NFL WEEK 1 Recap! LiL Wayne Snubbed From Sur Bowl Halftime Show for Kendrick Lamar RTOFD

Published: Sep 09, 2024 Duration: 01:09:55 Category: Sports

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Timestamps.Intro [Music] a [Music] [Music] worker man [Music] [Music] he we are live SB talk sports Shan R real takes over fake debates and it is Monday and we are sponsored by Swift energy use Corr T FD to get 20% off your order every time you order Sean is Monday what's going on first week of football baby first week of football first week of Monday Night Football y'all notice we on an hour early because we're GNA try to do this uh before Monday Night Football this season so y'all can enjoy the game and we can as well but looking forward to it NFL Week 1 Recap first week of the Season finally coming to an end and uh yeah but let's get into it man yeah no we definitely got to get into it I ain't gonna lie I was very excited I enjoyed um NFL football it was great great until all my parlays got busted thanks to lot Chicago Bears uh you know could have been could have been a couple thousands richers but you know you know they just didn't want to pass the ball to nobody or you know hand the ball off but it's cool but besides that I enjoyed every little bit got the see charges got to see the Bears I gotta see a lot of other teams a lot of good rookies uh Sean before we get into the show because we definitely got to talk about some Super Bowl conversation which is crazy we already talking about Super Bowl now but out of all the games that you skimmed through cuz obviously if if you guys watch all the games you probably didn't watch one game at one time what was the one game that stuck out to you most what was like it was the most exciting game uh probably definitely the Colts Texans game was a was a good one was very competitive um and and I would say Miami Jacksonville but more because Jacksonville I think choked just late in the game um and and uh but yeah but definitely that colt Texans game was probably the best game of the weekend yeah no that game was bro and that Lions Rams I'm sorry I can't forget the oh yeah that Lions Rams was a good guy that throw from Anthony Richardson to stumble and while stumbling and still throw the ball like I think he threw it like what 60 yards like 60 65 yards that's that's honestly that's that's like ridiculous to still launch the ball like that uh but for me obviously good to see my Chargers back on the field I can definitely acknowledge that that that Texans and that Coast game was I have to agree with you on that one that was like a good showing you see Stefon they leave Stefon digs alone man every time he every time he argu everybody argue on the sidelines all the time soon as it's like look Stefon Diggs ain't happy he cried on the sideline and he it's crazy after they showed that him doing that he did score like that next like I think drive or the second drift I was like I gota leave my boy y gota leave my boy alone salute Tiffany too in the chat but let's go and get into it Sean like I said we have to talk about the Super Bowl already so I don't know if You' seen it was a Super Bowl commercial drop and it was announced that Kendrick Lamar will be headlining this year's Super Bowl in New Orleans and everybody has been in an uproar even including me because everybody asking how you how you going to New Orleans and the greatest rapper from New Orleans and some people greatest rapper all time or consensus top five artist of all time how is he not be able to perform in his own home state actually town because he's from New Orleans did Lil Wayne get snub Sean no no okay no let me ask let me ask you something SB let me ask you something where where is where is Usher from Atlanta Okay but well technically Chattanooga Tennessee well CH technically Chattanooga but I man much he be down in Atlanta I thought he's from Atlanta right yeah but I mean I know he you know anyway um where's Rihanna from I think she like like Jamaica like she was like from somewhere from Island she's an island girl right right yeah okay right yes from from Barbados Barbados okay all right so uh they performed in they were the headliners of the last two Super Bowls last I checked these of those Super Bowls were played in chattan or in Barbados all right so at the end of the day who headlines of Super Bowl where is not the issue I know a lot of people gonna make a big stink about old New Orleans blah blah blah the one thing about the Super Bowl the headliner knows where they are right the headliner knows where they are and if we want to be real the last time the Super Bowl was in New Orleans who headline uh what super bow was that that was the one with uh the uh Ravens and the 49ers was it um benose yeah I say yeah I it was RB artist Beyonce yeah yeah so all saying is and again she ain't from new or she from Houston so it's not about where the Super Bowl is it's about who now Rock Nation Run by Jay-Z believes is gonna put together the best performance and and smartly most of these artists who do um Carina Super Bowl always bring people out with them that's part of the that's part of the stick yeah you gotta believe Kendrick Lamar and Dave free are going to tap very much into the New Orleans artist base because of Super Bowls in New Orleans they ain't crazy not they ain't but okay hold on wait salute G money they say everybody the smash like but you Andrew what you off topic and I'm not answering that my girl watch the show I'm not answering that I'll answer it for you it's a Shanti but we can move forward both of them for me Doan Lil Wayne 100% got snug 100% you you had a chance like because I do agree the la la usually in the Super Bowl the the hometown person don't do it but it a little bit little little bit of the situation changed because of the LA situation and Lil Wayne snubbed from Super Bowl 59 halftime show how good the LA that Dr Dre all the LA artists here besides 50 and M because it's part of and Mary J BL and Mary J blast but it had the LA guy headl which he could have probably brought out other artists but I feel like because usually when the guy who performs with rappers we talk about this on Trudy King podcast like super usually don't have like rap artists that really headline the situation like that so it's rare for that anyway so I think for the point of where you go to get a rapper I think Wayne would have been perfect but the problem is that I have is the politics that's got in the way of it it's not necessarily with way it's because of with Jay-Z and I know everybody thinking like oh what you mean Jay-Z because Jay-Z got a problem with Birman got a problem with Drake he got a problem with Beyonce it's a whole bunch of outside things going on but Wayne has never been in the middle of also you gota remember Jay-Z also tried to sign Wayne so I think it was like people feeling like Wayne missing out on on a um opportunity where they think H would have picked Wayne but the outside politics and the people outside around him that HOV don't rock with that Wayne maybe miss the opportunity because you know if Wayne performed he's going to bring Drake he's gonna bring Nicki Birdman gonna be somewhere doing a bird call whatever he might bring the no the hot boys out too so I just think like that's my only problem when it come to play because it ain't like Wayne Wayne got a calog Wayne one of the greatest rappers of all time and then with Kendrick it's really stems from and I hate to say this because how great of an artist that Kendrick is it really stems from Kendrick being hot from the Drake beef right now because Kendrick don't drop songs like