Financial market update -and- Women Aptera Ambassadors. vlog 21

Ode to abtera the most efficient vehicle on the planet [Music] [Music] s [Music] hi friends and welcome to my app Terror Journey this channel is intended to share with you the thrill of the acceleration of the all-wheel drive app Terror from 0 to 60 in sub four seconds that's amazing this channel is designed to share with you the thrill of the all-wheel drive app Terror on a twisting Mountain Road but we don't have an app Terror yet but there are some things I would like to share with you today first a little bit about myself I'm an MBA in finance in my day job I underwrite millions of dollars of loans every day I'm also a entrepreneur in recovery and I was mentored by an investment banker so I know the process to going public series a series B series C Etc the issuance of shares the pricing to make all those things tee up so I get those things I'm also an electrical engineer mostly communication systems by understand power I understand transmission electrical power electrical transmission and yeah that's my background today I have the thrill and the honor of sharing with you the women of aptera I'll be interviewing today two women of aptera but first because I know this is important to aptera's IPO a little bit about the current Financial market conditions and those things matter again because that's going to help time with apterra does an IPO this week yesterday Friday the Commerce Department reported that the personal consumption expenders jurors index the metric by which the Federal Reserve gauges inflation Rose 5.4 last month from a year earlier a pickup from the revised 5.3 percent in December so in fact it looks like inflation is heating up what's the FED going to do they're going to raise rates for raising rates to help slow the economy in fact we're already starting to see the economy start to buckle automobile car loans are starting to default at near record rates and while that is happening consumer spending posted its biggest gain in two years and with Rising interest rates what's going to happen to Consumers they're going to get hammered you're going to see credit card defaults also increase and as I said before when the earnings of Home Depot suffer then we know that the turnaround and the pickup in the economy and the end of interest rate increases is near but we're known where near that point yet so expect Financial conditions to worsen in fact in this last month the s p had a very bad month the s p dropped I don't recall what the percentage but it dropped quite a bit this month primarily on Rising interest rates so there's a recap of the financial market conditions over the last month or so and now I'd like to introduce the women of aptera thank you I have the honor and pleasure of introducing to you a couple women of aptera I have today with you uh Sandrine from Louisiana and Julia from Colorado and these lovely individuals are at Terra reservation holders investors and ambassadors so welcome to you both to my app Tara Journey thank you thanks for having us um and just a quick story uh I was at a charging station a month and a half ago or so and my experience a quick charging station and my experience had been that there's always almost always guys that are at the charging station and I think they were like five machines there um and one single woman came up to a charger plugged in like oh that's great you know and she's off on a road trip and then another single lady maybe with a pet pulled in uh started charging I go oh that's that's great you know and then myself and my fiance were eating a snack or you know flipping through our phones waiting for the charge to complete then I looked up and there's a whole line of women single women in their EVS charging and something clicked for me and what clicked was the women are getting electric vehicles as well so Julia and sandri not only get electric vehicles they get at Terra so if it's okay I'd like to ask a couple questions of you both and before I do would you mind sharing with our viewers a little bit of about yourself sandri absolutely so I'm Sandra and I work at a university in Louisiana uh and I do software licensing and documentation for their I.T group um I've participated in attera since the first iteration in 2010 um but back then I was in high school so this is actually the first time I'm able to make a reservation for it so I'm pretty excited that is an awesome story uh thank you it's like after in the genes that's awesome Julia could you share just a little bit about yourself um I'm in the high-tech field too but um I also do a lot of so I am the President of the Denver electric vehicle Council which is a chapter of the electric vehicle association um I'm uh starting a non-profit with some people on home electrification we do Consulting for for for people who aren't sure about home electrification we go into their homes and and um uh tour their homes and and give them advice and things like that um and I do a lot of other things too with uh sustainability and electric vehicles uh specifically I'm actually uh trying to get uh so Colorado has incentives for electric vehicles and I'm actually trying to get um them to include Auto Cycles as well fabulous Julia um thank you for the introductions to you both and my first question is do you own an electric field vehicle and I'm gonna direct that to Julie because my guess is you probably do yeah yeah I have a model three Tesla Model 3 awesome a very efficient electrical vehicle by the way I think it's what it is one of the most yeah it's I think it's so I think electric vehicle of yeah I think you're right and um uh our colleague here our app Tara colleague in Louisiana Sandra do you have an electric vehicle um unfortunately right now I do not um I've actually only had two cars in my life so far uh the first one donated for my parents and the second one we bought when you know the other one was