Big Earthquake in Southern California Soon? Elevated Activity Worldwide today. Saturday Night 9/7/24

Published: Sep 07, 2024 Duration: 00:46:31 Category: Science & Technology

Trending searches: earthquake today
all right how's it going out there folks welcome back here to a Saturday night it is your earthmaster out here September 7th 2024 about 10:30 p.m. local time here in California latest activity here across the globe shows some movement out into the uh oh 5.5 coming into the pagini well Solomon Islands and also over here across fonu watatu getting the swarm of earthquake activity out here in a uh big fashion right I think today has been in uh in understatement in terms of uh uptick here today we've seen a lot of earthquake activity across many areas around the globe here and more specifically out in the west coast California and also this six-pointer that stirred up some activity out here in the area I want to cover California first here we'll get to you know we'll get to the rest of this a massive amount of earthquake activity here in a little bit it's definitely been uh elevated to say the least okay so Southern California we've seen a little bit of swarming going on out here across the area outside of Ontario uh due south of the Rancho Cucamonga area got a swarm of about 41 earthquakes here really no main Quake right it started off with a 3.5 but we had various other magnitudes including a magnitude 3.9 that was larger than the 3.5 obviously so we really can't say there was a main Quake with an Aftershock sequence out here because there wasn't there's a lot of earthquake activity occurring uh in a seismic swarm okay about 41 earthquakes here in the uh total tally if we go back and look here over the last 30 days specifically of this area well there really hasn't been any earthquake activity here in the last 30 days um because I'm trying to figure out exactly what uh uh Dr Lucy Jones here is kind of chatting about I want to show you guys real quick the uh her Twitter account or X account here uh this was noted today on our social media account today we are having a small swarm in the Fontana seis Missi area uh Northeast striking line of many small Quakes today we have various magnitudes I've seen this there's a typo uh this type of cluster in Fontana dozens of times in my decades watching SoCal earthquakes okay this is downplaying the overall situation out here right keeping everyone calm right it's it's just earthquake activity it's Southern California it's doing a great job right of keeping everyone calm and this is what wonders this is what uh uh worries me a little bit because if you look at some of these replies right here by Dolores in other words another day in SoCal and everyone's liking it and loving it you know complacency right but we shouldn't be complacent because of what's been going on not only today but overall the seismic activity events that we have been seen in a broadscale area of Southern California if it was just a little bit of earthquake activity out here uh yeah that happens a lot but it's not just that area it's all around Southern California it's a major plate boundary right the San Andre's fault here this is an 8.1 that can be be produced here on this plate boundary so all these seismic activity events that we've seen over the last few weeks here including the 5.2 in Bakersfield ridgerest activity uh Pointy Hills thrust fall is a sign of something much bigger I'm fearing uh this earthquake activity occurred on an unknown fault well unnamed is the Fault system right so I went back and looked uh there has been some uh earthquake activity out here specifically in a unnamed active fault so when we see earthquake activity out here it's just it's a little fracture zone right on the Pacific Plate side of the plate boundary here which is the San Andreas fault it's this area of Southern California is littered with a a bunch hundreds of fracture zones and rightfully so because you're looking at two major plates here the Pacific and the North American Plate here and Southern California sits on a very small fraction of it right but it's capable of producing an 8.1 so So within that plate boundary and outside of there we get these fracture zones occurring on each side of the plate boundary you can see them out here off Southern California and also in the North American seted plate boundary those fracture zones are not happening just because um just because it's a plate boundary well maybe so but they're they're increasing here the uh the plate boundary activity out here the strain out here is increasing the earthquakes and the pressure across various fraction zones out here across Southern California and that's what I'm talking about we haven't seen any major release upon the monster itself right this is where supposedly the plate this is where the plate boundary is not supposedly this is where it is and it builds up a lot of strain secondary fault systems here all these fracture zones sometimes can build up enough steam to produce earthquakes here and that's what we're seeing here over the last few weeks but that sign in itself is telling me that we need to watch the San Andre's fault because that's where most of the strain is accumulating and that's where the big earthquakes take place you're not going to see an eight pointer on the Bakersfield Vault up here or on the San asento fault Zone you're going to see it right there across the plate boundary where it's well overdue we know that it's well overdue it hasn't had a full rupture out here in over 300 years so the calming down here is a little on the