Reba 2024 He's Having a Baby New Sitcom Reba Nell McEntire Show 2024

who hears Wedding Bells isn't it bad luck for the ex-wife to see the bride before the wedding we just stop by to drop off outfits for the kids there's my bridesmaid and there's my best man I am so proud to give you away Coach you're going to love the dress I picked out look Mom it it's purple taida shiny purple taida you seem surprised now I know you're still on the fence about being in the wedding but I think this dress might change your mind I had him stitch in a little padn you know I'll just hang it on your chair and here are the tuxes from my best man and for my ring bear why don't I get to be your best man well son the ring bear is a very important job you have to carry the rings on a shiny satin pillow sounds like a girl job all right enough wedding talk I'm getting all Misty come on time to get ready for school and Reba I didn't want you to feel left out you know I think of you as family yeah stop that so here you can RSVP now if you'd like catfish or chicken I know this kind of sounds right out of left fi but I'm not getting within 100 yards of this wedding there's going to be k no please it would mean so much if you were there my family isn't coming they don't know I'm with child I thought I'd just send them a nice picture of the wedding you know a closeup well we really have to be going Hey listen don't worry if you miss the wedding maybe next time oh he makes me laugh did he make you laugh I'm laughing right now are planed in the past though my life is changing fast who I am is who I want to be a single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops with gentle hands and the Heart of a fighter I'm a survival [Music] [Music] mom I look like a giant puffy bruise no honey you look you look gum can you believe this bow she said that it would draw the eye away from the baby why'd you say I'm sorry I didn't hear you I can't take my eyes off that bow mom you have to help me I cannot be seen in public like this what do you want me to do it's your father's wedding ask him for help oh I already did all he said was that I didn't have to wear the [Music] hat there's a hat call me crazy but I don't think it's my place to be someone dresses for my ex-husband's wedding oh yeah you're right I understand I I am just your daughter and I'm going to be seen out in public like this and you know I I guess you know what's best presumably you love me oh all right maybe I can do something with this and take care of that and take a little bit of this off and I can make six more [Laughter] dresses Mom this is not funny oh oh come on Cheyenne you're going to have to have a sense of humor with this I can't work miracles but I'll try thank you Mom oh F mom's going to help me fix my dress Cheyenne I thought we agreed not to talk about the wedding in front of your M oom it's okay van I'm fine Mrs H we know you must feel horrible you've been jilted yeah and for someone who thinks it's dressed is fashionable I mean granted she's younger but stop making me feel better we're here to help guys I've been hearing about this wedding for months I just want to get the whole thing over as soon as possible kind of like yanking a Band-Aid off a really hairy part of your leg something like that [Music] yeah hey Mom hey well it took me a few hours but I've transformed Cheyenne's dress from a serious bruise into a festive grap where's yours I'm not going to beat just wedding honey it's your father's wedding too so what's the big deal it wasn't that his first one Kira it's important to your dad that you'd be there so you're saying I have to be in the wedding no that's totally up to you you but you should really think about it all right I'll bring you my dress but I'm not making any promises all right I'll try to take some of the ugly out of it but I'm not making any promises so I need to ask you for a little favor no it's for the wedd once again no for REO right I am the exwife X as an excuse me I'm not interested I know but barbar jeene and I were talking and well it's important to her that we have your blessing yeah I know I feel ridiculous even asking but it's for BJ well in that case look I know BJ's not your favorite person but come on it's your wedding day and it' mean a lot to her and it' mean a lot to me to be able to make her happy have you tried balloon animals Rea this is serious she won't get married without your blessing then you got a problem okay fine fine she's going to want to postpone the wedding that means we'll spend another five months planning another wedding then we're going to be right back here again okay fine bless her bless you bless you all gee couldn't you say it like you mean it I didn't mean it fair enough y wow you two look spiffy wait a minute sorry sheriff you can keep the star but you got to lose them air six shooters don't we were going to play Cowboys and Aliens at the wedding Cowboys and Aliens giant Kira get a move on boy it's a little awkward kind of hoping one of the kids answer the door what's the big deal I've seen you on your wedding day before a cheen you look beautiful hey what happened to the bow oh oh that's nice kind of works like a counterweight so is Cara coming well I didn't want to pressure her but I did fix her dress I laid out her shoes and I told her what time you'd be coming would you go get her I don't want to be late for my own wedding again yohoo please tell me I'm the only one that heard that Barbara jeene what are you doing here supposed to be at the church don't come in it's bad luck I need to talk to Reba glad these aren't loaded great now it's burned into my brain forever do you like it sure and it's so bold to wear wi after the second trimester Reba I need your blessing I already gave you my blessing yeah well that's what Brock said but I need to hear it from you sometimes I'm not sure if Brock's being completely honest with me good instincts Rea I am doing the right thing aren't I BJ this is your wedding day you should be not here but I really want to know how you feel no you don't now stop worrying you have my blessing I do sure a Rea you were such a good person so good luck God bless and goodbye is she okay she's great we had a nice talk I feel we connected see you is that crying oh Mrs H did you hit her I didn't hit her did you pull her hair Barbara Jean are you okay the wedding's off I can't marry you what oh I was talking to [Music] Brock what did you say to her all I said was good luck well then why is she calling off the wedding why is she in my kitchen why is she asking for my blessing why does she do anything Barbera Jean I'm not going to look I'm just coming in to talk well I gave it some serious thought and I decided that I'm not going to the wedding yeah nobody cares your mom made BJ cry the wedding's off way to go Mom oh I did was give her my blessing oh it's okay Mom she shouldn't have come over here to rub salt in your wood wounds I don't have wounds sure not now you got your wish it's not my wish no it's my wish there must have been a mixup this is crazy I didn't do anything there is going to be a wedding the wedding is definitely off I don't know what you said to her Reba but she doesn't want to marry me anymore well I guess we should go change always the bride never the brides man okay free better keep your clothes where they are I'm not taking the ratp for this what happened to my lasagna I'm not getting married who cares if I'm fat I knew that was my dinner perhaps I didn't make myself perfectly clear before I'm delighted you're marrying Brock you have my full and total support rea you are such a wonderful person so giving and so selfless I don't know why Brock ever left you maybe it'll come to you in the delivery room if Brock left you what are the chances he's going to stay with me I couldn't take it if he left me Reba I'm not as strong as you which is another one of your wonderful qualities all right none of us know what's going to happen but just because first marriage didn't work it didn't mean the second one won't last really and if you had noticed you and I are very different people maybe you're the one that tried for him maybe you're right I am considerably taller and you do tent an egg well you'll never know if you don't leave my house now go get married thanks Reba you are truly special would't you please come to the wedding don't n the wedding's back on oh thank God oh man talk about an emotional roller coaster I don't know what you said in there Rea but thank you you're welcome now please get this wedding over with settle up boys it's time to get hitched Kira honey are you sure you don't want to come to the wedding I'm sure well I really would love it if you were there but I understand I don't want you to know it's okay oh they're gone finally well let's wait 10 minutes before we start dancing so glad I'm not going to be there wearing that horrible dress that I spent hours fixing still I was looking forward to seeing Jake burp during the vows I told him i' give him a quarter you didn't all right it was a dime wish I'd thought of that so this is really going to happen isn't it did you think it wouldn't if you didn't go no maybe I just didn't want to be a part of it honey whether you're there or not you're a part of it I like things the way they were that Train's already left the station but you've got a mama and a daddy and a family that loves you very much you're not losing that you're just gaining a barber Jean how do you make everything sound okay I'm a mom it's my job well Mom assuming that I've decided to go to the wedding how am I going to get there all right it ain't over till the little man [Music] burps Mrs H do you know where you are Don't Panic I'm not staying oh hold on your Bow's crooked Kira you came my previous plans fell through and you know you are my dad you look beautiful yeah yeah thank you Rea yeah yeah it's beautiful a new Mrs H is born as another Fades into the sunset shut up f [Music] okay best man [Music] Showtime wow you look like a giant [Music] marshmallow Thank You REO Kira oh I'm so glad you're here I'm not here I'm just fixing a boat all right Jake honey you're going to be fine don't be scared just because a room full of strangers and God are all watching you all right girls you're next those dresses were so much cuter on the hanger [Music] later re wait I think we both know why you're here because Kira can't drive so you really won't stay and share this day with us no I don't belong here this is your day and you can have it [Music] [Music] oh my gosh my dress is ruined W what am I going to do I don't think anybody will notice it's not that bad what am I going to do what am I going to do you're going to March into that church and get this thing over with but Rea I can't get married like this yes you can I can fix it I have an needle and thread [Music] where the heck is she man I told her to drain the tank before she suited it up I wonder if this is a sign from him I tore the fabric of your perfect family and now I'm being punished no it's not a sign it's your 60ft train now get a git few more stitches and you'll be on your way down the aisle now go for stop stop stop you're Stitch I'm Stitch to you [Music] stop it's the ex-wife talk about not being able to let go what is Mom doing I'm so glad I'm not missing [Music] this Rea what are