totaled so um we bought it used but it's a Corolla so it's really good miles per gallon as well we tried to get something that would last a very long time but this is the the next upgrade for me hopefully and you mentioned uh last a long time one of the things that attracts me to the app Terra Is Right to repair and and I I'm an electrical engineer and if you give me the documentation and the tools I can probably figure it out if I want to repair it or hack it uh so yeah lasting a long time is a good thing yes it definitely is entertain can you tell our viewers what attracts you to the app Terra um so aptera is is just embodies everything that I could ever want about a car it's highly aerodynamic at its core um sustainable as a concept um it's like a perfect marriage of those two concepts too um with solar as the Finishing Touch just brings it to a whole new level um you know the the whole never charge thing especially if you're in a solar area is are not necessarily solar but just a very sunny area is going to be a very very big draw for a lot of people I think enjoy well what attractions but um but I I feel like I feel like the Auto industry uh has been really boring and Innovative for decades and decades and decades and uh I think Tesla kind of knocked that out of the park and now all the Legacy automakers are sort of scrambling to to even produce an EV by you know taking their ice cars ripping out the the engine and sticking in a battery and stuff um but the I mean what what kind of excites me one of the things that kind of excites me about electric vehicles is suddenly the whole Transportation industry has opened up as far as Innovation I mean we have no idea what they'll be like in 10 years probably probably different from what we think just like when the iPhone first came out no one would have predicted all the ways that it has transformed Society um so so Innovation is a huge thing and honestly aptera is is one of the most Innovative EB companies there are really and and the the cool thing is basically they take took one concept which is efficiency and they basically sort of it's almost like an experiment let's see how far we can go with this you know let's see how efficient we can make it and um and um you know luckily uh form followed function and the most efficient uh efficient shape was also incredibly beautiful which is nice too so um so I'm just you know a lot of it's a lot Innovation I just like to follow really any company that's doing things that no one else has done before um but also like Sandrine you know the idea of having um basically this vehicle that I might never have to put any fuel in in any way um you know it's great for the planet and you know it's great for the pocketbook and it's just a cool idea you mentioned I you know and I thought you mentioned an interesting idea uh Julia uh and I hadn't quite thought of it using these words but I was aware of it cognitively it's a cool looking design very and of course yeah and it stemmed from the efficiency but when you look at it you go wow that's awesome and the innovation um those are all good points um what here's another question just to Banter about what other electric vehicles would you consider right now and why well I think I mean out there um I really would only consider another Tesla or uh or an app Terra because I don't think anyone else is doing anything that is sort of outstanding enough to uh to make me to make me turn my head kind of I mean there may be companies out there that are too small or maybe they're in China we don't know about out them but for the companies out there really that's it if for me I would say um it would have to be older cars because there's not a lot of new ones that I would feel comfortable getting I know that there's like the ionic so I've looked at that but I would probably say Chevy Spark or BMW I3 is the most likely for Price reasons um the Chevy bolt it's just it had a lot of bad press in that and it got banned in a bunch of parking lots so that's kind of not as much on my radar until that was over um I would say I'm definitely hoping that a lot more other electric vehicles come out just to compete so I would probably say like if these ever come out I would definitely look at a Prius EV um like a Subaru Impreza EV um definitely arcimoto Nimbus or lip Motors or some other ones I've looked at but yeah the ones that are just available now spark or I3 probably yeah I'm particularly fascinated with the um uh the lit Motors so um centering uh vehicle two wheeled vehicle I think it's a two passenger I think yeah I haven't looked at in a little bit um but it might be Sue passenger like it's I think it's still one seat though it just has a room for a second yeah and okay so we're at Terra reservation holders ambassadors and investors how do you envision using your app Terra um I would probably use mine as just mainly a commuter um I it wouldn't really be much different from you know any other use but I mean I wouldn't really be hauling things that much um and so the towing capacity is something something to think about as well if you're trying to tow things um but I wouldn't be doing any of that I'm probably not going to move anything much heavier than a bike because I have to handle it myself as well um but yeah just commuter and like maybe seeing my family out out of town um but not a whole lot more than that foreign yeah I would um I would definitely use it for for basically what I'm using my my model 3 for today however there are a couple of other things first of all I mean it really does scream you know go on a road trip with me you know I mean uh uh so efficient [Music] it's just doable but you know the back of that Tara is you know so stick a bit there and you're you know just to get king-sized bed in there practically just kidding um and then another thing I want to do with it is um I I can't really justify um having an EV collection just because I like them