Dallas Cowboys vs Los Angeles Chargers 3rd Game Highlights Pre Week 3 Aug 24, 2024 | NFL Today

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:24:15 Category: Sports

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this one will be returned by Gil and he's swallowed up just shy of the 25 the Harbaugh halftime report sponsored by your Southern California Chevy dealers here's Jamie thanks guys uh coach you guys were able to find the End Zone on a couple of offensive explosive offensive plays what you like about the offense there in the first half yeah the first play first play of the game allor right that's the way to that's the way to start the game and then uh great throw from Easton to uh to Simi and uh very explosive I love the way DD worked the sidelines kept his feet in bounds and uh yeah we're executing better and uh good first half for us come out here in the second half and crank it back up how about the defense yeah defense is uh you know played a little tentative at first we missed a couple calls uh we let a we let a a oneman route get by us on a in a cloud coverage and should never happen but uh yeah we're playing now I think uh guys are playing having at it clear our minds cleanse our souls and come out here and have a great second half thank you coach all right thanks well if you watched the TV show Friday Night Lights it's clear mind or uh full Full Hearts clear Minds Full Hearts can't lose I think he just said clear Minds clear Soul second half meanwhile Tyler mclen is down the rookie left tackle so we'll step aside just a couple seconds into the second half [Music] people always say it is what it is until there was a productive run from Elijah doson who was the odd man out in the first half we'll see if he gets a little bit extra time here in the second half play action to him stick unloads perfectly there Jaylen Gil out of bounds yeah great job by Gil at the end of this to drag his feet B well thrown by stick but number 40 watch his feet as the ball comes in it kind of goes limp and drags him both 18yd pickup on this delivery from stick there was a clean first half no turnovers from this Chargers offense after a couple of costly last week against the Rams another handoff and doson fighting towards Midfield looks like they'll Mark him down right there Damen Wilson drags him [Music] backwards so for doson part of that running back battle along with prell who won't play today Patterson and Isaiah Spiller who was the fourth round pick a couple years ago out of Texas A&M doson from Northern Colorado press last preseason trying to do the same here to clue catches it out of the back field makes one man miss and explodes forward to the 45 oh really a nice catch by Dodson the ball thrown low he had to stop on his route he reached down low to pick it [Applause] up and then keeps his balance and picks up extra yards those are the little things that impress coaches what do you do with the ball after you've got it make yards sets up third down and four and movement up front Willis Patrick looked like he was the first to jump 5y penalty Third Down Danny short the new referee in this second half something that we see sometimes in preseason cig rolad was the referee in the first it'll be short the rest of the way as another opportunity to try out a different role yeah referees need reps too doson stays in there now on third [Applause] and9 oh this could be a free play stick on the hard count and the completion over the middle to Cornelius Johnson who is Spilled Out across the 35 but a big Gainer for this Chargers offensive 16 off sides defense 92 penalty line first down Aladin muhamad jumped into the neutral zone and stick with the hard count recognized it immediately there's the jump it should have been 93 it should have been foko that's where the flag came from that side of the field either way first down stick quick drop knocked away batted twice and picked off first turnover of the day for the Chargers finally taken in by julus wood and the Cowboys have a little momentum back early in the third [Applause] and ball was tipped before that and that's why it went over the head of the receiver Spiller and or Ortiz will join us now as the Cowboys start this drive from the 30 and not much room to work with there on the early run well Joe we welcome you in we appreciate you taking a few minutes with us here it feels natural to just go right into the Ravens thing because we just saw all the guys you brought in but how is it having that familiarity from Baltimore bring you guys in to fit seamlessly like that oh it's it's great you know I mean JK and Gus have been with and then uh Hayden and Bradley we've drafted in Baltimore had them uh for an extended period of time just all all four of those guys bring the right mentality uh that we're looking for and uh know what type of workers they are and people they are so it's it's exciting and and also the Michigan connection is strong as well oh very very strong um I mean obviously the players that we brought in from Michigan coaches from Michigan and uh I spent plenty of time at Michigan when when Jim was there and and certainly before that uh at Stanford so there's a connection all around yeah I know you want to pound the ball and all this but yes we do we got touchdowns on big plays today we did that was it was great how about that first play you know rasle Dazzle and uh it's exciting and then hitting simy down the sideline that was great great throw great catch finished by Simi so we've seen some Elite defense throughout this preseason from this unit Jesse Minter coming over from Michigan by the way did you get an honorary degree out of Van Arbor is that part of the deal when join on with this organization yeah you know it'd be nice you know it's a heck of a degree to have you know um but no no no honorary degree like down as Jefferson caught out Jefferson's had a fantastic day so far forced to Fumble had the interception making some big plays tackling across the field let's hear what this penalty has from our second half referee offense number 34 10y penalty from the spot of the foul still