OU Football Live: Portal Update and latest news on roster.

what is up sooner Nation happy Saturday tonight welcome back to the sooner surge Double Trouble make sure you as Lori says hit the like button leave the chat do what you need to do to do that we appreciate all you guys being on here great win by The Sooner basketball team today uh this is a team that I think can honestly make a run deep into March Jay but uh you got that today great win you got Dylan Gabriel officially a duck you got two sooner offensive linemen who have entered the P entered the P I entered the NFL draft with Andrew Raymond Tyler G busy day today for sooner fans busy busy day in Porter Mo and U uh he owns the SEC 13- two in the last 15 games OU is against the SEC and basketball uh and man it is kind of nice Jer I like the Christmas tree behind you uh yeah back in here tonight we'll see how long this will last but uh I don't think it it says Aaron says I think that closes the book the book is done okay the book has been done I think the next question is when do we when do we actually hear an announcement from DG or staff as far as that but muscleman absolute clown how he behaves when they team when their team starts losing how he unbelievable Jeremy we were sitting next to each other at the game and Hunter can attested us I looked at both of y'all and I said U's up 12 when it gets up 14 or 15 he'll get ejected what happened boom literally 10 seconds later he gone yeah and apparently maybe there was some it was pretty Chippy the whole game but also uh I think some U players walked through their huddle and it it kind of pissed him off and then he went off but U was gonna win whether he got ejected or not hey Timothy said loves U so much he goes to U isn't is Oregon U or youo I call him Oregon University I yeah six technical fouls a day Brett that was insane they tried the ref were awful uh do you think Danny might St I don't know about that question Bobby I I don't know if he will I think he got a good draft grade and he's going pro I I don't I don't think anything's Gonna Change I'm just I'm wondering why Danny hasn't come out and announced it yet I mean what's he waiting on I don't understand that either Jay I don't understand why there's been an announcement on that so DG he's at Oregon it's official got the marota number they're number eight he's going to play pretty good at Oregon what about U Oregon next year in the playoff would that be would that be classic uh I don't I'm not sure that uh Oregon's gonna get there next year Jay oh but you're sure U is huh I'm not sure U or Oregon's gonna be there next year honestly hey good for DG I think it's a good spot for him but you're right it's over now uh it's over Porter Moser is muscleman daddy that's for sure four- one against them yep that's right four- one hey Jay any surprise on rain today was that a surprise no zero chance I mean we didn't talk about this but we we talked about it in the private chat with sooner Serge about him being an NFL on his Instagram story I think last week he was in California training for the NFL already I think we all kind of knew the announcement was coming soon and there it popped today he's going NFL he uh I think he'll make the NFL I I don't know how long of a career have I think he's a pretty good player I'd like to have him back uh but also Tyler G not unexpected I think everybody knew Tyler G would go pro but look what that does for the bowl game looks like you're probably going to Troy ever starting to Center uh and on the the right tackle it'll be inter to see who they throw out there yeah and uh Mark says I guess we get to see if this season is was lebby's play calling or DG's hesitancy are you talking about in the bowl game Mark or we gonna have to wait till next year because yeah seon's going to be at right tackle and yeah probably so hey sooner fan I actually think uh R had a great year this year I'll say this about about rain and what they got going on Everett's fine for the bowl game but I think if Everett are starter next year at Center um the SEC up the middle he's I don't think he's got the size to to play there against the big dogs that play in the middle there do you no I mean that's that's that's the concern with ever J I think you're you're much better if Bates is your starting center you're going to go with a a freshman well I think they're gonna I would really consider a portal at this point transfer s someone asked about where's the incoming portal guys so hey Blake there there was a lot bad about o on that OSU game and obviously there's some communication issues between DG DG and R and I don't know it was just that was baffling hey Mark are you talking about because they went out and got Blake shaping I mean Jeremy you can probably answer that you think him and DG are the same person so what yep I mean uh Blake and Blake shapen and DG are the same I said it last night I don't care listen I think that's a I am very shocked if that's the best leby could get out of the portal are you not you think that's good pickup I don't know J I don't know what to think on that hey do you think Andrew football dude what's his draft going to be who rain dude I think R's gonna be a sec third day probably guy yeah that's what I'm thinking that's what I would guess I mean I don't know day three yeah senior Serge says day three Hunter thanks Hunter um and then gon's gonna be a top probably 15 pick Mel Kyper last week of the Season had him at 17 overall pick so we've talked about the OC in the Box I know Hunter really doesn't like it you got to have someone in the Box uh whether or not it's the OC you know I know this coming year I fully expect Seth Latrell to be in the Box because you have Joe John Finley down on on on the field level is Seth the guy that usually calls it from the box though I don't know it's pass Jay well maybe you should look it up hey uh Mark says I think Lincoln Riley still look still looking yeah he has not got will Howard yet but I think really really considering will Howard as his transfer guy which is it's kind of shocking to me you know that's right we got 127 in Lori hit