Reba 2024 To Tell the Truth New Sitcom Reba Nell McEntire Show 2024

[Music] we're on a limited budget cheyen just because the diapers say disposable doesn't mean you can't use him twice what's going on oh Van's being all cheap again cuz he's waiting for the team to renew his contract what's your agent say I don't know let me ask him van what do you think about trying to get more money gee van I think it's best not to rock the boat he says best not to rock the boat man you can't be your own agent the team won't take you seriously what if I use a fake accent on the phone that offers a bloody insult can I give us two more quid for the trolley hey you know what I could negotiate your deal why just yesterday I cried my way out of a ticket are you both out of your mind F you need a professional a football career won't last forever and you need to get all the money you possibly can now all right fine I'll get a real agent good let Brock be your agent I swear I have to tell everybody do everything all the time and I'm getting sick of it s s s that one's got a right Harry temper she does planted in the past though my life is changing fast who I am it's who who I want to be a single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops with gentle hands and the Heart of a fighter I'm a [Music] surviv oh shoot laurianne I was looking forward to seeing you no no no oh if he left the priesthood for you the least you could do is go to Jamaica with him yeah okay call me when you get back bye loran's not flying in no I had so much I needed to talk to her about well you can talk to me oh thanks Cheyenne but most of it was about you and you tend to take your side hey Mom hey girl and blonde jokes let me tell you something about here Kira you're lucky Mom's here congratulate me the top agent in my league might represent me wow that's fantastic why might yeah what's catch well she won't represent prom athletes so her big thing is to meet the family and check them out wait wait so she's she's going to judge us I hate being judged I love judging you better give me plenty of warning before this woman comes over she'll be here in two hours what just deciding what to wear takes two hours hold all my calls I'll be in my closet don't worry van we'll make you proud proud look around this place buddy you live with the divorced mother of your teenage bride due to pregnancy whose Dad ran off with his dental assistant also with child I may claim to be pregnant just to fit in she's right we're practically circus people practically put barene in the tiny car and we can sell [Music] tickets Jake why are you wearing last year's church suit Ben told me I had to dress up if I wanted to come out of my room so I wouldn't make him look bad who looks bad now where's your new suit remember for Halloween how I asked if I could be a businessman who got stabbed 1 thousand times but you said no well I kind of already made the costume I'm sending myself to my room now so how do I look shyan my agent's a woman woman put those away guys just calm down everything's going to be fine here we go is a sports agent here oh van this is so exciting Jerry Maguire is my favorite movie ever I have written Tom Cruz over 1,500 letters this a the circus is in [Applause] town barara Jean I'm sure the agent just wants to meet the family I am family and I would never miss a family meeting especially when I'm all alone over there in that great big house cure off at a concert walls closing in bottle of Jack Calling My Name I'll it I'll it yes Ted I'm sure it's a very very nice off you know what I think I'm going to do I'll take it home and put it in the bottom of my bird cage no listen to me Ted it's very simple my client makes your fans happy and happy fans buy tickets and pay for parking and enjoy that expensive tinkle water that you call beer I'll get back to you I'm so sorry I sad Owens reart I'm Van's mother-in-law that was awesome tickle water oh there my wife Cheyenne nice to meet you carine heart hey reben I had the same last name because I married her ex Brock we're currently separated but his teenage daughter Kira still lives with me even though Brock moved out he's on pills so should we all sit down oh please sit yes yes yes so this is my home home these are my peeps S I just love that Jerry Maguire when Kuba goody Jr asked Tom Cruz if he shoplifted the py I'm about spit up yeah it was a great film now do you mind if I get to know the other people here wait stie if you're wondering what kind of guy van is or what his family's like well I can assure you not perfect but we do have lots of love as a matter of fact she said zip it so Sadie oh I just love that name how do you spell that with with a y or an ie I don't think anyone spells it with a Y so with an ie knock it off shyen what do you care how she spells it would you ask her something B I will so how long you've been spelling it that way just threw me over hey everybody sorry I'm late Barbara Jean Brock Mr H I'm so glad you're here this is stie Owens Brock hard hi so wow a woman's sports agent huh yes you know women have made great St in the last 100 years great between you and your daughter you're killing me I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you it's just that ah for a while I thought I might represent van oh are you an agent I'm a pro golfer and a part-time dentist oh you're the one on the pills isn't he hilarious don't you just want to laugh at him we have company judging us bar Jean just because we're not living together doesn't mean we can't be civil oh stie could you move the table I'm going to roll around with laughter why are you being so hostile you're the one who asked me to move out oh and you just sprinted towards the door didn't you big fell garbing Mr H kitchen now so we can celebrate how well this is all going somebody's put on a few in the keer oh yeah it doesn't stop you from looking at it does cheyen why don't you tell Sadie how you're studying to become a dentist oh yeah just really want to help teeth I'm sorry I'm just really nervous and I'm trying really hard not to say the wrong thing but I keep saying the wrong thing van should have never gotten me pregnant and married at 17 oh my God I did it again well those are his peeps look I I don't expect any family to be perfect I have kids and an ex-husband and a crazy family of my own yeah but you hadn't met all of them our other daughter Kira she lives with her dad well I have a daughter who lives with her father too oh really yeah I miss her like crazy but she makes his life so miserable that somehow it all evens out we really do have a lot in common you know I was just saying this morning and how I miss having somebody I can relate to it gets lonely sometimes tell me about it I started talking to my bird but you I mean I don't understand how you can be lonely well you know my girlfriend she moved away and and she was supposed to come visit this weekend but she had to cancel because she's in this new relationship well maybe you'll meet someone new yeah that'd be nice hey you know what maybe you and I could get together sometime and hang out really yeah well yeah sure you know this is wild because this is actually what I've sort of been hoping would happen ever since I switch teams teams but if you're an agent Happ not not sports teams oh yeah I got a divorce and then I realized I'm gay oh it's just another thing we have in common oh no it's okay no van already told me you were gay W [Music] oh so van told you I was gay what was he not supposed to I'm sorry I mean he was so upfront about it well the truth is he said you were super gay he did did he oh he always was a talkative little poot yeah just talk talk talk could you excuse me just for a second ow ow ow ow let me ask you a question van why did you tell Sadie I was gay what I never said that why would I say that did you tell her I was super gay oh yeah I didn't mean to it just s and I were talking about our favorite cities and I said I really like Lok and she mentioned San Francisco and I wanted to sound clever and make a joke but I don't know anything about San Francisco but cable cars and gay people man so I made a joke about gay people and it wasn't funny apparently because she looks at me kind of offended and says van I'm gay do you have a problem with gay people I'm like no oh no not at all my mother-in-law is super gay I love you man Satie is gay this top is perfect she she probably hasn't even heard a word I've said you're going to go right in there right now and tell her the truth wait Mrs H she knows I lied she refuse to represent me believe me lesbians do not find this kind of thing funny they really don't and Mrs Ag and she doesn't represent me then all the other agents will think there's something wrong with me and then who will be my agent then the golfing dentist with the bad accent I can't keep rationing diapers mom and I want things shiny fancy things maybe you could just go with it for a few minutes yeah come on Rea what's a few minutes yeah just don't go to Massachusetts Reba they're making them get married it's a little more complicated than just fibbing about it for a few minutes I may have already asked her out wait wait a second mom what exactly did you say well that maybe we could hang out sometime together well that seems pretty innocent because my girlfriend moved out of town and I was lonely all right just hang on a second saying maybe we could hang out doesn't mean you ask her out on a date yeah really absolutely you got nothing to worry about hey guys there's a boy in a tiny suit in there watching TV so sorry I was just coming out of the kitchen out I was just coming out of the kitchen look I I I have to go anyway but it's been real no wait a second wait a second this isn't my real family they're they're circus people all right I like them and I'm looking forward to representing you what you be my agent mhm this is so great okay I'm going to start on Van deal right away and it was great meeting you thank you so much [Applause] I am so glad that's over with I am never getting myself in that situation again hey Rea I almost forgot um how about I pick you up tomorrow night at 88 and we can hang out super [Applause] [Music] where is your mother it's almost time for her date van I would stop calling it that and stop singing that song about her ins sading a tree did I miss it did you take pictures oh my gosh did they look adorable oh Reba you are definitely going to be the pretty one I don't think I can go through with this Mom this is really important for our future okay Sidi could take his career to a whole new level s's a nice person I don't like lying to her Mrs H I know this has been tough on you but I promise you the second the deal is done I will tell Satie the truth I don't care what she thinks about me you are more important to me hey I've got big news what news is it about my deal is it is it done is it good well if you consider a 25% raise and an added third year good then yeah I'd say it's pretty good 25% third year so it's all done it's all done we are so rich I'm so happy for you van thanks Mrs H stie there's something I need to tell you I know and you're welcome but you just wait until you see how badly we're going to nail them on your next threeyear deal have a nice dinner yep barene could you uh give us a minute please oh sure oh by the way I have a suggestion on where you guys can go I have a suggestion where you can go too I thought gay people were Jolly okay Reba what's going on well here's the thing it's a little bit funny depending on your sense of humor you see I'm a tiny little bit less gay than van said I was oh so you're not super gay no I have no powers of gayness whatsoever oh I'm sorry when van told you that he was just trying to cover up some lame jokeer is I I see I see I mean should have known