The Ultimate Halloween Horror Nights 33 Food Guide!

what are three things that Halloween Horror Nights and I have in common we're fun we're scary and we're about to be extremely full of food Ben and OB here and tonight we're at Universal Orlando's Halloween Horror Nights 2024 now we're here for one thing and one thing only and that's the food but before we can kick our night off we got to go find a St scream to hang out in before the food starts flowing I let's go find one we are just steps inside the park and Universal has already changed up the 2024 hh1 season the two staying scream areas for this season are New York and the World Expo this is really has to do with location of the houses not a huge surprise that those are the stain in Scream areas however we just wanted to make sure that you know so when you come to hhn you can plan accordingly I thought we might be in the stain scream section for like an hour before food started food started so we're starting our night strong with a sour cream and chai Twisted Tater hydrator diee when you're at hhn because there is plenty of booze to come is the proper way to eat a twisted Tater just to dive in or do you peel tell us in the comments because I feel like this is the up appropriate way to eat a twisted Tater but it's not the way that my I feel like I'm being very appropriate right now you know originally my heart said to go with the um garlic parmesan but I know that Ben likes sour cream and onion flavored stuff and so sour cream and chai have seemed right up his alley Ben I think you're really going to like this it's crispier than last year's Twisted Tater clearly they've been frying stuff up for a while already it still doesn't have that crispness of a kettle chip potato chip but it's cuz it's a twisted Tater not a kettle chip but I have to say if you're going for a twisted Tater get one with seasoning on it not just salt I think it adds a little extra and I'm a big fan we jumped right over from the Twisted Tater Booth over to the Twilight Tavern and I have my uh official first Blinky cup of the Season which is a sarcophagus spiced cider to be perfectly honest the color of it is not appealing however it sounds good there's multiple kinds of booze in here one of them's tequila one of them's vodka and then I think it has some lime and orange in it and then can't hate on fish and chips and they look very well battered they come with yeah some tarter sauce not as much tarter sauce as I would prefer but um let's start start with the Blinky cup it's not blinking at the moment but it'll be blinking tonight after a couple more of these that tastes just like spice cider I was expecting a lot more of a hit from the tequila and the Vodka this is a dangerous drink because it's it's cold it's refreshing and I have a strong feeling as I work on this longer this video is going to get a bit Messier so apologies now folks I've got two complaints right now one this is hot and fried food and when you're hot and you're eating fried food and it's hot that just doesn't mix two need more tartter that's the worst thing I got going on in my life we're doing all right today but let's dive in they're not too hot right now they've been sitting for a moment freshly fried let's see how the crunches ready again aside from eating hot fried food on a hot day this is great like it's very well battered very crispy the fish is Juicy and that tartar sauce hits especially with that hint of lemon on there would I prefer it to be like 20° colder when I eat this absolutely Ely but you got to do what you got to do at [Music] hhn it's a pizza skull sorry I wasn't ready for you to say action is it this the cutest thing I should cut a hole right there so we can talk okay so here we are with our pizza skull from 57 fair over in the New York section people are queuing up left and right for the houses currently and in the meantime we're just mosing around grabbing bites of food enjoying our time I have never eaten one of these pizza skulls before but I've always wanted to get one I actually come to think of it I thought it was served with a cup of marinara sauce but maybe I'm making that up in my mind but um Pizza skull he's warm he's soft ready to take a bite dough seems good I see pepperoni I see more dough I see sauce and I see cheese nothing in that sounds bad I feel like I'm 10 eating a pizza pocket but it's not frozen in the middle so that's great this is good it reminds me a lot of a pizza pocket like those ones you get from costal good ratio of cheese and marinara but I also can appreciate that there's pieces of pepperoni in it give me a minute I'm going to finish [Music] this it is 1026 we are in the New York sand scream section the houses are going the steer zones are running at least this one is but we're waiting for this gate to open up so we can head down and go play with some Death Eaters [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that was a fun little intermission and uh I got in a duel and I didn't have a wand so we fixed that and now I have my very own death theater wand we need to get back to eating more food there is tons of stops in this park tonight lots of treats lots of savory items that we need to try so we need to get on our way and continue doing our loop around the park or two or three uh I think we're going to backtrack practice a little bit and go over to Lombards and check out to see what kind of sweet treats they have [Music] there change of plans Lombards didn't seem to have any hhn treats at this moment we might have either missed them like they ran out