and I don't want to get up give Tesla um so I my plan is to put it on turo um to kind of first of all uh so it doesn't just sit around because honestly anybody's sitting around is is you know taking it's not displacing it an ice car um and then also to to sort of let people have test drives you know um now I did look on turo and the slingshot is there so I know they do three wheel wheelers but I don't know how long it'll take them to you know include after but that's that's a plan anyway foreign well I can I could say um I have uh a couple boys up in Seattle and I'm I'm in Portland Oregon area right now so I go up there quite often so I can Envision trips up there uh I can Envision putting uh a mattress or sleeping bag in the back and uh visiting the Northwest uh mountains and beaches and stuff like that um and I have used Torah before in fact I rented Mustang mock e and a pole star too and that's kind of the way I can test drive EVS just go on to Toro and uh test drive them there um and I particularly like the pole star uh so what feature oh on a follow-on question uh because we have some of the ladies about Terra here on how to use how you might use your app terror is there anything that you think using your appetera would be different from a man's so not for me anyway yeah not so much I mean yeah the only difference I could see is like maybe having a lot more tools but like you all said that the back is just massive so you can put whatever you want in there um you could have a bunch of tools for whatever job you do or whatever you need to haul as long as it's not like really really tall but you know you could probably still work something out with the amount of space that's back there so not too much differenter than that I it you made me think um Sandrine about the the one promotional video that aptara had with the 400 rolls of I think it was 400 rolls of toilet paper or 200 rolls of toilet paper in the back that was just so cute uh let's what features of the app Terror are most compelling for you is there any feature that's compelling all right I'd probably say just like the sheer attention to detail for the aerodynamics so it's like it just bleeds efficiency and it's just outer design so much um that really drew me to it because you know you see a car and you're like okay the front is aerodynamic in the back they don't really care that much but you know the abtera you take will look at it and you're like where's the back half of the car because that's just how much they value the the drag coefficient and just the material usage and everything else about the entire design um so that was probably the biggest feature for me um I don't know you know all the math for it uh but I do know that you know the drag can also ease up the acceleration resistance you know from wind and so that's part of the drag you know you can accelerate faster with less energy and that also you know rolls up to the whole design um but that's that outer shell of it is just gorgeous in my opinion um but yeah other than that um there's not a whole lot that is necessarily different which can really be a good thing because you don't want too much new and then everyone's like how do I do this this is so different um the inside is pretty standard for what I would consider you know a good vehicle and you know it's not too much and it's not too little I think it's just right well I agree with all those things um I I actually think that the interior is is very nice um I think it's very aesthetic I think they did a great job on that um solar panels of course I'm sure both of us think that that's an important thing um uh yeah and and I guess the uh the the shell the the um the hardness of the shell and the fact that it is um in general you know easy to replace I think relatively cheap to replace in an accident I mean all that's intriguing you know um so I I like I mean I like everything about it really sorry well it and Julia you you led me right into my next question what are your thoughts on the rep height the right to repair strategy in after his rollout strategy um right to repair honestly I mean I don't have a uh I'm not one of those sort of you're you're infringing on my rights type of person so so I don't really care I mean I certainly understand that a lot of automakers have got proprietary um you know they've got proprietary stuff they don't want to do anything dangerous um my I this is my second model three my first one uh someone ran into the door and so I took it to a third party um and and everyone's always sort of getting on Tesla's case for right through a pair and so I kind of asked them about that and they kind of rolled their eyes you know like it's a non-issue and Tesla's fine but they also said which I thought was interesting that the ticon so they they did kind of high-end cars the tycon um apparently you cannot do anything having to do with the high voltage system so if you want to do something with a high voltage system you have to call someone from from you know the the dealership they have to come over and do that little part of it and then you do the rest so but I mean I can understand you know the bad press of you know someone got electrocuted by a tycon so so I guess okay so two two parts of it so I don't really care about the issue however I think it's uh I think aptera's way of dealing with repairs which is you know sending the part or I believe they said you could even 3D print some of the parts um and then having you know Ikea instructions and then anyone could do it I mean I think that's brilliant because you know when you're an EB startup you can't um you know you can't have repair places all over the place so I think it's a great strategy yeah yeah I definitely agree with that um I think it's a great strategy to cut costs and they're uh on their side of the field because you know that's a huge time sink and a cost sync trying to get people trained and how to repair it um as for