the like button please it does help out uh James likes James like OC in the box and DC on the field uh yeah I think a lot of it's just preference uh Chuck Chuck we do need some offensive lineman you got one you get a Spencer Brown out of the portal I think was a great they've got to get one more J hey there's there's talk that festar offensive lineman from A&M that was a freshman All-American that I mean he does have U as a 20 one of the 26 you see that 26 teams is offered this guy he's unbelievable theying somehow pull that all he would be unreal if you can get someone out of 26 people it's pretty impressive yeah A&M D would be sick Jackson you're right it'd be legit but I don't know if that's going to happen but still uh I think mclelan I think it's and listen the McKinley stuff is heating up I I'm just saying it's heating up I think I I got a feeling it's going to come down to the wire on that and I and it's one of going to be one of those recruitments where last minute maybe you can get a flip I don't know but I think things uh are a lot better than they were a week or two ago let's just say that with the Elijah Robinson deal I think the things are a lot better than they were that would make a happy Sunday for sure look I said it yesterday also said Jaden uh Dan is going to win the Heisman which he did uh but I did say that I expected Chris mckel to be a sooner by Sunday we're running out of time on that one yeah is anybody going to the Alamo tickets are cheap right now guys what are they like 80 60 bucks I know Hunter's looking at going uh it would be Hey listen it would be a great bowl game to go team with the Riverwalk and everything it's a cool place uh what's the what do you mean nothing to lose in I I think he's saying like it's not like getting a guy from the portal you have all just all the recruits are TAG I think they're feeling pretty good right now dude I do and that would be massive if you get him oh soon's going to Parker McCollum instead of uh Hey Parker mccollum's good Sooners DN that's a good concert that's a good drive you also got A&M and U are playing in Houston I think the night before Walter is he's not declaring he doesn't have another year so he's going pro he's going to NFL uh yeah and Jay this gets very sketchy very quick and and one thing and I'll say this if Walter Ralph says you know I'm not playing in the bowl game if McCain matoy says they're just gonna work on their NFL U's in a hurt in the bowl game it's not a hurt you just play young guys I think both those guys are going to play though I do too I mean to me it helps them out like Ral I mean it's so weird the way they do the Senior Bowl now like even DG didn't get invited to the Senior Bowl which is weak um yeah they do not going you can't invite a guy to the Senior Bowl every year DJ's been a senior three times t no they changed the rle that you can invite non seniors now Juniors underclass I didn't know that I did not know that yes they changed the rule jackon I'm not hey speaking of practicing you had some I don't know if you guys saw the pictures you know Jackson Arnold day throwing the ball uh practicing now were you drooling no I'm not drooling but I can't wait to see what he looks like honestly I I want to see him throw the ball 35 times hey speaking of portal how many tight ends are they gonna get one two one you think one you think they're gonna one you're gonna get one you're gonna combine that with Devon Mitchell hey hey if you're we we had mentioned David Hicks the other day you did a couple times if throw yourself in David hick shoes or Don mckenley right and you see the max Exodus that's happened right now out of Texas A&M right so if you're a guy that's playing there already or a guy that's wanting to go there does that make you hesitant to go there or does that say wo there's a spot for me to play right away it really depends on the guy honestly Jay uh yeah they're gonna have foreign scholarship but I I think there could be another one leaving tight end possibly who you don't think McIntyre Helms no Helms is itching up the bit to play he wants to get out there man hels is gonna be really good ifay healthy Jay if Devon Mitchell and they get a guy out of the out of the portal you never know who else is we need five guys that can play H uh the the H HB I I think they got five right now I don't know I don't know if they got who is Chuck saying the fans won't give him another chance to I'm not sure chuck chuck who you talking about on there oh talking about BV talking about BV and I think he talking about BV Jay I think BB gets one year in the SEC kind of a free a free reign unless he's to throw like a I don't know if he's to throw a losing record out there then he may be gone but anything else I think I think the fans the administration are going to give him one year in the SEC Co coconut Greg who are you asking about like who's coming in to for a visit or who's coming in to be to portal in what are you asking nice sooner fan I kind of like that comment agree with that Jay yeah U's offered several guys out of the portal yeah agreed I mean Chris mullen's been offered the San Diego offer yeah there yeah hey coconut Greg I I don't know if you're asking visits or if you're asking who's who they're going to get from the portal right now I think they're going to take another offensive lineman they're gonna take a tight end they're gonna take couple of defensive play defensive lineman um I think you have to I mean and mlen mclen to me is a guy that like Jeremy said I think yeah there it is Jackson says Malone is he's the guy of San Diego State defensive back he's visiting you got been offered too though yeah offered um you got the off one of the offensive lineman that's visiting I think this weekend uh there visiting visits are going to be happening this week so you have the running back from South Carolina has he been offered no but Brody was telling me somebody was telling me maybe it wasn't bro maybe it was Hunter uh that I think his dad said something on Twitter like Bastion South Carolina fans like I hope he goes to OU and runs all over you next year or something