What Is Changing With PIP This July (2024) - The FACTS

Intro & The CONSULTATION Questions hi everyone my name's Charlie and I'm really good at pip um I've only over lost one claim in six years and I've helped over well over a hundred people win their cases whether that's a new claim a mandatory reconsideration a review a change of circumstances or tribunals I only share that information so you understand that you can trust me that I know what I'm talking about I want to talk to you today about the government changes because look everyone's worried about it forget it forget it it's scary we know that we need to make changes to the PIP system but what I'm the reason I'm doing this video is because everyone thinks it's a done deal that there's going to be these vouchers is not true it's not been agreed it's not a done deal um for the first time in my life I voted I've never voted before but I was so disgusted by the fact that the conservatives were targeting disabled people and I agree the system needs to change I agree there are ways to improve it but if anyone else in our country had targeted those of us that are extremely vulnerable the government would have stepped into protect us so it I just don't think it was handled very well labor haven't confirmed right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you a high level version of what is being discussed right now and we will not get the outcome until well after the 22nd of July because it's a proposal that they want feedback on nothing's been agreed aged or if it has been agreed it's behind closed doors you know they've got a very strict procedure to follow so they're currently going through the feedback process of this the feedback section of this process does that sound better okay so I'm going to share the screen now this is available to everyone right it's all on the government website okay but me it's a lot of words like it's a lot of repeating itself a lot of oh so much reiteration so I'm just going to skip to the good bits the bits that really impact us okay so again this is the government website right so it's what they've C what they've done called a green paper I have no idea what that means all right um so blah blah forward word we're not interested in that there skip it skip it skip it the reason why they've focused on us is because of this here about the 2.6 million people are in receipt of pip and dla and the the the spend they keep going on they are focusing on Mental Health just being honest with you they're definitely focusing on mental health because they keep saying about it's grown so much since the pandemic now I do have an opinion on this this is only my opinion people struggling with mental health will have increased when it comes to pip claims because covid broke a lot of people a lot of people that were struggling but just getting by by the skin and their teeth Co sort of pushed them over the edge in certain ways and I also think that our awareness of uh mental health challenges we're becoming more aware we're starting to talk about things a lot more so there's going to be an increase in people being open that need help that's a good thing you know that's what we're fighting for we're fighting for Less stigma being able to be open about it don't get me wrong I think if people can work then they should work brilliant every single person I work with none of us want to have to claim pip I'm oh I I forgot to say at the beginning I'm 16 years into chronic illness and I receive enhanced pip in both categories um it's not means tested so you can work I did get it when I was working I was running um you know new look the High Street retailer I was running the UK transport operation when I first started to get PIP being chronically ill is expensive yes the number of people struggling with mental health that are claiming pip has increased for people that their pip is more physical uh limits like severe pain fatigue it appears that that isn't their focus but don't worry if you do struggle with your mental health because there's organizations out there fighting for you that are speaking up to the government clarifying that we need this funding okay so let's go back to it so let's let's go on want basically this whole thing is to make it better and this was done by the conservative party okay so we don't know what's going to happen What labor are going to do we don't know executive summary executive summaries are always the interesting bit right they want the support network in place yes but they want to tackle barriers that stop us from living independent and fulfilling lives every single person I work with every single person I talk to we just want to get better like this is a bit that I'm so confused because they keep mentioning mental health well if we could if those of you that are struggling with your mental health could get access to psychiatrist Specialists and get the right access to medication and treatment within for a lot of people within 18 months to two years with the right treatment with the right specialist you'd probably be able to go back to work but how long have you got to wait to get to see a specialist get see them once for 20 minutes and you got wait another six months so I just wish that they would focus on getting us better get us better and then we'll we'll stop claiming it because we don't want to we just want to be better and obviously I'm not talking about the people that fraudulently claim it we want a welfare system that's fit for the future yes I get it and at the moment is extremely expensive um so then they talk about what what it was put in place it was when it was introduced and you know it's introduced in 2013 so it's a long time ago it needs to be reviewed it does need to be reviewed so 2.6 million people of working age in receipt of De and D okay understood so basically a lot of people a lot of people that's basically what all this is a lot of people then they're repeating the costs so this green paper will explore changes that could be made to the