Multiple Earth-Directed Solar Storms & X-Flares on All Sides | Space Weather Spotlight 28 July 2024

Published: Jul 27, 2024 Duration: 00:09:26 Category: News & Politics

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Intro big solar flares both earth side and on the sun's Far Side plus multiple Earth directed solar storms are the focus of this week's [Music] Spotlight space weather this week gets Space Weather very exciting as we take a look at our Earth facing disc clear back on the 23rd things started to get very exciting not so much on the front side but because of the far side on the far side the sticks instrument on solar Orbiter saw an x14 class flare this is a big flare at an R4 level radio blackout one we haven't seen in quite some time and that let off a very massive solar storm that was not earth directed but as we take a look at the location of this on the sun's Far Side this is the location of old region 3738 so it looks like that Region's been pretty busy and we'll talk more about that in a little bit as you'll see it's been pretty busy on the sun's Far Side so as this as we return back to the uh to the Earth facing disc well regions 3764 and 65 come on the front side of the sun with a Vengeance you can see a big solar storm being launched there so they had our attention right away also region 3762 started growing and giving us small level lowlevel mclass flares but nothing too substantial again then on the sun's Far Side we got interrupted by the sticks instrument going oh hello Sun's Far Side we just had a near X7 class flare and this once again was had a big solar storm attached to it and it was also from a region that looked like it was about to rotate into Earth view from the sun's Far Side so my goodness we may have multiple regions that we have to worry about well that continued just a little bit longer because region 3762 68 64 and 65 really began to pick up the you know up the ante let's say and by about the 26th we started getting little Puffs from region 3762 and you can actually see a a few like little light pops here this is when we start having started to have slow uh SL like these light Earth directed solar storm launches in fact late on the 20th you could actually see in coronagraphs a small kind of light uh partial Halo going to the south of us and then also a little bit of a finger going north as you can see right here so this began some small Earth directed solar storms launching is just like late on the 26th which meant well probably going to arrive at Earth like late on the 29th but we weren't really expecting all that much that was just kind of a little wispy stuff these regions continued to give us and fire off some wispy stuff but The Far Side of the Sun got a lot crazier as you'll see in a second you can see we got a bit of a small flare right there from region 3764 but it wasn't eruptive meanwhile on the sun's Far Side we had yet another big uh x-class flare this was an X11 class flare along with some small pops you can see here and as we take a look at the uh actual locations of on the sun well we had the big solar flare from once again again region 3738 but we have a new region here in the north and that's already firing off small mclass flares so again multiple regions on the sun's Far Side have been giving us a lot of activity but as we take our attention back to the front side of the sun you can see once again another pop from region 3762 and a little bit of activity here from region 3768 and yes once again more solar storm launches now first we've got this massive solar storm this was from that X11 class Flare from old region 3738 it is now as you can see getting really asymmetric in terms of its Halos so that means that region definitely rotating closer to the east limb uh and it's going to be coming into view here very shortly but just after this big uh solar storm from that you know during that X11 class flare you could see a second Halo here it's much gentler and it's probably camouflaged on this side this was from region 3768 and then even after that look another Halo so these two solar storms these are far more substantial than the other two that we had just a day or so ago so we're sitting at like what four different solar storms that are now Earth directed we also may even have another one in here this was from a light filament launch likely not earth directed but it tells you that the forecasters are really working hard to try to get these solar storms model and so as we continue watching we're looking at these regions popping very small flares but once again this one goes off just a little bit and shoots up something here once again we have another very mild Halo in coronagraphs you can see the top part of it here and then maybe even something down in here so we might yet have another partially Earth directed solar storm likely not it might graze us but probably not too bad so that's four maybe five possibly solar storms that are either Earth directed or partially Earth directed and we're thinking okay are we done but no region 3764 is just getting started in fact early on the 28th you can see it fires pow right there a near X class flare and you can watch this blast wave just expand across the disc this has definitely launched an earth directed solar storms we are waiting for coronagraphs right now to get a better idea but with without any data it looks like this solar storm could be reaching us early on the 29th which is oh my goodness about the same time that those first set of solar storms are supposed to be hitting us so what that means is that this storm could actually compress all of those other solar storms together and it's very similar situation to what we had with the Ganon storm back on May 10th but it's not nearly as intense yet region 3764 may still give us even more big Sol flares as it continues to rotate through the Earth Strike Zone over the next few days and you'll have to stay tuned so that we can see if there are more model updates uh for the coming Full Sun Map storms and now switching to our full sun map we take a look at suvie data this is in the red this is the front side of the Sun as well as uh solar Orbiter euvi data this is The Far Side of the Sun to get an idea of what's lurking on the sun's Far Side we know we've been seeing some big solar flares so it's nice to have a little bit of imagery on The Spar side to be able to get a better idea of how it's all unfolding and as we look at the disc over the last week or so you can see region 3762 rotating into Earth view that's one of the big solar storm players and you'll see uh some just forming over here this was region 3764 and 65 so these are the regions here as they rotate into Earth view here over the last week they're the ones that caused all the solar storms that we've been seeing uh over the last couple days earth side but keep your eyes on Old region 3738 in fact you'll actually see it flare a couple times so here's here okay so here we go here's where these regions are rotating into Earth view causing lots of trouble when they were on the East limb but look at Region 3738 back on the 22nd this is when we had that big X4 class flare we actually or solar Orbiter actually caught it in the imagery which is just amazing that's how long it burned but that region is not the only region that's actually growing we can see re old region 3744 as well as region 3745 you can actually watch them uh grow as well region 3738 gets caught with another big solar flare so we know this region is flaring and look here on the very edge of the imagery at least in this view you can see this is that new region that was actually giving us a couple uh mclass flares over the last few days so this region is growing quite quickly and will be rotating into earthview in about oh maybe three or maybe at four days from now this one should be rotating into Earth Day over into Earth view over the next couple days so we definitely have a lot of activity on the sun's Far Side new regions that are going to be rotating into Earth view as well as the players we're already dealing with now so over the next couple weeks expect big radio blackouts to stay on the menu and expect Earth directed solar storms to be something that we are going to be watching out for for quite some time for more details on how this coming solar storms and the solar flares might affect you stay tuned to this Channel or check out my more frequent updates on patreon and X

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