third down all right so that's she come back just take us through this first year so far you come in with Jim Harbaugh you have talked about the Batman and Robin the Andy duin and red from Sha Shank Redemption I like the the movie and TV options that you've given us but at the same time what's the relationship been like and the familiarity even working with John for so many years yeah it's been a partnership you know um you know first of all knowing Jim really I knew Jim before John and and being able to to watch him Coach and develop into a coach from a player um certainly he was our quarterback my first year in Baltimore but just getting to know him and then um you know seeing them coach and and certainly knowing the family knowing John 16 years knowing Jack and Jackie as their parents um and then just building a relationship with Jim so it's been great kind of coming with familiarity with one another and then just developing you know our identity as a partnership what we want to do is as an organization and and you just you know build and attack it and you mentioned Jack Jim and John's dad had a great conversation with him a week or so ago his knowledge is so valuable how will you use him or will you use him in some way you know someone who's done that as long as they've done it you do the Insight that you can gain from it you know I learned a long time ago as a 22y old when I first started in Baltimore just listen you know just listen and learn and uh I got a chance to learn from some great ones starting with Art Modell and Azie Nome Ted Mar BR they they were the triumphant there when I started and uh Ste bti you know and and then John come Brian bck and then John so you just listen to The Experience they have and gain insight and and he's got plenty of it I I've been I've been a part of a lot of his talks and uh really enjoy him and and there's a lot of recruiting now in the NFL and building the bolts that training facility has got to be a huge asset for the recruiting spend absolutely you know the it's amazing the facility is just you walk in that facility and it takes your breath away really and it's it's uh no no no nothing was left short of of the design team and uh you know we the guys love it you know I like you guys mentioned I brought a number of guys over from Baltimore and we had a nice facility there very nice one and like Gus Edwards and Tony and they're just like wow this place is amazing so really expect that look it's not common necessarily to come into a job step into a job and bring in a quarterback already or have a quarterback that you have justtin Herbert he's a superstar we've seen what he's capable of we saw him practice this week just how special he is but the understanding of protecting that guy and going out and getting Jo all fifth overall what was the mentality and the mindset for you guys to go and Target someone like that absolutely I mean you got to protect your quarterback you look at you know most of the successful quarterbacks you know they have the protection you know and it's there for them and um you know listen I am very fortunate to come into an organization a great organization and have a great quarterback already in place so yes we came in with the idea of get this guy out let's he what the call is here this has been an eventful drive so far Chargers defense continues to play some strong football against Trey Lance in this C legal contact Defense number 37 penalties Define first down go against Jefferson who as mentioned has had a very strong day so far yes he has he really has I mean you it's interesting to see who you've brought in because you have this blend of Youth and experience it feels like on both sides of the ball and you mentioned some the guys coming from Baltimore but even then the Michigan side with Junior Coulson as a third round pick but to bring a veteran of that level of Jefferson's caliber and that secondary that we feel like we've seen so much kind of shifting from Jesse Minter what was the thought process of building this team overall as a singular yeah you know I think you know you look out there you want to you always want to inject youth into an organization and and some leadership to the young guys is Paramount to building a successful team I believe so uh getting guys like Tony and who's been it done it multp place has been highly successful is great well Joe we appreciate you taking a few minutes with us excited for this season excited for you and this journey is an NFL GM and uh we can't wait for opening day in a couple of weeks here it's coming up appreciate guys thanks for having me Absol great you Joe thanks thank you y appreciate it man good luck so 20 to 10 at stays as we tick down about the Midway point of this third quarter Lance on the bootle play action rolls LOF complete On The Run he puts it right on the money for his intended target very athletic move by Tre Lance getting out of the pocket running left as most a difficult pass for a quarterback to throw but he gets his shoulders squared to the line of scrimmage and puts the ball right in front of the receiver who doesn't have to worry about anything but making the G grab and getting out of bounds so Bernett picks up 20 just out side of a goal to go inside the Red Zone here hand off goes to Davis looking to bounce he stumble forward to the [Music] six so another goal line type stand potentially incoming for Jesse minter's defense can they come up big once again we've already seen it in this game on the opening drive holding Dallas to three as they were efficiently making their way down the field we saw it even late in the first half after the quick three and out to get the turnover on the fumble can they do it once again Lance surveys End Zone intercepted it's Jefferson again he cannot be stopped Jefferson leveled at the 12 his third turnover of the [Music] day this is just remarkable by Jefferson reading the quarterback the whole way not sure that this pass ever had a chance of being completed but it's intercepted by Tony Jefferson this time you can see the linebackers coming from both sides right up the middle