College Football Playoff Teams, DC Tony White, and Over/Under Game Results with the Husker Cuz Cast

Published: Dec 02, 2023 Duration: 01:06:51 Category: Sports

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] hello folks and welcome back to another episode of generation red the kettle corn of husker fan podcast where we try to be sweet but at times we get salty I am your host Ken and hello folks I am your host Scott and we are here with our buddies from the Husker kcast this is a her at sports crossover podcast if you will we are proud We are both of our shows are proud members of The Herd at Sports Network we appreciate all that they do for us and it's been a fun partnership with those guys um but we're here with Husker kcast we are going to reveal the results of the 2023 over under game but before we do that maybe some I've been in Arizona with family as you can see I'm not in my studio uh hanging out in Arizona my f my mom and dad are celebrating their 60th anniversary on December 6th if they happen to watch this or listening to the podcast later happy Anniversary Mom and Dad love you very much um and uh so we're we're down here hanging out until tomorrow tomorrow we need to leave to head back to Nebraska but uh this Aaron BNB is pretty nice got a pool outside the window I had threatened Justin earlier yesterday that maybe I'd do the show from the pool and I didn't bring swim trunks so that might have been awkward for everybody viewing uh but I don't know I haven't paid attention to any of the news that may have broke earlier today Tyler I think you might have an opinion on some of that news what was it well the college football committee has officially come out with the final four for the playoff play offs and the four teams are going to be Michigan Washington Texas and Alabama and oh my gosh I I am furious with this decision so I could point to all the reasons why they got in and I think we all know it's about ratings it's about money there there is no Justified reason but when you talk about Alabama this year like there are years where I understand some SEC bias the SEC traditionally has been the best conference over the last you know six seven eight years they're not this year they're not the best conference this year Pack 12 is better Big 10 is better so this is not a dominant SEC team uh or SEC Conference and then you look at what Alabama did not only did they lose their one meaningful non-conference game they barely beat Auburn and yes they had an impressive Victory against Georgia who is also in the SEC it's it's just a counterargument and then you have Florida State and the argument that the committee says is because of the quarterback injury is why they're not in and I do not believe for one second if Alabama's quarterback was injured and they were undefeated they would be left out Georgia same thing I mean you could argue some other teams in that scenario this this is [ __ ] this is [ __ ] I agree I think it's ridiculous that Alabama like I understand years past like let's say there's an Alabama team that's 11- one going into their championship game and they win but they win all of their games in the regular season convincingly and maybe drop a game off against a a good LSU team or a you know when Florida's or Auburn's are doing better they lose against them like I totally understand that but they barely beat South Florida they had a really really hard time against a a downtrod in Texas A&M played against a bad like played close against Arkansas Team I mean you can just go down the list they just have had a really really lackluster season they aren't the Alabam that we remember of the past they're they're definitely one of the least impressive Alabama teams that I've seen in recent history and they just get in simply because of SEC bias I know that it's such a such a a normative term the SEC bias blah blah blah Ruffles feathers all that [ __ ] but seriously like there's no reason to leave an undefeated team that wins their conference Championship out like power five team like you don't leave an undefeated power five team out of the out of the college football playoff for a for a team that lost a regular season game against a a non-conference opponent like that's that's inexcusable I don't care like when I'm looking at the ey test yeah Florida State doesn't look that great without Jordan Travis as their starting quarterback and they're at their third string quarterback now freshman true freshman 18-year-old kid um that's still inexcusable I I mean I know you can play the mental gymnastics if you want but freaking quit pulling a hamstring trying to trying to suck the dick of thec like it's it's it's just beyond frustrating at this point like I knew this was going to happen I I knew it after last night or really just leading up to the the conference champion ship weekend if the cards fell the way that they that they actually did I was like there's a very very high likelihood that Alabama squeezes in over uh Florida State if uh if a few teams lose ahead of them and that's exactly what happened and it's just like H I [ __ ] knew it sorry about all my language but I'm pissed like I wanted to see one I wanted to see an secist college football playoff that would have just been so cool um it just I mean I just feel so bad what what else can Florida state do what are they supposed to do like you you just proved that even with a third string quarterback you can still go out and play a very very ugly game dude I was watching that that uh that ACC Championship and the fact that that Florida State I don't know if you guys watched this but like there was like a botched punt they are inside of the Red Zone Louisville and that Florida State Defense which has been pretty damn good this year really shows up in in an outstanding way I think I think that drive ended with an interception in the end zone like and then they just they they just did not allow Jeff Brahman company to do anything and it's like it's a it's a like anything you have to let them in with that outstanding defensive performance alone like you are just spitting and giving the dick to their defensive performance and it's just so whatever who else has a strong opinion go ahead I'll say this this is just another excuse for the for this uh committee and I know the committee is not the same every year but it started off with we can't let a big 12 team in because they don't have a conference champion because we have co- Champions here and then the following year the championship game don't mean [ __ ] we'll put both Alabama and Georgia in it even though one of them lost a the game we'll just put them both in there it's just another long list of excuses that they come up with every single year to keep an to keep the CC going strong it it is [ __ ] but let me tell you this Michigan you better not [ __ ] up and lose this game make it look Alabama in playoff you were gonna be the laughing stock of the of college football right now because I mean I honestly would not be surprised If Alabama wins at all I mean oh sure it it would be it would remind me a lot of 2014 it would it would be the Ohio state of 2014 yep yep yep for sure Justin what do you think I just wanted to see chaos that's all I wanted to see I want to see SC left out of the playoff I wanted to see yeah you see chaos right now uh but there's no I in team unless the playoff committee is selecting