you doing here what am I doing here well that's a really good question I tried really hard not to be here here but well you you see the truth is I'm attached in many ways to this wedding I'm attached to my children who are attached to their father who soon to be attached to Barber Jean and I guess I can't escape the fact that I'm a part of this whole whatever we are so I want to wish the bride and groom a happy and speed Union thank [Applause] you anything else the stars at night are big and bright deep in the Heart of Texas the sage in bloom is like per deep in the Heart of Texas the prair sky man do not write that in her book it says to write down her first word and that was her first word sausages Jake did you hear her say sausages I don't know did I van Where Have You Been um oh I remember none of your business hey Kira guess what Elizabeth's first word was help hey Kira glad you're back yeah she's finally home a half hour late feel free to punish her in front of us Cheyenne she called and asked and I said it was okay paperwork's on your desk we'll be in the kitchen all this talk of sausages made me hungry hey Rea uh cheyan could I have a minute with your mom don't just be barging in here ordering everybody around just cuz you got something to say he Cheyenne still lives here it's about Terry Holloway go live in the kitchen fine I got a lot better things to do than listen to your boring secrets you talk to Terry what'd he say no not him his brother Mike called he's throwing a party for him and he wants us to come why would he do that Terry hates us all right who's Terry Holloway and why does he hate you look I got to tell van something so you either tell me what happened or I'll make something up all right we all worked together in a bar Terry was our best friend and he kind of had a thing for your mom oo way to go hot stuff well it's not as great as it sounds it ended badly and we had talked to him in 25 years so what do you say we go back and Men some fences it'll be great to see him again and I'm I'm sure he's over that by now I don't know Brock I'm not the kind of woman a man gets over hey my RS are planted in the past though my life is changing fast who I am is who I want to be single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops with gentle hands and the Heart of a fighter I'm a survivor [Music] here you go I remember this luggage this was a wedding present from my mother Yeah ironic seeing as how when I left here I had my clothes in a grocery bag sure wish I could go with you guys but somebody's got to stay and watch Henry and you know how it is when old friends get together and all those old emotions bubble to the surface you know nobody wants old ball and chain around thanks for understanding oh honey it's just for one night right one night one far away from home sleeping in a hotel with your ex getting sloppy drunk night and her looking all sassy baby I'll be back in the car don't worry Barbara Jean If he tries to rekindle anything I'll just knock him upside the head with his mama's suitcase it's I'm going and I'm [Music] not look at this place can't believe we're doing this oh reeva relax I know you're nervous how I'm nervous too nervous good Lord Brock my stomach feels like it's full of firecrackers and vinegar oh that might be the coffee though wow so that's what this door looks like sober well this is so weird it's like we're 22 again it's still working here yeah that was a great time who knew back then that your best years were already behind you after you okay say it again I need to hear it one more time if we're going to do this I love you Brock that's all I need with that I can climb the highest mountain or swim the deepest sea go tell Terry you're leaving me you go tell him well he's your boyfriend well he's your best friend exactly we've been friends for 10 years you guys have only been going out for two he's crazy about me hey there's a 11 of my life I'm here too where you been with my girl Brock you trying to get me jealous oh no man we we were just what happened Terry I need to talk to you for a second hang on someone to show you first huh you believe it I'm asking R to marry me look at that who will you will you look at that look at that well all this time I figured you'd be the first casualty anyway uh I'd like you to be my best man Brock oh Terry man I don't think I can do that oh you're doing it pal you are not getting out of this one Terry no I can't no no it's me it's not him I love him I'm sorry but I love him what were you guys talking about you love him nice job Brock well I wasn't just going to blurt it out it happened Terry I guess I felt that our relation relationship wasn't going anywhere is that oh yeah it is well I don't feel like a stupid idiot at all oh no man you're not an idiot yeah you're right you are what no no no one is I don't think there's an idiot involved here well hey we should talk about this in the parking lot Brock is that really safe I mean cars coming in and out you're fired Rebo I'll see you outside Terry Terry Terry look wait a second well all in all I think that went pretty [Music] well Jake what are you doing eating icing buddy you can't eat icing straight out of the can you got to put it on bread what are you guys doing making [Music] sandwiches I know I'm late I should have called I'm a bad bad person Kira I've decided that I don't want to fight I'm going to trust you so if you're late who cares yeah where were you no one wants to know but I did get your favorite dinner mac and cheese wheels mac and cheese wheels was my favorite when I was like eight sorry do want to include you in our fun not as sorry as I was to be included I'm spending the night at Gabby no I don't think so what happened to trusting me hey I'll Trust you when you show me a little respect don't hold your breath you stay here and enjoy being blonde van prevent her prevent Kira can I just stick my hand in the blender bye [Music] now where the heck is every every body hey there's M hey what do you have to do to get a drink in this [Applause] dump oh hi I'm so glad you came good to see you so how's married life over we're divorced no way wa marriage is a lot of give and take and Brock was more than I can take oh so you're putting the band back together for the party tonight huh yeah listen about the party right does Terry know we're coming no he do oh great great watch what I'm going to do when he comes in I can't wait to see the look on Terry's face listen Rea how is the old bag of dirt anyway Terry's dead he died last Thursday surprise man this is going to kill him [Music] can't believe it I can't believe Terry's dead I can't believe Terry's dead and we brought him a juicer Mike why'd you tell me it was a party oh come on if I told you the truth would you have come yes really of course after what you two did I wouldn't how can you joke at a time like this oh come on on re but Terry would have wanted us to have a good time the man would have done anything for a laugh wait a minute you dog this is a trick isn't it oh of course it is he's just getting us back trying to make us feel guilty all right where is he where's Terry at Only the Good Die Young and he wasn't good Terry's dead oh we're so very sorry [Laughter] he was a good man he was very sick and now he's not but he had a good life did he ever talk about us much after we left no but I did find this going through his office and it's addressed to you both what's it say oh I don't know the only thing I do know he already had a juer you're bad [Music] front desk hey hey buddy uh could you please connect me to Dr Brock Hart's room yes it's his wife again no answer um okay well uh is there is there a Reba heart registered there too no no no I I I don't want you to a room um but would you be willing to go and listen at the door because she looks sassy that's why Kira is everything all right no she's 4 years older than me but she treats me like a child like I can't make better decisions about my life than she did with hers your mother is more than 4 years older than you Cheyenne I want to call my mom do you have the number of the hotel no and even if I did I'm sure the people at the front desk are obnoxious plus it's not like I need to check up on them right why would you even think that I don't I did I do well I tried not to but I did do cheese Barber jeene I don't know if you get this but my mom is totally over my dad and my dad is over her I no I'm stupid stupid stupid no you're just assuming the worst at some point you have to trust people that's the same thing the private detective said so you and cheyen had a fight huh did you tell her you were coming over here I did I will I didn't I'm going to cheese Reba you know what just kills me why did we let so much time go by I mean I can't believe that neither one of us had the guts to come back here and get some closure well what do you mean whale well I sort of did no you didn't yeah a little bit well what the hell is that supposed to mean well we were very close Terry and me I wanted to let him down easy how easy three or four times EAS oh whoa whoa whoa hold on here you mean to tell me that after we started going out you cheated on me cheated well that's the pot calling the kettle Brock and no we just talked but that was just dragging it out So eventually I told him I couldn't see him anymore yeah how'd he take it his last words to me were I'll never get over you you're lucky his last words to me were unlock that car [Music] [Laughter] door hit me you have 19 but I want to get 21 you don't have to get 21 you just don't want to go over 21 19 is a great Blackjack can oh okay I'll stay 20 I win [Applause] again hey I called him I can't believe you did that I didn't want them to know where I was I wanted them to worry well I'm sorry but I got to do what's best for you no matter how it affects our relationship here your Pop-Tarts and I had a craving I know what you're going to say good then I won't have to say it un listen all your smart out comments you're going to tell me Cheyenne is only trying to protect you and you're going to say something super clever about how she should have protected herself before she got knocked up at 17 hilarious you'll get that smug look on your face because once again Kira has won the exchange with the dimwitted van five card draw Jack's better to open I don't think you're dimwitted right and I'm so stupid I believe that duh can you open all right open for two how many cards three it's Cheyenne that's dimwitted Cheyenne's my wife and I love her and she also happens to be your sister and loves you a lot dealer stands Pat she doesn't love me oh will you stop being so unbelievably 14 I bet three she even admires you you little jerk yeah right three and three more she does does I mean you make honor roll every semester she never did that I call you she was too busy doing Pep Squad do you get that the way you look down at Pep Squad is exactly the way you accuse them of looking at you I don't like this van I like the dumb van two pair kings over nines ah straight eight high so here's what I came over to tell you gienne is only trying to protect [Laughter] you that sounds straight what 3 4 5 78 it's not straight you dope I win well who cares it's Barber Jean's money anyway [Music] but I did get to write two good songs out of the experience