PMN talks about Florida Parks invaded by the government, RFK Jr. Secret Service updates Ep 142

Introduction and Personal Updates welcome to the political Matrix news we have the sources we have the truth from inside the political Matrix this is the political Matrix news for Friday the 23rd of uh of August my uh my long longtime friend Jackie having her birthday today but she doesn't want to be reminded of it so I'll just do this and say I embarrassed her publicly I would be Rob Milford down in Orlando Florida Greg thinkink is holding alacha County and Gainesville together by his by his fingertips he's holding in control yeah and um Scott Miller finds himself in Pensacola at this point some days I'm sure he wonders if it's Tuesday this is Mariana I don't know could be I I I was in Mariana earlier today okay well Tuesday and Friday go right ahead yeah got up got up at five got up at 5:00 a went to Mariana came back just for this show well there you go because that's awesome who would want to stay in Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Drops Out and Endorses Trump Mariana that's another story that's that's a whole another story let's see what are we at what do we got where we at is this uh today on a Friday a major presidential candidate the third ranked presidential candidate dropped out of the race and said I endorse Donald Trump of course we're talking about Robert F Kennedy Jr uh Greg you were real big on this I'll let you first swing how at it Greg Greg doesn't he have a famous family of some kind no he doesn't he's from a very small family not anymore never heard of Massachusetts not anymore and some yeah unknown Uncle who was uh got assassinated for being president of a little country called America anyway but I think that was great I think I mean I've been talking about RFK for the last ever since we started the podcast right and I thinking I was thinking that he was going to be a really good ghost figure I I never thought he was going to finish out his uh race but I think he was going to be a really good figure behind the scenes for the Republican party because he does have a lot of other Republican values that he's running on yeah with his name and with his name and everything I think it lends a very big a lot of credibility to the people who are on the fence about Trump I mean after though watching Cam's speech last night and Camila nomic and Camila Deville and every other Camila dragonis might come up with I I think was actually the worst speech of the entire convention in my opinion and really really it was ping ponging all over the place there were so many you falsehoods about promises that were not attainable and so many things that were who were they basically were saying that we being done by Trump that were not even realistically close to being true and so I mean it was just I mean it was a barrel of monkeys it was a barrel of lies and so I mean it was is a horrible speech she delivered it well I thought she stayed on message she didn't try to add lib she has big hands she has The Importance of Likely Voter Polls janena hands you know I can't say that I even noticed that she gestured a lot the uh the Applause at the front end it sounded like State of the Union kind of Applause where you get four or five minutes um and obviously the the networks have already um have already decided that she she's elected I mean the 70 some days are mere formalities at this point in time cam yeah um so which is really weird because the Queen of England is named Camila too um so Scott what did you think about Baba young Robert uh getting out and saying I'm with Trump well you know I've actually you know you been listening to this on the rumor mill for a couple of days and and I just you know for me it's really the part that that's starting to seal the election for for Trump because you know normally after a convention a candidate is going to enjoy like a week or so of of the honeymoon well I guess they figured out figured that the honeymoon that Kamala got was you know was already you know you know she she's already had her honeymoon and she didn't even make it through the convention before she started taking a nose dive hey she she had her honeymoon last night all the Applause the speech that was it that was it you know something about you know something at the convention of the people at the convention starting to droper heard turnabout fair play this is where a real definition of turnabout being fair play because after the convention where Republicans Biden took and took off and left and everything decid not to run that took all the oxygen out of the sales for talking about Trump and the Republican convention that took all the oxygen out of the air so what do we do whenever uh on the tail end of her convention RFK drops out of the race just like Biden dropped out his race and he gets behind Trump and so that's taking all the air and taking all the oxygen out of the room by her convention all right so I think it's you know ter about fair play I have no problem with that at all I mean basically we just suffered through a 4-day infomercial from the Controversial Development in Florida State Parks Democratic party okay that's really that's really what it is beon never showed up yeah t TMZ has apologized for that it was carried by all of the networks all of the wire services on Thursday and babay couldn't make it for whatever reason if Taylor Swift had walked out I would not have been surprised but that there's that uh wait wait wait a minute are youing are are you wait a minute wait wait wait are you saying that TMZ is a less than reliable news Outlet well you know what over the years in my previous occupation of being a radio talk show host they were invaluable uh I've got to go back about 10 years years no a little more than that 12 years ago when the big story that day was the death of Farah faucet we all grew up with her poster on the wall right and uh she was way skinnier in real life than you uh would imagined and Lee major even said it was the love of his life and of course she dumps him and goes to Ryan O'Neal and they're now buried together what um what happened later that afternoon is ambulance going to Michael Jackson's place so I'm I'm getting this in real time time and I was the first person to put two and seven together and come up with 49 and that is that Michael Jackson was dead when you have the police department an ambulance the police department detectives he dead all right and I I was the