Category: Sports
On this somber september 11th in saint louis. indeed, we shall not forget the tragic events of september 11th 2001 as we welcome you to busch stadium in saint louis for game two of a three game series between the cincinnati reds and the saint louis cardinals. and it's a happy homecoming of sorts for... Read more
Category: Gaming
On the corner of dave knee house way and edgar martinez drive welcome to t-mobile park mlb the show as inter league action for you this afternoon it's the san francisco giants taking on the seattle mariners and we'll be back with the first pitch right after [applause] this just about set to go now the... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] [applause] [music] welcome back into the channel folks the birdland network we're back with another video in our continuing series of the top 25 all baltimore orioles now this is my list of 25 orioles that i think are the best of the best over the history of the team what i'm looking for are... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Oh man yeah man this is why we love baseball so much because things like this are going to happen okay sometimes it's good sometimes it's not so good and man the horse's name is friday oh man oh bill miller straight away center field that one's on its way and the ray have tied it up junior cero give... Read more
Category: Sports
Please join us in welcoming to the field, the 29th royals hall of famer, executive vice president and general manager john shold. and now we invite him to throw out tonight's ceremonial first pitches catching for gary royals national baseball hall of famer. number five, george brett, a legacy that was... Read more
Category: Sports
[संगीत] Read more
Category: Sports
Aaron judge's 48th home run it's sports center on youtube it's the internet drew carter i'm gary sty we're heading to ireland in just a little bit drew but because this is the internet we can say anything we want the stage is yours we got so much time let's just talk back and forth a little bit maybe... Read more
Category: Sports
Mets play the finale of their four game series against the padres mets have won two in their first three you know seven weeks into the season on may the 21st there would have been no way to guess that at this juncture 4 months later we'd be talking about francisco lindor as a potential most valuable... Read more
Category: Sports
[música] bien amigos debis sport tv nos encontramos con la tercera base del equipo de los miami marlins el puertorriqueño emmanuel el pulpo rivera emmanuel háblame del desempeño que estás teniendo ahora mismo con el equipo de los miami marlins ahora se te está dando una gran oportunidad eh sà sab estamos... Read more
Category: Sports
What's going on every back again with another vi in today's video we're going to be talking about the mlb standings obviously you guys know it's pretty much about 5 6 weeks to the end of the season and there's already a lot to talk about so let's just get right into this video we're actually going to... Read more
Category: Sports
[applause] now a chance to win it in the bottom half of the ninth lake tran who struck out jose altu with the base is loaded now faces alex bregman first pitch down for a ball one and0 trying and able to take advantage of altuve's aggressiveness through three pitches off the plate but altu could not... Read more
Category: Sports
Brewers in search of a series split would be a massive split to get after dropping the first two games of the series against the dodgers you will not see mooki bs come off the bench as a pinch hitter or late in the game all right tobias meyers a 175 erra in 11 starts since june that's the second lowest... Read more