teams right now that's what it is that's it's crazy yeah do do you guys just hypothetical question do you guys think Florida State's in if Jordan Travis doesn't get hurt of course absolutely see I can see a scenario where they'd still leave them out because because it's Florida State because it's the ACCC and the ACC is absolute trash conference compared to the other four so let let me ask you this do you think a Clemson team that got Trevor Lawrence gets hurt on do you think he they get left out of the playoff probably not because they have they have a track record again TR record in the playoff so it's all name recognition still like like we're admitting for state has the name not not in the last what 15 years I mean they have a national championship in the last 15 years I mean we all forget about yeah oh yeah jamus Winston in company yeah yeah I I you know you guys say if Jordan Travis doesn't get hurt I I don't know what you know uh Scott you mentioned pulling a hamstring I I still think somebody gets left out so Alabama gets in maybe they redo the order and Texas gets left out like like I just think someone I think Florida state was the easiest because of the injury to leave him out I think if Jordan Travis wasn't injured they would have just flipped the script and left Texas out of the equation and said well the SEC is a better conference than the Big 12 or or the losses uh the loss think Texas had wasn't as bad I think they just would have I've been I've been arguing this all week at work I mean this was a guaranteed situation that an SEC team would find a way in yes it was guaranteed there was no way this commit was going to go oh let's just leave all the SEC out of this playoff which no way they better and and I'll will say this if Georgia would have won that game I would be sitting here today saying Texas should have been left out like undefeated Florida State the fact that they were the ones to get dropped is the shocking thing in this equation and I think it's because Jordan Travis is injured and it was an easy sell job like oh well I guess I guess you're right to that's that's the piss po thing of the whole thing is you got two one lost teams in the playoff and the undefeated team gets left out power five and one thing for to get jumped by one one lost team but to get jumped by two two one lost teams and this wasn't a Florida State team they they have the name brand they in the non-conference beat two SEC teams like so it's not like you could point to well they played a week out of conference no they played a grid out of conference schule well and then consider this what what if Georgia goes to their bowl game whatever bowl game they go to Sugar Bowl or whatever the non BCS or playoff bowl game is they go to their bowl game and they lose to some [ __ ] stick team from somewhere and then the then the narrative is going to be well they didn't want to be there they wanted to be in the playoff a lot of their players didn't play they're in a crap bowl and this that and the other it's just the same narrative and it kind of goes along with what this I don't agree with Justin at all because he disagrees with us so screw that guy uh but no he says I'm sorry Justin I think no one wanted to see a repeat of last year with TCU who beat Michigan by the way gets throttled by an SEC team uh FSU is deserving but not better team than the top four as far as the you can't get throttled you can't you can't get throttled by an SEC team if there's none in the college football playoffs exactly it off from that I no no no no no you're dead on I was going to say that but that was perfect way to put it because I think and and I was thinking of this when Tyler was first talking this play off would have had probably way more eyeballs on it if there wasn't an SEC team in it I will go to my grave saying that you would add way more eyeballs because the whole of college football would be like thank the good Lord above we get to actually watch an actual playoff of teams that deserve to be there I don't give a damn if it's the best four because that's a subjective argument guess what Florida State proved they proved they were absolutely the best team in the SC and they have a zero in the what L column Justin I don't agree with you not you Justin the one that's comment on I don't agree with you I think Florida State should have been there whether we could all disagree with Justin this Justin over here too because it's like two birds with one stone I said like six words so far Derek okay I know I know somehow I will disagree with you at some point in this show I will disagree with you it's almost guaranteed what what my last comment on this will be is that like all that to be said you know I don't know if I agree with you on the eyeballs the SEC has a lot of reach in college football but put all of that to the side like if you were just gonna say we know on paper who are the best four teams let's get rid of the playoff all together let's go back to the day when you just start making up and crowning national titles because like if it's all subjective if we don't want to settle it on the field then what the hell are we doing here so luckily we'll never have to worry about it again because next year we're going to start at 12 team playoff like it should have been from the get-go they should have done that ex won't we won't have this have to have this argument anymore this year would have been a really really fun or this would have been a really good year to have just a two team championship because we know who the two best teams on paper are Washington and uh Michigan like they're the two most deserving teams all year they deserve to be in the national championship I would not be surprised though if it comes down between Texas and Alabama as a as a rematch I would not be surprised because you know Michigan's going to find a way to lose this game I have no doubt in my mind that they find a way to lose this game and I think that Texas finds a way to to beat to beat Washington I I just have this gut feeling it's gonna be a it's going to be a rematch between Texas and Alabama Alabama will come out on top and then there's going to be just all the Talking Heads saying see this is why Florida state was left out and then we're all going to look like a bunch of you know like just bunch of incompetent dummies but it it's like I still didn't want to see them in there anyway that's what we all have to hope for a Florida state Georgia b game oh that'd be great and watch Florida State win it and then still like Dad said I think I think he makes a makes the perfect observation that it doesn't matter if Georgia wins they're GNA be like see Georgia should have been let should have been put in and then if Georgia loses they they go oh see look the same crap you heard you heard back in the day whenever Alabama didn't make it to the national championship game but then they'd go to another bow game and they'd get whooped up on like somebody like Oklahoma and then you'd hear well you know they really didn't want to be there or when U UCF I know it's a source subject in 2017 beats Auburn in a bowl game EXC was well Auburn didn't really want to be there you know it's like anybody who watch that game knows that's [ __ ] sh because yeah exactly they played their guts out both teams did they were both teams played really well in that game so anyway um so that was fun we've