first one to call it more than an hour more than an hour before it actually got out and that was based on what TMZ was reporting so you know literally that was less than 30 miles from their office it was pretty good it was pretty good the problem with TMZ isn't their successes because they have broken some big Stories the problem with TMZ is they have absolutely no reservation of th put throwing out supposition and and and things that are completely unverifiable because you I don't even know what their basis for you their criteria for throwing the story out there is they're they're basically one step ahead of the national inquir as far as their criteria for putting a story out now they're way F they do occasionally they do occasionally you know get some big ones because they have absolutely no shame but you know that's it okay well so there is there is that no beonce and that was TMZ and that's completely on them so the infomercial is over and where now Kennedy interesting story too uh the Harris people had been working furiously to keep Robert Kennedy off of ballots in variety of States okay they wanted Kennedy off the ballots now they had to turn around and go back saying no no you you gotta keep him there you gotta keep him on the ballot I'm like whoa how about that pretty good right now okay he takes himself off he takes himself off 10 selected Battleground States I mean very strategically very smartly on how he did it not doing it on every other state I mean he had over a million petition cards signed for to be on the ballot I mean that is unheard presal race nowadays to do that kind of work I'll tell you the number that I heard today was that you know Success of State-Owned Golf Courses in Alabama that he's probably worth one to one and a half points to to Trump in in every state you're say around like two and a half to three now is when they updated after they started they've been running polls all day now they're now around two and a half to three points in the Battleground States so even bet so even better I mean the story I heard was early this morning so it's amazing how it's evolved over the course of the day now in the future okay so this is good now uh we are at 10 weeks and one two three days until the election today is over today is Friday it's over the polls have closed Friday 10 weeks three days yeah 73 days um what polls should we believe what are the critical words when you oh new polls out say this uh second the no and the second next thing is uh as adults uh registered voters likely voters what what are the two words that are important for one partic one accurate poll versus all of these let's just throw against the wall and see what sticks well likely voters are far more reliable register register V voters are you Reg motor poles are cheaper and that's why they get run a lot and they're okay if you if you follow them over time as far as showing Trends but as far as being an accurate depiction of of of the current race that I they're entirely unreliable my opinion okay I think I think that our methodology has borne that out over over the last 25 or some odd years okay Greg yeah I agree 100% with Scott I mean the only people out there who are really doing it in our same manner would be Ras M uh he does it very similar to our man troger does and um and what's the other one of the um shoot zby used to Z is not doing it anymore like that yeah but I mean cha foger is really good I mean they almost are identical to our our data whenever we run the same kind of poles and everything your method the same recipe you make the same bread exactly there you go and um I mean there's there not very many of them out there so I mean there's probably going to be like a handful that'll be correct the Merit won't be right once every 40 times and um right twice a day too so there you go yeah exactly all depend on who's running the ship on that day there and we're going to start doing some uh Battleground surveys ourselves the the listen group here in political Matrix so we'll start doing some Battleground surveys here in October and so we'll probably be pulling in in Ohio Michigan Florida and Georgia those are probably the four states we're going to be doing some polling in and so for for which offes for the president for presidential races yeah very nice very very nice so we're gonna start doing those polls in October and so we're going to see how they uh come out everything and I'm pretty sure we'll be very accurate on as we have been in the past okay and so U but yeah so I mean I think uh looking at the numbers and everything it's going to be very interesting on a different note did you guys hear about the estate parks in Florida all the development saw the story yesterday and went you got to be kidding story today all right it's 350 350 room hotel in one of the state parks in St Augustine and a few other lodges and hotels and basically desis has done this all by executive order bypassing the legislature whoa without any ping being done and so it's pretty interesting how it came out and u there's some very big hearings coming up next week and the week after about what the hell happened and how nobody found out about any of this these are all state parks which are nice pristine Parks but they're going to be putting like golf courses on them and a frisbee golf course on one an 18 hole golf course on another hotels and a few others and it seems to be very bizarre that these parks that used to be like eight bucks to get in are now going to be extreme expensive and they're going to literally have hotels on government property who are competing against the tourism on Private Industry and the local area and so that's an area where we might be doing some polling on that as well here in the next few weeks and so I got to tell youe Prime of fa face value how freaking stupid can they be how freaking stupid it's only just say this is he he is the is executive order how let me let me let me repeat that you may not freaking stupid it is now here let me let's delineate or differentiate okay there are plenty of golf courses in Florida he's the major major Florida man exactly the major Florida man uh I'm sorry Rob Rob please go ahead no no no that that's fine um I guess you go to this in Alabama they have what's known as the Robert Trent Jones Golf golf tour Trail thank you the golf trail more than a dozen state-owned golf courses all around the state and they're incredible golf I played a couple of them what yeah i' play I've played