nerv on the unnerving side when it comes to Dr Lucy Jones just kind of downplaying I've seen lots of swarms here and you know it it it uh I think it's her job to keep to keep everyone calm right and not to we don't want to create panic but also at the same time this is unlike anything I've seen here in Southern California in uh since I've been studying earthquakes out here we haven't seen this much elevated earthquake activity out here uh since I've been since I've been doing this so it has mean something obviously um it's got a purpose to it the the question is are we going to see a big earthquake this year or is this merely just a lot of rainfall uh you know all the rainfall that we've seen here over the last couple years soaking down into various faults out here uh creating elevated earthquake activity with with nothing to do with any major impending big earthquake I I don't believe that I believe if anything we're seeing uh uh something much bigger about ready to take place out here across Southern California we've seen various fracture zones out here the fracture zones uh across Western Mexico and I think even in Arizona as well uh seen some Fisher events take place out there there's a lot going on out here folks and we we're uh watching that pretty closely I want to show you guys here real quick uh earthquake activity from uh let me see what I put here real quick from um 11223 to today's time period this is just in general Southern California I know I covered a broader scale here back um couple nights back but I wanted to cover this this is last year from January 1st of 2023 to today's date of last year so we're looking at what N9 months and 8 Days 8,170 earthquakes specifically in this area and that includes some of those seismic swarms there in Southern California along the uh Broly seismic Zone what I want to do now is Type in today's event right remember that number okay let's go back and show you guys that number real quick 8,000 I can't remember the exact number here so I'm going to double check that 8,170 okay that's the number out there and when we go and check out a new date this year to uh right now see here make sure I didn't accidentally end end anything I have a couple hot Keys here on the keyboard that sometimes get pushed um yeah so let's see what we got 8,170 that's perfect that's exactly where we uh set it let's take a look and see what our activity is for this year so 8,170 look where we're at at right now compared to this time last year in the same amount of time period without we we really haven't seen a lot of swarming down here across this year well I guess there is some down there in the Broly seismic Zone but we had a few intense SWS there last year so that counted for a lot of the seismic activity but overall the picture here 9,592 earthquakes in the same time period from January 1st this year to the current date compared to last year where we seen 8,170 that's a lot of uptick if you think about that that's uh 9,000 about 1,400 earthquakes more that's a lot if you really think about it so you know not only have the earthquakes increased but the the magnitudes have increased as well in terms of the um the magnitude level so obviously as more earthquakes occur in the larger magnitude than the possibility here of something larger takes place here Dr Lucy Jones discussed it and I think you know I I know she doesn't want to cause any fearmongering and I'm not here to cause fearmongering either I'm here to inform uh everyone what's going on here in my observations and my studies but uh I I don't know I I think she knows more than what she's leading on there she won't answer any of my calls any of my questions when it comes to when when uh the last um earthquake occurred on the PO Hills thrust fallt in terms of the larger scale potential so you know account for everything that's going on here recently folks just in the last 30 days uh of the Southern California area we got uh uh 1,814 earthquakes and a couple different specific regions that we are watching the Bakersfield area where we've seen the 5.2 The Point went to Hills thres fault that Seena 4.4 and this area is capable of produ of U back over here this area is capable of producing a 7.5 so if you look at there individual separate swarms here of intensifying earthquake activity and what is you know what is around it there's kind of a an arrow shape right here right the Garlock fault Shear Zone this has a lot of strain built up on it folks I'm not even joking that's not feir mongering I'm uh getting more and more concerned about this as I see this daily activity out here in California um something uh is probably going to happen out here the question is exactly when how big and where but uh it is all leading up to something much bigger I feel a little bit of earthquake activity right now a little 08 just off the southern Branch here of the San Entre fault got to remember over 300 years folks and uh that's a lot of accumulation of strain here in this area nothing going on uh further south here but got to remember that's a plate boundary there's a lot of strain pushing up against it and uh been it's been accumulating for 300 years I can only imagine how much uh slip rate has been accumulated here in this area and I tried to find the specific system that this uh current activity is occurring on near the Rancho Cucamonga area but it looks like unnamed fault near Fontana I believe it's this one right here you can see that little green section here kind of extends at least over here extends to the east of where the earthquake activity occur is occurring