solved the college football playoffs problem problem is we still have an SEC team in there and that sucks anyway um let's talk about the other big news that happened over the last couple of days and that was the fact that everybody was worried that Tony white was going to go to the s or the uh where was he gonna go he was gonna go the Big 10 going to go to the Big 10 wasn't he it's just the wrong Big 10 team he was going to go possibly to USC to run a defense for Lincoln Riley who apparently doesn't understand what defense means um but instead Nebraska poned up some money what was he making before he was making like a cool million a year wasn't he wasn't his salary just a straight up million really close I thought I already was making right out of a million but so yeah we got him up he's making more money than the guy that engineered one of the worst offenses in the country thank god um so there you go that's what is uh 2023 defenses were just the numbers I pulled up from the article I read on his uh on his new contract restructuring it was 14th National in Total Defense 303.5 yards per game best total defense ranking since 2009 and first top 25 defense since 2010 granted there's a caveat you can't really necessarily put an AS SCS on it but you can look at it and say this was like the worst Big 10 West offensively that we have seen in quite a while and we got lucky catching some teams that got pretty good on offense in the later in the season like Northwestern and Purdue who tended to play a little bit better toward the end of the season so is that because white is really good at his job but did we catch him early I don't know but I do know he deserves a little bit more money because I think we need to see what he can do when he's got some guys with some experience in his system um anyway that's my thoughts on on the Total Defense then it was eighth nationally in Rush defense which I thought was pretty pretty incredible 92.9 yards per game somebody have something yeah Ken I just want to go back to the top 25 because we've been doing this our podcast for eight years and Tyler every year he says that Nebraska's gonna have a top 25 defense he finally nailed it this year I told you guys fun thing is I think this year it was the first year he was actually like I don't know if I have quite a top 25 maybe no not no he said top 25 I can go back to the tape I could have swore he said he wasn't going he said like you said they were gonna be just in the top 25 if I remember you were like this will be a top 25 probably 24th ranked or something like that I want to point out something that's very remarkable about this statistic right here because the all big conference players were named on defense and only Luke rmer was the third uh third Team all big everybody El he did a top 25 defense without any single player taking over like uh huge accolades in the conference well some of that was [ __ ] too I mean I think that's BS as well I think let me ask do you honestly believe that Luke Rymer was our best defender this in this particular season I I think it's arguable between him and statistically he he just he had a little bit of a statistically I think it was the most tackles and then I I would argue for Nash or even Tai to be third team as well but yeah and those guys were honorable mentions yep I mean let's not it's just it's just crazy to me that I I would have I would have said Ty Robinson and Nash hutmacher were probably our best defenders truthfully that's guys I probably would have picked and for them to get not get in there when or when Rhymer did was like kind of czy do you think do you think hypothetical once again we're just going to go on the hypothetical train if we would have gotten to six wins do you think that it completely flips the script and we get a lot of second teamers and hell even maybe first teamers no I don't I think if you get to seven or eight wins you could you could make a case for that but six wins I think get you at least two more guys on the third team I really I think you're going to a think also hurt on third team I think what also hurt this team was the last three games was giving up over 100 yards each game rushing rushing yeah I mean you gave 163 to Iowa who wasn't able to run the ball on anybody well that kind of ties into the next next uh national ranking at eighth nationally and Rush defense at 92.9 yards per game it's our best run defense since 1999 that one kind of surprised me and I went back and looked and it's true it's our best run defense since 1999 I'd have figured 2009 might have been a little bit better um and they held eight of 12 opponents to less than 100 yards so you know what was that Wisconsin Michigan um Iowa and who was it that ran for 100 on us besides that was it maybe Purdue I don't think it was Purdue but I think it was a big 10 team but yeah Michigan yep yep Michigan Michigan Wisconsin Iowa Maryland Maryland Maryland that's right they got over a 100 yards in that last Drive in the fourth quarter um so it's pretty impressive um and then the other thing that they had mentioned was 17th nationally in scoring defense at 18.3 points per game it was Nebraska's best scoring defense since 2010 held eight of 12 opponents to 14 or fewer points that you know in today's day and age of college football where you're paying coordinators a million bucks or more I think it absolutely is deserving of that 1.6 and we get to keep them at least another year if not two so I think it's awesome I'm glad they did it so yep yep I'm I'm happy that they retained him I thought they were I know everybody was pretty worrisome about it I think it's just Husker fans being like we can't have nice things we can't have good things um I I really thought like I mean if Tony Tony white was a defensive coordinator worth his salt it's like you know that this isn't you caught lightning in a bottle this is this is you being a good defensive coordinator and it's only going to get better I mean the the amount of Youth that we have on this defense is is going to pay dividends in the next two or three years and I think if Tony white does want to leave I think he's gonna leave not laterally and go you know become a DC coach he'll get a head coaching gig somewhere or hell I hope he I hope he plays a game of Charlie McBride ISM and just stays here forever if he if he continues to uh to generate top 25 defenses I mean please do that thank you yeah yeah any other thoughts on that guys well I think this the amount of pay raise they gave him is kind of interesting because I I mean at this point you know you guys talked about USC and I don't know if that was actually ever real what I do believe was real is that he was interviewing for San Diego State head coaching job and the fact that they poning up to get him to $1.6 million from just a pure pay standpoint makes it really hard to think like where is he going to go because there isn't any group of five jobs paying that much I think San Diego State who they're playing Shawn Lewis 1.7 million so they're basically I mean the the amount of money they gave it is Big the second thing is is over the life of Nebraska there is you know fans have sometimes said we do not pay our coaches the way they should and we can argue and we'll probably I think get in a little bit here about Marcus saterfield do he overpaid yes no whatever but the fact that we're paying $3 million for both of