one is a slow ballad called now that you've gone and the other is a rocker called if you ever unlock that door you're a dead man you know just to clarify that door wasn't locked it was stuck But as time went on I actually started to understand what happened it was hard to watch you sing and not fall in love with you Reba it was hard to watch you do anything and not fall in love with you and I'd like to believe the only reason I lost out is because you two were meant for each other be happy and have a good life together don't screw it up Brock love Terry he said don't screw it up you idiot so do you regret it Rea picking me instead of him of course I do you if I have picked him I'd have had me a bar now you know you'd be surprised how few regrets I really do have Brock what do you say Rea I think Terry would have liked it if you sang that song you love oh Mike I don't even know if I know the worst of that song go on sing it e e e what [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey Kira you made Straight A's on your report card honey that's great why didn't you tell me I guess cuz nothing I do seems like big news was shying and Van around I'm lucky if I can get a sentence out oh my God huge news huge news exhibit a guess who got named All City football player of the year Kira Hart for her straight a report card no oh I did me man congratulations thanks Mrs H hey there's going to be a big awards banquet Saturday night can you come boy I don't know oh hm well look you there I'm free every Saturday night till the end of time that's great you know this award just confirms what I've always known you are so on your way to the NFL got muscles and talent and a beautiful trophy wife a that is what I was going to say you know I always dreamed about winning Player of the Year and standing there there and thanking my parents now they're going to miss it it serves them right after the way they've treated you yeah let him read about it in the paper paper we're going to be in the paper I better go pick out an outfit hey guys there's more good news Let It Go Mom I'm not going to let it go car you made Straight A's hey how about we have a big family dinner to celebrate I'd rather have cash my roots are planted in the past though my life is changing fast who I am is who I want to be a single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops with gentle hands and the Heart of a figh I'm a survival [Music] hey van we need to choose between Bradley or Lamas well Bradley if it's a boy but I don't know about Lamas no no no I'm talking about childbirth classes look at this one you can actually have a baby underwat you know whales do that is that a slam hey Reba hey Player of the Year huh Hey listen I wrote down a few things you might want to say about your favorite coach great now who's my favorite coach send Jake and Kira down will you oh Kira's going to a slumber party it's just you and Jake tonight no Kira oh hey maybe I'll finally win at poker you know it's a shame the Montgomery won't be there for Van's banquet such a big day his parents should be there I know he misses them yeah I guess sometimes it's hard to stop loving people even when they treat you like crap it gets easier with practice hey Dad hey Cowboy listen BJ's visiting her mom so it's just us men tonight cool maybe you men can eat something that doesn't come with fries and a toy this time that's not all I feed him on Mondays I have buffalo wings in the Shirley Temple that's only during football [Music] [Music] season excuse me is Su Montgomery in your class are you kid kidding she's in every class okay I'll just warm up [Laughter] then the H old to you too [Music] [Applause] Sue Sue Montgomery what a surprise Rea har I didn't know you worked out me oh I've been working out here for years really 6 months ago this was a Mexican restaurant ever try lifting those burritos so did you hear that van was named Player of the Year my van's Player of the Year yes he is and the awards banquet is Saturday night I know it make him really happy if his parents were there oh I I I wish I could go but I'm afraid I can't well sure you can you just get in the car and go people in wor shape than you do it every day Rea we are trying to send Van a message that we do not approve of his marriage oh he got the message when you threw him out but he's still your son though I don't totally understand it he misses you I miss him too but I'm afraid his father has made up his mind so what's the deal you two sharing one brain your son is Player of the Year you you should be there what if I could be any animal I believe I'd be an octopus yeah why well because then I'd have eight arms to tickle you with funny I'm glad you think so your mom never seemed to care for that one what's the matter aren't you hungry you made it wrong I believe I know how to make a grilled cheese sandwich no you don't call mom come on Jake just try it open the hanger here comes the plane dad I'm seven okay well if you won't eat it I will I'm serious here I go I'm almost eating chewing is about to begin M I believe I'm going to eat the whole thing want milk [Applause] [Music] hey which makes me sound more honored I'm honored today or today I'm honored is that the photographer from The Chronicle van how do I look oh I'm not getting into that Rat's Nest again so how'd everything go with you and Jake last night great we really connect it's not all about grilled cheese sandwiches you know although I must say I do make a pretty good one say say listen what do you think his favorite grilled cheese ingredient is well I don't know Brock there's the bread and there's the cheese pretty much Dead Heat as long as you cut the crust off he's happy of course you got to cut the crust off the coach from SMU is glomming all over van I think they're going to offer him a scholarship oh I am so proud of you I'm proud of you too vany Mom you're here I can't believe it well I wouldn't miss this for anything I'm so glad you came oh honey what is she doing here oh I might have mentioned it the other day when I ran into her where would you run into Van's mom at my Pat's class mom she is not a nice person oh honey I know but she's his mother there's a strong maternal bond that even years of selfishness and exercise can't undo does dad know you're here he got pretty upset when I told him I was coming but I just I laid down the law I said Dan I'm going to the gym you go girl I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you yeah thanks Mrs H yeah thanks Mrs H I can't say enough how honored I am by this honor when I think of all the other players you could have honored I am truly deeply honored I also want to say thanks to coach and Mrs Hart but most of all I want to thank a very special woman in my life someone who has always been there for me my mom is that what I wrote [Music] [Applause] [Music] can you believe this look who's on Van's arm is it his trophy wife no it's his mother so you're not in one picture honey you're about to have a baby and there's going to be a lot of other pictures that you're not in you know it's not just about the picture last night was supposed to be my big night I thought it was supposed to be Van's big night the point is she ruined it I still can't believe that you invited her Shan at least she's making an effort now I think it's good for van I wish they'd spend more time together hello Mom next time wish for a pony so what are you doing here well it was so nice seeing bny last night that I I thought I'd like to see him off to school well you're just in time have you had breakfast not in 5 years but look at you Rea what a Marvel you are bizily cooking for your children well I tried skipping it but they chew on the furniture that delightful small town humor it's Charming really I'm serious though you put your children's lives ahead of your own and that is impressive thank you there's no man in your life you don't try to look good it is all about the kids here Sue won't you put something in your mouth did you see the picture the paper oh yeah you know it's true what they say about the camera adding 10 lb mommy VY shoot me honey are you wearing plaid to school because you know you look so much cuter in solids I'll go change B that's your favorite shirt mom says I look cuter and solids my sweet little Kira uh hair so long so very very long mom make it stop all righty then it's getting late time to go to school don't want you to miss the bus bye-bye honey Bye Mom have a good day at school bye oh this is so quaint bye Mrs bye darling Bye Mom bye sir oh here we go I could have done that okay what's next well the door's still open but you know I thought I'd just hang out here with you until van gets home in8 hours sure what do we do while our children are at school well today I had to pay the bills vacuum the stairs and make 18 name tags for Jake's Cub Scout den oh that sounds great I would love to watch you do all that just let me know if you get [Applause] [Music] tired hope you're hungry nope what no Jake look I cut the crust off and everything I'll just have milk okay look son I think I know what this is all about we haven't talked about the divorce and look I I just want you to know that even though your mother and I aren't together anymore I will always be your father and I will always love you so please don't be mad at me I'm not your bread has stuff in it that's what's wrong the seven grain bread it's like eating sand oh I'm so happy to hear that oh I'm hungry I tell you what let's forget about grilled cheese hey you like peanut butter and banana right yeah well son this is your lucky day cuz I just happened to make an incredible snack involving peanut butter banana and crackers we'll call it the dad and Jake special is that peanut butter chunky yeah that's my favorite I knew that Reba that dinner looked delicious you should have eaten some it was great thanks Mrs H oh thank Kira she's the one that got the Straight A's I'll never make that mistake again Rea can I do anything I don't know can you what I'll take these over look Rea and I made pie uh van have you read the brur on the birthing classes oh no I forgot I'm sorry van we need to choose a birthing class before I give birth all right I'll make a decision mom what kind of birthing class should we take I didn't ask your mother I asked you and I'll answer you as soon as my mom tells me you know what maybe you and your mom should have this baby mom you better choose a class quick oh no no no you st here well I'm glad this dinner is all about me Cheyenne okay Lamas or the underwater thing man what is her problem I'll give you a little hint it's your mom Ben I like your mom do you like my mom well I'm glad she's back in your life but maybe she's a little too much back in your life is this about her tucking me in van when your mom's around you're not making any of your own decisions anymore yeah but that's what's great about it I don't have to it's like living at home but you're married you're going to be a father soon all your responsibilities have changed they're different now you can't be your mama's little boy anymore it's time to cut the Apron Strings she's kind of bugging you isn't she this isn't about me Mom she's measuring Jake for a sailor suit okay now she's bugging [Music] me so she's gone coast is clear she really gone yeah what' you