well hey as far as yeah thing is Jay there's a lot of yeah there is no pod scheduling next year hey the year after that Jay the deal about these guys a lot of the guys that U is gonna want may not even be in the portal yet uh they did if you talk go back to last year they got some guys in the portal in the spring uh they ended up being key contributors and maybe maybe Hunter could drop in the chap there's a couple guys they got late uh that they ended up playing so there is a chance you can get guys but I think a lot of the guys have hit the portal that I I I don't understand what you're saying there Jeremy I'm very confused by that you know what I'm saying no I don't open your mouth and say it I don't know what you're saying well Hicks would be one what what about Hicks hits would be one you would offer immediately if he was out of the port in the portal that's true if he gets in the portal he's not in the portal and then sometimes even after a bowl game a guy will enter the portal I'm not I don't know any names I tell you if if I'm an U fan here's who I want right now I want one more offensive lineman I don't know who that is I I do want Eddie eepl I mean El that's a recruit I think you expect a recruit I think U leads on him okay I want mlen I want the other dude I want to end princey from Florida I want mlen and princy from Florida I want them both I want them both and Jet you're saying U is waiting for certain players are so you're agreeing with J so it's the guys they're waiting on that they think are gonna hit is that what youall are saying well there there's also the Clemson guy Jay that is that is going to uh make take U makubu yeah yes he's gonna take he's already in the portal he's already in the portal right and O and U's gonna offer him and Hunter wants a pony too while you're trying to get David Hicks okay you know what there's nothing wrong with what I said Jay did I say there was anything wrong with it it's not a wrong take did I say there was anything wrong with it no they're not I I don't trust the guy either Sooners to win I don't trust Hicks what about priny sooner sirge yeah would be unreal if they could get priny Hunter Hunter they were in on him in high school Hunter Hunter Hunter you're the one that said he wasn't any good hey sooner history sooner history I have't I wanted to bring this up earlier and I forgot I'm glad you mentioned this I'm really glad you put this in the chat okay how good of the relationship is and I want to say these three guys mlen from Florida etn from Florida princ Ley from Florida they're all from Florida to me if mclen and princely had a good relationship you could kind of work together and maybe try to get both right or etn I'm just saying if if some of these guys have good relationships that could help and I want to go back to Eric gray key Lawrence and W Morris all came from Tennessee do you remember that those three guys sometimes it can work in your favor if guys have a good relationship and maybe I don't know that relationship but I'm just saying it be something to be in keep your eye out for yeah and hey what Porter Moser did out of the portal uh Blake Horton's mention is that got older guys too that's the thing and these were guys that uh that have come in immediately where their athleticism is through the roof and you can see it uh Sooners the wind does not think that mlen is coming to U I don't know where you've is that just a personal opinion or you've heard them some things because I think I expect him to to choose U that's just me yeah I don't I don't know I mean what about the etn guy on the running back if he came to U wouldn't he be their best running back wouldn't he be better than Sal no you don't think I don't think I don't think so he was pretty good at Florida dude I mean that that's why I don't know if he'll come to U because he might want to be the guy and U's gonna play a couple I don't think that rule uh Hunter have you heard of that rule because you're you're saying hey you're you're saying uh the name is Gregory Patterson that oh that no one can get an SEC guy out of the porter until after spring I'm not sure that's correct I don't I think what he's saying I think that I thought that started next year that if you go in conference maybe you have to wait it yeah I thought that was when they were in the same conference yeah I've never heard of I I haven't heard of it being an actual rule yet but he's saying in the spring portal oh he's saying he's saying later on I I I'm confused confused I'm still confused okay Hunter's looking it up right now we'll see Hunter cleared up yeah we appreciate you Hunter Jay there is a like after the spring game you know you can get guys too after a spring game yeah now U didn't last year we thought they might get a guy like Bradley they didn't last year but this is another what about jiren Bradley Jay yeah I don't know about jiren Bradley dude because I love the guy I'm just wondering where faroq announced he's coming back I don't know if we said that Faro's coming back he announced it uh I think you have to move faroq to slot like we've talked about um so where would a jiren Bradley they're so deep at receiver unless you lose a few I don't know where he kind of fits into this mold you know what I mean yeah I don't know where he fits either especially with f coming back yeah I mean do do does you need to go out and get a backup quarterback or you gonna ride Michael Hawkins a lot of people are hiring Hawkins I'd like to go get a backup I'd like to have someone who's played before that's just personal opinion uh what about a guy like de Westbrook is that what the question was yeah thanks T Tanya we appreciate you every night you're like so loyal such a true person to this show we really appreciate you Tanya thank you thanks Tanya oh they're asking for trivia already yeah let's let's hear about the trivia Jay I got first question listen this first trivia question guys there's three possible points for this question okay if you get one of the names you get a point so here we go you see the standings rolling across the bottom we have the whole month of