3.9 Earthquake Southern California. Elevated Earthquake activity continues today Thursday 8/15/2024

Published: Aug 14, 2024 Duration: 00:31:45 Category: Science & Technology

Trending searches: earthquake california today
hey how's it going there folks welcome back here to a Thursday August 15 2024 it's about 11:25 a.m. local time here in California latest activity here on the earthquake 3D Globe shows a 3.8 South America and also some further earthquake activity here in California with a 1.3 now we did see some larger movement out here south of Los Angeles area just a short time ago where a 3.9 earthquake struck around the Lake Elenor area uh sits a little Way South here of Los Angeles up in the mountain ranges it was felt broadly over the area let's go ahead and show you guys the digi Philip reports here uh anywhere from San Diego up north to the uh Santa Clarita area feeling some shaking on this Thursday goodness this is just an overall trend here of uptick and earthquake activity across Southern California uh and it has caught a lot of attention out here uh not only in the YouTube Community but also uh news national news out here picking up on all the elevated earthquake activity out here recently uh in Southern California specifically and it's not only in just one location uh that'd be a little different right we just seen continued activity in one certain location this is an overall Regional stress pattern going on out here against Southern California in terms of well obviously increased earthquake activity and today no exception there with that 3 .9 coming in on the Elenor fault about 5 miles there deep directly on this segment now so far we've seen uh a little bit of earthquake Aftershock sequences here but surprisingly only three it's a little odd um to see only a minimal amount of earthquake activity Aftershock sequences following a 3.9 so you know there's always some concern here that we're looking at you know painting a little bit bigger picture of more a more larger magnitude out here soon could potentially be soon here uh with all the increasing activity we've witnessed here now this is not just you know fear mongering or it's not it's not fearmongering it's information here uh that's being sent out here to everyone that lives out here in Southern California uh to be prepared for some potentially larger scale activity uh Dr Lucy Jones here was asked um a couple days ago on the news channel whether all this activity is you know relieving strain and preventing the big one from happening out here and goodness her face that she made when she was asked that question was telltell to say the least she said no this does not prevent any uh release of strain out here if anything it's increasing the likelihood of seeing something larger in this region uh go check it out it's all over the place and uh she knows what she's talking about but when she was asked that question there goodness her face was like like you know you'll have to watch it yourself to see I I did post it there on Facebook and also the X account um on my earthmaster page so go check that out I'm not going to post it here on YouTube though uh so let's see here obviously now we got a new area of earthquake activity along the Elsa North Vault this comes after days of elevated earthquake activity uh Bakersfield area ridgerest area Los Angeles area on the pente Hills fault uh a little separate swarm down here west of salt and sea on the San jento fault Zone um goodness you know it's just it's filling in and we got to watch the San Andreas fault here too along with many other fault systems out here for some larger movement that's just you know it's not fear tactics that is the facts here we're noticing a a big uptick and earthquake activity out here compared to years past and um it's something that uh you know could be pointing us towards a much larger Quake here in the region soon so it's you know the best thing to do is be prepared I keep track of all these earthquakes daily and you know California has been on the quiet side in terms of decent earthquake activity here recently and for it sitting on a major plate boundary uh you know I'm surprised we haven't seen something sooner in terms terms of larger scale movement so we'll continue to keep an eye on this Regional area out here and that includes the plate boundary the plate boundary itself really hasn't seen a whole lot of uh movement on it nothing no fours no fives no threes just occasional smaller microquakes directly on the plate boundary but it's all these little areas here that are seeing increasing earthquake activity around it is you know it's painting a picture out here maybe seeing something bigger uh it could be on any one of these faults out here soon and I think this will continue this isn't just a one- day thing as we've seen here in the last 10 days or so uh things have been on the uptick uh there's a 2.5 map and above for the last seven days I would have to go last 30 days out here to show the activity in Bakersfield that's a that's still a lot of earthquake activity here let me get a total tally uh we're at 625 earthquakes since the 5 2 earthquake about um when was that that was on the 6th of August so we're looking at about nine days ago right excuse me about nine days ago and there was only a handful like maybe one two five of them it looks like prior to the 5.2 so all these 600 and something earthquakes out here that's a lot of movement and this region seen the most Aftershock SE sequence so far a bunch going on over here around ridgerest as