Reforge Gaming Tries To Defend The Price Tag Of The PS5 Pro

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:19:57 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: ps5 price
the content is never stopping fam I kid you guys not I looked online and there are just tons and tons of content I could do right now but I'm kind of limited in time unfortunately but I'm telling you guys right now holy guacamole the takes that are out there right now are just absolutely horrendous so basically instead of rehashing what everybody's been telling you guys I wanted to bring some new content for you you guys and especially with reforge talking about PC gaming and especially on one of my previous streams where we watched him uh try to play PC gaming and uh yeah that didn't end too well actually here's a little clip from him trying to play PC and uh just just watch this little clip so you can see how certified he is as being qualified to talk about hardware and software just just watch why do why do we have to do that for simple settings like motion blur what the freak you shouldn't need a frame rate cap it's vsync no frame rate cap that's typically what we have to do I can't get a slow spin for you guys wait why does it say 100 FPS boy oh boy I could hear it in the comment section already but anyway fam besides all that mess please make sure to go grab yourself a nice little drink and a nice little snack and we're just going to go ahead and dive right into the content this one's going to be very spicy mind you and not have black bars David uh B bonero I think comparing a a $1,500 to $2,000 PC to the PS5 Pro isn't a good comparison would you guys look at that somebody in his audience members has a functioning brain over there you could get a pre-build 390 GPU for 880 that outperforms A PS5 Pro that right there is the reason why I decided to do a video on this and kind of like do a react and kind of a reply video you know the type of thing I usually do blah blah blah but just the fact that he snickered like this towards his own audience members when he knows for a fact it's absolutely true but he wants to sit here be superior and say some stuff like this you can get a pre-build 3090 GPU for 880 that outperforms A PS5 Pro do it I want to see the side by sides you must have been at the top of your [ __ ] class hey reforge why don't you go do some heavy lifting for yourself instead of like begging people to go do it for you because let's be honest everybody has been reacting to your tweets and your videos too and have been showing pre-build and builds for the same exact price that you're going to be paying for the PlayStation 5 Pro oh and also too just a bit of an alert like a little tip for people that are just getting into PC if you're not sure what typee of graphics card that you're you know looking for you're not sure which one you want to get to have the better performance there are YouTube videos on this platform right now that you could type in the name of the graphics card and do a bench test on them like they there's actually people that will do bench test of graphics cards for you guys so you can make up your mind to say like just for just argument sake here if you want to get a 4070 and you're curious like hm I want wonder how well it runs with fortnite yeah you can look it up right now and there will be a huge ass video of nothing but minutes filled with how video games run on those graphic cards also how is he going to be able to do it when he doesn't even have access to the PS5 Pro like seriously reforged the console's not even out yet so he can't even do bench marks right now Jesus Christ this is supposed to be a professional people are saying that it's not worth spending $200 more on the pro for the jump that it gets from the PS5 to the PS5 Pro you're arguing that you'll spend $200 more than the pro let's see the difference in performance let's see it it really isn't it's just a slight little upgrade that you get with your little [ __ ] console you know what as a matter of fact if you have a PS5 right now if I was in your position right now I would do these two things right now I would either a go get a more bigger storage SD to you know where I can play more games on my PS5 or B put that $200 aside and start saving money up buying a PC and then creating a steam account and starting to build my library up again so I never lose access to the games that I bought cuz in the next 3 years the PlayStation 6 is going to come out and then soon as you upgrade to that there is no [ __ ] guarantee that you're going to be able to access your previous G and games seriously you're spending $200 more let's see the jump let's see the jump in performance yeah the pro is also going to have Wi-Fi 7 the PC won't even have that nobody gives a [ __ ] rege you do understand that the PC is customizable and your piece of plastic of a console is not right meaning that I can keep upgrading it and adding more features to it as much as I like you know that right probably not yeah pound for pound you know part by part match this thing and get something at that power you're going to have to spend more money even if you Bargain shop and you go and you find some pre-build for roughly $900 you're still spending more money do you ever listen to the stuff that comes out of your mouth because that is some high level class a deluxe [ __ ] you talking it's also convenient that you left out the part that if you're into physical you're going to have to buy a disc drive for the PS5 Pro just to play your physical games meaning if you have a physical collection you have to cough up an80 extra dollars and if you use a vertical stand for your PS5 menu you're going to have to buy a one that is designed for the PS5 Pro so that's another potential $30 out of your pocket caching another $110 to spend on the PS5 Pro $810 also you got to pay for the membership you got to pay for an extra controller just in case your main one breaks and oh my absolute favorite one the overpriced games oh and speaking about overpriced games what's stopping them from slapping an extra $10 on it and calling it the pro version of the game H what's stopping them from doing that reforge you aren't getting 4K 60 in a majority