what I feel about right of repair that's actually a big uh draw for me as well I'm pretty into writer repair being able to take it apart um Tinker with it add features stuff that I want to add or not um and like I even bought my phone which is like it's a fair phone it's a imported European phone and it has right to repair for all of its parts you can order the parts just take the phone apart snap it in you're done you don't have to go buy a new phone if something like anything on it breaks and it's it's really great so that's that's a huge draw for me and increases the worth immensely in my opinion it's a big distinguisher from Tesla that's awesome Sandra that's that's cool thanks um what advice if any would you offer to senior app Terror leadership and just what would what would you advise leadership at this time at after well I think that I think right now obviously Investments are the big deal I mean any advice I give them is just silly because I'm not in their field but uh but if I was sitting down with coffee um with them um so so there apterra is not getting the attention it deserves um and I think we all kind of agree with that and and the question is kind of why um and I I the as I said before the the Auto industry has been very conservative I mean they really haven't made any changes except cosmetic and things that that nipsa tells them to do for for a long time um and and also I think the public is also very conservative about ours I don't know why you know I mean they're not you know I mean you know you get different clothes you get different Electronics somehow cars people babies because they cost so much people are very conservative they're afraid of change a little bit I think um so so I think there's kind of two different investment groups that I mean I'm making this up but two different investment types of people that aptera needs to go to one is sort of traditional investors um who may you know not really be in the Ed field but they're just looking for the next new thing that can make the money and the other one is kind of the you know more Innovative high-tech you know maybe EV area and so for the first group I think they have to somehow convince them that yes it looks unusual but it has all all that's needed for a car you know it it it's it's it will be able to replace any two-person car plus a bunch of other you know um you know replace all the current features and have better features as well so somehow they have to do that and with the high-tech people they kind of have to go in the opposite direction and say hey this is the future you know I mean like I was saying you know transportation is going to change and this is where it's going to go you know efficient and another thing that I guess um I I like about aptaren I don't think is is mentioned enough is how absolutely simple it is to make compared to a regular regular car company so um you know a regular car company like you look at like lucid and um rivian I mean they're blowing billions of dollars every year and the reason is they have to produce these huge car factories you know and aptera is producing something that's basically has all the functionality of these other cars but it's doing this in a very simple and and low cost really way and I mean I don't know why every investor doesn't go oh my God yeah why don't we make cars like that we don't have to make them as complicated and as expensive um as we do you know yeah yeah that's a very good point and I totally agree because you know so many cars on the road that's that's actually one of the big things I've noticed for regular you know combustion engines is you know the older ones you can kind of go in you know if something breaks within reason you can kind of you know see what's wrong troubleshoot see if you can fix it yourself but nowadays everything is so like even changing a headlight for a lot of them it's so involved there's so many things that have to be taken apart or you know there's a lines running through here you know Tech going through there and you just can't do anything with new vehicles because of how incredibly you know intense the the tech is in there and just they're so complex and it's really just you know you could just make something very simple like the Altera instead and that's that's another part on the right to repair I think for me um but for as far as like advice for the leadership I would probably say uh the first thing that comes to mind and ties in with the you know notability notability of apps that are not being as well as we might want it um add more merchandise add more merchandise all types of merchandise they do have a shop for some merchandise um but I would say focus more on the keychains focus more on kind of uh things other than T-shirts because everybody has a t-shirt that everybody has that's true so yeah no everyone's got a t-shirt um but you know not everybody has like a keychain about Terra or something to add to like even a cell phone charm or a sticker um just something that is visible to so so many people that they're gonna say hey what is that sticker like what is that design you have and it's like oh this is that Terra and it's a perfect Icebreaker you know anybody who's even remotely interested would see it and go look it up um bumper stickers you know that's another obvious one uh just things like that that visibility merchandise um one of the things we've talked about and the community a lot as well is getting like small Collectibles as well so some people have 3D printed the apps era itself you know made a little mini model a die cast of Terra that is uh please make a die cast up here I would sell like hotcakes I think um because yeah yeah so just things like that things that are trinkets that don't take up a huge amount of space and don't sit in my closet um that's that's what I would very much um recommend and that will bring you know interest investors so on and so forth very easily I