this happens to me all the time see I got no gayar how am I supposed to meet women I I got no gayar I got no dates I got nothing it's because I'm no good I'm bad I am a bad lesbian well for as long as I've been a lesbian I can tell you it's not easy you when you come out of the closet they never tell you how hard it's going to be you all the TV shows and the magazines they make it look so easy oh yeah get out in the world the women are waiting for you well you just look out there and tell me if you see any available women yeah it's ugly out there I don't know I just I just get a little lonely sometimes it's so yeah I know like when your best friend moves away and you think you found someone you could be friends with but then you blow it by pretending to be gay well why do you think you blew it well if you lied to me I wouldn't want to be friends with you Rea I'm an agent I'm going to lie to you hey we both lie that's another thing we have in common so I guess that means we can still go to dinner well I'm going to have to cancel the violinist and you're going to have to pay your own way hey you're not the kind of friend who runs off to Jamaica with a nun are you no won't make that mistake twice wait a second I don't even wear contacts were you guys going out to dinner don't wait up oh my gosh she turned Reba Elizabeth's going to have two [Music] grandmas hey let's go van we got an 8:30 te time oh Dad this is so cool that you're taking him golfing van is totally psyched he's been up half the night practicing Ying four cheyen honey if your husband's going to be a golfer you'll have to learn to listen to golf stories oh yeah I find it's helpful to keep a thumbtack in your hand and squeeze it every few minutes hey I don't know if I mentioned it but I play second in the Club Championship the pivotal moment it was a hang on let me get a thumb tack four oh no no no no no oh come on Van we're going to play golf not miniature golf hey what you up to well I'm going golfing here with Mr H oh I got to get a boom box for the cart whoa whoa whoa whoa you're going to Brock stuffy Old Country Club looking like that no he's not Cheyenne go lay out some big boy clothes for Van hey I'm trying to create a new image now that I'm playing Arena ball oh tell them about the photo shoot there's this photo shoot van and I are getting our pictures taken at a photo shoot it's for the team program I really want a unique look yeah I call it vantastic oh I really want to look hot I call it looking hot oh okay hey I'm really glad you guys are here whoa you've never said that before my poems are sweaty Cara and I had a great conversation last night when she slept over she told me about some of the colleges that she's considering College mm man where does the time go more importantly where did it come from well thank goodness we started that college fun she was little oh I went online and checked that yeah how'd it do during the bare Market well let's just say that Yogi got the pick ack [Laughter] basket we need to put some cash back in that fun now I'm making some Cuts around here and I was hoping you'd be willing to help out yeah you bet we'll make some cuts too yeah we can start shopping at the bulk store and doing our own Auto Repair yeah we can save Millions refining our own oil I think we need to find some bigger cash so think about it and we'll talk about it again in a couple of days all right ready to go finally oh and I got us a caddy hope you like Snoop Dog dad my RS are planted in the past though my life is changing fast who I am is who I want to be a single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops with gentle hands and a heart of a fighter I'm a [Music] Survivor hey is Brock home oh he had a business meeting would you like some soda from the bulk store I'm not really sure what flavor it is yeah I went shopping down there too say if you ever need any peaches and I mean ever just let me know thanks hey do you need your oil changed n I'm good okay actually I came down here to talk about money this nickel and dime stuff isn't going to do the trick for the college fund but I've come up with a way of making some big time cash Brock should sell his country club membership you can sell a membership it has to be your membership right yeah that's the catch look Brocks had this membership for 15 years which means he could make a Nifty little profit oh yeah but leaving the club that would be a huge deal for Brock he loves golf yeah he does anybody who's seen his naked lady golf teas knows that okay so here's the deal you sell the membership put some money into K's college fund and still have a decent amount of money left over you my Tangy redheaded neighbor are a genius yeah you know and I know exactly what I would do with a little extra D me what's that put in a pool a pool mhm absolutely and then I get one of those hilarious signs that says Welcome to our oo you'll notice there's no p in it please keep it that way wouldn't that be a hoop I think Brock would really like a pool and it would be something that we could do together as a family a pool might be just the thing when he gets home I'll tell him that you want to talk to him about something or you could talk to him about it oh Rea this is a big decision it only seems right it be between a man and his ex-wife [Music] hey Rea Barb jeene said you wanted to talk to me presenting the arena football league's new power couple van and shine [Applause] Montgomery yo Sinatra Sammy and Dino are waiting out in the limo check it out you guys look great yeah I am so excited about this photo shoot we're going to be in the team's program people save those things we're going to be Immortals oh I got to see this what time are they coming oh we're going to do it over at the arena not here I don't want it to look like I live with my mother-in-law you do live with your mother-in-law yeah but I don't want it to look like it I mean I mean we are we totally grate for the sacrifices you've made Mrs H thanks oh hey check this out what do you think for our pose for the picture yeah you look so French wait wait croissant croissant by you guys let's go man oh boy is there anything like the excitement of just starting out in life I mean you got nothing but your dreams yeah problem is when you're young you don't realize that your dreams are the most valuable thing you'll ever have have you been listening to your Peter Paul and Mary albums again sit down Brock I want to talk to you I want to talk to you too you know it's funny because it kind of relates to what van said just now about all the things that you gave up for them that was very inspirational really because giving something up is very inspirational and maybe you can have the opportunity to be inspir ational too real soon you know I've been thinking about that a lot lately I mean am I just saying stuff to the kids or am I actually living it ah the old talking The Talk versus walk in the walk every parents nightmare exactly I mean you can talk till your blue in the face about what it takes to make your dreams come true but unless they see that you're willing to sacrifice it doesn't mean a thing I agree with you bet you hadn't heard me say that in a while so to Rec cap what we're both agreeing on here is that giving up something is very inspirational definitely oh man I don't know what the heck made me think of this but I have just a suggestion to help you do that oh I don't need a suggestion I already have a way I just haven't told anyone yet well tell me cuz I'm going to laugh my head off it's the same thing I was thinking of are you planning on giving up the country club what no that'd be crazy no I'm going to quit my [Music] [Music] job you're going to quit your job yes ma'am Brock you work for yourself is it because your boss is a jerk [Laughter] I'm going to sell that office it's time to get back in the dream business but I thought your dream was to be a successful dentist no no it was to be successful I picked Dentistry because I thought I could do well at it and I have okay wait a minute so far it all sounds sane but where exactly does the train of thought go flying off the tracks wait is this because we were trying to find money for a c's college fund no no that's not the reason all it will mean that there's money for that no you know I've been thinking about this for a while I want to live my life in a way that inspires our kids to follow their own dreams so you think quitting is inspirational well you haven't heard what I'm going to do instead of Dentistry what make cuckoo clocks you ready I doubt it but go on I am going to play professional golf [Laughter] golf yes on the Hooters tour why didn't you just say that what the heck's wrong with you the Hooters tour yeah it's an actual tour there are a lot of them it's like the minor leagues of golf I'm going to sell the practice and use the money as a nest egg while I worked my way up then in a few years I'm going to get my PGA card and I'm going to shoot for the senior tour is this some kind of midlife crisis because you dumping me for the blonde was supposed to be your midlife crisis you only get one Dan and Shyanne just walked out of here with the life bursting out of them because they're trying to follow their dreams I want that this is your dream Brock we were married for 20 years I never heard you say anything about playing professional golf I thought about it a lot well if thinking about it is all it takes to make it happen Chris Christopherson should be walking in here any second Rea with all due respect I'm not asking for your permission okay all right Brock just the other night we were sitting here trying to find ways to come up with some money for Kira's college fund remember yeah now we found it okay what about Jake what about Henry what if you and barbar jeene decide to have more children Reba hail Irwin made $3 million last year on the senior tour well then be as caddy and hope that money falls out of his pocket [Laughter] what's really going on here you know what a mulligan is the booze you've been [Laughter] drinking no no it's when you hit a second shot on the golf course because your first one went bad it's a chance to correct a mistake this is my Mulligan reer but what if the second shot's worse than the first what if it hits a tree and and Ricochet off and smashes you in the head or that already happened it's not going to be worse okay I'll talk to you later I'm going to go hit some golf balls where is Chris [Music] kristoffers 98 har Je 99 100 okay Henry ready or not here I come well that should give me about 20 minutes what's up okay I talked to br oh my gosh I'm getting my oo he just got through telling me that he's going to quit his job sell his practice and play golf for a living yeah he started telling me these stories about Hooters or Mull first I thought he was kidding then I remembered he's not funny well I think that is a wonderful idea I know but I thought if the two of us could get you what yeah uhhuh yeah I think that Brock will be very successful doing that do you guys have a gas leak in this house how can you support this because that's what I do Reba my role is the supportive wife I'm not the one he talks to about stuff no you are I'm the one who gets told how it's going to be after the decision has already been made oh that doesn't happen it just did okay it does put your roll aside for a second do you honestly think this is a good idea I think that my husband deserves the right to run his own life Barb jeene you run things you're the one that wears the clown pants in the family well sure when it comes to telling Brock how to cook the steaks but not about something like this not not about his happiness oh I see just not the important things and why is that just because because why because because barbar Jean why because maybe I've