Let's Draw NHL Logos from Memory in MS Paint

Published: Sep 01, 2024 Duration: 03:34:31 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: nhl logo
testing testing EBC on get this open get boom boom um check my audio hello oh God I sound bad I got to restart stream hello should be good now OBS was having a time it was doing the thing where it makes my mic sound like a robot I don't know why it does that sometimes but it does so that's fun um all right we should be good so I was originally planning on just hopping on and doing the basic little stream maybe some online first world of cell later all that good stuff maybe some more franchise mode that probably going to be the video for tomorrow but then I was like Hey what if we hopped on and did something kind of fun now I think that would be pretty cool so I have an idea here so we're going to open MS paint for those who don't know is Microsoft Paint it's where you you can draw with like your mou Mouse and it's pretty hard to draw on this well considering you're using a mouse so what a good idea what what what good oh my oh my gosh how about we try to draw the logos I thought that's such a fantastic idea so want to set up here we're going to go alphabetically or divis should we go division by division or alphabetically I feel like let's go alphabetically for this video so I want to make things easy so I don't look at the logos I'm just going to head into chat gbt and uh tell them to name all the NHL teams alphabetically that way I can just see them in alphabetical order but not see the logo um I feel like a boomer I don't know how why is this website like this bro just let me let me use your thing try chat gbt there we go sup Knights 09 I'm just goingon to call you kns sup Knights how you doing I don't know why I feel the need to read off individual numbers so NHL teams I guess I could bring this into frame here so you guys can see NHL teams in alphabetical order easy peasy so we'll hit record and we'll get started so there's all of our teams in alphabetical order and as you can obviously see I can't see the logos so we're going to have to try to do this for memory now yeah I guess I should do an intro today guys I have a pretty interesting idea we're going to be trying to draw all the NHL logos in alphabetical order in m paint from memory now I thought this would be entertaining for two main reasons number one is I have a bad memory so drawing these logos from memory is going to be really rough and number two is I can't draw so yeah and throw in the fact that we're using Ms paint which is drawing with a mouse which is already difficult and I can't draw it should make for some entertaining clips so we're going to go alphabetically like I said we're going to start with Anaheim and go all the way down zenzi McKenzie reminded us that Arizona is now the Utah Hockey Club which is something to remember so thank you for the reminder hopefully I don't forget there's no timer do I do a timer maybe I should do a timer Thrashers so do I time limit myself I should probably time limit myself just to make sure I don't spend too long on each logo I want to give myself a minute for each logo just because even with a minute it's going to take over a half hour to do all the logos so want to try to keep it pretty quick should probably whip out a timer sub the hockey um can we just like am I going to dox myself if I do this hold on I don't want to dox myself we'll get this timer um oh what did I do where did it go oh oh it's right here awesome this is perfect okay so we got a little timer here I'll just I guess I can make it like pretty big boom we'll just shove it in like this corner and then here is our canvas here so we do have colors we'll try to work with some colors maybe again a minute's not a lot of time we'll see how it goes starting with Anaheim and off the bat I just realized something Anaheim has a new logo they have the mighty do well a new old logo their previous logo would have been so easy but now this like Mighty Ducks logo is actually going to be challenging so awesome I'm doing good how are you sub conate just eat my eat my grapes all right how do I draw this I think we'll start with black okay ready set go so drawing from memory I think we got like this uh top half here and then there's eyeballs right is there a fill tool here I don't know um kind of like the duck the duck face uh I think there's there's like hockey sticks involved that is a fat hockey stick uh do they I think they cross they Cross or something and uh is it like nose holes maybe maybe some nose holes probably like a puple I would assume no I don't even think there's pupils oh no let me fill in the eyes oh that's it so the Anaheim Duck Jersey chat I'll let you guys rate it out of 10 how do we do Anaheim actually here this why should do Anaheim Ducks logo all right so how do I open this in Nas scuff way so this was the logo we were going for you know a I knew I forgot about the background stuff I got like the general shape it's just in the wrong direction and I remember the sticks so I'm pretty happy with that chat's giving it a two out of 10 so two out of 10 for Anaheim we'll go on to the next team now and see if we could do better we're just warming up uh we'll just oh nope we'll undo all right so next up we have the Boston Bruins this is easier let's go this is easier so do a circle wait hold hold on I want the paintbrush okay restart wait wait wait wa okay Boston Bruins let's go so obviously they got the circle and then they got like the B um I want to say there's another like Circle within it and then it has like these inner lines like that might be kind of looks like sey sey buas go like that I think that's pretty good the color's off um o wait hold on you know I don't want we'll try to give it color oh I think we got the shape though fill it with some yellow maybe nope um you know what I'm going to leave it at that I think that's pretty good I think that's pretty good let's check out the Boston logo sup red phoenix sup Donald kids so oh my gosh all these tabs bro they're killing me so this was the Boston logo we oh what happened I didn't finish it I had the right idea I knew about these and then I had the lines proper I missed like one line the B is definitely not the right font but I think that's pretty good Chad what do we rate that I actually had like the correct design in my head for some reason I didn't finish it off I complet just forgot about this line but besides that I think that's pretty good seven I'm going to lose my mind I can't deal with these tabs seven eight four seven I'm going to go with a seven there I'm seeing more sevens than like fours next up we have the Buffalo Sabers so we undo this Buffalo oh gosh okay Buffalo Sabers from memory let's go oh wait get back in here and press play so again Circle they I know they have the swords that like go like this it goes like something like this the like the handles like I think they're are they called literally sabers and then they have like the Buffalo here right I don't know how to draw a buffalo this look like why am I drawing light name Queen I just drew a car oh my gosh can I even saber saber this oh saber it give it an eyeball and maybe some like feet ah ah Buffalo the swords I'm missing some like design stuff here maybe like an Outer Circle or something uh okay Buffalo Sabers how did we do okay so this is the actual Sabers logo we got the right direction we got the swords we had the right idea the only problem was I don't know how to draw wait I do I did that perfectly I just didn't know how to draw that's lowkey perfect I had the swords the outer line the circle and the Buffalo I think that's about good you're want to get what do we rate this five 2 4 no it's going the right way this is the front of the Buffalo okay next up we have the Calgary Flames okay that one's pretty easy all right let's go wait reset this Calgary Flames obviously you got the C with kind of like the flame look I don't like this shape I went with this looks more like the Canucks uh actually you know what it's not bad I drew it way too big it's it's literally like just a flaming sea isn't it I'm forgetting like the rest of the logo there's no way that's just it oh oh no is it just no no no maybe no wait wait I think it's literally just a flaming SE and then we'll make it red is that not like literally it I got 20 seconds here to think of something I think that's like basically it I think I'm happy with that time to spare let's see Flames logo okay