think so I want to say one more thing which is not my idea it's uh Steve aptera owners clubs idea but I think it's I just want to reiterate it because I think it's a really good idea and that is he was saying that um they they would get which I think is true they would get more takers for the first 2000 if they had some kind of badging or some some way of of making those first 2 000 different from the rest because then they would be collector items and I think that's yeah they forget the name delete designer but he said there's going to be a book for the first 2000 and I wouldn't be a bit surprised Julie if they come up with like special badging or something I I but yeah they're but they need to say it because the whole point of the special bad thing is to lure people lure people in I think that's a great idea I do um well at least be kind of sort into the next question if you had your hand in the design of the app Terror what changes or features would you add um for me personally I would recommend um adding a plug in the trunk somewhere I'm not sure where because you know I'm not an engineer but just an open plug in the trunk for capacity expansion so say you get like a 250 or even if you have a thousand and you're like hey I want even more range and apps here I could make battery packs to add to that expansion slot if desired um that would you know I don't know how complex that would be but that would just be an idea that I had um you know because I have the 250 on reservation so you know it'd be nice if I could say Hey you know maybe I want another 250 added or you know another 400 you know almost SD cards but you know three different stuff um you know just more range the ability to add more range easily that's a great option I think I've heard somebody else mention that as well on a chat someplace you know can I upgrade ratings later yeah right so um so my my one kind of concern with the app Tara personally and and no one else talks about this somebody's just my own little Hallucination is that I'm afraid that the the um wheels will be invisible to other uh drivers and so the sort of scenario that runs through my head is you know I'm on the freeway and you know I mean people kind of like move left and right around their lane or sometimes infringe on other lanes and stuff like that but at some point they kind of have a sense of where the cars around them are and I'm just my little scenario is that you know a car driving next to me will not see those wheels and it hit me um or you know catch them and carry me off into who knows where um uh so so um so what what what I would like and I mean this is just sort of magic wand kind of stuff is to have some kind of like um Adas system which could like detect cars on either side of you and be able to kind of move over a little bit so some kind of way of of solving that problem now you know when it comes out it might not even be a problem I just be in my head but that's that's kind of what I would do I did notice when the uh Delta was recently in uh some event at night both in Switzerland and in California at night time the orange light around the front wheel pants just stays illuminated it's just on all the time so you kind of have these markers right there on your wheel pants yeah yeah I saw that too and I thought that was good I actually I was in a parking lot and there was I think it was an old Jeep or something but another vehicle where the where the tires the wheels kind of stuck out and the owner happened to be there so I kind of went up to him and I said you know hey you know explain to him that app Tara showed him pictures on my phone and said you know this is my concern do you ever have that have you ever had a problem with that or heard of anyone having a problem with that and he said no so it might just all be in my head I don't know well let's get him on the road I'm ready to go me too yeah um actora has had several rounds of crowdfunding uh what are your thoughts on the company strictly as an investment opportunity um so I would say for anyone looking to invest I think it's a huge opportunity personally um similar you know the some thoughts were shared about like the iPhone earlier you know it's it's something that I can see similar to that maybe not as game changing in some ways but it's very similar it's I mean you know it can do so much it's not just your standard motorcycle you know don't get hit kind of thing it's like it's got safety features it's got you know all the the streamlining of an auto cycle as well so I and and just based on how efficient it is as well puts it you know in a different class from the other Auto cycles that are around um so just on that that spot alone I would say this is a huge opportunity um and Investments and uh it's just you know so affordable to own and especially in Sunny areas where this could be something that goes pretty fast pretty quickly so I think it's a great time to start I I like what Sandy Monroe said at some time something something you know if you can get in on you know when when when Tesla first started would you do it and I kind of think that's true I mean maybe I mean after probably won't be a Tesla completely but it's got you know it it just says such a great product um and and another thing that I think people don't kind of think about is the so who are the players in transportation now um and where are they going to be 10 years from now um so I think Tesla is going to be fine um they're the only ones that I really think are gonna be fine I think some of the Chinese companies will be fine because the Chinese government supports them but then you've got basically Legacy now Legacy is in deep doo-doo because for many reasons you know they sell they make most of their money on Parts which EVS don't really use as much and financing and that's going to be a big problem when when suddenly everyone looks around says oh EVS are the future so everyone defaults on their gas