our coordinators is a big deal the only team that's paying more I believe I got this right is Ohio State we're paying more than Michigan we're paying more than USC we're paying more than any other team in the Big 10 for coordinators now and that's a big deal so I I think it's just it's a it's a good move obviously we all in agreement that keeping Tony white is a huge deal for this team but I think the way that they did it because they could have kept him probably give him a couple hundred thousand dollars more and that probably would have been enough to keep it but they they made a statement with this play yeah I mean they gave him basically another coordinator's base salary on top of a a really high based salary I mean because if you're if you're if you're an offensive coordinator at a TCU or if you're a offensive coordinator at uh like a like a Wake Forest you're making like 400k 300K something like that so and then you got to add to the fact that I mean I don't know the tax brackets of every single state but I guarantee you you would have to make you would have to make 1.2 million in California to break even with the 1.6 million he's making here so I don't know if USC was ever gonna Fork that cash out but um no I think I think it's a I think it's a good sign of our athletic department moving with the times that it's like we need to set a precedent because there's just so much money in in in college sports now um so it's like you gota you got to get with the times um and maybe set a precedent and I think that's what they're doing or maybe they're just panicking and hitting the panic button like ah throw money at them we got to keep them who knows I don't know well I'm glad they did no doubt about it I'm glad they did anybody else have anything on Tony white before we move on to a quick question before we start the over under game results NE all right so I have quick question for you guys most value coach excluding coach Rule and both coordinators who was Nebraska's most valuable coach on the staff in 2023 all answer real quick I will say it's Terence knon end of story that defensive line Nash and uh and but I I was torn I wanted to say I really wanted to say Corey uh good Lord Crawford what Campbell Cory Campbell just because you know Nash Hut marker was almost invisible on this team for the last couple of years and then this year suddenly he's absolutely blowing people up so I was torn between Cory Campbell and Terence knon but uh I I think I think uh pot roast was by far the most valuable coach on this staff I'm guessing we're gonna be unanimous here because I agree Terence knon the job that he did with those young defensive linemen uh he just you know I I think for the most part A lot of people thought that the defensive line was not going to be one of the strengths of the team uh with that we've lost but they really were one of the uh high points of the team so yeah he he did an excellent job absolutely anybody else I agree I agree I'll say this I'll say this I agree with you Justin I agree with you guys it's Terence knon but don't forget Rob dorek in this conversation like the linebackers were pretty damn good too yeah they were and it was pretty impressive with what he did with those guys too I the defensive line was to me more impressive so I I would say Terence knon as well but dvor deserves at least a little bit of credit here too there's a lot more young guys on the defensive line Derek I mean that's at linebacker they he was dealing with some you know senior people uh senior guys I understand again I agree with you I just think he deserves a little bit of Praise too I guess sure they they were good all right Tyler you have an opinion I mean I there there's not I think the guys that dererk and Justin mentioned are the probably the top two I mean yeah I mean I think the whole defensive staff was great um so no but I think knon is the guy it wasn't an offensive coach we we can all agree on that for sure right so I like I like I like Terence knon and I like Robbie um I think I think one of them that was really overshadowed by the lack of performance on her offense was Donathan rola's Improvement on of our of our offensive line I don't want to say he's the most valuable but I want to give him an honorable mention because I was watching that offensive line all season because I wanted I really wanted to find an excuse as to why our offense was so abysmal and I couldn't ever find anything on our offensive line that made me go you are an Achilles heel to our quarterback play is like no they were actually holding Pockets I just our guys weren't staying in them and I think there were tons of running lanes that just Anthony Grant wasn't going into and I think that was the separator between Grant and and EMT Johnson was that Johnson was actually finding those holes and cut to him now they might have not been designed or anything like that half the time but I think that our offensive line actually made an improvement and I think that the I just want to say that rule making a gamble with Donovan riola I think is paying off and if we can make this kind of an improvement next year again like kind of a sizable Improvement and God willing that our offensive coordinator actually plays with it and coaches whoever our quarterback's coach is going to be this year I I really think our offensive line is making a step in the right direction and I think that that gamble that that Matt rule made is actually paying off but that's just my honorable mention I I really want to give credit to Donovan Rola and what he's done with this offensive line this year hey Scott I got a question for you so last week we did our uh position group grades uh for 2023 season reaction episode how would you grade the offensive line for this year what grade would you give I'd give it like a C+ C+ that be my response too yeah yeah that there were some things that were good there were some things that were not good there were some some procedural errors and I mean there was a lot of false starts on our offense well not as many as I remember in years past there were some things that were concerning but I would have given them an like a like a D minus last year and so they they improved what did you what did you guys because I hadn't watched that episode what did you guys rate the the offensive line so Tyler gave the best grade for the offensive line at C I gave D plus and DK gave D okay you know if if you would have asked me that question earlier in the season it would have easily been given him like a C+ or or even a B minus grade but it was those last couple games when you saw some more procedural stuff when the pressure was kind of on that the offensive line wasn't quite as good especially against Iowa uh but yeah I think C+ C to C+ is a pretty pretty fair grade that I would I would give this offensive line for this year um so anyway that's pretty cool um let's move on to the over under game results you guys ready to have some fun yeah the offense is interesting yeah come on this this year did not go how everybody thought right especially on offense I mean nobody saw this coming the defense was surprisingly accurate we were surprisingly accurate on the defense so uh there you go scoring offense the over under we set was 27 and a half game points per game which no one took over right no one took this over no we didn't none of us took it over uh which would