current pip system that could be made not that are being made could be made so this is basically it changes to the eligibility so you know the points I always go on about so changes to the point system redesigning the assessment see reforming the assessment so it's more linked to the person's condition that one doesn't really I don't really get that one because how I help people win is by being honest about how their conditions impact their daily life so I'm going to skip like I'm going to skip let's get to the good stuff because you want to know what's going to happen so like blah blah this is all the bit about pip isn't means tested it's taxfree uh it again you see the how much it's repeating it was introduced in 2013 we've already seen that bit uh in this green paper we're going to look at changes they've already said that so it's a consultation so they want to consider how to be better aligned to support people okay to support us why change is needed again this is all about the cost we know it cost of fortune we get that bit we've got quite a bit to go through I am going to try and do this really like the important bit or what I think are the important bits is someone that actually gets pip and helps people we Rec it's just all it's just all fluffy waffle we know that this supports people we understand it's important priorities for change so this is the fluffy bit we want to support the right people who need it the most agreed we want to Target our resources more efficiently okay and we want to support disabled people people with long-term health conditions to live independently right so that's exactly what it is right now so they're just reiterating it this is them saying that they understand that we need the money because being chronically ill is expensive so yeah it is expensive being chronically ill so this is like we should be provided with support all the basic things that we're entitled to and then this is going on about you know when it was first founded they wanted to support people um so they did a change of points following another consultation in March 2016 then they did a review in December 2017 so the government is committed to improving Our Lives okay they'll continue to work with people to do this Scotland propos oh now they're saying Scotland Wells and Northern Ireland oh and it's current so ADP is being reviewed as well okay so they're pretty much doing the same thing right so three priorities explore the option of introducing an alternative assessment model right let's just get to it let's just get to the in this chapter transforming the support this is all just what we're gonna you know this I'm going to scroll down just trust me when I scroll down it gets to the actual consultation and and again you can go on and you can read this word for word okay right so this is it right consultation questions consultation because it's not been decided so they're inviting people to fill this out to reply so I have not done that actually let me come back to you I did think about should I be one of the people that fills this out and gives government feedback because of what I do for a living now you know I'm chronically ill and I've helped over 100 people went P only lost one case right so I thought actually I'm probably in a really good position to answer these questions but I decided not to we've got until the 22nd of July to do this right I decided not to because I thought I would want people like really solid well-known organizations like scope like mind I would want Charities that or organizations that have got a longstanding reputation you know I've only been officially doing this since uh November last year it's now July 2024 I set up my consultancy in November 2023 and I've been helping people with pit for like six I think six years now but that was I was just helping people when I was still working transport and that was because I was getting paper and I understood it so I knew when people were entitled to it so I just help them because it's a horrendous process it's gar us doesn't it remember G line yeah are we safe are we consistent are we reliable um so I just feel like if I was the government I'd been more interested in reading a response from scope or mind than what I would Charlie so that's why I haven't done it and I don't want to get involved in politics oh what's happened to the lighting then I've gone very pale oh you can't see my wrinkles I don't know whether you can see this on camera but my Skin's gone like really light anyway sorry focus focus that's what I thought if if I was a government reading feedback I'd want it from somewhere like really reps Bor not some bird that is riddled with arthritis that doesn't leave her shed very often I live in you know that's what I thought so okay let's go back to it oh that's what I was sorry I was gonna say I don't want to get involved in politics right the only reason I'm doing this is because so many people are talking to me about it because you're all threaten which I get I'm worried too I decided not to get involved in the politics side of things because what I want to use my energy for what little energy I've got I want to use it to help you win the curtain let's see if that helps yeah I want to use my energy to help you the individual suffering from chronic illness that is being honest win if you're entitled to it I don't want to get involved in you know fing politics I mean let's face it if you've watched any of my videos I think you can understand that is not going to be a suitable area for me so but I do think this video is going to help you understand the facts because the amount of papers that are running articles on this what feels like every day there's been no change there's been no change they've put out this proposal it's in consultation period that's it but people are talking like it's a done deal so that's why I'm doing this so we've got a lot there's quite a lot on them here so what are your views on an assessment that places more emphasis on condition rather than the functional