the general earthquake activity is occurring right about here in terms of the events that we' seen today let me zoom in here real quick to show you guys again uh that's occurring just due south of ranch of kukamonga I don't think there's any fracking operations out here there's a whole Housing Development I don't know what was out here before but I'm sure these guys felt the earthquakes quite nicely uh that struck earlier this morning some of those earthquakes originally coming in as a 4.1 um if you go over here and check out some of these details in terms of the magnitudes they went with the error station uh only four stations here they went with the I I I don't know why but they went with a lower magnitude here some of these stations though got 179 stations reporting 4.2 19 stations reporting a 4.1 that's why originally this came in as a 4.1 earthquake but they decided to go with uh uh one of the lowest reporting magnitude stations up here that only four stations so but you got to remember you got to account for the error rate out here so error rate is a little bit higher here in the 4.2 uh range when it comes to these stations out here look at that one station reporting a 4.9 goodness but uh you know I'm not in charge of this stuff folks I don't work for the USGS I just observe and report and uh I've been studying the stuff enough to know though uh that things are on the up tick out here and uh you know that's one thing Dr Lucy Jones has mentioned here that uh we're entering into a phase she feels and I feel many other folks feel uh where we're going to see some elevated earthquake activity it has been recently quiet in terms of uh larger scale and even moderate uh to minor activity out here in terms of 3 3.0 and above but things have uh been on the uptick here in the last couple months and I feel this is going to continue until we see something much bigger happen out here across the area uh it's again it's not just one specific area I do not like that complacency right here you know this this comment right here that said um right here in other words just another day in Southern California right just but who knows it it's to be complacent like that is not a good thing folks you know a lot of people are going to get hurt and uh there's going to be a lot of damage out there because people are just expecting life to you or at least earthquake activity to never really impact their area but this area is capable of producing an 8.1 on the San Andreas fault the Pote Hills thres fall of 7.5 underneath Los Angeles not to mention other various areas out here that are well overdue so California if you really think about it here more specifically in southern P Southern portion of the state is it's a it's a hazard waiting to happen folks that's just a fact you know we've been living in very complacent times everyone's got a job everyone's driving nice cars everyone's you know going to work meeting friends and stuff like that but it's uh that's all going to probably come to an end here once that big one hits here it's going to be a a very damaging earthquake so we got to be prepared look at this little line of activity here across the Garlock Vault Shear Zone I again I think this plays a major part here in the relation to the s s Andre's fault it has to here because it intersects here look at that uh the um segment here that that shoots northwestward this is a Pacific plate boundary here this this area of land is moving off in this general direction North uh the North American Plate here kind of moving off towards the southeast but as a whole you know as a whole the North American Plate moving off towards the uh west southwest but locally here to this plate boundary you get that northwestward to southeastward motion here and 300 years of what 4 Ines a year I think somewhere around there uh that can uh be a lot of strain so this you know it's not no joke folks it's not fearmongering it's not me just telling stories it's me trying to uh just alert people that things could get uh potentially much worse here soon in the Southern California area mount Chasta what's going on up here at this volcano Northern California's volcano out here it's a beautiful volcano hasn't erupted in the past uh 4 or 500 years I think Mount Lassen back in the early n is it early 1900s if I remember right but yeah we got a little bit of earthquake activity here across Mount St Helens or Mount Shasta excuse me that uh activity within the volcano range here you can see the land Rising there due to the uh volcanic activity throughout time um I pulled up let me go over here and check out the uh where did we go USGS map here all right volcano still at Green nothing major going on here but there's a couple earthquakes here in the Southeastern area of Mount Chasta now the seismograph station here this is kind of interesting there was a period a little period of earthquake activity there's the uh um 2.1 and the 2.0 that occurred about 8 and 7:00 in the morning okay so those are going to be somewhat of the larger seismic graph signatures here but if you look here there's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 maybe 12 earthquakes or so in this little sequence of events that stirred up early this morning so the USGS reporting two earthquakes but there's more than that that's why I like to check out these seismograph stations here because they record the real data and even though those may be smaller than 2.0 they are still earthquakes and uh they're probably along the lines of a 1.1 they look about half the size of a two-pointer here so probably about 1.0 and a and