of games especially with r tracing in their own video they showed Hogwarts running 30 FPS on the pro in order to run R tracing did they actually say that in the video or is analysis indicating that did they say that Hogwarts was was running at 30 to get R tracing right the other examples like they showed hogwart's footage where they were talking about it it was still running at 30 frames per second which I thought was interesting given uh what they were just saying about that earlier yes you know it's it's not great is it where did you get that information did somebody do an analysis of the video or did they say that in the video and we missed it has anybody determined that Hogwarts was running at 30 FPS in the uh in the trailer you can see it in the video that they presented to us even though if you crank all your settings up it's still 30 at the presentation that they showed us come on reforge I thought you were supposed to be the professional here but then again this is the person that says I don't play my games at 30 frames per second even though he played Zelda tears of the Kingdom on [ __ ] release with the pro you aren't getting 4K 60 in majority of games I actually think that prediction is completely utterly wrong nice argument Senator why don't you back it up with a source my source is that I made it the [ __ ] up can you prove him wrong grief porch can you are you sitting there with the big corporate wigs and they're saying yes this is how it's going to be and this is how it's going to function are you sitting there are can can you prove anything to us no no it's just all speculations and you don't want to sit there like you're bigger and better than the dude that is just some disgusting behavior from a grown adult the entire purpose of the technology is to take the 4K modes and give you 60 you clearly seemingly don't know what you're talking about wasn't the PS5 Pro supposed to do like I don't know 4K and 60 frames per second but yet again here we are another midg refresh just like the previous generation I think the price Point's fine if it included the disc drive I just think they should have included the disc drive even if it had the disc drive in there it is still overpriced it should have stayed at 600 regardless and and the previous [ __ ] console you know the regular PS5 should have been knocked down to 500 just Google it I promise you nobody cares do that do that do it go buy go buy the $880 PC we don't care what you do you sure about that you sure about that you sure about that then why are you having this debate in the first place reforge if you truly gave zero shits about what people do with their money or you want to not talk about the [ __ ] PS5 Pro price then why the [ __ ] are you having the discussion right now if you truly did not give a [ __ ] oh I know the reason why is because you want that money you really need that money he needs that money nobody here cares what you do with your money don't you find that interesting that I was like yeah go ahead go buy that rig and do the comparisons let me know how much of a boost in performance you get over the pro you know exactly what you said refor you know exactly you didn't just tell the man that you know what it doesn't matter just go buy whatever you want it's really up to you no you told him exactly in your own words like you just said to go buy a PS5 Pro and go buy the pre-build and do a benchmark that's what you [ __ ] told him you didn't tell him to go buy whatever he wants the [ __ ] is wrong with reforge does he have brain damage or something go for it man go spend $200 $ more than me and then let's see who's getting this getting better performance I don't care how you spend your money go for it Jesus Christ we get it I don't know why anybody would buy the pro you can spend $200 more and get a PC that's going to outperform the PS5 Pro okay nobody cares go do that you can get a gaming rig for 700 but it won't be high performance the PS5 Pro will easily outperform a $700 rig yeah I mean can you build a PC for $700 and get the performance that they're saying you're going to get in Horizon forbidden West like can you go build a PC right now for $700 and get the level of graphical Fidelity in 60 FPS out of forbidden West sport if it's supposedly not a big deal reforge why do you keep bringing it up over and over again you've probably said this about seven times already throughout your whole [ __ ] stream but apparently it's not a big deal right reforge even though you've been challenged people to show the builds and how they can uh have the same price tag as a PlayStation 5 Pro oh yeah no please please keep going keep please please saying I'm a victim in this situation $800 PC sounds like a Walmart build yeah I mean doc dark posted the Walmart PC okay buy a PC from Walmart then no no please for the love of God do not go to Walmart and buy the pre-build from there they are so poorly built please don't just for the love of God go anywhere else and buy a pre-build just do not buy from Walmart love the discussion but look at digital Foundry how often do games hold up when tested I don't buy into your negative view of the market dotless I think it's a false view I think it's I think it's a cherry-picked view just stop breathing I can smell the ammonia from here oh look who's wearing their ugly head over here it's say no to rage like if you try to like Feud any evidence against him he's going to pull a tactic like this to say well I don't like your view it's cherry-picked and stuff even though you have some backed up evidence it's it's the Sayan no rage special he did the same exact [ __ ] with the destiny Community I can site just as many games as you and my games will be running at performance running at quality maintaining 60 and looking beautiful and you'll go to games surely you'll go to games like uh Dragon's Dogma 2 um I guess you could say Starfield at launch redfall at launch you know you could you could I you can make a list of games that aren't uh performing very Blackmouth Wukong isn't performing well on PlayStation 5 I'm not interested in your cherry-picked negative view of the market because I'm having a great time this gen I'm playing games AT Quality I'm playing