my thoughts on Love is Blind UK before the reunion | day 11

Published: Aug 21, 2024 Duration: 00:49:16 Category: People & Blogs

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good morning I am tired and it's early but I'm here I'm ready to finish this drawing and talk about love is blind UK because I can't stop thinking about it and nobody that I know is watching it right now so we're going to be finishing up this drawing I've been I think this is my fourth video of her and I'm so bored and I'm so ready to be done with her she's almost done the background is bothering me but I also kind of want to keep it simple I don't really want to give it a lot of texture and but yeah she's pretty much done um and I'm ready to be done with her but we're going to talk about love is blind UK I am such a real TV Junkie I think I realized how much I loved reality TV when I was really into 90day fiance and I was like wow I really I'm really into this and I've always known I liked reality TV but at that point I kind of like I think it was like you know 2016 or 2017 I kind of reflected and I was like I have always watched reality TV like since I was a kid like all the TLC shows I actually didn't watch Dance Mom's that's a lifetime show I didn't really watch Lifetime my mom wasn't like a lifetime girly and I actually recently started watching Dance Mom m s when JoJo siwa kind of blew up with her controversial whatever I was like I CU I'd watched a little bit of Dance Moms and I I know who like you know Maddie Ziggler is and all that so I was like let's watch some Dance Moms so I'm kind of I watch Dance Moms when I like fold laundry and stuff recently um I I love it um and I know reality TV is like half of it's fake and you know it's it's ridiculous but I just I've always watched reality TV my mom let me and my sister watch the Kardashians when we were like little you know and we watched Like Girls Next Door when we were little so I don't know what that did in my brain but I love reality TV so When Love is Blind came out I was like oh that's for me they made this show just for me and nobody else and I I love it it's probably the best probably my favorite reality TV dating show and the reason why it's my favorite is because they take it so seriously like they're like this is a social EXP experiment and this is really serious and people are here to find love and I think I think Married at First Site kind of does a similar thing but they don't execute it in the same way and I like the concept of Love is Blind where they talk to each other behind a wall and get to know each other so you see their relationship blossoming it's not like they just get married on the spot like there's some development there I I like that a lot more I know you want to go outside baby girl but it's not time to go outside um I know I love you you're okay everything's okay um so I've watched quite I've watched all the American Love is Blind I've watched the Japanese Love is Blind which I really liked I hope they make more of it I think I started watching the Brazilian one and I didn't feel like dealing with subtitles so I stopped and it wasn't like interesting enough for me it was kind of like okay for some reason the Japanese one was more interesting to me I don't know why and I started watching the it was some European country I started watching that one and then I stopped something like I think because like reality TV is very much like wow I made that really dark wow okay I can't well it's okay it's good it needs to be done so reality TV is kind of like a brain off activity for me and so when there's subtitles I don't always feel like it but I feel like there I feel like I did finish a season of something and it wasn't in English and it wasn't the Japanese one but I can't remember which one but anyway love is blind is great really love it Vanessa Lee is annoying and Nick Lee is boring but anyway wow I made that really dark I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared it's going to be okay but anyway love is blind UK I didn't even know it was coming out I I didn't even know it was happening and then suddenly I see it and I'm like oh my God yes because I don't have to I can enjoy love is blind and it's in another country and I don't have to use subtitles this is awesome I really hope they do love is blind Australia cuz that will be really cool but yeah so I wrote down the couple's names so I don't forget and I remembered them off the top of my head but we're just going to go in the order that I wrote them down so we're going to talk about Sabrina and Steven first and oh also I'm going to tell you at which point I've stopped watching because I don't know if cat and Freddy got married but I am going to be giving Major Spoilers for the whole show except for cat and Freddy's marriage I think I watched everybody else's wedding yeah except cat and Freddy so I don't really know what happens with them and I'm going to watch it today when I'm done doing this probably or when I have lunch so I'm scared I'm scared anyway keep going keep going Sabrina and Steven are probably the on love is blind if they get if the couple gets a low amount of screen time it's because they are unpraised we haven't really had any major issues and of course they got married of course I definitely saw them getting married I was like if they don't get married then I'm not a real fan of this show because usually I can tell if they're going to get married or not usually and at this point cuz I've watched this show so much there there have been some surprises and I was surprised by one of the in this cast yesterday but yeah so Sabrina and Steven very lovely Sabrina is adorable Stephen is so goofy and like you could just like sometimes most of the time for me if I see them together or I can I can like see how they connect through the wall I can usually tell like okay they're going to work out or they're going to end up together at least and then we'll see how that goes from there and then once they were out of the pods I was like okay they're good to go they're going to be great like and I just like their chemistry is so nice and sweet and there's not really much to say about them cuz they're just a really good couple they did end up getting married and I wouldn't they they're my second my second favorite um my first favorite is Jasmine and Bobby and then I really liked Demi and olly