Latest California Earthquake activity. Aurora Forecast. Saturday Night update 8/10/2024

Published: Aug 10, 2024 Duration: 00:28:03 Category: Science & Technology

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Latest California Earthquake activity how's it going up there folks hopefully everyone's having a good night here tonight on this uh Saturday night it is Saturday night August 10th 2024 about 10:46 p.m. here California time uh enjoying a quiet evening out here in Northern California right now not a whole lot going on fars earthquake activity uh latest activity here on the globe let's go ahead and check this out see what's going on here got a one point uh looks like a little 1.6 Northern California also a 3.3 earthquake here on the globe across the uh now the Indonesia islands area one of the latest Quakes here on the globe so let's go ahead and check out the latest activity here in Southern California down here Bay Area not too much going on down here so let's check out Bakersfield area where we're getting uh a handful of earthquakes out here we got about 40 earthquakes here in the last 24 hours so I did a update earlier today and we're looking at over 500 earthquakes I just want to show you the total tally here real quick 525 earthquakes in the total Tally from the five wow from the 5.2 that happened a couple days ago so in the last 24 hours 40 earthquakes here the latest one of 1.1 and um you know they're um staying pretty consistent in terms of the location we're not seeing any migration out here here but as always there there's a little bit of concern here for some larger scale movement out here in terms of larger activity right but uh for now for now it's just you know continuous Aftershock sequences here so the longer this goes on obviously the more um likely that things should Millow out but if we continuous uh if we continuously see threes and twos maybe some fours out here there's a possibility of seeing some larger scale activity out here so we'll continue to watch that earlier today we did see a 3.2 so uh things have not completely died down out here yet but it's a waiting game right we we don't know we just don't know things could kick up and they could just go away Southern California got a handful of earthquakes out here in the micro Quake Department look at that soon as we click on the 2 .5 map and above dude that removes every single earthquake out there so all these earthquakes up and down the state of California here at least the southern part very small micro Quake movement so nothing big going on there across the southern portion of the State uh Yellowstone National Park nothing showing up here for now uh across the rest of the area out here across Texas and the Oklahoma area got a handful of earthquakes out here in the last couple hours uh the latest one shows was a 3.1 out here across the Snider Texas area I was just out here for a for a couple times actually earlier this year I drove out here and then I flew out here for business and there is a massive amount of uh not only windmills like far as uh energy out here in terms of the prodution uh production windmills but also oil fields massive amount of oil fields out here goodness and one thing I noticed when I was out here when I was chasing some thunderstorms is the Snider Texas area is always being skipped in terms of of weather activity when you get thunderstorms Brewing up out here it avoids this area where there's a lot of windmills and oil fields I don't know Mother Nature has it's Q right and when you disrupt the airf flow with these wind s and whatnot uh it it uh I think it affects the rainfall out here I see numerous storms build up here across the West here near Lessa and they die out over Snider Texas and then redevelop over here across abene it's crazy but I seen it firsthand anyway this a latest earthquake a 3.1 out here outside of Snider Texas I you know I love Texas I I don't complain about Texas I bought a uh a beautiful absolutely beautiful wind chime here for Missy mimes out in a tractor supply store out here across Snider Texas it was a couple hundred dollars but it was beautiful it it was uh about 4 feet tall and I have it out here in my backyard I'll have to show it to you guys one time but uh we bought that out there stayed a couple times out here you know there's a there's a lot that goes on here in terms of windmills energy pollu uh energy production and oil fil out here and I think it affects the weather so that 3.1 let's check this out real quick I want to see what we got here for the satellite imagery um very close here to a Wastewater Pond which sits up north that's not a swimming pool and a couple oil fields South here and Wastewater ponds to the southeast so it's you know it's littered here with oil fields out here in this area and that's it's going to continue out here there's no doubt Texas and Oklahoma and anywhere there is um oil fields and and Wastewater disposal facilities and fracking operations they have earthquakes in their future and some of those can get pretty big uh Oklahoma couple smaller earthquakes out there nothing major going on out here across the Eastern portion of the country for now there folks let's take a look at the uh World New Zealand Earthquake activity viiew here I'm kind of shivering out here in the computer room I'm not even joking I uh dude I I think it's like 62 degrees in here it's even Jing it's cold cold here in the computer room but I guarantee you the electronics love it but right now I'm a little bit cold so I have to deal with the Shivering um down south here New Zealand right sits in the middle of a lot of activity obviously it's a major plate boundary got quite a few threes stir up out here some deeper movement quakes up north and you know it's it has moved here recently but not so much in terms of major adjustment out here