that re if Kendrick didn't get into didn't have his beef recent beef with Drake and not like us become like one of the hottest songs of the summer I don't know if Kendrick would have been picked because Krick would have never dropped no music Krick been somewhere chilling you know being a dad whatever he doing be on his Miss marale stuff so I think it's just like a lot of other thing mixing in a pot that's stirring away for something great that we can see because you got obviously Wayne who in my opinion is the greatest rapper of all time but consistenly top five top three all time and you got it in New Orleans I think you got to give Wayne that opportunity to try to put on the show I know Wayne is a little older I know we before the show that his performance has been a little bit off lately but I think coming from the superow which he want to perform in which he been saying for years that he want to do it when it was announced in New Orleans I think Wayne should have been given an opportunity but here's the thing you don't have to be the headliner to perform oh that's over with Sean you you ain't been saying online oh I'm saying what I'm saying is what I'm saying is is that there's a lot of people who perform at the Super Bowl who are not the headliner right it there was a year and I want to say it was cold play if I remember correctly I think Coldplay headline the Super Bowl in San Francisco but they brought out Bruno they brought out Beyonce right Bruno headline one year like he brought so that's that that's the nature of the Super Bowl they pick a headliner and then that headliner in conjunction with whoever sponsoring it whether it's Pepsi or whoever will determine which artist that they'll bring out and they'll use during the performance I think what happens a lot of times sometimes people get caught up in catalog and I don't want to brow beat this point SB but do you remember when versus first started yes right do you remember how versus changed after a little while uh when they started doing the NFL Injury Report live performances with start live performances right so when versus first started it wasn't about the performance it was about catalog once it changed and it became about the live perform performance the whole your catalog was cool but that was not What mattered hey I'm see if you like it in with me which which one changed the which battle was it that it was the last performance one that changed the dynamic which one was it I'm going see if you lock and dip set yes sir the Loxy Dip set would changed everything yes sir the Loxy dips would changed everything and there were people who said oh Dip set got the better catalog and it's like listen this is not about catalog this is about performance and and you know you're a Wayne fan I love Wayne I listen Wayne is you know Wayne been been around since the late 90s so you know there's probably not someone who's been around longer that's been as relevant for as long as he has in hip-hop but that said Wayne did perform in essence in July I understand I and again also I want people to understand too when Kendrick did the Amazon thing the Amazon popup it was good it was well received yeah it was very well received not like us played a lot of times though but you know I'm slight hating it's cool yeah it wasn't called Kendrick not like us it was thing on Amazon and the number of people that tuned in the people that reviewed it well so there's a lot of factors that come in but that said you know there's other artists in new worldle if Wayne don't want to be there that's fine I I I'm I'm very very close with obviously as a Saints fan I'm very close with some folks from New Orleans I understand that Wayne doesn't always had the greatest relationship with City there's artists there who have a better relationship with the city than Wayne and they can bring out as well that's all he could do that and Sean I'm G tell you why the Wayne thing not gonna happen is not because of Wayne because Wayne don't have no problem with like nobody everybody everybody hate everybody around Wayne and if if you see when you take get a chance after the show just go down Nicki Manaj Twitter page go to Birman Twitter page and all Wayne people snapping and like going crazy felt like he's disrespected Wayne what let me know what you guys think about it in the uh chat make sure you comment down below comment was Li Wayne snub from the Super Bowl 59 halftime show let me know chy say no I say yeah you got you got to get Weezy there man we we ain't gonna be too many opportunities left man to do it but next year another controversial story to happen so obviously like you said week one football driv to your job no matter how you're driving to your job might be a little bit speeding because you might be a little late who knows we gonna find out what more the video Ence drop but uh star wide receiver of the Miami Dolphins T Hill was detained by the police before game one uh the officer one of the officer in the situation was placed on lead also Sean the other po uh police came out with a statement now saying that uh Tyre Hill was more of the problem and he put other his other players in danger uh what was your initial reaction to the situation and what you thinking about it what was your initi reaction when you first heard it and what's your uh reaction now after getting more information about the situation um I I would say two things one SB you know as a as a black man obviously who's lived in America most of his life um I understand the contentious sometimes relationship between law enforcement and black men um without knowing everything that happened obviously there's you know three sides to a story um you know I I want to be very careful and not to criticize um either side too much what I can say is that based on the video it did appear very excessive um for whatever he they pulled him over for but I don't know everything that happened I don't know what he said I don't know what he did it didn't appear from the video like he was out of pocket but again from statements it look like they saying oh he was combative or whatever that means which is again that's very subjective because combative can be can be saying well what did I do you know um you know so what I do know is $120 million highlights every weekend you know it doesn't matter when you get pulled over by the police and you look like you were I or Tyreek so you know and I don't know if you know and you can't ever forget that that is just is it fair no but it's just the reality of where we live and that again that relationship often contentious between the police and black men um we don't have to get into it we know what that is you know we know what that is um what I do know is you know eight years ago this is why there was a certain quarterback who was kneeling during the national anthem this was one of the reasons why yeah and people got upset but you was buing for a reason and they reasoning you still see it for see it for today um for me with the situation it's like I'm glad you brought the point of no matter how many highlights you get no matter that Ferrari you driving in no matter you got a100 million do and you probably set your family up for generations and generations that is certain certain situations where you always going to be what you originally are to some people ask which we hate that we don't grow from this things like this like you said I don't want to CR criticize too much on both sides either way because you truly don't know we Jets vs 49ers Preview won't find out when the video drops for what was said from what I have seen on the video it does seem a little