Locked On Braves POSTCAST: Philadelphia Phillies prevail in extras as Atlanta Braves drop series

you are a locked on Braves postcast part of locked on Sports Atlanta your team every day hello and welcome into the Braves postcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day Grant McCaul Jake mastriani with you after a long and frustrating night of baseball for the Braves and a series in which maybe their hopes of winning the National League East was hanging in the balance and the Philadelphia Phillies were able to find the big hits come through in the big moments and take three out of four against Atlanta dealing them perhaps a fatal blow as far as the division is concerned and also dealing them I would say quite a body shot when it comes to what's going on in the wild card standings as well as we know at this point of the Season every win's important every series is important and for the Braves they were not able to get the job done against the Philadelphia Phillies we'll talk all about what happened on Sunday and of course get you set up for what's going to be going on at truest Park as the PRS come home for a home stand against a couple of clubs that hopefully they can get back on the winning track against before we get started against with all of that make sure you hit the Thumbs Up Button subscribe to locked on Sports Atlanta on YouTube and locked on bravs wherever you get your podcast today's episode's brought to you by priz pigs the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to prize.com lockon MLB and use the code all lowercase lockon MLB for a first deposit match of up to $100 Jake I think this is a series that in a lot of ways could be described as one of Miss opportunities for the Braves it was certainly big in game one and it felt like here in game four there were still more opportunities particularly on the offensive side the Braves could not come through the Phillies ultimately were able to outlast them and get the hits they needed frustrating series but one I think if you're not a Braves fan I think it was a fun series it had two good teams you know kind of going head to here head to-head in some close games except for the one the Braves did win on Friday night but as a Braves fan certainly stings a little bit especially when you had couple of leads late in two of these games and ween able to hold on to get the win and get that big Series win that you needed to have a chance to get back in this division race yeah and Sunday of course the latest chapter in that game one I felt like and you know maybe we can just go ahead and dive on into it I don't know again Jake I haven't written down the full misery index of Braves losses for this year and where some of these games fall and all jokes aside I mean none of them are fun it's very frustrating for fans and players alike you know this is not really the season that the Braves had been you know envisioning when they came in spring training six months ago but as We Know A lot's happened since then and this has kind of been part and parcel to who this club is they'll get going for a while and you'll feel like okay maybe they're on a roll and then they'll have games that are just uh frustratingly maddeningly slipping through their fingers and there were a couple of those in this series I'll go out on a limb and maybe it's a crazy thing and I'm sure the comments will let me know this game four loss did not feel quite as bitter as the game one loss did I was on record at that time is saying maybe that wasn't one of the worst losses of the season and maybe it's not I don't know I felt like there've been worse and more uncomfortable losses but at this time of year against this team that you're playing none of this has been very fun and ultimately it just felt like they were decision points and also a lot of opportunities offensively that just for whatever reason did not favor the Braves and the Phillies seem to be able to cash in on the flip side of the coin yeah especially the game on Sunday I think you know the offensive chances the Braves just weren't able to take advantage of and again I've said it pretty much all series if this is a series in in May June I think you look at it and neither one of these losses really hurt you all that much although obviously anytime you lose to the Phillies it does but they were close games against a good team and they just made one more play than you did in a couple of games and that's really what it came down to and I don't I don't think the Braves should you know hang their you know get upset on that or hang their head on that or anything because look at all the people that you're missing and you are still going toe-to-toe with I I think still one of the better teams in all the baseball I know they've struggled in the second half but I still think it's a really good team over there that's going to have a lot to say in the postseason and the Braves went toe-to-toe with them in their house and like I said just a couple of plays here or there and you win this series so again it stings because of where we are in the season and just the opportunity that the Braves had to get back in that in the division race and you kind of you know left some on the on the field there some games that you feel like you you could have won and should have won uh but I think ultimately I think when you take a step back and look at it I thought it was just two good teams going head-to-head and some close