and Sabrina and Steven are third um not not for any particular reason they're just a little bit boring but they also don't show them very much because they're so unpr problematic only the trouble the troubled couples get more more screen time you know cuz we have to stir up the drama uh I did think Demi and Ollie were going to be more dramatic and then they really calm down honestly the UK couples are very unpraised on purpose I think they throw a couple of wild cards in there when they do their casting they're like let's see if what happens here like you know I think they I don't know there's a lot of like manipulation and weird stuff going on behind the scenes of this show and it's very interesting it's like you I think they kind of they know who would be a good match like they they choose people who will be compatible and and then they put them you know in the same season or whatever right like the casting process I think is very interesting and I would love to know how they do it but I think in the American version especially they throw a lot of wild cards and the reason I think that didn't happen with the UK version is that it's like the first it's the first UK season I think they wanted to have like like a successful season where they H have a lot of couples because sorry um it's the first UK season so they want it to be successful so for season 2 more people will audition for the show and then things will get a little messy that's what I'm thinking yeah because I do think they want they want want people who honestly want to get married I do think for the sake of the show they do want to have some success stories and then they also want to have some massive crazy failures because that makes for better television so honestly this show is kind of messed up because people get really seriously hurt in this by doing this show like emotionally damaged because they go into it they get engaged they almost get married and then the person leaves them at the altar and then they're all messed up like it's like it's not light-hearted stuff if if they're really into it if they're just there for the the fame but I think I think they're pretty good at getting at susing people out like most of the time I don't know or at least the cast is itself will sus people out the The Producers don't really care I don't think they just want drama but I think the cast will usually be like they're not here for the right reason blah blah blah blah blah anyway Sabrina and Steven are great and they're very cute I wish them all the best also I might be talking a little bit a little bit I don't know reality TV is hard cuz it's like they feel like characters in a show but they're actually real people so I want to like be honest but I also don't want to be mean cuz like in my head they're just like characters on a show that I'm like oh wait they're real people so I need to be nice but the next couple on the list I wrote is Nicole and bayah and B is so cute he's adorable he's lovely I really like him Nicole I'm fine with Nicole except the whole Sam thing like when she when she chose Sam I was like girl you picked the wrong guy are you stupid and then I was like was this did they tell her to do this you know it felt kind of fake and then and then Sam kept saying I'm like okay if this isn't fake if this is real like she actually chose Sam you know on her own like I just couldn't believe it cuz they just seem so incompatible and Sam seems like a rat like he just wanted to be there to be on TV because like if he had to keep saying I'm here for the right reasons I'm here for the right reasons it's like okay somebody heard you saying something that made it sound like you're here for the wrong reasons and he just he's not trustworthy he uh-uh don't like him I got the I immediately big red flag and you could like even what Sam was telling Nicole he just sounded like a red flag to me anyway of course we don't hear everything that they say to each other so maybe he was saying some nice things too I just I just couldn't see it at all and uh so I was like when Nicole picked Sam the only reason I thought it was real is because bayah seemed really upset unless I just like didn't let him in on it but then that's like messed up I don't know but I was like girl if this is real you are you got some problems because he's crazy he's not you know that that dude is just Sam no no nope Sam is not happening and you know I kind I wish I made the boobs a little bigger and I don't really like this needs to be darker I think anyway um let me how much time do we have okay I just don't want to like be talking and get cut off by my camera um Nicole and banah as a couple as a couple I think they're great and I think they're very compatible and bah seems really into her and I don't know I just Nicole she seems like a nice person but maybe a little delusional or something I don't know just the whole Sam thing threw me off with her I just can't the vibe is off you know after that Sam thing but in general I like them they're good so yeah and they did get married I knew they would get married they're two into each other no not to get married but yeah love Bia Ben I is really cute and really nice and blah blah blah and then I just don't trust Nicole cuz like falling for someone like Sam Sam is just so icky but then I just I just don't believe it I feel like they set it up I really feel like they might have set it up I don't know you like the the way they edit the show is so messy like this season especially I think the cast was so unpr problematic that they really had to put some crazy edits in there cuz they made it seem like stuff was happening and it was not happening at all I don't have I don't have specifics but like whenever the cast was together like when they when they met all of the pod squad the editing was so choppy and then they would like cut to like somebody making a weird face and it just felt so unnatural and I'm like y'all need to stop cuz like the to me to me I would love to see what it's like without like the added uh layers of editing drama cuz I don't really care I can always like sus that out and why am I doing this why am I doing this and uh I would love to just see it uncut raw footage and see what they're saying that's more interesting to me and uh but of course they would never ever ever ever do that but I feel like this cast was so unpr problematic that they