Bachelorette Recap ft. Wells Adams: Ep 4 | Sam, Devin and Smoked Sam’N - Ep 322 - Dear Shandy

Introduction I think what would be really wonderful is if they were able to get both Bachelor Bachelorette golden golden Bachelorette all at the same place wait what if you had Paradise with everyone from the franchise not just Bachelor and bachette you know how great that would be you're telling me that you I would watch that I would watch it I mean obviously I would watch it of course dear welcome back to Dear Shandy listeners hello Andy hello how are you today I'm doing good feeling good in this chair I like this chair I like sitting here yes you should I mean we upgraded the chair just so you would be comfortable I know and it's great only you may sit in that chair I will never leave this chair cuz we don't do Recaps with other people we don't no it would be funny if we did a recap with someone else though like had them in our apartment yeah I've actually been toying with that idea lately but I would it would have to be the right person like someone who I think could really hold their own with the recap it would have to be an Insight like a real insight of the bachor nation yeah maybe someone who also talks about the show and has his own podcast and you know I think has something to bring to the table who's it you know you know be good the what the Who's the bartender from Paradise what's his name uh yeah because yeah he like straddles both worlds right he's like a little on the inside but he's also one of us Wells well wellam well Adams I always have a hard time remembering his name Wells Adams you know it's kind of two first names a little bit you know what I think uh let's have wells Adam let's do a recap with Wells Adams today you think do you think the shandies will accept it you know what I think they will I think they will if I know you guys going to have a hissy fit again some people are going to be upset yes but some people were very upset last time I'm going to say 15% upset 85% okay with it okay yeah so let's do it let's do it all right I think that he's going to have to sit in that chair though oh I didn't think about that let's make it happen hold on let me think all right I'll make an exception okay bye all right see you perfect Wells we're so delighted that you're here joining us today I like how you said do a magic effect and my first thought was Wayne's World Wayne's World I don't know that reference oh no we got to start over again this can't be a people can't know this no no no people can't I'm Canadian Mike Myers is a Canadian yeah Mike Myers canadi no so I know of Wayne's World I can picture his hair I know what he looks like I know the gist I just don't I couldn't name an episode can you sing the Wayne's World song could you start it for me Wayne's World no I can't I can't Way's world party time excellent so I'm starting to feel really old just in general but this really I often don't know these like major cultural references you did you get that this was the from wbor no I actually got it when you said Wayne's were to be perfectly Frank said I'm older than you so so you feel better well thank you or maybe I should feel worse yeah well that was a good Icebreaker yeah anyway the magic effect happened and now Wells I'm here Wells the person with two plural names I always think that yeah my whole name is Wells Richard Adams which sounds like a law firm so if you it should be Wells Richards Adams yeah I know right yeah you get a DUI we will get you out of it all right call 444 yeah 4744 you need a jingle to go with that definitely okay so we have a lot to get to what a juicy episode we all agreed before rolling that this one was good yeah it's Episode 4 Kick Off good episode okay so we pick up in Auckland Jen and Jesse I thought this was kind of cute this conversation they have where he reveals do you think this is true that they cut the eating of food because of him I kind of do I believe it yeah I thought this was because it doesn't work they had good Boll to they did I thought this was brilliant it was not only funny a great like wink to the audience because I mean how many years has everyone been discussing how no one eats the food I me makes a lot of sense you can't have those conversations while you're wolfing down food even if you're delicately eating food it would probably ruin the the vibe so Jen now greets the guys of course there's some foreshadowing when they reference the Ackland Sky Tower they're like well don't want to jump from there I don't want to jump I got to admit I knew that Jen was going to be picking samam for this date based on her cleavage really yes we have not seen much cleavage from Jen except in her daytime outfit here and the evening out just saying you are correct also like why didn't we have a Day card I don't understand like why is it just like her showing up being like you buddy that happens sometimes oh you were dissatisfied I was you like a date card formality I do because I like to be like I can figure out what this date's going to be like it should have been like hey Sam is it Sam n or Sam m m and by the way we call Sam and salmon here sammon otherwise it gets really confusing yeah well he's not going to be swimming Upstream like uh so like I I wanted to be like Sam n Let's Fall m whatever Let's Fall In Love together or whatever you know except the joke was on her because she didn't know she'd be falling I know okay Sam M’s 1-On-1 well so on this one onone uh they attempt to have conversation at at the top of this this Sky View Tower and then someone drops down from behind them and basically a waiter comes over and it's like hey you have the option of just like walking around the perimeter of the top of this Sky Tower or you can jump down and then Sam M does something that in my opinion I found pretty annoying it's sort of like when your date orders for you he was like yeah we'll both be jumping yeah okay so from my perspective I know it ended up being kind of like a happy thing it's like she ended up being glad she did it I was not into this no I'm sorry I wasn't I thought he was laughing at her and I think that she is the kind of person when she's uncomfortable to sort of smile and giggle and like so I don't think that he was reading between the lines of of her she a phobia about Heights yes a legit phobia like it's not funny it's it's maybe if it's two guys you're just ripping each other that's okay maybe but if it's the woman you want to marry and you're just like ha let's do this thing that you're terrified of and I'm just going to laugh about it that's not cool right what did you think was what do you think yeah I don't think he he's not a very attentive person no regardless of all like the bad cliches he throws out all the time but like I the first thing that I noticed is that they go to that Sky Bar whatever and he doesn't pull her chair out now like even if you're not that guy you're on TV filming like a romantic show you got to be that guy absolutely you got to be that guy the second he didn't do that I was like okay he doesn't care uh and interesting yeah I agree with you like I think that yes I'm sure he's like we're here to do this date if I like logistically think about it I'm sure he's like we have to do it like this is the date we're doing like we can't not do it I can see that but in in like the the Eye of like I'm making a TV show about being romantic he should have been like it's okay if you don't want to do it what do you want to do what would you like to order yeah like this is your thing like I just want to I'm just here for you you know he was playing the role of the guy in the bath as opposed to the guy who's trying to woo a woman yes but you know what he was doing he wasn't keeping the main thing the main thing and the main thing was whatever the [ __ ] she wants do yes yes I it didn't even feel like it crossed his mind that she wouldn't that's that's what bothered me I get that he's an adrenaline junkie he wanted to have his experience he wanted to look back on this it but it was all him him him the main thing is really Sam M for Sam is the main thing the main thing have been misinterpreting what thing is he throws a lot of red flags out I got to say one thing that that interest was interesting to me in the prior week when they were doing the Thunder from Down Under date and they have like the um Australian bachette girls like talking to her about him and she's like there's a lot of sexual attention and you hear the Australian bat go yeah but that can be a problem sometimes and that makes me wonder if someone in production was like maybe you warn her about this guy yeah I agree that cuz cuz that's really at a left field yeah it's kind of throwing him under the bus too if it's not if there's no fire there it's just smoke it's a real buz throwing under yeah that's a good observation a good observation yeah Sam um I what's interesting about this whole date overall is I feel like in the end he was supposed to have looked like the good guy yeah right like it was the pot of gold at the end of this Rocky Rainbow she ends up agreeing to go she basically has to reach a point where she's actually crying for him to hug her and say don't do well that's the thing if you wait till the woman is crying You've Lost That shouldn't count the fact that she forgave him at that point I thought was weak and I would like to think that Jen saw all this like if you compare this T to eventually Devin which of course we'll get to like the amount of um like you said attentiveness like he just wasn't reading like there was no just like you you go left I go right like there was no dance with conversation with the actual choice of what they're doing how he speaks to her it's just like they're waiting until they can make out again yeah I mean well as you know You' you've hit on women before in your life I assume and I don't know I I know it's funny I find it funny to imagine you hitting on women I don't know I would kind of like screw you guys am I a clown no you know what I mean like Wells has like I feel like he transcends needing to hit on oh yeah good oh nice yeah yeah good good exactly okay so and they end up doing the jump and of course she ends up being happy she had done it and now back at the hotel a group date card arrives thankfully uh going on the state our Spencer Marcus Grant John M Austin Jonathan Dylan Thomas Jeremy and salmon Dylan Thomas who's Dylan Thomas poet oh that's who Bob Dylan named himself after yeah really yeah is that is that um the fork in the road quote um I take the road last traveled by I doesn't sound thomasy but it may be and I I don't want to be proven wrong so I'm going to say I'm not sure but cut it out if it's wrong yeah yeah definitely I can't do anything hold on hold on I want to go back to um the conversation between Sam and Jen at the end so they have their conversation and and it's the weirdest thing usually on um one-on On's it's