4.6 Earthquake Australia. Southern California Eq Activity today. Sunday 8/18/2024

Published: Aug 17, 2024 Duration: 00:21:39 Category: Science & Technology

Trending searches: earthquake california today
World Wide how's it going there folks welcome back here to a Sunday the end of the weekend is upon us here so might as well get out there and enjoy it if you can it's about 11:44 a.m. California time here Sunday August 18th 2024 latest activity here on the globe shows a uh 3.3 out here in the South America region there in the green flag one of the latest earthquakes there on this Sunday uh far as world wide activity goes there's our big earthquake from yesterday the seven pointer um almost immediately following that earthquake there we had a volcanic eruption up there around this area uh North here uncertain on whether this was uh a relationship between I think it is a relationship between the two here whether uh this earthquake caused a volcanic eruption or whether this earthquake was a result of maybe something happening further down below uh the area is hard to say the 7.0 struck about 18 miles into this area and the volcano up north here a little bit but either way big earthquake and then ultimately a volcanic eruption there uh a short time later couple Aftershock sequences coming in uh one so far today 4.4 now there may be a handful of smaller Quakes in there as well not showing up on the earthquake 3D globe or the USGS map map here so uh we'll continue to watch this area it's capable of producing a NP pointer up here uh along the cam cam chakka there we go I've always called it the cam Chaka but uh it's cam chatka all right had a couple uh folks mentioned that to me the yesterday on my video uh cam chatka all right I can say that what else we got here for today uh far as any uptick following this movement from yesterday a little bit of activity stirring up around Japan here they did see a five-pointer and a couple other fours in the mix as well some movement here around Taiwan so it does look like things are intensifying across this area and of course this is a region here where the Japanese government they put out a warning for a mega Quake potential here in the near future so we'll continue to watch that area the subduction zone there along that plate boundary uh there's today's earthquake one of the more recent ones 5.0 21 mil deep here into the Japan trench couple other earthquakes here um had this one from late last night a little 4.8 so uh things are definitely on the uh somewhat of the uptick here across this area oh goodness what do we got here 4.1 a swarm of activity stirring up in uh Australia goodness what's going on down there let's go over here and see what's up I just seen that pop up here we go over to the emsc model and see what's going on uh down under there in Australia it's a little odd to see uh that amount of earthquake activity out here um okay Mouse you're getting replaced today I don't care I'm going to get a different Mouse today couple earthquakes coming into this area of uh where is this outside of Perth it looks like southwestern Australia I think they call this region out here Southwestern uh some earthquake activity coming in here looks like a at least a 4.6 uh 4.1 and uh a couple other earthquakes here within the vicinity of this most recent Quake that we're seeing there on the globe so some type of swarming coming in here uh could be getting ready maybe to see some bigger activity I don't know I mean it it's a ways away from the plate boundary I'm kind of curious to see what's going on down there USGS not picking up on any of it not even showing any of the fours uh but I do want to give a quick glance out here see what we got historically uh for earthquake activity historically in the Australia area I'm just going to go back to the year 1000 and draw a little rectangle out here across this area of Australia outside of Perth here that's going to be let me get an exact location here roughly within about this region right here I'm kind of curious see what we've had out here historically 39 earthquakes I guess that's in the yeah that's in the same region here I guess right around where a 6.5 struck back in 19 uh 68 yeah that's in that same location guys see that just to the just to the Northeast here uh where today's activity is stirring up uh looks like they just added that 4.6 here right now USG yes adding that 4.6 in the red circle there um so roughly in this location goodness we can see some big earthquakes out here I didn't know Australia got that uh big of a earthquake uh event out there a little bit of time has passed as well 1968 uh 6.1 back in 1979 so this area definitely looks like it is historically active uh with these big Quakes and it may be the the sequence of earthquakes that are happening out here right now with a some threes and fours stirring up this could be pointing towards something bigger out here yeah 6.5 15 kilometers deep back in 1968 couple other Quakes in there as well some fives um I'm trying to see what the the most recent earthquake is aside from today's event let me see here looks like uh it's been a couple couple years since we've had anything above 4.5 out here 2017 uh was the last one recorded on this graph prior to that uh 2009 4.6 couple fours in there as well historically but yeah there this area can get some big Quakes 6.5 uh do a little damage out there for sure so we'll continue to keep an eye on that as we got an uptick and earthquake activity out there in uh this area of Australia the latest one looks to be a 4.1 and then prior to that let me zoom in here a little bit oh this is see here 4.6 at 1805 this one got to zoom in a little bit closer this emsc model I'm still not uh you guys want to hear a mouse go flying through the room not a literal Mouse but a uh a remote control mouse 4.6 1805 this one was 1833 so it looks like the 4.6 was originally the first one couple other smaller Quakes in there as well USGS just getting