California Earthquake activity. Nevada Still Swarming. Wednesday Night update 9/4/2024

Published: Sep 04, 2024 Duration: 00:22:00 Category: Science & Technology

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hey how's it going out there folks welcome back here to a Wednesday night September 4th 2024 is a date about 10:47 p.m. here California time latest activity on the globe shows uh 2.9 across the area uh looks like down around the uh Costa Rica area maybe a little bit further north there also some movement in California as well look at this lighting up slightly out here tonight Nevada has been uh definitely increasing an earthquake activity throughout the day today a couple of the newer Quakes in the last hour looks like this just popped off here from the uh hour time frame we've seen a 2.8 just one hour ago on the San Andrea's fault there that's going to be the uh Pine Rock fault zone right around the creeping segment uh which extends fairly uh fairly lengthy here down to about the Parkfield area uh either way a little bit of earthquake activity Stern up here today and more so in the last hour for that 2.8 also got some movement further down south here along the coast near the San Louis Obispo area couple different fracture zones down down there 1.8 outside of that region also a couple smaller Quakes down uh into the Sand berardino Mountain Range been watching this here throughout the day today in the last couple days actually uh seen a little bit of increasing movement here across this area of course there's a lot of strain built up here in this region and uh this is uh a uh a scary area when it comes to the builtup strain that's uh been accumulating here for so many years uh the southern branch of the San Andreas Fault of course capable of producing an 8.1 got to watch that right getting a little bit of micro Quake activity around it uh 1.2 there in the last hour uh there's some of the earthquake activity from this morning around the POA Hills thrust Vault of course that thrust Vault made a uh the news here recently with a 4.4 and a couple other earthquakes there in the last 30 days there's a total tally so far about 40 earthquakes the largest one of course going to be that 4.4 shook a lot of nerves out there because uh this fault system here is capable of producing a 7.5 earthquake and it's been no telling how long I booked another a point M here with Dr Lucy Jones on her social media account I'm hoping that she will uh attend so I have a question for her and I think many have been asking I'm hope hopeful she knows uh when the last one struck out here or when the last uh estimated rupture took place out here across the point to Hills thresa in terms of Maximum um magnitude and looks like it pops every U couple thousand years or so for a 7.5 that is so I'm I'm hopeful I'll get my chance to ask her that question and uh see what she has to say here so that's coming up on Friday um Ridge Crest area still seeing some movement uh Nevada out here just rocking and rolling with earthquakes left and right uh specifically in this area here I got almost a 100 earthquakes just in the last 24 hours various magnitudes all over the place twos and ones uh occasionally we'll see some threes out here as well we did see a 3.1 in that mix earlier this afternoon uh quite a bit of strain out here against Nevada right now and of course what goes on down here across the plate boundary and these other fracture zones um can have an adverse effect here and I think that's what we're seeing due to the elevated stress levels out here uh that's been in Southern California recently um now whether we're going to see some larger scale activity out here I guess it'll be uh in the for or not in the forecast but in the future here if it does otherwise we're just looking at a continued amount of uh earthquake swarming here in this area look at this almost uh almost 500 earthquakes in this area of Nevada alone in the last 30 days of course just outside of Las Vegas we had that little swarm out here as well back in uh well there's a couple there from September uh and a lot back from August as well uh and then we had the more notable this swarm right now up here around the Goldfield Hills also some swarming out here in this area around the uh Monte chis cryistal range and a decent swarm up here around the Walker Lake area as well so this area is quite Amplified in terms of the strain accumulation out here now in general look at this that's a lot of earthquake activity here in the last 30 days of California let's see what we got here that's going to include Nevada as well over 4,000 earthquakes wow that's a lot of earthquake activity here and that does include all the swarming there in the Bakersfield area following that five-pointer 5.2 back in August and various other swarms out here as well so yeah look at this cluster going on right up against the San Andreas fault here the southern segment got to be prepared folks there's a lot of pressure out here right now but that is uh you know that's quite incredible to see over 4,000 earthquakes here in the last 30 days that's exactly what it says now if we were to check the 2.5 and above yeah that brings it down to about 186 of 2.5 and above most of these microquakes obviously not going