card loans you know they don't have the DNA as they say it to really be Innovative um they've got you know huge debts debts on things like like engine factories which they probably haven't paid off you know so legacies in deep doo doo um and then Evie startups you know I mean they're obviously in trouble to a certain extent I mean there it's a startup you have to have a it's a startup but it's not a startup like making you know whatever drinking glasses or something like that it's a startup that requires a huge amount of money huge amount of money and you don't get that money back for years and years and years so like I said rivian Lucid they're burning money like anything so basically aptera is in a unique position in that it it um it is an EV startup but it doesn't really have as much of a danger because it doesn't cost billions and billions of dollars for them to get going so it's really sort of a unique investing opportunity I think I mean obviously you know any of these companies are you know you could lose your money but I think if you do the math on on you know the probability of of them continuing I mean even if something happens someone will buy them out I think you know so the probability of them continuing and if they make it how popular they would be you know I mean I mean aptara from what I I mean kind of you know look around in the EB community and you know talk to people and stuff like that it seems like it it really it is the the startup that people in the know are most excited about and I don't think I'm biased well I I do have to agree with you Julia and I'll go back like you to something Sandy Monroe said when you look at the app Terror you say almost immediately that's different just like the Volkswagen Beetle has become an icon or the mg the uh or the Mini Cooper that are icons as cars and because of the Simplicity now I'm getting on my rant here because of the Simplicity of construction and the durability of the materials uh and over 1.5 billion dollars of pre-orders from my perspective it's a no-brainer permanent from an investment standpoint and something I've mentioned yes I'm on my uh sub box something I've mentioned uh before in my on my channel there's a whole universe of investors that are what we call ESG environmental social in governments a government governance types of investors and there's a mountain of money waiting to deploy into clean energy or Energy Efficiency or sustainability or housing for those that need housing all those ESG types of areas there's a mountain of money and with 1.5 billion dollars pre-orders in my opinion it's like a no-brainer um so yeah sorry I got in my soapbox uh so uh do you have any thoughts that you would like as a representative of the other half of the world that you would like to leave to our viewers today um probably just the app Tara it has been a dream of mine for like over a decade I fell in love with it the first time around um it was just like a dream come true for it coming around again now um and plus on top of that they you know the first time around they're in a unique position now as well because this is their second run they know what they did wrong before and they're not doing that anymore they fixed you know the the issue that they had before they improved the design just you know by Leaps and Bounds and they you know they they are very candid and they're just like hey we're taking it slow you know we're being you know efficient with every all of the funds that are being made and they really are like they're delivering on everything that they're doing and just the fact that they've had experience before knowing what not to do is extremely important I think um yeah and I love that you know there's a lot of investment you know issues with some things that are just like a thousand or more minimum investment and this one is like you can go down to 210. you know that's that's the minimum that you know if you don't have a lot you just want to say Hey you know after I just want to invest a little bit you can do 210 and that's like almost nothing for a lot of people so um that's that's another great thing that I think they're doing very right um and yeah just the fact that it's a great Auto cycle and an amazing amount of right to repair 3D printing it's it's definitely something to look into if you are wanting to get in on what I would consider the future I think I think what I would want to convey is not a thought as much as sort of an emotion and um and that is you know the emotions of like excitement and optimism you know um so so this is a company and there are other companies like this but this is a company that kind of gives me hope for the future you know um they're solving a problem um and they're solving it you know Evie's kind of solved the problem but now they're going a lot further I mean imagine if I mean I know app Tara can't make cars for the whole world but imagine if um after came out and everyone looked at it and said oh my God we have to do something like that and so everyone tried to make their vehicles more efficient everyone tried to put solar on it um uh everyone tried to make them more simple but um uh you know I mean that's that's you know it's it's thoughts like that that kind of keep me excited about this company you know that I mean it's there's a lot of scary things in Humanity's possible Futures you know and so stuff like this um you know it's it's something that I like to kind of focus on and try to make happen I think that was a wonderful wonderful closing thoughts Julia um actare is bringing to us something to be optimistic about and I want to thank both of you today uh Sandrine from Louisiana Julia from Colorado and my wish for you and for our viewers is to stay well be healthy and charge on absolutely charge on [Music] what's your pleasure Luna a soul let's save the planet [Music] s [Music] will do [Music] on the Fire you know that it's right [Music] thank you [Music]

