PIP Government Changes 2024

Intro hi everyone my name's Charlie and I'm really good at pip I've only ever lost one claim in six years today I want to talk to you about the government changes everyone needs to just take a breath there was always going to be changes we know that the current system isn't good enough there's an high number of people that are abusing the system that are making fake claims which makes their lives for those of us that are being honest that are truly struggling with chronic illness makes our lives hell so we need the system to change I know it's [Music] scary I don't agree with the approach I don't think the government or the decision makers understand how I don't know how to say it nicely how it is up our lives i' I've got so many people reaching out to me um like past clients reaching out to me absolutely panicking people that you know have been I'm just worried that people's lives are at risk I'm worried so I need everyone to just take a step back or bump Shuffle on the safe for if your Mobility your Pain's bad we we've we've got to embrace this change okay we've got to embrace it we've we've got no choice but to go with it once more information is released we'll figure it out and I I stand by what I say I stand by what I say if you are truly struggling with chronic illness all you have to do is be honest that's all you've got to do is be honest um so I'm just going to what you I think there was five things that you talked you know that my channel is about the whole point of my channel is how do we live with chronic illness in a positive manner yes I've been very focused on pit because that's what you want from me I'm purely looking at this from the point of view of if you were entitled to this fending how is it going to impact us and what are we going to do that's that's that's the approach okay it does 3.5 million people on PIP work me how many people are currently claiming P which is 3.5 million so what I'm worried about with this is I know there are so many of you out there that are struggling truly struggling you're entitled to it and you're not currently getting it I know there are so many people that are getting a level of the fun Fund in but that level doesn't match their life your life but we've also got the challenge of people that are getting it that are not entitled to it that are just taking advantage of the system so we have to understand and support that we want those people off you know that's why this the whole process of pip is so degrading because they've got to trying to figure out if people are lying or not and I think what the people that don't understand our lives because again we most of us don't actually look sick it's so hard because we're basically having to get a stranger to believe that we're telling the truth it's it's just the whole process is just awful and it is going to get bad for us I don't I agree that it needs to change we all agree that it needs to change it's it's got to change but I don't think there's enough understanding of how this impacts the people that are truly chronically ill so Work assessments what step one is work assessments tightened up I think I think this one's quite interesting because it's about I don't like you know I'm really shited but if you know me I'm not good at being politically correct I'm just not um there are so many people that claim benefits and have no intention of going back to work and it's not right and I can say 100% that is not the case of anyone I work with everyone I work with all of you that is watching this that is truly chronically ill none of us wants to have to apply for this funding we want to be able to work we want our bodies to be back to what they were so that we can go back to work and be independent none of us want to be a burden I think it it is important to do everything we can to help people stay in work you know definitely we all want that we all want to be able to work well when I say all I'm speaking for our community our community yeah I I was I was just having a think then on do I have the right to say that and I'm like I speak to so many people day in day out I'm speaking to people and I can say for definite none of us want to lose our jobs we want to work we want to be able to earn money we do not want to be sick I know that like you're probably watching this thinking Charlie why are you saying that of course we want to go back to work well I've discovered is people don't understand that people that aren't living Our Lives don't understand understand for some reason they don't understand that we don't want to be like this we want to be able to work we don't want to be sick I don't understand there's a big gap big miscommunication um his next thing is Sick notes and Universal Credit that GPS can't be doing sick notes or something like that right again I totally agree with it I think the culture the amount of times in my career that I've been off with sick notes and I've gone I don't want a sick note I want to work help me get better that's what I want I'm doing everything I can or I was because obviously I lost my job due to because my Health's so bad so now but it's all right because I'm doing a non-traditional career new career at 46 YouTuber because that's normal um so I think yeah the sick notes scare me like it like it I think again it's not the gp's oh I I truly think that they've just got to the point where they would just write them out and it shouldn't be that way um it it it shouldn't we but I'm like what about the people that truly need it I am just worried that we don't have the systems in place to help those of us that are really struggling because I know there's some of you that if the GP turned around and when no you're all right I'm I'm worried about what's going to happen I'm worried about what's going to happen to quite a high number of people in our community so I agree with it but I'm scared not for myself I'm scared for those of you that if you're not believed you might feel like you've got no choice but Extreme Measures so I'm a bit worried about that on how it's going to be managed next one is Universal Credit I don't know anything about it nothing at all I'm not even going to comment on that I just don't know anything about it great at pip at everything else okay so what he's saying Abuse of the system is that there are people misusing pip completely agree we all know that we know that when you're dealing with humans there's always going to be some humans that are going to abuse the system and none of us want that whether we're an individual that's living with chronic illness or whether we're a someone that believes that everyone that's claiming funding is a scer whatever you believe we all agree that those people that are lying should be caught and should not have access to our our I'm a taxpayer pay tax all my life our taxpayers money when they're lying yes we all agree we all agree there's another bit that I've Using aids and the PIP assessment read about if you're able to use AIDS then it doesn't mean that you're entitled to the funding because you're using the AIDS so that you're able to get with your life now I'm not I don't agree with that because so for myself um when I get stuck on the toilet and I have to hold on to something to be able to lift myself up for me when I'm working with people it's not oh okay so you'll hold on to the radiator or the sink or the bath or the handle the T whatever it is to get yourself back up for most people that doesn't mean that so everything's all right doesn't mean that everything's all right just because something's there and they are able to get up off the toilet you might take a few goes you know um it's not that it's this it's a solution so their life is fine don't get me wrong there are many people that are in