to be felt but hey there's still Earth Quakes and it's uh you know some of these are experiencing some decent earthquake swarming here across the area of California and Nevada so that number is quite elevated 4,155 that's just um that's just the area here that's on the map that's crazy in the last seven days alone eight let me bring this back here there we go it was trying to trick me 883 earthquakes in the last week alone of various magnitudes even that's a lot of earthquakes if you think about it in the last seven days one day 160 at least in this area so continue to keep an eye there on California it's uh you obviously we know it's well overdue and it could be coming at any minute now in terms of larger scale potential out here couple smaller earthquakes through the Cascades mainly around Mount St Helens nothing big going on uh let's check out the trimmer here tonight stand by for a second Cascadia trimmer see what we got 60 woohoo we're going down after about a month of elevated trimmer now we're only at about 60 epicenters of trimmer for the last 24 hours little bit there in the Vancouver Island range and also Southern Oregon if we look at the last month of data here we've seen a fairly intense amount of trimmer here uh with the epicenter count way up there we're talking about 13 1,901 epicenters of trimmer occurring down into the subduction zone level of the Cascadia that's quite a bit haven't seen anything similar to this since uh probably about 200 21 so a couple years there of um off andon weak trimmer but it definitely has been picking up here recently uh and sections here looks like Southern segment and also this little segment up here around the Seattle area not a whole lot uh further up north here around the Vancouver Island area northward which can't see some trimmer that's still part of the Cascadia abduction Zone but that's showing nothing which is a little odd and we're lacking some trimmer right here in the center portion as well so either way that's a that's a decent amount of trimmer activity goodness uh across Yellowstone National Park let's go ahead and check this out real quick couple smaller earthquakes earlier this morning looks like maybe there was another one there just before noon let's run over and check it out here from the Yellowstone overview now you can see it here across Maple Creek Homes Hill and noris Junction I'm going to zoom in here to the Norris Junction area and that's this little spiky earthquake activity here it looks like and we see it on occasion here a lot of intense small micro Quake activity all at once here there's probably a good 30 or more in that little sequence now I can verify that that's earthquake activity because that showed up also across the Maple Creek area and Holmes Hill but not quite as intense some of the larger and they weren't really large but some of the uh the larger than the smaller extreme smaller Quakes showed up here as well it's only when we zoom in here to the north Junction area that we can see this looks like it's the epicenter of uh this earthquake activity today and that sits uh right at the northern edge here of the Yellowstone Caldera so uh a couple you know obviously some earthquake activity but nothing big uh the biggest earthquake swarm that I can remember uh there was a decent one back in 2008 2009 along with a lot of uplift of the land out here that startled and scared a lot of people in fact some YouTubers out here uh I'm not going to mention any names U fearmonger those uh fearmonger quite a few videos there and um caused a whole bunch of panic that Yellowstone was going to blow there was some uplift out here and we were seeing quite a few threes and four magnitudes out here if we go back here real quick and check I'll show you guys 2008 it was the end of 2008 early 2009 I remember this very well because it generated uh was it 2008 hold on a second here let me go on to the next day there it is so yeah it was into 2008 and in a couple weeks into 2009 as well January and look at that right compared to if you look at today's Maps right that pretty quiet there's some wind noise out here some thunderstorms this is that's what this is right here but if you compare that to that that's a decent earthquake SW look at that look at the seismograph station one would think wow what's going on here we got uh vertical uplift and uh a lot of earthquake activity and it can be star um that uplift was brief and we've been going down ever since and if you look at some of these uh seismograph stations or uh GPS stations I'll show you most of the activity looks like it was around the lake but area uh Lake Yellowstone where all this no I can't say noise those were earthquakes that's where uh the epicenter was taking place so that's going to be roughly uh right around here there's got to be a little bit better one here let me see what's going on that one's offline uh yeah here we go so look at this that's vertical displacement right that was about the time we were seeing the maximum um vertical displacement up here about 2008 2009 and then it calmed down we've seen another earthquake swarm a fairly decent one if I remember right back in 2016 that lasted for it almost seemed like a couple months there in the summertime right about the time it