seen what happens when he thinks his wife isn't supportive enough something has been bothering Brock lately and the one thing that I was really scared of Reba was that it was me I can handle it being anything else you know even some boneheaded scheme that scares me to death well if it scares you tell him if you don't tell him how you feel if you just pretend it's okay then you've got a dishonest marriage R but you and Brock have a very honest relationship but you don't have a marriage and I don't intend to be the next former Mrs brockhart it ain't as bad as it say [Music] BS hello anybody home oh van your house is gorgeous well just a place I like to hang my hat hello I'm glad I made you show it to me I Amed a home so beautiful I'd want to show it off Ben we should go cool she's not even here who who uh um uh nobody well actually our maid Reba but we we we we don't like to call her the maid no no no she's H she's been with us so long she's like part of the family so okay let's get the happy homeowners in a picture okay all right you two uh stand by the staircase there okay [Applause] oh you must be from the team I'm Reba oh hi I'm Mary Joe it's so nice to meet you van and Cheyenne have been saying some lovely things about you a they're so sweet they are you're very lucky blessed where she go yeah come on let me get some pictures of you with the ma oh are you thirsty how about some lemonade yeah oh great oh Rea grab your apron what's that you know you know I'll make lemonade I'll go find some lemons so tell us Rea what's it like working for these two huh okay look this is awkward no no no no I'll tell you what's awkward before I got this job I used to live with my mother-in-law you talk about embarrassing this is great stuff oh yeah but now working for Miss Cheyenne and Mr van why it's just like caring for my own children they treat me right proper and when I have to take some time off like today I have to go down and deal with my cooky ex-husband it's never a problem even though it means my bosses will have to do all my work is that true it is today and it's a lot of work they'll have to do the laundry cook dinner wash dishes clean the kitchen and they'll never make a single complaint not a peep I don't know what I do to deserve these two I tell you Mary Joe I'm not lucky I'm [Music] blessed oh this is so embarrassing you're here for my birthday present no I'm going to buy you some marbles seeing how you lost all yours I know what you going to say Rea oh you do well great why don't you tell me cuz honestly I don't know what to say this is so weird I don't even know where to begin no it's not weird what's weird is continuing to do something that makes you miserable oh everybody does that heck I talked to barar jeene three times this week you know I truly believe that I can compete on the senior tour well I got a suggestion for you why don't you keep working on your game keep your job and do all of this when you retire I'd be too old old for the senior tour look Brock I'm not asking you this because of the kids but worrying about somebody after 20 years is a hard habit to break come on now I've asked you this before and I'm going to ask you it again what's really going on Brock I'm not happy okay I haven't been happy for a while I thought it'd be better after the divorce then I thought it'd be better after Barbara Jean and I got married or after Henry was born or after Kira moved in it it's just like my life has become waiting for this thing that's supposed to make me feel good again something like a pool hey that this just happens from time to time to people I guess it's how we know we're still alive have you talked to anybody about this you know I actually talked to a shrink really yeah I met him in a bar he's pretty loaded though Brock I'm serious you need to do some serious talking and some serious thinking before you make a decision this big tell you what if I make this putt I'm quitting my job that was in Brock this is not a game I met with a broker I'm selling the practice [Music] [Applause] now previously on Reba what did you call me Reba see now that we're renders I don't think it's right for me to be calling you Mrs H oh and I'm cutting down on my carbs so keep that in mind okay re [Music] barbar Jean said she saw you in bed with Dad what hey Barbara Jean I think we should talk yeah I think so too but could you give me a minute with Rea first you want me to leave okay I'll leave but make it a good minute Brock make sure that at the end of that minute you figured out whatever it is you need to figure out because I can't keep living like this frock go after her she thinks that you think you made a mistake by leaving me and marrying her and everything go tell her she was wrong I don't think I can do that and why the heck not because I do think I made a mistake what I said I do think I made a mistake oh boy yeah how long have you felt this way I don't know I'm not sure what I feel you're not sure well do you feel this ow what' you hit me for you you say Mary and Barb jeene was a mistake and you're not sure how can I figure out how I feel if I can't talk about it well I don't know but you can't go around blurting stuff out and then decide whether or not you believe it that's how you got in trouble with our wedding vows don't you want to know why I think I might have made a mistake no what if I told you you're one of the reasons you know what I couldn't care less what your reasons are because whatever your reasons are they come from you you know what I do care and you knew I would you're despicable Brock you go around talking about how much more sensitive you've become and everything you do Causes Chaos this is just another example how your selfishness is tearing everybody else's lives apart so you want to hear are you listening to me I do and I don't want to hear how much more clear can I be okay I've changed my mind I'm not going to let you two decide my life while I'm sitting in the living room draining the hard candy Bowl it's okay Barbara Jean we're done no we're not yes we are oh no no no no you guys don't get to make the choice I do and I've decided I'm leaving no no no I'm leaving I am I am rock paper scissors bar je I'm not going two three shoot no rock beats air I win you didn't win I wasn't playing well let's play now okay paper covers rock F you get back here you cheated what are you looking at old lady just walk your dog re [Applause] I'm not sure why I married either one of them mys are planted in the past though my life is changing fast who I am it's who I want to be single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops with gentle hands and the Heart of a fighter I'm a [Music] Survivor I don't get it so I called your mom reeba what is the big deal why did you have to get so mad I mean sure it's not the greatest name in the world but I mean it's better than say Mabel or Floyd Floyd Floyd's a man's name honey oh yeah tell that to my aunt Floyd hey maybe I could use her middle name it's Nell Nell Nell yeah Nelly old neller what we were trying to have a private conversation yeah we're trying to figure out something important here Kira if you don't mind thanks the answer is once you only have to lather rinse and repeat once why do you always have to cause trouble I know I'm sorry it's a real character flaw yes it is and I wish you told me that three bottles of shampoo ago I guess I'm just a little upset about you know barbar genene Finding mom and dad in bed together [Applause] [Applause] what no way that's what barbar Jean says Kira do not kid about this okay don't try and get us to overreact so you make us look stupid honey honey kir does not have that power over us only we can make ourselves look stupid Mom hey you're back yeah how's uh Mr H H has a Mr [Applause] hot so what what happened I don't want to talk about it come on hey Ma so uh you were over talking to to barbar Gina how H how is she how is she how is she she's married to Brock figure it out you know we were just wondering n what did you call me I know it's not working for me either did you need something mom Kira told us about you and Dad all right all right all right stop it both of you that did not happen and I can't believe you would think anything could happen why not it's Dad going through his whole midlife crisis part two between him wanting to be a pro golfer and going to therapy and hanging around you all the time Mom things have gotten a little weird around here lately well that doesn't mean anything's going on between us good right what yeah you and Dad getting back together will be horrible in fact I think it's the worst thing that could possibly happen I'm [Applause] neutral look Mom I did want you guys to get back together originally but once you got over it you are so much happier and now there's Barbara jeene who I've actually grown to like again I'm neutral mom you may think this is just about you and Dad but it's not okay it would change things for all of us I don't want everything to fall apart again we may be from a broken home but at least it is still intact [Laughter] where are you going to clear things up with your father man she cannot stay away from Mr hot hey Brock we need to talk actually I'm a little busy being selfish and causing chaos okay fine I deserve that yeah no kidding you know I was trying to tell you something important today well maybe I'm not ready to hear something important maybe I'm not ready to hear you say that your marriage was a mistake or that you still have feelings for me I didn't say that I said I don't want to hear it look got a nice life going Brock everything used to be crazy one Fiasco after the other and I don't want to go back to that you're going through a lot right now you're what my grandma used to call Little T in the head haa I've been diagnosed as depressed you know oh well just because you're depressed don't mean you can't have a sense of humor are you done all right all right all I'm saying is before you go blurting out anything else just remember that Barbara Jean loves you with all her heart there's no accounting for Taste but she does yeah well I love her too re I'm just I'm going through through something but don't worry when barbar jeene gets back we'll sit down we'll have a nice long talk good now I'm sure in a day or two everything will be the same between you and her lucky for you the simple are [Music] forgiving Hey Jake what you doing playing a video game and watching TV I'm multitasking well look since you're here let me ask you something do you think things have been a little messed up around here lately it's not my fault van did it did what made a big mess in my room and didn't clean it up stupid van but that's it nothing with Barbara Jean and your dad you mean Mr [Applause] hot go clean your room hey Reba hey I just came over to let you know I'm at peace good what's that like I feel like I just walk through a portal and left all my cares and concerns on the other side H we'll be sure and pick them up on your way out I don't want a lot of cares and concerns in my front yard you yeah well you're really in a good mood I guess you talk to Brock oh not yet I think you should oh I don't need to I think you might I'm kicking him [Laughter] out oh you I'm serious I know I'm just laughing at my [Music] life so you're really going to kick Brock out oh yeah bye-bye Blondie I hate to sound judgmental but you know that's crazy no Reba spending last summer learning Portuguese because it was going to be the universal language of the future was crazy trying to train bees to eat hamburger out of my hand was crazy kicking Brock out is a smart move bar I don't get it this doesn't sound like something you'd do I know Rea I had a revelation I was driving around lonely and feeling sorry for myself when I went by this church and it hit me I wasn't