December to go so here we go with the first trivia question all right Billy Bowman coming back next year Billy Billy Billy uh but uh not talking about Billy this time talking about Woody Washington there's still a chance Woody could come back still a possibility we'll see he does have that year now Woody Washington has not always been number five he used to wear number zero when he wore number zero what three other players wore number five before Woody while he was wearing zero there's three guys that were wearing five when he was Zero can you name who the three were okay three guys wore number five while Woody wore number zero who are they if you get one of the names you get a point Bowman there's one for Mark Mark got one Bowman's already been said Jackson that's one uh Bowman's done Bowman's already been guessed okay there's Hollywood Brown Hollywood Brown Jay no not Juan Woody Washington was there not Juan Woody was there hey Ricky Walker has a bold take we got to get to that in a second Ricky Walker new name that I don't recognize now I have to look I have to look but maybe Hollywood Brown and maybe just ret sh year but uh Eric gray wore number zero IMG looking for there's two more I'm looking for we'll double check on Hollywood Brown I thought he was already gone but we'll double check on that yeah thought I think he was too Jay uh yes correct tailback that went to Utah that's correct Michael Hammond who is it what is his name that's one of them though if you can give me his name not Trey Norwood Tre Norwood this is more difficult than I thought it would be they both portal out they both portal out of OU I'll say both these guys portal out there's one pler Woodward Sports PL that's correct that's one another one there one more left one more left Bowens there it is Micah Bowens Hunter you can update the standings it was Mark Woodward Sports and D was it delosa believe so yeah Bowens Mich Bowens that's right good job guys that's right fumble is pleas are you Chuck are you talking about the Chuck are you talking about the link uh with the sooner surge merch on it uh what are you talking about Randy we're identical twin brothers Jason's six minutes older than me Grace given says fire hey yeah more mature than you that's the main main thing to say what was the question what was the comment about the shirts though yeah that's all right if you Googled it that's fine I figured people would have to Google that one Chuck drop in the chat if you're talking about the shirts are lame or what didn't get what you're were saying there uh Walter Nolan is not happening yeah I would be I would be shocked yeah I would be shocked I agree Dyan Allan W he says Jeremy new what Dylan shapen I like that yeah here it is the current SEC super rule would prohibit any spring portal entrance to playing with the league during the 2023 college football season that means if someone comes in the spring they couldn't play for U the next year so he was right no that was saying if someone last year in the spring in April or May of 2023 they would not have been eligible this year I think is what that's referring to yeah I don't think LT Overton I just don't think they're gonna go after him sooner fan I don't understand ever I agree ever is too small to play center in the SEC I don't see it happening do you he can't be our starting center can't he can be he can be it won't be good not for it to be successful and Jay I don't understand the whole Overton thing my goodness why why aren't they offering him I I don't know Jeremy maybe it's just I mean you you you preached culture for how many years now with Brit venables I I have okay so now you're kind of are are you changing your opinion a little bit now that we're getting to sec I don't understand they don't need what Jeremy are you changing your opinion a little bit on the culture or what no I'm not changing gota go get Hicks got I mean you're it's kind of like I don't know Jay I don't know what you're you're implying that Overton Overton uh is gonna be a culture problem I don't know I don't know anything about I don't either Jay and what has he done this is a better point to say and who is The Sooner fan what has he done at A&M Jeremy I don't have his stats directly in front front of me and I think this is interesting too Mark Mark I think a lot of times people don't think about this on this stuff when people hit the portal they see the big name and everything but nobody knows what happens during the first recruiting cycle that's why when you mentioned Hicks the relationship part with that is great they they had a good relationship so that's when you look at previous relationships like the guy M makuba at Clemson he's going to visit U well he also was recruited by venables when he first went to Clemson so that always helps mlen he's familiar with the coaches a little bit although it was Lincoln Riley a lot that's the problem with that hey the the bidding war would be with Hicks it's not with Overton and I Hicks Chuck Hicks has not hit the portal yet he's a guy that I expect I don't think he's hitting the portal I expect him to hit the portal but he hasn't so obviously uh hasn't decided to get out of Dodge yet yeah I don't think he's hitting the portal yeah Lori again Lori is our Lori you recruit you're a recruit appreciate you Lori you're a spokesperson for us B Hunter says bidding wars with all A&M guys I I disagree I think that was more along the lines with Jimbo there Hunter Hunter you cannot make a blanket statement like that you can't and say everybody that goes A&M is a is a bidding one I don't agree with that yeah not all A&M maybe dine some of them but what about this o lineman he's a stud he's a stud yeah you if you could lay in that old linan be unreal Hunter corre Jackson what Jackson whatever dude hey Mark I don't think you can make maybe it is partially true but you can't make a blanket statement like that you can't say all you can't say all hey Mark what I like about your statement here is in 2000 when oh you won the National Championship they had guys like Ramone Richardson Jeremy stop stop can can I finish my saying this is not 20 