yeah no I knew okay no I it kind of looks like the knuckles logo H low key looks like a Knuckles from Sonic I got the C correct it's not a very good C I kind of screw I didn't realize the Flames were as the entire back I thought it was just like a little yeah I don't know about that one I don't know about that one I'm getting threes and fours in chat so I don't think they think I did very well we'll go on to the next team next off we have the Carolina Hurricanes okay Carolina so o it's like I know what their logo is but at the same time I don't cuz I know they have like this half they have this like a storm but how do you even how do you even draw that cuz they do they do like something weird with it don't they oh I don't know how they represent the storm oh wait no no no wait is it like something like this the colors aren't right this looks like a mess and then oh gosh maybe if we give it color it'll it'll savor it no no that's not right we fill this in with like black oh wait wait no that's awful that's straight [Music] awful Hurricanes logo yeah so I was going for this logo I had this shape I just had no idea how to draw it we got like the color sort of we sort of got the color does it look like a toddler drew it from memory or just drew it in general yes but I think we kind of got the shape here okay chats give me threes and twos I think they're a bit too picky here go on to the next team threes twos let's see if I can get like a nine or like a 10 on one of these so ch go oh Lord Oh Lord Oh Lord this one is detailed this one is going to look so bad oh no I'm going to get cancelled if I do this like too wrong how do I bro can I just get out of here bro leave can I hello how do I reset this go away oh my gosh bro go leave oh my um okay I'll just close and reopen it cuz I don't I don't freaking know I know there's like a command but whatever so Chicago oh my gosh let's try it for memory so obviously you got like a face like a nose oh no and then you got like you I know you got like the like that like kind of got that going on I know I know it has eyes I know it has eyes I think the nose is more like squared I don't know why I drew it like a triangle then it has a mouth oh um oh it has like the rosy cheeks right the pepperoni cheeks and then and give it eyebrows you know all things considered I think that's not half bad Blackhawks logo so we do have it facing the wrong way I did somewhat get like the uh the feathers at the back I completely forgot the hair uh one eye okay yikes yeah that's that's not too good that's not too good at all all right let's go that's probably that's probably like a two yeah one out of 10 thank you chat thank you chat next off we have Colorado oh no actually wait no that's not that bad okay wait wait no no no I think I got this I think I got this so I know it's an a it's like a bubble a right like a I don't think that's the right font and then it has like whoosh like the Avalanche right oh no I screw that up um beyond that I think that's about it I know they have this little like fun font they like this little like the like whoosh the whoosh font and I think it's like a nice little like baby blue like a nice little baby blue in here then yes sir cooking with the stove off let's go oh no um all right Avalanche Colorado Avalanche let's see okay so I did get the color scheme wrong low key color scheme's not quite right uh right I also never noticed that a puck at the very end I forgot the Outer Circle as well yeah I think that might be one of my worst on yet I think that might be one of my worst ones yet I don't know about that one one out of 10 6 out of 10 three out of 10 yeah I'll take the six next off we have Columbus now we have been doing our franchise mode so in theory this should be the freshest logo in my memory I literally just edited and made a thumbnail with the logo uh um oh no oh no oh no wait I have no clue I'm going to start the timer but I literally have like no clue is it a c it's not a c no no no it's not C wait hold on we have white it's a star it's a star that's a terrible star with like the American flag or something like coming across of it right and go like oh no that's bad line there's some lines I need to give this color or else it will not look right so red ah I need to close the line no no no no no no no no no hold on hold on hold on hold on so red and then blue and then I think it's a white star and then I think it has more stars in here like I'm giving one more star okay let's see Columbus Blue Jackets logo um where do I even put this over here okay so I got the Stars it's definitely not faed the right way I kind of got this color scheme sort of I remember the star at least let's move on let's go to the next one I'm getting threes and twos in chat and a Nega 10 out of 10 thank you chat appreciate it all right all right Dallas Stars next okay another star um I want to say their logo is literally just a star right right it's literally like a star with like some highlights in it or something I can't draw highlights I don't even know how to do that but like kind of like what the Columbus star was supposed to look like that's bad something like that and then do like maybe fill with like gray wait it's green wait where's the green go that's not what no no no no no wait is it the other way no no no that looks worse T Tada how do we do oh I forgot the D hm I did get so the inner side okay the middle was like white silver I thought that it looked weird when I did it probably CU I don't know how to draw I basically had this logo in mind just like minus the D so keep that in mind when you rate it four out of 10 cuz no D all right let's go very cool cool cool cool cool chat let's try to get me over a six next off we have Detroit okay I think I think I got this I right there's a wheel I know there's a wheel I think it has like an inner circle and like this is looking like the Bruins thing but I think they also have something like this and then it like comes down like a wing and then maybe give us some color and it comes together together a little bit here oh no uh I keep I need to finish my lines or else I can't color that looks like oh my gosh that looks like one of those things you throw in the water to save someone that's literally a lifesaver thing wrong way Detroit Red Wings logo all right so yeah definitely the wrong way uh the wing also goes upwards and the wheel goes down so yeah not I know I've said this a few times now but I genuinely think that was probably my worst one yet my only hope of getting like a decent score is probably with the Canucks keeping at 100 three two thank you guys thank you chat Edmonton Oilers okay this one's easy this one's easy right I think I can like fully visualize it it's just a matter of whether or not I can actually like properly draw it cuz it's literally just the oil right and it's kind of like squeezed in here that's not even what am I doing boilers right and then give this Inner Circle um I want to say I'm supposed to do like an oil something but that's as far as I can go that's as far I I don't know where it would go so boilers logo yeah yeah okay I completely forgot the drop the font's off this is going about as good as I thought it was going to go yeah yeah let's uh four thank you I think that's generous oh my God think that's generous thank you for the six I appreciate that three okay I you are banned banned from chat next off we have the Florida Panthers okay okay wait wait okay hold on oh it's not like a shield well no it kind is like a shield and then literally it's just like FL Florida and then we have the little Elgato oh god um you know what Florida they have alligators it should be an alligator why is it even a panther it don't make sense I just drawn an alligator now we're rebranding Florida cuz I don't know how to draw a cat that's such a fun happy logo look at that look at that guy wait I want to make him green I'm making him Green Oh God wait hold on no let me fix [Music] it no no no no no no let me fix it let me fix [Music] it okay I didn't I didn't finish my lines um okay look at that [Music] guy the Florida Alligators Panthers are endangered in Florida well I'm not an animal activist okay switch the logo one out of 10 all right I spell Florida wrong yeah I did didn't I hm yeah I always spell Florida wrong and I don't know why I do that all right cool well that's probably my favorite logo yet so just get rid of that next off we have La okay la oh I haven't been showing the logos oh no I no no no I have I just