a position where yes they have to use a handle and they they you know need a bit of oomph to get up and once they're up they're all right there's two categories so if in your pit you felt that you got the point because you use AIDS if they remove that from the form in my mind again if you are someone where if you sit in a chair um to prepare food and you're able to do it while sat in a chair brilliant um then I think that it's probably a good change because you are able to prepare food sat in a chair that isn't aid but you're able to prepare food brilliant great I actually have been thinking about this quite a bit and I think that then you shouldn't get the points that might upset a lot of you so please stick with me most of the people I work with on the occasions that if they do sit in the chair and it's not consistent they can't consistently do it they're still not safe so I think again there's this isn't clear cut so for example if I think hang on let me just think of a client okay team sleepers has a chair in the kitchen okay so is he going to lose that if they remove that P pit no because yes he uses a chair but he can't do it every day he cannot when using a chair prepare a meal every day some days yes but the majority of the time actually no he's not safe so you need to think about it that way it's being chronically ill is complicated it's very difficult we all adjust we all adapt and we do everything we can to remain as independent as possible you have to remember I think and I think they won't change this pip scars us Scar the lion are we safe are we cons consistent and reliable I think that's key so if someone can safely sit in a chair and consistently and reliably prepare meals brilliant then they shouldn't get the points is that your situation that's that's how they're going to look at it I believe so when I'm getting clients panicking panicking and to be honest what what I've what is just mad is all of us that are panicking like I've got clients that are bettered R 22 hours a day worried oh Charlie what if I lose it what if I lose it and I'm like I don't think you're going to lose it based on your life and you know obviously I'm quite blunt so I have to sort of say I don't think your life's very good you know I don't I do feel I empathize but I want people to move forward keep moving forward we have to adapt we have to try and find ways to move forward but based on the [Music] severity even even with those changes even if the government took out the aids would my clients that I've helped get the funding would they still get the funding yes yeah because their lives are so severely impacted I know for a fact that if any of my clients were able to sit and prepare meals consistently and be safe well they wouldn't be my clients they wouldn't have come to me they'd be getting on with their lives with their conditions they'd be over the moon I would love to be able to prepare food if my solution was if I if there was AIDS but I would get that money I would buy those AIDS I would pay a lot a t the money on whatever it was so I could be independent of course I would you've got to think about it from this point of view if it was that easy to solve we'd all be doing it those of us that are severely impacted by our conditions yeah Making the system fairer and HARDER to exploit so his goal is to make the system is it make the system fairer and harder to exploit yes please yes yes make it fairer but that's that's the thing of whenever I'm working with people all we want is to be treated fairly it's all we want it's all we're asking it's a reasonable request and stop people from taking the piss yes please the final one is massively cracking down on fraud yes we support it of course we support it I am worried about this because what I don't think people get and I did talk about it in my I'm scared after the media issue is all of us live in fear we all live in fear of being made out to be a liar because we don't look most of us don't look sick you know it's the invisible illness situation um even those of us that are in pain even struggling with Mobility we just don't look sick um so about them accessing bank accounts yeah okay access our bank accounts if we're being honest we've got nothing to hide like I have nothing to hide access my bank account check my bank account check check my social media check it it's absolutely fine please have a look I want them to do the checks we should not have to fear it even though we all do we shouldn't have to fear it having access to the pit funding they don't want us to be prisoners in our homes that's not the point of the funding we're supposed to It's supposed to help us be independent you know that I go out with olle my trainee medical alert dog right I try and do that every day my body works best on the morning but by 1 o' in the afternoon I'm on a Zimmer frame I'm really not good by late afternoon it's just just going from to the toilet there is difficult it's difficult um I don't have anything to hide and I know for a fact I am sure based on the amount based on based on my strategy with my clients I am sure that they have nothing to hide these people are really poorly obviously so many different conditions and it's Unique to every individual but we don't have anything to hide so access our bank accounts check our social media it's not a problem not a problem so please why you like why are you worried about it why are you freaking out about it what are they going to see in your B it counts oh takeway okay because you're too exhausted and you you can't prepare food so takeaways right Ubers if you've got to go out Ubers okay great pet food okay I don't agree with you know that there are some people that are like I've heard that some people are saying that you should lie never ever lie Never Lie all you have to do is be honest it's all you've got to do if you have lied then I think you're going to have a problem you're going to have a problem so if you've been given bad advice and followed it because you thought you knew what they were talking about I'm really sorry so I think there's going to be a big rush of them making rash decisions I I I think that's going to happen I think I think they're going to remove people from pip that deserve it that's it's going to happen um it is uncomfortable that we're currently targeting being targeted currently the chronically ill let's face it disabled Community is being targeted we're being targeted because of the amount of people that are fortunately claiming that's why we're being targeted and I'm not comfortable that we're being targeted and I think that if any other organization or people were targeting disabled people the government would step in to protect us I don't know it's What we need to do difficult isn't it the people that have been put in charge to make these changes must show results they've got to they love budgets won't they so to show those results there's definitely going to be individuals that are going to lose the funding that are entitled to it and should receive it I think all we can do is stick together make sure we are not listening or taking on board false information do not get swayed by people talking we need to wait we need to see exactly what is happening I will talk to you about it we will stick together as a community and so long as we're treated fairly we need we've got to support this we have to support this I really hope you're okay stay strong we all know I know that you're all stubborn you're all stubborn because you're surviving chronic illness you need to stay stubborn keep focusing on improving your quality of life and we will deal with this we're going to deal with it they need to make the system better they're trying I'll speak to you soon

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