games that maintain performance literally in the same [ __ ] breath you literally say that you're playing quality games but then you say that black myth Wukong has many [ __ ] problems do you understand the words that are coming out of your [ __ ] mouth to sit there and say that you're having a highquality performance is just a blatant [ __ ] live reforge I could go to digital Foundry right now look up their performance review on the game on the PS5 and I can say that for a fact that if you go to fight any bosses especially in the beginning of the game the frame rates drop but hey you know what I'm not the delusional Sony Pony over here trying to kiss up to my masters over here now aren't I and when a game doesn't maintain its performance I don't play it I I I don't buy into your negative view of the market it's cherry-picked and it's imbalanced hey reforge this you we are going to be diving into black myth Wukong PS5 gameplay and I am going to be showing you performance mode maybe even fiddling with a few of the settings right here beginning just to show why I have been critical of this performance mode it actually does a seemingly pretty good job at maintaining 60fps I've already seen some testing videos it does drop into like the 40s when there's a lot of particle effects certain attacks when you get hit but largely the biggest dips I was seeing was in some combat like 57 you know main yeah I'm already getting sick and tired of his lying little mouth over here it's time to Rapid Fire the rest of these clips for every game that you can list that has failed to run run well I can list games that have how about we stop doing the yapping right now reforge and how about we get to start naming these oh wait never mind you're not going to do it you're going to keep yapping so it's just it's just a standoff at that point who cares you have a list of games that have been disappointing I have a list of games that have been amazing it sounds like maybe you're playing the wrong games no we're having a debate here the only one who's playing the [ __ ] clown game here is you reforge so how about we get with the [ __ ] program even with the inconsistent performance in Space Marine 2 I feel like Space Marine 2 has gotten a lot of praise for how it looks and how it runs it does have some issues on consoles oh look looks like you got to wait for that patch to come out for console now don't you thank God I moved to PC I don't have to worry about that what do you mean when did I switch that was 7 years ago for seven years I thought dude give me frame rate like it's it I didn't switch I always thought higher frame rate looked better so if that's the case why did you play black myth Wukong on your console not your PC if you supposedly did the switch about 7 years ago running at 60 frames on a pro people will change we don't know if that's going to happen yet so hold off on thinking that that's going to be a thing we're still not sure wow Shocker the one thing I actually agree with him on bot says worried about the ps6 and future uh of console gaming why one the consoles are starting to get overpriced two and this one is very important because trust me it is very important they are starting to take away important things away from you like like I don't know your [ __ ] dis dri or your physical media what do you mean but for who for anybody that is tired of picking between quality and performance did you guys not watch the video oh yes because having lesser options in my own video game that I bought from the market is such a great idea now isn't it reforge do you want performance or do you want quality and Mark cery says we're going to make it so that you don't have to pick between those too why is that such a good thing to lose more options to run how I want to run my game maybe I want 120 frames per second with my PS5 Pro to enjoy my games a lot more buttery smooth or maybe I just want to see a real pretty [ __ ] cinematic game to the best of its quality why why is it okay for those options to be removed I don't understand this and there's a little part of me that wishes I didn't have to do that I wish I was like the people that could tolerate 30 FPS cuz the game's really do look pretty hi we have this thing called a PC that could solve that problem for you guys you want that delicious 4K with 60 frames go ahead and go get a PC it'll fix that problem right up for you even right now they had an Xbox for $600 and it and it didn't it wasn't any stronger it just had a larger hard drive and like somebody speckled paint on it [Music] where's the hand ringing and the Pearl clutching for the prices of high-end televisions or video cards or smart watches or phones where is that is everybody getting up said about that these tech companies that establish their value establish their brand and their dominance and they're like hey our latest item it's it it's this much money reforge are you [ __ ] kidding me right now you don't see people going down Apple's throat over the prices of their phones and their watches have you been living under a rock like come on dude are you serious right now it's been all over the news for the past 10 years it's been a [ __ ] lawsuit for the past 10 years that's been happening because they want to inflate their [ __ ] price is to increase their profit margins where the [ __ ] have you been reforge but thankfully that's all the content I got for you guys and I know I know I've been taking a break from reforge doing videos on it because I mean let's be honest here some of the takes this man has just makes you want to explode your eardrums let's just be honest there for a quick second but anyway besides all that drama queen stuff if you guys enjoyed the content please leave a like and comment the comment section it's always a pleasure to talk to you guys and hey if you enjoy my Rants and my reviews and well my salt content subscribe to the channel lets me and YouTube know that hey gar is doing something right and we're going to get him that much closer to 10K but anyway guys besides all that solid stuff I'll see you guys in the next one later [Music] fam more I keep going back to back [Applause] [Music]

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