have been fifth in the uh Big 10 and 66th in the NCAA this year if that over would haveit or if that number would have hit the actual scoring was 18 points per game which was 12th in the Big 10 124th in the NCAA and incidentally enough tied with the team that just got blanked in the Big 10 uh championship game yesterday the name which will not be spoken um so there we go we all took the under and Derek got closest at 23 so wow h my six 6.9 did not pay off it did not Derk I think you were probably mocked at the time for being like a pessimistic I'm sure CH yeah I mean yeah we we apologize to you on that one I my beer pyramid I didn't care what you said I remember that now yeah oh yeah yeah that's the pyramids the beeramid was happening at that was a really good pyramid guys that was really that was a lot of fun very good impromptu creative decision on our part oh man talk about let's talk about that for a second the fact that we've gone from all five of us sitting in one studio in one state to all five of us being in three different states uh thousands of miles apart the beauty of technology and the ability to do this uh is just the coolest thing so thank you streamyard for being as good as you are anyway thank you Ken for being as good as you are with the using streamyard hey he set the president man my dad did I mean her at media just after the go big redcast kind of took notes from my dad then it was like oh I guess uh Hill Varsity is gonna start using it now and it's just the thing it's the thing what can I say Trend say I'm a trend Setter now if I could just get the trend of listeners and viewers too that would be kind of cool so passing yards over under we set it at 2700 holy cow how far off were we that would have been third in the Big 10 this year and 64th in the NCAA the actual was God Almighty was that abysmal 1,631 you know when you had a tight end starting at quarterback for most of the year that tends to happen I would think uh which is 13th in the Big 10 129th in the NCAA and the results of that category were there you go Tyler was the the most pessimistic in this category so he won it at 2,276 yards me I think I was the one that was furthest off the closest person was still over 600 yards off and I was the funny thing is I was called the Jeff Sims hater before the season started yeah they were the de Jeff Sims realist there buddy yeah you were you weren't you weren't it can't be hate if it's true I was a Jeff Sims apologist going in I was like I really think he's got a lot of upside I think I think there's a lot more to him than blah but I also wasn't I wasn't aware of how B quarterbacks coaching was going to be across the board so yeah kidding okay so I have definitely followed your guys's like get rid of saterfield can can I at least could tell you don't you think chubba perie took a pretty big step forward this year oh absolutely you know I said I said that I think on our last show that I will give saterfield credit in the fact that chubba per certainly came in and looked like the guy that was most prepared to run his offense sad for making that happen and and is it like I just feel like you guys have like placed the whole blame like no no blame goes to mat rule no blame goes that it seems like any of the other offensive coach it's just it's the Marcus Outfield like disaster with you guys yep hey I my biggest thing is turnovers more than anything when comes to S necessarily his offense no well every T yeah Matt Matt rule owns the fact that he hired the guy in the first place because he was one of the worst offenses when it came to turning the football over when they were at South Carolina they were 116th in the country in turnovers lost the last two years he was at South Carolina so yeah Matt rule absolutely owns that but he should have they were at Temple they were turnover they had a lot of when they were together at Temple turnovers were an issue um I mean I think I think I think you could blame I think you can blame Matt rule to a degree but this is My Philosophy My Philosophy is individual accountability that it's like you can you can go and blame a CEO all you want for One subsidiary of a business falling apart in a in a very very short period of time but ultimately it's the person who's in charge of whatever department is falling apart it's on them and it's like yes you can blame the CEO for hiring the person and making that a dumpster fire area of a business but ultimately the person responsible is the person responsible for it and yes you can blame you can blame the CEO you can but when the CEO makes good hires in all the other departments it's like well is it really the CEO's fault or was it just human nature kind of coming into play and him making a mistake like I don't think this was like a blatant like purposeful corrupt hire from Matt Rule and so everything about Matt rule needs to come into question um I guess yeah I guess we weren't really like dogging on on Matt rule because I mean I just get so sick of it I get so sick of like well everything is is on on the head coach it's like to a I think some fault needs to be div out to a head coach for anything that his his assistant coaches do but ultimately it does still just fall on the assistant coach um now when it comes to certain contexts I think that like when you look at a when you look at a a JY Harbaugh and a Connor stallion type thing like does that fall on Connor stallions or does that fall on the head coach well of course it falls on the head coach because he's the one who is directing such a corrupt uh establish M type of uh systemic problem but like when it comes to comes to saterfield I mean do we really expect Matt rule to just suddenly take over executive play calling orders and him uh abdicating his responsibility as a head coach entirely just so that he can micromanage one area that's clearly falling apart around him like absolutely not you don't want you don't want somebody to to to burden such a huge respons ibility on a game to game basis but yeah I think it you're right though It ultimately falls on Matt rule for making that higher in the first place so I think it's I think two things are true at once two things are true at once yes it's Matt Rule's fault but it's well and it's not even I m rle I just don't even I just feel like a lot could be said is they they whiffed on the quarterback room and I think that the the the quarterbacks that we had seen at Nebraska the year before I think harberg and pry both took steps forward so I don't know if you could say it's saterfield not being able to develop guys I think it's too early to tell that and I think it's too hard to tell scheme wise when you have I just think when you whiff on Jeff Sims the way you did it's just not to put it all on him but you whiffed so hard out of that room and I think there's a lot of other position groups that did not develop the way we needed to wide receivers maybe being namely one of the tight ends did not develop the way we wanted wi receiv wide receivers saw a lot of retri as well so you know you got a young kid coaching a bunch of young kids that he wasn't expecting to coach in game situations near as often as he had to so I'm willing to give a little bit of a pass I'm also willing to say you know I I was on the fire sat train and I'll be hash every game every I I will gladly admit nine times out of 10 as purely out of emotion but I also think