alone in this world yeah I know you're not so I asked myself wwrd what would Reba do no no no garbing no no no no no no no that's a bad question really no it's not you're the woman Brock respects most in this world next to Jennifer Garner of Alias no but Barb jeene I would not kick Brock out and if I were in your position I would March right over there apologize and make up to my husband oh no you wouldn't yes I would no you wouldn't maybe re you would kick Brock out until he gets his head on straight and then maybe just maybe you take him back yeah but I've got anger issues look Reba I love my husband and I don't want to lose him but I'm not going to settle for he might want me I'm not going to take whatever he decides to give me I deserve better than that yeah you do barar Jean thank you see I do know you I'm in your [Applause] head you know what you're going to do next don't you ask you to leave so I can go lie down Noe you're going to give me a hug no yeah come come come on okay it was then they realized that neither one of them needed a [Applause] man you guys guess what I'm kicking Brock out Barbara Jean well they're going to find out eventually yeah but they shouldn't know before Brock does see I knew you'd say that she's not really kicking him out is she I don't know she could I mean you know how the old saying goes if you love something set it free or it so it can't get away knock knock hey K you're doing the dishes hey van you're bothering me no it's just you're doing a chore never thought of you as the type that helps so you doing this whole cleany upy thingy cuz all the tension around here no I just want to soak in this detergent so my hands will be youthful again oh Kira sweet sweet vulnerable Kira clean dishes won't keep daddy at home what is wrong with you specific to this moment are you saying there's no tension around here Barbara Jean didn't just come back here and kicked out out what yeah she was just over at reban Nails she was screaming and throwing stuff swearing she was going to set him free or him really oh yeah it was pretty dramatic well I haven't seen barbarina in a couple hours do you think that's a good sign I don't know maybe it is maybe she just needed some time to think about it she'll come back here when she feels better and Dad will never have to find out find out what F chant so what happened did she do it did she do what something is obviously going on but they won't tell me what it is Brock I don't think I should be the one to tell you cuz it's big man it is Big Rea if it's big and it involves who I think it might you know a little advanced warning might help me to prepare oh boy Rea please okay fine I'll tell you but one of these days I'm going to get remarried I'm going to stick you in these situations [Laughter] okay Reva Barbara Jean came over earlier and she said she's going to ask you to leave what yeah why would she say that that doesn't sound like her that that sounds like you I know it I can't help it she's in my head all right let's just hold on a second here I mean did you ever stop and think that maybe she was just trying to impress you maybe this is just the kick in the pants that we need to start addressing our issues there you go yeah Barbara jeene just needs to know that I still want to work on our marriage everything else will take care of itself from there dad Barber Jean's at home she says she wants to see you she does oh well that's great you know what this this silliness has gone on long enough enough did y'all get all that yep and you know what I think Dad's right he's going to go over there and talk to her and everything's going to be okay yeah I mean who wouldn't want to be married to Mr [Laughter] H oh yeah my bad [Music] well it was great yeah yeah we sat down had a long heart to heart and then she kicked me out well you're a strong man you'll get through this you did with me [Applause] I'm sorry you okay well I will be come on in I'll get a couple of beers thanks Rea they're for me you can't drink you're going to have to drive to a cheat Motel I still don't know why I married either one of them [Music] hey Mom you got a minute oh honey not this morning I am running so late for work well I kind of wanted your advice about boys I'll call in sick boy advice I'm your older sister that's my Birthright no offense but I kind of decided not to ask you for advice when your water broke during High School graduation you are seriously asking mom for advice about Boys Barbara Jean would be better than Mom I would be better than barbar Jean it goes me Barbara Jean dad Van Jake then Mom I'm glad we don't have a dog barbina is nuts and Dad well as he puts it he was a teenage boy once too and apparently a creepy one and I can't talk to my friends because then everybody in school would know which guy it like wait a minute are you saying there was nobody left so you came to me fine I'll take it well we know that a bunch of kids from band have been hanging out after practice right I do now anyways there's this guy Scott who plays trombone and he's funny and he has blue eyes and he's really cute and does he have an older brother sorry some people listen and some people make jokes anyways I like him and I think he likes me too but when I drop pants about going to the movies or something he just cleans a spit valve how can I tell if he likes me too I can think of like 10 ways how many can you come up with Mom I have one you can ask him out to the movies ask him out that is the worst advice I've ever heard a girl can't wait around forever for a guy to clean his spit valve if you want to know if he likes you just ask him out what if he says no well then say thank you very much and move on to the woodwinds well I guess it's better than not knowing yeah thanks Mom yeah did you hear Kier and I talked about dating I'm going to put that in her baby book mom work right I'll do that latery my rich it in the past though my life is changing fast who I am is who I want to be single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops with gentle hands and the Heart of a fighter I'm a survivor [Music] there she is get her Brock did you tell Kira to ask a boy out on a date I know can you believe Kira asked Mom for advice about boys that's right when it comes to giving Kira advice about boys it goes me Jake van and then Cheyenne what about me don't I make the list oh you're at the top of another list well the boy said yes so thanks to you she has a date on Friday yes Kira took my advice and it worked that goes in the book Kira has a date because of mom yeah this is crazy what's next Jake's going to give good fashion advice well he did pick out my shirt today I need to lie down well since you two are already upset Jake called from Vegas he married a show girl are you finished teasing yes wait yes this is a real problem Reba Kira is not allowed to date until she's 18 18 she's not allowed to date through high school it's a good Rule and it worked wonderfully until you undermined us hey don't blame me K didn't tell me about it well she's not entirely at fault we haven't told her yet so you guys have a bunch of secret rules did you write them down an invisible ink she's 14 it hadn't come up yet and I was ready to band dating all together after what happened to Cheyenne something happened to Cheyenne hey I think Kira's mature enough to handle herself it doesn't matter how mature Kira is it's the guy that's the problem Oh the guy I'm the problem why don't you and the rest the villagers grab your torches and run me out of town I'm not talking about you van I'm talking about teenage boys who have only one thing on their mind well I got news for you Mr H I'm a teenage boy and you know what I got on my mind [Applause] nothing well I think you guys are overreacting they're two 14-year-olds going to a movie we'll meet the boy here I'll drop them off pick them up it'll be fine it's not fine you should have checked with us before you told Kira she could go out I should have checked with you I really believe that as parents we three should present a united front yeah well that's a good idea Barb jeene except you're not carish parents man well for the past 3 months I've been parent enough to make her dinner and do her laundry wow three whole months that is hard I mean I just gave birth to her you made her a sandwich raisin Cura is my job yeah and his too so like always rea's right and we're wrong good remember that and we won't have these arguments I hope you know what you're doing Rea come on barbar G Fine and maybe next time I'll marry somebody who wife appreciates [Music] me hey honey how is practice violent those Pro guys are tough and mean and they do not like pretty boys no it's probably just cuz you're new no no no I'm the best looking guy on the team Hey Jake how is school that depends is Mom home no then school is great would you sign her name on this you threw a pencil at a girl in school why do boys act like that whoa whoa why do boys act like that is that what you think is that what you want our daughter to think that boys are automatically the bad guy he's not automatically the bad guy van it's just I mean come on they just are I bet Jake had a good reason tell her Jake I was mad that's not good enough dig deeper Jill Campell was writing notes about how she loves me and passing them to her friends she wouldn't stop there you go the girl started it I bet she didn't even get in trouble did she girls don't get in trouble van girls don't get in trouble Cheyenne it's always the guy Jake here is a victim a victim of Jill Campbell's love and of a sexist society I got you buddy I got you well I never thought of it like that well me neither but now that I have I'm going to do something about it like what you're going to write a musical about men's issues no I'm going to go talk to Jake's teacher I make up one song in the shower and you won't let me live it down hey Mom hey do you mind if I get dressed for my date over here things are a little tense at the comment I was hoping you would hey I've been working on this all day and I've come up with five sure fired interesting topics for you guys to talk about I'll just wait outside no come here going upstairs I'll try not to embarrass you is he here yet no good cuz I don't like him but I'm going to like him even less when he gets here so I need to know how to Pace myself relax this is Kira's first day we should be excited for her well I'm excited of course that's because I'm not K's parents so I don't care what happens to her let the good times roll oh I say I don't even know why we're meeting this kid I know exactly what he's going to say hello sir nice to meet you sir any 14-year-old Punk that calls me sir is up to no good believe me I know what sir means it's a word kids use to trick old people Brock I'm sure when you meet the boy you'll find that he's just a sweet scared little kid not all creepy like you were herea your dat here how do I look just don't hey I'm Scott is is it cool that I parked my car on the driveway you're Scott with a car that you drive 14year olds don't drive I know I'm 17 I I and there's no need to worry I've had my license for over a year and I've never gotten a ticket your daughter is safe with me sir [Music] oops hey Scott looks like you met my parents so we ready to go no and the no need to rush off I mean the night is young not as young as you thought why don't you two have a seat your father and I will get you a snack in the kitchen okay Scott right here hi I'm not cira's parent you kids want a beer bar je I'm coming jakay jakay go in the living room and embarrass your sister five bucks if you can chase the grown man away 17 he's 17 years old oh man at 17 I was really [Music] bad cure threatened me that just means you're doing your job now get back in there what are we going to do I don't want