games and the Phillies in that ballpark were just able to make a couple more plays in the Braves yeah I mean and they're a great home team and they're a great team overall I mean Braves fans I'm not going to you know give you the reasons why you should like the Phillies but at the very least you have to respect what they've done because they have been to your point one of the better teams in all of baseball all season long and they have in some ways kind of let the Braves hang around a little bit here in the second half Atlanta has not been able to cash in on those opportunities not just head-to-head in the series but overall the Braves with their couple of six-game losing streaks not being able to at least play some 500 ball this could be a very different looking division but it's not it is what it is right now we can't play the what if game especially this time of the season and the Braves are now trailing by seven games in the standings overall a hardfought game and a rivalry between these two teams we know also well they played quite a few of these and the series was another great example of that to your point Jake Spencer swach got the call in game four we'll talk more about his start a little bit later I thought he was great I know he ran into trouble in the sixth inning but he got the two quick outs two weak hits two- strike mistake this to me was not the same thing as a game one scenario in my opinion it's not but I'm going to play Devil's out Advocate a little bit but I'm going to preface it by saying I have no problem with keeping in there with the way that that inning unfolded they got two quick outs right there you know at that point I'm thinking okay maybe he goes seven I will say going into that inning I said because he stays in the order a third time at least have somebody ready in case he does run in trouble but again with how quick those two outs were I had no problem with leaving him in there but I I will say this you do have a kid facing the order for a third time a kid that's passed more Innings than he's ever thrown before and you have your full Bo bull pin ready to go if this is a postseason game do you not go in that spot in the biggest situation and make sure that you have the best matchup out there for you and I get it it's a right onri matchup if he executes that slider he probably does get him out but he doesn't and does he not execute it because maybe he is running out of the gas a little bit I know the pitch count was fine in that spot but you could tell that inning just wasn't quite executing quite as much again Playing devil's advocate I I'm perfectly fine with the decision to leave him in with the way that that inning had gone it's not like the hits from Turner or Harper were absolutely destroyed or anything like that but I do think it was a decision to be made there yeah I mean it was certainly one that you have to and that was the reason why the bullpen was up and getting hot I mean you had Dylan Lee I believe and Pierce Johnson both throwing there and I do think once you got the castanos and in that particular situation if for some reason and Spencer swelling Box's not known for a lot of walks but every once in a while there is one if he lost castalanos and the brav still had the lead I do think he's out of the game after that but at 80ish pitches I really didn't have a problem with it from that point like you said and I didn't feel like you know there was really a better option maybe this is just the old school in in me in terms of like where he was in the pitch count and the fact that he is a pretty Dynamic pitcher in and of himself but he didn't execute that pitch and when he did not Nick castalano says we've seen several times in this series certainly knows how to put a good swing on a mistake pitch or just a ball left over the plate for him to hit and that was definitely what happened in that scenario that two-run double tied the game came up it stayed there all the way until the 11th inning when the Phillies were able to walk off with a two out two- strike hit or excuse me with a two out hit from Nick castalanos I believe it was a two- strike hit again I mean this is a guy that he he just continues to and I know that they're not all mistakes I mean at some point The Hitter also has talent and it's able to swing the bat and hit it well and you can't assume just because you throw one out of the Zone he's going to chase but again it's different at bats different times different things we don't want to get it too muddy here but I guess what I'm saying is the long way and maybe the professional way of saying Nick castalanos has a knack for this he's done it quite a few times to the Braves and at some point there is that cap tipping time in which U you just have to give some credit to The Hitter as well in that particular scenario but he was dealing with Grant Holmes in the 11th after the Braves had run through a lot of their Bullpen to get there two more Innings from right glaas just to push it into extras and keep it there or there were a few things offensively though because I don't want to get bogged down on what the Braves pitching did because 11 Innings or nearly 11 Innings or three r ball I'm not going to sit here and complain too much about that the two runs for the Braves which were scored very early and then the lights went out after that was indicative of an offense that was not able to cash in on its opportunities with Runners on base and Jake