that that if you're going to be making $1.4 million to coordinate an offense in like Scott has said in our show you should be able to figure out what to do with guys even after some people get injured if your defensive coordinator is running a top 25 defense and you've got a bottom 25 offense to complement it and offensive coordinator making more money it just seems to me there should be some accountability for that but we could do this all day and we'll never get done with this so yeah we we would we would have to have a whole other episode collaboration with you guys we could do that could do that really really really dig in passing touchdowns uh we had set the over under at 20 which would have been six in the Big 10 66 nationally and it ended up being 10 God good Heavens 12th in the Big 10 120th in the NCAA which tied with ruter by the way um in the for the Big 10 so Joy hey those numbers would be higher if it wasn't for all the interceptions in the uh End Zone in the end zone there would have been what 13 completions in the end zone then uh but there we go Derek won this one as well he called it he said 13 um a boy D jobud so Derek takes I'm not loving being right on any of these to be honest I would have loved if you were right I would have loved if you were right on the money if you were you were right right oh buddy we would be bowling right now yes sir yes sir we would have been for sure rushing yards we set the over under at 2,250 which at the time if I recall we had quite a debate in the studio about whether or not that was going to be a a number that's even realistic it's would be pretty good you know 2250 would have been first in the Big 10 25th in the country and son of a gun if we weren't second in the Big 10 at 2122 we only missed out by 128 yards of hitting that number and ended up 47th in the country and let's see who ended up hey look you there you're right you're glad you were right about this one though right Derek yeah yeah I am pissed because I remember this one being one where I was like is it 2169 or 2269 and I and I went with the over on that one and I would have I would have had it very very uh you would have wonta everybody went over except Derek on that interesting he just went yeah he went barely under yep okay excuse me Rush TS we set the over under at 25 because we thought that there'd be a few more rushing touchdowns due to the fact that we'd heard there was going to be an emphasis on the Run game which there was that would have been third and a big 10 31st in the NCAA for this season we actually had 16 rushing touchdowns which was eighth in the Big 10 and 84th in the NCAA my God our red zone conversion rate was God awful if we only scored 16 times uh running the football so few of those were long runs if I remember correctly and I actually won this one everybody went way over and I was a little Scot I forgot my name Scott was 69 so there we go so at this point child Derek has three and Tyler and I are tied at one field goal percent was the last offensive category we said 80% which would have been third in the Big 10 39th in the country and it was actually 60% which was not even last than the Big 10 go I remember I might have been the only one that went under on this you could have I don't remember for sure 118th in the NCAA and no you did go under but that went 7569 so that 69 is always there and and I do remember saying I was like we're going to have a freshman kicker he's GNA have a real bad time but not that nobody thought alvano would be as bad as he was this year right yeah I'm not even sure I'm not even sure at this point that he had named alvano the starter so we were kind of going on whether blee Road or alvano was the starter so we really weren't sure he he didn't because he didn't name it until the first game yeah at like game time was when I think he finally announced it so Bleak Road he retires from football right so was he injured throughout the season is that why we never saw blee Road I would wonder I would I would I would imagine because we had we we didn't seem to have a problem with switching guys out when needed and you would have thought at a certain point you would just let alvano kind of like collect himself and you put ble Road in there but it never happened so I wonder if he was I just I haven't heard anything about it the only time you saw him was on his H fake field goal run which was pretty he didn't look hurt there no no so I don't know maybe it was just maybe he got hurt on that play maybe maybe maybe everybody else got hurt why not yep man if it if the turf monster doesn't grab his cleat either he would have been the only kicker to score a touchdown in a game in quite a long time time so um in fact I think it might have been since Chris Brown happened to catch an oopsy pass because uh somebody bobbled the snap so he just ran to the front corner of the end zone I think that was a 95 and he caught it and it was wasn't a touchdown it was a two-point conversion but still anyway defense which was the surprising thing for this year we had set the over under at 23 and a half points per game that would have been ninth in the Big 10 but 50th in the NCAA this year and we actually were 18 .3 yard points per game which was fifth in the Big 10 17th in the country and Tyler came in he was the guy that said it was going to be that top 25 defense so he was he was big on it and at 20.5 points just didn't give him enough credit I will never make that mistake again all in on these there we go top 15 defense from here on out that's right top 15 yeah that would be a defense to make McBride proud so we gave up 2563 yards uh or set the over under at 2563 for passing uh 10th would have been 10th in the Big 10 this year and 47th in the NCAA the actual passing yards were 2527 talk about close uh ended up being ninth in the Big 10 and 41st in the NCAA and who got this one lookie there d with the big 2569 you preempted Scott on this I remember that very clearly you preempted Scott and you ruin I would have said that number too but he Scott still did end up with a six and a nine in his in his number so I figure it out a way how much did Derek beat me by I was like yeah this is it was close I mean it was close but I was should prices right like yeah he was over by ju by a little bit more than you were under so I I did the math and it was like two or three points or something like that so oh thanks Kool-Aid man appreciate it yeah it does those little those little things in the back can suck my [Laughter] dick passing touchdowns we at the number at 18 which would have been nth in the Big 10 and 61st in the NCAA the actual number was 14 uh fifth in the Big 10 20th in the NCAA and the winner Tyler again so D na nailed it absolutely grabbed a hammer and he nailed it so I get bonus points for that right uh no no you just I feel like we should we should get an extra high five maybe maybe rushing yards we put 246 which would have been 14th in the Big 10 and 103rd in the NCAA didn't have a lot of confidence I set that number because I thought 335 defense maybe we're going to have struggle against the run to start the year and give up some yards but other than four teams we never gave up over a 100 yards to anybody so um the actual number was 1115 third in the Big 10 ninth in the country and the winner was Tyler 1715 you really believed in this defense Ty no doubt about it I was way off on this