hey the teams are better than they were in 2000 I agree they are but the point is there are a lot of guys who just really wanted to play for the University and I'm saying those are great guys to get that's all I'm saying yeah I I I agree with that I agree with Mark yet sometimes it's good to have those guys but to compare 2000 you got to have some you got to have some five stars dude you compete with Alabama Georgia if you're Wan win Anna well agree with that okay but you can get guys that still want to be at the University OE has not left Oklahoma state yet Ron I think the roner I Ron I think the uh the crowd was 65 35% uh Arkansas the quietest I've ever heard Arkansas the whole game they were quiet I don't how many woo pigs did you hear like three I think three two of them pregame yeah it was not it's it wasn't great Jay and they be excited about as an Arkansas fan though I if I was an Arkansas fan I wouldn't be that excited why because they're basketball team it it was a bad game to get excited for as Arkansas oh I agree with that everyone is playing the game just to win well you have to you have to and who's meeting with orian who who who are you saying sooner fan who's meeting with Oregon I agree Greg that's exactly why they are quiet otherwise they would have been loud and obnoxious yeah cry baby musle yeah oh all he laughed oh Oregon I have not listen I have not been on Twitter or anything that as at the basketball game I don't know any of that uh I do not want olly Gordon in Oklahoma I don't want olle Gordon Hey listen I I don't want it I don't want it I know he's a good player don't want it I agree Jay Brandon Daniels what about Brandon Daniels Mark's with us no o to Oklahoma I think he's saying an Oklahoma kid or something Brandon Daniels was a one of the best athletes to ever Dawn a crimson and cream uniform and he just played under John Blake which was just awful they never got him in the right hey as an OU fan I was just getting ready to say that Jackson as an U fan I'm not saying no OE to U because he plays for OSU it's just because his attitude he always acts injured uh Brennan Presley a guy like that yeah I could see that a good I mean I just I'm not a fan of OE Gordon dude I'm just not no I I agree Jay he just and again it's hard when you're not an OSU fan but he seemed like Sooners to win says he seems like a little bit of a punk maybe a lot of a punk uh when things weren't going his way he was hurt uh when things were going his way he was oh my gosh look at that comment he does he does have a little Michael Jackson from jimin 5.0 King dropping it in there 5.0 King nice observation I like that I'm assuming you're talking about Brandon Daniels single-handedly beating poto right yeah I probably so jimy I would love rock I got a question I got a question would love rocket Sanders I got a question and I think U did follow rocket Sanders uh jojn or somebody did on Twitter but hey let me ask you this Jalil Farooq moved to the slot would he put up better numbers than Drake Stoops in the slot man Drake was so good Jay I think okay who's more athletic Drake or Jal well obviously Farooq is but uh Drake doesn't Drake doesn't drop balls Drake Drake's Yak is just as good as FS was not as sure-handed I agree that's what I'm saying saying I think it'd be veryable very comparable but watch some of the games where he he did play inside and got get some catches he breaks a lot of tackles I don't think listen I don't think he's as good a route Runner as Drake STS I don't I don't think he's as good as getting in the zone as Drake STS but I do think when he catches the ball he can break a lot of tackl very quick uh and I think he's been out of position I think he what's up Justin Squire thanks for joining the Double Trouble yeah Mr reliable one thing that I think one thing I think all sooner fans would say Jay is for ruk's not Mr reliable he can be I think but but he's not but it's hard Jeremy it's hard to get be Mr reliable when you get two k two ball Throne on your way Jay he got kicked he ran kicks back every game he had sweeps he he didn't get many ball Throne to him dude I'm just telling you what my perspective is on that if they if they play Freeman in the slot instead of faroo I'm gonna have a problem next year I agree Jay okay he should put up great numbers because here's the pro Jay here's the problem if faroo is playing outside again next year then you're not gonna see Gibson or Anderson one of them isn't playing that's right that's what I'm saying that's the problem I have you have to sacrifice Gavin Freeman you have to hey when are we going to see what he can do I mean I feel like he got some opportunities modern day caveman don't you feel like we've already seen that I'm not listen I'm by no means right him off I think he could be a good player in the slot I do and I think they used him kind of weird with that stupid reverse it's like he can do more than that uh but I do think that for for coming back he's gonna have to be more involved I I he came back this year and he would I thought he might hit the portal last year he didn't and they didn't really I don't think leby used it him a ball very at all and receiver very good do you no Jay tight end on the 2000 championship team Trent Smith what tight question who was the tight end on 201 2000 Josh Norman Josh Norman played some tight end I Norman played tight end was Trent Smith or Stephen Alexander there no he was later Alexander was ear I thought it was Norman I think it's Norman I think it is too I think it was Josh Norman hey uh was that a trivia question or were you just ask asking us uh saw Barry Switzer today Barry Switzer was at Elgen Elgen Park brewery yeah hey Jay I don't think Smith caught many balls that year though guys Jay is there any starter someone asked if there's any starter that's going to hit the portal I I think the question was far but far answered it Farooq answered that I don't think there's anybody else to hit the portal from starters I I agree there's the truth hey h Norman was a tight end I don't he wasn't your traditional tight end they played him in different positions