well this is where the uh 6.9 and 7.1 struck back in 2019 uh Los Angeles area where the 4.4 struck a handful of uh Aftershock sequences there following a 4.4 on the point to Hills fa but not uh there's really not a lot I mean that's I would expect a little bit more and we really haven't seen uh well we've seen 1 1.5 today at about 7:00 this morning so there's still areas of concern across the entire area out here for larger movement there's that little swarm going on down here across the sultan City area you know it's just it's painting a bigger picture of regional stress and it seems as though uh the strain is just limited here to Southern California not a whole lot up north here a little bit around the creeping segment of the San Andreas fault branching off here into the coup a couple of the Bay Area faults but really if you look at Northern California here we've been quiet for a little while all the strain is getting hung up down here across this area of the plate boundary and Inland uh we even seen earthquake activity in uh well outside of Las Vegas here night or so ago further stress and strain building Inland here with a more recent 3.3 in Utah just about an hour ago so as strain build builds up and uh the pressure increases out here uh you know expect more earthquakes and as we're seeing more earthquake activity there's a more likelihood that we'll see something larger take place during this elevated earthquake activity remember these little Quakes do not relieve strain they do not prevent the big one from happening and um I've I've kept to that myself it's a statement I've made numerous times throughout many videos and uh world-renowned seismologist there Dr Lucy Jones I think everyone knows who she is the face of the earthquake Community said it herself so don't believe me go check it out all right let's see here I'm going to bring up the 2.5 okay so we got that that's a 3.9 followed up by a couple smaller aftershocks here just a little weird there's no more no more Aftershock sequences coming in following that Quake um yeah that's a little sketchy for to say the least so keep an eye on this entire region down here mainly smaller micro Quake activity elsewhere you know in these little uh these little Quakes here but still you know it's a overall pattern a big big uptick out here so continue to keep an eye there on Southern California as I mentioned Northern California not so much Cascadia abduction Zone we had a decent trimmer map or a decent trimmer count last night a little bit of elevated trimmer being kicked up uh into the Washington and Northern California area that's adding strain and stress up here against the Cascadia subduction zone these are not earthquakes but trimmers that occur down deep into the subduction zone level itself uh below the locked area so as we're seeing that strain increase uh we're getting a little bit of trimmer counts occurring Downstream and uh you know that's got to be adding some big time steam up here for uh stress as well across the Cascadia and that area you know is the most dangerous fault system out here in terms of magnitude potential no other fault system out here has the potential to produce a 9.0 maybe even greater uh than the Cascadia subduction zone and that's uh that's been 324 years since the last major rupture out here full rupture this area can see partial ruptures as well with an up up to a uh 8.4 8.5 here at the southern end and I'm leaning more towards that that we're going to see a partial rupture just due to all the the uh elevated trimmer activity here recently in the southern end and the odd little odd earthquakes that are occurring up along the Cascadia subduction zone itself you can see this trail of activity leading up here towards a locked area a couple various areas out here as opposed to a full rupture where um a 9.0 or greater would take place I'm if anything I think we'll see a partial rupture out here before we see a full rupture I mean look at that all the activity there on the cascad other recent uh activity out here as well adding further strain at the southern end uh further out and about Yellowstone National Park nothing showing up there but I do want to double check here real quick I need to add them back onto my uh my bookmark here real quick standby I took them off because there was some some weird stuff going on um hold on a second here let's see here I'll add these guys back onto my bookmark list here uh earthquake activity not a whole lot going on here at Yellowstone National Park as you can see here some wind events from late afternoon yesterday maybe some thunderstorms in there as well not a whole lot of earthquake activity here at Yellowstone awfully awfully quiet but it's a super volcano and that's what you want you want it to be quiet uh some movement out in Oklahoma and Texas the oil fields out here Oak uh the uh New Madrid seismic Zone couple smaller Quakes out here in the Tiptonville Tennessee area looks like a 1.5 and a 1.8 nothing big most of the activity and strain out here uh you know it's pretty notable pretty much draw a little somewhat of a triangle or maybe not a full full triangle but a an arrow in this area worldwide activity um let's see what we got for Hawaii the Kila waya volcano here still seeing some movement stretching and migrating out here to the Lower East Rift Zone going to have to watch that because this is uh getting a little bit elevated here let me [Music] see what we have here for the latest map here in terms of deformation deformation data at Kiloo volcano there's