Southern California Earthquake update for Sunday. 9/8/2024

Published: Sep 07, 2024 Duration: 00:27:59 Category: Science & Technology

Trending searches: earthquake california
hey how's it going out there folks welcome back here to a Sunday end of the weekend is upon us just about noon here California time September 8th 2024 is the date latest activity here on the earthquake 3D Globe shows a 1.4 here in the green flag also uh well let's check out California see what's going on here see if we got any further uptick across this area following yesterday's events in the last hour or so in the red circles there are a couple earthquakes here across the northern edge of the Garlock Vault Cheer Zone uh this is the area that's seen that 5.2 a number of weeks back here outside of Bakersfield still seeing some movement out here today bunch of twos uh from yesterday and a handful of those from today as well Ridge Crest area about the same uh as yesterday now far as this movement around the Southern California area around this um there's not really a fault system out here they call it the Fontana uh earthquake sequence swarm area just a region that sees uh occasional earthquakes out here uh but uh yesterday and today brought a number of earthquakes out here in this area if we want to include these two to the north here got about 42 earthquakes mainly from yesterday and today I had to pull up the seven days here because we're past the 24-hour threshold so if I were to show just one day that doesn't actually include all the events there from yesterday so it's important to see what all is going on out here there wasn't a whole lot of earthquake activity uh in the past week aside from today and yesterday yesterday one earthquake there from the 3rd of September so aside from that 3.5 kicked it uh kicked it off yesterday at about 10:00 um Saturday morning and then we've seen a number of earthquakes following that event now so far today uh looks like uh only two earthquakes here being recorded which is quite odd uh 1.3 and a 1 .4 the 1.3 being way way up here so technically technically if you want to get down to the specifics only one earthquake in this region uh so far today and then prior to that looks like uh earlier yesterday evening so obviously uh certain areas of the plate boundary come under quite a bit of strain uh through Cycles right the plates are always moving around occasionally when we get a whole bunch of broadscale activity out here Across the Western areas of the Pacific Plate we'll see a temporary backing off in terms of the intensity of the earthquake activity here across the Eastern Pacific and then various other plates here get uh I can't really say shuffled around because it doesn't move all that fast but they do get applied further pressure a little bit of release of pressure here in certain areas so when things are really ramping up out here Across the Western Pacific like we seen yesterday in this area uh a lot of activity here here uh late last night and it seems as though right about the time here when we' seen all this broadscale activity is when we seen our last earthquake from yesterday there in Southern California aside from that one that just a little one uh this morning but about 1910 here right that's when the the intensity of the earthquake swarming halted there in Southern California is the time that things really started to ramp up out here across this area of the plate boundary so about 19 uh 1910 everything halted got five here a five multiple fives here that really seem to kick up in this area and temporarily relieve strain out here across the Eastern area of the Pacific Plate thousands of miles away right but got to remember these plates are uh just kind of floating out here on some uh liquid so to speak uh down with the U heated areas below a lot of convection takes place underneath this area uh so when one region you know gets active here it's common to see a little bit of less activity out here but that doesn't mean it's done and over with it's a cycle uh things come and go prior to this activity here yesterday Southern California General was just seeing a uh you know some micro Quake activity on any given day um so it it may take a couple days it may kick up again today who knows but we'll continue to watch that it is elevated activity in a sequence of events that we've seen here over the last several weeks in various areas around the plate boundary which is the San Andrea's fault here I covered this a a lot last night here uh with the ongoing activity up and down the region the Garlock Vault Shear Zone from ridgerest Westward here actually looks like we got a little bit of movement here in the middle of these two swarming areas one .2 but uh yeah I mean as I was mentioning you put together all of this activity here in the last several weeks and they just put the strain out here on the San Andreas fault at question here uh whether you know this is going to be the domino effect here with all these swarms around it that triggers the big one you know it's it's very possible very possible so continue to watch that definitely have to keep an eye on it all right so specifically today aside from the activity around the Ontario and ranchu camanga area the Fontana earthquake sequence area out there what's been going on here let's see couple ones this morning uh got some movement on the southern end here of the San hinto fault Zone one near the sultan sea about 6 o' this morning here and uh some stress Quakes just off of the plate boundary right around this Bend area this always gets me a little bit nervous here because that's that's uh I think one of the highest areas here around the San Bernardino mountain range that gives a good indicator of how much strain is building up out here and it's been over 300 years since the uh the big full rupture out here of the Southern branch of the San Andreas fault so we do have a little bit of earthquake activity in this area today mostly smaller microquakes