I thought there was an awful lot of swing and Miss on pitches in the zone not so much a ton of Chase out of the zone that was particularly frustrating though there was an bat by Orlando Aria in the ninth inning that certainly was overaggressive yeah so you talk about all the swings and misses In the Zone by the break Braves and you talk about castios and the mistakes that were made to him and that's kind of the difference the Braves didn't hit those mistakes Spencer swach he made a mistake with that slider he left it up and C anos hit it Grant Holmes he threw a fast ball right down the middle to castanos which he should have learned that mistake the first time casianos hit it it's just the Braves did not take advantage of those pitches that were left out of the middle of the plate casianos did kind of same thing on Thursday night well pitched game for the most part that night but you made two mistakes and the Phillies took advantage both those went for home runs and you lost that game so that's just a little thing in the series that was the difference just cios in particular making or taking advantage rather of when a pitcher made a mistake but this game is is on the offense and I think that's kind of where you're going and that's what you know you're you're kind of I saw your Tweet as well kind of alluding to that we can talk about the decision in the sixth inning like I said I was fine with it either way but this comes down to the offense they had the leadoff runner on in the seventh eighth and ninth inning couldn't push a run across you had the man Manford run on in the 10th and 11th inning at second base and you couldn't score one single run this is solely on the offense in my opinion just not being able to execute in big moments not being able to manufacture runs yeah one out Bases Loaded I believe it was Orlando Aria there in the ninth inning and with Matt strm having all kinds of trouble throwing strikes just goes up there swinging out of his shoes and popping one up and then a line drive by Luke Williams and I know there was a lot of commentary about you know Luke Williams being in running for Gio or shella I don't necessarily get that I don't know why that was a play that you would make before he was maybe in scoring position unless you were going to run him which they didn't he didn't steal a base and all of that kind of factors in late because then you've got Luke Williams getting a bats instead of Gio orella obviously all of these guys are getting a bats because there's no Austin Riley so I guess maybe that's the big card here that we need to flip out onto the table there just aren't a lot of great options when you're missing major pieces of your offense but the Braves know this and are aware of this now and they're going to have to manage for the fact that this is life without Austin Riley without ozie alz without Ronald aunia Jr whoever it is in particular situations but that overly aggressive approach for Orlando it felt like he was the key guy in that inning and he just didn't do himself any favors and he didn't make stum come after him the way that I feel like he probably should have and if he had it to do over might go up there with a little bit more patience in that spot just a terrible at bat all the way around I mean there's there's nothing else to say about it trying to do too much in that situation letting the moment get to him and and normally R I will take him in those moments I feel like he usually has a good approach there but uh you know maybe just who who the opponent was and wanting to really you know shove it in the fans face that were booing him all series long just went up there was way too aggressive swinging at some terrible pitches and cost the Braves in this one yeah it was unfortunate one of many things that didn't happen it wasn't just Orlando Aria though there was plenty of responsibility to go around as Atlanta was hitless with runners in scoring position just how bad did it get we're going to talk about that a little bit more as the Braves postcast goes on we'll talk more about Spencer swellen boach and of course we'll get you set for the upcoming Series against the Colorado Rockies off something they call an off day which is happening on Monday all of that's coming your way next on the bra postcast get hydrated with electrolytes essential vitamins and clinically tested nutrients from the number one powdered hydration brand in America it is liquid IV blast off with the iconic summer flavor of popsicle firecracker of fested blend of citrus fueled lemon lime tart cherry and raspberry flavors no more thirsty Summers when you indulge in hydration with liquid IV and you can get 20% off your first order of liquid IV when you go to guess what liquid iv.com and use the code MLB at checkout as 20% off your first order when you shop better hydration today using the promo code MLB at liquid i.com that was my unfortunate responsibility to read to you the line score and the box score of this game for the Braves that ultimately ends in a bitter 3-2 defeat in 11 Innings to the Phillies who walked off courtesy of Nick Castle anos uh two runs six hits no errors for the Braves who left nine men on base in losing this one Atlanta drops to 74 and 63 on the season Phillies meanwhile improve to what is that 81 and 56 with three runs on six hits no errors and they left seven men on base in this game a winning pitcher in relief is Estes he pitched the final two innings