like okay so on The Bachelorette usually it's the guys being like let me tell you my issues let me tell you why I'm broken and I you want to be fixed or whatever it is right and I thought it was very interesting she starts with like these are my issues like she's selling herself to him and then he goes next and it's like I was engaged and then she cheated on me which I'm not sure if I believe uh but I was yeah apparently Rumor Has It Right hasn't the ex spoken out and I don't know I don't there was a d Dave Neil episode about this but I could not watch it but it looks fishy if there ever was a situation where the guy was at Fall 2 I would assume it was this situation yeah correct is that is that fair to say you've driven me to this yeah exactly yeah anyways it's one of those things where every time I watch Jen with this guy it seems like she's trying to sell herself to him and and it's not being reciprocated well that's why I asked you about hitting on women he's is he's is he not obviously a [ __ ] artist is this just [ __ ] he's just playing the part he's not doing anything he's just he's just like acting cool not asking and seeming just here to win the like don't you see through this I see through it to me it's transparent I think he thinks that he's already won yeah and I think he he's very very comfortable got cocky feeling but he's won the game he doesn't care that much about winning Jen do you not am I I understand what you're saying are you seeing the same thing yeah he's overly confident I think yeah yeah I've read this as her wanting to because he is so I think what she she p Peres him as being like kind of closed off like it needs he needs to feel really comfortable maybe really familiar it's taking a lot so I felt like she was leading by example she's like okay I'm going to be vulnerable first and here's my story and she opens up about her worthiness issues and how her parents have not been the best example of true love and she starts to cry here it's it's funny this seems to be a a trend is she'll reveal something and he's really kind of just staring at her until she cries and then he's like you're worthy I know yeah it's like oh she's crying that's my cue that's my cue to say and do something gentle that's the alarm Bell W yeah she's crying before it's like you don't have to jump off if you don't want to I this guy he drives nuts he's such a fraud it just so simplistic like this whole conversation now somehow you know when we see this kind of one-on-one interaction this evening interaction this conversation this is this the part where we're supposed to walk away Having learned something new about at least one of them yeah and and I understand that Jen is a bachelorette so of course she's repeated some of this stuff with other people like her worthiness issues her parents not having portrayed love but I thought it was fascinating that with Sam I felt like he was telling her the same things he had told her in a previous one-on-one time like where it's just like I've been engaged I was cheated on it was a gut punch I wasn't chosen I know what you mean by ferocious love y and also remember they're taking his greatest hits It's not like they're leaving all his gold on the cutting FL this the best Sam we have and it's terrible so that's okay so that's my question do we think he's getting some sort of a villain edit at this point cuz it does seem conspicuous how unlikable he is no I think some people are just unlikable I mean just honestly I think a lot of people on this show this franchise are made way more likable than they should be if anything and when a villain is made into a villain he's made more like you you like villains right the whole point of a villain is like you you hate them but you love to hate them it's not like you hate to hate them you love it everyone loves a villain but he's not a good villain he's just a gross it's like ick like you feel gross you need to shower like there's nothing good about him so in other words they're not there's no good villain at it if they're making it a villain edit it's like that's not good enough I'm just feeling icky about him that's not a Villain at it I I kind of like him as a villain I confess I like it when a villain has a really strong sexual chemistry with the lead and so that kind of keeps them afloat and keeps them getting ahead and it drives everyone else crazy like but I do I agree that I find him like yeah I want more villain and I think they if they were really trying to make him the villain there'd be more good villain stuff I don't know he's just not really um how do I word this he might seem smarter like in real in the real world you know I me feel like maybe this situation is not where he shines but it's just so like I got smooth fists like I'll snap him in two it's just like he's like flailing and just seems so big like I said last week base the thing about s that drives me nuts is not necessarily him it's the fact that he's winning with this strategy it makes me upset and it makes me upset about about Jan in particular but it seems like she's repeating an obvious pattern that she's done in the past is exactly the wrong guy for her like and she's going for it she's like a moth to the flame and like and is talking about the flame being bad as she goes to it it's it's not good not a good he's doing something that's that's surprising is that he's like making other people look good by proxy like I don't know if I would think that Devon was that interesting of a person but I'm watching the show being like she's amazing no and Devon also is becoming like hot somehow and it's not that I never you know you you had your issue you were like Devon he looks too much like Pete Davidson to not have tried to look like Pete Davidson Pete Davidson 0.1 that was Andy's issue with Devon but now there was like a scene where he was having a fight with Sam M later and he was just sitting there and I was like when did Devon get hot when did this happen well Devon's standing up to the bully without without missing a beat like he's not getting nervous he's not tripping on his words he's just he's just shooting him down yeah it's a like a lovely wonderful thing to uh to be able to Showcase someone who's intellectually Superior to someone else who's like maybe like physically Superior and I feel like because I see it every year in paradise and I was also kind of a person who did it were like being smarter than somebody always Chumps being like stronger than somebody and that's what's Happening Here is like Devon is just like intellectually breaking this man down yeah and it's annoying the hell out of him cuz cuz what Sam wants to do is he wants to take him outside and beat his ass you can't do that obviously well that's the beauty of the show is that you can never use food force not a good card to lead with on the show yeah I know yeah he he just keeps relying on it doesn't he yeah what is what that's what I always like I always find that so funny when people on the show are talking about beating someone else up I'm like go for it dude really go let's see you do it come on what the closest we've ever seen oh I can tell you exactly what happened that Ry guy what was his name the big ragey Chad Chad Yeah well yeah I was on that season yeah oh my God I forgot about that what was that like yeah it was scary I was like I like slept in the same room and I was like is this guy going to like murder me in my sleep but then I felt then I started to realize he had a he had a much more complex story and like his mom had died 6 months prior and he was like wasn't whole from that and I think he was coming off like steroids and stuff so like there was just a lot of things happening um but yeah he was like aggressive with this guy named Evan but like not really um it was in Paradise where this guy named Leo called grocery store Joe grocery [ __ ] which is the funniest thing ever I was with Joe last night I don't know why that's funny but it is so when it happened it was so funny hey grocery [ __ ] uh and then Joe got like really upset and then Joe got upset about that that's funny cuz it was over Kendall too and so they right it wasn't like I feel like Joe in day-to-day life would find that hilarious like I think they were just having a couple beers together and laughing it would have been funny but not in that situation so yeah then Joe went tackled Leo really yeah Joe was the violent guy yeah buted was the good guy so he got to stick around so then yeah we had a producer named Eddie who played uh like linebacker at Cal and he comes in like through the wings and like peels Leo off and like they fall in the sand and I remember I ran out from the bar to do something I'm like what am I doing I'm 155 PBS this is the dumbest idea in the world but that that was the closest we ever got to like actual physical Joe grocery store Joe was the guy yeah wow I would that's not on my bingo card that's not even Joe right yeah he's 63 he's a big dude grocery store Joe I have never I have never been next to grocery store Joe and been like wow I'm scared of this guy really have you seen his hands I'm more scared of like like Nick scares me more than grocery store Joe oh no way really no okay so who would win I me nothing against him I think in a fight grocy store show beats me but that's not saying a l he hands down beats you yeah but why I give him a good SC what I want to know is who would win between the two of you cuz you're similar let's find out right now come on all right cuz you're 6 feet 155 well right now I'm like 165 yeah let myself now 162 it's the heaviest I've been in a while yeah so we're we're at fighting way yeah I mean I I mean I I would watch that we're going to have to clear this area there's a lot of camera equipment here okay wow that was a tangent okay are we ready to move on to the group date yes okay the rugby date Group Date so charl and you have very good fashion taste thank you sometimes almost too good for me to appreciate I would agree with this sometimes I'm like you haven't mentioned my outfit and you're like oh I cannot compete all right that's enough anyway my point is is that when you're wearing skims I don't have to think I just know you look good I have to admit whenever I wear skims you're like oh you look nice yeah it's a it's a guaranteed Double Take skims knows what they're doing because on top of their stuff being so great and fitting so well I mean how often am I walking around the house wearing a tube dress with they take into account is Comfort yeah tube dress should not be synonymous with comfort you either have tube or you have comfort unless it skims because their soft Lounge fabric I'm obsessed with their soft Lounge you guys have heard me talk about some of the other lines with skims obviously I'm a huge fan of their fits everybody collection and their cotton collection but soft Lounge is kind of sneakily making its way to the top because they understand that