cure a dating a 17-year-old boy but if we forbid her from dating she's just going to sneak around well this is what happens when we do things your way I don't think this is a good time for finger pointing Brock not when Tom Jones is sitting in our living room well if you asked me well I didn't all right you guys can stop retaining to get snacks Scott and I will grab something once we're in Mexico very funny girl what didn't you tell us how old he is I'm 14 he's 17 what the big deal dad's 45 and you're 42 you're 45 the date is off but mom said I could go yeah well now I'm saying you can't Kira we can't allow you to go out with a 17-year-old all by yourself you and Scott can still see each other in groups oh well this is great all my friends are busy and he's already here where am I going to find a [Music] group why do we have to see this movie it's full of TV actors this is the movie they wanted to see they're the ones on the date well we could have voted there's more of us sh I can't see where they are how' you lose them already we didn't lose them besides we not like we're going to sit right beside them I know in between no they deserve some privacy where in the heck are they there they are in the front row come on we set right here here keep an ey on excuse me I hate this whose bright idea was it to have daughters probably Reus she calls all the shots you no talking in movie theaters from now on whenever you're around me Pretend We're in a movie theater did you see that he's doing in the stretch and reach he's going to put his arm around her it's just an arm just an arm do you even know how babies are born would you please just stay out of this head on shoulder we have a head on shoulder situation oh that was fast see what happens when you ignore the arm nothing happens Scott seems like a nice enough kid I mean he didn't have any problem with us tagging long besides they both know we're here and I don't think they're going to be called oh Lord did he just swallow her face I'm kissing my daughter's getting kissed right in front of me is anyone else smell B toast I think I'm having a stroke I don't care whose daughter she is date over Barber jeene would you stop parenting my child anyone says no kissing it's going to be me I say no kissing you're not Kira oh my [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] God here's my non-sexist seeker of Justice Let It Go with Jake's teacher what oh good good like she agreed the girl was just as much to blame as Jake was yeah pretty much she moved her desk to either side of the room and told her to stay away from Jake at recess I like okay you blew it well I'm sorry Jenny I'm sorry but you stuck up for what you believed in and you were right yeah kind of what does that mean maybe Jake wasn't the bad guy but I think I was the bad guy with you I mean your dad was right I did have that thing on my mind I mean you were so innocent and unsuspecting a little papaya ready to be plucked so I plucked and now when they talk about the thing that happened to Cheyenne I'm the thing bam you are not the thing and to be honest I I wasn't that innocent could you elaborate on that please I did tons of stuff to make you notice me like walking past your locker in my drill team uniform yeah or pretending that I needed a ride home from school cuz my mom forgot to pick me up I mean come on Van what kind of mom forgets to pick her daughter up every day for a month I just assumed she drank so girls really do that kind of stuff is that why Tammy terenzi did the same thing no she's just a thanks for not running away in fear after meeting my psycho parents it's it's fine don't worry about it what do you mean mine my dad makes own pickles five minutes means five minutes you get four more minutes so um she get to school yeah yeah bye [Laughter] I don't get it if you didn't want me to go on a date why didn't you just say so I did want you to go I just didn't want that other couple to have any fun well I was against it but once again we did it your mom's way well my way didn't include Barbara Jean putting her two cents in all night long well if you would listen to my two cents car when have gone on a date Kira going on a date wasn't the problem you're the problem you know what will you stop this is the problem the three of you fighting over everything I do I can live with rules but you three have to agree on what they are otherwise I'm the one who suffers you ruined my first date ruined or made memorable I'm sorry you're right wasn't fair you from now on your father and I will discuss all the rules so there'll be no confusion and Barbara Jean you don't want this to work do you you're doing it again okay fine barbar jeene can participate but you two only get one vote why do we only get one one brain one vote That's the Law okay so I guess the three of us are going to have to figure out some system for making rules well I think since she lives with us Brock and I should make the rules and then run them by you or I can put the rules in a car and run them over you well I think the best system would be if I didn't have any rules and I could prove how responsible I am all in favor sorry I was pulling for you okay I have a few rules that I would like to disc bar Jean you can vote on the rules you can't make them well that's not fair I don't care you were right I should have come to you our house understand nobody's list Jake good news buddy I fixed everything with Jill Campbell I told her the only reason you threw a pencil at her was because you liked her and guess what she's waiting for you outside on the p you talk to Jill Campbell now don't expect this every time okay the next babe you get on your own right I don't like Jill Campbell anymore I already threw something at Linda Osborne Jake you have a date no van you have a date I was wrong Jake doesn't live here anymore [Music] oh sorry I'm late guys I got a new bag boy down at the grocery store he's 72 he carried my bags out to the car and then I had to carry him back to the store is Cara here yet oh no she called she said she's not going to make it to your dinner again that's the third time this week what's going on over there hey Mrs H quick question for you if you want to go duck hunting do you have to have your own gun or can you just wait for them to land and then go after them with a hammer what in the name of dirt and worms are you talking about we're trying to come up with stuff to do with barene you know ever since Dad moved into their old condo we don't want her to sit around and get depressed yeah I think hun is good when you're [Music] depressed look when I went through my separation I hated it when people thought that keeping me busy was going to make me happy you know what maybe you're right ah too bad I got a great duck call hey [Applause] ducks look the best we can do is be supportive let barene work through her emotions she's going to look like heck and feel like heck and it's going to be okay with us Cheyenne I need to borrow your pearl earrings well jeez who died my richs are planted in the past though my life is Chang change it fast who I am is who I want to be single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops with gentle hands and the Heart of a fighter I'm a [Music] Survivor oh I tell you I am undergoing a personal Renaissance seeing old friends going to movies playing miniature golf you dress like that playing mture golf only if I don't want to pay honestly Rea I have to say if I had known asking Brock to leave was going to help me grow so much as a person I would have dumped him at her wedding arene you don't have to put on a show for us it would be complet completely understandable if you felt depressed I mean shoot even I felt depressed yeah but you're the one who got left see Rea I told Brock to leave so for me this is a chance to really find out who I am I mean people only see me as Brock's wife or Henry's mom or when I was younger the girl the lifeguards invited into the Lifeguard Shack but now I have an opportunity to find the real barar Jean that is very inspirational barbar Jean you should write a self-help book you can call it knock knock who's there me good because I've been looking for you yeah hey Barber jeene I brought you two pairs cuz I wasn't sure which one you'd like better oh I'll take one of each if I wear two different earrings people will think I'm eccentric you know yeah that's what they'll think and you know I know this goes without saying but the stuff we talked about is confidential you know I'm sure Brock is just constantly hitting you guys up for information about me yeah oh I don't know how to thank you wait a minute do you know what I just realized the Barbera Jean's and earring hog this is the reason kier's been canceling our mother daughter dinners because Barbara Jean has been bringing her food from the miniature golf course no barbar Jean's been running around with who knows who while Kira's home babysitting Henry do you know what she is she's a cira hog no wait hang on mom you have absolutely no proof that that's what's going on I don't need proof I've got intuition and my mother's intuition tells me something is wrong I got to speak to your daddy about this whole situation [Music] but it was so funny because me and my best friend Ryan Hollman I mean he's not my best best friend he's like my best friend at recess except for Daniel cortinez who's my best best friend at recess except he might move to Dallas but maybe not but he does like the Dallas Cowboys but I don't I like the Texans like you but it was so funny because all a sudden actually I changed my mind you can watch TV upstairs I'll tell you the end of the story at Dana yeah hey Brock hey oh I remember this color separation yellow yeah the guys down at the paint store just call it Brock so you okay no I'm fine I mean the first couple of days I was a little stunned but I've been working with my therapist and we both felt like the healthiest thing for me to do was to focus on the things I can control instead of dwelling on the things I can't plus she up my meds yeah sounds like you're doing great you know what's not great Kira canceled dinner on me oh well she's probably busy oh you know what you could be right she might be busy good point you always make good points that's why I like to talk to you so much what's going on nothing oh something's up you just said you like talking to me yeah I knew I never could pull that one off it's just that I've got this feeling about Cura oh no we're not going to start talking about your famous Mother's intuition AR we because I was lying before she didn't really up my meds BR listen to me I know you're going to flip out when I tell you this but it's important Barbara Jean's been going out every night seeing her friends and going to movies and stuff what she's going to the movies and you're telling me this and not the cops come on what's the big deal the big deal is that Kira's stuck watching Henry while Lulu's out playing putt putt yeah well I'm pretty sure that's not true oh really well do you have Mother's intuition no I have Henry what you mean Henry's here yeah he's taking a nap been with me all week I mean I felt like I need to spend a little extra time with him during this you know he's a lot quieter than Jake well then what in the heck's going on with Kira nothing I talked to her three times today and she's great but I realize that my reassurance is no match for your superpowerful mother's intuition I don't know what it is but I just can't shake the feeling that something's going on well I probably shouldn't tell you this what but when something's going on at my house yeah the evidence is always under the sofa cushion knock it off I'm just saying go on r a pop in on them it'll put your mind at ease I'm not going to do that Brock because when you say pop you