for the Phillies he got himself a very nice check swing call on Whit marfield I don't know if I'll have an opportunity to bring that up and get that in here but goodness gracious talking about taking the bat out of somebody's hands I mean and the Braves had a lot of problems in this game trust me I see and I'm going to talk about it in a minute with the Rogerson scoring position that one though just kind of goes onto the pile the complaint pile which we're going to light on fire before the show's over so stick around Aaron bumber takes a loss in this game he's now four and three on the season uh ultimately and we can talk about Spencer schellenbach here for a moment before we get to it but I do think this is a game that falls squarely in the lap of the Atlanta Braves off defense five and twoth thirds Innings five hits two earn runs one walk two strikeouts not as much of the strikeouts as we're accustomed to seeing from Spencer schwellenbach I thought his stuff was pretty good I thought he was doing a nice job of navigating his way through a Phillies lineup that has seen him multiple times this season which was kind of you know one of my parts of thinking and maybe old school is kind of a you know an archaic way to uh to look at it but I felt comfortable with Spencer schellenbach even when he got in trouble in the sixth inning because of how the trouble was uh I guess unfolding in front of him or behind him as the case may be with a couple of weekly hit balls but I really felt like with all this kid has shown this year that giving him a chance to close out the sixth inning was not the worst decision made in the series most certainly certainly not the worst decision like I said I think you could go either way with it but you had the matchup there and again if he executes that pitch he gets him out but you know he didn't unfortunately so again it's just it's is the fact that you've seen this team three times now and maybe they have a little bit better look at you because as you said said only six whiffs in this game Rell GLA has had more swinging misses in this game than Spencer schellenbach so clearly the Phillies at least had a better line on how to make contact against him it wasn't great contact only six hard hit balls on the night 84.7 mile per hour average x velocity against so it wasn't good contact by any means and you just felt like okay you had two decent swings that went for hits with Turner and and Bryce Harper you got of figure maybe the third time that bad ball Luck's going to go in your favor uh but again he just hung one up didn't execute an o two pitch and you just you can't leave one that close to the Zone when you're ahead 0 and2 so it was just again a good night or a great night rather I think you could say for schellenbach but just an unfortunate ending with not being able to execute that final what ended up being his final pitch of the night yeah and ultimately I mean worst case scenario it was a good night for him and the Braves pitching staff again with three runs I mean obviously two of them earned because the Phillies scored the gift Runner there in the 11th inning uh also worth pointing out in the 11th while we're just going crazy out of order and just spinning the wheel to point at different things that didn't work in the game there was a chance for an inning ending double play that was I think miscommunicated based on where the guys were deployed on the field in the at bat but man it was rough to see at second base that miscommunication between Aria who I felt like could have taken the throw and taken charge and had a chance to finish the double play and Whit marfield who had hustled over was kind of there late was spun around and really didn't have a chance to double up Bryce Harper there that was unfortunate for the bra and it just felt like one of those things in a series where you can't really afford to make mistakes and have that happen especially in a situation like that where the game is on the line that ultimately did not help the Braves either and Luke Williams playing Third Base at that spot too we talked about that earlier bringing Luke Williams into that game and taking Gio orella out not that Ella's been there for a long time either either way it's going to be a pretty new face over there but you just wonder was there that miscommunication for a guy that hasn't played a lot there and hasn't played with those two guys and just where you have wit playing I almost feel like that ball needs to go to Aria one because he has the better arm and because he's coming towards the bag it's a tougher throw for Luke Williams because you do have to hit him on the run there where you can just make a straight throw to the bag for wit but yeah either way that's a play you got to know ahead of time where you're going with that one that has to be communicated if this ball comes to me who's going to get that bag at second Who Am Luke Williams has to know who am I throwing this ball to but yeah unfortunate there you don't turn that and and you turn around and lose the game after that yeah and that was just one of the things was going wrong in extras for the Braves let's go ahead and run our hurry up offense here before we run out of time in this segment and have to drag this on into the third segment where we're very much looking forward to eventually perhaps possibly turning the page on this game in some way shape or form uh PR's Bullpen was charged with handling