below for the remainder of some of these earthquakes but nonetheless hey they're earthquakes right and uh that's what we got to keep an eye on there's nothing major going on there I don't think we're seeing anything in terms of uh inflation let's go double check that here across Mount uh Mount Shasta I haven't checked that out in a while so unfortunately there's not a lot of seismograph stations out or uh GPS stations out here along this area uh where the earthquake activity is occurring so we would have to check the uh Southern flank here a little bit of an uptick here in terms of inflation in the last couple recordings and if you look at it some of those readings are higher than any readings before uh up to about 2011 or so so maybe something going on up there we've seen a lot of Cascadia trimmer recently and uh one may ask well what does a Cascadia abduction Zone have to do with volcanoes in Northern California or across the Cascades well that that's why they're there that's why we have volcanoes is because of the subducting land mass here you got the uh you got the uh wuka plate as a whole here there's actually three little separate plates that used to be much bigger the Explorer plate up here to the north wuka plate here in the middle the larger of the three and the Gorda plate very small micro Quake or micr plate here that's slowly disappearing underneath the north americ complate but all that land mass there is melting down into the deeper areas below and of course voila you get these earthquakes and a volcanos there across the Cascade volcanic range Mount Chasta included um Mount Adams you got uh various volcanoes up here across the area of the Cascades and that's all due to the um subduction zone offshore here the Cascadia and that's been somewhat elevated out here recently so it's makes sense there to see a little bit of elevated movement in the deeper areas of some volcanoes this activity today there in Mount Mount Chasta about 5 miles here below the surface that would be somewhere where the magma chamber would be uh at but it's off towards the south east here so we'll have to have to keep an eye on that but I haven't really seen any earthquake activity um there across Mount Shasta in a in a little while eventually you know things will kick up we've been living in some very quiet times Mount St Helens couple smaller earthquakes around the vicinity um far as uh Cascadia goes as I shown you here there is not a whole lot of trimmer activity today but if you look at over the past month we've seen uh a lot check this number out 13,685 epicenters of trimmer now this is not volcanic trimmer but this is um if you can imagine the two plates here uh North American Plate and the wandu fuka plate as a whole here including those uh two other micr plates slowly um moving past each other down below in the deeper areas you pick up a vibrational frequency that is very low and it will pick up as trimmer now not volcanic trimmer but it's just a slow frequency vibration from the two plates um slowly going past each other down into the deeper regions so when that happens obviously strain continues to build Upstream right along the locked area of the Cascadia subduction zone ultimately leading towards a 9.0 or greater earthquake here uh in the future and by the way the last one was 324 years ago so you know there's a lot of Doom and Gloom out here across the West Coast we've been living in some gold times right discovery of the gold boom towns you know everyone's making money everyone's living the High Life everyone's got a Ferrari so to speak back in the you know the Gold Rush days but don't forget geology right that's one of my major studies I'm I'm uh studying right now it's a I'm trying to work towards my master's degree in physical science and geology is a big time part of it how all these mountain ranges form how did all these valleys form how did all these volcanoes form they weren't drawn up just from a uh a simulator they're due to tectonic forces out here so one of these days we're going to see a large n-p pointer one of these days we're going to see Mount St Helens pop again maybe even Mount Hood numerous volcanoes out here again any one of these are capable of producing a uh volcanic eruption Mount Shasta included so uh just yeah it's it's a matter of time before we see that big earthquake out here again across the Cascades it's just a matter of time before we see the Southern California earthquake happen I hate to be the bearer of bad news but that's the facts and uh it's not going away that's science and that will happen again so moving on past that further out and about out here across the Salt Lake City area this region seen uh a little bit of earthquake activity throughout the year um I'm thinking probably upwards of a couple hundred earthquakes or so around the Bluebell study area and I almost took a trip out here to study what was going on out here but uh there's uh potentially some type of uh I don't know if there's some heated surfaces below down here or not um but it's a very interesting area because they have seen a lot of earthquake activity here since the 1 of January this is only in the last month if we were to go back we'll go ahead and show that real quick here since about the uh 1 of January here and we're going to draw a little rectangle out here on the map right around that area of of the Great Salt Lake City area north here in the Blue Bell study area this region is uh of some highly interesting earthquake activity I want to show you guys real quick 263 earthquakes right in Utah no way that must be wrong