mean Snoop and I don't Snoop Brock I'm not the snooping popping in kind of person oh Dad I just saw this commercial and it was so funny there was this dog but it wasn't like a dog dog it was like Daniel cortinez his dog but he doesn't have it anymore cuz it ran away but it was so funny Jak I got a story too and it's so funny yeah I was playing golf the other day and I had like 90 yards into the green but I didn't have my nine iron with me so I had to like take my sand wedge okay it was a really cool shot and this is like the really funny yeah that's [Music] right hey hey so hadn't seen you in a while yeah sorry about canceling dinner no big deal you're probably busy yeah doing what Mom you're acting a little weird what's wrong I don't know exactly just got this uh feeling oh no Mother's intuition you know what people should stop making fun of my intuition because if it wasn't for my mother's intuition we would have never found that Joe's Burger Barn when we were camping in leic out of all the barns we've eaten in that was the nicest I don't know I just got the feeling that something's screwy around here everything's fine I don't think it is I think it's weird what with Barbara Jean going out all the time that no it's fine okay everything's under control well I don't know that I don't know what she's doing and where she's going and what kind of people she's hanging out with look mom I can't talk about this we were just about to go out see you later oh hold on right there look I think Barbara Jean's a good person I really do but I also know that she's easily influenced I mean if she's hanging out with the wrong kind of people who knows who she could turn into hey rea [Music] Barbara Jean was dressed like Kira oh yeah buckle for Buckle wow that must have looked like a ventriloquist with her dummy this is so sad Kira dresses horribly that's not the worst part same shoes no when Rock left Kira seized power and Kira's never been good with power remember the time when I had to go the store and I had cira watch Jake and by the time I got back she had changed his name to Phillip you know though he looks like a Phillip I think it's just best if she moves back home that is never going to happen mom come on she's living every teenager's dream she's running the house the person who used to be the parent is now basically like a roommate that can drive no that's probably why she's been canceling all those dinners I mean why come over here when she can do whatever she wants over there starting to wonder what we're doing over here this is a mess this whole Brock moving out thing was dumb now it's getting even dumber well what are you going to do Mrs H can you force her to move back here well I don't want to do anything rash if it's only going to be a day or two but I'll have to do something if this foolishness gets worse and Brock God forbid decides to move out permanently wait a minute you don't think that could really happen do you happened to me you know what this is this is screwed up no honey don't worry your dad will be back eventually soon he'll get tired of all that peace and quiet it's not funny van I didn't mean anything I know he's going to go back isn't he you know what van I used to be able to read Brock like a book of course it was a fiction book but nevertheless I could read it L I just I just can't do it hey you're right right about what it doesn't matter all that matters is I was right do me a favor would you pretend that I came over to borrow something I just need a little break from chatty Jake so how's the condo coming along actually starting to look pretty good when you going to rent it out again oh I don't know we'll just have to see how things go you are going to rent it out again right like I said REO we'll just have to see how things go you want my opinion no well let's never stop me before Brock what you need to do is stop all this silliness do whatever you have to do but get back into that house you know my therapist says working on the marriage is a lot like fixing up the condo if I'm going to do it right I have to do it all the way so I'm not going to stop until this job is done well maybe you need to tell your therapist that there's a difference you're living in your condo while you're fixing it up maybe you need to live in your marriage too okay I'll pass that right along all right hold it hold it just a second just give me an idea how long this little game of yours is going calling it a little game or silliness this is the most serious thing in my life right now okay [Music] okay hey there you are glad I found you not so glad I found you on your angry bench look Cheyenne I wasn't making light of what's going on with your dad does marriage mean anything what marriage our marriage no any marriage just marriage saying that you're going to be with one person forever well yeah of course it does does it I mean really or is it is it just like when you're a kid and and you say your favorite candy reees pieces and then you go to a candy store and you pick up a box of raisinets and then someone comes up to you and they say hey I thought your favorite candy was R pieces and you say say I thought so too but you're standing there with box of raising nuts in your hand what are you saying that you would pick raisinets over Reese's Pieces no I'm trying to be serious I know babe you're just you're just upset and you're upset because of something happened between barbar Jean and your dad well guess what Cheyenne you and I are not them she's kind of an airhead and he's kind of a big goof we're not them we're not are we no I don't know what marriage means to them or to anybody else but does marriage mean something to you and me of course it does you know what it means means you're the only piece of candy I even see in the store I'll unwrap you Phillip Van hey hey I'm here because I need you to do something even though you're not going to want to do it do what I want you to move back home mom no car honey your dad and barar Jean separation is going to go on for a while I mean it could go on for a long time okay fine but why does that have to disrupt my life why is it that every time parents mess up their lives the kids are the ones who get jerked around okay cut the drama okay I know why you're not wanting to move home Kira you're in charge you're living every teenager's dream over here dream yeah oh yeah it's definitely every teenager's dream to have their stepmom dress like them and if it can possibly be in the mall where all her friends can see it that's the very best dream of all well then I don't get it why do you want to stay here K honey where are you Mom can we talk about this later please I'll come over later I promise oh hey Cara hey you know I don't know if I feel like going to the park I just feel kind of blah maybe I'll just watch some TV no no no we told Henry we're going and now he's all excited you'll feel way better once we get out in the fresh air okay well I guess since we did tell Henry mhm hey maybe we could hit them all afterwards we both get that mesh top we saw last time the mall yeah I love going to the mall now the salespeople are starting to recognize us sure R jeene we can do that Okie doie Smokey Kira yeah during this um this thing I don't know what I do with that about you you'd probably dress like Henry you here's the sense of humor that keeps me going so that's why you're staying here the first couple of days after Dad left she made a big deal about all the people she was seeing and all the stuff she was doing she'd get all dressed up but after she left I'd see her in her car at the end of the block then she stopped even pretending she just sit around in her sweats order pizza and watch TV man that's what I did it was getting bad so I just started asking her to do things with me go to record stores go to the mall so you've been babysitting Barbara jeene which means technically my mother's intuition was correct kind of like Joe's Burger Barn everything was fine until the other day I was looking at a pair of pants when I heard the chilling words I wonder if they have that in my size okay I need to tell you two things first of all you are a beautiful wonderful child maybe you just raised me right also I watch a lot of seventh heaven and the second thing is sweetheart you are a 15-year-old girl it's not your job to try to fix the problems of a bunch of grown UPS she needs me Mom nobody ever needed me before I don't know you said the separation might go on for a while yeah you know what I think so too but I don't think Barbara Jean thinks so if I move out it's like we're all saying dad is never coming back ohira if this is going to happen I want to see you I want to talk to you a lot and I want you to be honest with me about how things are going I will be I promise okay cute top wonder if they make that my size [Music] wow you look nice yeah I'm going to go get van I've never picked up a guy at the airport before it's going to be so romantic yeah it's like Paris with nachos I am taking van to dinner to celebrate his first away game you know this is the first time he's ever come back from being away hey sure an can I go with you to pick up Van oh Jakey I don't think you'd want to why not well when van gets off the plane he's going to see me and I'm going to be standing there looking awesome and he's going to drop his bags and I'm going to LEAP into his arms and we're going to hug and we're going to kiss and all right gr you ruined it you really did hey hey I'm home man I was going to come get you well I got an earlier flight and I wanted to surprise you surprise you [Music] well next time you surprise me tell me okay at least we can still go to dinner oh shoot I already got something on the way home with my buddy who drove me well that's great van you ruined every romantic plan I had well Mrs Montgomery mhm I have some plans of my own go go oh go out to dinner before you make me lose my appetite but I really am full and I'm not just saying that like I do when you make dinner well you can just sit there and watch me eat and talk to me you better be entertaining have fun hello hi is Van here oh he just left I'm sorry oh well he left this in my car could you give it to him please thank you oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait just a second uh are you the buddy that van had dinner with yeah and you brought him home yeah I work for the team I'm Kate and you are worried it in the past though my life is changing fast who I am is who I want to be single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops with gentle hands and the Heart of a fighter I'm a survivor [Music] so tell me a little bit more about Van's jacket he left it in my car oh so you and I have a lot in common because he left his daughter in my house she's upstairs she's a baby hey Mom hey hi I'm Kira I'm Kate I'm a friend of an an A friend of Vans what van can't have friends what's so weird and suspicious about that we met on the team I'm in publicity and we had dinner because we're thinking about doing a profile of Van oh so you had dinner with van and Cheyenne I only asked because as a couple they fascinate me nope just van just van that Naughty Boy well I better get going you thanks for the team very very good all right bye-bye bye-bye bye bye bye bye bye bye I got to go Kira fan had a business dinner with a business associate yeah a hot one man as soon as I move out you people decide to get interesting [Music] maybe I could take the door off and it would save you some time do you need something where's van out to CER Kira said van went out with some really cute girl who returned some of his clothing you never returned the clothing I mean what did Cheyenne say well she doesn't know well he lied to my daughter well he didn't exactly lie he said he had dinner with a buddy yeah we