softness is the reason you'll reach for a piece over and over again so just let's let's all admire how much this stretches shall we look at this there's no memory there's no oh there's all memory all memory memory that's what I meant what you're trying to say is that skims is the perfect marriage of Form and Function yes I get a little worked up when I talk about this stuff because I know how it feels I know I understand the struggle of trying to find the perfect tank top the soft Lounge ribbed tank I have now in six colors the arm holes aren't too big the straps aren't too thick or too thin that the neckline isn't too high or too low the length is you you don't want to be Heming a tank because the why is it why is it a tunic no it's a tank everything's just the way it should be it's great okay I got a question for you you're stuck on a desert island and someone gives you two options one is Flint to make fires or two is an entire wardrobe of skims where am I on a deserted island but it's cold sometimes I just have to last one night and it's cold and I'm getting rescued the next day and I get to keep all the skims closed I would consider skims so shop the skim soft Lounge collection at now available in sizes extra extra small through 4X and if you haven't yet be sure to let them know we sent you after you place your ORD select podcast in the survey and dear Shandy in the drop- down menu that follows okay so as the guys are training for this rugby date which does look like it's going to be pretty violent and you predicted someone would get hurt I was sure someone get hurt show think I actually people get hurt in DodgeBall they're going to get hurt in rugby right I think Marcus legitimately got hurt but he's so tough that he just didn't I mean when a grenade is blown up on you like a shoulder injury doesn't really yeah he's too tough for his own good so here we start seeing salmon act out he is hitting on Jen but even even this it felt like a a little kid oh didn't it feel kind of he was like poking her and teasing her like throwing her over his shoulder there was just it didn't feel romantic uh and meanwhile back at the hotel Sam m is confronting Devon about Devon having made fun of Sam M when he was heading off for his one-on-one date and this is when he was teasing him for always saying that he's so authentic and stuff he said he says the same four things over and over again and then I it was a great cut like a really good edit of like him saying what he says over what he says and I was like oh that's the editing on the season good right yes very good it's there's been a distinct upturn with this show I think on the whole like I think that the tension between all these guys is good casting and good producing not post- production or like gimmicks gimmicks being thrown in the mix yeah yeah and I think they are actually actively trying to get away from that just because I think the audience has gotten smarter and it comes across as super inauthentic totally I feel like my intelligence is being insulted less than before now The Bachelorette rugby Royale this is obviously extremely violent and turns out actually a pretty good game yeah turns out salmon has some pent up aggression and he's hurting people and he shouts from the field hey Jen and references Jen's husband on his jersey even this felt like a boy hitting on a girl like in Middle School to me it does it feels like sixth grade yeah yeah it just and it also feels so performative yeah felt bad for him I also want to know who's his producer yeah not to like get like too behind the scenes about it but I want to pull them aside and be like you are mean yeah because you know the like let's say it was his idea to do the Jen's husband thing that needs to be kind of green liit by a producer to be like yeah let me go get you a pen or whatever whatever someone should be like that's a that's a terrible idea you should not that's oh come on I imag prod talking him out of that I know but someone should have I so you guys don't feel this I feel so bad for this guy I I feel bad but it's also bu beware for this show if you're going to go on this show and you have obvious very very Salient flaws then you should know that the producers are going to exploit those and it's the producer's job to exploit those God forbid this guy salmon goes on and they don't exploit his flaws I'm just so used to I'm just so used to going on the show and trying to give them good advice but I feel bad for I know he's getting fed bad advice of course yeah wait so let's say you are Salmon's producer yeah and you're I mean you're being paid to get him to do things that are going to rub people the wrong way you don't give him the Sharpie and this is situation where I'm a producer yeah of course of course but me as the bartend like hey dude who your jets that's a bad idea you look crazy right now this is why you're not a producer this is why you're the bar yes exactly God forbid but I also we have a nice guy producing the show but I do love not to like fast forward my favorite thing about like I also think this is production they were like you need to look like a bad boy you need to look like a like a greaser from Outsiders get yourself a black leather jacket cuz you're a bad boy have you seen Outsiders by the way not on on Broadway no okay I saw the movie yeah yeah but I just have to see this I keep hearing about this musical I thought because you're in like the Broadway World you it yeah I hear it's unbelievable I want to see that in stereophonic oh have you seen that one no we don't see shows we live in New York and we don't see show we're doing the one we're not doing the one thing you're supposed to do when you live in New York we pay taxes here but we don't see smart no we vow to see more we I swear okay so the blue team AKA Salmon's team wins although they all get to go on the date so there's no losers here this is very what's going on yeah I'm not sure this should have been if anything winning a rugby game should get you something so now it's the evening everyone is annoyed with salmon for his bizarre arrogance highlight for me was when he was carrying in the trophy and walking ahead of everyone someone's like oh we're over here Sam yeah he he was going there's of the I mean the guy the funny thing about salmon salmon is that salmon is that the guys know he's losing yeah and they're not threatened by him they're just annoyed by him so there's this kind of like this this jokey nature about him which is f that that was obviously a comment made by someone who's like you're not a contender yeah I don't know if I agree that Thomas believes that maybe yeah but Thomas is kind of out of it can I say this he's somewhere else he is somewhere else he's not there he's up Sam M's sammon Salmon River yeah yeah he gives me sidekick Vibes so hard Sam's sidekick he is he is if s if Sam is Batman he is Robin like or he's the Chihuahua to Sam pitbull or English Bulldog yeah yeah he he bugs me yeah he bugs me too that's so interesting he bugs you a lot too bug me a lot Thomas doesn't bug me as much as he bugs you like literally after we wrapped last week's recap Andy was like I don't think we dissed on Thomas I did say and I was like he wasn't that bad all he did was sort of like you know Yap at Sam's side and kind of quote him and defend him and you were like no he deserves more dising yeah I think we felt some left some dzing on the table but it's okay we'll get there yes we're getting there now yeah okay so we just call him a Chihuahua we did so salmon in his itm says he's ready to have his first kiss with his wife and Andy you said he sounds like a great crazy person and he aggressively now strategizes to be able to steal Jen first and in his one-on-one time CU he's successful in stealing her first he gives her a another jersey that says Sam's wife on it mhm I mean that's it she should marry him on the spot oh my God everything about this was so bad because he was like get it like like I was wearing Jen's husband earlier and this says Sam's wife see the thing is if this happened in real life she would have a restraining order on him by that correct yeah and also it had bled through like the had through to the front of the CH yeah it was just it was so terrible and she was like oh I love this yeah he tells her that this was the best group date of his life and Andy this is the best grip date of my life and he's very aggressive in general he wants to get to know no he didn't say he wants to get to know her better he says he wants her to get to know him better which irked me there's no questions are we really gonna analyze salmon seriously let's get to let's get to the okay but Andy I have to mention that you said if I had never seen this show before knew nothing about anything I'd say this guy just did a lot of coke he did have an energy that felt not like his usual cocaine is a hell of a drug turn him we can joke about this cuz it certainly wasn't possible I I I would say that there is a 50 to 70% chance he snuck some into his luggage let's ask The Insider is this a possibility uh uh no really I don't think so H I think it's I think that in his mind he thinks that this is what he needs to be doing yeah and his producer you know might not be a good person but is doing a very good job yeah yeah yeah right down to the leather jacket that was that my leather jacket thing is my favorite thing in the world they were like oh you're a bad boy it's like that Seinfeld episode when George all of a sudden becomes a bad boy and he gets a leather jacket uh it was it just is screaming even he doesn't believe yeah this about himself but he's doing it it was just it's really weird he was like sweating when he was doing this you notice there was like sweat he was like kind of like grinding I I don't know I was very odd situation there I will say and I'm not suggesting that that actually happened because I think out of all the people on this cast who might have done this he's the least likely it's always the least likely but I will say when when back in my day no one searched my luggage yeah they do that now yeah Charlene did a huge amount of cocan every night I remember remember moving in and like handing over my phone and everything and then just moving into the Mansion being like I totally could have snuck in a burner phone and whatever else I wanted to I me you are you kidding me you can't stick a dime bag up your butthole what are they are they doing cavity checks at The Bachelor so they check so they search your luggage yeah going back to Chad um he speaking of cocaine he hid um a burner phone in his like creatine powder or like protein powder definitely found that there that is literally douche personified yeah dude my burners in my creatine oh sorry bro yeah so we we definitely check for that okay and because we had a scandal years ago where people did bring things in and they shouldn't have what were the things do tell I think I