really had to dig deep with the edits to make it seem like something was happening like with cat and olly I mean cat was a little bit flirty with Ollie but I think she just naturally is kind of like that but they really cut the edit so that it looked like Demi was upset and like all this stuff right and it's like that's not not happening and uh yeah so Nicole and Bia not my favorite couple but they're cute they're good I think they're really into each other I think they will make it [Music] work this face I'm a little hesitant to shade too much but um I to get in that nose don't I I'm starting to not care and I'm just like what should I do I should just have fun right I just just I'm getting bored I'm so bored I really like her I think she turned out really nicely but I'm just bored okay next we have cat and Freddy cat and Freddy are probably the most problematic couple I think I think yeah they just and they didn't even really do anything that's the thing like this cast is so unpr problematic that the most problematic couple has nothing going on which is just so interesting because like the later seasons of the US version are just out of control if I'm remembering correctly it's funny like I I can I know all their names right now I know what's going on and then in 2 months it's going to be like gone unless somebody's like talking about it and reminds me of details I just yeah but anyway cat and Freddy I really liked cat when and they were in the Pods at first I was like a she's so cute and then she was like she seemed I don't know she seemed really sweet and genuine and I just liked her and I really liked Freddy he seems like a really sweet guy and you know he seems very like super unpr problematic and very chill and stuff like that and and then a little bit of pressure hit cat and then her true colors kind of come out she seems kind of like one of those people where if everything's good she's great but as soon as one little thing goes wrong it like ruins her perception and then she kind of like she doesn't throw a fit but like just kind of like melts down a little bit and it's like oh you can't handle real life sorry is that mean I don't know I'm just this is just my what I my per ction of her based on this show which is not you know it doesn't show her entirely as a person but this is just my perception Okay and like when they came back to real life I think that was when I was kind of like H I don't really like cat anymore because I don't know she just seems kind of like a brat a little bit I like her parents a lot and and like the dynamic between her and Freddy and her parents seemed good and I don't know she's just I wouldn't be friends with her in real life you know what I mean and um but Freddy seems really really nice he seems really into her and then when he told her about the cheating thing that really messed her up and I don't know if they got married or not I'm guessing no my best guess is no they're not getting married especially like if we look at the numbers cuz it seems like everybody else has gotten married so far except Maria and Tom and for five out of six couples to get married that's crazy so I just I feel like statistically it's not going to happen um oh wait oh wait Demi and Ollie didn't get married either never mind so maybe they will I don't know but yeah cat and Freddy they're okay um if cat was just a little bit more chill I think they'd be really compatible and I think they'd work out but I think because cat is just a little bit um edgy you know I just I just don't see it happening or not edgy she's a little bit too particular like her expectations about people and life are a little bit too high you know some people just live in la la land I need to fix the nose oh no oh my God like the what's that called the molding or whatever the where the wall meets the floor there's like that molding thing whatever that's called it's like covered in charcoal and pencil shavings and eraser bits okay all right who's next Demi and OE Demi and olly are the biggest disappointment for me this season because I really liked them I really like Demi Demi was very relatable and like I just was like okay she gets sensitive and like shuts down totally I totally relate I do that all the time but then she's actually really cool and like has a good head on her shoulders or so it seems and um like she and olly just had so much fun together and they were so cute and they look so good together and olly you know he took a while to kind of come out of his shell too a little bit I think um or like become uncomfortable and I think they got to a place place where they were more vulnerable with each other and of course like this all happens so quickly it's like we don't really know how deep they're going but when Demi said no I was like girl cuz she was like my head's saying no blah blah blah my heart is saying yes and I'm like just do it because I think you guys are great together and if they say no it just kind of like I don't know if I've seen a couple say no at the altar and then they get back together my my memor is very bad but I'm I'm sure they have but it's just less likely for them to get back together I think if they say no at the altar cuz it's like the whole family is there and like you get your emotions all high and it's just very traumatic to be told no at the altar when you're not expecting it so yeah I just don't say know if you want to be with them you know cuz like they're like oh we're not ready blah blah blah and it's like if you're going to get married anyway does it really matter like can you see yourself marrying this person I don't know cuz it's like if you don't think this time is enough then why do you come on this show if you really want to get married I don't know people don't really know how the reality is going to feel until they get there you know but I want her to have a little Shadow under her eye but not a lot okay my favorite part of drawings are always like the little details like this at the end because then it kind of just like pulls everything together and you're like wow okay let's do a little shadow on the chin give me one second and I'll get back into yapping yep yep yep yep yep I can't tell if that's too little too much or just right think we need a little more right here and a little build up right here and a little build up right here I don't I don't want to put too many hard