and stick has no chance 7165 are eligible receivers 7165 so the extra lineman again it's going to be mcfaden and Lang mcfaden who has also played some tight end through training camp earning that position it's a second and 19 spiller's the running back and he's got the G Spiller nowhere to go stonewald at the [Music] two and the important thing is he got out of the end zone right there but cutting back into two Cowboys probably never a good idea third and 18 stick to throw stick in trouble and he's got the completion just to provide a little bit of breathing room it's going to go to Zack Hind yeah better pass protection that time for stick on a third and 18 very difficult to pick up all those yards but the with a ball in his hands we've even seen it today see if Scott can get a good one off high kick vaugh up to grab it on the fair catch at the 432 444 to play in the ends in points veteran Roy Freeman in the back field Freeman oh great bolt there the quick speed into the back field and the open field tackle made by Savon Jackson That's the speed off the corner here and Jackson Bulldogs Freeman to the ground real quickness that from that defensive end [Music] spot Lance on second and 11 feeling the pressure over the middle and the catch is made right at Midfield Tony Jefferson adds another tackle as just goes right down yeah with the Chargers blitzing Lance that time he he read it quickly knew where his Outlet receiver was and delivered a perfect pass Tony Jefferson already making decisions a bit more difficult in this secondary not seeing aant samon Jr Derwin James today as Lance surveys Lance rolls Lance throws and completes first down oh knocked out are they going to call that an incomplete pass yes they are you got to control it pass JT woods with the explosive tackle put his helmet right on the ball watch the reaction by Woods there's that safety experience at the cornerback spot key there that it was ruled incomplete sets up fourth and three but it looks like Dallas is [Applause] going and they will run it quick screen and cam Johnson has got the first [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] down really a well-designed play by the Cowboys getting a couple of blockers out in front of the receiver barely picked up the first down LS with another conversion there Lance capes he's got blocking in front Lance makes a move and there he goes Trey Lance to the house Touchdown Dallas 46 yd [Applause] Scamper well it's an option play and his option behind the blocking of his big tight end spam forward and then he turns on the Jets but really good blocking wide receivers and out in front there's span Ford and there's that [Applause] [Music] speed Lance was waiting for the big play had gotten that beautiful touchdown pass to end the first half and now it's a four-point game and Dallas is going to go for two to try to bring this to within two well you know what It's the final preseason game there's no holding back we know Conor's the back Lance Fades incomplete too far out in front of Cam Johnson and it's cam Hart the rookie had a Notre Dame in coverage yeah great job by cam Hart cut off the angle on this pass is going to be an impossible reception because of the switch there good teamwork in the secondary I tell you the Chargers short yardage defense and red zone defense has been outstanding in the preseason we seen a couple of interceptions Dean Leonard against the one of the great pass rushers in the NFL with Detroit credits Herbert for his development as a player and as a man in his time in an anr versity helped turn everything and that weight room at the bolt is heavily organized hand off doson breaks away first down and more out of bounds couple of good things to look at on this play number one getting to the corner and then finishing the play a lot of running backs will just step out of bounds satisfied with the yardage but watch as he takes on the tackler right there delivers a little extra to Josh Butler dson trying to prove his worth know that in his third preseason games we've seen the historical significance at the running back spot for the Chargers Austin Eckler a couple years back it was the final preseason game that really solidified why he should be on the team play action for stick in the pocket and stick finally goes down three or four blue jerseys in the area but but it's Darius Harris who finally gets him down low again they're just blitzing stick almost every time [Music] here but when you see a safety coming on the blitz you have hot receivers that should take care of it sight adjustment a slant route anything to keep from getting tattooed like that makes it second and 18 stick keeps stick no Running Room spun down on the back field it's Harris [Applause] again stickles spent a lot of time in the uh C tomorrow he has taken a beating unable to get around the corner that time empty set on Third and 21 stick PP and dump it's going to be Patterson and not a whole lot of space to work with as he's ushered out of bounds it'll be fourth and forever and a punt up coming for the Chargers [Music] [Music] du vaugh back to receive this from JK Scott oh and that's going to be something or is it no flags all right Touchback it is with N9 seconds left in the third well this is a division that is going to have plenty of story lines coming in along with the charterers you've got to imagine the Chiefs are still the favorites in the AFC West we head in the season especially when your quarterback's throwing behind the back passes yeah that was pretty good you ever do that uh not on purpose but they were going for the three peat their fourth Super Bowl in the last six seasons and Patrick Mahomes trying to continue to solidify himself as one of the greatest to ever play the position it's hard to argue that he hasn't already done that amen could be the final play of this third [Music] quarter after the long Lance touchdown run Conor and a flag yeah they were offside B start 48 offense 5yd penalty still first down I'll back him up just a little bit here as that one goes against pron f

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