impact of the condition on the person I stand by what I said earlier I have severe stic arthritis it's no good comparing me to someone else with s with citic arthritis because they could be football player that's playing football every day that's training every day it's about how it impacts our daily living so that's my opinion it's got to be on our daily life what are your views on people receiving P without an assessment if they have spefic spe ific health conditions do you know what makes me the most angry is when 16y olds move from D to pick and they have diagnosed autism they've got all appropriate paperwork and then they put through the pit process it is hard enough going through this is as it is it I went you know through it in my 30s 40s or what however old it was right and I spent most of my time crying in the assessment I do not think it's a appropriate to put 16 18 year olds through this process I do not think it's appropriate but autistic children through this process you know unfortunately autism isn't curable so I do think that condition could be confirmed I've got clients where they've got a feeding tube uh they've got oxygen they've got commodes in every room and don't get p you know their quality of life is shocking if you saw them you'd be like shouldn't they be in hospital um but because this is the problem with us humans conditions impact us all differently so apart from the autism and the age range I still don't think they could just look at the diagnosis that's what makes it so difficult for rheumatologists is we all respond so differently we all respond so differently to treatment so no I think it should be as it is where no conditions other than terminal people receive automatically I do think they should increase da to like even an 18 yearold is such a head going through this I think if someone has autism they shouldn't have to go through this process they should just get it but are your views on claimants not being subjected to an award review if they have a specific health condition or disability as evidenced by Healthcare professional this does frustrate me as well where people have really severe conditions that are degenerative they are really bad they are in severe pain which you can tell by the medication and everything and then they get a review after two years they waste so much money doing this so much money of the administrators doing all the forms getting the forms back checking the forms doing the assessment I think they should absolutely look at this they should look at the severity and if it is a degenerative condition that can't be cured then extend the review periods yes that would save the government a f ton of money um do we agree that we need to be diagnosed yes we need to be diagnosed even though there are lots of people that are chronically ill and not diagnosed yes you need diagnosis if people aren't diagnosed I'm not even interested in talking about their condition even though it is their life they need to be diagnosed how could we prevent the provision of evidence or formal diagnosis by an expert from impacting the NHS well we need to be diagnosed to get treatment so it's not impact in the end the evidence I don't you if you've seen like I was in the papers as well because I said they said I boasted that you don't need evidence like I said at the beginning your doctor cannot explain how it feels for you when you're in bed and you're in so much pain you can't move when you're so exhausted you can get to the kitchen to prepare a meal alone prepare a meal they can't explain that for you so people that go to the doctors for all this evidence is is it's useless you need diagnosis and then you need to explain it autism yes use the evidence that you get the EC ECP is it um that is brilliant use that um for mental health psychiatrist level say for example if you're agrh obic get back a letter about that anxiety get a letter about that everything I tend to do is on diagnosis and then it's about clearly communicating with them so the way I win doesn't add impact to the NHS I think because there's so much confusion about evidence there's so much misinformation out there that's where it adds so much time and effort to the NHS and to DWP where they're having to read so many pieces of paper that just makes it more confusing and it damages your case damages your case do you agree or disagree that eligibility for pip should be based more on condition I disagree it's got to be about how it impacts your daily life how can we determine eligibility conditions that fluctuate and that varying severity and that might be cured right so fluctuate mine does I have different times of year like summer is my best time although not this year because the weather conditions been awful and they vary in severity so all I do and all I do with my clients is we work out an average on average how many days a week are you able to prepare a meal so for me it's none because I decline so rapidly as the day goes on um conditions that might be cured or have access to better newer novel treatments over time get as cured for the money in the NHS so I do have clients where they're like like say for example mental health and they're like if I sorry Matilda sounded like a snorting Pig then so they'll say I'll say if you get access to a psychiatrist and they give you the right treatment it will take a bit of time because like if you're like 20 years to get to this point it will take a bit of time but after a couple of years you could have the same conditions because you've got treatment your life could completely change just call PIP and tell them so I've got great news my treatment is working I no longer require pit I no longer meet the points it's that simple they don't need to make changes to that okay so this is about the points okay this is all about the points right now you know I love the Eligibility Reform (the assessment and scoring system) points I love it because I like a nice process I like to know where I stand and I like to know what I'm being