bit of sess of for speeding at the end of the day even if Tyreek you you speeding because you're late or you're speeding because you the cheater and want to be fast but you should do that anyway because you want put the people in danger and I understand that because I done did that before too when you know you're running late from I know when you're running late from work because I I didn't hit the gas a couple times but you gotta also think bigger picture at the end of the day and then if your if your teammates see you getting obviously if I'm your teammate and I'm just and I'm driving to work just like you driving to work and I see you get I'm G think the same thing too and I'mma like sometimes you don't want to get out of the situation and I hate that it happened if front of the state so now you got fans there fans seeing that it looks bad on Tariq it look bad on the police department it look bad on the Miami organization it looks it looks bad all the way around and I'm thank happily that nothing bad happened only thing that I did say I wanted tarq to understand too he was just saying like thank thank thank God I was Tyreek Hill or what if I wasn't Tyreek Hill honestly brother even if you was Tyreek Hill it'll still happen to you bro it don't matter it's just that now when happened to you unless they on video or something just egregiously clearly wrong it's just going to be a bigger story because of your name but this happen all the time on the daily so I I hope I hope and pray that we can get past this at some point because like you said police being a police officer is a hard job being a firefighter hard job teachers hard job like I and I think like certain jobs like that should get paid more money I know a lot of people hate to hear that but they I think if you a police off you should get paid more money you risk your life every day but also it should be accountability and a standard it should be an honor for you and it should be certain things you should do and uphold when you have that power and ability you have the power in your hand to change somebody life because of your job you could take somebody life away you could take somebody Life Away by taking them down the street and put them in a cage so I think people need to take it more seriously because being a police officer shouldn't just be label as a job but let me know go ahead SE no I was gonna say real quick SB you know if he weren't Tyreek Hill there are things that he's done and that he's been involved with in his past that he be in jail for right now potentially so being Tyreek Hill has been a benefit to him yes um and I don't think people should ever discount that but also hope that again don't make yesterday about you make yesterday about using your platform to address a big issue and a bigger problem so that is all I would say about it and uh we got breaking news SB just came in I don't know if you want to throw breaking news uh breaking news breaking news breaking news what we got for the breaking news Sean breaking news Christian mcaffrey 49ers running back is inactive tonight with a calf injury in so if you are um placing bets of parlay just make sure that you consider that Christian mcaffrey is out for the 49ers tonight on Monday Night Football can can I Castle my par can I get my cash back CU I need that back I'm gonna log in right now pause the show pause the show P okay it said they said they void it okay oh they voided it okay Bet okay cool they voided it so my other I didn't the Bree Hall to lock in then Beast Hall lock in and we should be good but Christian mccaf out that's big that's big we we got to talk about that during the preview that's big that J piig looking better and better now that J P looking Aaron Rogers just got a last more four plays okay but also speaking into doing stuff in the future coach Bill bich host the coach in 2025 despite media opportunities and also he GNA go to the Hall of Fame too he could probably be the first coach to ever be coaching while in the Hall of Fame no come back Joe Gibbs Joe Gibbs did okay cool so if Bill b comes back obviously you gotta have this conversation best place for Bill bellich to go Sean Aaron Rodgers Pressure? is New York Giants oh no we I mean I know he got the history there but it's nothing there on the roster yeah let go for me I want to say one team but I don't want to give my boy because I like they coach I don't want to let him lo I don't want him to lose his job and they in my division because I will say the Raiders but one I don't want to see the Raiders I want to see the Raiders do good and I want to see a black and he just got that job he just got I want to see a black man loseing job he just got to I can't do that just got that job yeah so um so if I had to pick I'm not picking the Giants because the Giants is trash but if I did have to pick I and then for everybody who probably gonna be like the Cowboys the Cowboys Bill bich and and Jerry Jones wouldn't last that'll be the worst that' be the worst relationship that ever known to me so Sean looking at it because I can't pick the Raiders the commanders and I know they just hir clip K Barry but I think or Dan Quinn when Dan Quinn just got that job this his first year hey look man bill bich you gotta go and the reason why I'm not picking any teams that just hire coaches is All Team all those teams had a chance to hire Bill bich this off season and they didn't I mean that's true yeah so if you a team that just hired a coach and you had a head coach opening in 2024 and you didn't hire Bill bich it's like you you're not gonna hire Bill bich now so yeah is the Giants coach the only one on the Hot Seat really I'm looking at the teams I'm trying to think I mean in terms of hot seat I mean it's it's New York you're always on a hot seat as the nature of the Beast yeah um the other New York team will not do it no um because um of some history there with belich what about the Cardinals who they coach did they just hire somebody or no Jonathan Ganon this is his second year yeah that's tough yeah so yeah it just it it you look around and I'm not saying we know every year there's going to be three or four guys who probably get fired who lose their jobs or whatever um you know I just think right now looking at the Giants they just you know make the the most sense um and also you know he does have a a relationship with um that deara family that that goes our way back um and you know he was the one that recommended Brian deall to them you know they pain on Brian Dall so um you know they better have offensive coordinator you know Bild well yeah no but I mean you know but I think you you you have to they have to restructure that entire organization front office all way top the bottom top to bottom everybody must go yeah you know if I'm a Giants fan I'm getting a little tired of seeing us draft an offensive guy let him go and he goes elsewhere and does well you know three touchdowns you know you know so I'm getting a little tired of that so yeah so that so I would think they would make a lot of sense the Giants the season start that is tough yeah the Giants make a lot of sense he let St go Tod I know you gonna be heard off this what look well I when y'all get rid of dve Jones and get a better quarterback Malik neighbors gonna become a dog and y'all gonna let him walk and he gonna be two times better somewhere else it just seemed like that's like part of the giant story more pick six and touchdowns yeah you know what I'm gonna throw another team out there and only because again I think it just depends on how this team finishes but that team in Chicago could very well be looking for