things from the seventh inning on I thought they did a nice job Dylan Lee obviously was the man who came in and got the strike out to end the sixth inning but you had scoreless ball from Pierce johnon Joe jnez looked fantastic in this game speaking of fantastic rice glaus also looked great Aaron bummer I had no problem with that walk to Trey Turner with not giving him anything to hit I have been a Braves fan know long enough in my life and I've covered the team long enough uh in recent years to know that there are some hitters that just feel like a bad situation every time they walk to the plate and Trey Turner is a guy who's on that list certainly Grant Holmes obviously coming in to work against Nick castalanos that does not feel like a matchup that has worked out too terribly well for the Braves that goes without saying but I've got to point at the work that the offense was or excuse me the work that the pitching staff did and what the offense could not do in this one 0 for 10 with Runners and scoring position you brought up leadoff men on for the final five innings of this game nine men left on base just unable to even manufacture a run here or there and I'm not talking about bunting a couple of times or bunting in sack flies but you know a sack fly would have been nice at least in the ninth inning it just didn't come together the base hits or the other ways of scoring runs that would have helped the Braves to avoid this very very frustrating loss and losing the series to the Phillies and that's ultimately again why they lost this game you the pitching was was great in this one the bullpen as you just pointed out was fantastic it all comes down to the offense and them not being able to find a way to generate one run with all those lead off base runners one inning it was with marfield and you don't try to run with him and then you hit into a double play yeah and you you eliminate that threat right there and then you know obviously the ninth inning situation with Orlando coming up there Bases Loaded stum you know struggling at the the moment not a guy that typically struggles with command but he was right there and just being overly aggressive I mean it's just and then having runner on second base to start the 10th and 11th Michael Harris comes up to start one of those Innings and the left-hander you're thinking okay at the very least he'll pull the ball to the right side and move him over like Matt Olsson did in the 11th inning and you can't come through in that 11 inning after Olsson did that Travis darno comes up there and it's a guy you want in that situation you know he's typically going to give you a good a bad and put the ball in play but hits it right through the third baseman so just guys up and down again it's not not one you can't point the finger at just one guy it was a lot of people in this game that had chances and just none of them able to execute and come through no I printed the wrong sheet that didn't give me the left on base for each one of the Braves hitters but yeah I mean looking at the box score earlier it was up and down the lineup and we just talked about several different scenarios where guys had chances and when you talked about five different Innings it ain't just one or two guys that didn't come through this is an overall group effort and I'm sure that they would tell you that as well uh so the Braves offense unable to back up what was a pretty well- pitched series overall for this Atlanta Braves pitching staff that shouldn't really surprise anyone that's been a big part of the Braves success but with the game one that got through or slipped through their fingers and now this disappointment in game four the Braves Dro three out of four to the Phillies and fall seven back in the National League East and this is the final meetings between these two teams in the regular season Braves take the season series 7 to six but as Jake said earlier it does feel like a lot was left on the table in these four games up at Citizens Bank Park when we come back we'll give our final thoughts promise on this series and we'll look ahead to the home stand with the Rockies and the Toronto Blue Jays coming to town and a familiar face who is back in the Braves organization we'll talk about all of that as the Braves postcast continues prize picks is America's number one daily fantasy sports app with over 5 million active members get in on the daily action with your friends and become part of the prize picks Community today you can now win up to 100 times your money on prize picks with this list four correct picks you could turn $10 into $1,000 prize picks is available in more than 30 States across the country from coast to coast from California to Georgia download the prize pick app today use the code locked on MLB all lower case you get that first deposit match of up to $100 when you do that code again locked on MLB allower case on the prize pick app for a first deposit match of up to $100 pick more pick less it's that easy with price picks the Braves and Phillies are done for the season division lead stands at seven games for Philadelphia Atlanta will be off on Monday for Labor Day so I hope all of you find something to do I can promise you the Braves will not lose a game on Monday so take that however you would like uh they do come home to open up a three- game set with the Rockies and three more with the Blue Jays at truest Park Wild Card race we got to talk about this a little bit