assessed against so you can see the points what I'll do is put the points on the screen right now so you can see the points for preparing food so it's 12 different things yes we know that the higher the points the more severe your condition impact of daily life yes so oh sorry this is basically explaining why they want to review the the points right so we're back on to this and it's explaining that this is explaining all the current rules right so that you have to have a condition for more than three months and it's going to continue for at least nine months okay so or longterm yeah so so this is the consultation questions do you think the need for an aid or an appliance is a good straight bad indicator of extra ongoing cost and Y yes do you think the need for prompting is a good or bad indicator yes and the extra cost yes it's the impact of those around us that need to be prompt in US yes do you think people who accumul accumulate low points across these activities have the same level of extra cost of those who score high highly no so people that score low points their costs are lower the higher you go in the points the higher your costs are the the more the crapper your Mobility is the more you have to pay for private transport or you have to have someone drive you the the more points you get like not being able to prepare food the more you spend on takeaways or paying for someone to do food for you so I think the points absolutely reflecting the cost as well do you think any of the activities measure functions could be merged no I like this assessment the way it is every single oh actually hang a minute now there are some bits like in um planning and following a journey which I'll put on the screen now where it says can you plan a journey like using Google Maps no one ever gets those points now because of because of technology and everything else like that and so for example someone has severe autism they won't be going anywhere on their own so they'd get 12 points so that's just not necessary that can just come out um but all the other areas I've used with people every single section on the forms I think I've used one point or another with clients oh sorry so that answered question 13 as well removed or Rewritten when I first started doing pit I was I was mainly helping people that had physical conditions right it wasn't until YouTube took off that um I started getting the variety of clients because it just just didn't work that way um and when I first started I thought that PP assessment did not account for people that are struggling with mental health I was 100% wrong it's absolutely totally naturally designed for those of us with physical conditions those of us with uh mental health conditions and those of us with a combination of the both and I know that because I've won like loads of cases where someone either has just uh just just that doesn't sound right where someone has um depression and anxiety or PTSD or OCD or they're acrophobic and I've won cases where sorry Matilda she got right thing about chasing magp um and I've won cases for people with like one condition physical condition like fibro um it's it's it's designed is really well designed um for both both and all categories so no I I think the activities are absolutely fine apart from what I said in the plan and journey should we consider adding any new activities no I think it does it really well it really does cover our daily life right do I think the current entitlement thresholds levels are set at the right level for government financial support yes I do when you haven't got pip funding and you get it it is lifechanging it is life changing if it wasn't for pip I would have lost my home and I would have been able to stay in my job for as long as I did and then when I lost my job it was my only source of income like now I'm starting to make money via YouTube and my consultancy okay it's it's just enough money to take the edge off so that you can get the food that so that you can pay for the extra transport so that you can thank people for helping you out so you can get help with your housekeeping because you can't do it and it messes with your head seeing your house just decline but do I think we should get more no I think it does exactly what it says on the tin um it enables us to be more independent CL it it enables us to be more independent and when you get pit you can then get your blue badge obviously if you uh if you get the enhanced in the mobility section you can then Occupational Health can come around and look at aids for you um it pip opens doors you could get your car tax paid does make it easier because you get other support as well and you you know if you say to someone I'm disabled the only way they really accept that is if you get enhanced pit it makes your life easier in so many different ways that is more beneficial than giving extra money um don't get me wrong obviously extra money would make things easier but we need to be realistic about how much it costs and again we want to get better I think if you spoke to any of my clients any people I've worked with and you said to them would you want more money or would you want to get better we just want to get better we just want to get better we get us better so we can be independent and I don't have to have people helping me out all the time I'm constantly asking for help I just want to be better invest in the NHS let's speed up the appointments times let's get people to the Specialists that's what we want I promise I'm trying to cut the crown so that might not be a popular answer what are your views on changing the so changing the uh like qualifying period so you have to have had the condition for three months and have it for more than nine months I agree with that okay so we're on chapter three we're we're halfway through halfway through see what I mean it's so long at least you know these are the facts we in consultation thinks have been agreed I keep saying that right chapter summary extra costs that we're incurred we incur