forgot to show the Florida one well we can't do a side by side Florida logo no Florida Florida Florida Panthers logo so this is what we were going for I got the Florida right I spelled it wrong uh I cannot draw that no so that's why we went with the alligator all right next off we have la la chat saying La easy but I hate to say it I can't really think oh no no no no no no La is easy right it's just we're drawing it kind of big but I don't know why I draw my Ace like that la oh it's like connected somehow is there's also kind of like oh yeah yeah yeah hold on it's missing stuff it totally is missing it must have like an outer line there's no way right it has to LA oh the logo wait wait the crown it has a crown right oh shoot I don't know where the crown goes though I'm just going to draw a little Crown here quickly yeah that's that's a questionable Crown oh let's compare La King's logo um oh the Crown's on the bottom you know what hey I'm happy with that I thought I had the font better to be honest yeah crowns on the bottom and the line dang I could have got that too I'm pretty happy with that I'm pretty happy with that I'll take that we take those we take those sixes I I take those I take sixes that's not their logo anymore well I do not care I do thank you for letting me know but I do not care all right what's up next Minnesota okay um give me a sec here oo okay okay wait wait it's like it's like a it's kind of like a be I don't know if it actually a gosh I know it has like trees and stuff in it cuz it's like a very like Arch logo and there's like a little star and there's like a little river that goes through it and then like all together like it makes that was supposed to be a tree it makes this like bear looking thing I think it's like a shooting star too yeah I'm going to be honest that's probably as close as I get maybe just like finish off the ear [Music] here okay let's take a look Minnesota Wild logo so once again it is facing the wrong way that seems to be a trend we like to do um I forgot about the sun actually no I did draw I did draw the Sun with the eyeball sort of and it is trees and a shooting star in a river just all the concepts there but yeah that's probably like a zero yeah I'm getting zero out of 10 from chat cool cool awesome awesome make me feel very good about myself two cuz I tried thank you crime dog I appreciate you Montreal all right Montreal Montreal Canadians okay Canadians it's a c right it's a CA let's try to draw a better SE oh wait wait wa wait and then it's like an H it's the Habs like that let's close it um there's probably colors we could do I I think it's red right so red is it h red too you know what I'm happy with that I'll take that someone in chat said it's a toilet seat thank you ABS logo uh it's face a a it's facing the right way it is the C with the H colors are all off shape is all off but that's solid that's Sol eight thank you crime dog we got an eight our first eight another eight thank you thank you okay so that's it's ugly but it's our best one yet which shows the standards of this video next off we have the Nashville Predators all right awesome [Music] so oh God this is going to be bad oh no no no wait oh wait what we're on red if I start with like the teeth and then take it into like the animal shape what am I doing what am I doing here what what am I doing no what is happening they have the mouth and like does it have an ear that looks like a bunny that looks like a bunny W bunny walrus freaking SA neighor tooth tiger looks like an octopus thank you sup Ethan let's compare PR's logo okay no no no hold on we got the teeth it's facing the right way all the details are way off the shape is way off we for got the bottom teeth we got the ear that looks really bad but honestly in terms of like shape I think we're at like a three we're at like a three here so I'll take take that who's next one you guys think I'm like Picasso all right on to the new teams we got New Jersey New York and New York so we're going to start with New Jersey the Devils okay um it's an N right oh wait wait hold on am I cooking n and then J does it also have the tail that's too much tail that's too much tail o um beyond that honestly I can't really think of anything we could fill it with red I don't think the tail on the J is right I think that's too much that's as much as I can think of [Music] let's see what we did here Devil's logo oh wait yeah that's way better that's way better than what we had so it's interesting so it's an N into kind of the tail J it's actually a sick a sick logo yeah um there was an effort there was an effort we take that 7 out 10 8 out 10 not bad custom logo okay thank you for understanding chat I appreciate you moving on to the Rangers question mark Islanders all right the Islanders New York Islanders okay oh wait wait wait wait I think I got like a secondary Jersey in mind here I don't know if this is their main Jersey but but oh wait wait hold on it's like a hockey stick right and then since I can't think of anything maybe we put it on like a little island like that and then maybe is this like an i it was like double meaning here H color schemes off that's for sure I mean it's black and white I don't know why I said that like that was a crazy concept and we'll make the logos like nope we're not going to [Music] color let's check out the Islanders logo so okay well it's an island it's just not the right Island we didn't draw Brooklyn they also have an outline n is way higher way more condensed into an actual y not an i as a hockey stick and it says The Islander on it all right so that's uh no I'm going to give myself a zero chats giv me fours and sixes and fives I appreciate that but I'm personally giving myself like a zero for that one I guess maybe it's there a little bit I'll give myself like a three I'll give myself a three for that okay next off we have the Rangers which is another Shield like logo I want to say like they have the why are we coloring in blue we have the The Shield I drew this way too big no no no I want to draw this smaller and then it's like a classic logo too and I can't even think of it oh what is it New York Rangers oh no dude I'm blanking so hard on this one does it even say New York in it oh no is it Rangers does it say Rangers in it oh gosh no this is so bad is it does it have the top thing too like LA's and then R Rangers chat's making fun of me they're saying this one was really easy oh no yeah yeah no I was lost hey we did get Rangers in there it says New York and Rangers we sort of recovered chats give me zeros across the board for this one okay fine I see why it's a zero but the concept was there slightly a little bit kind of next off we have the utta Senators so obviously they have their new well new old yo uh logo oh no wait hold on wait no no no no no they don't have the the guy anymore do they but no the guy's not 3D is it with all in an O Frick I think I only remember the old logo they had like a guy like a Spartan hat I don't even know how to draw that yeah it's like a face oh my gosh no dude why can't I draw and then he has an eye I think this is their current logo yeah I'm going to tap out on that [Music] one I'm tapping out senator's logo yeah see here's the problem I knew it was like a side facing face but I couldn't get this stupid image out of my head I could I was basically trying to draw this one it or not but this is more like their current logo yeah know what I'll take a yeah I'll take a one I'll take like a one zero negative 100 fair enough fair enough okay cool thank you thank you next off we have the Philadelphia Flyers all right light work right let me think oh yeah no no no light work light work oh I don't know how it like breaks off no I I oh my god oh wait no no no no no wait that's kind of right um I'm I'm definitely missing a couple things here though no I don't know I can't even think does it oh I think it like comes down a bit more no that made it worse I'm getting rid of that like there's something there's something like here I'm I'm going to get rid of it we're simplifying the logo Flyers [Music] logo okay yeah that that wasn't right we got like this down but we did mess up the back I knew there was more to this logo but I just couldn't think of it one two I honestly think that's like that's like a three come on come on come on guys hear me out here moving on we have Pittsburgh Penguins okay so we have obviously the penguin with the hockey stick no I don't think they changed it can I draw a penguin