Mets who would have known swept the Chicago White Socks have a four winning streak going yeah it must be nice to win a series against the white socks who who knows what that's like um and then the Cubs have won six consecutive games and are now three games back as they continue to make a late run here with about what 25 or so games left to play in the season you can't count them out the wild card I think we talked about this a little bit yesterday Jake I mean there's more than one way into the postseason we know that the Braves have been in this wild card scenario before it's been a while it wasn't very fun when they were but you'd much rather be playing in October than sitting at home in October but it could be a very challeng ing run through the final four weeks of the season with the Mets hot on their heels and the Cubs insertings in this race as well for that final spot as frustrating as the season has been you want to get to the postseason and we've talked about it I still believe in this team if they can get in that their pitching is good enough we saw in this series this pitching gave them a chance to win just about all all these games or they did give them a chance to win all of these games just needed a little bit more offensively and maybe you get some reinforcements before the postseason come that help you get there but either way I still feel like you know if they can just get in it gives them obviously a chance I think it gives them a good chance if this pitch pitching staff can stay healthy but you got to hold on to this postseason spy we talked about it coming into this series this was their last chance I felt like to get into the division if there was any hope there my mind that hope is gone now you're seven games back with 25 to go and look they're trying to win every game anyway but now you're focusing solely on just getting into the postseason getting one of those Wild Card spots and you got a couple of teams that are nipping right at your heels here so you got to play some good baseball fortunately Braves got a pretty nice stretch coming up an opportunity to do that will they take advantage yeah they're going to have to do the best that they can to win each and every series we heard Brian sniffer talk about that some before this series even got started about how you know what do you think of this four games against Philly and he's like well every series is important and that's true and the Braves are going to have to give the same fire and intensity against the Colorado Rockies a club that snuck snuck away with a series Victory against the Braves on a recent road trip by coming up with a big rally in the final game of that Series so you can't Overlook anybody any time of year really but certainly not this time not that I feel like the Braves are you know that kind of complacent I think they understand the challenge that's out in front of them and I think they've been through enough adversity this year to know that it isn't going to stop for however many more weeks they continue to play but at the very least over the next four weeks of this regular season as they look to punch their ticket to the postseason but the New York Mets have played a much better brand of baseball in the second half and really since early in the summer they've been figuring their things out and have made a race of it and have pushed themselves ahead of the Braves in the standings a couple of times here so you have to keep your eyes on them and the Cubs a team that I think everybody including myself was wondering how many pieces will they sell at the trade deadline they didn't really do much selling in fact they did a little bit of buying which was confusing and now you see them winning some games and it just goes to show you Jake that uh just when you think you know what this whole race is going to look like there can always be that Darkhorse team that just gets hot at the right time yeah and that's what you want this time of year right you want you want to get hot at the right time and be surging going into the postseason the Cubs look like they might be a team that could do that Mets too they're playing good baseball uh right now and you the Braves wereth playing good baseball until this Philly series and I think you just got to hope that this team can turn the page quickly and get back to doing that because you have an opportunity like I mentioned coming up you know three against the Rockies three against the the Blue Jays one against the Reds all at home and then two on the road at the Nationals these are teams that you should beat but Grant as we know these are teams that the Braves have struggled against this year but you got a nine game stretch coming up here where you got a chance to not just you know win some games and get in a postseason spot they're already obviously in one but to get some distance and give you a little bit of breathing room down the stretch here when the competition does pick back up a little bit and you got that big series with the Mets and the second to last series of the year but this is the opportunity I feel like with the with the Braves if they can flush this one from Sunday obviously the off day on Monday is going to help but then you got a really nice schedule coming up where the Braves can really do some damage and have to Grant they have to do some damage against these teams that they failed to really do that again so far this year yeah they're going to