do drive a steak through her heart you're I did what you told me Mrs H I told her it was time to leave and she left good job honey she said goodbye forever wait a minute what do you mean forever well she said goodbye forever but she'll fold after five or six years why is everything so extreme with your family where are you going back to my pilates class [Music] no Street shoes on the mats so we have to talk I'm not sure what there is to talk about van said he wanted me out of the house out of the house does it mean out of his life oh yes it does I should have realized he never wanted me there he wasn't the one who asked me back van wanted you back maybe not as a roommate look it wasn't van who wanted you out it was me what you bug me you're like a really skinny Shadow how skinny soon Focus all right okay maybe I did overdo it with the happy homaker thing but I only did it because I wanted to be a better mom like you you know I I see how you connect with your kids you know with the hugs and the muffins and that and I I just wanted a little of that for vany and me so I think it's great that you want to be a good mom but can't you do it at your house oh I can't cook and clean at my house I have people for that so I'm not a good mom because I'm my kid's maid although I can see where you might get that impression [Music] but if you want to connect with Van just talk to him have coffee or bring him down here and bounce on that big ball or something but be a part of the important moments in his life I want to be there I just don't know how to be there for him without being there all the time well that's something all M have to learn when their kids grow up and leave the house I only hope that one day I get the opportunity to learn how myself I do want to be a part of my son's life after all my baby's having a baby mine too oh dear God we're both going to be Granny's you were doing so well [Music] come on Jake no one's going to think you like a girl just because you give her a valentine card that says I'm buggy for you ain't that cute no I'm buggy for you yeah why don't you just go to school without pants that would be less humiliating can I mom no you have no idea what it's like to be a man so Mom tomorrow's your first Valentine's Day with Brian I don't see what the big deal is it's just a madeup holiday I think I'll make up a holiday oh yeah National I hate my life day I was thinking more like Teenage Mother's Day it comes 9 months after prom I was already pregnant at prom well I'm with Kira I can't stand Valentine's Day what you've got to be kidding me Valentine's Day ruins relationships if you give yourself into it it's really a wonderful day it's a wicked day it puts relationships under a hot L and smacks them around till the talk yeah you don't get that on many Valentine's Day cards it's fine for you and Van you guys are married but Brian and I we're at a different stage what stage is that I like him we're deeply in like in like yep do you hav said I love you to each other no I don't say that unless I mean it I could barely muster it up for you the other day well Mom what if Brian gets so caught up in the romance of Valentine's Day and says it to you then I'll just say thank you if he says I love you you cannot say thank you well I'm not going to be rude anyway we've already talked about it we're going to treat this day just like any other date yeah oh what well he's planning on surprising you with a romantic dinner and a car drive through River Oaks he told me so I'd make sure that you dress properly oh dinner and a carriage ride man he sure knows how to ruin a Valentine's Day my RS are planted in the past though my life is changing fast who I am is who I want to be a single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops with gentle hands and the Heart of a fighter I'm a [Music] Survivor Hey Jake car called or should I call her Mrs Jake Hart shut up that Valentine really did the trick you my friend are a love magnet and I can't turn it off hey there little stud Carla called I know you remember that van that time in your life when you hated girls uh no hey Mr H can I borrow your car tonight you know last Valentine's Day we didn't get to do anything special since Cheyenne was all pregnant and you know mean so this year I want to do something special what' you have in mind I'm going to drive down to the football field and I got a buddy to rig the scoreboard to flash van loves Cheyenne and then you know my stats I love that you love my daughter so much but can I give you a little piece of marital advice well are you really the best one for that the bigger a deal you make out of this Valentine's Day the more you going to have to do next year yeah but isn't that good well is it here's what happened the first year Reba and I were married I'd saved a piece of driftwood from the first night we ever walked together on the beach so I got a buddy of mine with a pickup truck we filled it up with sand and dumped it in the backyard then I recreated that night wow exactly and how do you think I topped it the next year you brought water no no I never did top it and even though she never said anything I always felt like every Valentine's Day after that was a big disappointment well is it even legal to take sand from the beach look you have to manage a woman's expectations start small take her to a restaurant with little puzzles on the place mat oh yeah those are fun even better they're cheap look I tell you what Barbara Jean and I will go with you that way the girls can't compare notes and hold it against us and we shouldn't get them any gifts no gifts no flowers well how about a card what make me look bad take it easy Diamond gim hey Kira Ryan and I aren't going out to dinner tonight so you don't have to babysit great that'll be $30 I have a strict 24-hour cancellation policy it always makes me laugh that you think you're going to get paid is it too late for you to make other plans for tonight I already made plans cheyen told me you were sick can I get you anything maybe some fake aspirin [Music] hey Rea Brian what are you doing here I told you I was sick that's why I came over to nurse you back to heal oh um can't you do it over the phone come on re let me in okay just a minute I you [Laughter] W oh come on in I figured since we couldn't go out for Valentine's Day the next best thing would be for us to stay in together oh isn't that nice after all we cannot miss our first Valentine's Day oh can we not talk anymore my throat's starting to close up [Laughter] B do you think I'm dressed up enough for this restaurant well you're wearing shoes and a shirt you're fine wait a minute is this one of those things where you tell me not to dress up because we're just going to the Spaghetti Hut but then when I walk outside there's going to be a limo waiting to take us dancing well there's a limo outside it's that chick who likes Jake so we're really spending Valentine say with that and barber Jean well come on Cheyenne Valentine's Day is about family who's ready for an all you can eat meatball Bonanza bring it on I'm 25 meatballs away from making their wall of fame and save room for a special Valentine's Day dessert assorted nougats Brock got them for me oh so sweet B why didn't you get me candy because you can get yourself candy because you're not five did you wipe your feet off because you know Reba really doesn't like I thought you said no presents I couldn't help it we were at the drugstore the candy was by the cash register and barbar jeene had already eaten one well you could have got a box for me so I don't look bad in front of Cheyenne I got a box of cough drops if you want them great now Chey's going to be mad because Barbie Gin got something nice and she didn't they're medicated that doesn't cut it for my girl uh excuse me ladies I just remembered I left something upstairs for Cheyenne that's uh very special you're bluffing if by bluffing you mean I didn't pull it out of my butt at the drugstore then yeah I'm bluffing so I brought you a little something oh no no you didn't have to do that I don't need anything really hey if she doesn't want it I'll buy it from you [Laughter] this is something you need something special for somebody special don't say that don't sound like a greeting card chicken soup this is the same soup my mom gave me when I had a cold how old is that stuff you know what since it's Valentine's Day I should serve this to you by candl light no I mean look Brian do we have to all Romany and everything is that okay if we don't can I be honest sure I hate this holiday you what I hate Valentine's Day you do I hate it too there's so much pressure absolutely I mean it's just hearts and flowers that Cupid guy stupid fat baby going around shooting people with bowl and arrows why do people make such a big fuss about each other simply because it's Valentine's Day amen who needs it I mean we decide which nights are special nights like when we go out bowling and these hot dogs man I love them hot dogs I love hot dogs too and I love bowling I love bowling too and I love you re I love you too [Music] well we finally said it we sure did just popped it right out there it felt good I love you excuse me giant I need to talk to you oh could you two please excuse us just for a second well why do we have to leave cuz it's my house and you annoy me if you hadn't left here this would still be your house and we wouldn't have to leave Mom what is it things went horribly wrong Cheyenne he said it oh my god did you say thank you no I said I love you too but I didn't mean it I don't understand why would you say I love you if you didn't mean it I mean it's not like you're a man I don't know I pen it look it's been a long time since I've dated so is it okay to say that and then take it back it is if it's recess mom so you said it once just don't say it again I don't think it's that simple he's already said it twice and he's going to notice if every time he says it I get up and leave the room what are you going to do I don't know I just wish I could get him out of here so I could figure out a way to handle this without ruining everything you know what maybe Brian didn't mean to say it either maybe just he he just said it because he thought he had to yeah yeah maybe your boyfriend lies to you I mean we can hope well I just think it's wonderful that you and Reba found each other last year it was just so awkward you know reeba heart party W you know oh there she is and she's got that love glow it's a fever sweat Barbera Jean oh yeah a love fever I'll bite you okay Barbara Jean leave her alone Rea I'm sorry maybe we ought to wait out in the car no no no no it's okay it's not like we're on some sort of big date I'm just nursing Rea back to health with some chicken soup you brought her soup the first time she got sick good luck during cold and flu season oh F you're wearing the sweater I bought you for Valentine's Day you're wearing the sweater she got you are you even a man oh I'm a man all right a man who wrote Cheyenne a love poem in lavender scented marker thank you very much Kira oh you wrote me a and I'd like to share it with all the lovers in the [Laughter] world you make my heart go pitter Pat In Those Jeans you don't look fat and the reason for my love is that I can't imagine life without you [Music] wow which jeans no no