I don't think he was a traditional tight end uh he had if you remember he had the huge C catch I think of the reverse against Nebraska too at home with a did baroo actually say he was coming back yet or not I thought he said last night he's coming back no I I thought I think he just said run it back oh I thought he had now sorry if I messed that up what's up the truth I I I'm pretty sure I thought he said he was coming back maybe I'm wrong I think it was just kind of implied but I don't think there's where would his draft grade be Jeremy third round best oh I don't I don't think it'd be that high I said third round best LK says just D Goes Pro or Dylan is the only one that left that would I I agree yeah Macky Macky Savage wolfolk Fagan Curtis Fagan I love Curtis Curtis Fagan yeah it was just assumption Hunter it was just implied about a Jil faroo yeah Bishop Bishop Jay some of these guys are gonna make decisions after the bowl games I agree but listen if you're going to go pro why wouldn't you go and announce it of guys what's the percentage of guys that say they're going to go pro that actually playing the ball game probably not many of them not many I mean I'm I'm kind of surprised Bo Knicks is playing are you not I'm pretty shocked that Bo Knicks is playing I mean I I give it up for him kudos for him Kudos hey so I mean you're you're not gonna have rain you're not going to have Tyler guy which oh you pretty much went uh oh you pretty much went without him the second half of the Year let's just be honest yeah I agree hey somebody ask about Helms Helms has just been injured All Year guys I think you're gonna be shocked when Helms is healthy how good he looks what's his size again Jay he's he's bigger than Nick Anderson but he's TI he's six5 I think he's six5 and he's he's got more muscle on him I mean he's going to be a beast if they he can get on the problem is can you count on him to stay healthy I don't know J that he doesn't seem like he can stay healthy he does lookart it's just can he stay healthy he passes the ey test hey you look forward we were there okay where were you man yeah we we we did see a couple sooner surge uh viewers uh appreciate that we were at the game Johnny you're right free throw shooting was bad today for ouu sooner Serge t-shirt we have the link in the chat the link is in the chat uh right there it is Hunters dropped it in right there mark you think he you think he's gonna be a backup quarterback in the NFL huh what do you think about that Jeremy that's that's not a bad take you think you don't think he'll get a starting roll I kind agree withk it's tough to start in the NFL Bryce Young's struggling even Bryce Young's only six foot tall too and that's why I think Dylan gabel's gonna strug Bo Nick is six foot maybe 61 in Hills no he's not B I think bck a 6'2 I don't think soj I think he's 61 in heels oh you were way closer than we were well first half we're in 320 second half we were down on about I don't know about 35 rows up but yeah High dra piic maybe very similar to Wilson from the Jets yes and Hills Johnny I said that that is correct Bryce Young's 510 now Chuck's got a good point I never thought Brock pie would ever make and I was right 62 imagine that I'm right Jeremy you are right Jay good job proud of you Jay we're proud of you I'm good DG is not going pro he's not getting drafted even after Oregon we'll see what he does he do it Oregon that he didn't do it Jon Jay I think any sooner fan first off he's not gonna a sooner okay he's not gonna he's not a sooner but people are gonna follow you're not considering him an OU guy yeah you can consider ow you guy but listen to me Jay I think you are absolutely out of your ever loving mind I'm about to get fired up okay get fired up you have big kind anyone if anyone thinks that Dylan Gabriel is gonna have a better year at Oregon than he had this year he's peaked he's not gonna have a better year number wise he's not going to get more TDs next year I I agree with that zero chance zero I agree I'm with you but he can make the playoff I don't think he's going to be very good there because why the offense they run or what he he's so familiar with Levy's offense and that was one of the reasons he was so good I just don't think he's gonna be very and there's Jak Jake there's only one way to go and it's not very far down because he's only 510 but the only way to go is down like look at his number this your Jay he can't do that again I'm not do that again here's what I'm going to look at as who Oregon has a receiver and I'm going to pick one of them that DG's gonna fall in love with and that he's gonna throw him the ball a lot and lone Wolf's right the Big 10 has defensive monsters too Iowa I mean you can out of all the places to go Oregon's a good fit I agree it is a good fit it's a good fit if they're in the packs well the big 10's going to be a little more difficult but but really I'd like to see see their schedule if they have Ohio State and Michigan or just one of them I think it's probably just one of them here here's where here's where I'll disagree here's where I'll disagree a little bit on the DG thing I agree he's he's probably peaked he probably not gonna have the same numbers but I on the same hand you got to admit that for him to go to another school that's not coached by Levy it could help him for the NFL saying hey maybe he's not just a levy system quarterback maybe he can play in other systems because I think that's what you're getting he could have easily went and played for Levy but this is getting him out of his comfort zone with a new OC I think it could help him that's possible and uh Sooners to win says he could carve the Big 10 up yeah their schedule's pretty brutal yes it is I I just think the year he had this year it it is very difficult to say he's gonna be better if he's better next year then he's gonna be in New York is is Jacks is are Jackson Arnold's numbers going to be better than Dylan Gabriel's this year yardage for sure I mean overall QB percentage itend I'm just gonna say this Jay every young sooner quarterback has struggled a little bit if you don't think