here couple ones in there as well just after midnight 1:00 6 8 in the morning or so local time so things have not completely calmed down here at all 2.4 from yesterday let's see what we got for 2.5 and above not a whole lot here but got to remember just because it's U above or below a certain magnitude is uh just a little option here on the chart these are still earthquakes regardless if it's a 2.4 or 2.5 so we'll continue to watch Southern California Nevada area most of this movement here well looks like it's from today here couple fours some or not a couple fours but around 4:00 this morning 78 for some ones stirring up out there in Nevada this has been a uh an area of Interest as well and it it sits in a fashion a linear fashion out here if we pull back the last 30 days or so a lot of activity started with this earthquake swarm Northwest of Las Vegas which essentially can be a factor in this region right here you got the Garlock fault Shear Zone and and numerous other faults out here in between these two areas but it's uh you pretty much draw a line right here all the way over to here and then a line up north what about this area right here the Garlock fault Shear Zone Southward into this chunk of land that's uh I'm sure that's got a lot of strain building up here across the plate boundary but uh either way that's been an interesting sequence here of swarms various Swarms Out Here across Western Nevada all coincided with earthquake activity across the Garlock Vault Shear Zone and Southward uh towards the on the west side of the San Andreas fault a lot of activity stirring up out there folks so just uh something to watch right and more so we've seen uh about, 1300 earthquakes more uh in this time period compared to last year at this time say from the first of 20123 to um September 88 2023 there was about a 1 1300 to 1400 less earthquakes last year than compared to the same time frame of this year so that should tell you something alone that we are on a major increase out here across this area and and just specifically Southern California 3.4 from yesterday out there outside of the Great Salt Lake City area we checked that out last night it's got some previous SWS there in the past couple months Washington mostly uh from yesterday out here it looks like not a whole lot stirring up out there across the Pacific Northwest uh same for Northern California Bay area has been awfully quiet out here awfully quiet most of the activity again seems about this chunk of land this Shear Zone Southward Texas Texas what's going on out there in Texas I kind of missed Texas already I was out there a couple times earlier this year with a little RNR down here around the Gulf of Mexico and also uh some storm chasing that that me and Missy mimies did I missed the thunderstorms that's for sure I'm so tired of the 100 degree weather couple earthquakes out around the oil fields here and some down south of San Antonio a little separate swarm going on around the Three Rivers area choke Canyon reservoir yeah got a little decent swarm going on there I bet you anything there's a some oil builds out here let's see what do you think what do you guys think see all those little checkered boxes here uh those are indeed oil you can barely see them because this model doesn't really zoom in but there's some holding a lot of holding tanks out here on each of these individual pads uh oil pumping operations and uh could be some fracking operations included out there as well and that's where all the earthquake activi is occurring specifically in those areas and that will continue some of these earthquakes can get rather Lar charge as well that's the future of the uh earthquake activity for Texas and Oklahoma and anywhere else that's got all these massive oil fields Eastern portion of the country pretty quiet I can't help but wonder if maybe some of that is relieving or putting off some some bigger activity out here across the New Madrid seismic Zone which sits right about here that's a major seismically active area the last big earthquakes were back in 1811 18112 with the series of 7.0 earthquakes uh we learned about that in school and of course uh Secondary School Big Time potential out there but I don't think uh 1811 1911 2011 you know 200 years a built up strain out here I don't know if that's quite enough here to produce some big earthquake activity out here just due to the limiting factor of the slow accumulation slip rate out here it's not quite you know it's not like the the plate boundaries here along the plate boundary you build up you know potentially inches a year uh and as far as the slip rate goes the accumulated slip rate so not not 100% too worried about the New Madrid seismic zone for now all right let's take a look here at the world model that's like I said yesterday was a lot of earthquake activity and all over the place it seemed like big time down here across the area of Tonga Solomon Islands the latest one is is north of Vanuatu let's see what this one is here one of the latest Quakes about 7:00 this morning here my time near the Santa Cruz islands area Solomon Islands for a 5.3 124 km deep 124 miles deep excuse me I'm used to um using kilometers in uh in uh mathematical equations certain ones that is but aside from that uh let's see 4.7 4.6 where are those at oh they're further over here across the West Philippines area that those earthquakes are from today as well so the only one new down here across this area is going to be this Solomon Islands one 5.3 so we'll continue to watch this really kicked up out of the blue yesterday but it appears as though it's tapered things off here across the Southern California area for now just for now nothing really going on across New Zealand some older movement Quakes there from yesterday newer Quake into Australia 3.5 from this morning it looks like this area has been getting a whole bunch of earthquake activity recently uh which is a little unusual I mean they do get some of these intl