is the better question maybe like a Weight Watchers penguin here I'll draw like a like a Club Penguin oh he also has skates I know that got to watch time here probably like a little puck too that's so fun that's such a fun logo I like that Penguins logo okay it's the wrong way again but oh I forgot the triangle and the gloves but that's cute that's like a five that's a five right right chat that's a five that's solid that's a little cute guy they should redesign to that kind of like Florida these are some really good redesigns 314 okay whatever I liked it I thought it was solid who cares what I think though okay Sam Jose easy right I say that every time it's a shark biting onto a stick so maybe we'll start with like the stick oh my gosh okay let's draw like a stick blade and then like the stick coming in here and then we'll put a break here and then trying to draw Direction here give it like that and then we need to have the top of the mouth going over top and then the bottom would be coming over here like no no no no no the bottom would be like kind of like this and then just draw like a shark right I think that's not bad I thinky that's not bad right that's no it's bad don't get me wrong it's bad but the concept's there the stick breaking I definitely didn't draw that correctly the shark could use some work he's a bit he's missing a couple limbs two out of 10 looks like a fish eight crime dog says eight I'm taking an eight four ah next off Seattle okay no no no easy peasy it's just like an S right it's like a tentacle s with like wait I might lowkey cook on this one I might lowkey cook on this one I think this is good wait I think that's about it and then maybe it's got like some like inner design going on probably we're getting Fancy with this one we're getting real fancy with this one and then let's get some like color in here too let's get like a darker these colors are not close to right and I'm not trying to make them close to right but I think that's not half bad maybe like gray this out though oh no never [Music] mind I think this is the most detail I've gotten in a logo Seattle Kraken logo oh okay to be honest I did think they drew like the little suction cups they did not no that's farther off than I thought I thought I was a lot closer n out of 10 really thank you I appreciate that but I didn't even realize there was an eyeball on this logo you say add the eye I didn't know this was an eye that's crazy you learn something new every day when you draw NHL logos for memory using paint next off we are on to St Louis St Louis oh St Louis okay wait I want to say okay they have the like the music note I need to draw this better how do you draw I forget what it looks like no dude how do you draw them oh wait like this and then it's like I think it's literally just like St Louis and then blue I forget if it has text or not maybe it's on the other side of it I'm going to lock that in I'm locking that in St Louis Blues logo okay there's no text in it we kind of had the shape going I knew like this wasn't perfect we definitely miss like this part of it and then we kind of like added text I guess cuz some of logos have text but yeah I don't know 8 five3 8 okay we're a bit more split on this one so I think that's a good thing that means it's it's it's decent it's not bad we're getting to the end here thank God Tampa Bay Tampa Bay I think that's easy right Tampa Bay lightning strike they have the lightning strike I want to say they have um letters too though or maybe they don't wait maybe maybe they don't and I think is it cired this looks like the lightning of Queen logo oh my God yeah I don't oh wait no uh I want to say there's like something that comes in here but no that doesn't look right I'm definely uh definitely missing a lot here I'll add like a inner kind of line that comes through I don't know if that made it better that honestly probably didn't make it better let's take a look lightning logo okay yeah uh I'm not going to give it to myself cuz honestly it wasn't what I was thinking of but yeah the Outer Circle we just need to draw another line here that would have went a long way and then the lightning bolt comes out of it and it also comes out of it up here I think that's all about yeah we got 9 7 six okay it's a simple logo so I can't be too proud but it's not bad that's what we aim for we aim for average we aim for okay that's how we do it out here Toronto Maple oh my God Toronto Maple Leafs are next up I want to say easy peasy right oh where did my mouse go oh there it is easy peasy let's just draw the leaf the leaf is not going to be perfect by any means oh yeah this is a really rough Leaf oh no dude okay just wrap up the Lea and then is it just literally Maple leavs Maple Leafs I think that's literally like it obviously the leaf is kind of cooked but I think that's it Toronto May police yeah so definitely very dumb down I forgot to Toronto I didn't know Toronto was in there and also I have none of the like details but that's pretty good that's pretty good I'll take it I'll take it so someone in chat just poting out that I've actually no Utah is next thank you for pointing that out Utah is next so we have to do Utah thankfully that one is pretty simple it right it's just it just says Utah isn't their logo right now just oh no it's not that's not their logo oh that's not their logo though but I think it's literally just like you oh it's Utah and then like Hockey Club and then it's literally like just like circled wait is it double circled and then it has like a heal color on the that didn't work I want to say like a heel color not heel color it's a different type of blue I'm a little bit color blind apparently this is what we're locking in here so look up the Utah Hockey Club logo uh yeah no what no no I'm not giving that to myself at least they have a better logo than I thought it's still pretty bad but it's Hockey Club and then Utah in the middle I did have the color right in mind but besides that that was kind of it surprisingly I'm getting like decent ratings here 8 5 four seven not bad I guess the bar is set so low for me the expectations are so low that that's pretty decent for my standards oh now we got some threes thank you next off let's go this is my cup of pudd in here Vancouver Canucks if I mess this up we are royally cooked let's get it I'm going to take my time here it's still not going to be good cuz I'm bad at drawing and I'm using a mouse yor like it like this I think that's pretty good there's definitely like some other like designs that come in through this logo that maybe I can try to like speedrun here I might end up like making the logo look worse but there's definitely like some more more designs that come in here I think that might made it look worse and I think this is also filled I'm filling this I don't care it's hard to say if it's good the problem is it's a pretty detailed logo and I just don't have time to do it but we'll see if I messed up any major details so I don't know like I got the mouth kind of the mouth definitely cuts off like here though bring that back up kind of cuts off and then like the eyeball it wasn't very good conu Nate saying best one I got a a got a four I think that was pretty mediocre especially since I'm a Canuck fan I think I should have been able to give better details I've done better five out of 10 I think that is literally like mid so I would say 5 out of 10 is probably the perfect ranking next off we have Vegas now I love to hate Vegas so we'll see if that hatred gives me a good memory so I think it's literally just a night helmet um and then it like it they also kind of have like this shield design this this outer layer is not going to be good I'm just letting you know I should have drawn the outside first cuz the the inner part like fills it but it comes down like more like this I think like this yeah you know what um I'm just going to stop there cuz I don't want to I don't want to see where else I can take this cuz I don't think it's getting any better uh so I'll show you the logo so you know how bad I did I kind of got the mask I knew it was a mask definitely didn't draw it right um I was wrong about it extending to the bottom there's that black uh Black Background yeah twos and ones not too good not too good at all two more teams left here I about Ms painted out so let's get this over with Washington Capitals oh I do not even freaking know I think it's literally oh I want to say they spell out Washington in the [Music] logo oh gosh