you're lying no I'm not lying that's a lot of earthquake activity here uh the latest one is that 3.4 I showed you guys there in the mix of earthquake activity prior to that it's been a little sporadic but back in um I think in the uh oh May time period yeah I think it was May is when we seen the intensity of the Swarm out there um hundreds of earthquakes occurring out there in that area and um kind of I'm a little curious as to what the reasoning is what's going on out here um there's not a whole lot of Vault systems out here uh there's some to the east here but this specific area um I don't know it could potentially be somewhat uh maybe maybe volcanic I don't know I I do want to get out there and maybe look at this and and investigate a little bit deeper because most of these earthquakes have been occurring about six miles deep or so where we would see some magma activity so it's a it's a little interesting activity out there in that region of the world but goodness look at look at the map today folks tell me that everything is not uh on the ramp up right now there's a lot of activity ramping up out here and um today alone look at this activity today alone we' seen six earthquakes here including that six-pointer it looks like that six-pointer set off a chain of events out here and that kind of makes sense here that's where we see the general plate stress out here across the area um the Pacific Plate moves off to the west north West and every earthquake that occurs out here adds further strain to the West along the plate boundary and man is that happening right now fives multiple fives out here across the plate boundary right now one area that hasn't seen a uh a tremendous amount of large scale activity is the area around Solomon Islands 6.4 POA New Guinea area back in the looks like the 1 of September but this specific area here Solomon Islands around this little bin here is lacking somewhat earthquake activity and it has been over the last couple months so we'll watch that it is definitely on the uptick out here that is an undeniable um look at that tell me the last time you seen something like this on the earthquake 3D Globe within literally within an hour of each other I don't I don't recall that so we got some major plate adjustment going on out here folks not even joking notice that 4.3 up here on the globe that is actually an earthquake that occurred here along the um Clear Lake volcanic field and a lot of times that is under strain as well when there is a yeah that's that's funny because when I checked the earthquake activity this morning they reported that as a 4.1 they secretly snuck this in as a larger magnitude there across the geyser's area this believe it or not this region here um sees a lot of earthquakes here on various days uh there's a whole lot of hydrothermal plants out here and the believe back in the I think when it was that 2015 2016 don't quote me but uh there was a a period of some four upper fours and fives out here which created some damage to a couple houses and uh communities out here and they they started suing the folks there that had the damage started suing uh Calpine hydrothermal plant there uh hydrothermal operations that are in charge of this they may have changed their name by now I don't know if they went bankrupt or not but uh they um they got sued because there's a whole process involved here they're creating earthquak out here in the in the lon Volcan or not Lon but the uh Clear Lake volcanic field look at these hydrothermal plants out here all these earthquakes occurring within the fields here they know what's down below the surface some heated areas so there's a whole process involved where they inject raw sewage I was down here a couple years ago I wanted to see what the deal was and everything's secured but I did get close enough here to one of these secured facilities where I could smell raw sewage in the area uh but they inject the raw sewage below into the heated areas uh and create some dry steam that create energy to power the folks of the San Francisco Bay Area the northern San Francisco Bay area so but also at the same time I can't help but wondering if they're not poking poking a hole out here that may explode one day you know you you poke enough holes in a pie crust with all that Steam eventually pop goes to weasel right goodness but uh I I'm not in charge of it that's just a little Theory but yeah there there's definitely uh you know some earthquake activity happening out there today in a big fashion around these hydrothermal plants and that is uh that's a fact fact definitely all right let's see what else we got here across this area I know I've been studying the West Coast here for a little bit 1.7 Gladstone New Jersey not a big earthquake a little small earthquake out there uh one earthquake out in the uh Nicaragua area 4.2 coming in here within the last hour we got a major unrest going on out here folks across the world right now not even joking when things get active they can get active right I mean look at that I I need to really screen capture this because that is an impressive amount of earthquake activity that's uh been amping up out here across this area with the plate boundary New Zealand um still kind of waiting on some further large scale activity down there it's been moderate to minor in terms of the multitude of quakes out here recently just some threes popping off with various magnitudes out here higher across the plate boundary but eventually that that is going to adjust as well a little bit of swarming going on here across the uh Japan trench it looks like