no no no you can't throw in lines that don't rhyme and call it a poem eat my dust old man well I think it's sweet I mean there is nothing more sacred and profound than words from the heart isn't that right Reba H who knows where words come from sometimes they just spill out of the mouth like Dr from a hound dog Barbara Jean I may not have a poem that somebody clearly made up on the spot but I do have three little words that say it all for me I love you I love you too Brock I love you Cheyenne I love you too [Laughter] van and Brian loves hot dogs and I love bowling next topic you know after that hem well a a buffet just seems wrong I'm taking everyone to Gerard oh that is the most romantic restaurant in town oh and the food's wonderful I'm too sick to go but ran you shouldn't miss it go on re of course I'm not going anywhere I'm staying right here it's Valentine's Day besides I love you excuse me very smooth with the restaurant but remember I could crush you with another poem like that yeah and on the way let's uh let's stop by the florist I want to get my wife a dozen no two dozen roses two dozen roses someone's scared I supposes he did it again he's gifted you looks like everybody left assuming they were here were they here oh my gosh I must be Delirious I really should go to bed RBA what's going on nothing you just tried to get me to go out on a date with your ex-husband okay Brian look I'm going to be honest with you I I just didn't feel comfortable about what we said earlier mhm and I know that it's Valentine's Day and that we're under a lot of pressure to say what we said and that uh you probably didn't mean it cuz I didn't mean it either see of course I meant it well I'm sorry because I didn't I mean what you said it first what was I supposed to say how about thank you I had that Reba you shouldn't have said it unless you felt the same way I know but in my own defense I only said it once after that it was excused me out well then excuse me oh Brian I don't want you to leave all upset okay I'll leave happy [Music] well that was the worst dinner ever lobster for everyone thank you so much Dr bigshot you didn't have to eat two of them who's he trying to impress maybe his wife oh yeah right you know what I'm not going to let him get off that easy I'm going to write the most romantic poem in the world and tomorrow I'm going to find your dad and read it to him what about me don't get in the middle of this shy okay what is going on here because you seem to be a lot more focused on my dad than me he's trying to take me down what he wants to make me look bad cuz he knows I can't take you to fancy restaurants or buy you expensive jewelry honey someday you will right you know if I had the money I'd buy you a Camaro actually I'd buy us both Camaros we'd have matching Camaros well I had a wonderful Valentine's Day because I was with you really mhm God I am such an idiot you only care about being with me and all that other fancy stuff doesn't matter of course it doesn't you know I'm going to remember this next Valentine's Day well you made this one very special I just can't wait to see what you do next year to top [Music] it what's with you I got girl trouble bad do you really want Carla off your back yes please then you got to kiss her best friend Tiffany Baxter gross she eats bugs what's worse a few moments of gross or a whole lifetime of Carla man I hope this stuff gets easier when you get older hey Honey Love Stinks what's going on nothing important but when Tiffany backst her calls it's not my fault your son's just a player hey Mrs H how's your Valentine's Day Brian and I had a fight oh man I knew that guy was trouble with his smooth talk in his little glasses say look at me I'm sensitive I told him I love him and then I told him I didn't I think it might be over stupid Valentine's Day I told everybody this was going to happen and it happened well if you didn't love that the guy was going to happen eventually right wouldn't you rather have it happen now than later no now I don't have anybody go bowling with there are leagues you know guess I was just afraid of being lonely year after the divorce was hard it's just nice to have somebody to hang out with how can you be lonely you have a house full of people who love you yeah that's another problem I know I do man thank you and Mrs H what I love you too excuse me Cheyenne van come on your birthing class starts in 15 minutes you want to get there early so you can have time to relax move it Mom B's trying to weeny out on me little late for that isn't it why don't you want to go to the class well I'm already taking basic math and weightlifting another tough class could really mess up my GPA they don't grade in this class oh yeah that's what my counselor said when he tricked me into taking math come on Van this is right up your alley free food and pictures of naked ladies you have to go I'm going to be counting on you in the delivery room but I'm not even sure I belong there I mean what if I faint or throw up gross you better not he'll do just fine one of you ever known van to waste food I just don't see why I'm the one who has to go because you did this cheer up Van you're going to love this class it's going to be fun no moment in the birth process is as miraculous as when the baby's head first appears [Applause] cool ew are planted in the past though my life is changing fast who I am is who I want to be a single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops with gentle hands and the Heart of a fighter I'm a ser [Music] [Applause] oh there you are Kira that was the day you were born why do I look like a cone head you get that from your father's side hey how's child birth class it rocked you wouldn't believe what a female body can do do remind me it's been a while okay first there's this thing called a cervix it's right we know v no let him go I'm dying to see where he at unfortunately I don't have one but if I did it would start out this size and by the time the baby's ready to come out it's this big hello Mommy stop it ooh mommy's mad don't make her come in there and get you can we stop talking about child birth please just take the drugs honey oh how was your game Jake great I only gave up 10 goals oh that's wonderful honey obviously neither one of you fully understand the game of soccer hello Brock I never congratulate ated you on your wedding just wanted to make sure you knew that what's that sound oh it's your last husband still a running where are you going oh uh BJ and I were setting up the nursery I thought I'd pick up the old crib crib wait a minute you want to take our crib the one our three children slept in it's in the garage right Kira Jake could you give me a moment with your father it is so cute that they know when to get lost it's too bad you don't I was saving that crib for our grandchild well Cheyenne doesn't want it and I built it cheyen can you come in here for a second honey don't you want to use your crib for the baby I don't know I mean it's all old and it's getting all dusty in the garage but if you want me to it no it's up to you okay nah oh hey coach do you ever take child birth classes oh you don't need those the doctors and nurses do all the work yes I have so many wonderful pictures of me being comforted by orderly number two you know our instructor said that a good coach makes a huge difference in the delivery room trust me the only thing for the father to do is jiggle the coins in his pocket and smile like an idiot I bet you're good at that van is enjoying his class he knows that watching the birth of his child is going to be the highlight of his life unlike you he understands that child birth is a miracle oh I know I've been through three Miracles you do remember that during Miracle number three you're on the 18th hole of course I remember I birdied that hole just do me a favor Van's excited about Cen as daughter coming into the world try not to squash that hey I'm as sensitive as the next guy so the crib just take it don't you ever just want to haul off and hit him what good would that do it would hurt him n this stuff doesn't bother me anymore he wants to use your crib for his demon spawn well you heard Cheyenne she doesn't want the crib honey this isn't about Cheyenne this is about you you keep holding it in somebody's going to get hurt I just hope it's Brock and I am there to see [Music] it okay I'm off to my birthing class forgetting anything sport three pillows stopwatch birthing manual I'll give you a little h Cheyenne hurry up I don't want to be late I've been studying I want to be a great coach go ahead ask me what the afterbirth is okay what's the afterbirth when everybody congratulates me and I pass out cigars H actually that was a joke no the afterbirth is when the placenta is expelled from the uterus I'm done come on hey if we're late we're going to end up with the bad mat van I'm not going you're supposed to call me coach coach I'm not going I have a huge paper DW tomorrow I forgot all about it but what about our birthing class I'm sorry you know I should go study for my test I wait I thought you had a paper do yeah it's it's um it's a test paper um you know a a take-home test paper I should get started oh man what's wrong well Cheyenne's got a paper do and can't go how does everyone else juggle high school and birthing classes they don't start juggling till after high school and the teacher was going to pass out real rubber babies today well you can still go you can take notes for Cheyenne no a coach without a mommy is just stupid I guess I'll just miss the class too okay unless will you be my mommy okay mommies and coaches please find a comfortable spot didn't you have a different mommy last time his Mommy's got a paper DW I'm his mommy's mommy oh well welcome thank you excuse me what are you what are you doing here oh Rea what a treat you're not pregnant are you no I'm still looking for the right married man I'm standing in for Cheyenne what's your excuse do I need an excuse to come to child birthing class well you've got plenty of excuses for getting out of it do you all know each other it's a long and painful story for which I received no epidural okay um let's begin coaches grab a baby from The Baby Bin Mrs H I know this is a little awkward no it's not awkward get down there no no you see the way it works is the mommy Lies Down On The Mat B I've already been to the mat three times now get down there and try to remember everything because you're going to be the one telling Cheyenne about it later I hope none of my friends see me like this nobody's going to make fun of you hey look at Van he's the mom which is great first we're going to begin with some deep cleansing breaths you will use these during the beginning stages of labor to help you through the pain now as you transition to your heat breaths you're going to feel the contractions Quicken and the pain intensify easy van pace yourself visualize your cervix stretching stretching and stretching as you push the baby through your birth [Applause] canal man be in the girl's heart no picnic being the man either so you've been through child birth before three times a papa I've seen it all well since you're obviously the veteran here why don't you share some of your experience with us well all right I will this ought to be rich yeah I have to be honest