there's gonna be growing pains and that's a problem too appreciate it Bobby thanks Bobby Bobby appreciate that uh throwing ducks for the Ducks wow dropping it like I think Oregon has nonon against Georgia and you're right Michael total TDS and yards I think Arnold will get that hey did you hear I really like Dan too whoever said that I love Jay did you hear Seth lr's dad on the talking about how just because he was under how Mumy and Mike Lee he's not gonna abandon the run like people think yeah I I mean I get it take that with the grain of salt uh I don't think Gabriel will be better than the levy system at U but still will do well enough because of the players they have a lot of talent there dude you got to admit and they're gonna get more guys out of the portal oh yeah there's a chance they get Walter Nolan I think he's busing this weekend L get what about Evan Stewart well I mean here's the thing about U and receivers like you said earlier Jay they've kind of filled that cabinet pretty full they they have they're going to have to process them out if they want to get anybody from the P I agree and I don't know who that would be unless the only names I can think of that haven't really played are JJ Hester and L Bunkley Shelton hey Timothy this is a great uh comment because honestly in the one game in the TU game the pass to Anderson was a Wow Pass even though it was pretty simple the spiral he put and then in the BYU game he had a wow moment that's just two games he played in listen it's very possible Jackson Arnold has less numbers than DG but wins you more games by making big plays at Big moments uh DG made the great play against Texas the drive that's it but other games when it was close I mean maybe it's that's something Arnold better at than DG I don't know we'll see well he is gonna be I mean he hasn't started at one game so or hasn't started any game so we'll find out find out quick too yeah I mean we're we're da away we're getting close to the Bowl practices ramping up and hey I love Josh BS Jesse loving but I don't think we're going to see him in the bowl game now next year you cannot and I'll repeat it again I said it earlier I don't think you can go into the SEC with Troy ever does your Center I don't I mean you're gonna line across from him you're gonna line up across from him and big Alabama nose guard I don't think Troy ever can handle that yeah and Trevor Knight did it for a game DG did it for a drive and then some but Jay I disagree with you and I know hun disagrees with me too here on this I don't think that Everett's for sure you're guaranteed starter in the bowl game I don't see why Josh is why can't Josh Mage start it I just I think they're gonna go with the guy that's taking the second if that's gonna be the second te snaps all year you have Bowl practices Bud okay but he's taken the second team staps most of the Year Jeremy I don't give a flip you don't you're not the coach dude as much as you want to be you're not first off I don't want to be and I know I'm not but Jay part of the Bold prep if Josh Bates is the center going forward you start him it's a meaningless is he the center going forward or they gonna get somebody out of the pool right now who's been who's who's been snapping the B who's been who's been who's been snapping the ball to Jackson no one he hasn't played doof in practices probably most of the time troyce wait we're gonna talk about practice Yeah I am talking about practice practice Yeah I think Josh Bates is the starter on I'm gonna bow take right now Josh Bates starts the bowl game there you have it there you okay go for it who's gonna be next to him then who's gonna be next to him mcade yes Ral uh Bates mat toyer uh seon and I'm leaving one off hey Colorado is getting some o linemen but guys I it doesn't matter it doesn't matter that don't Chuck see you see you is not not gonna be it that I don't know I they had guys this year now what they didn't have this year was o linan i oh Kaden green how I Le Kaden green off maybe the best one on there DG's already committed to Oregon Tom he's a duck yep he's done he go he's at Oregon it didn't take him long either did it when he went and visited boom Jimmy Jimmy we're talking about the bowl game Mater's done after this year yeah we're talk we're talking bowl game uh Josh thanks again appreciate appreciate your faithfulness Josh will Jackson give us more of a run threat than DG only asking because of our depth at quarterback this bowl game and next season look if you're going to say you have a great backup Jackson Arnold's a better Runner than DG in my opinion I agree if anybody watched him in high school he can run the ball it's the question's G to be if they don't have anyone behind him are they going to run him you know what else you know what else you know what else Jackson Arnold can do really well that Dylan Gabriel could not do at all what's that I know what you're gonna say what stay in the pocket no roll him out like on the Run he's a really good thrower On The Run yeah Gabriel they didn't really roll Gabriel out that much at all no and he's dude he's and he can he can throw over the middle the midle throw the Deep ball throw the Deep ball look at everyone commenting what what can he do better than DG they're throwing it in the chat hey won't underthrow probably but DJ had a great year I think DJ's gonna be good at Oregan hey Jay do you think dude that would be epic would it not booty booty would be booty as a backup in the SEC you can't it's Michael Hawkins Jeremy If U played Oregon and dgb OU what would you just you'd have to go back on everything you ever said Jay he can't so stop you have to go back on everything you said unidentified flyable object flying objects which is what Dylan Gabriel's uh balls are in the air they're unidentifiable uh UFOs aren't for real Nei neither is Dylan Gabriel beating U so stop it what are you even talking about dude hey I got a second trivia we got a lot on here trivia trivia question here we go oh trivia time trivia time last one of the night let's hear it this A basketball question guys some of you might not know it but a lot