aidol what's their actual like logo though they have a hockey stick in it somewhere right there's got to be like the flag and stars cuz it's the capital right oh gosh that's as far as I'm getting I can't even think of anything else capitals logo um so there's logo I was drawing not no let's not talk about it let's move on let's move on from that one let's not talk about that one ever again wiip piig Jets to end it all off can we end on a high note considering that I can't even think of their logo I'm going to say probably not it's not looking good oh God yeah no I cannot I think it's a it's a plane right it's like oh my gosh okay I'm on the wrong tool oh no that looks like a tree that looks like a Christmas tree bro I think it's like a plane and planes I think they have these outer parts and then it's surrounded by a circle I drew this way too big oh gosh yeah I drew this way too big Winnipeg Jets Winnipeg Jets let's see how we did on the last one Winnipeg Jets logo I forgot the I forgot the leaf I think it's a leaf is that a leaf the inner bit and all the outer bits it is a jet though that makes sense I drew like a Boeing 701 or whatever they're called I don't know if that's correct two out of 10 thank you guys appreciate it well guys I'm going to wrap this up um can we full screen this what's going on here that's been drawing every single logo from that's been drawing every logo in e oh my gosh that's been drawing every logo in alphabetical order that's been drawing every NHL logo in alphabetical order if I mess up this intro one more time it's going to be my 13th reason why if you enjoyed the video like subscribe and until next time guys take care of yourselves I'm never doing that again that was the most painful experience I've ever been through let's hop on NHL now I need to take a breather here I'm going to I want to play some online verses real quick though gosh that was a terrible experience hopefully it makes a good video though hopefully did you guys watch my goodro not my goodro video sorry the Columbus Blue Jackets video rebuild video let me know what you guys thought that video If it was uh it was okay crime dog are you you're on PS5 right if you're on PS5 we converse 100% you loved it awesome the one thing I hate about doing uh these videos is how I have to get the logos cuz I have to jump into practice take screenshots blah blah blah blah and that's how I get my do my thumbnails all right let me we can get some music going I like the music the only problem is one sec one sec only problem is it sucks when I get like a clip and then it's got like this music on it I kind of dislike that but if it makes my more entertaining I think it's worth it so there we go and I'll throw some music on for you guys that I won't be able to hear but you guys can listen to CU I think you guys like to have the music back there so let's um let's do some lowii not lowii um noncopyright music Let's do let's do the Pokemon one if you guys don't like it let me know mute this ad real quick boom boom boom there we go so let me know if it's too loud or anything oh my gosh the ads bro YouTube ads that's what they should call it cuz it's just ads let me know if it's too loud or anything like that uh I deleted nhel 24 for a week ago I have save space I have to save space for better games fair enough you could always try to get a SSD to increase the space MLB the show is actually the ps+ game of September it's not out yet but I'm thinking I might do that as a little stream play that a little bit I feel like that could be fun yes I appreciate you Leafs King you're my you're my guy when it comes to letting me know when I'm muted and all that stuff music music uh volume so car not car dog crime dog crime dog let's go yeah people complain about the YouTube notifications a lot I guess it's not very good I'm versing crime dog in Chell and then after that maybe some world toell or something I don't know undecided at this moment I'll figure it out in a bit so yes yes I'm making the um logo video into oh my gosh the logo record the logo drawing thing we just did I'm going to make it into a video that's what I meant oh that's your PSN also okay okay let's go yeah I'm making into a video primore dog 27 here we go oh wait I already have you friended okay kanak you can't keep just joining my games bro or else I'm going to have to unfriend you [Music] could you leave the game please I'm versing crime dog I'm going to randomize my team we'll do it I going do it three times but honestly I do want to use Pittsburgh I want to throw on um where are they I like these [Music] jerseys I already told you conu Nate what was up I don't know yet might do eshl after this game we'll see oh yeah you didn't see the full thing yeah I'm going to do that probably try to get it up for tomorrow hopefully oh yeah playing as [Music] Columbus hey I'm not I'm not taking it easy on you though [Music] oh Crosby can't do uh forward [Music] Michigan I don't know how to do the behind the net deak someone said you just do L1 and triangle but it didn't work what the hell what I've never seen that yo EA EA Sports It's in the game and just let me me just clip that real quick EA Sports It's in the game how how does this even happen What what did it get stuck on why is there like an invisible wall there for it to even get stuck on wwea I feel like I've been seeing so many glitches since I started streaming I've played so much NHL this year and I've never seen like glitches and now that I'm streaming that's all I ever see [Music] o good stpe EA Sports is not in the game EA Sports is in the money I never actually played NHL 11 I saw a uh like Tik Tok talking about the best NHL games and they said that like nhl1 19 was really good and I was just thinking of like the stream the other day or like the other week when we went on NHL 19 and the gameplay was so awful Nostalgia is crazy bro it's a crazy thing o I'm just nailing Merin in The Mask right now oh right off the head sup no noi sorry I didn't see your last message I just saw it now EA Sports tell me the Ford it's just on the back of your card guys big news here I'm giving away free v-bucks all I need is the fun numbers on the front of your mom's credit card as well as the three fun numbers on the back also um give me your postal code and like all that good stuff and free v-bucks don't actually do it don't don't actually do it please do not do that oh no oh bro you had him a shoot well I take this penalty time to sell out in case you weren't aware I've made a patreon and it's a great place to go if you enjoy my content and want to support me I'm trying to keep streaming and from my actual setup and not just from a box so if you want to do that cool if not it's all good if you do subscribe you'll get an epic shout out in my videos moving forward indefinitely [Music] forever so that's my [Music] pitch don't you take enough money from my mom I don't I don't got any of your mom's money what are you talking about what are you talking about your substance 150 OG o [Music] [Music] [Music] you're only 2 years old okay fair enough two-year-olds don't have much money it'd be kind of funny though if someone subscribed cuz they would be the only one that gets shouted out in the video I feel bad for scoring that one imagine me just going like shout out to my supporters on patreon and it's just one dude [Music] [Music] y you want to play me online versus are you on uh no you don't you're on like PlayStation 4 aren't you I like first seeing you guys in uh online versus it's fun I I I don't I don't know I don't really like the idea of doing the custom teams with random players with random overalls like I get it it sounds fun but like at the end of the day if I create a guy and call him Joe Biden that doesn't really have anything to do with Joe Biden or anything to do with like Justin Trudeau oh he got Merc leans you want first me nights are were you on PlayStation awesome dude yeah let's first after this game oh the AI voices president play it's kind of funny but you're on PS4 aren't you gaid there's no online online versus only PS5 versus PS5 I thought [Music] oh you played against PS5 before we can try I just don't think that's how it's work it works at least o o yeah I've seen I used to watch him before he did that stuff I don't think there's enough room in the space for two people to do those videos penalty shot freaking good Branson hold on I know what I'm going to do [Music] that's not what I wanted who should you rebuild in NHL uh challenge