earthquakes out here but it's been somewhat more Amplified in this general area uh than than I can recall here in the recent past but uh and New Zealand even though though they move down here with a bunch of Threes they haven't had any major adjustment across this plate boundary so it's definitely something to watch here Japan couple earthquakes there from yesterday nothing showing up there from today uh well looks like take that back here on the globe a 3.5 emsc model reporting that recent earthquake right now and maybe right there that looks like maybe the 3.5 shown up on the Japan station there's the C State Bakersfield station right there a little Spike of an earthquake but uh aside from that uh moving up north here got a little swarm of activity off the coast of Russia the northern edge here of the uh cam chakka trench KL cam Chaka trench area USGS reporting one 4.9 earthquake here about 3:00 local time my time along that area Alaska region you know very similar to California in terms of the multitude Quakes out here on any given day far as 2.5 and above there's a handful most of those from yesterday so you can basically call this a typical day up there in Alaska there's always earthquake activity occurring around various around the plate boundaries a lot of it too small to be felt but it's there out in the middle of it all way anything major going on here yesterday we had a fairly significant increase here across the area in terms of inflation so let's see what we got here today check out the deformation data and then we'll go from there there's our huge not a huge one but a very sharp rise in terms of the inflation uh yesterday and it looks like we're starting to go back up as well this comes after about a week of I don't know just fairly stationary activity meaning magma accumulation underneath the area neither displacement or inflow was observed uh in the past week until about yesterday we seen a pretty sharp rise out here noticeable on the past month as well so just a uh just a waiting game I guess I mean there's still some earthquake activity out here most of it from yesterday though during that uh little magma movement that was going on there yesterday in this area trail of activity from the summit region stretching off towards the uh Middle East Rift Zone some of it going down here towards the Lower East Rift Zone area but not so much it's just uh a little uncertain onto what is going to take place here we could just see this continue for a little while before we get some further inflow of magma from the deeper areas below which is the pajala area a lot of deeper activity here uh and then the plumbing system of the magma Chambers and whatnot feeding the volcanoes out here obviously it's a hot spot right big island of Hawaii and the chain of islands of out here throughout time as a Pacific Plate moves off to the Northwest so we'll continue to watch Hawaii nothing uh obviously nothing of any major change for now just that a little bit of inflation from yesterday Puerto Rico got one earthquake here out of San Juan 2.8 six miles here uh underneath the area really haven't seen a whole lot of movement significant movement out here in a little while 4.5 it looks like from yesterday around the Santiago de Cuba of Cuba region here Northern edge of the Caribbean plate aside from that uh see what else we got that's from yesterday 4.2 or 4.5 excuse me no that's a 4.2 correcting myself that's a good sign right South America area couple fours out there a lot of that from yesterday in this little cluster uh more more newer activity down south here it looks like working its way across the prili trench extreme southern end major subduction zone out there so this earthquake though 4.5 this morning about N 9 miles deep here right on the subduction zone area of course this is a region down here where they seen that uh big old 9.5 earthquake the largest ever recorded earthquake out there I want to check that out real quick and see that area can see some big earthquakes no doubt want to show you guys the 7.0 earthquakes historically out there just along that section of the prilly trench here we're going to go roughly about here Southward I got to include the subduction zone surface level and that should be it and got got about 37 earthquakes here of various magnitudes including the biggest earthquake ever recorded the 9.5 earthquake back in uh 1960 that's right around the uh where's Santiago Chile right here so this activity at 9.5 is a little bit further south this 9.5 occurring south of the activity that we're seeing today right around this area so yeah no doubt this area can see some big time earthquakes goodness that uh was a big one now whether is I don't think there's enough strain to build up uh enough for a 9.5 out here generally in this area there may be some other areas of the prili trench that have not seen a major release out here it's a very lengthy subduction zone that extends um right about here northward all the way up the coast Peru and you got the Ecuador trench up here Colombia area Colombian trench it's a fairly lengthy subduction zone so I'm sure certain areas are capable of producing um potentially something similar 8.8 back in 2010 8.5 1922 a lot of eights and again that's one thing we haven't seen in a couple years now is an eight- pointer and that and I'm talking as a the global aspect of things as a whole we should have seen an eight- pointer somewhere out here that's just the occurrence level of an eight- pointer runs every year if not every year it's every other year and we haven't seen an eight- pointer since 2021 so three years now space weather activity we had a little bit of an explosion out there on the uh looks like the Northwestern quadrant of the sun where we' seen a magnetic filament erupt earlier this morning it did produce a CME it looks like things may be headed this way as well look at that massive full Halo CME um part of it is uh Earth directed A moderate G2 geomagnetic storm