Love is Blind UK Season 1 Episode 11 review & recap

part of me wanting to say yes and embark on this journey with you but as look into your eyes I I know that in the face of a truth we both have to ackn knowledge that there still mountains left for us to climb and lessons for us to learn before fully embracing a lifelong commitment I have to say that as a first time round this wasn't a bad experiment as a first time round for the UK anyway for them Love is Blind UK because they had a 50% marriage rate they had a 50% marriage rate 50% said no 50% said yes am I surprised with the couples that said yes no not really not really benah and Nicole were always going to be a yes well B was going to be a yes uh with Steven and Sabrina they seemed like they were going to be a yes anyway because they they were the first couple to be revealed and then Jasmine and Bobby as much as I didn't know about them and we didn't get to see them as much they were always going to be yes in my opinion and then the three couples that said no Maria and Tom for me were a yes yes were a yes and sadly for Tom I think his mom and you know this sort of uh lifestyle that he wants are the two things that hindered him saying yes and sadly he's lost on a love that he would have enjoyed for the rest of his life um am I surprised that OE and Demi and Freddy and um Katherine said no no I would have expected them to say yes had they swapped Partners so had Freddy ended up with with Demi and had Ollie ended up with Katherine then they would have said yes in my my opinion because then that would have been better otherwise in their current state no but anyway I digress hey there thanks for stopping by welcome to my channel is Valerie if you're new here don't forget to subscribe click the like button turn on the notification Bell when I upload new videos and definitely leave a comment in this episode I'll be reviewing Love is Blind UK season 1 episode 11 it's a bit surprising that the people that are saying no are the ones that are getting to go first is it because the producer don't want the others to face the shame of having said yes and then someone rejecting them in public I don't get it do I believe that Demi should have said no yes I think there's a lot of issues with Oli I think there is a lot of growth that he needs to do I always questioned whether he was 100% for her he seems to have a stronger connection with Aaron than he does with Demi and for him to ask in front of everyone why doesn't make sense a L he didn't maintain communication with her when they separated so I don't get why suddenly he's AG grieved or why he's surprised that she said no do I agree she should have chosen herself yes am I sad that she didn't or we didn't get to see her other Connections in the Pod yes because I think she would have been better off with someone like olly I think she would have even been better off with someone like Aaron so I don't get why she only connected with Ollie or why OE was her top uh because we didn't get to see her second option because everyone normally has a second option so we didn't get to see her second option so I don't know why we didn't get to see that um OE had a conversation with Aaron and you were saying you know I'm happy that at least we didn't go through the marriage and then end up getting divorced that's a different way of looking at it but at the end of the day if you really liked this woman as much as you say you're dead you should have maintained communication they leave it at a stance of whereby you know we're still in love but we need time and it's like that's the same thing to Tom said about his connection or his relationship with Maria either end things or keep it moving that's it so if you're going to say to me no today say no and we move and we both go separate ways don't say no and then keep me on a lash this is the same thing that happened to that girl what's her name SK and what was her name I actually followed her after the show where SK kept her on a string only for rumors to start coming out at the end of the day that oh he was dating this person he was dating that person he was dating that person so I really hope if these people are saying we need more time then they actually need more time and they're not just saying it for the cameras so next wedding is Jasmine and Bobby Jasmine and Bobby for me are a bit of a wild card in the sense that yeah I know Jasmine said you know she really likes this guy he says he really likes her I know they had a conversation with Jasmine's mom who wasn't on board with this and there's nothing sort of emotionally attaching me to them as a couple something I I I I don't know what I want to say it's like when you look at couples like bayaniah and Nicole you just feel you know this emotional attachment to them you really care for them and you you have empathy for them whereas with Bobby and Jasmine I don't know whether it was seeing her tell of OE or something something is a bit off anyway you have Bobby who's talking about his cousin that has since passed and how he was a role model for him and how you know his presence is being felt they have beads he has his cousins and I think he had a brother in there as well who was part of his groomsman and so he was very emotional he was very reflective on his situation at the moment of where he is and what's about to happen to him Jasmine on her part she is very distressed for lack of a better word because apparently I'm happy this took place off camera because it would have been a bad luck if they both said yes um because apparently she had a conversation with her mom her mom is worried that you know financially Bobby might not be in the best space to sort of provide for her uh he's a he's a shoer I think he's a personal shoer or something like that so maybe he her mom can't place value on that job and she would have preferred you know her daughter marry somebody else it seems to have really affected a jasine because she's saying you know this is playing on her mind and sort of wanting to sort of affect her her decision she tells her bridesmaids and they all are just sort of Silent about it I think they know her mom I think they