♓️ PISCES ♓️ A TIME OF CHANGE! | September 2024 Tarot | Lifepath Compass

hi everyone welcome to lepos Compass thank you so much for being here today we're doing a reading for Pisces for the first half of September we're going to go ahead and pull messages from different Oracle and Tarot Decks that I prepared for this reading today Pisces keep in mind not every single message will resonate with every one of you but your message can come through all the way in the end of the reading so stick around and let's find out what's going on Pisces we are starting today with a coffee cup oracle cards by Amir salon beautiful deck let's find out what we have here for you for the first half of September we have real coming out tree cat and a scale I'm getting some jealous ax watching you um for some of you this is not even your ex I feel like this is your partner's a I feel like they're very jealous they're kind of watching you I don't see them doing anything I'm not seeing them taking any action I'm not seeing really affect them affecting you but it just feels like there is this energy of somebody from the past and either yours or your partners just kind of watching you possibly on social media or just watching what you're doing if they're close enough it's a side note for somebody it is there but let's go ahead and start clarifying and see what else is coming through here starting with a wheel look at that wheel on top of the wheel luck is on your side Pisces I'm getting a strong energy of um Good Fortune coming through here Two of Wands in Reverse Five of Swords wow explosive energy there let's find out there is definitely some change here there could be um some new beginning that's coming through here for you Wheel of Fortune Wheel on top of the wheel the the luck is on your side no matter what I feel like um there is something that's happening here that is um a very strong decision that has to be made Two of Wands in reverse and two of swords in Reverse I feel like you have made up your mind you're not on a crossroad anymore and it does feel like it's your decision you decided to take your fortune in your own hands here for some of you this is a decision not to move somewhere for some of you this is a decision to stay where you are in uh whatever circumstances it is here for you uh but it is a change because I feel like um it's either your um it feels like there's other people involved and you're making decision that is for you and it's a like you're alone in this decision you're everywhere you're by yourself um this could be a situation where one person moves and another decides to stay and you're the one who's deciding to stay here Five of Swords I feel like there's a lot of people in you ear trying to influence your decision but again decision is made by you for you and it is a right decision for you there is a bit of a disappointment is kind kind of connected to it and I do feel it is because of um some sort of sadness that something is changing some something like like I said you could have been living with somebody and now you decided to stay and they going somewhere you deciding not to move with them and I do feel that there's a bit of a sadness that is associated here with the past but there is new change that is already flowing into your energy here H you're not indecisive anymore you made up your mind with the n of Wands you're you're coming out in this energy of a wounded warrior you went through a lot the decision was a difficult one but you made it you made a decision and it does bring a new beginning into your life a new like is start let's go ahead and clarify the stability and growth what is that all about for you tree energy look at that tree and tree wheel and wheel and Tree on tree how interesting is that you're dropping your root somewhere you you are growing your roots somewhere in one way or another for a lot of you this is about your finances um growing your savings M cutting some people out as well from your life I I got that here which was interesting because it wasn't really something that was in the C but it's the energy that came through here and now this here is coming through very strongly um Queen of Swords is somebody who will definitely cut out people from their life that not that don't belong there they don't need to be there and I feel like you're embracing this energy here a death and rebirth and you could be ending relationship with somebody um Aries um Sagittarius could be very important here for you in this message and I feel like you are dropping your roots and growing your roots stronger somewhere you are settling down I'm getting this strong strongly your person could have deci could have decided that they wanted to move they wanted to travel they were not ready to settle down but you are and I feel like U you're deciding to settle down no matter what you're deciding to settle down even if that means settling down on your own and absolutely there is a new beginning here for you yep I'm getting an energy of settling down and building up on your stability let's find out what this cat energy is all about yeah I'm getting this energy very strongly is you this is for those of you Pisces who are in a connection who are married who have a family here possibly um children even it could be um a nurse side and a child you could have gone through quite a few difficulties in your relationship but yet you overcame those difficulties and there is this um uh 14 after difficulty with that rainbow and 10 of Cups beautiful family beautiful family Vibes four wands again the family