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Musical opening od to ab tera the most efficient vehicle on the planet [music] [music] [music] have terra cruising wingless flly i love of terror it feels so right glides down the introduction high my name is rich rodriguez and welcome to my ep tera journey this channel is about the thrill of the all-wheel... Read more

Talk with Aptera’s pre IPO Investment Banker, US Capital thumbnail
Talk with Aptera’s pre IPO Investment Banker, US Capital

Category: Autos & Vehicles

Musical opening od to ab tera the most efficient vehicle on the planet [music] [music] [music] have terra cruising wingless flly i love of terror it feels so right glides down the highway from the introduction sun drill of the all-wheel drive app tera on a twisting curving mountain road and the rush... Read more

Aptera insider talks about IPO, Interviews Aptera Co-CEO and staff, and Windshield Wiper Coverage thumbnail
Aptera insider talks about IPO, Interviews Aptera Co-CEO and staff, and Windshield Wiper Coverage

Category: Autos & Vehicles

Oded to ab tera the most efficient vehicle on the [music] [music] planet [music] terra cruising wingless flly i love of terror it feels so right gl down the high hello friends new and old my name is rich rodriguez and welcome to my app terror journey this channel is about the thrill of the all-wheel... Read more

Aptera Interviews: Chris Anthony & Chris McCammon - and the Story of the People Who Made the Video. thumbnail
Aptera Interviews: Chris Anthony & Chris McCammon - and the Story of the People Who Made the Video.

Category: Autos & Vehicles

Musical introduction od to ab tera the most efficient vehicle on the planet [music] [music] have terra cruising wingless flly i love a terror it feels so right glides down the highway tak from the sun no more opening title cards welcome to my aptera journey special interview today we have bill with... Read more

Auto Roundup: Battery Plant Fire, Buffet’s BYD Moves, and Rivian's Rise, June 28,2024 | Electric thumbnail
Auto Roundup: Battery Plant Fire, Buffet’s BYD Moves, and Rivian's Rise, June 28,2024 | Electric

Category: Autos & Vehicles

Intro welcome to your ultimate pitstop piston pundit. in this edition, we dive into the latest news, shaking up the automotive world from a tragic fire at a lithium battery plant in south korea to new tariffs on chinese evs impacting global brands. niall bolt's groundbreaking fast charging battery.... Read more

Volkswagen And Rivian Team Up To Rival Tesla thumbnail
Volkswagen And Rivian Team Up To Rival Tesla

Category: People & Blogs

Today on forbes volkswagen is investing up to5 billion in rivan upstart electric vehicle maker rivan said earlier this week that volkswagen is investing up to5 billion in the electric vehicle maker and that the two companies are forming a joint venture to develop an automotive software platform based... Read more

Aussie EV Shock! August sales results are a DISASTER | MGUY Australia thumbnail
Aussie EV Shock! August sales results are a DISASTER | MGUY Australia

Category: Autos & Vehicles

Australia is probably the worst country on the planet to try and force an entirely battery electric fleet vast distances between cities with very little in between is a nightmare for ev range and for charging infrastructure but that doesn't stop the politicians trying to force it on us like in the uk... Read more

So Sad❗ #shorts #truck #tesla #cybertruck #sad thumbnail
So Sad❗ #shorts #truck #tesla #cybertruck #sad

Category: Autos & Vehicles

Breaks my heart and i i said i wasn't g to cry but just cry that there's people out there right now they don't have a jacked up truck that's so sad they don't have a cold beer in their hand that's sad they don't have a dirt r that's okay Read more

Battery Buffer EV Chargers Could Be The Answer To Slow Moving Utilities thumbnail
Battery Buffer EV Chargers Could Be The Answer To Slow Moving Utilities

Category: Autos & Vehicles

Intro that's the sound of my battery running low but i'm only kidding my battery is fully charged as you plug in with me today for the out ofec podcast i'm your host francy thank you for joining me i hope you're doing well today uh the other day i asked you what you were doing while you were listening... Read more

Taking Delivery of a Foundation Series Tesla Cybertruck (Delivery Walkthrough) thumbnail
Taking Delivery of a Foundation Series Tesla Cybertruck (Delivery Walkthrough)

Category: Film & Animation

Okay yeah i'll let you enjoy it i'm sorry no you're good you're [music] good yeah it's here this is [music] crazy we are here today at tesla grin rapids to pick up the cyber truck we just got here uh take it for a test drive get it get it all uh in the app but we're going to show you what exactly happens... Read more