with you all I I didn't take classes for my first three kids but when I was putting together the new baby's crib today well it dawned on me how lucky I am because I have another chance to do this right watching the birth of this child is going to be the highlight of my life I want you to know sweetheart I'll be there for you I'm not going to miss a second of this miracle [Music] show me how you hit rock did you get in with an uppercut or a right hook or or a sucker punch did please tell me you sucker punched him it was sort of like a combination between a baseball and a wood chopping swing what oh great boy now I can see why people get in the ring and pound on each other it was exagerating Ro standing right there I'd hit him again you hit Daddy Jake honey what are you doing up shouldn't you be in bed it's 5:30 you hit Daddy oh sweetie uh hitting's hitting's bad uh we don't hit in this family uh Honey Run go get your pajamas on I know it's not dark now but it soon will be oh my God I hit the father of my children I used a baby as a weapon you go with what you got I've never hit anybody before that's not my style I'm the one that's always in control you only hit him once that's control I've got to apologize why would you do that because what I did was wrong well of course you were wrong but you never ever admit it hello Barb jeene is Brock there I don't want to talk to you well that's fine I don't want to talk to you either I want to talk to Brock well you can't he's in the hospital Brock's in the hospital you sure know how to swing a baby [Music] oh my God merca this is it I love it this is the color sham pink oh got go oh hi van I didn't even hear you drive up I'm just so busy working on my paper you will never believe what happened in class oh van I really can't talk right now I'm just I'm up to here with my paper your mom hit your dad tell me everything yeah she cold cocked him with one of our practice babies his head almost fell off the babies not your dad's oh my God is Dad okay oh he's fine he's fine he used the pain management breathing technique all the moms were really impressed that's unbelievable I I would have gone if I know it was going to be that interesting but what about your test paper well I mean if if I if I didn't have paper which which do you know tonight's class really opened my eyes lying there on the mat with my knees up by my ears waiting for my cervix to dilate I just couldn't help thinking I am so glad I don't have a cervix Gian you're amazing I am yeah well not yet but you will be I mean we saw more movies tonight and every time a baby came out of somebody I thought wow Cheyenne's going to be doing that okay and I'm going to be with you every step of the way holding your hand through the pain and the sweat and the screaming great thanks honey no thank you [Music] so what are you in for all in all it's been quite a day first I get beat up in birthing class by my ex-wife then I'm carrying the crib into the baby's room with my current wife she drops the dang thing on my toe don't make me oh don't make me laugh I just got my stomach stapled last week so which wife are you in here for the crib dropper oh here she is now hey sweetie I found the insurance stuff in the condo and I just finished filling out all the forms I love writing Mrs Dr Brock Hart honey can you find out what's taking so long they were supposed to xray my toe an hour ago I already asked they said toes get low priority oh I feel so terrible about what I did is there anything else I can do for you are you hungry Fred you want a pizza okay that's not funny extra cheese for me and get Fred juice right away oh honey I'm kind of cold could you cover me up oh yeah you bet sweetie okay and uh I fluff my pillow I'm on it St Pizza sweetie sorry I'm gone man you are really working her hey my foot hurts how's the fake paper going do you know everything pretty much you're really freaked out about this baby thing aren't you yeah I'm freaked out wouldn't you what if I'm not ready what if I'm never ready I mean what if I don't have it in me oh it's in you Cheyenne let me tell you a little story have you ever heard of the Lenny LPE Indians yes anyway there was a liny lopate woman named MOA one night she wandered away from her tribe in search of water as she squatted by a stream she I hate the word squat stay with me as she squatted by a stream she suddenly went into labor so alone in the woods she delivered her baby all by herself and do you know who that baby is today who Sher really no made the whole thing up then who was it the point is your body already knows how to give birth you can stop worrying everything's going to work out you really think so if you have 1 oce of mom in you you'll do fine thanks Kira share Fred you already had your x-rays why don't you go on home when you're done Brock are you all right BJ told me you were in the hospital I can't believe I hit you that hard so you're not mad at me anymore of course not I feel terrible so what did I do crack a rib well I don't know they they haven't done the x-rays yet wa I thought you said there going Fred hey there Kitty in about 6 weeks I'm going to be 100 lb lighter maybe you and I can go home Fred I don't know why I snapped today it's just that the last place I expected to see you was in that class well I'm definitely regretting that decision when I saw you standing in front of all those people pledging to be a good husband and a good father I just kept thinking where was that guy when we were married what were we your practice family oh look Reva I know I made mistakes that's why I want to be better this time around but I know that that just makes things worse for you and I feel terrible about that I repeat where was that guy when we were married hey if I knew how to fix this I would but I don't know what to do tell me what to do what am I supposed to say I can't tell you not to be a better father to your new child I can't tell you to be a lousy husband to Barbara Jean no matter how much I'd like to that's what's so frustrating about all this and I can't tell you not to be a better man but you've got to quit rubbing my nose in it you're right I was a real jerk for saying those things in front of you heck I deserve to be hit dad blame your hide I'm sorry well I'm sorry I hurt you this is why you're in here not because of [Music] me Barbara Jean dropped the crib on my toe unbelievable just when I think you're becoming a better man you pull something like this oh where is a plastic baby when you need one [Laughter] [Music] okay Mr Ramsey I'll see you at 3:00 for your teeth cleaning uhhuh oh and remember floss is a man's best friend Dr fiser insists I say that well no I didn't mean to insult your dog see you at three bye Brock what are you doing here what if Eugene sees you I don't care thanks to him I got another citation from the building manager this one's for a fire code violation for having too many patients in my waiting room I don't want to hear about it when my ex-husband and my boss are fighting there's no one to cheer for I just stay clear and hope the game is called because of stupidity fine give this to Eugene they dropped his Dental Supplies by my office Oh I thought I smelled a rat so you rats huh somebody should call the manager hello manager I'm a big girl guys you're making my life miserable don't you think you could just knock this whole thing off hope you're talking about his head cuz I'd like to knock it right off he threatened me you heard him Rea call the police Brock just go fine but you are not getting me kicked out of this building you're going in the log oh I'm going in the log take a note of his latest offense I want him out on the street practice ing Dentistry under a bridge what did he ever do to you it's personal I can't stand a thought of sharing the building with that wannabe George Hamilton okay fine if you guys want to hate each other that's your business but why do I have to be a part of it Reba I'm not a confrontational man but I have to say this clearly and concisely help me get Brock out of the building or look for another job oh Eugene I wouldn't open that if I are you never mind I'll get the log my richs are planted in the past though my life is changing fast who I am is who I want to be a single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops with gentle hands and the Heart of a fire I'm a [Music] Survivor I'm warning you right now I had a bad day at work so back off you need this more than I do oh thank you honey you are such a kiss up I am not hey cut it out I get enough of that at work you two are as bad as a couple of dentist girl why do you have to cause trouble ever since the cutbacks and after school programs I've been bored WR your Congressman hey Ma don't you start with me too oh I sure had that one coming sorry bad day at the office well in that case you should do what Cheyenne does when she's upset go to the mall and buy yourself something pretty now go ahead pick a couple man did you cash your paycheck all in ones again yes only this time crime there's a whole lot more it's from tree trim and I've been doing with Oscar after work he's paying me in cash no taxes everybody wins yes it is called off the books it's called cheating the government no it's called off the books the government actually saves money because they don't have to deal with all those extra books well it's wrong so you either pay your taxes or quit your job wait Mrs H Mrs H hold on now would uh 20 bucks make this go away 20 bucks no well I can't claim the money AAR would get in trouble well you can't quit your job because that would upset me and then I'd have to go to the mall but I couldn't cuz we wouldn't have any money Cheyenne calm down I'm not quitting my job I'm just going to lie to your mom oh thank God you'll just have to act Po and not let on okay okay Cheyenne I'm going to be out quitting my [Music] job hey Rea you want to see me yes Brock you need to put an end to this thing with Eugene me why me I'm winning because if it keeps going I'm going to have to help help him or I'll lose my job that snake using you to fight his dirty little War join me Reba and together we can ruin him what happened between you two you used to be friends I don't know I woke up one day and he hated me so you're saying he finally got to know you look maybe it's a misunderstanding you just need to sit down and talk about it it's too late for that Reba this has gone too far Brock I love my job the only bad thing about it is you two morons fine I'll sit down if he will but he won't because he lives for this stuff what you think he has a personal life no this Feud is his most significant human contact must be hard always being right Eugene I'm surprised you got him to come over Reba I thought he'd be at the salon working on that fake and baked tan this is natural I play golf you pasty face Nancy boy look you're both right but right now we're here to work things out so have a seat sit down I'll sit when he sits no you sit no you sit sit no you sit no you sit sit down who wants to go first who want wants to be the bigger man okay fine but you started all this everything I've done has been in retaliation for something you've done you deserve everything I've done to you and more you ruined my life how how have I ruined your life oh are you forgetting about a certain