them they're great very very popular uh draw golfers from all over the country and The Environmental Impact of Golf Courses in Florida here's the the beauty of this thing you go here uh you start and day one and you play your 18 day two you drive to the next one 60 80 miles down the road you play another one day three another hour down the road hour and a half there you are and they're all different golf courses across the state now I gotta be honest I don't know um let's see how many golf courses in Florida let's see what to top 100 golf courses there are more than 1250 golf in Florida okay I know for a fact in Orlando where I am within one hour of the intersection of I4 and the turnpike so that's south of downtown within one hour there are more than 200 golf courses you can play literally nine holes a day every day for a year never play the same nine holes no problem at all and you just say why does the state need golf courses the answer is they don't now a Frisbee Golf Course has a much smaller footprint I will grant you that whatow impact yeah yeah yeah absolutely and uh even though it's still uming yeah okay I got it but the point being they don't need it the idea who's the where's the money coming from to do all of this how about we buy more land at Payne's Prairie how about we buy more land next to the largest the second largest Civil War battlefield in the State of Florida H anybody no how about there is finite amount of Everglades there finite finite amount of wilderness and Prairie the the Florida Prairie is uh damn near eliminated and the way things are going I got to tell you the Florida Citrus Groves they should have a state park for those because in another 20 30 years years they'll all be bulldozed I'm in Orange County there may be two orange groves left in Orange County and they should the county should buy both of them and maintain them in perpetuity all of those orange trees that we grew up coming down the turnpike right or coming down the whichever way it is from Okala down to Orlando all of those orange groves are gone okay they froze they blighted they froze again and blighted again and they're all housing developments the sit Tower in Claremont to the northwest of Orlando when I went there as a little kid yes it was the 60s and you could see nothing but orange trees and you go up to the Citrus Tower now and you look out you know what you see not a damn single orange tree all roofs of all houses more than a half million dollars because it's on the west side of Orlando and somehow they've decided that's the nice place because they they have some hills I know this is a noble effort but where's the money coming from where's the money going whose pocket is it going in well I disagree about the nobility of it to be honest with you because this is Government Involvement in Business: Inefficiency and Corruption this is the government getting into business the government has no has no business being in business because because you know you know they they get the land for free and I don't care if they're leasing the property out to to these Hotel years it's still an unfair competition to other Hotel I mean and there's no reason number one governments every time governments get into business it always is a fiasco I mean they won't fail because they've got an unlimited unlimited bank account you know so whenever they make a dumb mistake they they they bail themselves out if you regardless if you want to avoid the perception of corruption this is not the way to go about doing it indeed indeed and it's and it's also even if it starts out completely mobile it's only a matter of time before someone gets gets a wacky idea and all of a sudden there's money under the table it's it's inevitable the first six weeks probably yeah right yeah I apologize I made two mistakes number one there are only 11 golf courses in Alabama on the Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail and they are not owned by the state no no no much more serious than that they are owned by the retirement system of Alabama re so and in Alabama the cops the firemen nurses County City All County city state employees are all part of the same system now they right depending on the deal they have make it a bigger slice of the pie far here I mean we have 175 state parks being ran by the D and basically you know I mean this is part of the 2425 initiative that they have for expanding the parks and getting them to be more you know available to the natural public but I mean there's got to be a better way of getting the public to join these parks and building a freaking hotel and amenities and everything else which more or less take away a lot of the natural part of the Park yeah I'm just all I got to say is the you know brought to you by the people that bring you the DMV yes shame you guys man and we're Republicans for God's sakes all right I mean there there's there there's some dis environmental disappointment for on my part but but the real heart of it is the government has no no business in business this is like when the County Commissioners try to be land developers that always turns out to be a fias we had a soccer complex like that in Florida in scambia or a few guys went to jail yeah not enough that's a pretty common occurrence not not enough went to jail or were found dead under their front porch after having consumed uh they suicided themselves with the any thank you got it and and apparently when you poison yourself with antifreeze it makes you taller than you are in life skin color changes and your hair grow skin color changes a little bit your hair grows a lot faster because you know I actually talked to the guy the day before yeah and I was actually there when they pull the body out from underneath the house so for full disclosure for his wonderful worldwide web it was him it was him yeah so the question where is him he's right now 93 years old so he's probably as hard as he probably hanging out with some Nazi war criminal somewhere all right item item last item last this evening is going to be pretty simple the United States Secret Service after pretty much six weeks after Donald Trump got shot has dropped the hammer Greg you're on top of that let it rip what's what do we know they actually got one of the guys who's in uh Donald Trump's secret detail The Secret Service Scandal: Lack of Accountability travels with them so one of the one of their individuals they won't release their name yet and then four people from the Pittsburgh