Vibes here and I do feel there's some outside energy here that is a little bit um um jealous of what you have what you have with this person your family life here and there could be even gossiping about you you could be hearing this gossips and it's going of put you in this energy of um being uncomfortable here with the eight of Swords but know that those gossips shouldn't be affecting you you're free to do what you want you're free to live your life the way you decide to with the five of Pentacles there is this energy of uncomfortable being a little bit stuck um but again I feel like this is an outside influence that has nothing to do with your actual life within this uh marriage within this family here I'm getting overcoming difficulties I'm getting a happy life together and moving forward and just enjoying what you have rather than listening to outside influences if somebody's even trying to uh get into your ear or maybe even spread some gossip up about your partner or anything that has to do with your life I feel like it's uh not worth listening to okay let's go ahead and clarify this scales what is that all about look at this interesting a lot of cards there but they all have to be there so let's see what's going on H could be some fights some arguments with a romantic partner here could be um an Aries involved could be somebody who's uh very strong minded somebody who um actually I want say they love to fight but they do that a lot they're quite um explosive personality here not necessarily physical fight but you know arguments and things like that I feel like they um very easily involve themselves in those kind of situations here and I feel like um what you're looking for is it does feel like you're possibly going through some sort of argument like that with the person you could be even going through some sort of a legal kind of U battle with this person here I'm getting that strongly and I almost getting this energy of a fall of an emperor like they're not in the right they're in the wrong here and it is it does feel like a very strong strong energy of an Aries for some of you this is your ex employer you could be going through some legal battle with the ex employer but for majority of you here Pisces I'm getting this is a love connection so if that's your situation here I feel like relying on your friends and your family is very important to you at this point I feel like you're going to be um getting a lot of support from them and I'm also getting a little bit getting a little bit distracted getting um you know distracted by going out spending your time with your friends maybe spending your time you know having a good time outside a little bit because it feels like this is quite um a process that has been dragging for quite a while and it put you in this energy of um kind of a Solitude excuse me for one second [Music] [Music] I apologize Pisces for that Interruption um let's move on so what I was saying here is that's the kind of situation I see you going through and again it kind of put you in this energy of a Solitude here and you're waiting for some sort of resolution but I also feel like some of you you are deciding to go out to spend some time outside spend some time with your friends and I feel like there could be some sort of uh energy of you're getting that um inner feeling that better times are coming ahead that resolution is closed and I feel a lot of inner love here for you a lot of self love that is coming through Knight of Cups is your energy um this is um a Pisces energy this is a water sign and I feel like you're in a very romantic mode although you are single although you're still disconnecting from what happened here in the past I feel like um you're open to exploring new options I don't necessarily see you doing that right now I'm getting a lot of self L from this but you're definitely open to exploring your um romantic options in the near future that's what I'm getting there for you all right let's go ahead and move this out of the way and we are going to um pull some messenger delivery plant and animal oracle cards for you let's see what else is happening in this first half of September Pisces what's going on for Pisces both of them okay what else is here for Pisces one all right we have Cosmos coming through Poppy and octopus let's go ahead and start clarifying find your cards we're going to start with a cosmos energy letting go of the past when it comes to love and uh opening yourself to New Opportunities is coming through strongly here um you could you could be feeling kind of left in a cold you could have been left in a cold somebody could have left you here as far as a romantic connection but it's time to let go of that energy um and um there is something new open new doors open new opportunities here for you uh there could be a Scorpio very significant there is definitely a new love could be coming in here for you unexpected there is absolutely New Beginning here and again it's happening after an ending of some sort of relationship somebody could have been left in a cold here for sure there was an ending that needs to be let go of and that's when the new love will come in Scorpio could be very significant for you Pisces let's go ahead and clarify the Scorpio energy ooh you are dream dreaming and you're dreaming back here you're possibly even dreaming about taking some risks here Pisces that's what I see I feel like your imagination is almost going wild for those of you who are doing something who are creative when it comes to your job who doing something that