improve the support what kind of support Beyond extra costs would help us live more independently okay this is the bit about what pip was designed for how much it costs and all this sort of stuff right type of extra costs crap so AIDS medication yeah ha Support Services heating yes oh my God we need more heat in like the pads for incontinence the amount of people I talk to that literally can't afford it can't afford it the key buckets that we're using taxis yeah yeah so yeah it's expensive right sticks it's no good if they just turn around and go here's a walking stick I am I supposed to do with that I could have brought one at the charity shop right okay alternatives to the cash The Voucher Proposal transfer system my feedback here is really simple do not change to whatever the this voucher thing that they're talking about or all this other crap they're talking about do not change what people spend their money on is variable and it's variable whether it's the people are in London whether it's the Ubers whether it's the local taxis whether it's the takeaways like don't tell me I like there are some times where I need takeaways right there are some times where I need sandwiches because I haven't got the energy to get to the door or to get to the food from the takeaway person I haven't got the energy to get to them so I need sandwiches and obviously there's my fridge there's the bed right behind those walls right but and now obviously the way goes to the Bungalow where my mom lives um my God I I can't be doing that no so I'll have to get the sandwiches in so they'll be in the fridge or sometimes I'll when I'm really ill the fridge needs to move closer to the bed because I can't do that distance um I can't be restricted by vouchers can't be restricted by vouchers I cannot see how it's going to work and this is this is the point where I think I'm going to win you over right um if it's the same nominal value so if it's say for example it's 200 quid whether you give me 200 quid in cash or vouchers it's still 200 quid so why add to the workload and then issue these vouchers then people have got to check the vouchers then we got to hand them in it's going to cost more money to do vouchers no just if it's 200 quid whether it's rouches or cash just give me the cash so I can use it on my want like some of us will like I'm entitled to get the car or I want the car I need the cash I need the cash for food so I that's my choice that's my choice so use cash and then so I brought a secondhand card for ,000 so I put some of that money aside for the service in mot you know don't give me a voucher but some people won't want a voucher to go for an mot but it's so much more wor to the vouchers I really hope the conservative party haven't spent ages on this because the other thing that I am worried about is if the conservatives party has spent millions of pounds getting consultants in to look at this to review it to come up with this green paper how far down the line are they with it do labor are lab GNA have to just go ahead with it like that's what I'm worried about and I was worried when I voted because I thought if I vote and they go with it anyway then I was pointless voting I would have voted for like the green party or something you know right catalog shop scheme An approved Sor An approved list of where we can shop no for better equipment and AIDS no some of us will will save money and we'll go to a charity shop don't want to use like if I've got 100 quid grenade and Zimmer frames don't know if you know but in the description of my channel I've got links to good AIDS there are so many Zim frames out there that like there's only one place I can get a Zimmer frame that I deem the best Zimmer frame and that's on Amazon so no I don't want to be restricted to a certain shop and I'm not spending like 15 quid or 30 quid on a walking stick can't use a walking stick because I'm pain in my hands right but at the point that I was doing that I wasn't going to spend that money on the Walking Stick because I was skin i' get one at a charity shop Pi one up with a car boot no no AIDS all services no housekeeping is an absolute nightmare but then you'd probably you'd have to use a company that the government has do good enough which is more time for the government they'd have to go through tender they'd have to look at all these companies that' have all these processes in place going to be more expensive than someone like with someone down the road that's doing cleaning a couple of hours a week no proof of purchase access to work adoptions sake one off GRS no no just spin this whole idea in it it's going to cost you the government more money it's going to cost us more money because we wouldn't spend that money if we had a choice there are people that we I've been through phases where I couldn't afford food couldn't afford food and then being limited to oh you can only go to this company but it's double the price of what this company would be no no don't even want to go through the rest of it because it's just going to aggravate me because it's such a idea oh God ja joints oh God I got not running down my nose it's making me very passionate that's why I've been putting off doing this one off grants you know I'm like and now I'm like oneof grants how many people that would benefit from changing um their bathroom into a wet room would be massive but you can do that with Occupational Health okay so and then loads of people are in rented accommodations so they can't do it so still no I thought it was change my mind but no may have better outcomes right so people ask we may have better outcomes from improved access to treatment and support them from a cash payment right yes there are people just want to get their lives back and would much rather get their lives back than having some money to pay for food they still need to pay for their food treatment takes time to what they're supposed to do between now and them they need the cash for food we would also like to know whether there are specific