woman and what you did to her about 2 years ago oh my gosh this is about me Eugene I didn't know you were so protective not you you egomaniac Barbara Jean he stole her from me what the only woman that ever meant anything to me wait a second you two have put me through all this stuff just because of Barbara Jean I'm okay give me a break you never dated Barbara Jean three times State Fair State Fair bowling did you take her to the state fair or was she working there you're a you're a ling little weasel with a with a with a sick little mind oh oh touched a nerve did I what are you worried about Brock that she still wants me how you just cross the line get away from me right now are you okay pal oh oh my back I'm going to sue you Brock for everything you have you'll be sorry you took my lady I think we're making [Music] progress morning Rea morning Eugene whoa have you gotten taller or is it that neck brace I need you to book an appointment for Mrs Hagerty order some more X-ray films and when you testify in tomorrow's arbitration hearing agree with everything I say Eugene you can't ask me to do something like that I'm not asking you to do it for me I'm asking you to do it because you hate Brock more than I do I don't hate Brock really you have no problem with a man who abandoned you and made you a laughing stock in front of the entire Dental Community yeah that's a crowd Al M regardless all I have to do tomorrow is tell the truth I understand that you're not going to lie in this stand and you're honest and all that crap but which truth are you going to tell tomorrow you jeene it's very simple you took a swing at Brock he ducked and you fa yes that happened but is that all that happened well you wept tears of joy because I finally had him where I wanted him but you took the first swing Reba look at me would I take a swing at that man unless he was on the attack well we don't know for sure that he was going to attack exactly we don't know only Brock knows what's in his heart his cold adulterous heart can you give me some [Music] coffee hey look at this I have it all figured out if we take the extra money that I've been making and invested in a no risk real estate scheme that money will rocket us to vast wealth I saw this guy talk about on TV he was in Hawaii sitting by a pool but van what if we get caught I mean this is illegal we could go to jail look at me van I wouldn't last 3 days in the can we're not going to get caught no one gets caught have you ever heard of anyone getting caught you know maybe you just need a little Green Love okay just leave me out of it for once van I think you got a good point are you mocking me in some way I don't understand no I agree that there's no way the government will catch you unless they catch Oscar and they cut him a deal to rat you out Oscar won't rat me out yeah you're right I'm sure he'd go to prison just to save your hide cuz you guys are like best friends right well I wouldn't say best friends I mean the other day I was talking to him and forgot his name I bet he won't forget your name because that's the first thing he's going to say when they haul him in oh man Oscar's a wuss he's going to roll over like he's French all right everybody take a seat we need to begin now both parties have consented to hold these hearings without counsel and to abide by the ruling From the Bench as binding furthermore and isn't it true that at that point Dr Hart that large intimidating aplike man seated over there moved toward me in a threatening manner well he moved towards you that part's true but I I don't know if it was in a threatening manner Miss Hart how much do you think I weigh 60 lb 113 and Dr Hart is probably closer to 280 oh objection I move that comment be stricken from the record this is not a formal court of law all you have to say is excuse me Dr Fisher get to the point yes your honor did that much larger man make the first move well it's kind of hard to say yes or no yes he did then my injuries are his Vault I have no more questions do you hear that Brock that's a hubub that is not a good sound in a courtroom I don't have any choice I've got to take her down your honor I don't believe this witness's testimony can be trusted hey Miss Hart do you know what it means to be a hostile witness bite me you remember that a few moments ago you swore to tell the truth I appreciate the lecture in honesty Brock but I always tell the truth Rea why do you think we got divorced I'm sure if you keep talking the court will understand it's because I had an affair right as crazy as it sounds M but wasn't our marriage in trouble long before that Affair well if it was it was because you stopped communicating well maybe I stopped communicating because you weren't interested in what I was going through oh that's all you wanted to talk about you big baby what you were going through well I was going through a bunch of stuff too you know oh yeah but to get you to open up about it was impossible no you just wanted to Su well it's kind of hard to open up when you know nobody's listening to you hey I'm a very good listener ha that's a good one chewing ice and staring at someone when they're trying to speak to you is not listening Brock so you stop talking and it's all my fault boy you'll find a way to blame me for anything won't you you darn right I will so Mrs har did you allow your personal feelings to influence your testimony did you lie under oath thereby committing perjury oh oh no no no no you're that's not what I was trying to prove it doesn't matter what you were trying to prove Mr har did you commit perjury well I didn't mean to wait wait wait no no I don't want to get hurt any trouble see look all that she's done this entire time is try and get Eugene and me to stop acting like a couple of idiots Reba I'm sorry I dragged you into this whole thing that's a beautiful speech beautiful of course you realize if she didn't lie you're guilty well go easy owner what oh wait wait wait all right I'm guilty I wanted to hit him huh he admits it victory is mine yes yes yes your honor I am willing to forget everything even the terrible pain that I have to live with every day and let it go if he'll move out of the building Barbie J now do you see that I'm the better man what happened to you I won no the man that took me to the fair wouldn't do this where's the man that won me the stuffed Pink Panther the man who bought me two chili dogs and cotton candy the man who healed my hair back after the til a whirl kind of puts Romeo and Juliet to shame doesn't it I love Brock now and only Brock damn this spell I put men [Music] under Ron I'm dropping all the charges you may release the ape [Music] Z there's a man on the phone for you he says the name is Ira well I don't know anybody named Ira Ira s i oh my God they know they know what am I going to do what am I going to do then calm down do you want me to talk to them would you you are an angel in Black hello I'm sorry van's not in right now he's volunteering at the soup kitchen you you say he owes back taxes well maybe it's a mistake uhhuh well I can assure you he doesn't want to go to jail tell them I'll pay they can have it all wait what if I were to bring you the $70 he owes would that help yeah plus a $30 fine well good I'll see you tomorrow no thank you did they buy it yes fan oh Kira you are my hero you saved me all right here's the money I I'd give you a tip if I had any left but well we'll just say you owe me 10 I guess we all learned that honesty is the best policy oh I sure did and here's your cut that part about Ira was brilliant you said 20 come on Jake you got to pay your taxes hey Rea you called yeah I wanted to talk to Brock did you want to tell him how wonderful and Noble he was in court today oh honey stop yeah honey stop that was a nice thing you did but I was a little ashamed of myself how I snap like that see despite the fact that you despise Brock he rose above that despise ofen bar jeene honey could you do me a favor and wait in the car excuse me but I believe this is rea's house I'll wait in the car thanks honey don't play at the radio listen Rea it's okay if you still despise me I can handle it I can't I've been telling you and Eugene to let byon be bygones and here I am holding on to a grudge like van with a ham sandwich that bad huh yeah but after what happened today I've decided I should try to let go of some of my anger towards you are you going to hit me that'd probably do it but I need to take a more long-term approach well that's very healthy listen if you need a therapist I know a guy that just got his license back I'm good but as a first step I've got a confession to make you remember when you moved out I told you I couldn't remember where your favorite putter was uh-huh well here you know since we're being honest well I realized today that I still have a little anger towards you too what yeah what do you have to be angry about you're the one that started this stupid thing how could you be so selfish this might take a [Music] while gry's here I get presents hi DIY you're not a present yeah you're more like junk mail is Brock's mom here yet why are you scared cuz you should be I am just so nervous about Grammy lizz's visit I mean she's just so critical she's not critical she's mean Junkyard Dog mean well how'd you learn to deal with her I divorc Brock but don't take that that's mine what are you doing you know she hates a mess not as much as she hates my old ratty bathrobe but this is like poking her with a stick and then she's going to get all riled up and then you're going to come over to my house hey put that back oh no I'm cleaning up if you're going down you're going down alone sister give me that no no you'll never get it back I'm bigger than you give it get it get it get it you have lost your mind your fear of Brock's mom has finally pushed you over the edge I want her to get mad I want her to make her snide little comments that I've had to put up for the last 20 years ow see I'm not related to her anymore and now when she comes in here and says gee Reba how long has your vacuum cleaner been broken I can say shut up that's how [Laughter] long all right pay attention you're going to be wanting to tell this story one of these days Raa Grammy Liz you look wonderful really I I didn't do my hair and I've been wearing this old ratty bathrobe for a month only you could pull it off okay then I've been so looking forward to seeing every everybody and then there's you how are you Barbara Anne it's good to see you Mom Mrs Hart ma'am and uh actually my name it's Barbara Jean then why' you tell me it was Barbara Anne are you trying to make me look stupid I sorry I didn't have time to clean up for you I hope you don't mind I don't I like the lived in look did I hug you yet come here my house is a pig sty is she a wellwoman r i don't understand it why is she being nice to you and still being mean to me I don't know she's found a way to treat you badly and make it unenjoyable for me she's very good my RS are planted in the past though my life is changing fast who I am is who I want to be single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops with gentle hands and the Heart of a fighter I'm a [Music] Survivor what is it it's a Dicky it's for when you want the look of a turtleneck without the extra heat do I have to wear it only