think it was prescription pills but like uh the way it works is it they're really supposed to kind of be like doled out by like um by production and like that didn't happen yeah along with the valre yeah oh god oh no that's an actual thing I know I know literally what a mess okay I love how he just said we he's officially he's on the other side company man we're company man well no I mean I've done straddles both nine seasons of the show you have to be I'm not accusing you I'm saying you you need to be so it's especially in that situation it's a we when there's liability on my part which there is is when I'm serving people drinks yes and so then it becomes scary because if someone does things bad bad does happen then it falls on me wait you're you're liable for serving too many drinks yeah so like when we when I go film this show I have to be like denoting everyone's drinks and like making sure people don't drink too much and stuff oh so you're doing the time thing like what is it how many drinks per yeah two drinks an hour and I have a book that I have to like write down and we have like pis it's like a security effectively and like lawyers who are watching me so so is there like a weight differential like you have like a certain number of Maximum drinks per weight L last season we did that because a lot of guys were like I'm 250 lbs you know not fair I can take down1 97 PB not the same so what is a what is the small what is the the number of drinks maximum for the smallest person and the number of drinks maximum for the biggest person uh I mean it is just two drinks an hour and then bigger person I think it's like it's just drink whatever you want no you can have another drink but a lot of times especially in Paradise people are all sick so they're all on antibiotics so that's a whole another thing where they're like you can't drink on antibiotics and I can get in trouble kind of Si they all making out and like passing coal are vomiting they all get like stomach issues they're all chitting their brains out it's Mexico oh [ __ ] that's right can you bring in bottled water or something yeah but it just it's an inevitability it happens you know and so everyone gets sick if you ever watch Paradise there's always like someone who like doesn't show to a road ceremon you're like where are they extra sweaty so it's always diarrhea usually wow they should talk about that more I think people want to know well last season we had a girl who couldn't [ __ ] Sam yeah Sam that that was I've never seen that yeah anyways there so when it does come to like doing out drinks and stuff then it is a Wii cuz I don't want it to be all on me this is also Productions isue guys this is a team effort wow I kind of stressful yeah actually yeah they don't pay me enough for that stress that's what I'm thinking yeah okay so moving on now to Jonathan they play lacrosse I love that he had remembered that she had played lacrosse in college I thought this was I I've come around fully with Jonathan so earlier in the premiere recap I didn't love Jonathan's limo exit it kind of rubbed me wrong I just how he was all bandaged up and kept talking about how it's what's on the inside but then it was like this big reveal I felt he should have been band bandaged up the whole time yeah I agree with that yeah otherwise you can't do the whole it's inside would cans thing right yeah yeah but he has officially won me over he's he's wanted me over to the point where when he confronted salmon and salmon was like what do you want me to say you want me to apologize and Jonathan's like you should just say nothing yeah I was I realized that I trust Jonathan implicitly because he doesn't get annoyed with just anyone no no and he said the right thing that's exactly there's no apology needed just stop talking yes yeah yeah what do you think Jonathan's an LA guy you think he's a fraud or a good guy no I think he's nice I like him me too have you met him I haven't I haven't met anyone from this season oh okay so I like Jonathan um but I agree with you on the they shouldn't have allowed him to uh take off the bandages mainly because that's the bit like on my season we had a guy who actually I played rugby with in college uh who was Santa Claus and he wasn't allowed to take off the suit and it was so funny to me that JoJo had no idea what this man looked like the next day oh I remember that that was great it was so much funnier than if he had been like okay now you can like un beard me and then she's like okay I you're you're hot enough you're just a good looking guy okay right yeah it really bugged me I'm glad we all agree on that but no Jonathan has officially won me over this was very cute I actually in some ways like him the best I just don't know if Jen likes him the best yeah so we'll see I didn't know that she played lacrosse in college I thought that was cool yeah she's a little bit of a tomboy I will say this um I think that Jen is the the prettiest Bachelor at we've ever had she looks to me like a Disney princess she's perfect I know yeah she looks like an like a you're right Disney like she looks animated yeah she looks Animated she is really pretty yeah I agree yeah and I also just love her as The Bachelorette I love how she didn't put up with Aaron's being like Oh there's someone here for the wrong reasons and she's like well who don't do that to me you're trying to scare me he's like no I'm not she's like yes you are but I did my favorite part of that whole thing was every time she talked to a guy she's like did did my speech scare you and everyone's like no you're 5195 lb I can put you in my pocket like you talking so Andy we just returned from our work week in a cabin in the woods and we were really in the middle of the woods this is like full horror movie middle of the woods we really were in a cabin in the woods it was quite remote a little um rustic it was like a 15 to 20 minute drive to get anywhere we're talking grocery store restaurant and you know what we did have delivered to make our lives just that much more convenient we had the factor the factor factor meals they are fresh meals delivered directly to your door they are Chef prepared dietitian approved they're never Frozen this is key never Frozen they don't have that prezen taste you know that texture we all know sad texture sad no soul it's been put Through Torture and solitary confinement yes but with Factor there are never Frozen and they really have a lot of options we're talking 35 Plus meals to choose from each week plus 60 add-ons so you really don't get bored and what I particularly like is you know you're working it's let's say a Wednesday afternoon and you're like oh I'm hungry crap what's the food situation you open the fridge and it's just like and it allows me too to keep up with my health goals cuz I am always trying to eat more plant-based and I love that they have so many vegan options but let's say you aren't trying to be more plant-based you can select your meals based on let's say you want to have more protein let's say you are keto all these diets that are quite frankly difficult to abide by if you're going it alone I love that it just arrives at your door even if you're in a cabin in the woods and instead of slaving away for hours in the kitchen we were frolicking in the forest with the birds and the the [Laughter] ticks hopefully not so go to factory meals / Shandy and use code Shandy 50 to get 50% off your first box and 20% off your next month again that's Factor Shandy 50 and use code Shandy 50 that's Shandy 50 to get 50% off your first box plus 20% off your next month okay so now we have Grant I got to say Grant is starting to fall behind for me we both had Grant this was mostly them making out I'm just very graphically might I add very up close okay now maybe they're holding back on the edit with Grant maybe he's doing stuff but they he's he's the winner and they don't want coming up this was episode four so now episode five he get let's say he gets a one-on-one if he makes it to final four at this point he's he's a dark we're running out of time he's slipping okay so the guys now officially confront salmon explaining the difference between confidence and arrogance and he keeps saying it's all about Jen and this is where Jonathan I was just like Jonathan I trust you yeah like if even if I were confused I just trust in Jonathan I cannot believe how far I've come around with also sharp dresser you're a sucker for Sharp Dressed men I am not I actually am not yeah in fact I often if I think true she too much I just realized that sorry di of you right there yeah I just lost this whole game okay so Marcus now has won on one time she knows that he got beat up in this rugby game and so she plays up the physicians's assistant student thing and uses a stethoscope on him I thought this was really cute she you know what I love about Jen but it particularly comes out with Marcus is she's deeply in touch with her feminine like you know she knows that that in a straight Dynamic she she knows like how to just be a nurturer and here she's like just a reminder you don't need to be so strong like I can help carry the burden just that like it just hit me even you were has moved me more than other bachelorettees absolutely it just it showed that she would be a fantastic partner to someone it's not all just lip service like she really does seem to just care um although I do think he really did mess up his shoulder yeah yeah he'd never say anything it's too tough he says in his itm that opening up about anything means risking opening up about everything oh it's a good line yes okay so now with the group salmon declares that in his mind he's already already got the group date Rose and I love Grant gr he can't he's like oh we'll see who gets the rose he can't get through that sentence without that laugh that's great just great okay so now Thomas takes salmon outside and says he has a bone to pick with him oh these two guys and salmon makes it all about you should have pulled Jen out not me so this is actually I I don't think he's wrong samon just if we're going to refer back to what happened with Deon two episodes let's not talk about salmon let's talk about Thomas n Thomas n chose to take this obvious like this guy's gone within an hour everyone knows this and he chose to use his time once again not to just chill and let the disaster happen with salmon but he chose to take his time to step outside to discuss matters with him what's going on with this guy what what decision was that he's also not good at confrontation no the wor he's not trying to understand the other person think about he's too emotional he just has emotions there's nothing there's no words it's like happened with de he like started crying and you're like I you should not be getting in confrontations with anybody well his I feel like his producer is doing a I mean you could arue a bad job or a good job but I mean do we think Thomas n was