another head coach I don't think they're I don't think eplu is is is locked in like that so that would be the other team they need a new offensive coordinator for sure whoever calling the offense need to be fired yeah whoever call the offense need to be fired but speaking of somebody calling the shots Jerry Jones finally dropped the bag for Dak Prescott uh Dak Prescott reached a four-year $240 million extension to make him the highest paid quarterback in the uh NF I believe it was what 220 that was guaranteed 231 231 it's almost like the desan Watson contract $1 million dollar more than Deshawn Watson yeah just just a little bit less guaranteed I mean but to get majoria Contract guaranteed um I will say I'm not shocked that that got a extension I'm shocked that that a majority of his money is guaranteed on this extension I'm shocked that he's the highest paid quarterback right now in the league that's where I'm shocked at Sean what about you where where where your mindset at over this not not shocked at all this was where it was trending anyway um true after you know Tua and after Trevor Lawrence um and Jordan love got their extensions and all their extensions were around that $55 million a year range it was always expected that the next guy was gonna get 60 and um and the the truth is SB you know this full well Dak was probably gonna get that on the open market starting at that on the open market start um so Cowboys you know really had no choice um for many reasons um you Tyreek Hill detained know they are securing their shortterm future with Dak and obviously CD lamb obviously Michael Parsons will probably not they probably won't do anything with Michael Parsons until this next after this season he said he'll wait he said I think he on his podcast he said he'll wait yeah get so they can secure Dak and uh Mich right I mean d in CD I'm sorry yeah yeah so um if you're the Cowboys again you did what you're supposed to do um now you know the big question will be is you know what happens with Mike McCarthy long term um and as again I don't I don't see them negotiating with McCarthy until after the season if you know if at all depending on again you know how this this turns out but with the Cowboys it's not even about who signed it's not about what they do in the regular season is it's about January and ultimately you know let's see you know what happens in January but that said you know you don't let guys like that walk out the door um you know if you can help it so and was gonna take a $40 was it gonna take a $40 million cap hit if they if he walked right yeah was he was gonna cost $40 million against the cap anyway if he walked so you know so that said you know this is what they do and we talked about this before SB the Cowboys historically when they have someone to deem a franchise quarterback that person doesn't leave um that person plays their entire career for Dallas so you know at the end of the day um you know this is business as usual for the Cowboys but you know let's see what happens in January and that's all it comes down to let's see what happens in January yeah because action Jack that's crazy we see ation Jackson all all year after the Cowboys lost he was gone all something Cowboys get one win we see look we see that cowboy hardhead out of nowhere that's crazy Action Jackson he said I think that away MVP um he was I mean he was second in MVP second you know so wasn't that that's not that's not a stretch that's not a stretch either at all uh next on the list speaking of contract so obviously we got to talk about the other side of that field where we played because the Cowboys did their thing Dak Dak looked like he was happy that he got paid he play solid play play solid but the other side of the field thean Watson didn't play as well he h he went two 24 for 45 169 yards one TD two interceptions Sean so it begs the question everybody asking was this justan imagine you see that boy in Tampa big Baker big big big Baker all the way big Baker been balling so now people compare that Baker look better even though it's one you know it's one week one overreaction Baker looking better than Desa so is this Sean Washington trade and contract the worst in NFL history as people starting trying to push this narrative I think that remains to be seen um I still say the worst trade in NFL history was the Vikings trading for Hershel Walker and what they gave up to get Hershel Walker that's still the worst trade in NFL history to me um but you know it it remains to be seen um you know Cleveland was a playoff the Browns were a playoff team last year and obviously the expectation was get Deshawn Watson back get him healthy um you know let's see what happens but you know it's week one and SB you know I know this sounds crazy but did anybody clinch the division yesterday uh no nobody did did anybody clinch a playoff spot yesterday nope they didn't no so you know the last thing I think you can do is go crazy over over week one um I know a lot of people are looking at Deshawn and obviously for for obvious reason Seasons but what I noticed yesterday um was all the quarterbacks who were coming off of major injuries and major surgery did not play well yesterday her cousins did not play well yesterday Daniel Jones we Ain even got to go into that Deshawn did not play well yesterday let's see what Aaron Rogers does tonight right you know coming off of major injury and major surgery so you know there it's one week and and also you know none of these guys play in the preseason um I know Deshawn did not play in the preseason I know Kurt Cousins did not play in the preseason off lines the combination their offensive lines did not play in the preseason as well so you factor that in so I'm not gonna go crazy and nothing say he's done but it did not look good um obviously um and he got hit a lot and and also you know I think the other thing too is I know we talk about it you know everybody makes it about the quarterbacks you know they ain't out there throwing they are playing against defenses who prepare to play against them and you gotta give those defensive credit Dallas's defense played really well in the first game under Mike Zimmer yesterday as well um Pittsburgh's defense played really well because it's Pittsburgh they always play well on defense you know so you know we're not gonna go crazy over week one but certainly you know if you're Cleveland are you concerned yeah you're concerned Dak Prescott’s $240M extension but are you g to lose your mind no no you're not you're going to see you got to see you know if you can get him right and get him healthy and see what he does he had a game last year against Baltimore in Baltimore I believe and cooked up where he cooked you know and he did it with the so with the shoulder injury so you know my thing is let's just see what he looks like after the rust is knocked off and this is also a new offense too with a new offensive coordinator because Ken dorsy is their new offensive coordinator so let's just see let's just see um for me yeah you still we still got to give it time I think the only reason why because I think the trade is not the worst trade like you got to get you got a chance to get a uh guy who's a elite quarterback at a point in time you take the chance on him even with the point of Baker Mayfield because lot Baker Baker was solid with the Browns but he wasn't like he was just this all Elite quarterback he all Elite trust me they would not have got rid of him um and then also forget that Baker was what did Baker go right after because he was a backup first Carolina went he went to Carolina it didn't work out didn't work out