know how she is I think they know how she talks and some people are just you know brutally honest and I think her mom is one of those with a capital B uh when it comes to the brutally honest so when her mom arrives to see her you can tell that there's tension in the room there is tension and Jasmine is doing this as an act of defiance I think against whatever her mom has said because she says she's always sort of followed everything her mom has wanted her to do and this time she has to do what's best for her which good for her if it works amazing if it doesn't work amazing she cannot blame her mom for forcing her to do this um I like bobb's sitting down with his mom and his sister sort of having a conversation and thanking them for all the sacrifices they've made and the fact that they've welcomed jasine into the family it's sad we didn't get to see his mom I don't remember seeing his mom or his family meet Jasmine I think it would have been nice maybe it went too smoothly this is why the producers didn't want to show it to us um Jasmine's mom is there she didn't say anything which is good I think Jasmine asked her not to say anything on camera I think she just told them no if I say yes to this man this will live you know on Netflix till eternity and I don't want him to use this against me in future to say your mom didn't like me and this that and the other so it was good we didn't get to see her be hypocritical about this decision um Bobby was walked down the aisle by his mom which is cute and Jasmine was walked down the aisle by her mom which was also cute because we know that her mom is not really on board with this marriage a they really looked great I loved their venue I led their setup it looks like the same setup that was used for Sabrina and Steven so I don't know whether the producers have a setup for those that are going to say yes and the set up for those that are going to say no but it looked really cute I love that both their parents were there well well both their mothers were there and the vows were actually they're actually cute they're actually cute I I have to say for a couple that I wasn't emotionally invested in um for me I've always questioned whether Bobby was it or whether he was the right guy I wasn't as hypocritical as you know Jasmine's mom but I wasn't I'm not too sure about his job I have to say that I agree with her on that path that if they want to start a family I'm not too sure about his job whether it pays to be a personal shopper but then you know ignorance at times can hinder progress um and so the fact that he said yes was I surprised no he really seemed smitten he really seemed smitten uh he really seemed to be all in on her so I'm happy that he said yes um she said yes as well but I think the producers were trying to make it seemed like you know she was going to say no because her mother wasn't on board with her getting married to Bobby well that's the way it came across to me that's the way it came across to me that you know they were trying to keep it sort of vague for her to make it seem like she's still hadn't decided but I think they both knew they were going to say yes they both knew they were going to say yes there's no doubt in my mind um it was cute when they said yes and also the fact that after they said yes and they were married and they were walking down the aisle Bobby stopped and had a conversation with Jasmine's mom to sort of reassure her and tell her that you know I will look after your daugh I will be the best man that I can be which I thought was very sweet and very endearing because obviously she's not on board with the marriage so it's good it's a good thing that he's trying to get her sort of on his side more or less to know before you know things progress any further she said she loved him so I guess she came on board I think she had concerns and I think they had a conversation off camera with Bobby and sort of Bobby was able to sort of address those concerns beat by telling her roughly how much his job made for him or telling him about you know he did say he didn't go to university I think yeah because she was saying it's difficult to speak with an uneducated person I think he must have reassured her the reassurance I don't know what reassurance he gave her but he must have reassured her for her to say I love you whether she's just saying I love you because they're already married there's nothing she can do she did agree that they do look good together I think they compliment one another I think their marriage though we haven't really seen a lot of it like just like Steven and Sabrina because of the fact that there hasn't been a lot of drama amongst the two of of them I think if they were fighting and if there was anything sort of intertaining going on the producers would have shown us more about that relationship that way we could have connected more with them but I think because they were smooth sailing this is why the producers sort of hid a lot of their sort of um P conversations a lot of their sort of interactions in their in their flat before they sort of separated to then come back and meet on wedding day am I upset that they got married now no I'm not because I think outside of the job thing I think they really compliment each other I think they really suit one another so I'm happy that they chose to say yes next is Nicole and banaya Nicole and banaya are the cutest things ever they are because for Nicole and banaya I think this is my thought Nicole and banaya well Nicole needs someone who's able to sort of empathize who's patient who's kind who's compassionate and I think this is who berah is uh so sadly for benai his mom and his sister though they came down and they met Nicole they're not able to attend the wedding because his granddad is very sick so they had to go back so they left him a letter which made him very emotional um and he you can tell that he has been waiting for this day I think nearly losing Nicole to sort of Sam awakened something within him that made him realize that he was about to lose out on a love that he needed so he he you can tell is ready to say I do he's got two of his friends who are going to be