heard a hot one I missed you more I missed you more I will be upstairs brushing my teeth so you guys had a good time huh yeah it was great except I bashed my face in the salad bar sneeze guard my own fault I sneezed oh it must be nice to enjoy a meal with your wife after being on the road ah the road lonely open road yeah it must get awfully boring eating with your buddies all the time huh oh does it I well then let's talk about the weather is it chilly outside surely enough you might need your jacket oh hey my jacket I thought I left it in [Music] in oh oh oh that's all you can say oh here's one for you aha I told Cheyenne I left it on the plane she's right upstairs would you please be quiet buddy if I were you I'd be more worried about where Cheyenne's father is me I'm right here okay van what's going on so I got a ride home with this girl Kate what is the big deal well the big deal is you made Kate sound like a Brian or a Tommy or or a Fred or a Pierre or a or Alejandro I think you owe us an explanation but okay we were talking business okay this profile could really help my career and that's it that's it I mean come on guys you know me do you really think I'd do something like that no sorry van okay it's all so innocent why didn't you just tell Cheyenne that Kate brought you home because Cheyenne is really really jealous of other women in high school I did this report on Margaret Thatcher and she was like why don't you have a baby with her well she's way more mature now and I think you should have told Cheyenne was that how you all feel yes yes no well all right then the nose have it thanks Mr H how can you agree with him Brock he lied to Cheyenne yeah to save himself a huge hassle oh so you're okay with someone lying to their wife yeah are you comfy with that Brock look I've never been comfortable with lying but but sometimes women overreact and telling them stuff only makes it worse except for you honey lying in a marriage always leads to trouble she never has to find out but because we know about it we're involved and there's no way I can look my daughter in the eye and lie to her just put it out of your mind oh is that what you do Brock no no look you're both overreacting it's over it was a jacket in a car I don't see how it's ever going to come up it's a lie it'll find a way yeah well it's still their life so butt out but out but out fine [Music] china so van was just having a business dinner and didn't want to upset Cheyenne that's all that happened how did something so interesting suddenly become so boring hey look van thought he lost his jacket interesting again who found it V what huh Finn's jacket what Mom hey that's Van's jacket it came overnight express from the airline they found it on the plane and sunt it over I signed for it and tipped the guy five bucks so whenever you can get that back to me Chey oh sure thanks I'll go get my purse wait a second that's a lie and you came up with that way too quickly little missy okay what is going on oh this is silly and uh you're going to Laugh Your Butt Off oh you know this didn't come overnight express oh yeah uh Van's buddy who dropped him off uh dropped this byy because um van left it in her car coffee her car as in she as in a woman well I never thought about it that way but yeah wait wait wait wait this woman was she young and pretty or was she old and ugly hey some older women can be pretty too you know just answer me mom well she was pretty young I mean uh not pretty young I mean she was young and pretty well what what what did she say how does he know her well she works for the team but it's strictly professional oh my gosh does she sleep in the same hotel as him nothing good happens in hotels Mom oh I I think we're missing the point here the good news is Van got his jacket back oh yeah oh yeah that is good news kind of gives it that rugged outdoorsy look don't you [Music] think oh hey Mrs H where's Cheyanne I got her some flowers oh that's a good idea you might want to throw in a diamond ring a convertible and a beach house well I kind of blew all my cash on the flowers so oh wait what for I don't know H Mrs H my flight leaves tonight and uh Don't make me say I want to spend some alone time with your daughter we know that both makes us feel a little uncomfortable yes it does look van Cheyenne knows that Kate brought you home what I can't believe you told her big mouth ma'am I had to tell her I can't lie to her well what does she say oh nothing much well I don't hear slamming are my clothes all over the front lawn I don't know maybe she's taking it okay no wait a minute I want your cheating clothes out of this house what why because they're your work clothes you wear them when you play on your your team the jigo all right all right listen up hold on neutral Corners let's talk about this oh if he wants to talk about it why doesn't he just talk to what's her name Kate Mrs H Kate why don't you just talk to your buddy Kate over dinner with your jacket off okay all right all right look look cheyen I'm sure van is sorry that he lied no I'm not okay well talking didn't work let's try some quiet time come on you know what I I was trying to save myself from this and if I did anything wrong you made me do it oh so it's my fault well I know it's not mine I didn't do anything and why am I supposed to believe that why aren't you huh I mean I don't want to be with anybody else and I'm sick and tired of feeling like I have to lie all the time you know what I'm glad your mom ratted me out like a mob stoolie I'm relieved well so am I because I finally know that my husband's a big fat liing fber I can't talk to you anymore I can't talk to you anymore so why don't you just get out fine I'm gone fine but only because I enjoy taking long walk well enjoy well I will seriously I got to move back [Music] here still think she should give me the benefit of the doubt I mean isn't it innocent until proven guilty what she's doing is unamerican man it's just cuz she loves you so much you know when reeba and I were first dating she was incredibly jealous once I didn't call her for a whole week okay she never said anything about it but you could tell it really bugged her well she never said anything no no you could tell then are you sure you don't want to go and apologize I mean it's only a couple hours till your plane goes and you're going to be gone for three whole days no way Mr h i mean I need to make a stand now or else I'm going to be backing down my entire marriage I me you told me that's how you handled both of your difficult WI that's Guy Talk man you don't do guy talk in a guy's living room there's the liar and the man comfortable with the liar okay that stopped being funny half an hour ago so what's for dinner sweetie oh your favorite New York steak with baked potatoes and homemade apple pie for dessert oh man that sounds great oh I'm sorry I lied we're having Franks and Beans yeah see I don't want to tell you the truth because you might overreact and get hysterical Franks and Beans oh we're having Franks and Beans hey van brought your clothes than thanks Mrs H but I'm already wearing clothes sh's really upset she's been locked in your room ever since you left watching The Wedding Video over and over and over now doesn't that sound like somebody who's hurting the wedding videos yeah I'm a little thirsty [Music] I'm worried Brock if van leaves with things unresolved this thing could get out of control well if they won't get together we'll get them together do whatever it takes to get Cheyenne to the airport you really think it'll work well it has to we don't want them to have to go through the pain of someone not calling someone for a week and I think you know what I'm talking about what you remember remember what come on Reba oh Brock we don't have time for this let's go to the airport for man she still [Music] hurting thanks for the ride and everything Mr H but don't you think I should be getting on the plane now no no not yet oh look who's here oh so that's why you kept me from getting on the plane Benedict Judas mom we knew they were here that's why we came I came I saw goodbye Cheyenne you have a life and a baby with that man and I paid $8 for parking now start talking my mom made me come down here to say goodbye and I already said it so bye there's an extra one for the next time you go away wow that apology is so bad I'm starting to think it wasn't one I should not apologize to you you should apologize to me for what I didn't do anything did you lie about nothing I brought you down here to make up not to fight now get over there and make up yeah and make it fast they're almost finished boarding I don't know how I can make up with someone who doesn't even trust me and there is no reason for you not to trust me I didn't do anything wrong but you could no I couldn't yes you could anyone could cheyen why don't you believe me because my dad did Rea you like this [Laughter] shirt I'm sorry Dad look van I just I mean if it can happen to my parents it can happen to anyone not to us I will never be like your dad again sorry shy and you're mad at your husband for what your dad did honey I'm not even mad at him anymore really don't get excited there's new stuff I I guess I saw what happened to you guys and I was just trying to do everything to keep it from happening to us I'm telling you it's not going to happen F it's not that simple okay I want to trust you I I do I just it's not that simple I mean I can't just stop feeling the way that I'm feeling cheen believe me you're not going to make our mistakes you're going to make a bunch of new ones yeah and forget about mine honey you won't even know what half of your mistakes are until one day you're driving your daughter down to the airport make up with her boneheaded husband just to find out it was somehow your fault and then we'll tell Elizabeth no no no it was Grandpa's [Applause] fault sorry last time hey van it's about time to go hi Rea hi and you must be Cheyenne I'm Kate so nice to meet you nice to meet you too all right well I'll see you on the plane yeah yeah look sh this is my career and everything but I won't go if you don't want me to you won't no way what happens to us is way more important than our future go ahead yeah yeah so wait do you do you trust me well I'm going to work on it travel safe and I'll be here to pick you up when you land I love you I love you okay let's [Applause] go I couldn't fix it so I made it into a vest [Music] [Music] mom thanks for coming she's been like this all day what's wrong she's really depressed she just lies there she doesn't eat she doesn't talk she just keeps playing that stupid [Music] flute poor thing good thing she didn't get that b she wanted I don't think she realized how hard it was going to be after she kicked Dad out yeah I know I made it look like fun I'll talk to you bar Jean oh hey Reba what's wrong I don't know I woke up this morning with no man no career no future I'm stuck at home with the kids my life has turned into yours it's horrible bar jeene you need to get off that couch I can't my entire backside is numb my bad I was supposed to roll her over barene you just can't lie around moping about Brock you need to do something to make you feel good about yourself well it might be fun to go out yeah maybe to a bar it's been a while since I've been in a room full of drunken men that just want to take advantage of me that makes me feel good about myself bar you can't do that you're a married woman I'm a separated woman and I'm not going to do anything I just want to flirt and feel attractive again will you go with me I got a great idea why don't I just tell you you look nice and then put you in a cab wa but you have to go with me you know because of the two girl Theory never heard of it we have a two girl Theory at school but it's about the