Shadows cuz then she'll start looking a little uh angular maybe I don't know yeah Demi and Ollie I loved them I was really rooting for them and they looked so good together and I and it seemed like Olli was like in good spirits about it so maybe they talked about it before like oh dem's going to say no she's not ready maybe he knew but he seemed kind of shocked so I don't know I never knew if the couples like tell each other cuz like I could not if I was going to say no there's no way I could do that to the person and like maybe contract actually they're not supposed to but I wouldn't give a [ __ ] I'd be like I got to tell you if you know cuz if I really care about you and I want to be with you later you got to know what I'm thinking and we're going to put on this whole charade and our families are going to come like that's crazy dude I could not I could not surprise somebody mm no way no way yeah I was I was taking it back like I kind of had a feeling I was like Demi is that her name that's her name right Demi I I don't know her her footage you know behind the scenes or whatever or what is it called I don't know what it's called her interviews before the wedding didn't Inspire confidence in me but I was like it's going to be fine they're going to do it blah blah blah and then yeah I just I was I was shook I was not happy but you know hopefully at the reunion we'll see them together and everything will be okay right I don't know okay oh she's looking good she's looking real good so Jasmine and Bobby my absolute favorites I love them I think they are match made in heaven and the reason I think that is because Jasmine seems like a very um emotionally driven person with very strong opinions which is fine I'm not saying that's a bad thing but she seems like if you say the wrong thing to her she's going to get upset and there were multiple times I don't know the specifics but I just noticed it multiple times where she would bring something something up as an issue to Bobby and she was kind of like combative in her presentation like she's like ready to be like oh if you don't like that then we're done kind of a Vibe and he just like I think he could just like listen to her to what she was saying really well and then he would just be like oh well that's not an issue cuz blah blah blah like he just completely diffused everything and I'm not saying that he's being manipulative I'm just saying that like he can hear her out and and not get offended by what she's saying and then and then just like everything's fine so I'm like oh my God they're totally they're going to be married forever they're going to die together when they're 80 holding hands on the bed like that Notebook movie um and is isn't that how the notebook ends I don't remember but yeah they they got it they win this season in my head if there's one winning couple it's them and yeah they did it and and they had like zero screen time the most screen time they had was when Jasmine's mom came and Jasmine's mom seems oh God what am I doing ooh I'm scared I need to think about what I'm doing for the background o I don't know yet I wanted this to be water but that's just that's too much work or maybe I can try I'll I'll go in with this first first we yeah Jasmine's [Music] mom seems like she would be a problem if Jasmine allowed her to be a problem you know like oh you need to tell me what's going on in your life and tell me about your relationship I'm your best friend you don't need any friends stuff like that which is just like it's cute when you hear it but then when you see people going through moms who just can't let go like oh tell your mom everything and we're so close and blah blah blah and it's like you can't tell everyone you can't tell someone everything I'm sorry like if they have a poll in your life the way your mother has pull cuz like your mom will always your mom says something and you listen forever your whole life unless like you don't know your mom then that's like different but like parents just have this horrible power I'm being I'm being real and being real like you just always your parents say something and there's just something in your mind that you have to fight because you just like take their words at face value and you you it feels legit right and then you have to remind yourself oh they're just a person they don't know what's going on blah blah blah blah blah right so but yeah having your mom be too close when you're in a marriage is not a good thing especially if your mom is like Jasmine's mom and looks for problems and everything like oh nothing's nothing's good enough for my daughter and blah blah blah blah blah so it's very good that Jasmine like put a boundary there where it's like no Mom I'm not going to tell you everything leave me alone because if you don't do that then your mom's going to interfere in your relationship but yeah no no shade on Jasmine's mom I think she has good intentions but she just seems like kind of controlling kind of very particular about things very opinionated stubborn you know stuff like that and it's just like it's not as a parent I feel like you have to realize it's not healthy to be too involved in your kids relationships you know I can't tell if I like this or if I hate it it'll come together it's all good it'll come it'll work out and the the light on the moon it would be smaller and then get bigger right from on the water I think so should I I'll look up a reference really quick on water oh that's a song [Music] maybe it's bigger at the top and then it gets smaller as it gets closer something like that or maybe it's the same all the way anyway Jasmine and Bobby they win this season of Love is Blind [Music] and yeah I think they're great they're so and they look so good together they're so cute cute and I hope I hope Bobby's as nice as I think he is cuz it's always disappointing when you think someone's so nice and then you learn that they're not as nice as you thought but I have hope okay and then oh oh my goodness we have Maria and Tom and honestly if Tom shows up to the reunion with Natasha I will not be surprised just by looking at them I felt like they'd get along better but I think Tom was more like es attracted to Maria like he had that dream about her and I think her voice and her personality was more appealing like even just I think you can tell if you have chemistry with like physical chemistry