"Thuringia State Election: 'CDU Delivered!' Top Candidate Mario Voigt Celebrates Election Results!"

Published: Aug 31, 2024 Duration: 00:07:16 Category: News & Politics

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Let's look at Thuringia. That's the crucial thing. Right there we have a replacement section from Mario Voigt from the CDU. Let's have a listen. Yes, thank you very much for the friendly applause. But that is an applause that goes to all of us. We have fought in the last few weeks and together we have done it. The CDU is back as the strongest force in the political center. Red-red-green is voted out. Glad you all took part. I would like to thank all voters, all helpers and all supporters of the federal party. Friedrich Merz, Markus Söder, who have fought together with us in the last few weeks. To ensure that we as the CDU make gains again here in Thuringia and Saxony. And I also want to congratulate Michael Kretschmer. Saxony and Thuringia, the CDU has delivered. The election result still remains a political challenge. And we as the CDU also see this as an opportunity for political change under the leadership of the CDU. And we will now also hold talks to ensure that there is a sensible government in Thuringia under the leadership of the CDU. Let's tackle this! Candidate in Thuringia with an initial reaction. And he has already mentioned the challenges when it comes to forming a government. I had the opportunity to talk to Björn Höcke on Friday . And when asked about coalition formation and the like, he said that it was good parliamentary practice. The strongest force is offering coalition talks. The CDU is not the strongest force. Who do you think will be able to talk to whom now? At all? Well, Höcke can offer, but then he won't get an answer. And that's why it's up to Voigt and Voigt will have to talk to the BSW. And I had just advised you not to believe everything that is said at AfD election parties. I also advise not to believe everything you say, because of course it's not as great a victory as he did . He thought Ramelow was toast and he could challenge Höcke. He manages a duel with Höcke. And now Höcke is quite clearly ahead. So that didn't work out the way they thought it would. So in Thuringia the CDU is about six points below the average, let's say, of the CDU nationwide. That's not a victory, you can't applaud it, you can't do much with it. Of course he will try to create a coalition out of it . But it is not a success. But will he actually agree to form coalitions in Thuringia with Sahra Wagenknecht, with the BSW and Bodo Ramelow? Yes, he needs that. He can't do it alone with the BSW. God, he'll talk to them. The pull towards power is so strong and the will to power is so strong that they are willing to do anything. Should that work? Does this even work? And then the Left Party, well, they know. The question is also how expensive the BSW can buy the firewall. So they have the best cards to ensure that the AfD stays out. On the other hand, voters must also seem a bit frustrated if they actually vote for the BSW and then get a government in which everyone is back in it. So from the left to the CDU. And the CDU voters are just as disappointed because they are voting for the CDU for an obviously center-right policy, which is now really being paid for in Friedrich Merz's federal government. And then they get it: they just don't get Sahra Wagenknecht, the Left and Sahra Wagenknecht. How is this supposed to work together? The top candidate in Thuringia, Katja Wolf, is purely politically and economically interesting. She has been mayor of Eisenach for years. And everyone said, actually a pragmatist. Never been on the Wagenknecht wing, it was the same on the other wing. And with that Voigt could also have things in their program like learning to read and write properly again in elementary school. Who wouldn't be there? But I'll say something: Sahra Wagenknecht, then from Saarland to the Rhine-Ruhr, that's what she threatened. That's the interesting thing. Sahra Wagenknecht says the Thuringian state government should speak out against the American missiles being installed in Germany. So, also and against arms deliveries to Ukraine. Well, almost everything couldn't be done in Thuringia. Yes, that's true, but of course the CDU can't possibly write that down on a piece of paper and sign it. Also very exciting. That's why she did it. But if not now the question is, who is leading the negotiations now? Ms. Wolf is the top candidate or is Ms. Wagenknecht flying in? With what mandate? Although she was on her poster, she is not in the state parliament. I advise. But she was also very involved in Thuringia, right? But all they say is that they really do. She was also extremely acclaimed at the two events I attended . And when you talk to people and ask them about Katja Wolf, for example, you get the answer: Yes, wonderful woman. But the Sahra, the Sahra is great. Sarah. Well, maybe the thing isn't called that for nothing, it is what it is, the question will sooner or later be: Will Katja Wolf even be able to form her own position of power? Against a Sahra Wagenknecht? Will she be able to take back? She can't. Sahra Wagenknecht is not allowed to make Katja Wolf compromises that she would not accept. The beautiful BSW project is immediately ruined again. So she has to be able to write her pro-Russian, anti-American sentiments into some paper, otherwise it makes no sense. From their point of view. And that's why I would assume that she would fly to the negotiations herself and conduct them herself. This is too important for the party, these are the first coalition negotiations. But what does that mean for Mario Voigt, who has repeatedly emphasized : We decide for ourselves in Thuringia, it's about Thuringia. Friedrich Merz can say whatever he wants in Berlin, and so can Secretary General Linnemann. So does he really have this sovereignty? No. Possibly. So Merz's announcement is: not with the AfD. And Mario Voigt shares this because he knows who Björn Höcke is. And then the CDU has it in its program, not even with the Left Party. And they would like to leave that discreetly under the table. But you remind them of it every now and then. And now, of course, the great irony is that the BSW is an offshoot of the Left Party. But of course that's not in the program. That's why there is de facto no exclusion. And who says that Bodo Ramelow could n't serve as a minister in such a government for the sake of the country and to form a stable government ? Next to BSW, yes, announced next to BSW people. Of course everything is possible.

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