it's I mean honestly like you go learn to day dude you go and learn today okay Co first of all also coach coup you're a friend of dubbed up forever dude these are awesome and I appreciate you so much because this is you sending these six clips and highlighting this for us and the messages you were sending me uh really kind of opened my eyes as to what exactly this hype was about with these with his offense and I hope that's coming across here the next route concept is a sale concept it's a route that isolates this Alli Defender and you're looking to run a high low with him with this bubble action and the Deep out it's nice route concept here they see the how a Defender expand he reads it and hits the nice deep out concept which is the sale concept here it is from the tight view right quarterback does a good job alluding pressure hits the route here's another example of play action a motion he ends up taking pressure but he would normally go to the flat here they are reading the a Defender again on the deep out right makes a nice completion great catch good ball placement I think this is like a play concept where basically what they're doing like you saw is they get somebody going high medium and short it's like essentially flood dud yeah the two things I noticed one kind of funny one just pretty cool the funny part is I'm only saying this as a UB fan did you notice the guy from Arizona state that put the pressure on uh faf no that was that was BJ green uh and second yeah yeah uh second is the concepts that they're running it's actually very impressive from a fish perspective as well is that they had enough um just wherewithal to teach fa and have him understand conceptually um just to read that alley player that alley Defender and then wherever he goes that's where the that's where the pass uh wherever he goes that's where the pass isn't going he's going to hit the next route you know so it's just it's pretty cool to see faf just kind of learn that and it's now you're kind of getting a little bit of a different player with Will Rogers obviously not not so much speed but you're getting a lot more experience so I'm assuming with Jed fish being an elite play caller he can probably load Will Rogers with even more uh Concepts even more things pre- snap even more things in game that will uh you know I think you might really see Will Rogers take that next step man I'm pretty excited about that yeah it's I like your point there easy read three guys on the same side of the field your head's facing the same direction and you go high medium low yep I think that was your point bro we're doubling down we're tripling points here we just freaking agree with each other so hard here dgan I guess that is the definition right there we got one more play This is Gonna this is highlighting basically what we do to play off other plays that we've set up we've talked about it a couple times on the podcast you've got these uh they they run the same looks same motion from one play to another but runs something else on the uh out of that same motion look same set one thing you notice about Coach Jed is that he loves to set plays up throughout a game so one thing you'll see is there one one concept earlier whether it be a screen and then they'll run a screen and go or they run uh their inside Run game and then run a play action off it here's an example they run a short end concept early in the game it's a nice little route concept they get the short in and they hit it for a nice gain and then later in the game they run the same type of concept where they're going to fake it and I watch theer go back out they do this constantly with their screen game they do with their different things they do throughout the game he's great at the sequential play cone even though that's overthrown it's a great play call for my guys ISO and Noah I'm Mike flaun and this is dubbed up and it's always go dogs go dogs baby

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