groups of people who have a need of Greater level of support than they currently receive such as mental health provision or physiotherapy care packages rest bite home adaptions yes so yes yes like Occupational Health they have a budget so they can only give the stuff to people that really need it we definitely need more AIDS like I was very lucky had an amazing woman who she just she got me steps she got me a raised toilet seat she got me a perch chair it was amazing amazing so yes more support in this manner would help but don't take my money from me don't take our money from us don't take our money from us and just get us access to Specialists passports I don't really want to work with DWP like I know that they subcontract the assessments but I you know but I know I've done a meeting today with a new client right and I had to sit and explain to her C Nam Savage um I had to sit and explain to her that even when you're honest even when you explain K I won't give you the road points was government skin so you'll need to do a mandatory reconsideration he's like you know I'm telling the truth and I said no I know I know you're telling the truth and you'll communicate a right way but that's just the way it works so do I want to work with DWP some more no thanks um Tri by the way tribunal they don't lie in tribunal it's completely independent I've never experienced them lying um they record it it's like the ba word for word like on the accuracy they follow procedure in my experience the motability scheme I think is brilliant um where you can get a car um if you need to that's great we'll receive new UC Health element what that is was also using the current system to determine whether person's care is entitled to car's allowance if pip was replaced by an alternative model we would need to reconsider the implications so this the car is thing that links to the managing therapy um I'll put the points on the system it's about how long someone helps you whether they're monitoring you or assisting with something so if you're really suffering from depression or PTSD EC PTSD and you're tyly suicidal it's how they're monitoring you that counts so I think that potentially there could be a good link here but I know that as I scroll down it's not going to be right question 18 provides a contribution towards extra costs no because they're going to want to take the money away equipment at Aid medications and medical products equipment and AIDS which we're entitled to through occupational health so no because we're already entitled to it and we don't have to pay for it medication and medical products medications I pay annually for my prescription so I don't want them to pay that what is it 11 12 pounds a month I don't want them to pay that I budget that medical products no personal assistance hiring people emotional that's what I use the money for that's what I use the money for help with household tasks and assistance I still use the money now for that I don't want them to decide how much I've got each month because it varies depending on time of year so this is they are listing the things that it costs us so this health and Professional Care physical therapies talking therapies well we're already entitled to Physiotherapy and talking therap they again they need to invest in the NHS extra trans costs again we use that so for example if they gave us like certain amount of V because what they'll do what they do I would have thought is if they give us like vouchers for a month they'll Monitor and see so if you're not using them consistently they track it but my Hospital appointments vary I can go through phases where I'm in there every week then I can go through phases where it's every three months or every six months you know so no just give us the money so that we can use it for all of these things so I'm just going to scroll because it's food costs clothing yes like the bedding oh I've spent so much money on bedding I've got so many blankets High Cost of insurance I can't even get insured I just went through a broker they won't insure me because I'm so sick additional housing cost yeah home adaptions yes but again I I don't want them to take what money we've got it's it's variable and what we need and we prioritize what we need what are the benefits and disadvantages of moving to a new system for pip but catalog shop scheme been through all this before and it made me so grumpy and I didn't know what to do on this video right because I knew filming it I'd get grumpy so I don't want to go to a voucher scheme I don't want to um because it's variable depends on how flared up I am it depends on the weather changes it depends on the treatment there's so many variables don't want someone to dictate to me what I need to use that money for and it also depends on those around us doesn't it so say for example you know I was talking to a client and they're um they had a family member coming to visit which meant housekeeping would be better they would get meals so it's variable and I don't want us to have to explain all the time when there were changes because again that's more cross for the government so I just don't like it I don't like it it's it's too variable and that's what sucks about chronic illness catalog shop scheme oh that's right what I was going to say hang on literally 9 out of 10 client meetings that I do those individuals are not aware of AIDs that are available for us so I actually think if when we got the PIP form that they sent a catalog out to us and said would any of these AIDS help because I've had it in client meetings where they've gone Charlie I cannot prepare food and and I've gone why and I've gone through all the details and I've gone right have you looked at this Aid and then I do a share on the computer and they'd be like w and I'm like do you think if you had that it would make life better it might so just talking to me they'll go from eight points to can't prepare food down to two points using an aid or Aids they're so happy they so happy because they don't want