then he goes to the Rams as a backup and and ends up having to play because Matt Stafford got hurt um so you know so Bakers bounced around know you know he's found a home at least temporarily in Tampa but you know it was a process for Baker to find this spot but also this was a team that said hey we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna take a chance on you and played well last season and you know and so you know can't take that away from him but no we're not going to act like like you said Baker wasn't all World in Cleveland they just said you know hey we think Deshawn is an upgrade and at the time he was it's like by far by far a better upgrade so we can ex the trade part out I don't think it would never go in any no matter how it go with desan Watson it would never go from that point because like you said Baker had to find a home now it took Baker to stops now like oh okay Baker look good now y'all Miss Baker Mayfield no don't do that because he wasn't the same Baker Mayfield he went to places and learned as a backup underly people then we go to the contract situation it's only been a problem at the contract because he had a fully guaranteed contract and NFL team NFL owners was scared that he was gonna reset the market that everybody gonna start asking for fully guaranteed contracts so let's let's let's knock that out the b but do yes does thean wat need to play better yes does Shan W show he's worth that money yes but also we got to also keep in mind that we this is not mad we are real people and real things does happen so it did look like deshaan Watson was a little bit off during that game everybody could think he's done but personally Sean uh he lost his father Friday and he I believe he lost his friend like a week before that so he had a lot of things going on personally that took a toll on him I honestly commend the brother for going out there and still playing I know it's football football is more of a tough Sports so everybody want you to just uh say suck it up and get out there and play do what you got to do but you don't know how it feel that you lose your father two days before you got go out there on the field the man probably even have time to aged yet but the still to come out there and play put his heart on line I commend I commend the brother it still don't it still don't take away from the fact of like futurewise he definitely still have to improve to show that he's worth because this Cleveland Brown team could compete for a Super Bowl championship and it's not like they don't need deshan Watson to be the Texas deshan Watson all you gotta do is be above average that's just throw do passes be accurate like how he was and make the plays when they need them because when Nick chub come back his job gonna be a lot easier but um what's your reaction to the story coming to found out like this was taking a toll on Sean W I mean not not surprising he didn't use it as an excuse for how how he played yesterday which obviously you know is stand up um also you know they had some issues you know on their offensive line they didn't have either their two tackles yesterday um their offens left or right tackle which again you know we know cowboys best defensive player is a pass rusher so you know you know and obviously you know that factored in but that said um you know it is not easy when you're dealing with loss and again like you said that's be not having time to really kind of mourn and take your time to mourn or whatever you know if he had decided not to play yesterday I think there are people who would have understood but that said you know he showed up and uh didn't show out didn't show out but he showed up but he showed up and you know and again you know it's one game um you know they'll figure out how to get some things fixed and again like you said you know know Nick chub as well he's out for the first four games at minimum so you know we'll see I don't think yesterday was an indictment on what Cleveland is or or whatever you know it's just you know it's just it you know just a bad bad game for them the crazy part about it is actually I see your comment even if it's probably not his biological that's probably somebody who's a father figure in his life either one so we don't truly know but it's but he lost his father somebody was like a father to him but you know what's crazy though Sean when we was doing and how we do our predictions early how everybody overreacted then I guess we just did this division so WR because right now if I if my math is math and then I'm calculating right the Bengals lost yes the Browns lost yes and the Ravens lost yes the Steelers won though yes so I guess so Ste just since we overreacted so Steelers just W just W the division now you know it's just a lot I might as well blow my prediction board up you know so it's still is div Vision now you know we just reacting over one game now you know we got just we got to calm down though y'all but we get we do got a game tonight though Jets versus 49ers obviously with the breaking news you just dropped on the people that Christian mcaffrey will be out game one that is a big big loss man you both predicted the J to win this game um I do have a question we do have a segment next up talking about Aaron Rogers but how big because now it's breaking news how big of a hit for this Deshaun Watson’s emotional start & trade controversy game is to lose Christian McCaffrey or could Brock py because this the truth I want to see if Brock py gonna be Brock py now you a got Christian Behind You Gotta Throw That You Gotta Throw That pill You Gotta Throw That Pig ski well yeah I mean you certainly if you're if you're the Jets you know and not having to worry about Christian mcavin not even just as a runner but also as a receiver um and you know what he does obviously catching passes out of the back field and splitting out um you know I don't think it'll change the Jets approach the Jets going to be in attack mode um tonight but listen you just you just paid Brandon iuk a pretty penny um you know so you know Pig Yeah so now it's time to you know maybe open it up a little bit but that said um you know this game's going to come down to again I think both defenses and uh and and certainly again I don't think the Jets are gonna change their game plan much without Christian mcaffrey they're gonna go out and do what they do yeah and then for me like I said we G talk about a second so I'm Nick exate him to the sa now um for me for the Jets I want to see tough defense I think whoever play better defensively will win this game and also for the Jets give Bree Hall the ball give give Bree Hall the ball like we just acknowledged earlier that every quarterback who came off a season in the injury or hurt did not play well make Aaron Rogers job easier give Bree Hall the ball and 49ers same thing like you got to be trying a way to get to that quarterback stuff to run I would definitely which is crazy to say the the 4 uniters need to stuff the run and make Aaron Rogers beat them let's see let's see if you knock the rust off you've been gone for a year but now I'm looking at Brock p with no Christian mcaffrey is what is what Cal Shannon gonna use like Debo how he used to use Debo make him do the handoff the runs and those type of Miami plays or what Brock gonna do because BR P could make a name for himself tonight if he out if he out throw the ball of Aaron Rogers which is the best time to do it with Aaron Rogers pretty much Rusty weak in Aaron Rogers but you know with the headline people just gonna go off names but this is the time if Brock pry want to do it he should do it so for me with this game