already or they haven't been stocked yet for this evening who knows maybe they'll just show up later maybe today maybe tomorrow maybe next week so we'll see um um in the meantime I've got an empty Blinky cup there's places to get drinks there's places to get more food up here uh just before the MIB section before the bridge so I think we're on our way to the next food [Music] [Music] item we have refilled our Blinky cup with gou juice a traditional staple at hhen some dark rum [Music] yum this is going to be refreshing before we go into Nightmare Fuel and then we also got a goblin pie which is basically like a little um apple pie like you'd see at Mickey D uh except it's covered in cinnamon sugar and a little bit of raspberry jam on top I'm excited for this also it's warm and toasty which typically would be amazing but it's also hot out so we'll see how well it goes down at least I've got a nice drink to wash it down with I like that this is like a cinnamon sugar churro with raspberry jam if you were to like dip it into apple pie filling but it's it's baked inside I don't know if you can see that but this is really good I don't really want to share it with you Ben that's my big I'll see it we at time you can go grab another one for it being 8:00 show we're in line at we in line at 7 it's 718 right now busy busy back here busy busy this is uh nightmare fuel though because this is what you can expect on night one of H it's going to be packed be busy you're going to wait it's definitely not the experience we had at premium scream night bring your patient pants bring your patient pants thank the team members hydrate patient hydrate [Music] Eternal circus is fantastic we have so much more food to eat um so we got to get to it we're we're slacking on this film right now come on Ben we need to eat more food n out of 10 scientists say that water tastes better out of a blinky [Music] cup we're over at DreamWorks imagination Cafe which used to be the kids zone Pizza Company if you haven't been here since the refresh um we're online for pizza fresh because you can't do hhm without enjoying a nice hot tray the pizza fries we have quite a bit of food here just like Bam Bam Bam we both went and got in line busted some things out so I have our pizza fries here from imagination Cafe over in the DreamWorks area they are still so hot and um I'm sure Ben will clip it in but I was very proud to make it through the entire scare zone of zombies and not spill this everywhere on top of that Ben picked out some items over here I'm going to let him describe what he got I know that this one's chicken with some chimmy chery the spinal colum chicken I think it was um but I have no clue what's in this bowl so I think I'll start with that and see if I can figure out what it is it has a tortilla in it some sauce and in this lighting I think it's pork hard to say the real question is should I put it in the tortilla we're going to do a bite of each so just dive in O it smells [Music] good that's [Music] tasty that pork nice and shredded well done um I don't know what the menu said I think it's giving me a little bit of a mle sauce on top but I also want to try it in this tortilla to get a real real idea also I'm trying not to get it all over my fingers but we [Applause] might I like it the tortilla there a corn tortilla hit or miss on corn tortillas for me I could go for flour with this one particularly but that's fine not going to complain I really like this as like we got a honkin piece of chicken come out but this is a solid bowl of shredded pork soft juicy good sauce on top has a slight slight spice to it but it's not hot um so well flavored I like having the good protein option this is really nice so um before we dive into the pizza fries we have chicken to eat next spinal column chicken it is grilled chicken on a skewer top with a chimmy Cherry sauce we have heard very good things about this it has been talked about well by a number of people so not to uh not to Hype it up but like it's got high expectations it's also a lot of chicken like you know the sticks they put the Twisted tape oh and it's heavy like that's a lot slowmo or dive right inve right [Music] ready oh my [Music] God that Timmy Cherry sauce is amazing I think you could put that chimmy Cherry sauce on a number of savory items and it's not going to be bad like that chicken well done well cooked um not dry it's juicy clearly cuz there's a quite a bit of stuff on the plate here but that chimmy Cherry sauce is really what puts it over the edge and I appreciate you're not just getting little baby pieces of chicken like you're getting a giant piece so um I think Ben and I are going to for sure eat this whole entire thing because protein gains um but also it's really it's really [Music] yummy this is one of two I ordered a crepe and then I found out there's another crepe I can get that is not on that menu yet but it's called the peanut butter creeper so you know I had to get it the first crepe we have is the lemon blueberry crepe now if you can see this I don't know the lighting around here is great for it but the crepe is blue will that affect the flavor I've got no clue but it is a lemon pound cake with lemon curd fresh blueberries whipped topping and powdered sugar all things I absolutely love but I also got a second crepe which we're really going to have to compare opposite ends of the spectrum both sweet crpes but very different reasons they're sweet but I love both of these flavors nonetheless so we're going to grab this next crepe then go find a place that's quiet