has to do with Arts um I see you being very successful at that I seeing you deepening your skills your knowledge and your abilities and I'm getting a lot of success for you in this first half of September I'm also getting this energy of being very much in your mind being kind of indecisive being between two some of you could have been definitely dealing with um an Aries a fire sign in your love life and I feel like um um you putting on the crossroads there where you may be in between two people or there could be this energy of um not necessarily in between two people but kind of in between two directions do I stay with this person do I move forward or maybe they decided to move move forward and you're not sure what is your path ahead I feel like you have your whole world in front of you and right here in the palm of your hand so you have a lot of options you just got to stop overthinking this situation and take a leap of faith um give to your imagination give in to your dreams here and follow your passions that's what I'm seeing let's go ahead and clarify that octopus what is that all about for here for those of you who are in some sort of business that is uh connected to um internet or social uh social networks and that I see a lot of success there for you I see expansion and money coming in um for those of you who are working in some sort of um like I said like it feels like um communic communication field so if you're work in a communication field in one way or another um online communication or even person whatever it is communication field um I'm getting a lot of success there as well and expansion and more money coming in here whatever you do for work I feel like you're very skillful there's a lot of skill that you bring to table here and it almost feels like in the future you will have you won't have to work as hard and yet you will be able to make more money so you know it feels like um you know there will be some sort of established sources that money will just be flowing into you and like I said you won't have to work as hard as you do now to be able to bring their money in that's what's coming through here um I feel like it's interesting cuz you have four of swords and Five of Swords here and there is a bit of a progression here possibly disconnect in from people that you're currently working with you could be disconnecting from people um maybe even the team that you're currently working with and adapting to a new ways of communication uh this could be a very much of distance work you could be going from working in the office to um a distance work working from home um working online working through the means of Internet quite a bit and it does take a quite a bit of AD adaptability but I feel like that's what's is going to bring money in and bring a lot of success for you that's what I'm seeing there Pisces it is a specific message but it is for someone let's go ahead and move this out of the way and um we are going just to um pull some M tarot here and see what else we have at covered what else needs to come through for you what else we need to know what else is happening for Pisces in the first half of September Pisces message for Pisces okay huh I feel like um you're busy at work you could be a little bit um you know on the lower sides when it comes to your finances I feel like you're juggling several things to be able to keep your finances in order this is not a time to spend I feel like this is the time to be quite um um you know just um don't be foolish with your with your spendings you know don't don't spend lavishly that's what I'm getting be a little bit reserved when it comes to um your spendings here that's the time I'm seeing here um I do feel that you're going to be working uh a lot and there will be more money coming in in but I'm getting this energy of needing to you know hold on to what you have and not spend way too much there's another message that is coming through here for you Pisces and it does feel that love is on your mind and it does feel that you're a little bit defensive when it comes to love because you're still thinking about the past I feel like you want to reconcile with the person from your past could be an Aries here I am getting an energy of one um reminiscing about the past reminiscing about the good times not necessarily opening to anything you almost diving into work to prevent yourself from thinking about love but again I'm getting this energy don't spend too much you know hold on to be be smart with your savings but going back to the love message I am getting this energy here of um thinking about the past and I'm getting this energy here of possibly talking to the person I feel like this person will be open to communicating with you again uh I do feel like you both are going to get to the better times I don't necessarily see a full-on Reconciliation I feel like it's time to start something new and go in a new direction for you and them but I feel like you're just going to be in a better on a better terms with this person you will be able to bring this Olive Branch and at least not to be in conflict with them this is what I see but when it comes to as far as reconciliation I feel like the new Love is the right direction for you all right Pisces these are the messages I have for you to today thank you so much for spending your time with me if you feel comfortable commenting on the reading please do so in the comment box I love to hear from you and thank you for spending your time with me bye for now

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