across the plate boundary it's in a very Dynamic area here New Zealand is in terms of big Quakes this area has a major subduction zone area here called the hikurangi subduction zone right look at that very visible there on the oceanic crest not only that but it has a major transform B here across the South Island area uh in terms of the Alpine plate so it's um very capable of producing some large damage in earthquakes whether it's subsequent uh due to one another or not whether the hicari triggers the Alpine fault or not who knows but it's been quite a while since we've seen any major large scale activity out here so it's been sitting in between the activity up north and a lot of activity down south here recently and eventually this will have to adjust here it just makes sense right you can't just circle out this area and say okay everything's well ignore everything north and south of you you can't do that So eventually things will fill in out here across New Zealand in a bad way and that's just a fact let's not fearmonger and that is what happens out here across the plate tectonics um Solomon Island there's a 4.7 earthquake there see that earthquake right here 4.7 occurring just a couple hours ago right in the Solomon sea well north of the Solomon sea area 82 miles deep here into the subduction zone region so this is the area that I've been chatting about for a little bit uh that has seen very little earthquake activity out here there's not a whole lot of earthquake movement that's been happening out here in the last oh I would say six weeks we've seen a couple earthquakes here across New Guinea maybe some Southeast here around the Santa Cruz Island Southward but this area has been lacking Big Time movement out here and it's uh it may be filling in here soon 4.7 fairly deep deep earthquake here into the subduction zone there well underneath this area um Japan area obviously another area of concern right we got another 4.4 up here into the Japan trench just a continued sign here of strain out here across the area of the Pacific Plate and in general here across this subduction zone that the Japanese folks are worried about right here across the subduction zone look at this earthquake here earlier this afternoon at 4.8 into that area that seen the 4 point uh seen the 7.1 excuse me they seen the 7.1 right that's a little Aftershock but in general the drain out here consist across this area so uh the Japanese folks here are um taking this into consideration broads scale movement up north and the activity here south here at the southern end of the the subduction zone is a good indicator a major strain out here against the subduction zone that's see you guys see that those ridges out there against the oceanic crust that is a major player here in producing some Big Time earthquakes out here and they're they're a little concerned about that so they've heightened up the potential out here for a mega Quake across this area similar to the Cascadia subduction zone out here right but that's a little bit more lengthier and a little bit more uh less dynamic in terms of stress accumulation out here it takes a little while to build up strain out here across the Cascadia compared to the general plate Dynamics out here across the Japan area so uh uh I kind of skipped over that Cascadia right nothing going on out here right now but let's check out the trimmer map out here tonight see what we have well I'm shivering out here I'd rather be shivering than SW sweltering out here uh nothing zip zero NADA there's nothing showing up here on today's trimmer activity a little rare little odd but that is the case here for tonight um further out and about let's Europe Earthquake activity see what we got here on the earthquake 3D Globe real quick uh one thing I've noticed here is a lot of activity across the Mediterranean area roughly about turkey Westward here across this plate boundary there really no Dynamic area out here in terms of specific regions but it's a broader scale earthquake movement out here and nothing big just twos and threes there is a couple fours out there around the um I think that 4.7 is around Romania that's going to be well I take that back oh no no no yeah Romania up here 4.4 USGS reporting that as a 4.4 a couple models reporting that is a 4.7 but uh generally uh somewhat active out here across the area um Iceland 3.3 showing up there south of the area so we have to go check that out real quick quick see what's going on there because uh this area of iing is in the mix in terms of producing some larger scale volcanic activity we got a swarm going on Big Time swarm up here northward um out here across this general area uh the majority of these Quakes somewhat deep in the area well north of the SAR sing area in fact this is kind of a West Central I area but in general the entire area out here across Iceland has been heightened so you know obviously it's a major Continental Rift boundary and when you got separation of the seafloor out here well things can take place here um I have to watch this got a decent swarm of earthquakes out here across this area in the last 12 hours across this area of the svar singi area couple uh earthquakes mainly smaller micro Quakes but as a whole things are ramping up out here across the Iceland area and that's obviously some concern for some future eruption activity out there nothing major going on across the Hawaii volcano for now um I will double check that here real quick let's just give a quick glance here across the area of Hawaii and uh we'll zoom in here real quick I got uh I don't know for whatever reason um oh let's go back here instruments I don't really need a hundred different seismograph stations out here I really don't right look at that but it it it's showing up regardless if I want it or not I've been having some issues here with the USGS um page