girls field hockey team when a woman goes to singles bar alone she looks like a loser therefore she attracts only losers oh that's ridiculous when I was young I went to bars okay tell me back to your theory when two women go out together they attract the hot men because they don't scream love me we're desperate you know unless they actually do scream love me we're desperate which trust me does not work well since you put it that way no I'm going home I don't know Mom maybe you should go with her going to a crowed bar might be the kind of boost she needs can't you go with her remember you said if I got overwhelmed with Barbara jeene you'd help oh Kira honey I didn't mean that fine okay Barb I'll go with you just once oh sweet this is going to be super fun this is going to be outrageous and off the hook can I get a woo woo what are you going to wear a disguisey my planed in the past though my life is changing fast who I am is who I want to be single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops with gentle hands and the Heart of a fighter I'm a survivor [Music] hurry up hurry up honey why are you in such a rush we got to get our breakfast and get out of here your mom spent an entire evening with barbar Jean she's going to be in a foul mood [Applause] honey why couldn't you have waited 30 seconds to eat why can't you cook good morning good morning cheyen good morning B what is you seem like you're in a cheerful mood oh I had a great time with barara Jean last night that is one funny gal Grandma's still drunk oh and you know that two girl Theory Barbie jeene it really does work and she's like a guy magnet I mean it's just like taking a giant puppy in there those big eyes of hers plus when you do this she looks every time what are you looking for I know it's silly but I had a bunch of napkins with telephone numbers written on them thought I put them in my purse okay Kira you're on mom look what barber jeene made you rea's cocktail napkin scrapbook look at this these are all the guys that want reeba bad I've organized them by hunos but there's an index in the back that's alphabetical bar I can't believe you did it all is yeah well the alphabetizing wasn't all her here's that neurologist number Dr Bob oh he was cute and quite a heiny oh not as good of Joe the fireman oh no they've discovered Boys Hey I know him [Music] hey van can I burrow $10 I want to take a cab to school can't you see I'm fixing my fish fine but I'll have to tell Mom how you got me in trouble at school oh like I could do that I'm not even in your school remember that stuff you told me you know the talk what talk then gave me the talk and I told everybody else B gave you the talk talk well I told him in confidence our next talk is a little something called keeping your mouth shut Jake go to school van and I need to discuss this fine but what are you going to say that van hasn't already told me really are you crazy van you can't do stuff like that that is for a parent to do well I feel sorry for him he doesn't have a dead dad he does have a dad I keep forgetting oh honey you have to tell Mom exactly what you told Jake everything why would I do that she'll kill me van it's the responsible thing to do what if someone gave Elizabeth the talk I'm not going to do it I am serious I'm going to be so mad not afraid of you afraid of your [Music] mother I have never had so much fun trolling for men Barber jeene we weren't trolling they were jumping in the boat oh yeah Raa you and I make a great team hey we should have Team jerseys made up we we we could call ourselves the two girls and guys would come over and say what is that mean the two girls and I'd say I'm not telling and then they'd say what's your name sugar and I'd say I'm barbar Jean and this is reeba and then we would meet every eligible man in town and then everybody would know us and we'd have a huge [Laughter] reputation that sounds great but no shirts and no reputation Rea if we go into a bar without shirts we're going to have a reputation [Applause] hey re have you seen by so where were you last night you know I saw you know doing something doing what I thought we had plans what is with all the questions Brock this is like CSI Miami bar jeene we I can't hear you huh detective forensic David Caruso what was that all about Barbara jeene was supposed to meet me for marriage counseling last night instead she was out bar hopping how'd you know that oh this golf buddy of mine is one of the bartenders over at the blue Lounge yeah he said she was cruising with some friend well maybe your bartender friend should stop criticizing and his customers and learn how to make a pink squirrel and I'm sure the woman was perfectly lovely well who cares about her she's probably just some old no the point is Barbara Jean skipped our counseling session which I find really selfish and inconsiderate I mean I'm sitting there paying some guy a hundred bucks an hour to feel like a fool you have no idea what that's like oh well not to nitpick but actually I do rock when we were separated there were lots of times that you didn't didn't show up for our counseling well that's different I didn't go then because ours was all about you blaming me for every little thing Brock I spent hours with that therapist trying to save our marriage but you were off with Barbara Jean well guess what now I'm off with Barbara jeene what do you think about that you were out with Barbara Jean yes I'm the friend surprise now if you'll excuse me I have to go put on my war paint cuz Barb and I are going to go out man hunting oh can I get a woo [Applause] woo well Jake's asleep and I'm going out Cheyenne does this outfit make me look no of course not you look really nice thank you Mrs his age va va va boom I'm changing B did you tell Mom yet tell me what don't do it Cheyenne van told Jake The Facts of Life but Dr he did what he gave Jake the talk about The Facts of Life but he didn't want to tell you but I thought it was my duty as a responsible adult well this is a surprise go after her mom she's scared of you well van all I can say is thank you what what well yeah I mean it was really easy telling my little girls about it but I think a boy should hear it from a man excuse me for a minute you know I can't take all the credit two dogs across the street brought up the subject I can't believe you're glad he did this it was the responsible thing to do Chey how did he take it oh he loved it he was laughing we were high-fiving it was awesome you kept it age appropriate right absolutely nothing graphic or anything I just explained that I was like you know wrestling with his buddies but with girls and then once you've done it it's all you ever want to talk about but van he's a kid you were supposed to keep it Technical and boring wrestling makes it sound fun no don't worry I didn't make it sound fun I don't even think of it like that excuse me oh I mean it's fun with you honey just not with other people what other people other people do it Cheyenne just take a look around the mall okay why don't you just tell me what you said to him why I did it right all right look if it all make you feel better I'll talk to them again and tell them it's no fun in fact I'll tell them it's a lot of pressure and a lot of work and sometimes I just rather read we'll talk about this later endlessly look I don't want you to talk to him I just need to determine if I need to talk to him it's no big deal Mrs H we started with the dogs and I segwayed from them to the birds and the bees but not for long because to be perfectly honest with you I don't know anything about how the birds and the bees do it except if they're doing it when they're flying it's probably dangerous it's why you probably see birds smashing in the windows all the time yeah thank you I've just determined that I do need to talk to him hey he's your kid yeah yeah hey Mrs H by the way I told him I kind of invented it so I rate that guy a five now he's a eight why you writing your phone number in all those napkins trying to beat the rush yeah cuz after a couple of jello shots my name looks like Robo oh they're cute make the puppy ass come on Reba they're not looking at my eyes make the puppy eyes oh all right hey I know you we we work in the same medical building I'm Paul I'm the surgeon on the third floor oh well that's my mistake cuz I've been getting all my surgery up on the second [Laughter] floor you guys like jello shot sure we'll be right back then Rea we should do this every Thursday night yeah but then we only be getting the Thursday night crop there's a whole week's worth of men to be harvested out here yeah but I need something to do on Thursdays that's my marriage counseling night with Brock he just makes it miserable for me yeah I've been there I bet he's all hey don't blame me I didn't do nothing wrong I'm Brock I'm Mr Perfect no he's more like we need to talk about our feelings we need to work on this thing together no he's not yeah he's he is he's become really Earnest and not the funny Earnest that went to camp but you know that don't sound like the Brock that I know that sounds like somebody who's trying yeah trying my nerves good one Barbara Jean you know barbar Jean this could be the jello talking but don't you think you're being a little hard on him hard on him re this is hard on me I mean one day he decides he's not happy with his life try not to take that personally yeah but it sounds like he's not stopping there it sounds like he's trying to do something about it I think the counseling will help well maybe I don't want to help maybe I want him to know what it feels like to be left twisting in the wind are you doing this to punish him that and cutting tiny little holes into all of his socks all here we go ladies you know what we just quit drinking what yeah you heard me this woman is married and her husband is emotionally unstable now shoot REO what did you do that for look barbar Jean nobody blames you for being hurt but when you got married you made a commitment now here you are out having a good time avoiding all the issues instead of giving it your all and trying to save your relationship bab this is my marriage and maybe I don't want to fix it okay but that's a decision you need to make somewhere where they're not serving booze that Jiggles now let's go fine but I'm still cutting holes in his socks actually I'm single [Music] have a good day honey hey how's about we keep those dogs in the backyard you know what's funny you never see cats doing that what's you name br oh I wanted to apologize for being such a jerk which time the most recent one Barbara jeene called this morning morning and she said that you talked to her about therapy that means a lot to me has barbar Jean agreed to go with you she's not sure she'll think about it man I hope she does you really are trying aren't you harder than anything in my life just wish I didn't have to do it alone know how that feels you know Brock when we were going through our separation I thought I'd hate you for the rest of my life but now that you're going through it I feel bad for you and I'm sorry I really am I'm sorry too reuba thanks okay that's enough of that yeah that was well all I can say is my shrink is going to have a f day with this what do you mean you know can I look eat fore fore for foree for for [Music] for [Music] for foree fore for fore

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Darius Rucker | God Love Her | Full Performance | Toby Keith: American Icon

Category: People & Blogs

[applause] bridgestone give a warm welcome to one of country's biggest voices darius rucker thank you all yeah when i first came to nashville 17 years ago toby was one of the first guys to reach out to me and tell me how welcome i was and how he was glad i was here he's a class act i'm honored to be... Read more