to be high on the points they want to be independent so I think if there was something to raise awareness on AIDS um and I've got a video on it I have a video but I called it like maximizing your pip claim because I thought that would be good key words not enough people are watching that so I think I need to change the thumbnail on it um so yeah if you check out that one because it's got about all the different AIDS in it actually I don't think it's got all of them got some videos coming up as well right um but that really does make a difference but again I don't want them to dictate to us because only the individual knows what their life is like or how much their rainard is hurting or the arthritis or it's so and like even with the AIDS some of them were like oh that you know someone that doesn't suffer from chronic illness might go oh that Aid will work because they're struggling with their hands but they don't know that actually that Aid won't work because of how severe their Rance is or how severe their arthritis is so no no just no just give us the money if I've been talking like for about 15 minutes on this where I just keep repeating just give us some money and that sounds awful I hope no one does a cut of this video it's like Charlie says just give us a money but I'm getting irritated I I understand I do understand why able-bodied people looking at this will think this is a good idea I get it because they have not lived in our shoes or bed socks they don't know what it's like being chronically ill or trying to survive in our situations so I get that for some for people that don't live with chronic illness they will think this is a good idea but for those of us that are truly honestly experiencing it this is horrendous don't get this is a consultation this has not been agreed for the voucher scheme I think I've moaned about that enough benefits new payments benefits this is I've moaned about that a lot oneoff grants I think it would be good if we were entitled to oneoff Grants but don't mess with the funding as it is that should be something addon but don't want to add on because they can't afford it if no longer be used to determine Other Benefits & Services eligibility to passport to other benefits and services what other service providers could right question 24 is a really good point I currently don't know of another way where we can be registered as disabled and I do think it should be as strict as what it is with pit because everyone knows how much pip sucks it scars us doesn't it scars us are we safe are we consistent are we reliable pit process is so awful that people know that if you get it you you're you're sick your life's impacted by a condition and I I do like that um so I think it should still be pip because it's so difficult to police like there's there are people fraudulently claiming it appears so invasive and derogatory but I'm definitely seeing a in the people I work with my clients that their assessments are still heartbreaking they still end up in tears and they're exhausted and they're so stressed about it but the P processors have been lovely because I think it's easier for them to actually assess the person because they're prepared they know what they're talking about um so I think I wanted to stay the same long way of saying it are there groups of people not being met by the current pit provision and have a need for a greater level of of support this comes back to my point on we need treatment we need access to Specialists there are so many people practically 80% of people I work with are struggling with their mental health 80% of them didn't know that a psychiatrist can prescribe different medication than a GP they didn't know that so they're trying to work with their GP but their condition is so severe and so many layers to it that they need access to psychiatrists a specialist but until I explain to them psychiatrists can issue different medication because they are a specialist that has spent their careers learning about your individual conditions they just stick with the GP so yes there are specific groups of people that not having their knees met again it comes back to need some more support in the NHS physiotherapy I don't think it should come out of the pit budget you know it needs to be the NHS you know get the get us treat get there's so many people that have receed treatment they could get their lives back just want our lives back last one last one right want to understand right blah we want to understand is this the best way to support people what the services are there um this is the you know the usual GB of you got to go through an assessment right we would like to understand if aligning the support offered by pip into existing local Services could enhance the support F and simplify the assessment burden on in at least they know the assessment is the assessment burden it's the government's way of saying oh this is really yeah it is do people already receive support from local authorities or the NHS with the needs need costs that come from having a disability no well no so obviously we live in the UK so we've got free access to the NHS so that's the help that we get the NHS never paid for anything for me I brought my own AIDS until I got pip and then Occupational Health gave me a few um so I don't know if any sport you can get a blue badge without having P there is other ways you can do it I don't know about them I only know the PIP fro so that's from the local Authority that makes such a difference having a blue badge but I don't think that's the it's not I wouldn't say it's support it's aing nightmare so I'd say no I probably put in the bit about the blue badge right oh equipment AIDS transport obviously there's like breast breast bite and social care isn't there like but no assistance local Authority oh um my local Authority does do something for me the bin men come and get the bin I I can't wheel it out so they come and get the bin for me that is amazingly helpful if you don't know about that you can go on to the