yourself do San Jose I like doing the like teams that start at the very bottom what what the heck was that you did the conu stury with the logo I know the can canover vanox [Music] you're going to lock it down saw my new videos a banger thank you bro I appreciate it I tried I try to make it better than the usual videos what [Music] oh no [Music] oh the dangles [Music] [Music] salary on bro come on salary cap off is too easy then you could just sign everyone in um for agency you post only bangers Thank You Gavin I appreciate [Music] that right now Chris I have two people queued up I'm trying to verse people I haven't versed before we versed before right I'm pretty [Music] sure oh okay [Music] oh hope you have a great stream thank you thank you I love using Crosby using guys with backhand beauty is so fun yes it is inspired by TDI and [Music] what the hell no go no no goal I don't know why no goal goalie interference goalie interference yeah no no no no no no goalie interference yes sir why don't they show the rest doing no goal anymore oh my gosh I robbed you I used her goalie that [Music] BR just wants one just one a you're playing NHL 17 ooh um that would have been right out use the Maple Leaves cuz they would have just got Matthews Matthews would be a rookie oh my gosh I misclicked that it seems up a little late yeah you missed the logo drawing it's all good though I'm going to make a video out of it when school starts what time will stream I'm probably going to do the same stuff cuz I've been graduated for a fat minute I try to stream so that you guys can watch so I'll try to keep that in mind but we got a lot of different time zones in here I also got to make it work with my schedule as well look at this charging at the end of the day even if you missed the stream you could always watch it later watch the videos I make and stuff like that but yeah I Tred to try to stream earlier if possible oh bro you open a pack and this Su pending item that's weird oh no no no no no no no just beat me up just beat me up you rebuild Vancouver won in s cup in the first season nice it didn't realize when I lined up the hit I didn't realize I injured good in the game with a really dirty hit by accident I didn't mean to I didn't mean [Music] to I didn't know who it was bro I've just been leveling everybody oh oops bro you're literally holding him offside hey oh L by yes Lon has like three years left two or three years left I want to stay on his contract [Music] he's making like 8.7 mil though so it's quite [Music] [Music] expensive well you play Hut or online be Pro I'm going to online be a pro what do you mean online be a pro Oh you mean ESL I said I would first Gavin and uh someone else respectfully forgot who sorry GG's it didn't count the the clock was done bro it was over it was done yeah nights nights yes so Gavin I'll try and set up a 1 V one here but honestly I don't think that PlayStation 5 and PS4 Converse each other but we can always try do I have you on uh Playstation or what is your username yeah if you're on Playstation I can play you I'm sorry crime dog it was an accident I didn't I lined it up and I didn't realize who it was lady of liberty no it's all good bro it's all good my old username was pretty embarrassing too lady of liberty uh lady uh dice l a d y o f l i b e r t y are you sure it's not spelled differently it says there's uh no players found my name's roft R YB i s o f t look me up too I'll be right back I just want to grab a snack Taylor gets Taylor switch she's a snack is it because um can you not friend people on the other console anymore uh Knights what's your username then we'll have to do someone else then unfortunately bye-bye no Noy yeah if Knights isn't here then okay Knights is here after Knights I'll verse you if you're on yeah dirty dirty Xbox player didn't I thought I friended you already I'll just keep typing it but I thought I did want seven maybe I just invited you to um be a I'm calling it be a pro now yes HL H you know what I always forget there's these teams let's go alumni honestly the sad being only 89s is kind of disrespectful all right let's go the Deans and lynon oh [Music] they're so [Music] tired oh morison let's go oh nasland oh oh oh no that's oh that's awful terrible call terrible call larionov oh Alex baros let's go [Music] gosh bro I wish my forwards would change I just changed my oh we're good [Music] no oh force [Music] [Music] it body him with Lou oh Lind Daniel Henrik uhoh oh oh do you have in net who do you have in net this guy is crazy it said you had like an 84 overall in that or something bro Bros freaking cracked and [Music] Burke ah Gober toi Gilbert [Music] uhoh how does that get through oh I had you too oh my gosh that was stupid oh what a shot rocket if players get arested you know I've always said I thought it would be cool if they had the feature where players see now it feels really wrong to say but like you know got arrested uh even like died but now it sounds so bad cuz I was like it's just a simulation it's just for fun like you know but now it feels it feels wrong to say that so I don't even know I know in like uh one of the FIFA games your character I think could actually die like your your pro so I don't [Music] [Music] know oh a [Music] [Music] [Music] oh no oh good play man I can't believe that hit didn't connect Madden should be free because it sucks it sucks and they don't add anything to it it's uh it's Pokemon music get it correct oh I hate when you turn into the wrong guy when you try to switch characters ah I can't lose my ego lock in lock in lock in okay I'll take that all day I got to take him down to0 I have to [Music] go B oh no that was bad dang bro the goalies got my got my number Sean Burke never heard of him respectfully no he good good two periods down by one I think we got robbed a couple times well played though he's definitely he's definitely pretty good you're pretty good bro pretty good probably the best of the people in chat that have first so far [Music] [Music] dang no I can't get a rebound for my life oh no no hustle hustle there you go just wait till you play me and then lose 20 to nothing yeah you know I don't I don't know about that one you start ice SK license that's fun I was talking to my girlfriend when we went to the hockey game the other night about how much I wanted to go skating [Music] it was her brothers game it was a exhibition game your parents think the Adam Johnson situation it's a scary thing you know I definitely think uh should wear your your neck guards I don't know you can't live life in fear it's it's a very rare thing but you know talk is definitely not the safest sport but I don't think you should live in fear [Music] [Music] bro you hate the next the neck things oh they think you're going to slip and crack your head open where a helmet what do you mean our Play Let's Go look [Music] oh $10,000 here for helmet I don't I know they're not cheap but they're also not 10K I fak the tow drag I knew you would uh you'd bite on it [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh pulling goly [Music] ah no GG's [Music] all right leafi it's your turn to get [Music] smoked do I you said I had you added right what was your username [Music] oh you're eating do you know when you're going to be done [Music] 10 minutes uh honestly I'm going to hop on World of Chell then I'm going to play at least one I'm kind of tired of NHL for today so I probably only do like maybe one game but yeah I don't know I don't know how many people we got on here I do not want to play goalie someone else play goalie someone else take the bullet [Music] all right guys hop on the game hop on filler [Music] slots take Center all right check out my customizations I guess we'll go to Rewards we're doing 6v6 my singular hot bag wait it's yellow what is this oh wait no this is uh why can't I think what do you call this our team or club club stuff well that's a fun [Music] logo um is the store open question [Music] mark let's see no it is not again I still don't understand when they open this shop and why it's not constantly open that is a goofy goofy goofy goofy invites okay hold up hold up give me a sec give me a second we have two slots so so Tom and Levi who who are you who are you do I have you added yet oh if Hawks Fan's playing too then we don't we don't have the slots well Lei Lei you haven't played with us yeah I said I would get you in here didn't I I don't think we have the slot for for you box fan oh I said the same to you