let's go over here and check it out but man that's a honestly can't believe the last I can't remember the last time I see an elevated activity out here like this folks so could get interesting here over the next couple days I think we're looking at I think we're looking at an eight pointer somewhere whether it's Southern California or somewhere else we should see an the eight- pointer every year if not every other year and the last eight pointer earthquake occurred back in 20 21 three years ago so we're overdue for an eight- pointer somewhere out here there's the Ed Japan earthquake activity a lot of it ramping up this afternoon all around the area of Japan don't forget the subduction zone here across the area South uh of the Mainland of Japan where the Japanese government put out a Mega Quake warning upper 8 magnitude earthquake is expected here in the for in the uh near future that's according to the Japanese government across the kumano ridge major subduction zone another earthquake down here into the uh new calonia area I I say it just popping left and right down here across this area Hawaii you know one would think here there everything should be on the uptic out here across Hawaii because everyone every area around the plate boundary is moving right the Pacific Plate it's a hot spot Hawaii sits on that hot spot or at least Hawaii is the hot spot not seeing anything major going on out here 2.3 in the last hour but uh aside from that things are just a little minimal out there across the killer way volcano let me give a quick glance here at the uh the Hawaii area kilaa volcano region on the USGS map here de information data because I you know obviously what's going on below the surface will show at the surface area in terms of deformation earthquake activity and so on oh man look at that good I think this is that Mark Timothy was talking about here Timothy mailed me here recently chatting about a huge spike in the inflation chart and goodness uh I would say that's a a pretty good size one so this right here obviously we got an influx of further magma going on here below the surface take a look here that's at the summit area tilt meter out here across the Upper East Rift Zone not so much so we got looks like we got more of a recharge going on here across the summit area most of our last couple magma intrusions or displacements from the semi area have been uh the original one a couple months back moved off here across this area to the Southwest down towards the LOI seamount and then we've seen another one out here across the Southwest Rift Zone which resulted in a periodic 10hour long eruption out here across the fishery event this year and then more recently a couple here across the upper east and Middle East Rift zone so it's a very interesting scenario obviously uh you know as I mentioned before this land wasn't created on a simulator you know like Sim City it uh was created due to plate tectonics and geology eventually this is going to form new land further to the southeast and um all these Hawaii Islands will eventually get eroded and weathered down as noted here on various um other islands that used to be out here this is you know this could this very well out here could be the big island one day underneath the water and uh with other areas of volcano out here uh other areas of Hawaii underneath water that's just that's how it happens that's geology and plate tectonics but it doesn't happen in an instant it does take a long L of time here but that is the facts here we see it so maybe uh out here see a new big island eventually so it makes sense here to see some volcanic activity and elevated movement working its way southeastward um let's see what else we got it's just been a crazy day folks Philippines area Southward still seeing a bunch of movement here a trail of deep activity and stronger events here across the area of the Mediterranean and Middle East areas it's it I don't recall honestly I don't recall the last time we've seen a whole bunch of elevated activity like this and we haven't seen any major impacts to the Earth in terms of solar flares or CMEs got nothing to do with space weather activity this has everything to do with uh convection below the surface what's going on within the uh regions of the um the deeper levels of the earth so turkey seen a uh 5.0 that's the area that's seen that seven-point activity was it last year or this year man goodness times just passing by I think it was earlier last year if I recall right that 7.8 there's a a bunch of other other earthquake activity out here as well during 2023 a little 5.0 occurring there today uh actually that was last night late last night the Atlantic Ocean has gone absolutely quiet aside from a 4.0 Way north of Greenland you know I just I I want to be cautious here folks I want everyone to be on guard here because we are seeing a lot of broadscale activity and please just don't get complacent Southern California is not a place to be complacent whether it's traffic or crime or anything else earthquake activity right do not be complacent out here because 300 and something years of strain has been building up out here across the plate boundary and we get when you get all this movement it's not just one week of movement that we've seen elevated activity it's the past six weeks or more that we've seen elevated earthquake activity out here as a whole in various areas around the plate boundary that is nothing to joke around with Yellowstone National Park Super Volcano right you think something going on there well let's take a look here a actually the Yellowstone