here in terms of volcanoes it's happened recently but the volcano still sitting at a yellow in advisory nothing changing here in fact earthquake activity has been somewhat minimal and I showed you guys that earlier in our update so I want to show you guys again uh latest SE graph station here as you can see there's not a whole lot those folks that have watched these videos and paid attention to the sisra stations out here will know when earthquakes come in and there's not a whole lot right now so we're looking at a period of um uncertainty in terms of what's going on here we're looking at a major inflation rate here across the summit area we've seen that here in the last couple days uh the past month or so seen that major inflation rate right here in the last couple days um so the question is what's going on below the area do we expect some eruptive activity at the surface or is this back filling across the summit area which is potentially possible all that intrusion may be back filling out here along with further inflation from the area across the summit area I haven't really seen any major major migration out here across the East uh lower east roof Zone it's been a little bit let let me show you guys last 30 days here standby um mainly up at the summit area southeastward here to the upper East Rift Zone a little bit to the Middle East Rift Zone but not so much down here across the Lower East Rift Zone if we see this intensify down here then obviously we could be looking at an intrusion of magma and maybe uh ultimately leading to an eruption down here across the Eastern Lower East Rift Zone but man this is acting a little strange here so uh a little uncertain as to what's going to take place here across Hawaii in the near term Hawaii Earthquake activity uh one earthquake out here across the Puerto Rico trench at 3.3 nothing major going on there folks for now and again um you know 40 earthquakes out here 40 earthquakes in the last 24 hours um if we look at some of these earthquakes here there's a lot of automatic status out here so we're not 100% certain if these are legit um shallow earthquakes because I like to pay attention to the uh the depth of these earthquakes if they're staying consistent with deep earthquakes or if they're getting shallower or they're getting deeper but uh when they're underneath automatic status uh you just can't really be sure be sure so we'll have to see what the USGS puts out there in terms of the correct locations and whatnot all right space weather Space Weather activity I I think this is a uh dud over the last couple nights I mean last night tonight we're supposed to see a G2 class storm well check it out folks do you guys see a g a G2 class storm out here no a zip zero and not a nothing going on so I think these last couple CMEs have been directed uh probably towards the Earth but either south or north of the Earth Sun plane cuz we don't sit on a flat plane here it's not like when the sun shoots off something uh it'll go directly to Earth left or right but we live you obviously you know the sun I don't want to go into major details here but it could go north or south of the planet and I think that's what happened here um the xflare that was produced here a day or so ago may have a better chance at uh shooting something more solid towards the Earth so this is tomorrow night's uh uh expected forecasted storm we'll see though right you know it it it never fails though I it's it could go left right north south you know it's it never it who knows we just have to see what happens and uh almost this activity is almost harder to forecast space weather activity is harder to forecast than hurricanes and and general weather here at the surface of this planet so this is what they're forecasting for tonight I don't see anything that's stirring up right now tomorrow night maybe a little bit more potential from that xflare that got produced out there a day or so ago that that may give us a little bit more more of a dynamic shot um far as the uh flare activity goes out here well we got a 30% chance for X flares and mainly due to um a couple different solar sun spots out here we have a massive region that's currently facing the Earth right here Center dis lower Center dis of the Earth Sun plain so got to re remember if things blast off here in the southern half of the Equator here of the Earth or of the Sun that may shoot South here of the Earth Sun plane so we need something more Dynamic directly facing that Earth and if that shoots south or north here well we don't get it so watch keep an eye on that area um these other Regional sunspots here look like they are turning out to be uh some Party Poopers not a whole lot of dynamic activity out here so main area of uh of concern right now this going to going to be this region right here all right uh and congratulations there to solar they have reached their 100% goal 637 supporters there so we thank you I thank you Kevin here from solar thanks you uh this site is very valuable right in terms of watching the space weather activity and he's a Onan ban I offered to help him here but he I don't know he doesn't want any help but uh he knows what he's doing out here and he provides some very valuable information out here to the public in terms of space weather activity he's always updating everything out here in terms of newer uh updates out here across this page so I value this page 100% thank you for everyone uh supporting solar all right far as numerical models go out Numerical Models here well we got a uh potential tropical development that's going to be stirring up out here across the Atlantic so for that uh we need to go across the North Atlantic out here watch just low pressure system out here that could be stirring up a little bit of trouble in the future there across the Eastern portion of the country but it