a a little spike in some elevated earthquake activity last night since then we've leveled out you know this area can only see a certain amount of pressurization from the magma storage below before things take place whether it's an eruptive event or um a displacement of all that magma so we've leveled off here since last night but we're still overall on the uptick in terms of inflation here is the past month of inflation here uh there's the large placement of magma from the summit off to the Upper East Rift Zone that's why we lost so much volume here back in the end of July that has been steadily recharging here almost up to the previous level actually it looks like we are at the previous level scene uh prior to that displacement so things are going to take place here uh pretty soon whether it's going to be a displacement of magma or uh an eruptive event out here here's some of the earthquake activity in the past 12 hours yeah there's probably a handful more than what's being reported from the USGS on their catalog earthquake catalog book some twos and threes out there these are going to be the three magnitudes the larger Quakes but uh yeah still somewhat elevated out here and it's stretching Southward southeastward so you know it could be leaning towards maybe a migration pattern uh further out and about maybe out where we' seen the 2018 eruption who knows uh typical Act AC ity out here across the pajala area some deeper regions down there in the plumbing system of the magma transport system there so getting some elevated activity down below as well just a matter of time here before we see activity stir up um let's see on the earthquake 3D Globe what we got uh some further activity escalating around Taiwan this is going to be this area right here where we seen uh you guys remember that big time swarm that was going on here we seen a bunch of fours a bunch of f a bunch of sixes uh and then it just stopped this was a couple months back couple maybe it's been a few months back like four months or so ago uh this area is starting to swarm again a little bit with a 5.4 and a couple other fours and maybe some other smaller Quake mixed in there as well uh so we keep an eye on that that obviously a sign of increasing pressure out here against the Filipino plate uh there's one more earthquake last night near that subduction zone that the Japanese government put out a warning for in terms of a mega Quake potential that's going to be the subduction zone right here capable of producing an upper eight magnitude earthquake here and they're a little concerned about it due to the uh the increase in earthquake activity that we've seen here over a week ago now with that seven pointer that struck in that area so something Big's about ready to brew here I think California is on key to seeing some bigger Quake activity until we see uh somewhat of a major earthquake out here Across the Western Pacific now the reason why I say that and uh it's it's been noted as well in certain articles is that during the 9.1 earthquake there in um Japan back in 2011 you guys remember that big earthquake there that created that tsunami well that relieved strain out here for California for uh a few years and uh I think prior to that we were seeing some elevated earthquake activity as as well and that uh you know pretty much came to a halt following that big land mass here shift shifting of the plate here to the West uh with that big NP pointer back in 2011 that relieved The Strain so we got a whole bunch of elevated earthquake activity out here in California right now and I think that's going to continue until we see something major happen where it could relieve some strain out against this area it's either going to be a big earthquake out here in Southern Cal or we're going to see something big take place here uh Across the Western Pacific and that could include anywhere the kroam Chaka Japan trench down throughout this area uh got to remember when you adjust one portion of the plate in a significant tremendous value that can have man it can have adverse effects thousands of miles away here across the Eastern Pacific so things could get relieved if we see a bigger Quake out here in the Western Pacific it's just I still got to find that article they put out uh you know that a statement that due to the shifting of the land out here how much it moved that it relieved strain out here for California and we really uh it was a little quiet following that big earthquake activity in 2011 up until about 2019 when we seen the ridgerest uh earthquake activity so we'll continue to keep an eye on all these patterns and whatnot that is uh taking place here recently uh a couple earthquakes here POA New Guinea area looks like from today and last night a couple F stirring up here 5.0 and a 5.3 further down south here getting uh mainly shallow adjustment right now uh we did have a deep earthquake there 4.5 in the Tonga trench yesterday but most of the activity since then there been some shallow adjustments New Zealand oh goodness what's going on there looks like they're filling in with some fours let's go see what's going on there across the geonet servers here real quick and see what's popping here uh now this is let's see here couple twos in the last hour or so some 2.9s couple ones where's those fours that are taking place here at least on the map they look like they're from there yesterday not well let me see here it's a little weird 2.4 2.6 2.8 that's really weird let me go back here to week and above 3.8 maybe that's what it was it