area is one of the more quiet spots here I've seen in a long long time aside from that little steam explosion that happened a couple months back that it builds up right there's obviously some heated areas below there's a reason why there's geysers out here because of the heated areas below but occasionally we get these steam Pockets building up here moisture that seeps into the ground and it finds its way below some harder material and it just builds up from the heated areas below and it creates these little explosions not volcanic activity but steam explosions that happen out here but earthquake activity goodness Yellowstone is notada I haven't seen any major activity out there in quite a while in terms of earthquake swarming or any major up LIF uh Yellowstone is the least of our worries right now I think we need to watch the Southern California area and various other regions around the globe that is a uh that's for sure space weather activity uh see what we got here flaring activity minimal couple sea flares here low grade sea flares in the last 24 hours there's our inflare long duration inflare earlier uh yesterday it looks like but aside from that no major Roars in the forecast here folks the flare threat has dropped a little bit 15% chance for xflare uh M Flair uh 90 or 55 C flare around 99% chance or so we do have uh a number of active regions coming around the Eastern limb here pretty soon this is actually still well actually this was put out today it looks like uh but the UT TC time that makes it a little bit older here we do have this massive active region here that's been thrown off very large CMEs here recently there's been a number of large multiple explosions out there on the far side of the sun I believe this is one of the areas here that looks like a very active region that will be visible here in the coming days and that will be Earth facing uh here in about a week or so so we'll watch this Sunspot region that's one of the former sunspots that we're at out here yesterday or uh last time around maybe even a couple times prior to that because these sunspots they really don't disappear uh they they'll go around The Far Side of the Sun maybe weaken a little bit and then they'll come back into view strengthen and then so on but they get renamed every time they come back around the bin so I always found that a little odd that they rename the Sunspot that was the former Sunspot multiple times a new name but that's that's how it is far as uh the tropics go got a little bit of tropical development we're going to watch down there in the Gulf of Mexico as I put this forecast in the motion here um not anything significant at the moment um I mean that's that in itself right there ah that looks like maybe a hurricane going on let me uh bring up the National Hurricane Center here and see what we got we're watching this right here uh this system disturbance one there's a 70% chance of Tri uh Cyclone formation here in the next 48 hours that uh could spell a little bit of trouble as um we head towards the uh next week time period some of those models are showing a little bit of strengthening going on off the east coast here of Texas and uh a little bit of Rapid development occurring uh into a hurricane as it heads towards Louisiana so we'll check back on that though in a little bit I don't want to cause too much Panic out there but uh could be uh an area to watch here pretty pretty closely because we have a high percentage here of formation in the next 48 hours and also the next seven days so all right I'm going to bounce out of here folks um I hope everyone has a good good night um just don't be complacent you know we live on a very active planet in terms of geology and the whole plate tectonic World out here everything's moving around right very slowly but uh throughout Generations there um you know some of these fault systems and plate boundaries can accumulate enough strain to to produce these big earthquakes and Southern California I was hearing about it when I was a kid and that was many many years years ago that Southern California here is well overdue for a big one we're not talking about the Wittier earthquake or uh another other smaller Moder earthquake that occurred in the 90s we're talking about a 8.1 out here that's uh it's in the near future uh and I think we're seeing some of the signs of it out here recently uh not only in just areas of proximity here to the San Andreas fall but an overall picture here it's painted an overall picture here of uh something big happening out here across Southern California so just be prepared folks um you know I'm one that always keeps a lot of stock on hand uh water water is not that expensive right you can pick up a a case of 36 bottled waters for a few bucks that is the most important item I think you're going to want um and also you know the canned food you always want to make sure that you have some type of uh backup plan here because when the big one hits I guarantee you the grocery store is not going to be there uh and if it is it won't last for long with all the Looting and whatnot that will take place down there in in the uh area of Southern California so we'll watch this throughout the night folks tonight could be the night tomorrow could be the night it could happen in the next 10 years but all I know is the elevated activity out here is a sign it's a big sign that we need to be on guard out here for uh potentially something bigger happening we'll catch you guys back out here in the morning stay safe out there folks

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