government site then you have to go to your area just type in bin Collections and you can explain that you are disabled so I I only did this once I got P because I didn't even know about this like someone told me it's only through getting P that I found out this could happen so basically you register and you have to provide evidence and then the bin man will come and get you bin it's amazing oh sorry yeah what was awful is my neighbor who's like 90 something was struggling to get her bins out and then she saw the bin men coming to get mine so I was like you can register so then the poor bin men like three neighbors down registered they're really mature like really strugling with their bins so we all just registered it it was absolutely fantastic abely fantastic so that is something the local Authority does that helps that is amazing because trying to move that bit I just couldn't do it I managed to move it once down and I was knocked off my feet for five days it's too much so I don't know if obviously rest bu and things like that but that's you know so I can't really comment on that one is this not the same question what which needs costs that come with having a disability or health condition could local areas help with in help with further okay stop to have a drink to think about this because that personal assistance and things like that I think I don't think they could do it I think again it needs to come back to we need to decide what we spend our money on ourselves so for example if they came around to assess whether we were entitled to house someone to help us with household tasks I'm very specific I like things to be neat otherwise I can't it really messes with my head um whereas someone else might naturally live in a more relaxed environment they might not be so fussy about if there are bits on the carpet or stains and things like that so I know when I've got my first housekeeper they like such an easy clean because I was only using two rooms in The Bungalow so all the other rooms were we just had to Quick dust quick Hoover that was it mop the floor but for me it was it meant the world to me because I could see the dust and the kitchen they do the washing up for me like you know it just meant the world to me and I just couldn't do it um but I know that even the housekeeper that I was paying were confused as why I needed a housekeeper was such a weight off my shoulders because I was struggling so much to keep up with it when well I wasn't I wasn't keeping up with it I was having to ask people at individ times to help me and the state of my house like one time when I broke one of the guys I worked with he sent his partner around she turned up with this massive basket of cleaning stuff she spent two days scrubbing my house it was my house was disgusting she spent two days scrubbing it it was that bad then I had to get housekeeper like it was it was awful but again other people would have gone it's clean for me it wasn't and for my the guy I worked with for his partner that came around with her scrubb and stuff for her it wasn't clean either it was awful I was so embarrassed so I don't think it can be something like that again just just please just please let us be independent let us choose what we spend our money on spit about local Authority with NHS Services could reduce the number of Assessments what other assessments are people doing I only really know about pit uh obviously Esa but Esa is like a very watered down version of pip so I've definitely helped people I've done I've helped them with Pip and then they've done Esa and Esa has just been because they because they've done their pip Esa was fine um and UC again once they've gone through their pip stuff with me UC is not a problem because they're they're in the swing of being open and honest and blunt I do maybe if someone does pip and they score a certain amount then they're automatically entitled to Esa or UC or whatever it is I don't think I can answer this because I don't really know about you know what other support there is like basting capability would I don't really know but I think if we go through pip like yeah we shouldn't have to do it okay so then we're at the end right are Conclusion you an individual or an organization so again you can do this if you're an individual but I still think they're going to pay more attention to Big organizations I've again I've never been involved in politics stuff so I just don't know right this is an important bit look at 98 they are determined people with disabilities and long-term health issues should be able to reach their full potential and live independent lives they want to that's the goal um so again this is all about you know this is the ambition of the paper that they want to be fair that they want to focus on that they want do it in the right way they see they've already explored changes to know the extra costs okay so it's going to draw a wide range of evidence from individuals and stakeholder groups so they're going to they're going to pay people to get involved in this they're going to speak directly to individuals hopefully the right people yeah so look this bit we know that we have to work with the individuals on our decisions if it's crucial for us to deliver outcomes they know that um so you can respond you can send it in so you can do this it took a long time hopefully that's it that's it that's what they want feed again you can do this as an individual I think what they're not realizing when they think about these vouchers is we feel like we're a burden we don't like that we're dependent on people or that we're having to ask for help getting P for so many people massively impacts their mental health to be able to have some sort of income to ease the pressure of the family means the world to them means the world to them to then take that away and give us a few vouchers that they' be taken away our independence not empowering us so I hope they don't do it I really hope they don't do it

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