not encouraged to go and like oh you know speak your mind why like why like if you're going to play wait play with pigs you get muddy what's the word what's the phas what is the thing you play with the pigs you get dirty or you roll in the mud you roll in the you is it I don't know get [ __ ] on your feet you're going to roll in the mud I we know what you mean none of us can you're going to something with pigs you're going to get dirty yes yeah or something roll around with them yeah anyway well it doesn't matter now destroyed but so you're saying that he's getting I'm saying he's rolling he's playing with pigs yeah and therefore getting covered in mud anyway cut no it's not a great look it also seems incredibly unproductive we have to touch on so as Sam sammon is leaving he says yellow's a good color on you and you called this a hard disc well yellow is a coward so I didn't know this yellow belly coward yeah a yellow bellied C it's from I think it's from a bird a yellow bellied bird it has a weird derivation but it's just it means he's a coward it was a good discs actually I was impressed I mean that one flew right over my head I kind of Blown Away that you just whipped that went out yeah he's actually pretty good Salmon's pretty good at confrontations with guys he's just not good at doing anything with women girls yeah my whole thing about Thomas doing this to Salmon was I just don't think it's a good look for Thomas I have pity for and especially knowing what happens like I have pity for salmon because he is so inept at this and like so not good at this dating thing and it's all new and he's trying so hard and then it's just this guy being like [ __ ] you I can't believe you know you're doing this and it's like he's about to get completely humiliated on TV I think Thomas you know this is probably coming down the pipe and it's almost just like it's like a kick him all his down thing and I just it was just a bad look I think no I agree it also felt like this had already been put to rest yeah like the guys had already confronted him told him there was nothing more he could say and maybe this was shown out of order it just felt odd that Thomas is like okay everyone else has confronted you now I want to confront you alone again add it's giving a little bit of like I want some screen time yes for me it is which I I don't know if I would have expected from thomasen I don't know why I just I I felt that he was not as interested in screen time and was actually interested in her but uh yeah I'm not getting that by I'm not getting that a Napoleon e complex from I think it's like there's he was like an like Olympic swimmer almost yeah yeah whatever like uh got the try out or whatnot I think that this guy is much more competitive yeah and confident than he comes across yeah in his voice over going into his one-on-one time he says he's going to keep the main thing the main thing oh Jesus quoting his Batman I know what the hell is that and now is that where did this come from have you heard this before no is it good in any way what is good about this yeah the main thing the main thing first a lot of words for a catchphrase that's not good yeah exactly yeah maybe just the main thing just main thing yeah just keep it at that the thing and that's bad too or the thing yeah we just thing yeah so is Jen a thing to you guys yeah thing yeah that's good I like that nothing like a girl being told she's a thing yeah no that is good you know we love that at least like remember back in the day it was the smoke show was considered bad at least a smoke show is implying that you are like so beautiful that you are on fire this is implying that you are an inanimate object yeah you're a thing but you're the main thing of many things all the things you are the most important best thing best looking thing yeah okay I mean you really can't stand that and the only thing Andy hates more than catchphrases is when someone takes someone else's catch phras there's nothing lower nothing lower so now Thomas is telling Jen about his family background and salmon is talking about how tonight he'll kiss Jen their relationship will go one step further they'll introduce intimacy and then it's game over oh my God please stop this man stop him before he does something oh it's pretty painful and actually I actually did want to hear the rest of Thomas's family background story I did too I finally was interested in Thomas n and then he got interrupted oh yeah we never really got to I don't think we're going to hear the rest of it either she kept promising him more time later I'm like I don't think that's coming I loved that part by the way which part Thomas getting interrupted oh I mean he asked for it he guaranteed that happening yes and now salmon one on one time take two he says it's a big moment for him he wants to take their relationship to the next level don't I don't want to hear it again can I kiss you no no and here we get word watch one Jen says she admires how open he is and how vulnerable he's being and she says I love this I love cuz you know she could have just puckered up she could have but she doesn't no she doesn't want to take his first kiss from she she's very light on the the Superfluous the uh the gratuitous kissing don't you think she's a little less than not not to malign other bachelorettes but I think she she turns down kisses sometimes yeah like I don't I don't want anyone just to be a flatfoot Floy on this show and just kissing willy-nilly but this was a this was a time where I was like I think he needs a kiss oh really I want him to have real heart for salmon yeah let me tell you what's going to happen we're going to go to paradise again next summer and I'm going to have to sit there and give this guy like dating advice oh you got to watch out right right we understand is he going to be in Paradise oh I don't know well he's not going to be there is another paradise engaged he's not going to be not in Paradise there is going to be another paradise though right well they leaked that that there 2025 yeah yeah okay I hope so yeah are you saying I hope so like you know so or you just saying I think that they will do the show again okay do you know they'll do it uh no I don't know oh dude guns to your head yeah this is I think what would be really wonderful is if they were able to get both Bachelor Bachelorette golden golden bachette all at the same place I think that would be the wait what if you had Paradise with everyone from the franchise not just Bachelor and bachette you know how great that would be you're telling me that youit minute I would watch that I would watch it I mean obviously I would watch it I'm not sure what now you have a rich 70-year-old man who's courting a 23y old I mean personal trainer you're saying the thing we're thinking out loud yes how wonderful would that be or a guy who' start daating you know more distinguished older lady I mean I would watch that have you seen Ren Fair no is that about Renaissance festivals yes it is but it's I was just thinking of the king yeah he's the king of the renfair and he's really rich and he's looking for his wife and he's like going on dates with 23 24 year olds and he's what like close to 880 something it's it's honestly so gross is it real is it a it's 100% real well let me ask you a question you say it's gross did you enjoy the scene where he's on the date with a 23-year-old actually I don't know if you notice I started cleaning wow cuz she sits down he's like are your breasts real because I I I said I want Char doesn't like cringe stuff she can't watch like Borat or any of that Al stuff she can't do it no Borat I can do I like Borat not all this I I had a hard time with the Pam Anderson Parts I know that's when I start like washing dishes and stuff okay anyway the point is is that that would be amazing wouldn't that be great that would be amazing it it so that's what I'm hoping for and I'm only able to say that but you said it first yeah I'm just said first then people come at me I'm just trying to Manifest this into reality like we couldn't do Paradise this year because they there's just not enough logistical time in the year to be able to film Bachelor bachette golden bachor golden bachette and they wanted to do golden bachette so in my mind if you want to do golden Bachelorette then that gives you cast for all four seasons to be able to come together and uh have me make drinks for them maybe you shouldn't give away this idea and you should just start your own show as the executive producer and I mean you have two audience members right here we're going to watch okay let's do it all right done so Jen shuts down this kiss yeah she says she appreciates you know him and but she wants to be honest she doesn't want to lead him on can she walk out Andy You Were Dying you you loved this that amazing but apparently Wells felt bad for him I do feel bad fascinated by I felt bad for him but it's like he he was he was hoisted by his own vard he he set himself up for this I mean can you feel bad for a guy who's who's committed a bank robbery and then goes to jail well yeah I guess you could that's a bad example I just feel like uh having to watch it back he probably feels so emasculated which is already one of his issues right like he's not very good and confident with women and I feel like this isn't going to be helping him anytime soon and so it just made me feel like I have empathy for him yes and my other thing is is I think he's very handsome he's beautiful yes I'm confused a little bit like I'm not sure if he comes from like a really conservative family or yeah he's yeah he's like he's persan right there's a few comments last week mentioned cultural thing there and hence the stripping like it was not an option yeah I feel for him but I also feel like justice was served there I I think if you're going to go on this show you need to that these things can happen it's hard for me to feel sorry for people like this he chose to go on this show he knows what happens on TV like this it's not about being nice this isn't an open environment it's not a yoga session this is reality TV I would feel more bad for him if it was isolated to just the Gen interactions but it was how he treated other people that it did feel you know he always the nice guy like if he was just always a nice guy I'd agree 100% I feel really bad I find your empathy for salmon very endearing though it's nice a different flavor here the Shandy abod okay so you're sitting in my chair you're supposed to be much more negative than this I haven't been in New York that long okay fine f give it a week okay so in her itm Jen says that he'll find someone and that first kiss that he wants I I don't know if I realized until this moment that it was really his first kiss period he had never kissed a girl is that true do you know this I thought it was just his first kiss a meaningful kiss yeah cuz I when he when he came out and he's like I'm a