and enjoy these sweet delights this next crepe is an annual passholder special but supposedly they might be bringing it to the menu for this hhen season so hold tight it's a rumor I don't know but I was able to order it so it is the peanut butter creeper and on it I'm reading you exactly what it is uh it says black crepe shell with peanut butter Reese's Pieces peanut brittle and a peanut butter cup how can you hate that we're going to start with this one I think this one will give me a belly a I think both of them might honestly but whoa that's some that's some Hefty so personally we don't normally eat crepes with this Fork [Music] but you didn't see anything the menu sign didn't say this was vegan but I've also seen online that this is vegan it's not necessarily shouting oh that this is vegan whipped cream so I I don't know like if it is vegan awesome work you fooled me um if it's not I'm a mess this night's this night's going downhill um if it's not well it's it's very good now the um lemon cake lemon pound cake it's a little dry so you really want that whipped topping with it but those blueberries pop this is nice um let's see if I can get a little more lemon curd in a bite here cuz that lemon curd [Music] slips no I'm I'm just I'm I'm going to make a mess okay I'm a sucker for lemon C but we got a nice sweet light treat and we got this baby right here oh yeah all right we're going to dive in slowmo you ever felt the need you just do this to a jar of peanut butter and eat it on up order this crepe I'm a little disgusted with myself [Music] my tummy kind of hurts from those those uh grapes so I thought why not get more sweets that'll make it feel better right right I'm going to Buck up uh my tummy does hurt a little bit because a lot of the sweets and now we're about to add two different cakes to this which is only going to take it downhill even further I said we get Savory guess what we didn't so um when we do these we do look at a little bit of research ahead of time and decide items that you know what sounds good to you what do we want to get these are the two items on the list that I said I really wanted to try the first we have is the chocolate raspberry Death Cake which is Devil's chocolate cake with raspberry buttercream chocolate ganache and white chocolate Bones on top the way it looked in the actual like pastry case this cake is amazing it is bright red if my teeth aren't stained after this I'm going to be a little disappointed the second item we have is the chocolate cranial cake this item might be the most interesting looking item of all tonight cuz it's not just a little like skull pizza guy it's a skull with the looks like a a knife through the eyeball and it is gushing blood so this is a Devil's cake with cherries dark chocolate coating coconuts and pecan filling I Can Only Imagine The Pecan is part of the brain so uh I'm not a big Cherry chocolate person but I might let that slide for this one I'm very excited to give it a try the raspberry pops like I thought there'd be like a raspberry Jammy layer no there's just a good good raspberry flavor in this and it shines above the chocolate um the frosting is actually lighter than I expected that's got raspberry in it are my teeth red let's try some black if that doesn't do itum this next one the cranial cake is covered in dark chocolate so I'm either going to have to stab it or just bite right into it I don't know we're going to start with stabbing I think that seems that seems a little more reasonable the coconut and pecan is actually throughout the cake not just in one spot and it's actually a lighter cake than I expected this the other one was more dense um this is a little bit lighter so I like the coconut I like the pecan very light on any Cherry flavoring that I'm getting let's have another bite cuz I feel like feel like I didn't get the full fill here also I'm just ripping this skull apart yeah that one's a lot more doable for me it's probably because of the lack of frosting um it's a very light cake it's also cold in the middle so I don't mind that it's very refreshing for tonight and that cherry flavor is really not popping so for good good or bad if you're looking for a heavy Cherry chocolate flavor this might not do it for you but if you don't mind or you don't really want that cherry flavor you may enjoy the cranial cake also it's just adorable to look [Music] at I've got too much to hold but we have eggs in the further I have the boozy drink from the Insidious Booth it's got white claw in it and the rest of it I don't know but I know that's a piece of licorice on top and I don't don't like w Gish Sor great and then uh the last thing is the red door which I believe is like a vegan hand pie um but it's red dough so that'll be interesting I'm going to go see if we can find a place to set all this down so we can sit and eat it for a moment Ben really is excited about these eggs though we were we were looking forward to trying these eggs at a theme park who a th here's a question are these eggs scrambled or are they fried they just said eggs and it's like towen a hole so it's in a nice piece of bread here there's a hole but my mind said scrambled but in reality I don't feel like that's how this should be served so a mystery we're about to solve we said earlier we research these things ahead of time a little bit and this is research we mean Google by Google Miss Wizarding World thank you for your your website it helped us out quite a bit this is one that I wanted to try it smells spicy it's like jalapeno eggs or jalapeno toast or something