because I had no faith in that defensive line as young as they were and wow remember that because this would have been would when you were almost all the way through your uh your backpack and so at this point I think I think I'd said something that made you cry this would have been around that time I don't even remember what I said You Were Dying oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I'll I don't know what the hell you were talking about there was there was no it was a different category it's the next it'll be one of the next categories about uh TW Red Zone offensive conversions is where you were completely lost Justin and Scott said something and then you were really lost so uh next one was Rush touchdowns we set the over under at 20 which would have been 13 of the Big 10 this year and 80th in the country the actual number was nine fourth in the Big 10 10th in the NCAA and tied with Penn State and Troy in the country for uh for touchdowns given up on the ground I would have never put Troy in that category but guess they had a defense in whatever what is it sun belt is what they play um there we go Tyler takes the lead with five and dereck's got four Scott I both have one and Justin is still big Goose EG does it stay that way shocker he's the most wrong about everything opponent Red Zone percentage this is where Justin was confused I'm not sure what confused him but it I think it was the pyramid I think whatever Scott was saying confused me I no idea what he was talking about play the tape yeah play the tape play the tape go to the tape so uh 84.4% opposition Red Zone percentage basically Red Zone conversions by our opponents is what this is based on and uh that would have been 10th in the Big 10 80th in the NCAA in 2023 Nebraska actually gave up scores 81.5811 54th in the country Derek Derek got it so we have a tie gentlemen between Derek and Tyler this is the last category so I'm going to ask you a tiebreaker question between the two of you here it is sack differential Nebraska's defense generated more sacks than Nebraska's offense surrendered is that number over under 4.5 and you need to give a number oh that's not fair stat boy is going to win this one yeah he's probably got it up right now um so no cheating here Derek I'll let the the Elder States men go first give him the advantage I'm not in this one it was under and it was four it's I was gonna go with four also so that's not fair uh but I'll say three just to be different I believe it it was 33 to 29 it was I looked it up and it was three so Tyler really yeah four also go first 31 to 28 or 32 to 29 something like that is what it ended up what der really wants to know is who do you use to get your stats that's what he wants Toom baby it must have been 32 to 29 because I know for a effect we give up 29 sacks this year okay yeah you're probably right you're probably right I think I think it was 3229 is what it was so good job Guys Tyler you win again and I know I still owe you a gift card from the first time we did this three years ago so I will figure out hey I won last year because I got the T-shirt to uh yeah you got the T-shirt see Justin got something is as ter hey by the way Justin got shut out for the first year in the over under game so congratulations Justin that wasn't fair when Justin won because all Justin did was fade Scott Frost that like that was his and he was right but that was his ttic back then it was just no faith in anything so well he sucked I mean I I was the only I could acknowledge that he was gonna suck you guys like oh we bring him back for one more year 10 more years yeah well we don't need to rehash that argument he's gone he's playing golf here in Arizona somewhere today I'm sure Lucky Bastard um what a guy what a guy what a guy I got one more real quick question question after we talked about the coaches earlier staff makeup do you think coach rulle staff will look exactly as it is right now come game one in 2024 no I don't I I I don't believe that this tight end Coach is GNA be here I think he'll move saterfield back tight ends and hire a quarterback's coach I don't think there's gonna be a lot of other shake up than that but I do think that will happen I agree kind I'm kind of in that same boat too uh Derek I I think you see a tight ends coach move back to the analyst role and uh who that quarterback coach is I don't know I'm surprised that Jake pets ended up saying no in the first place I wonder if last year if the part of it was he wanted to actually run the offense too um Gary Barnett would disagree with you in in some ways and I understand his argument that he thinks the offensive coordinator should be the quarterback's coach simply because of having the Hands-On approach with the quarterback as well as running the offense so I understand that but I just don't think saterfield is the guy to coach quarterback but anyway gonna go ahead I'd say it's a coin flip I I would not be surprised if nothing changes um simply because I think that's that's what Matt rule kind of wants from our culture is to not just jump and do anything r and and make any like crazy decisions after year one um or at least what would be perceived as a crazy decision I don't think it's a crazy decision to reallocate your your offensive coordinator to tight ends coach and then hire out a a strictly exclusive offense uh uh quarterback's coach that's not all that crazy but I would not be surprised I I would actually probably lean more towards if I had to bet on it I would bet that nothing changes and we just go into year two with the same staff and he kind of uses it as like a as a measuring stick like there's no rush to this we don't have to make anything go crazy out of nowhere um I mean he's kind of alluded to to that in his press conference where he got all fired up when when the the the the kind of uh suggestion that saterfield is on a hot seat he got real fired up about it and was like I'm not going to I'm not going to do the things that Nebraska has done in the past or whatever he you know kind of responded I don't know any other way to put it but um I think I think I think things just stay the same but I hope I hope that that model is is uh is gone after where yes like like you said I think I think there needs to be at least a little shift and hire out a a quarterback's coach but I don't know if there is a step change when do you think it'll happen like the day after uh the early signing period for recruiting that would be my guess sometime in December yeah early mid December if a change happens if it doesn't happen by then I don't think it happens at all that' be my my thinking how about you Tyler what do you think yeah I mean what Derek proposed I think is a valid thought um if you listen to Matt R's postseason press conference he kind of alluded to the fact that yes saterfield would back as offensive coordinator um him as quarterback coach wasn't the original design so that's definitely on the board I I wouldn't say that probably any offensive assistant you know probably doesn't feel great about their job at this point I mean there's probably not a great security I would like I guess I don't so I don't know the answer I don't know what will happen or not um I would say that I would like to run it back one more year I think it would be nice one off seon to get through continuity and just to see what the progress is um if you're not on