with somebody um just by talking to them sometimes and I think that's what happened to him is that uh he and Natasha probably would be a good marriage maybe maybe but he was just so attracted to Maria that he pursued her instead and he broke things off of Natasha and then Maria really like Tom and blah blah blah I think I think Maria and Tom could be married and it would work out but I don't know I just he doesn't give me the ick but he kind of gives me Playboy Vibes like literally like Hugh Hefner he kind of looks like Hugh Hefner and uh and then also Tom does this weird it's not that weird I'm not like if you do this it's fine a lot of people have like a little vocalization that they do um like I click my tongue before I talk a lot but he does this thing where he's like m m like he'll say something and then M or like you you say something and then he goes M like you can see it if you watch the show with subtitles they even like put the m in and I think that's why I noticed it so much but he has like a very I don't know it kind of weird it it didn't weird me out but I just noticed it I think that's why I don't know anyway uh but I think Marie and Tom look good together I think they'd be a good match if Tom didn't leave her at the altar oh my God I didn't really expect that to happen either I mean I kind of did but his reasoning was like I mean low key I'm like did they tell them to say no at the altar for dramatic effect like Demi and Ollie I'm like I just can't believe that demy and Oli aren't getting married right now like are they doing it for the drama which I just I don't want that I just want to see if they get married or not for real um oh I don't like what's happening uh oh actually no it's not bad it's fine we're fine we're good false alarm everything's fine everything is fine my tummy just rumbled did you hear that ew I kind of do want this to be like really soft background because I want her to be the most important thing oh I'm so I'm almost done I'm so close I'm going to do the I have to do that off camera the um the NY bits but um oh don't mess this up okay this is too okay um oh jeez always step on the wire okay we have Marr and Tom I especially didn't expect it because like he had a moment with her mother where she was like take care of Maria and I love Maria and blah blah blah and he's like I'll take care of her and then he says no I was just like bro no why would you do that to the mom that's messed up um I'm hungry and sleepy today oh my God my stomach um yeah then Tom was like Tom was like well our cultural differences bah blah blah and I'm like you're just some stuffy old white English dude who is who can't handle different cultures like I feel like what he was talking about like oh I don't want my daughter to think that men should pay for everything for her I don't want my son to think that uh they need to pay for everything I want it to be equal which I agree with I think that's good but like he just doesn't get it you know he just doesn't get it he's just like if that's how Maria thinks it it doesn't even mean she'll be like that forever like if she actually had children like if she had a male son she might change her perspective a little bit or I just don't think it's that big of a deal you know like your kids kind of like carve their own path anyway so yeah I don't know I just didn't he just seemed like he got scared of nothing to me like cuz Maria didn't really seem I don't know but I felt bad for Maria she was like crying that's horrible so I don't I don't think I don't think they'll get back together I think if anybody gets back together it would be dead and Ollie but even so you just don't know you know you just don't know like it could be too damaging and they can't get back together and I hope I didn't get anybody yeah cuz I I think yeah Sabrina and Steven definitely got married that was adorable Nicole and Baya definitely got married I think I hope I'm not like messing anything up Jasmine and Bobby duh if Jasmine Bobby didn't get married I'd be so shook same with Sabrina and Steven I would have been so like I watched a different show you know I want this to look there we go oh I messed it up like I want like soft lines you know I'm not really good at that but oh there I go making a Tom noise O Okay so I'm so close to being done I just want to be done I think I'm going to finish this off camera and when I eat my lunch I haven't even eaten breakfast but whenever I eat I'm going to finish the season and then maybe when the reunion comes I'll talk about it again because I just I love I love love is blind let's be real I want to make yeah there we go it's funny how one little thing makes such a big difference you know yeah I don't think oh Poo I don't think cat and Freddy are going to make it I just don't I think cat is too freaked out by the cheating thing which honestly is so I hate that for Freddy even though you know he cheated that's not good I think people often will make that mistake and then deeply regret it and they won't do it again it was just they were in a bad situation I mean a lot of people cheat let's be real I don't think I mean it's horrible but uh I don't know I just think it happens so much that like I don't judge people based on that you know and obviously cat said she'd been cheated on in every relationship so that makes her more sensitive to it but I think Freddy's a nice guy like his family seemed nice and he's a funeral director oh this looks good this is looking good oh thank God oh and the camera it looks even better let's make it a bit darker down you you know sometimes you just have to relax and just keep moving and stop thinking you know it's like oh that's going to it'll work out don't worry we want a little bit of reflection down here just a little bit we probably want to lighten it up here then too don't we oh I'm getting lazy I can feel it but yeah so I'm going to probably hop off now and I'm going to eat some breakfast and and I hope lowy I hope cat cat and Freddy don't get married cuz I feel like they won't last they're just one of those couples you know but if you made it this far thank you so much for watching I think I like talking and drawing sometimes I haven't figured it out yet but yeah um I'll be back tomorrow maybe I'm going to talk maybe I won't but um check it out if you want and I'll see you tomorrow all right bye let's do a little closeup