his groomsmen they came they cheered him up and he really seemed right in the right space of mind with Nicole Nicole came across as very hesitant I think Nicole was panicked and she was worried because she's already made she's been married she's got a divorce and then she's made a mistake by saying yes to Sam when that wasn't the best decision for her so she then uh was sort of in this space I think where she couldn't quite grasp if Bay was a her making a third mistake um because she spoke about the fact that you know he's LED this nomadic lifestyle and she's worried whether that's what is going to go back to I think Nicole grounds B I think Nicole makes B want to dig down Roots somewhere and so this is something they should have discussed further yes I understand her sort of feeling or her reservations in that regard that what if he turns around and says no what will I do what if he says he wants to move on and he wants to travel and he wants to do this stand and the other and it's always a possibility just like divorce is always a possibility apparently he spoke about the fact that what if you know we get divorced and for Nicole this is something she doesn't want to hear because she's already been down this road she's already been divorced from someone and I don't think she wants to do that a second or a third time so she's anxious about that um what do I think I think they make a cute pairing yes I loved their vows they were very emotional they were very sentimental uh Nicole looked very anxious I don't know whether the producers were playing it up a bit more because B I could could hardly wait to say yes and so he said yes it was an obvious yes he was always going to say yes for Nicole there was a slight hesitation I don't know whether it's what the editing or whether it was the producer sort of prompting her when to say yes or no you could tell berah was anxious because he thought she was going to say no and I don't think his heart could have taken a second heartbreak from Nicole I don't think he could have taken it because he said she grounds him and she he wants to be the best version of himself I see them having a successful marriage I think there is possibility that he can afford to give her the lifestyle that she needs because her parents didn't question that sadly her dad wasn't there to walk her down the aisle because of his work but her mom was able to walk her down the aisle and her mom seemed very excited and very keen on it so I can't wait to see them at the reunion and see how well they're doing because it's almost a year since these couples got married I have so many questions and I don't even know where to start okay so next up is cine and um Freddy I have so many questions so Freddy it seems you know he's in a good space he's made his decision he's bought her some earrings you know to match her ring and it's like okay that's sweet because I don't think anyone else gave their bride anything or we didn't see them whatever they gave their Brides so it was cute to see that he actually gave his bride something um he then had a conversation with his sister and his sister is worried which I think was an issue that came up during you know the the the the at home stays where they where they went to visit his family and the sister was asking him are you sure she wants you or she wants your assets more or less and he spoke about a prup with her and she wasn't happy about the prup so I give credit to the sister still saying that I think you and Katherine are not on the same page and they definitely are not he says know he's a home body she likes to go out he likes the simpler things in life she likes the bougie lifestyle and because of this Fred is now questioning is she presenting herself as the person she thinks that I want her to be or is she being her genuine self and for me I think she's presenting a representative of herself that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it I don't think Katherine was ever genuine I think she fell in love with the idea of Freddy when she spoke to him in the pods and then when she saw how good-looking he was yeah she did try and play up and eventually realized that if she plays up she might lose him and then she sort of settled herself down once she saw his home and whatever assets that he had and so for me I I question her a lot I question her a lot because her her reception of her parents is questionable the way she appears to be unable to stand that man that is her father makes you question why um when her parents came and they were sentimental the mom was crying oh don't cry and it's like they are emotional they've seen you from a child when they adopted you to the woman that you are now and so to them you are their child they've seen you grow they are emotional that you're now moving on to the next stage of your family of your life and they did ask Freddy that do you see us in the picture when you get married to her daughter because I think they as much as she has abandonment issues from her dad from her Mom leaving her they also have abandonment issues because they're worried that now that she's married and she's an adult she's going to abandon us and she she's going to forget about us I didn't like her reception towards them and it was even worse when the dad walked her down the aisle she wasn't holding his hand I think and uh when he tried to speak to her about you know oh now I see you've grown into this amazing woman there was nothing there she was looking sideways as though he's annoying her and it's like why why these people are your parents why bring them on the show to embarrass them and disrespect them like that why not just come on your own even when he walked up to the altar Freddy shook his hand but she barely acknowledged him and was yet yet was quick to acknowledge fredy's family his sister and his mom and so it makes you question that how horrible is she how horrible is she if she can be that horrible to people that raised her you can only imagine to people that don't know her that's just what I'm going to say the producers are messy they're Messy as hell because the audacity to have cats sort of Say Yes knowing for fact