have to figure that out we've kind of talked a little bit about what the Brave schedule looks like Colorado took a series from them the Blue Jays that can be a challenge that's a club that's still got some pretty good players as well the one makeup game against the Reds then of course we know the Nationals I mean the bravs are four and seven against Washington this year that as they say is far from ideal and I believe they had Lo did they lose both the games to the Reds in the earlier series as well because that was another one that you kind of look at that not that the reds don't have some Talent as well well but you got to figure out ways to win some of these Series against these clubs that clearly are well under 500 uh looking overall at what the Mets have coming up three against the Boston Red Sox and three against the Reds they also have the Blue Jays then they get three with the Phillies three with the Nets and then four more with the Phillies before they will play the Braves in the penultimate series of the year if nobody has uh if anyone has forgotten about that Braves and Mets um they're used to this thing at the end of the year or they've done it before where it could decide it goes to October it's going to be fascinating see where they are three weeks from now and by fascinating I mean horrifying and scary and uh and terrifying for a good section of the fan base I would imagine if this is inside of three games which is mostly what it has been over the past three weeks putting all that aside is the wild card will not be decided on this night we still got four weeks to go roster news for the Braves Atlanta resigned Tyler maik over the weekend apparently prior to that August 31 deadline he had been released by San Francisco had made five appearances in the miners rehabbing he' been on the 60-day iil while with Atlanta with elbow inflammation I know matsik hasn't necessarily looked like the Tyler matsik of old but Jake I think as you know what he's capable of what he has done in the past might as well take a flyer and have as much depth as you can so that you can make the decisions that you need to when it comes time to you know you know put together whatever roster you need to in October though it sounds after all we've talked about ridiculous to be going through a scenario like this but I guess it is a feel-good story to have Tyler maic back in the organization it just made sense it was one of those things once you saw he's released by the Giants you just felt like the Braves were if anybody was going to give him another opportunity in a minor league deal it was going to be the brave so I think it makes a lot of sense bring him back in you know losing Mentor too like if you need it in a pinch and you feel like mic's maybe back on track maybe he gives you another Lefty option I kind of doubt I think this Bullpen is really good you know as is but either way just it makes sense to bring maic back and see if he can reclaim some of that magic here with the Braves yeah he'll be with the Gwynette stripers upon resigning with Atlanta Chris S meanwhile lined to get the ball on the first of three against the Colorado Rockies needless to say have to take that series and if you've got to do that having Chris Sail on the mount in game one's a good way to do it it happens on Tuesday at truis Park 7:20 p.m. eastern time the first pitch sail 15 and3 with a 258 ER it's Lefty Kyle Freeland who's on the mound for the Colorado Rockies four- six of 551 ER two very different left-handers having two very different seasons yeah obviously anytime you got Chris tail on the mound you feel good and coming off a couple of tough loss for the Braves in that Philly series you really want him back out there to give you a chance to pick things back up you do have that off day and like I said I mean you three with the Rockies three with the Blue Jays one at home with the Reds and two with the Nationals I feel like you got to go seven- two in this stretch I feel like this has to be the stretch where you just really pick up some wins and for me the pitching has been there it's it's the offense what do it look like which looked really good before these last two losses to the Phillies where you of course went up against Zack Wheeler and Aaron noler you're not going to be facing those guys again anytime soon so hopefully this offense can get back on on track yeah going to need all the runs you can get Chris S will take all of them as well in game one of the series as he faces Cy Freeland to again has had a rough season in ER over five and a half you hope that bods well for an offense that would like to get its swings in early and offense score a bunch of runs and get off to a good start against the Rockies Tuesday 7:20 pm. eastern time the first pitch in the first of three for the Braves and Colorado that's going to bring us to the end of this edition of the Braves postcast as always we appreciate you riding along with us make sure you subscribe to lockon sports Atlanta on YouTube and leave us those likes and comments share the show with a friend and subscribe to lockon Braves wherever you get your podcast that's going to do it for us tonight off on Monday back with you this coming week as the Braves come home for that home stand that begins on Tuesday against Colorado for Jake masterani I'm Grant mccaulay we will catch you next time and until then so long everyone

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