I still got the jet winning I think I got the jet winning probably about like seven maybe a point maybe a point uh one possession one possession lead game but I I definitely see this game being a good game game yeah now Sean like I said want to push Aaron Rog to the side but now he get the opening door come back in the move is it any pressure on Aaron R to perform well because obviously they traded for him same like we talking about Des Waton traded for him because they all they was just one quarterback away yeah hurt first draft his highlights last season was him walking the flag to the thing and that was about it I just say but is any pressure on aod simple for now um I think this season yes but I don't think necessarily has to be tonight um jets view themselves as as you know Super Bowl contenders certainly contenders to win their division um every team in the division won yesterday um so you know you like to be you know after tonight tied with everybody else in the division at one and0 um but I don't think it's necessarily all on Aaron Rogers I think it's just Aaron Rogers just has to play solid football because again to me that offense runs through Bree Hall um and obviously you know they're going to take their shots you know with Garrett Wilson and um Mike Williams and you know some of the other weapons but I think that offense runs through Bree Hall they want to play they want to be a ball control offense and again play complimentary to to the defense um you know but no I think the pressure is just this season because they view themselves as a Super Bowl Contender because they have Aaron roders back healthy after only playing four snaps last year yeah U for me it's a lot of pressure on Aon Rogers to before and honestly a lot of a Rogers but play the whole game too let's see if he make it through the whole game let's see if Aaron Rogers is still that Aaron Rogers because obviously I know we love to go off name value but we can we also see that year off it takes some time to get get it get it back going on the field and also you don't look the same all the time so so I want to see if Aaron roders really get back to in A-Rod but yes I have to agree it's a lot of pressure onod perform now let's let's do a quick uh week one recap I was we we brought out the the Colts the coats game that was good uh we talked about the brown uh not the Browns I'm looking at last week we did talk about the Browns and the Cowboys uh we also just talked about the game that's coming up tonight but what other games the week one that you want to recap and react to I mean your Saints looked the dominant against the Panthers you know uh who uh goat James uh goat James ask was it a bad week for you guys uh what was one game that stuck out to you besid you talk about where he was like or it could be something with a certain player that stuck out to you he like okay this oh I didn't I ain't beli in this okay this look kind of nice and what was your one concern where you looked at was like oh no dang that's look kind of bad from your week one recap I would say um definitely Cincinnati um losing to New England I don't think anybody had that on their um but you know give New England credit what did they do they came out and play exactly how they want to play they want to run the ball they want to play really good defense um Christian Gonzalez is showing why they really valued him when they chose him a couple years ago um as a first round pick at corner he is very good very good very good and again I think he's one of those guys that he could be even in a in a tough season what people think will be a tough season for New England could be a guy who becomes you know a household name um at at the quarterback position but um definitely a surprise um you know I you know we going the season I wasn't overly high on Cincinnati um anyway um and you know the other thing with Cincinnati is you losing New England what's their NE what's their game next week they got to go to Kansas City who's coming who's coming off a mini by week basically so you know could very well start out to you know if you're Cincinnati um and again you know it's it's it was definitely not expected I I would say again that Tennessee um the Titans not so not Titans Texans and Colts game you know seeing those second year quarterbacks you know Anthony Richardson to be very real man he is watching him he is it's it's mountains and valleys um because the Colt could have won that game to be very clear yes um you know and again the the process of his continuing to mature as a thrower of the football and not just making the spectacular play because we know he can do that he can do that can you do the everyday stuff you have to do as a as a quarterback throwing the football um but CJ stra looked good he picked up from where he left off last season Joe Mixon MVP a lot of people you know didn't think about that pickup carried the ball 30 times why the big was let him go he was the heavy part of the office I I just didn't understand that if it's money I guess but because Mike Brown is cheap as all get out he has always been cheap and he will continue to be cheap he didn't he wasn't cheap paying Joe and you know you see they still haven't paid Jamar yet Mike Brown is cheat yeah good luck with that brother you know so yeah so that that's that's why that's that's good luck with that brother yeah good good luck um for me um I definitely do like the fact of like how talented Anthony Richardson is that he do shows that because like I said to slip is still throw the ball 60 yards is ridiculous but I I do agree that he needs to learn how to do the everyday things also slide bro slide slide please for the love of God slide bro because you as big as strong as you look as big as strong as you are you ain't gonna be stronger than you ain't gonna be take all them hits like that at all at all also Sean how you feeling about the a you I mean it was against the Cardinals but your boy look your your MVP pick look pretty good so far yeah so Russian TDS remember remember SB I told you I picked him to win the MVP because of how the media treats him and how they talk about him and how they want him to be Patrick Mahomes and Lamar Jackson so bad now he did play well he played solid um but you know and the card but the Cardinals had a chance to win that game and the cards were up in that game you know so I just think he's a you know um you know certainly a a a huge U favorite for the media to win the MVP and again he's he consider the narrative oh man we don't have St you know and you know I'm doing it without Stephon Diggs you know and my def the defense isn't as good as it once was and blah blah blah so but no he he played really solid he played really Sol uh Dylan said in a Tik Tock uh chat he said Carters are a lot better a lot better than people think which is true because if Josh Allen had to throw two touchdowns and ran two in and they still barely won that definitely tells that def remember the Cardinal last season SB they were like two and five in one score games they were competitive in a lot of games and they beat a couple playoff teams in the NFC east by the name of Philadelphia and Dallas so you know so I'm just saying you know and with one of those games they won with Josh dos quarterback so you know I think again you know the Cardinals are not to be slept on they're not a they're not an easy win any week um you know but but I need Marvin Harrison to get more than one target for four yards one catch for four yards and and kyin Murray missed him late in the game he was wide open and did not see him he was wide I mean there was nobody within 15 