EMC looks like they're reporting that as a four-pointer and there should be some further activity down south here 3.9 two days ago but what in the world's going on here that's a couple days AG go huh if there was four pointers out here we'll see them on the seismographs there's one it looks like there was two um as you get down on the map that goes closer to the South Island area there's a what looks like a four-pointer showing up on this map and the other four pointer as you go north it's going to be North Island a little bit more positioned earlier than that uh recent four-pointer down south here so some adjustment taking place out here across the New Zealand area those are the only two Quakes that I see but you know similar to California goodness there's there's a lot of stress built up here in various areas of New Zealand and well overdue for certain large earthquake potential out here so we'll continue to keep an eye on that with some fours popping up in the mix there they've seen a lot of Threes here recently some deeper activity under the North Island area but looks like we're starting to uh further migrate Southward there so we'll keep an eye on that region as well just definitely seen some uptick and earthquake activity here uh recently in various areas that have been quiet uh the rest of the globe here typical movement across the middle americ trench South America area as well nothing going on the in the at atantic and the Mediterranean area a little bit quieter today there's some older rings on the globe the red color Rings indicating older movement from yesterday a handful of newer Quakes around the region but mostly twos uh I want to go check out Iceland here real quick because this is an area that uh is getting quite ready for the next eruption here across the SAR singi area here just north of grenic although we have been noting a little bit of earthquake activity very close here to the that little town uh here's the all micro Quake movement as well past 12 hours got about 51 earthquakes a little bit less than what we seen last night uh mainly within this area and a little bit up around the craters area where we've seen the last eruptions take place uh Blue Lagoon over here the Taurus attraction um and the SAR singi power plant right next door so nothing Chang change there it looks like in terms of earthquake uh multitude counts if anything a little bit less but uh let's see uh this update was put out a couple days ago and it still just shows that uh things are getting elevated with over 20 million cubic meters of magma now that surpasses the previous couple previous levels of magma accumulation that led up to previous eruption so we should see something Tak place here now uh soon very soon uh but right now looking at the earthquake map that I just showed you guys there's no sign of an emminent eruption but things are you know they're pretty well swollen down below there 20 million cubic meters of magma under the SAR singi area things should take place here soon enough let me see where that three-pointer was in uh Utah near hildale five miles deep kind of out there in the middle of nowhere land little odd spot as well a few folks reported feeling that earthquake you know what I want to do real quick I want to see what that 3.9 came in is uh there in the came in as I caught that one came in as what what kind of new word is that 3.9 that was this morning on the Elenor fault uh and it was felt broadly over the air area now they went with uh let's see here they went with a low reporting station here uh an error rate of .155 which is very minimal compared to the other stations here got about 330 stations reporting uh various magnitudes here of um yeah quite a few threes in there now this looks more realistic though in terms of uh other previous Quakes where it looked like the Quake level was higher but they went with a lower magnitude in terms of the uh final report this looks more realistic there's a couple fours in here uh but that's going to account for the error rate but I'm seeing a lot more lower grade threes than I do up you know higher magnitudes here so more than likely that's going to be the correct magnitude 3.9 and uh like I say only only three earthquakes Aftershock sequences uh the latest or the largest one's going to be that 3.0 that occurred literally about a minute later so it's just you know it's a good time folks to be on guard out here across California there's a lot going on out here and there's so much that can take place out here so much time has passed that has allowed enough strain on various faults out here to uh produce some large damaging earthquakes that's the facts it's not like we've seen you know a big earthquake here on the San Andreas fault uh 100 years ago and we got a couple more hundred years ago uh we got a couple hundred more years to go before we see another big one no that's not the case we got you know a future uh in Southern California of some large damaging earthquakes not only on the San Andreas fault but as the POA Hills thrust fault has made the news recently uh there's that possibility of seen up to a 7.5 that's been noted I'm still waiting on a call back here from Dr Lucy Jones on when the last one was they came up with an estimate that there was four major ruptures here in the last 11,000 years averaging out to about 2,750 years on uh average if they came up with that number they most certainly know when the last one was so when was that was that 2,000 something years ago means that we're getting close to the big one here