crime dog you're in here I got you you're in I don't think we've had Lei lefi I need your username though Club invite yes um fortunately I have to go to another screen to do it which is stupid Levi I need your club or not your Club I need your username please your username please please oh oops I think Levi said he would play goalie going to have to talk to Levi okay if you want to be added to the club as in you're not in the club yet you need to give me your eshl usernames and then I can invite you or you can just look up the club the club is the PAW Patrol you can look it up and you just join that way too either way I'm in here if you want to give me your username or you can search up the team whatever you want to do [Music] are we good now you're in you're Red Beard okay cool all right ready up let's get it [Music] [Music] I sleepy [Music] you're bad at gie Prime dog do you want to go in that then I'm going to I'm going to queue it up do fine okay I mean all you really got to do is don't try to do too much follow the guy where the puck is with your like guy you know come out of the crease a little bit I would say when there's a shot probably go into the butterfly and just try to follow you're just surveying I would say no the hold on to the post button turn off tether controls if you want I hate it so I like to turn it off did bro just make a freaking Moto for us it's the space PA space Patrol you can see it on the [Music] screen Wonder Pets Wonder Pets we're on on our way hey we have a full PlayStation Squad we work together to say the name go what yeah it's split up between PlayStation 4 PS5 [Music] let's go we got why are they player one through six are they no you can't play couch cop with six players what I'm so confused why maybe they're hiding their [Music] names oh it's because it's the playoffs really that's why they do it match has not met the minimum player requirement what happened did the other team just leave I guess Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh awesome aesome hey just rejoin we'll try it again I think they wait Maybe [Music] [Music] oh you need to get another [Music] invite yep res sending the invite There You Go Wonder Pets Wonder Pets we're on our way we work together to save the day go Wonder Pets yay yeah all right ready up let's go let's go let's get it let's get it and get it [Music] [Music] crie dog let's go thank you there we go okay let's go let's go [Music] yeah no problem bro well hopefully we won't have to pull you [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] all right new game hopefully this one doesn't crash watching me over pasta w w man 66 Ms the pain the pain is this not like the same team I recognize the baseball logo but maybe it doesn't matter we got the game it is the same team too let's get it let's get it the boys what is that that's crazy the boys that's the boys I don't know why I just have like a seizure M will be the show yeah I'm excited to get it for uh Playstation Plus this month oh Good Start close one a okay try to stay more in your crease because you there's really no reason to like really leave your crease that much it's okay you'll figure it out we'll get through it [Music] oh no hey so Tom you got to get back and defend brother if you do go on attack that's fine someone falls back but after like you're on your rush you have to come back oh my gosh there's another fight oh there's another fight oh my gosh bro he can't block am I going to be like the only one on the ice here you saw freaky comment pass this live stream earlier I saw him the other day in my uh live stream he said hi is it just me just me in yellow oh is that not tripping bro he literally knocked me over when I didn't have the Pug I did not mean to try to shoot that there's a big hit your M uh your grandma won 3K that's kind of fun it's okay guys let's hold it together let's hold it together let's go I tried passing it up but I don't know what even happened it just didn't leave my stick oh no bad okay Chris you're a Defender why are you offside bro we've told you this like a 100 times bro okay I don't want to be mean but we've asked you don't go offside if you keep going offside we're not going to put you we're not going to get you in here please play your position let's go yellow beat him up beat him up let's go areen we like three and0 in our fights or something four and0 go crazy nice flow we need to switch to numbers though everyone's number 24 rivalry we have so much history against this team oh my bad well not really real realistically you probably shouldn't have intercepted the pass but it's all good oh no he there you go I don't know why I just can't land my hits right now oh good save 2 want one let's go put it out put it in let's go good play you want one fight it's all good bro you can fight if you want if I shot that I would have been stuck in a fight I'm glad I didn't get that off I'm not fighting bro I'm not seeing the box for half of the game all right well we tied it up we were down 20 damn they really like to fight Mike wasowski let's go good period we started off a bit rough but the second half was good uh oh o PK time let's go big PK I'm not fighting you Mike I'm not fighting you wasowski get out of here dang they go offside just as much as we do oh let's go stop screening clip is that clip worthy Ro playing first person perspective [Music] that was a dangerous [Music] pass oh oh no [Music] that was such a weird bounce I freaking bonked it off my head right in oops [Music] hey oh watch it oh my gosh I just got bodied where's the defense oh my gosh bro just cuz we're pushing into the offensive zone doesn't mean every sing player on the team needs to cross the offensive Blue Line before we've even established coverage bro I I can't even get the pck someone stole your name on YouTube I feel like I'm better playing as a 69ine enforcer than with like the other build I had I tried to shoot for a rebound you're watching me on VR big hit oh yeah you you have to be back see like yellow why are you up there and heal yellow and heal both defense are gone after this game I'm not I'm not going to like when we have slots full people who want to play I'm not going to let people who don't want to play the position actually [Music] play thank you for the compliment bro appreciate it what was your username before or what [Music] [Music] oh no I lost it oh you're morit [Music] cider all right I want to win it to you teal you can slapshot it top left corner not quite but hey good try I hit the wrong [Music] guy ow oh I'm injured that's it that's it I'm on demon mode now demon mode never mind I just got dominated oh good play Oh I got an assist [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I missed s i misclicked I meant to do a datsu tow drag and I did a rever hit sup meter grater there will be an open space I think I'm going to do just one more after this though do one [Music] [Music] more you'll be goalie next game sounds good bro as long as I don't got to play goalie I'm happy I like playing goalie now and then but just not every single game am I injured for the rest of the game is that really how that [Music] works that is so unfortunate what even happened there how did that get in those drawings for horrid thank you than you thank you imine if I swatted at it off the line that would have been [Music] sick Haw fan why won't you be playing what do you mean [Music] how tall am I in real life oh my gosh bro I forget how bad my agility is give him a little teabag a no yeah we'll get you in uh Hawk fan we'll rotate anyways get two different people in here I think Chris Chris and um Levi both said this was their last game in real life I'm 6'2 or I'm like 6'1 and a half [Music] you're 5'4 but you're also not fully grown you are not 6'4 are you actually how old are you I thought you were like I guess I don't really know oh okay I thought it was me I was worried [Music] I love knocking them over oh no go yeah yes let's go [Music] oh oh no I didn't did I get a two minute for that if so that's my bad I finally got to beat up Mike wasowski okay no we didn't get a minor you guys better lock in here while I'm gone bro you made some good saves you say you're not very good but honestly I don't know why I just like blanked brain no you made some crazy [Music] saves go guys come on down by one [Music] the fans look goofy in the game yeah they look like they're for like a PS2 game oh my gosh another [Music] fight oh am I out or is he just coming in oh the goalies are