I'm a virgin a love virgin so that was the implication was is I've had SE a virgin I just have never felt anything for these women before he's a heartless psychopath yeah okay so I misinterpreted that I thought it was his first yeah first kiss with her oh okay then I would feel sorry for him if that was his first kiss ever I actually would be in your Camp fully okay so in Salmon's exit he references his jacket but calls it denim yeah what was that I heard he's so not a badass he doesn't even know what a leather jacket is okay so Jen now returns to the group reveals she sent salmon home and here we get word watch to Jen says being vulnerable is hard and she gives the group date Rose to Marcus this was so touching because in his itm Marcus says he wasn't expecting it uh and just the feeling of being seen by her like he's overwhelmed by it and he starts to cry yeah I think that he's got some trauma he needs to work out yes through uh his War time experience and I feel like it's bleeding out a little bit cuz I mean you've done the show so you you know like what the show really is is it's non-stop therapy you're sitting there talking about your feelings all day long with producers with other cast members and I think this is this you can see it starting to bleed out like I don't think in any world before this show he would have cried in front of Seven guys whatever and it's now it's happening and I think it's a good thing good thing yeah it is sort of trial by fire like I get that it can go ay for some people for sure uh just to to go from being so closed off to just having everything so exposed but in his case I don't think he's going to look back on this and regret having opened up no like and regret having felt the feelings that he felt whether or not he ends up as well saying it may be happening a little too fast it's like ripping off the Mandate too fast but I do agree that in the end this will be a good thing I think so yeah I remember when I came off show I remember I was amazed at how much more like emotionally uh porous yeah like I was just so much more like connected with my feelings and like than I ever had been before and I you knew yourself so much better for sure and I was all the other thing was I wasn't I wasn't scared to say how I felt about my feelings whereas before I would have never done that and I think that he's starting to get into this this thing of like obviously if you're a marine or what whatever he is in the army or whatever you have to be you know very stoic and you know silent and whatever tough and now he's being able to do this in a very safe place and I think uh I when I just watch that scene I was like this is what's happening to him right now he's like getting to be able to open up and feeling comfortable with it and I think it was a really thumbs up scene yeah and how all the men just they just embraced him yeah like they I loved that it also just made me like him more to know that he was so beloved by the other guys for sure he's a really he's he's the hero of the season I also think that those guys recognize that that he's a strong you know like War veteran seeing that is like whoa there's fire behind that they admire him you can tell so Charlene we were in a cabin in the middle of the woods all week and what is one thing we did not have bug bites yes I cannot believe it this was the true test for PES this was it this was the torture test this was pesle came through with flying colors and let me reiterate we were in the middle of the Woods not the woods like fancy Woods like fullon remote yeah like like coyotes howling in the middle of the night woods and this guy right here P I'm going strapless so you can see that I have no bites are you kidding me behold I normally am their favorite thing like mosquitoes love me I am that person that person that you want to be around when there's mosquitos around because they bite me instead of you and now I don't have any bites so with pesle what they do is they utilize science yeah and they basically microencapsulate the active ingredients which makes it last longer and smell less strong it's less sticky it it's just it's a delight let's also talk about the smell for a second because this is very important it does not smell like bug spray no it smells like something you'd want to just be around no it smells like kind of a a lemony fresh scent and also I have to stress because we were talking to people recently who have a bug spray they really like and they were like oh I buy it on eBay or whatever and it was a bug spray i' never heard of and when we looked at it we realized that the active ingredient she didn't know what it was when we did a little research we're like oh it's deep it's de pesle is all natural there is no Deet no Deet and only four natural ingredients therefore very safe for little ones also very cool pesle is currently in popup groceries yeah our favorite little store in the city yeah we love popup groceries so if you are in New York City you can go smell it yeah it stroke it and before we get to call outs I have to stress you must shake pesle well it requires shaking you know a lot of products say shake well and it doesn't really make a big difference with pesy it really does make a big difference so be sure to shake it vigorously it activates the magic so protect yourself and your loved ones this season with all natural safe and science-backed pesle go to pesle doco and use code Shandy at checkout to get 40% off plus free shipping on all us orders again that's 40% off with Coach Devin’s 1-On-1 Chandy at pesle doco pesle the better bug spray okay so let's move on now to Devin's one-on-one date we learn right off the bat that she's Buddhist I was delighted by this how exciting yeah yeah your mom's Buddhist yes yeah it was just like different for this show at least uh they learn about the mai culture and when asked about their own backgrounds Devon I mean this is very impressive he just stands up and reveals he's a Wanderer his father came from Mexico they don't have mountains where he's from but his mountain is his mother oh he really nailed this one and he the protective attitude that they have for their culture really speaks to him I mean he was amazing at this in another conversation Jen says she was raised in a culture where no one else looked like her but she's grown to embrace it and he says that he's always known he wants kids a happy healthy family is all the tradition he needs overall what a beautiful and meaningful date does any coming up with all this stuff on the spot that's what I was thinking I was like cuz at first when I started watching the show I was like this guy's annoying uh Andy and now I'm like no he's just a he's a really good oror like that is him stepping up and doing that I was like whoa that was really really good came at first I was like is this going to go a little sideways then he brings it back around his mom being the mountain and everything and you could tell he was nervous having to do it and like he's just I'm now watching this show and I'm like is this guy gonna win this thing like yeah I know is he going to talk his way into this thing I also think even if he doesn't win Devon's going to be famous in some way after this so I was talking about this on my podcast the other day is that I think that he is the Maria of this season where you're like At first you're like are they the villain and then you're like no the Beloved because they're different and unique and uh like really good he's just like really really good at speaking and so I've come complete 180 on this kid like I now like love him yeah and and you've been in radio wouldn't you feel comfortable with this guy as your co-host like feels like he could roll with anything yes yeah and he's also very confident like scene with with him and Sam like he's not nervous at all to like talk [ __ ] to that guy thing usually like I find in my life which I hate if I've ever been in a situation with a real bully where it's getting tense and I'm and I have these great lines I could come up with I know what I could say but I'm cracking like my my throat's tight my chest is like I feel it you know and it just doesn't come out right and I just look weak and I'm just looking at I'm like wow that's the thing I always wanted to do he's doing it perfectly calm colle more articulate on the defensive than he is on the offensive absolutely yeah so I feel I know I know that feeling like my heart starts racing and sometimes I'll just start like when I get angry in that situation I might just start to cry and I like this is not what I want right now know I swear I have good clever things to say and then I'll be at the gym like the next day and I'll go through the whole conversation again like perfectly I'm like yeah nailed it that's it by myself in the shower I should have said this damn it no he really I mean who is not a Devon fan at this point if anyone doesn't like Devon at this point you got your own issues yes and you're just like sticking to your first impression of him like you refuse to let or you don't like outspoken people you don't like people who run their mouths no no matter what's coming out or you don't likein D all Farms okay so now in the evening another I mean I don't I don't have much to add I just think that this date speaks for itself he reveals that he grew up in a really tough environment his mom got pregnant in school and had to drop out and that was him and there was always a feeling of instability in his upbringing he learned how to navigate the world even though there isn't always an obvious solution and he says he was a difficult child he idolized his absent father when it was his mother who had taken care of him and his mother um he says now he knows has taken better care of him than any Father Figure so revealing yes and Jen I mean it's very how his story fits hers like this perfect puzzle piece she says her mother is also her Rock she knows where he's coming from and let's talk about he asks a really good question he asks for a question I always have beef about a lack of questions it often feels like the lead is like so tell me about your story tell me about and it's like it feels like an interview and I think it's very easy for contestants to fall into that passive receiving of questions territory when they are in an itm room for so many hours every day cuzz they are being asked about their feelings so it's like okay I've gone from one interview to another right but here he's like are you interested or open to having a relationship with your father what a good question and she says that he just doesn't really seem interested in being a father he didn't even know her own birthday and when she confronted him he just chose to opt out W and she this ties in now she says for the longest time she invested in guys who didn't invest in her but she's since learned that people who want to care about her are going to stay in her life and they Marvel