field office and so they've all been put on um leave right now until there's probably going to be probably five or 10 more that are going to be put on leave as well and I mean it looks like there's a whistleblower that they actually knew about things and uh nothing was done there's a lot of shoes that you know I mean there's a lot of things that just fell through the cracks and so we're going to wait for the next shoe to drop and they say it should we Dro in the next week or two took them long enough to get this car yeah what and it's um it's much deserved I think we saw body cam footage uh Tuesday or Wednesday of this week we heard we got the audio from the body cam it's like wait a minute I thought you guys were up there no we were trying to call you nobody answered the phone it's all ke and cops situation here I mean there should be no reason for that kind of disorganization whatsoever whenever you're at that high of a level of security I mean this not mckop yeah I've had uh Secret Service clearance for more than 50 years as as time has and um yeah I mean okay and then I want you guys to come up with a plan over the weekend we're gonna take the weekend off we'll be back Tuesday I want you guys to come up with a plan to keep Matt gates from being elected the governor of Florida Republicans have more than one million vote advantage over Democrats so I need a plan to keep Matt gates from being elected either attorney general or because see look at Cala she was an attorney general and look what happened to her now okay well if anybody out there can find Nester if he's uh pleas gives you know a a call on that yeah before we before we go though I do want to I do want to talk about something that that we we had talked about you know off the air when we were when we were forming it up and that's the the talking point about JD Vance being weird and and unrelatable because he's you know because he's an Ivy League trained lawyer you know lawyer and and you know the the thing that kills me about this is this is a man who who had a had a desperately poor upbringing he I The Relatability of Politicians: JD Vance and the American Dream don't think he knew his father or had very little contact with his father his mother you was you know drug addled and he was raised mostly by his grandmother after a certain point and then he joins the joins the Marines puts himself through through U Ohio State in two years and then and then becomes a uh a Yale lawyer and then goes off to Silicon Valley after after a brief legal career to become an investment banker and then he goes to becomes a senator that's unrelatable and I I I will agree that that trajectory from way down here all the way up is unrelatable but the people last night who were saying that it was unrelatable ver every one of them went to Harvard Yale the majority went to Harvard I mean Harvard is like Yale and and and they and they were rich and they had Rich families so you tell me Democrats what's more relatable to the common middle class man a guy who who you know lives the American dream gra grabbing himself up by the bootstraps and and having phenomenal success to the point where he's now next in line to be you know he's he's by to become next in line a heartbeat away from being the president or the people whose families set them up right at the beginning and put them in and put them through colleges that they God knows how they got in and how they uh and how they wound up you know in these career uh political jobs where every one of them is not self-made millionaires but you know millionaires by Fiat many yo graduates in DC are there I I I I think it's you're required to go live there for a time once you graduate Harvard I think I know two guys I've met both of them interviewed both of them um who went to Yale both played on the baseball team um one was the president of the United States the other one was his son the president of the United States both good Yale men they were in Skull and Bones they were bushes right yeah well yeah I don't have any problem I don't have any problem with these people going going to these wonderful schools my heartburn comes when you're when you're calling someone who did it on his own weird and I grant I guess it is weird when when you got when you figure that 15 of these people you know all got P all got sent there by their parents and this one guy he is weird but I guess that's the right kind of weird for me yeah yeah I like that kind of weird because the kind of weird the Democrats are is really really weird I mean all right all right so that's that's my about Democrats being weird for at least 300 more days uh no let's we've got 73 days and know coming up coming up on Tuesday we're gonna talk about what we can do to keep Matt gates from getting elected to any higher office we may not have to worry about that if the house if the house subcommittee investigations does their job we'll see and also what Donald Trump needs to do and not do and not do again and try something outside of his comfort zone I wait he hugged RFK on stage they actually G each other a big bear hug mind blown mind blown bring it in big squeeze is pretty cool I never seen hug another man all right on behalf of the Charming Scott Miller the delightful thre thinkink I'm Rob Milford this is the political Matrix news we would appreciate a like certainly appreciate a share but most importantly subscribe these all these numbers are kind of important to the the hoo hop honcho muy muks in the in the food chain when it comes to video and podcasting and such like that so every little bit really helps in fact I've got to go back and all the episodes we've done this week I've gotta go on to where where am I going Greg YouTube and YouTube yeah and and click like like like like like like like and that'll take me another half hour 45 minutes this evening based on the fact I'm not really that good on computers so have a fun have a fun weekend it's been a great week and now we're in the 10we Sprint to the White House and here's the real question when we get to election night we're not we're not going to do this show on Election night are we are we no no this is kind of a consequential thing I I'd be okay with doing a watch party yeah I think we should do a watch party like or a YouTube live kind of deal all right yeah we'll try it okay we just got plan ahead here have a great weekend everybody everybody waving simultaneously [Music]

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