fighting too [Music] did we just lose um SL teal SL Chris I think was just about to get on if we got another whistle can we let's try to get a whistle here so I can I can help out if possible [Music] oh good shot yeah they're just playing [Music] it there we go power play Hey pull okay pull yourself with like a minute 30 left halfway through in the offensive zone that's when I would pull [Music] yourself hopefully we can score without needing to pull you though what was that pass by the AI bro [Music] oh Martinez yeah let's go I [Music] game oh my gosh hey it's okay get it in oh [Music] no here we go [Music] the BM [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my gosh this was the awful goal yeah I know we need to switch our names and numbers it's going to be five on five five on five yeah [Music] okay let's [Music] go sit down please ah unfortunate unfortunate [Music] nights W game bro okay get the new guys in let's go one more game [Music] so it says this is a quote unquote elimination game want take me a minute bro okay that's fine I you're watching all the highlights it's okay we're waiting for Fox get in here wait what the heck was that that guy's head got big while his body was small I still have no oh I have this one apparently um big [Music] hit that's so annoying I'm going to equipped it oh my gosh that's so annoying let's make my uh skating look all Goofy H at 1% plug it in [Music] brother let me know when you guys are ready [Music] uh what else do I have to customize oh have different I like this one I like the surfer you guys are ready we can we get confirmation there is everyone in oh I got a new stick oh yeah you can do no helmet I kind of like my like greasy helmet my guy looks like me because he is me I am literally him I want to see if we can slap on a logo yet cuz I'm I'm sick of this no logo [Music] Shenanigans also New Jersey no this one's better wait how do we okay no I want to slap the logo on can I slap the logo on yet we got the chest logo guys let's go we got a chess logo we don't look like a freaking practice jersey [Music] anymore that's sick hey let's go guys Knight's ready up you're going to buy that Jersey [Music] okay let's go I I sense a giant W coming up you're the only one here I think there's more people here [Music] I'm sensing a five goal loss no two goal win three goal win six to three win that's what I'm feeling oh no we got the ugly Wagers he's on no I didn't make the wag jersies look nice I didn't slap the logo on I should have done that rip riperoni pepperoni [Music] hey must-win game here boys let's go let's get it [Music] it looks like your practice [Music] jersey oh big [Music] save I wanted to see how many hits I got last game I forgot to check probably got a fat fat [Music] [Music] chunk oh my gosh she's injured [Music] [Music] [Music] paused who did it who did it unacceptable [Music] [Music] o yinin oh [Music] speed ow I got knocked yellow why are you offside why are you offside why are our defense always the ones that are offside somehow it don't make no sense it don't make much sense boobies oh two for one Wombo Combo I have major beef with our defenseman in every game oh good pass where are you going oh good play I don't want to force a pass I messed up I'm holding the pass button I don't know what I'm doing bro that's was my bad that was all my bad there you go oh no oh oh I drew a penalty let's go four on four what [Music] ah okay there you go four on three that's uh that's dangerous or is it four on three I forget that 4 and four goes quick I don't know why they Rush the 4 and four they did okay so it's 5 on four I'm going to push damn I can't get a face off oh oh my gosh bro imagine if they did that to us you like thir their jerseys are pretty sick F no ah I hate it I hate it I am this is my last game last game in The Penalty Box in The Penalty Box let's go oh I didn't really get a good angle I don't really understand what you just did there but what a goal Luongo 69 okay it works connate stop glazing your own like play why do you glaze yourself every time you get an assist and a goal it's so cringe bro unironically major ick bro major ick I'm all for self Lov but that's just self indul [Music] [Music] 2 one watch out for the pass good interception good period good period guys the wongo will not best us [Music] [Music] [Music] I can't deal with the self glazing [Music] ah unfortunate um I thought we about to get a fight oh good hit oh no he's too fast for me I'm getting my energy back guys don't worry about me tell the net come on oh my gosh just hit our own teab baate oh There You Go Power Play Let's Go you told him to roast you why oh nice try you were eating food at the time what he make a a weight joke or something bro bro bro [Music] probably bigger than queso impossible yo Hawks fan low key like you can play as a 2 a and go into offensive zone but like you got to pass you've went for like multiple michigans on the power play which I respect you stop eat unhealthy good for you bro oh ow oh my gosh you just put me into splits bro [Music] it's a video game what do you mean it's a video game it is a video game oh look like gu gloves oh good save oh [Music] let's go oh what you want to go you want to go you go back to school September 4th oh gez that's three days can you say you were in grade eight now or something grade eight grade n something something like that great eight it's fun it's a new experience are you nervous how do you feel about going into grade eight bro I'm want to every time you self glaze yourself I want to freaking put you on a on a timeout pride pride is a sin nervous but you'll get used to it I mean obviously I don't know what school's like out there probably very similar I had fun with grade eight grade N grade 10 were pretty good they aren't very difficult in in my opinion 11 12 is where things get quite difficult depending on what classes you take but yeah it gets it gets spicy sorry about trash Goan the second bro no you're fine honestly I don't blame you ah that was a good setup by them [Music] o yeah sometimes kids are like that I can't imagine being a teacher would be difficult [Music] go Knights come on you you're going to bury that all day A nice try oh oh I tried to shoot for a rebound my guy just misses the entire net where's the D I thought there was a d back teers don't get paid enough I agree you had to go to French teacher bro my French teacher scared me in grade [Music] eight oh dang I tried to pass it up it just didn't happen oh no leave me be leave me be I don't want to fight your French teachers going to be different that sucks I hope you get good teachers make some friends I would say probably pull yourself out a minute minute 30 if we can get offensive zone oh that's not it a boy [ __ ] good try it's unfortunate that hit didn't land [Music] o it's hard learning a language genuinely you're not going to learn a language um from just being in a class like you have to do a lot of work outside like it genuinely isn't something that you could just really pick up in class in my opinion you're all good bro don't worry about it charge oh whatever I didn't think that was charging I got scammed got scammed got scammed s [Music] GG's Bob Wall is not my real name that would be a sick name though GG's [Music] [Music] no I'm done for [Music] tonight what's what's the hit total what's the hit total 23 dang I I keep feeling like I hit through so many more I guess a couple of them were just [Music] nudges all right GG's GG's [Music] I want to look at my stats I want to see my I want to see my hit totals in the club then we'll dip too bad we didn't get wear our nice logos unfortunate [Music] where where's it at py minutes yeah my bad hits 140 140 hits in 12 games but um plier Canucks gives me a run for money 73 and N or not nine and eight but yeah guys you know the deal end of the stream I'm excited for some MLB I might do a stream on it when it does drop I don't it what day is it it'll probably drop Tuesday I think that's when they do their updates something like that I don't know but I feel like that would be some fun uh going to upload the drawing the logo video for tomorrow and then probably try to get a second episode of the Columbus video for tomorrow well well not for tomorrow but done tomorrow for the next day and all that good stuff so like always be safe take care of yourselves have a good night have a good one take care of yourselves goodbye be safe bye-bye

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