that Freddy what what they not sure what Freddy was going to say because everybody else we didn't get to see them say yes before they were rejected so for them to have cat say yes and then Freddy to say no that's messy that really is messy and she showed her true colors because once he said no and you went to give her a hug she said don't hug me she whispered to him don't hug me and it's like oh my God how do you go from love to hate that Quake how couldn't you go from love to despise someone that quick that tells you that she was putting on an act she really was and you could see the relief on his sister's face because his sister could see through the Bears she could see that you she you know um Katherine was faking it and Katherine wasn't being genuine with her brother so for Freddy he walked out he was so distraught because he said his sister's words were playing in his mind and it's like as much as what his sister had to say played a part he already knew he was going to say no because Jasmine had her mother in her ear telling her no no but she still went ahead and said yes so had Freddy really wanted to marry this girl he would have married her but I think he saw a lot of red flags that made him just think nah this ain't it for me this isn't it I would rather not and so I'm not surprised that you know he said no his friends tried to console him his sister tried to console him I give him credit for walking up to her parents and explaining himself and for Katherine being dismissive towards her dad and saying I want to be alone it's like oh my God they really spoiled her I think they must have spoiled her rotten as a kid and she's just grown up to be an entitled self-centered person I don't know her as a person but the way she treats her parents she treats them like crap and I hate that for them because no one deserves to be treated like that by their child um yeah Freddy spoke to the mom and dad and said you know I hope we're able to work through our differences and if we can work through our differences then hopefully we'll be okay and the parents were on board with that even you know Katherine's mom was happy because she said it took a lot of guts for him to come and speak to us so I give him credit for that and so for Catherine to then turn around and you know have a conversation with Fred and say it will take a lot she's putting on an act she really is and I hope Freddy sort of ends things with her because I don't think she's one of the nicest people and I hope seeing herself on TV is going to make her want to make a change because she's not she's not empathetic she she she doesn't come across as empathetic she comes across as me me me me me oh I don't know if I can overcome this I don't instead of asking why did you say no I was under the impression you're going to say yes especially after you gave me a gift no she didn't instead she decided to talk about the things that upset her the the why she was AG grieved why she felt some type of we about everything that was going on and it's like oh my God this is not it this really isn't it and I think it's time for them to call it quits and move on um I actually feel sorry for Freddy's brother because he has no idea what's going on he's just away with the fairies um his sister's happy his mother you couldn't tell but I think his family is relieved I think they are and I think if they are to get married Freddy will need an airtight prup otherwise he's going to cry tears I actually think it wasn't a bad season for the first you know go round for Love is Blind because they have a 50% part uh you know marriage rate UK well in the UK version because three couples said yes three couples said no not a bad experiment really not and sadly I think I think Prejudice played a part especially with Maria and um Tom Tom and Maria should have been a yes I think the fact that his mom was not on board with him marrying Maria played a big part in him saying no yes they spoke about values they were aligned on everything outside of the fact that Maria wanted a provider and she wanted to be the nurturer that's their only difference that is their only difference is tot different to other couples who had a lot more going against them people like olle and Demi and people like Freddy and Katherine those two couples should never have got married they should have swapped Partners maybe that would have been ideal and they would have got married but with their current Partners they shouldn't have um with Freddy and Katherine there's too many issues there that need to be addressed there's too many problems too many values that don't align she wants a lifestyle that she wants him to afford for her she doesn't want want to afford the lifestyle it's different to Maria who wants somebody who will provide for her and her children it's not that she wants the latest designer bag or whatever but she just wants to be a stay-at-home mom and have him pay the mortgage have him you know pay the electricity the gas the water buy the food for the clothes for the children buy the clothing for the children that's more or less what she wants it's totally different to Katherine who wants this bougie lifestyle and so I think her and Freddy made the right decision Freddy did for his own benefit in regards um OE and Demi OE and Demi OE has a lot of things that he still needs to learn he still needs to grow for D to say you know this is not the end of us sadly it is in my opinion it is I don't think they should say yes to one another I think it's time for them to move on I think they will find their person but their person was not in the experiment as far as I'm concerned for all it was Katherine for demi her person wasn't there I think maybe she should have gone for Freddy or even Aaron as much as I don't know what he was saying in the pods but I think you would have been a better partner for her but anyway I digress I can't wait for the reunion apparently the reunion is on sun on Monday anyway thanks guys for watching please don't forget to like share comment and subscribe and click the link in my video to watch my review from episode 10 bye guys

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