here at how similar they are I mean I wonder if she's watching this back and seeing that what she's talking about is the justos between Devin and Sam can we talk about what Artful producing it was to put those two one on ones in the same week selfishly I was like I want a two onone with these guys yeah I mean that's what I really want they're both too serious contenders yeah that's the thing they're obviously going to the end like her saying that thing of like far too often in the past I've like in the last hour yeah yeah yeah you mean like yesterday when you were repelling down a building like I didn't give a [ __ ] about you yeah uh yeah it's it's really good editing I would or storytelling yeah okay so word watch 3 here Devon says she's able to show her vulnerable side and he says something here that I had to write as a quote she deserves to Know What Love from a man can look like in life the way she's opened up to me makes me want to push even harder to make that a reality ah I he's the Romantic lead yeah Devon has become the Romantic lead yeah at a glance you'd be like oh Sam looks like the Romantic lead he looks like the cover of the romance novel no oh it's so satisfying no you know what it is it's like every Hallmark Christmas movie where like the dashing handsome City man the 80s the 80s douche right yeah yeah yeah it's K By Me Love probably right yes exactly okay so now he credits her for giving him the strength to open up he wants to celebrate her every single day he's falling for very effusive he brings her to tears and she says in her itm I've never felt appreciated in the way Devon makes me feel she obviously gives him the row and they make out the one thing I cannot tell is if they have physical chemistry yeah uh can we get some male opinions I I don't feel a heavy physical chemistry and the one thing that's holding me back I also feel like it's being stacked against something that's only physical chemistry well that's the thing it's pure uh sapio versus pure sexual yes so I don't know who wins in that situation I know who wins shortterm but is this a short-term game or longterm game I don't know it's so perfect it's so well cast for Jen and her story yeah okay so now the next day the big talking point is Matthew Jen's X has reached out to producers he's flown out to New Zealand on his own dime right do we think this was no way that's an expensive flight yeah no I mean maybe but no no I mean you're the You're The Insider this was this like like like a trump porn star payment like they funnel this through several different llc's I mean maybe so I don't know if you remember uh they were doing I think it was Matt james' season and a girl it was like during covid and a girl like drove to where they were filming in Pennsylvania and like came to the gates she did do that on her own CU I remember I filmed a date with Harrison and he was like he was telling me he was like dude it's co protocol we can't have someone from the outside come in like we didn't do this she just came here on her own so it there is precedent for it yeah but I'm thinking that's an that's a big ticket and they also had a lot of production involved around it there was a whole story line I I I find it extremely hard to believe that just happened but I see why they said it yeah why not I mean what no crime in saying that would be like oh he just want he wants a free vacation in New Zealand and so I see why they said it it was just an interesting he just suddenly jealous because his ex-girlfriend's on national TV is like the the object of affection 20 guys I will say I will say he was an interesting guy to have arrived though because he didn't appear or behave like that guy yeah I agree yeah and also like the way that it was teased right like this dark ominous shadowy figure comes and and you like the in the super teas from the episode before she like runs off and freaks out and you're like oh this was this was the bad X or whatnot and then you meet this matte guy and you're like he seems nice you know yeah yeah nice guy kind like he did seem nice yeah and he seemed pretty sincere I do question the timing of it all but I I he just doesn't seem like the guy who only came to be on TV I want to know what they're talking about with the weddings so the way that I took it was had two weddings in cardia yeah and I think that she was supposed to be as date this is how I this is how I heard it and I was more hung up on the fact that he had two weddings in C what's going on there is he like like a cocaine dealer or something sorry nothing against I know that's not the thing in CIA anymore it's really Medan yeah I C has always been clean do you want to do some coke on this episode you're bringing it up a lot chop it up not yeah but I so what this is what I think this is the subc contacts that I that I picked up on that she was supposed to be his date to these things and then she be became The Bachelorette or whatever and then was like Hey I can't go and he was like don't worry I'll go I'm going to go anyways these are my buddies or whatnot and then then him saying I couldn't go because you weren't there then I was like oh that's a little bit more romantic because in his mind maybe that was going to be his opportunity to rekindle and then it didn't happen I don't know I don't know what you guys took from that I was just like what is this wedding talk I well yeah it kind of seemed a little suspect okay if I'm honest not against her but and I I think it's sort of common knowledge that she wasn't originally cast as Bachelor R right um I just wonder if they were in the process of rekindling things I mean I swear 75% of people who go on this show when they go back home they rekindle things with unx oh my ex came Crawling Back To Me Oh I went I literally flew from Miami where I left the show and straight to this to London to see my ex like literally we got back together the next day so all I'm saying is that to me it seemed a little I'm not nothing I'm not judging I think she would just be human I just thought it seemed like maybe they were they had been in the process of rekindling things yeah yeah but no judgment we're going to find out yeah okay so that pretty much is our Cliffhanger right so she also doesn't seem that unhappy to see no she gives him a smile we haven't seen before yes it's inside baseball G there's a Laugh Smile where she just has this extra glint the glint of familiarity it is also really romantic too yeah yes it is a grand gester I mean that is a big flight that I don't think she's going to let him on the show huh well with the te's it looked like yeah but we never actually saw any footage of him they just made it sound like Ro ceremony and get rid of him yeah yeah one you think she's going to let him on she'll let him on the rose ceremony she's going to pull a Caitlyn Bristo and Nick yeah I I I mean I genuinely hope that that happens I think it'll make for great TV yes those guys are going to be very angry yeah uh but also like he seemed like like you know but going on the show it some people are good at TV and some people aren't you know he's not good at TV what's that he's not good at TV well no he came across as authentic to me I was like yeah that's what I'm saying he's not not saying he's bad at TV he's just good at being he was authentic he wasn't trying to be TV I want to see him come in because uh I want to see him mix up mix it up with these guys because I do feel like she's like too comfortable with Sam M Sam n right Sam M yeah Sam M yeah Sam he's now just Sam just Sam Sam we should celebrate the fact that he's just Sam now Sam yeah that's great yes but yeah I want I want to see this guy come in to be able be able to like ruffle these guys feathers and I feel like the stakes will all of a sudden Skyrocket with a guy with a past with her which seems like she likes him just in general I feel like it'll well it'll smoke out who really cares about Jen is there's going to be a difference between those who are like ah man this is annoying get out of here and the guy is like like really upset but do we not think if she were going to if she does end up letting him on that we would have seen some teaser footage of that well you kind of did you saw him dressed up in a suit Ro ceremony I feel like that was just a roast I feel like she's just going to send him home yeah I feel like she's going to get bullied in by the guys being like this is not cool that you're letting him come on either way she can get back together with him after the show okay so our predictions you think she is not going to let him on or is going to let him on I I think that he she won't let him on I want him to be on okay yeah I think we all agree I agree every well thank you I mean it was a real Delight having you EXC on on the red chair today next time you pass through come by again yes yeah thanks for having me this was a lot of fun okay now do another okay great Andy you're back in the red Andy’s A-Game chair we have we have dismissed Wells yeah he was great yeah I liked having him yeah he was good yeah shout out to to his podcast your favorite thing that she co-hosts with Brandy Cyrus yes the sister of the other Cyrus that other one what's her name okay do you feel ready to move on and to your aame aame yes who was your winner Dev yeah I mean does this even need to be discussed no no okay moving on fashion I have thoughts Fashion on fashion this week lots of thoughts I have to point out my favorite casual look that I've seen at all all season long is the one she's with the one mentioned the cleavage where she was wearing a cream tank with cream I think wideleg pants and a shacket a cream and like beige shacket like this it was a monochrom I wrote it was monochromatic creamy goodness it was great I liked this look and okay next she is in the evening with Sam M wearing a rouched plunge burgundy gown with a matching fur trimmed Shaw like okay whenever I point out these things it's never to uh take away from her beauty I think she looked gorgeous in this dress however I just didn't love the look I felt once again it aged her it felt it doesn't feel like P yeah yeah it feels dated it always feels like she's going to like a ballroom like 50 years ago 50 years ago yeah the fur trimmed Shaw thing is really look I actually in terms of Shaws this was my favorite gown and Shaw combo because they clearly went together like they were a perfect match and it it looked you know it L nice that way but it just wasn't you know what I think I think that this is not her thing I think she's sort of a sporty girl yes and I think we saw her with that lacrosse stick yeah she play thec Crosse she's a skier she snowboarder she does I just made that up I don't know she seems like it anyway my point is I think she's more of like a you know she's not a she's not a a fancy dress gal yes and there's nothing wrong with that right yes like imagine me imagine if they were like okay you're on the