when I'm in town okay but I'm not calling it a Dicky you know um I've always felt that the dicky was an underappreciated garment you know what else is underappreciated the muzzle now this is for you Kieran what did I do well I saw this in the window of Murphy Reon I said to myself that is Kira it's perfect I'll wear it Thursday to my bridge game Kira don't be rude say thank you to Grammy now why would she do that barbal ly she doesn't like it she doesn't like it you think it's a good idea to teach children to be dishonest no so you prefer they be rude no boy I wonder how long Reba's vacuum cleaner's been broken Thanks Grammy I'm going to go see if Jake wants to trade for his Dicky I made muffins hope they're not too overcooked Rea those look horrible you must be the worst cook in the world why do you let that woman talk to you like that because I value her opinion her honest opinion really you cuz usually you just tell me to shut up shut up barar Jean hello we're back oh and you brought the baby is she precious I can't believe you're finally getting to meet her oh she is perfect you know it was my idea to name her after you then why didn't you yeah what my given name is Eliza Liz is short for Eliza oh yeah that's her name Eliza Bethy stop it man she's lying to you that's what she does isn't she great my grandma used to knit but hey cool too what' your parents think about you naming your child after me uh don't know we don't really talk to my father anymore no biggy his dad thinks that van and I ruined his life by getting married I guess in every marriage there's that one in-law that's critical and annoying and emotionally dead muffin well it's time for Elizabeth to take a nap grimy are you going to be here for a while all afternoon and then she gets to come stay with us lucky lucky ass van take Elizabeth upstairs I'm going to go get a bottle right come on Grammy Junior Mom hi honey did you wash your feet before you came in no it's okay my shoes are clean is that back [Applause] talk now come over here and give me a hug mom how the heck are you oh I'm well dear little headache of course with your wife being so loud yeah yeah you know you know I know you know my whole life I've been the G with a big booming voice you know boom boom that's me hey boom boom Zip Zip mom I can't wait for you to see Henry now I told the sitter to let him sleep an extra long time so he'll be in a good mood for you oh yes I understand you have a stranger taking care of him all right wait just a dab blame minute you know you can say a lot of bad things about Barbara Jean but she is not a bad mom sure she laughs like a horse and doesn't have the sense God gave paast but she is a good mother are you through are you mad yes then I'm through I'm mad at myself what I crossed the line you are a good friend [Applause] reer something bothering you Mom it's your grandmother she picking on you again wor she's being nice for 20 years that woman has tortured me and I couldn't fight back and now that I I can she won't throw the first punch hey has she said anything bad about me behind my back why does she have to criticize you first why don't you just tell her how you feel because then I'd be picking a fat mom always said that was wrong I guess I'm going to have to keep chumming the waters till she strikes isn't that picking a fight you want a piece of me no look mom I know this is weird I mean I love Grammy Liz but I have no idea why you put up with her for this long she may be an awful judgmental pain in the butt but she's a sweet old grandma to you kids I had to be nice so she'd keep coming around bad news Ma you still got to be nice to her for Jake are you kidding she gave the boy a Dicky he's on my side hey Mom did I tell you we got a new dental chair for my office not now honey that's right Brock we need to concentrate that's the key to this oh all right yeah you got me you got me there but when I was younger my older sister ah ha you know when we played we used to say go you say what hone go did I miss anything no we were just talking about my new dental chair okay Mom Barbara Jean and I have to go we got to get the babysitter lucky for you because I was just about to make my big com I'm sorry Barbara Jean I promise I'll make it up to you okay Mom I'll be back to pick you up for dinner well looks like it's just the two of us I have missed you what's wrong with you what what's wrong with you like you suddenly started liking me I've always liked you you ran over my foot once oh I was teasing oh like you were teasing barbar jeene just now I don't want to talk about her she's not going to be around that much longer anyway what are you talking about what would you say if I told you that Brock was in love with somebody else you mean other than himself I'm serious he told me I'd say I don't believe in spreading gossip so after you give me the name it all stops here he's in love with you what what you're saying BRX how was what the person he is in love with is you she's very very good Brock's not still in love with me what's your game old lady it's not a game my gosh Reba you must have suspected oh yeah you're right I knew he was still in love with me when he came over and showed me his new baby nevertheless you too have the best divorce of any couple I know oh yeah it's the kind little girls dream of you know in case you hadn't noticed Brock is married to Barbara Jean he would leave her for you in a red hun second I will not be the other woman to the other woman that's just weird when you two separated it wasn't because you didn't love each other it's cuz Brock was having a midlife crisis he was vulnerable and that's when he was stolen away by Barbara Ella he wants you back Rea there is no chance of that ever happening not even if hell froze over F froze over again F froze oh you get my point [Laughter] okay you're a little overwhelmed I'm going to give you some time to think about it I don't need time turn your he andate up for this one no chance Reba don't you think it was a mistake for Brock to marry Barbara Jim it doesn't matter what I think Brock married her he must love her do you think that Brock is basically a sane person I don't know does sanity come from the father or the mother answer the question yes I think basically he's sane okay listen close would any sane person choose that woman over you [Music] hey honey what are you doing oh just writing in my training Journal oh well then I bet you that this will feel good uh that is it right there yeah a little bit a little bit left okay up up up oh there it is the head oh oh the head is good then I think that we should make peace with your dad Stop Cheyenne you can't rub a guy's head and then start talking about his dad Ben it's time you end this thing with him my mom put up with Gris for 18 years because of me and I think we should do the same for Elizabeth yeah but this is different Grammy Liz didn't disown your mom because she threw a life away on some cheerleader he said I was a cheerleader I was on drill team would it kill him to know the difference good good good good good good good you're getting mad at him again no no I'm just really sick of people not giving me credit for my work [Laughter] man I know your dad hurt you whoa whoa whoa you didn't hurt me you can't hurt steel okay first of all fix your hair cuz everything I tell you it looks like you're surprised and he did hurt you fine he hurt me so what I swallowed that hurt just like I swallow everything else and all that pain is just sitting in my stomach like a big black ball of rage and anger and they don't have a role aids for that Cheyenne you are big enough of a person to to get over what he did to you right to me but I don't know if I'm a big enough person to get over what he did to you and Elizabeth we be doing this for Elizabeth look van we cannot let this big black anger ball get in the way of Elizabeth's happiness but that's what parents do they get in the way of their child's happiness happiness that way the kids have someone to blame their problems on we're doing her a favor F you know deep down inside that Elizabeth should have a relationship with her grandparents all of her grandparents there's a lot to think about Cheyenne and you know I hate to think a lot [Music] hey Rea where's my mother don't worry about that we need to talk no we don't not with that tone of voice Sam you got something to drink no thanks you sure don't make a snap decision you might regret for once in your life think longterm think about the future well I was only going to stay a minute but I guess I could go a Snapple I can give you a Snapple Brock but that's all I can give you [Laughter] do you understand what I'm saying if you only have the one I'll [Laughter] pass your mother told me your secret oh uh which which which one the big one the one where you said you're still in love with me did she now yeah my mother God Rest her soul Brock it's over Rea look I understand you're a man you're weak did you cry when you finally let it out yeah okay okay I did say I loved you but that was two years ago during the divorce and as a person I share a history with as the mother of my children not the way I I love Barbara Jean do you get the difference never mind then so you want to snap just hold on a second so so you've been sitting here thinking and I'm like what madly in love with you nobody ever mentioned madly Brock that never came up it will when I tell the story it was great seeing y'all next time have to come to my house there's too much drama around here bye granny thanks again for the bib you're welcome honey Kira why is he wearing it like that I told him to I consider it your real gift to me bye honey bye granny and Cheyenne I can't tell you how much it meant to me that you named Elizabeth after after me well we actually didn't name Elizabeth after you van wanted to name her Elizabeth so she'd be Elizabeth Montgomery you know after that cool lady un Bewitched okay Mom time to go I want a minute to talk to Reba I don't like it when you talk to Reba it's never good when you talk to Reba don't make me come over there treats me like I'm five I'm not five way more than five [Applause] five I wasn't trying to cause problems I was trying to make up for some of the ones I caused in the past I guess I've always felt partly responsible for you and rock breaking up don't give yourself too much credit I do blame you for a lot of things hurricanes tornadoes discos that sort of thing but not breaking up my marriage all marriages go through some hard times and I guess I was just worried that my criticism might have driven a wedge between you so this guil thing's really bugging you I could learn to enjoy that I just wanted what I thought was best for my son what's best for him is for you to quit interfering in his life he's a big boy now he's not five he's way more than five well thank you for your advice you've always been good with advice guess that's the benefit of making so many mistakes all right all right let's go about time somebody put you in your place got to warn you though I'm a little quicker than [Applause] bar sheez very good [Music] hey [Music] [Music] project my face f c e face scam dream fore [Music] for speech fore speee Unlimited [Music] already interesting video [Music] [Music]

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