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Therapist Reacts | Love Is Blind UK S1 REUNION FULL RECAP & REVIEW

Category: Entertainment

Should this has been an email could this reun have been an email okay now i'm also gonna say this your girl was right there were certain things i predicted that happened some crashes and burns and we're going to get into all things love is blind uk the reunion so let's [music] go bri i'm a licensed... Read more

The Love Is Blind Reunion That Exposed Every Single Contestant... (DEEP DIVE) thumbnail
The Love Is Blind Reunion That Exposed Every Single Contestant... (DEEP DIVE)

Category: Comedy

Hi so as promised i finally doing the love is blind reunion now if you don't know what i'm talking about love is blind is a show that makes your eyes blind that's why it's co love is blind you had love and you watched it now you're blind it promises what it delivers and they have had six seasons off... Read more

The Love Is Blind UK Cast On The Reunion, Green Flags And Moving On | Cosmopolitan UK thumbnail
The Love Is Blind UK Cast On The Reunion, Green Flags And Moving On | Cosmopolitan UK

Category: Entertainment

Sam fr was on hinge day after the wedding no he wasn't he was i was gonna say couples gosip together stay together but they don't do they let's just put this chapter behind us yeah hi i'm maria i'm ollie i'm catherine i'm freda i'm sabrina i'm steven and i'm tom i'm demi and we're playing most likely... Read more

Why was SAM at the Reunion?... Sabrina & Steven! | Love is blind UK Reunion Recap thumbnail
Why was SAM at the Reunion?... Sabrina & Steven! | Love is blind UK Reunion Recap

Category: People & Blogs

What is good guys welcome to my channel so in today's video we are doing the final recap of love is blind this is the reunion so obviously the show started like everybody kind of sitting with their partners or people like people we know that i all together makes sense but then like we start to bring... Read more

Who Will Say ‘I Do’? Love Is Blind Hosts Emma & Matt Reveal All | Lorraine thumbnail
Who Will Say ‘I Do’? Love Is Blind Hosts Emma & Matt Reveal All | Lorraine

Category: Entertainment

But now my next guest are hosting the show that everybody is talking about and if you're not talking about it you should be love is blind uk sees single men and women look for love and get engaged all before meeting the person face to face you've never seen them uh we've seen love triangles honeymoons... Read more