something spicy it's spicy it's almost like a a salsa on top of like toast it's auka I don't know what that means okay what's a Shuka tomato like a salsa makes sense it's like a salsa because it is a salsa um and there's like a cheese not really sure where the egg is find the egg there we are it's all the way down there at the bottom kind egg it's a fried egg it's kind of a uh medium fried egg it's not really hard over easy no it's not easy because it's a it's not uzy kind of over medium oh that's hot that really hot and it's spicy I'm lucky it's cooled down a little bit or El I would not be having a good time it's very yummy though cuz it's like I don't drink do I have to eat the licorice on top yep it's black licorice the worst kind of Licorice there are two types of people in this world those who like Black Licorice and everybody else I'm part of everybody else yep that's black [Music] licorice oh the it hits you in the end for those who like black licorice in the world I I applaud you I guess somebody's got to eat it oo but we like that drink the white CLA it great I want to say there was like blackberry and lime [Music] also yeah Universal omit the black liquor top it with a different kind of gummy and you've got a winner I could drink this one all night at 81 you push but you know there's no laws when you're drinking claws right what part's up on this door here's the red door I'm going to say this is the bottom but look there's the back it's like my niece colored it red for us uh I'm just going to work on breaking this open here and you guys can see what's inside we follow vegans of universal on Instagram they post a lot of cool stuff so great person to follow if you are a a non-animal product eater I myself do prefer some animal products but every once in a while a vegan pie hits so let's see if this one fits in that category that's kind of like eating a hand chicken pot pie with no chicken less gravy but like the warm peas carrots and pieces that are in this very very good and the dough is well done like nice and Flaky but cooked all the way through like you're not getting soft spots on this but I got to be honest um again a warm warm food item on a warm night if you fed this to me in late November and it's a nice crisp 50° out this would be fantastic [Music] tonight just going to keep working on this claw and I'll work on this as as things get going a little bit [Music] better the Raining Blood light bulb that might be what it said on the menu it's got bourbon in it I don't like bourbon [Music] we have Abbott's farm corn chowder which is topped with three shrimp kind of surprised by that it didn't have shrimp in the picture I didn't know I was going to get shrimp not mad about it um another hot bowl of something toasty for your evening on a nice toasty evening let's get a bite of [Music] this that's good corn chowder I like a good chowder it's thick it's Rich that corn has a nice sweetness to it like if I wasn't already very very stuffed and also if it wasn't this hot out like I want to keep eating this this fall this might be one of the favorite things I've had tonight when we talk about foods that I had to try because it's a tasty hhn treat this is the one I got so much anxiety during the movie when Emily Blunt stepped on the nail when I saw the aair I was like one that's creative two I got to have it I love Air's I love just like cream fil that is just a h that is just this is just a piece of chocolate where where's theair but you are going to make a mess with this thing I'm going to have chocolate [Music] everywhere when I'm trying to hide from the thingy miggers I don't want chocolate on my [Music] hands and that's a chocolate fill the clear it's a nice it's a nice poth pastry pretty good chocolate filling this is one mark my words they're going to redo this one at Christmas but with heavy like a Christmas topping because when I tasted that I was like that's Christmas not Halloween so this one will is one of those that I think will come back for Christmas or in some form of fashion with a nail in it still with a nail in it still and bleeding in with all the quiet place [Music] things we ate a lot of food today we did it didn't feel personally and you guys can tell us if you disagree it didn't feel like as much food as we at at last hhn but I also think we spread it out for a longer portion of time what was your favorite food tonight the chimmy churry sauce just the sauce just the sauce I I drink that with a with a straw if I had that chimmy Cherry sauce it was it was very very good uh What was your least favorite food I don't know [ __ ] in this heat didn't just didn't mix honestly that would be my answer as far as's favorite food is just hot food like H there's so many hot food options which is wonderful but on a hot night wait leave that for the for the later in the season here's here's an idea Universal do an ice cream treat o ice cre do a ice cream treat at hhn I think those would sell like hot cakes kind of a pun intended there hot food hopefully though that this video gives you a little bit of a snippet into what you can expect for when you come for your Halloween Horror Nights Adventures there's so many great options so many great Foods so many great drinks and honestly just the souvenir cup alone is it's worth it you got anything out of this video please subscribe to the channel it really does help us out quite a bit stay tuned for more AJ gen content than for watching bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]

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