watch was added so it looks like around the September 10th period which is which is the UTC time here uh we got a chance for some auror this is tonight this is tomorrow night uh it'll be on butay probably Tuesday night here when we'll see the potential effects of that CME hit the planet and produce maybe a G2 class storm that would be pretty cool and also dependent on the uh solar uh conditions there of the bz component of the interplanetary magnetic field which will either suppress this activity or ow it to spark up all these auroras here um on most likely Tuesday night this is for Monday night not that big of a deal Tuesday night that line will be much lower and if things play out right we could see it down here across some of these uh middle latitude States as well so we'll come back and check on that uh probably tomorrow and definitely early Tuesday morning um let me go over here and check out the official image here see if they've updated this or not uh it is okay so let's see where that CME is here's the sun obviously Green Earth watch for a there we go there's that CME got a little a lot of plasma Cloud but it splits right there leaving Earth right in the center of the uh that mag magnetic uh filament explosion today the plasma density plasma Cloud that shot off so a little uncertain on if this is going to be a decent event but look at that splits at least in this level in terms of the plasma density uh the radio velocity the speed here let's take a look at that and [Music] see yeah well we're just barely going to get a hit this is one of those things here where we've seen it in the past where they'll show this model and forecast a G2 class storm and nothing will happen so this is right on that fine line of something's going to happen or it's not looking at that there's a split it's somewhat dodging here in terms of the Velocity the speed here as well I guess we'll just have to wait until Tuesday night and see what happens here but we'll check back on it uh tomorrow for sure flaring activity uh aside from that eruption there looks fairly minimal I mean we got 15% chance for xflare I don't think we're going to see anything really major pickup until the return of some very active regions out here on the far side of the sun yesterday this was at 97 so what happened here how come we went back a couple oh now it's 97 that's kind of weird the thumbnail is not at 97 uhoh let me see here yeah when you click on it though it's 97 so either way this is about a day old here's the far side of the sun earth facing side current sunspots which are fairly wimpy there's not a whole lot of complexity out here uh but in the past several past few days here we've seen a number of large explosions on The Far Side of the Sun and I believe this is the culprit a giant Sunspot there on the far side that will be cresting around the uh Eastern limb here into the Earth directed view in the coming days again this is one day behind maybe almost two days so it could be getting a little bit closer over here we'll see this peak sometime next week this coming week and uh if all holds up well we could be looking at a return of some very active conditions with flaring and that was uh that was a former Sunspot that had already been here on the earth facing side 3792 uh last time it was around here and who knows how many times before that the sunspots stay consistent they grow uh and then they weaken and it's basically the same sunspots and they come back around The Far Side of the Sun into the Earth facing side again and they get renamed so it's hard to keep track of all of these sunspots and their new names once they come out here onto the visible disc I kind of wish they would just you know if you could watch The Far Side like like this on um the stereo ahead image why not keep it the same some Sunspot number that way we can you know associate the activity with it but uh anyway we'll watch for that here next week and see what happens Storm Prediction Center not a whole lot for severe weather uh just some general thunderstorm activity out here across the West in Mountain West areas as well really nothing in terms of severe weather out here at all just some nice thunderstorm hours out there that would be nice here in California um taking a look here at the forecast we do have a tropical system down in the Gulf of Mexico that could stir up a little trouble this coming week uh for the folks down there in Texas maybe Louisiana it does look like it wants to appear and transfer into a strong hurricane before making landfall there across the um Texas GF coast and Louisiana as well so let's run over here and check out the latest information on this tropical system um right here real quick so this is going to be invest 91 which is currently in the Gulf of Mexico as a low uh pressure is still quite high it's just a cluster of under um unorganized thunderstorm activity but it uh appears as though we could uh amplify that pretty soon look at these spaghetti models uh similar to the track I just showed showed you there on the GFS model hitting the Southeastern Texas Louisiana area and uh thought I smell something burning the majority of these storms of the strength of the storm here category one maybe up into category two here so we'll have to watch that as uh we get closer there to the date all right I better go check on that smells something weird I'll chat with you guys a little bit later on on seis mcra stations out there look pretty quiet for now little well a couple spikes there on the um Bakersfield station but we'll continue to keep an eye there on Southern California remember these earthquakes uh and swarms occur and come and go in waves out here a little bit of movement there along the creeping segment of the San Andreas fault within the last uh five minutes it looks like have a good day enjoy the rest of your Sunday we'll catch you guys back out here a little bit later folks stay safe

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