the defensive staff I think there's a lot of risk going in year two about your job security but I I I if it was Tyler's decision I'd run it back anybody else I'd be perfectly okay just hitting the reset button on the offense and starting over with all new coaches I'd be okay with that too I'd be okay with that too but I I'm sitting here thinking like if if I were to get into trev's mind of how he would want his athletic depart or how he would want his football program to be I I really think it's it's a chess game not Checkers at least in their philosophy how that plays out is completely subjective to an individual like I think I think that you make a lot of you make a lot of moves now and you just you just cut you just cut it all out and just start from scratch uh they just started from scratch so start from scratch and I I just don't see that being a good way to run things i' I'd say saterfield seats probably a little warm going into this season if he's retained as a quarterback's coach is what especially but I I also don't see Trev being the type of person that's going to mess with what rule wants to do I I just don't I think and rules one of those he's got that old school mentality hey we got to keep some sort of continuity change the language yet again I could see the offensive coordinator staying the same but I certainly could also see a quarterback's coach being different I think that pretty much wraps us up for today guys I really appreciate you guys coming on I appreciate all the time that you've spent hanging out with us over these last couple years this is as you can see up in that top right corner guys this is episode 99 we're coming up on Milestone episode 100 Scott and I are going to be taking a break until after the first of the year but you guys are definitely going to be a part if you're willing of our 100th episode in J January we want to have you guys on we want to have a bunch of other guests on because we can have it up to 10 people on a stream at a time which would be a lot like hurting cats with the way we like to argue so it could be fun but I think under an hour the perfect perfect opportunity yeah well no it just flipped to an hour so thanks for uh jinxing it um but uh that would be the perfect opport to talk about the woes of the offense like we talked about earlier though to sit down and just have a more overarching discussion about the the move forward Satterfield no Satterfield fire set hold back on the hashtag whatever you want to call it uh but I think that would be a perfect opportunity talk about that and talk about you know the fortunes we'll know what the recruiting class A lot of what the recruiting class will look like by then with the early signing day I just think it would be a blast to have you guys see if we can get go big redcast guys on like honky and maybe uh Husker Army those guys that have hung out with us before I think it'd be an absolute hoot so if you guys are down for it we'll uh we'll make sure we make it happen sounds good congratulations on 100 that's awesome that is awes thanks thanks you guys are getting close to 300 yourselves so um for those who haven't had a chance to hear those 300 episodes where can folks find your podcast you can find us uh anywhere you get your podcast you can follow us on Twitter at Husker kcast you can like us on Facebook and we don't tweet a lot but we're there alrighty and Scott where could folks find you yes folks you can follow me on Twitter at Scott Jen redp pod that's Scott with two T's second T is silent you can follow me there for all sorts of updates and crazy news and uh I do want to just say really quick I have a an announcement to make um Twitter will know about it sooner or later but um we're gonna have uh another Husker fan nice nice new generations New Generation thank you uh and he's gonna be a boy so we're gonna have a little boy um so yeah I just wanted to uh let you boys know here on this podcast uh celebrating 99 episodes of generation red and there's about to be a whole new generation of hopefully a Husker fan if I do my right you know as a as a as a parent to indoctrinate my kids in the ways that I see fit um I will definitely uh impose Husker fandom on this uh poor little child oh the pain he's in for yeah yeah he told uh we were we had Thanksgiving at our house and Scott and Kelsey were there and my daughter happened to FaceTime all of us right as we were going to go around the room and do kind of the what are you thankful for you know kind of exercise so then Scott and Kelsey they were the last ones in the chain of going around the room and Kelsey just simply held up an ultrasound photo and yep it has been it's been a rough it's been a rough year and a half um for a whole another episode but yeah yeah yeah no we're we're really excited um his name's going to be uh Theodore so we're we're gonna throw back with with some some old school naming Theodore Carter uh no Theodore Michael he'll have the same middle name as all the firstborn mcco mcone children starting with mine so that's pretty cool oh yep y brother's firstborn son middle name was Michael as well so it's kind of a thing our family does yes yes yes so so that's really exciting um yeah here's hoping this is what I'm thinking so when my dad had me right lots of national championships happened in that in that short period of time so I'm really hoping we get like three national championships in the spance of four years after he's born so that's that's how we're gonna we're goingon to go to a Natty next year based on based on this trend so just be ready for that that'd be a neat trick W anyway you can uh follow myself and the show at gen redp pod on Facebook Twitter and YouTube generation red is the name of the podcast if you want to listen to the audio show only that will be available sometime tomorrow morning um we drop all the audio from all of our streams right there on your favorite podcast apps so make sure you're subscribed give us a like also don't hesitate to give us a review if you listen to us on Google podcasts or iTunes or you can just go to gen and you can leave a review for the show there on our website all of our uh social media links are there as well and you can listen to or watch any of our past shows right there on the website so Jen redp pod is our email address for any comments suggestions on the show we'd appreciate you reach out to us we really appreciate all of you watching we really appreciate all of you who are listening to this podcast after the fact and thanks to you guys Justin Derek and Tyler it's been way too long since we hung out on a stream together this been has been an absolute blast and uh we love you guys we love hanging out with you so on on behalf of the Husker cus cast he's Scott I'm Ken together we are generation red and we are here to Chronicle this Husker eventual return to Greatness one podcast at a time time because there's no place like Nebraska and Iowa's corn sucks believe it or not more than the college football playoff Community I don't know man that might be a tie there might be a tie there anyway again thanks so much yeah thanks so there you go poll question yeah throw that poll out there Scott now that folks know where to find you yes um PR thanks again everybody and uh go big red right go Big Red go Big Red see yall next time sometime in [Music] January

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