on that earthquake so uh yeah a little little bit of sequence of activity stirring up out here today folks in the Australia like I say we don't normally see a lot of earthquake activity out here that's a little odd but history shows us we get some big ones so we'll continue to watch that there's been a a lot going on here around the uh Globe here recently all right let's see what else we got aside from the Australia movement [Music] um mostly well this is all typical across this area the fours and threes Taiwan Southward into the Indonesia islands area almost always getting earthquake activity like that nothing new there uh uh New Zealand area a couple threes here on the globe mainly under nor North Island area got one down south as well with a 3.2 from uh late last night it looks Southern California like uh aside from that let's go ahead and give a glance here at California maybe that will fix my mouse sometimes right you ever feel like just banging on things maybe it'll fix it hey it looks like it works prop perfectly it may have been just a little speck of dust in there I'm okay hey it works I like that see sometimes banging on things fixes them uh earthquake activity out here 2.5 and above Bakersville jumping in on the mix out here again it looks like getting a little bit of uptick here in Southern California um 2.5 and a 2.5 that's above the micro Quake level 10 earthquakes here in the last 24 hours this is a region that seen the uh 5.2 earthquake here well over a week ago now but um got about 658 earthquakes it seems like the number goes down each time I look at this even though the time frame is covering the earthquakes it's a little odd um see back in the it was a six of August here so we're looking at about 12 days ago is when that 5.2 struck here just outside of Bakersfield shaking things up and then of course we had a bunch of other events take place out here as well um but this region here still shown some 2.5S here today and that's a that's a hefty cluster of earthquake activity almost 700 earthquakes here in less than two weeks and that's the all magnitudes here if you go back and just show the 2.5 and above that a lot of the news agencies will use it only shows 95 but you got to remember an earthquake is an earthquake whether it's a 2.5 or a 2.4 just because you know only shows a certain amount here on 2.5 and above and earthquake is an earthquake so that's that's a hefty amount we'll continue to watch this area as is showing a little bit of uptick here today uh Ridge Crest area got one little small Spike here around the Los Angeles area uh let's see here got a 2.1 yesterday couple other smaller Quakes out here today around various fault systems here not maybe not on the POA Hills thrust VA fall out here but that is the region that we've seen that 4.4 stirred up a lot of news out here capable of producing up to a 7.5 and that thrust fall runs directly underneath Los Angeles downtown area and other areas around the vicinity so that's in in realistic uh speaking here in terms of safety and potential future earthquake activity that thrust fault is way more dangerous for the Los Angeles area than the big one going off here in San on the San Andreas fault and that's due to proximity right when you got a thrust fall right underneath the downtown area and you put a 7.5 there that uh will do more damage than say an 8.1 over here a distance aways it's all got to do with location location location all right uh further out and about Southern California extreme Southern cow fairly uh quiet aside from some micro Quake activity maybe I didn't fix it um although see a bunch of Threes down here in the Baja California area that cluster of threes and some twos that uh earthquake activity not showing up on the USGS map but there is some movement taking place here just further south of uh Southern California roughly around here I believe so we'll continue to keep an eye on northbound or this northward uh activity uh further north into Northern California fairly quiet it's been awfully quiet up here for some reason really haven't seen much of anything going on across Northern California couple smaller Quakes up into Washington um some around Mount St Helens there a couple smaller microquakes there in the map nothing uh nothing big for now the rest of the states fairly quiet nothing going on real quick glance here at Yellowstone National Park um don't really see anything of any noteworthy value there is a little a little Spike of an earthquake here it's going to be this one oh it's going to go flying little one right here that uh looks like it's let's see exactly where that may be it may not even be shown up here on the map on the USGS map uh but it looks like it it's at a distance away from Yellowstone National Park but nothing showing up here uh but it is there on the graph a little small earthquake but aside from that Yellowstone National Park is uh sleeping for now uh let's back out of here Hawaii got a 2.0 coming in I'm really surprised we haven't seen uh anything further going on there across Hawaii um far as the eruption activity goes still stretching up here to the summit area and a little bit down to the Lower East Rift Zone let me give a quick glance here at the monitoring data today and see what we have uh a real quick glance at the camera of the Lava Lake Area doesn't show anything of abnormal activity occasionally we'll see Steam or um you know some gases here you can see just a little bit seeping out through the cracks uh around the Lava Lake Area this is where the last couple eruptions were confined aside from the um most recent one which took place right uh right about in here more more recently that only lasted for I think 10 hours and that uh you know pretty much solidified here and now we're looking at a migration pattern across this area recently and uh it just just waiting on it that's all we can do right now there's a there was a pretty sharp inflation rate here last night that has since