now along the Puente Hills thrust vaal you know maybe that's I don't know uh I haven't found the answer when the last one was we know when the last one was uh you know on the San Andreas Vault over 300 years ago on the southern segment uh Southern segment here but how' they come up with that number in this area and not know when the last one was you got to have somewhat of an average um number there for when the last one was so we'll continue to wait uh for Dr Lucy Jones here here or any other maybe uh known seismologists that can answer that question cuz I can't find it can't find out any information on it uh let's see here space weather Activity real quick cover this see if we got anything doesn't look like anything popped up here overnight in terms of larger flare potential there's the XF Flare from yesterday Earth directed but it produced a very weak CME so we're not expecting anything major for the auroras here over the next few nights we still have somewhat of an elevated flare threat at 20% chance for an xflare M flare 65 99% chance for seafare activity let's see what we got here today got this ginormous Sunspot here that's uh quite Dynamic and uh this is the area that produced the XF flare here recently yesterday it is still in position to produce some geoeffective CME activity if it ever gets going again uh so we'll continue to watch this region here for some further large flare activity and ultimately uh some CMEs all other areas out here look fairly stable we're losing our active region out here on the western limb so right now main area of interest is going to be right here Center disc that's going to be 3784 a very well defined Sun spot to say the least look at that all right uh Storm Prediction Center today far as severe weather goes got a little slight risk here across various States out in the midwest looks like a little tornado potential out there as well for your Thursday got areas around Chicago Illinois St Louis Missouri Madison Wisconsin these areas heads up might see some rotating water vapor out there today a little bit of wind and some hail threats uh during these thunderstorm so just stay alert seism mgraph stations out there look uh pretty quiet it for now a couple of them are offline but uh they should pop up here soon we'll continue to watch things and keep an eye on uh various areas hold on a second here okay the plate boundary stations are offline so I'll I'll keep an eye on that if it doesn't fix itself here soon then I'll just reset this and U bring them back up but a couple of them there in California Barrett Station is down around San Diego the uh Cal State Bakersfield station obviously near Bakersfield uh and many of these seismic graphs will pick up any movement there in Southern California uh which shows calm conditions right now but the overall increasing threat remains out here across California Southern California in general and it's just it's good to be on guard folks okay as we've seen here over the last 10 days numerous areas sh an elevated earthquake activity and in fact this year we've seen more threes and fours than what we've seen since uh um excluding the Ridge Crest activity there that was confined to Aftershock sequence I think uh since' 89 is what uh Lucy Jones stated we'll have to double check that number ourself but obviously you know we look at these Maps every single day and no doubt 2024 and most recently in the last couple weeks have been elevated in terms of that larger earthquake count now threes and fours right not a big earthquake but the more threes and fours you have the more likelihood of seeing a larger event take place out here so just stay safe we'll catch you guys out here a little bit later for the member drawing we're going to hold that at about 3:00 this afternoon right now it's just coming up on noon here in California so at about 300 p.m. that's going to be 600 p.m. eastern time we'll do the member drawing uh looks like we gained a few members out there uh let's see here got about nine new members here in um in just a live stream alone so uh they'll be added into the uh the member drawing bowl today I just got to figure out where I put it again I've been wanting to get me a new Fishbowl so I can uh add the add them all into it but I think I'm going to have to use a little pump again or some Bowl I don't know I keep forgetting when I go over to Walmart to pick up a fish bowl maybe I'll do that first I like you I don't know I like using something that looks nice I've been using the kids trick-or treat pumpkin basket from last year uh to put the member uh drawings in there but we'll figure it out anyway we'll be here at 3:00 this afternoon for the member drawing where we will give away uh either a $50 Visa Master Card of your choice or gift card um or if you want a geology mining kit that's also a option as well pretty cool if you're a rockhound like me um or if you want an earthmaster t-shirt we have various t-shirts and Designs sizes and colors at a couple different uh merchandise stores so I could give you the links to those and you can browse through those uh articles of clothing that maybe you you see one that you like and then just let me know pretty easy either way we'll do that uh at 3:00 this afternoon we'll pick out a lucky winner have a good one folks we'll see you guys back out here I'll be watching things out here on this end and uh just stay safe out there in Southern California we'll continue to keep an eye there on some larger scale movement

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