of people compared this team to another final four team 200122 Kelvin Samson uh this year's team has a star in the making that's JV and McCollum wearing number two who wore number two for that Oklahoma final four team in 01 and 02 who were number two fa he was one of my favorites Jay pretty simple question it shouldn't take you long to get this answer pretty athletic dude get the point pry athletic hey I heard rumors today that the there Johnny got it Hunter good job Johnny Tulsa hey Brett I know Brett talked about he saw a report of over 1.5 1.5 million is kind of rumored can we get back to the comment about yeah is Michael Hawkins gonna be early in Ro leag I haven't heard Michael Hawkins yet have not heard that he's going to be stubby I have not heard make sure everybody everybody on here make sure that as we VI Avala was 32 he was 32 as we get closer to recruiting in in the signing day we will have a list for you of who is gonna be early and rol Le we'll have kind put that together eie Eerie eie or raw could jet says yes to Hawkins okay LK says 20 of the 27 Hunter if you can confirm that Nate Erman remember Erman Jay number 22 jump out of the gym dude Nate Erdman was great yeah he might have been the highest flying Super Jay I don't know that yeah Hollis Hollis white was Hollis Hollis price was great him and quanis white yeah I know the kicker early Liam Evans I know is early in ring are we for sure that Hawkins is an early and rly though because I I know jet said it jet did you see that somewhere because I that would be huge that would be huge now who's Jada for backup quarterback now can it could be White Men Can't Jump great movie Birdman so it maybe it is official I just didn't know it was official yet and that's massive that's massive because he should be the backup if he can go in and get I mean if everyone says he's as good as he going to be because he looks to part two I saw a lot of people on Twitter today we're talking about Jackson Arnold is there a better chance Jackson Arnold ends up in New York next year for the Heisman Ceremony or DG who has a better shot next year to make it to New York Arnold wow Corey Brew was coldblooded dude I kind of think DG is a better shot can freshman that's High Praise dude Randy Sperry's class of 25 so he's got another year in high school someone asked about Sperry yeah he's 2025 he's locked in though too he's k out that gives him that gives him another year it's a different Cory Brewer different Cory Brewer Hunter different Cory Brewer hey Jay but don't you think that spar's gonna recruit well did you see David Stone today posted about he's thousand per locked in oh yeah he said he's doing something big for his ceremony too Hey Arnold SK U schedule did y'all see it came out as the toughest G toughest schedule in the SEC oh yeah it's brutal welcome to the SEC boys it's brutal they didn't do him any favors that's for sure uh oh you're not worried bevel's still there that's right we know Dax is being factious there very fous hey I got a name for you on basketball War number five uh probably Jason diet not Jason after Dietrich Nolan Johnson no after Nolan I think well that that bass kid's gonna play bench for a while because he's unfortunately AC y not good Hey where's he gonna play he's gonna play I look for him to play halfback HB what Jeremy I know you used to hate Porter mosa the way he did that hyped up the crowd in the student section on the side getting into it what do you think about him now pretty good I like what he's done in changing his style yes pretty good coach that guy can coach ball uh not tiny gallon I'm gonna give you it was Tony Crocker is who I was thinking Taj gray Jay remember Tony Crocker oh Tony Crocker that's who I was that's who I was going with Tony Crocker wore the uh long remember Syracuse he had long sleeve shirt think about this think Johnny Gil think about this u basketball team guys they haven't they had one game that was close every other game they they've won going away just kind of manhandled people hey Jay we were wrong last night on what we said that U would get a portal addition today and they would have a guy leave go to the and they would have a guy leave they had neither neither neither are things settling down portal settling down for you jaar listen I think tomorrow they get mlen they have 12 guys that have left you got to start getting some commits I think they get mle and tomorrow tomorrow okay what makes you say tomorrow because I'm sticking with my guns I said by the weekend time being over happen he would be a good get but he's not the big big big guy you want out on the defensive line no who is then Jay right now that's in the portal I think the princ Ley guy oh I agree but there think he's the best guy out there that you have a chance to get longer longer hey now Eric mccardy might make an agback I think Kade mck and Ty would be a good name Ash H Sunday Soul Mission day melen decides that would be great and look guys uh guys and gals first Tanya thanks for the super tonight uh appreciate that Josh kensaw yeah thanks the super tonight Bobby thanks for buying a shirt bro yeah thanks for buying a shirt uh who who was that that bought the shirt Jay Bobby Bobby redwine thanks for buying the shirt to all the sooner surge unlimited subscribers thank you uh for all you guys and gals that have have been on here keeping the chat let let's make sure that uh maybe tomorrow we got some good news on some portal uh we'll try to uh yeah hey I want to say this because Ryan Miner guys Ryan Miner was great uh was a great sooner and just really battling for his life it's yeah yeah pray for Ryan Miner and family that's just big time it's so tough to see I was a huge Ryan Miner fan Damon Miner fan uh appreciate it Clark appreciate all you guys that are on here uh thanks so much great win by The Sooner basketball team and hopefully some good moves uh in the portal on the very much the soon Horizon you got the practices that have started for a bow prep so a lot going on I loved Ace McGee as well but till next time guys Boomer Sooner

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