yards of him it's hard to see when you Casey over the line man unless you so man so I mean trust me if he was tall enough he would have seen him but you know when you shorter than your offensive line ain't nothing you can do you know what I'm saying it's crazy if you got the short jums but I'm just telling you I I had a quarterback but also Sean when it comes it always winners and it's always losers so who is your biggest winner who is Your Biggest Loser for week one if you got more than one go let me know I would say the biggest winner in week one was Pittsburgh um you know again going on the road a lot of people really high on Atlanta um definitely um you know being a to win a game with Justin Fields who again was not expected to start up until probably like Friday late Friday um you know and again Pittsburgh they have their formula and they stick to their formula they're going to run the football they're gonna take try to take care of the football they're G to try to force the turnover and they didn't score a touchdown and won the game um you know and won the game by eight and didn't score a touchdown you know all all all their points were field goals you know so yeah yeah but about getting a dirty Mike Tom bro you just gota get it how you live yeah again you know at the end of the day it wasn't pretty and it doesn't have to be pretty but Justin Fields played really solid football and again I don't know what Russ's status is gonna be for week two whether not he's gonna be healthy enough to play week two but if I'm Pittsburgh the last thing I'm worried about is trying to Russ Rush Russ back when you have again Justin Fields And even Mike Tomas said we got two quarterbacks we got two guys that we know can play and can win games for us so you know and the fact that they got Justin fields for next to nothing um from the Bears you know you know is everything so yeah so D the big winner um loser for me is Jacksonville um you gota close you gotta find a way to close that game um you had Miami you had Miami you know on the ropes Travis etm fumble on the five yard line going in the score so you know and you gotta find a way to win that game and uh you know again I think you know we don't talk about them the division enough but the AFC South is gonna be a really interesting division this year because it's probably the Young Gun quarterback division um you know the veteran in the division is Trevor who in his fourth year you know so um you know so we'll we'll see but yeah um but definitely Jacksonville to me is my loser of week one uh biggest biggest winner is me for two reasons one my Chargers got the dub Sean and we actually got a coach who's coaching he's making smart decisions we didn't go for fourth and 10 in our own 20 now once per game you know we made smart passes Herby looked it nice um uh dos and was our Run game look nice you know haror wi that ball also Sean the biggest withner is me again because I say us on this one because we both laughed at him oh B Knicks look like B Knicks now you think I gonna bring that up you think I go bring that up oh what happened to all the boner oh it don't look the same when you you playing the first string guys the second string guys I I tell yeah I tell you this there was one play I don't know if you heard it but he rolled out to throw a pass and right before he threw the pass Adam marchetto who was calling the game said oh no um right before he threw it because he knew it was it was it was pck and uh re willing you know I mean he basically you know could have handed to reek willing if he's gonna throw it there but no I mean listen he's rookie rookie quarterback all the rookie quarterbacks look like rookies you know Jon Daniels you know he had some moments but he like a rookie Kay Williams we obviously you know he like aie iie B Knicks look like a rookie so the expectation is these are rookie quarterbacks they're going to have UPS they're going to have Downs it was you know they're gonna have week where they look okay but they are rookies um and then the other loser and I would say there was another rookie who made their debut yesterday um as well I know a lot of people didn't want to talk about it but Tom Brady making his debut in the booth he's he if you listen to the game if you watch the game he is a rookie right everybody's going in oh Tom Brady seven times Super Bowl champ none of that crap matters this is a very new world for him and box paid him $375 million did they know that this was what it's gonna sound like in the first week probably not that said I believe fully that uh you know hopefully he'll get better he'll get more comfortable and obviously has the restrictions some of the restrictions some of the things he can't say because of what he's trying to do with uh you know with uh you know with the Raiders but you know at the end of the day um you know it was like he like his first game started for the Patriots he he he was a rookie and that's what he sounded like and Gordon Media School I was learning like to do all like the play byplay and just the regular radio show a lot of people think especially now because the podcast were a lot of people think this easy it's easy to just turn your camera on just say a lot of Blas Blas but when you actually got to structurally call the game right or structurally put your show together right with is not as easy as you think it's easy to turn the camera on they can just bring 10 people over here we just start yelling us that's easy because it's just we just sitting chilling but to actually do an actual show or to actually call a game play bypl it's harder than you think I know like a lot of people say you ain't an athlete you ain't never been in this world trust me you ain't been in that media boo either it it hits a lot different it's a lot harder and when you don't know you talking about people go call you out and my my last big winner obviously big Baker Mayfield still looking good biggest losers obviously the Giants because they trash the Panthers because they trash but also the Vikings because now they go just because Sam darnold look very good against the the trash Giants they gonna think he worth something but also I keep telling everybody when you got a wide receiver like Justin Jefferson next to you he can make you look good and the Vikings should be happy they got off the Kurt Cousins contract because Sam just looked like Kurt Cousins yesterday and and also I say the other loser was whoever decided that the Giants was gonna wear those pants with that those I understand it's a throwback game 100 years those pants were atrocious it was it was it was awful it was absolutely awful the C part the jerseys weren't that bad but the pants the UN it was all oh my God don't ever do that again why they brought them Throwbacks back but Sean a lot of teams have been hit with the injury bug let's go through it quick obviously the biggest one and that hurts you a lot too because he's your quarterback Jordan love reportedly suffer MCL strin out first it was four two to two to it was like one to four that upgraded for three to six weeks Sean I'm not gonna lie to you I think Jordan love is out for the season and this what I would do if I'm the Packers and I'm just and I was just talking to somebody about this if I'm the Packers we go with Malik Willis they just sign also they signed Ryan tanah Hill too I don't know if you seen that too well they they in context rant but they yeah so obviously I look at their schedule exactly but say if he out for six week you go one six weeks one for five sit out the rest of the season Hank go get Travis Hunter um I think so I think it depends