bath now you got to do all your suits and everything yeah me to prepare your wardrobe for you I would look it would be like it would be like permanent Frum honestly hilarious to even imagine it' be a disaster you going on The Bachelorette but I'll tell you one thing I would wardrobe before me I would not wear socks I would have a high riding pants no sock that's the one thing I know a high riding pant yeah i' have a capri pant and no sock and loafers that's what everyone does I know that I've learned that that's the thing you do okay so next up in the evening of the group date she was wearing an orange long sleeve mini dress with an embellished cutout uh in the midsection uh you know what this looked like you remember in Terminator 2 the the guy who when you shot him like he was made of like that silverish like liquid silver stuff and it just like the hole would happen and then the hole would close it looked like the hole never [Laughter] closed okay so the embellishments were the Terminator part yeah she got hit with a shotgun and he was like H and then it's supposed to close but it got stuck oh yeah this dress and I feel kind of bad because last week I was like maybe more interesting pieces like a long sleeve jumpsuit I said that last week and this was like a long sleeve mini dress it was a cool color but just it just kind of missed the mark for me that said I think it maybe could have been saved by styling and unfortunately her hair was just down again this look required a big ponytail yeah a high strong power pony I agree or a giant AC vent coming out of that hole no I did like shoes though I they look like they might have been cold Gaia that's the brand like a cool heel on the on the shoes but yeah this wasn't my favorite look also the shade of orange just felt off but we'll move on the look that I actually did like was in the evening of her date with Devon she was wearing a pale green kind of lime is but a little more bluish in the green than yellowish in the green silk gown with an interesting neckline yeah this was unexpected in the color and it surprised me how much I liked it I liked it too and I also appreciate her hair was in a in like a very elegant low ponytail with like little wispy side pieces she looked beautiful this was great this was just lovely I have no complaints about this one all right okay there we go yeah look positivity okay so Andy that brings us Shandy Word Watch to our word watch uh the prize this week was $200 in CB Distillery products killer prize yeah we're a big fan of their sh to sleep they're ah for targeted Rel they for relaxation and Andy how many correct guesses were there for the three vulnerables 109 okay and our winner is Sarah Rose congratulations you win CBD products please email us by this Friday at midnight to claim your prize and Andy what is the word for next week it's two words actually oh main thing okay main thing together not separately together okay and if it happens twice that's two oh so keep the main thing the main thing yeah that's two oh all right that could be very interesting so if you would like to join in the Shany word watch fun and have a chance to win a lovely prize then you will guess the number of times you predict main thing together those two words together will be uttered in episode 5 you will do so using numeral of the number of times and you must do so by commenting either below this YouTube video or over on the instagam Instagram post for this recap oh my God I just caught myself on autopilot like I wasn't thinking about the words coming out of my mouth I was just talking to a camera and like words were flowing oh it's like an assembly line where something goes wrong and everything starts piling up yeah I was thinking about how I wasn't thinking about what I was saying oh you can't think about how not you're not thinking about something you got just not why I said Instagram yeah Instagram is actually good or instag Glam that would be good I'm pretty sure that's been used somewhere oh okay okay so uh if you guess correctly you will be entered in a draw and then one name will be plucked and that person will win very exciting this is an old school prize We're Going Back to Basics $100 to spend she is no longer on Etsy remember she was one of my all-time favorite Etsy shops Studio yes we're so excited for her she's going it alone so now Fano go check out her stuff some of my favorite like I'm wearing lot of her jewelry right now her rings actually literally both my necklaces and both my rings are from her right now amazing yes her stuff is very cute so you will win $100 in jewelry from furano Studio if you guess correctly and and then win yeah that's important oh and you must be following us on Instagram and subscribe to Here on YouTube yes okay so andtie moving on to our predictions oh I have something to add by the way oh if you have a we YouTube name um and it doesn't correlate to your Instagram account then in your guest say you know word watch 3 and then say oh by the way Shandy’s Predictions my Instagram name is this just to make it easier for me so include your your other handle if if it's different okay Andy our predictions we're going to count to three and then say who we think is winning first shall we this is a tough one this is tough I'm still struggling over this 1 2 3 Mar oh you were debating between the two real coint TOS okay okay so you think that it's the physical connection I think Marcus has most of the mental and a little more physical than Devon okay oh I see I don't know if with Devon it's not good I think it is good I just think it's really good with Sam and we you know his one-on-one came right after Sam's one-on-one I'm I'm torn I'm so torn that it's just I honestly want to just have Marcus and Deon as number one but I can't do that so I'm going Marcus okay so for me I have Devon ahead of Marcus because Devin is just so much more emotionally available to her at like currently you can see that she's still trying to open Marcus up encourage him she gave him the group date Rose you know you remember you don't have to be strong for me I'll carry the I'll carry part of the load too that kind of thing I it's not late yet because only episode four I just wonder what that will look like in the coming weeks and if he'll be able to get there in time in time uh so I have Devon in first and I have it with delight that I'm just soy I think I'm GNA get there next week okay next week I'm gonna have devant first I'm predicting I'm predicting my predictions okay okay so second place now one 2 3 Marcus okay no explanation either no okay and now in third place ready 1 2 3 Sam oh why don't you look happy about that it's tough tough he's not getting a lot of good screen time so why' you put him in third because I still feel strong I like Grant I know the we didn't see much conversation between them this week and it was mostly them making out I know I know I feel a little we know he's getting a one I think he's getting a one-onone next week not my chance I have there because I I think that this will fizzle the way a sparkler does on a cake people people liked my analogy last we I know I I you know I stand corrected I liked your analogy too I went too hard on you needed you needed other people to validate it I forgot that candles are a lot thicker than sparklers even the thin ones yeah sparklers really they just shine bright and fast and it's over okay so with Sam I think that that's going to fizzle out and she's going to realize that there isn't much more there and I I still feel that like that they had a whole date to find more but you think she's taking him to Fantasy Suites yes okay so that's why you which I respect you know she can you know she why differ I think she thinks everyone thinks she's going to take them to Fantasy Suites and therefore she won't okay all right and so in fourth one 2 3 Jonathan okay I removed Grant from my top four yeah Jonathan is the one who I'm debating about bringing in but I think Jonathan and Grant will get one-on ones next week can I tell you what my can I tell you something I know what my four is going to be next week I'm going to predict we do prediction pred the thing about this is that you can just make that become reality okay ready let's do on on three we're going to do my predictions for my predictions next week ready okay okay 1 2 three de 1 2 3 Marcus 1 2 3 Grand 1 2 3 Jonathan you didn't say anything wait so is this your way of saying you regret keeping Sam in your top four this week you know what I don't think I like my predictions of my predictions for next week I think I I I'm going to read I'm going to redo them but anyway let's move on okay yeah so so are we cutting that yeah no no we're keeping that okay but what don't you like about it you can change it it hasn't happened yet I feel very uneasy about my predictions about my predictions for next week but I feel better about my predictions for this week about the end than I do about my predictions of my predictions so well you're predicting based on something you haven't seen yet I know but that's what's so hard it's a meta prediction okay I think that this is our cue to wrap this recap yeah if you enjoyed what you heard today you know what we will ask of you and that is to like subscribe hit the notification Bell follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok leave us apple and Spotify podcast ratings and reviews tell your friends and generally do all the things you would do to support a podcast you enjoy Also let us know if you liked us having a guest yeah let us know they will know we don't have to ask they're going to let us know yes but you want to predict whether they'll like it or not all right on three I you know it's hard to know because the last time we had guests for a recap first of all it was done over Zoom yeah Zoom is a problem different and there were two guests two guests and I think I I don't know I think it was just a different vibe I enjoyed it I like kind of shaking things up once in a while I think people get too used to the same thing but people were very upset last time yeah they got two years ago yeah very opinionated we'll see I'm curious to see what happens I think people are going to like this okay I hope so uh so yeah let us know if you enjoyed this because it was really our first time doing a recap in person with a guest in my chair in your in my chair some nerve this Wells Guy has thank you so much for tuning in oh okay she's been so good she didn't really know what to make of wells no she was like who is this guy very standoff very standoffish all right Ruby Ruby come on let's go come on right here come on right here you know who you love more come on what's going on there whoa whoa oh you have time to oh oh yes oh she thought about it yes she a good girl oh my gosh thank you so much for tuning in and we'll see you next time on dear Shandy bye-bye sh

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