topped off and leveled out a little bit uh but overall trend at the summit region we are now above what we previously seen back in the end of July when that magma got displaced from the summit off to the east uh upper east Rift Zone here that lost a huge volume of magma and um no eruption just a magma intrusion off to the U upper east Rift Zone and now we've gone back up here at the summit so there's you know a number of things that can take place here we're just kind of watching that waiting to see what happens all right uh rest of the globe here see what we got across the area Mediterranean region a couple smaller Quakes out here looks like near Iran and uh some clustering going on out around the Mediterranean area some twos and threes even a four-pointer in there from yesterday that's going to be out here but really not showing up on the USGS map couple earthquakes there Eastern Afghanistan um let's check out Iceland a new day Iceland maybe some new activity let's see what we have uh oh starting to kick up here 160 earthquakes down around our area of Interest getting a little bit more active out here let's bring up the uh smaller microquakes as well did see a 2.5 of the mix here around the craters area last where you know where we seen the um the last couple eruptions take place here over the last eight months nine months it seems like now nine months 10 months somewhere around there off and on that is and um it's definitely kicking up I don't think we're going to see anything happen immediately but we got to watch this because this will intensify leading up to an eruption or just before any eruption we always see a massive amount of earthquak stir up here I wouldn't call this a massive amount yet but it is increasing in intensity uh just around the gvic area northwestward and then into the craters area but that also includes uh uh this region right [Music] here there's hogel sits right here yeah nothing uh I don't think we got anything at the surface levels yet but uh let's go check out the let's go check out the Iceland side here see if we got anything new going Australia on probably not most of the time on the weekend they're not going to put anything up unless it's a major eruption and things look pretty quiet not a whole lot going on there uh let's do a little visual here see what we got with the live from Iceland site nothing going on at the surface level a little bit of steam activity out and about there but uh yeah no sign of a an eruption at the surface but we'll continue to keep an eye on that looks like a little bit of clouds out there beautiful blue sky all right so yeah that's a little interesting activity out there in Australia we'll have to keep an eye on that little sequence of events going on out Space Weather there space weather activity today uh not seeing too much movement out here at least in terms of flaring activity still got a 20% chance for xflare activity 70% for M flare C flare around 99% chance and uh we're just really not getting up there right now seeing a little bit of seaf flare activity around various sunspots uh this area of dynamic activity is just about ready to uh hit over here Across the Western limb that will be out of sight out of mine here soon enough and uh we do have a couple Regional sunspots here coming around the e Eastern limb these are some former old spot numbers that uh have traveled around the earth facing side of the sun probably a number of times and it's just coming back around again along with another Sunspot there on the Eastern limb that we'll watch couple other smaller ones up towards the center disc area but uh I don't know I I really don't see anything of any major interest that would spark my hey look at this guys so for now just uh see what they want to throw out little sea flare 3.1 coming in no major Roars expected suppression of the Roars last night uh really not a whole lot there in the Asteroids forecast for now let's take a look at uh any close approach asteroids out here it's been a couple days since I've checked on checked in on this uh tomorrow we got a 77t airplane size asteroid coming in with an about 400 39,000 miles it's pretty close but still uh a safe distance I normally won't cover this in in detail unless it gets within about 50,000 miles or so earlier this year we had one come within about 12,000 miles so 12,000 Mi compared to 439,000 Miles yeah that's a a distance uh pretty huge one here look at this 630 ft goodness but look at that number over 2 million miles pretty safe there next couple as after that looks like August 20th 27th 28th All distant approaches from various Siz asteroids Severe Weather there uh far as the severe weather goes looks like we got a little happy face out here across the Eastern portion of the country maybe not little that's a big one and uh that's a little odd looking uh you got a chance for some tornado activity up there in the extreme Northeast area wind wind appears to be making this happy face out here the wind threat today so uh if you're enjoying your Sunday the wind looks like it may want to stir things up out here a little bit with some uh windy some damaging wind gust out here from some of these thunderstorms that may pop up across this area so just a heads up for your Sunday little Spike of an earthquake on Barrett we'll continue to keep an eye on things out here uh like I say that's just a little odd even what we got another 3.2 coming in right now or was that that looks like 1119 so that was just previous either way a little clustering going on out in Western Australia Southwestern Australia if I'm wrong correct me um I'm thinking this is going to be Southwestern area I mean there's no other place out here that would be considered Southwestern so all right uh have a good day folks we'll be watching the activity out here and keeping updates on any changes going on we'll catch you guys back out here a little bit later peace out

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