on where the division is right I think it depends on where the division is if at the end of the day I think if he you know is healthy and you're still within striking div um distance of the division and again I'm presuming the division is gonna come down to them in Detroit obviously I believe um you know see where you are but also look at the wild card situation as well um because again you know they were a wild card team last year we know what they did going on the road uh you know you know in that first round um but no I think you just you you you weigh it right you're gonna look at where where you are um but I don't that's not really their organizational mm Mo I think they are organization they're always trying to to be competitive and always trying to win so and it's three to six weeks I've had an MCL strain it depends on the grade they said it's a grade two which is usually about four to five weeks um you know so again um and I don't know when their by week is I think it's week 10 if I'm not mistaken yeah it's later the season yeah it's later in the season so I think if you can play 500 football and again this may be a stretch playing 500 football and he's back healthy you bring him back and then see if you can go on a run um and because again look at the Run they went on the second half of last season you know so hey blue ball got a question Sean you how you know I I can tell my ass he says estimate you first of all you started it off blue so you are fre the salute SV sh shaking my head again how bad are my Giants shaking my head for a third time as bad as those jerseys that y'all just wore about you Sean it's it's I I don't even want to describe how bad it was I mean when you got guys basically getting upset cuz fans booing and you know um you had fans outside the the stadium when Daniel Jones walked by I was like Hey give give me that million dollars because you ain't earned it you know that kind of stuff it's it's which is true I mean it's pretty it's pretty bad you know it's bad blue ball it's bad G money said I'm a GI today lack har and coaching and suspect and the quarterback is boy right now that is true uh next on the injury bug list uh Rams uh breakout star W to puka Naka suffers a knee injury uh versus the Lions uh I didn't when I looked up the injur I didn't see a timeline on it so I'm expecting him to come back week two uh yeah from what I'm saying is I think he was just oh no no I'll take it back rams puka nicool is going to be a uh out for at least a month he suffer a knee sprain so he's gonna be out for a while that's tough that's that's a that's a that's a tough hit for the Rams too because they they I they definitely need puka well yeah but I mean again they got Cooper cup back healthy um and he looked good last night he he you know stepped his game up when puka went out obviously um you know they're going to do it by committee um more than likely you know the one thing with B they ain't GNA make excuses um you know so I think uh you know we we'll see what what they do but um you know they're not gonna make excuses yeah with NFL man I hope the injury bug list don't if we start doing the injury bug list I hope it be keep the list get longer uh Bears rookie wide receiv rier to undergo M on his knee so it's no timet yet he's getting MRI uh under his knee surgery uh even though they got lot of rece I know uh Keenan Allen was liming a little bit during the game too at how bad the Bears offense looked they need to open the Playbook up a little bit more for Caleb Williams and the team but losing two receivers possibly like Roman duer even though he's a rookie and ke all would be a tough loss for the beers yeah they're say they're saying it's a grade one spring and he is week to week so again you know with the grade one Springs you're talking sometimes one to two weeks again big thing is you don't want him back on the field until he's healthy um so no need to rush him rush him back so yeah all right but one that's looking bad even though I know the Panthers are down year for the Panthers but this is the huge hit uh Panthers Pro Bowl D tackle dere Brown suff potential season ending injury in the week one loss uh from what I'm seeing with d Brad said the pan s used L regarding their best defensive lineman turned out to be correct Brown is Fe to suffer a miniscus injury to his knee that could require seasoning into the surgery um I feel like for me with this one I think D Brown if he needs season engineer is the the Panther's not going to do anything you might as well sit it out and actually get to enjoy having your first round pick this year because y'all kind of gave it away last because y'all could they could have built a lot of talent off that pick because it was like you just got Bryce young I get Caleb Williams there but I I doubt they would have took Caleb you could have probably traded that number one pick got some pieces got got got a lot of good pieces but they didn't get the job done what you what you think about this withan what what what D Brown should do if you need season and then need surgery I mean to get the surgery yeah to get the surgery I mean you know he's uh he is the centerpiece of their defense um and you know but if the surgery is required get the surgery um and and just and and get it you know obviously soon enough that you know you can be ready for hopefully training camp next season depending on you know the extent of the surgery so um but it's is you know it's this is the unfortunate part of the game injuries happen and uh you know it stinks but if you're Carolina you know you gotta you gotta go next man up and and try to figure out a way to get a a win in your home opener next week against the Chargers oh yeah no they they're not getting we F we F to run up the skull but also last part of the week one recap is SB and Sean pick of the weeks recap of the pick of the weeks all right let's see who won let's go baby so we both had Philadelphia winning okay yes we both had New Orleans winning uh you and Arizona Buffalo you had Arizona I had buffalo buffalo won um New England and Cincinnati we both lost because obviously New England uh won uh Minnesota at the Giants we both had Minnesota we know what happened there Tennessee at Chicago you had Chicago Chicago did win Pittsburgh at Atlanta you had Pittsburgh Pittsburgh did win Jacksonville at Miami Miami uh did win you had Miami uh we both had Houston we both had the Chargers both had Seattle uh we both had Cleveland um beating Dallas obviously Dallas did not uh did not win or Dallas did win excuse me Cleveland did not win um we both had Tampa Bay uh we both had Detroit so week one SB wins week one but it's 18 more 17 more to go 17 more to go we coming back I told you Sean SE I wonder uh the Trophy last year we might have to uh I might have to look into like the little little custom belts then whoever win the season get the the custom rtld NFL belt man but SB wins week one we starting the season one and0 against Sean so we GNA try to get it we gonna try to come back Sean obviously got him a ring already from season last season so yeah but that is the show Sean appreciate you guys tuning in man I'm I'm I'm excited for football tonight if you had to predict the score Sean what what you thinking the score gonna be tonight uh I'm gonna say uh 2523 Jets 25 23 Jets I'mma go uh 2821 Jets all right about touch down all right guys see you peace we are out of here make sure you guys like make sure you guys share make sure you guys subscribe and see you guys on Friday [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music]

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