looks like it's way out there look at that and this is what I was talking about earlier that high pressure is much further much further to the east now if this was positioned more further to the West that would direct that low pressure and the hurricane the tropical development here obviously to the Eastern portion of the country but that's stirring further east bringing with it the general flow out here you got the clockwise direction of the high pressure stirring that tropical development into it and further up north well away from the Eastern portion of the country and that's good news right we don't want any further tropical systems out there so keep that at B and looking uh into the future here I don't see anything else in terms of tropical development out here for the uh States so yeah that's good news right we want to keep that at Bay those guys out there across the Eastern portion of the country seeing a lot of rainfall goodness I wish we seen a small fraction of that out here across California but hey it's uh it's yeah I don't know it's Fire Update where I live for now temporarily I'm looking to get out of here I'm not even joking California will be my always be my home state but uh for not for much longer so someone asked me how the fires are doing out here well we still have a big fire out here and I don't get it I don't I really don't get this right we've had massive amount of Manpower many numerous air tankers land Crews and still only 30 37% containment here obviously this area main areas have burned out on them on their owns on their own but we still got a couple areas up here into the higher Mountain areas that are still burning these are some satellite views is showing some hot spots out there I don't understand why they haven't got this under control why haven't they focused on this primarily primary area out here I don't get it I really don't get it um I've heard from a few folks out there that they set a perimeter right in terms of where they allow the fire to burn and then from there they attack it but that doesn't make sense right you should attack the fire at the source prevent any further escalation out here but I'm not a firefighter I don't know the complete Dynamics out here but it just seems a little odd and a little fishy that they're allowing this to burn right up into areas around Mount Lassen area which is further up north here a little bit 37% containment right it's been burning for how long hello uh 400 almost 430,000 Acres burned so if you got a couple Flames couple Embers out there burning in some areas why not put those regions out why not focus on these primary areas why even mess around back over here I I don't get it really don't get uh what's going on out here a couple hot spots being picked up here for their South you know areas that may not have been burned but uh I don't know it just all seems a little fishy uh new fire up here outside of Corning it looks like see the lower fire 110 acres active fire starting up out of blue I don't know what this started what how it started but uh you know like many of these other fires out here a little suspicious this is burning up to the north here it looks like into uh some Wilderness areas and it's a NeverEnding battle out here folks that's kind of why I want to get out of California just you know it's it's a fire hazard waiting to happen any areas that haven't been burned out here will be burning in the future that's almost a guarantee and uh that goes for Oregon Washington all over the place out here you know unless you live along the immediate Coast it's I it's sketchy as heck and uh I want out I really want out of California to be honest here folks um and um I'm planning it I would have been out of here uh uh couple years ago but I met Missy Mimi so you know it's not a bad thing um I got my my roots planted here for Miss Mimi and her family and stuff like that but it's uh I'm ready to get out of here we're we're ready to move somewhere else and I've been looking to be honest you know people say it's boring and oh man there's nothing up here in Nebraska or South Dakota it's all nothing it's boring up here right that's perfect for me I'm not even joking plant me somewhere in South Dakota or Nebraska somewhere I I'll even take North Dakota I'm not I'm not a I'm not scared of the cold weather bring on the cold weather I don't like the 110 degree temperature so Nebraska northward out here you can pretty much draw an area out here that I really really am thinking about relocating to and I just I need a little boost folks I need some guidance out here any anyone knows any Property Owners maybe you're you yourself or Property Owners looking to sell some land get a hold of me I need that I need that uh kick in the butt there that will guide me out here to an area I'm not interested in moving further well I don't know Montana's beautiful but anywhere east no thank you with Minnesota Wisconsin Iowa you can draw a red line out here I will not go out that area across the Great Lakes but anyway anywhere Northern Plains area maybe Montana you know I just I'm I'm looking forward to that uh move here where I can finally say I'm comfortable but uh yeah let's make that happen here all right folks uh what do we got seism graph stations out there look uh absolutely quiet there's not a whole lot going on out here across the seism graph station so for now uh the earthquake world is sleeping but uh well what do we got there 1.5 way up North into Washington there nothing showing up here across the USGS map but little 1.5 way up there all right folks have a good night we'll catch you guys back out here for the Sunday is it Sunday already Sunday morning yeah Saturday night so Sunday morning update coming up upon us here in the few hours have a good one stay safe out there

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