was somewhat elevated as well so yeah obviously a lot of earthquake activity a lot of inflation but since then we've been going down here but uh you know it can be a little scary but you know I feel before this thing were to even get close to uh an eruption we would see an incredible amount of earthquake activity and way more uplift than what we had seen in 2008 2009 and 2016 but as I showed you guys there things are going down in terms of that inflation for now that's not always going to be the case though uh Texas area Oklahoma still seeing some earthquakes out there in the earthquake country out in the oil fields far as worldwide activity goes well we've seen that 6.2 out here I told you it was going to be a little bit of an upgrade when I last did the uh video it was at a 6.0 and the USGS hadn't hadn't jumped on it yet so it took them a little while but that's what they came up with it was much larger on the seismograph station than the six-pointer so that's kind of why I called that out in the video since then uh a little bit of adjustment further west here look at all this warping of the uh the the plates out here you can see it twisting and pulling and subducting that's a major area when it comes to uh earthquake activity and they're almost always seen earthquakes there in that crunch Zone I call it the crunch Zone because that's pretty much where all the plates not all the plates but this section of various plates meet there uh about the Taiwan area Southward through the Philippines Indonesia islands area Java trench this whole area is getting warped and pulled around um so yeah a little bit of newer activity following that 6.2 it does look like there's uh some further stress out here that's uh being applied to the region further to the southeast here couple smaller earthquakes through New Zealand and the kermadec trench mostly threes nothing big going on there for now got a pair of earthquakes up north here as well couple fours uh these earthquakes following the activity down south so a little bit of adjustment here across the Northwestern edge of the Pacific Plate 4.5 along the kurl cam chakka Trench some older movement Quakes here across the uan trench into Alaska uh Hawaii looks like there's a little bit of uptick going on here across the Kila whale volcano mainly up here across the Upper East Rift Zone with some two stiring up out here let's give a quick glance at the uh latest data here from the kowale volcano website here USGS uh seism graph station view here looks fairly quiet I mean there's not a whole lot going on here there is some earthquake activity there on the graphs uh let me check out a different one A little bit one closer to this area uh standby here for a second tilt meter I tilt meter yeah this one's showing a little bit more spikier localized earthquake activity but uh really nothing that would uh be concerning in terms of magma displacement from this area this is you know it's quite accumulated there's a lot of accumulation of magma underneath this area and and uh we've just been waiting for it waiting for something to change a current look at the deformation data charts are we still live we're still live there we go uh shows there's that three-pointer there from yesterday did something to the land created a little bit of Rise there temporarily in the inflation chart but uh since then yeah we're going up but the overall trend here in the last week or so has been fairly stationary here's our last magma intrusion there back in the uh August 20th time frame and then prior to that we had another one back uh right about here back in the the end of July it's a little droppage there but overall we're still quite heightened out here if you really think about long uh long-term models out here we're still very elevated and uh just waiting game see what happens here uh far as that uh goes let's see see here still seeing some earthquake activity in Southern cow even since I uh started this update keep an eye on it uh South America area 2.5 couple other smaller Quakes older movement Quakes up north here across Peru uh there's a uh 5.1 here across the plate boundary this little fracture zone between the Coco plate which sits up here and the nasca plate which is down south here normally uh these type of earthquakes here on this fracture Zone will stir things up further across the area a couple for stirring up there we'll have to watch and see what happens maybe a little further activity up north here I got some Forest coming in here fairly recent following this activity uh so we'll see how see what happens overnight uh Mediterranean area fairly normal I mean there's always twos and threes out there but uh aside from that fairly quiet nothing major going on Space weather activity um getting some more proton events here it looks like fairly decent amount of protons interacting with the ionosphere there um mainly across the polar regions far as any major flare flares go in the earth directed view not a I mean not a whole lot going on here for now um but we do have a couple different sunspots that are noteworthy to watch for some stronger flaring uh got a trail of sunspots out here this region looks fairly complex but it's really not doing a whole lot just kind of sitting there looking pretty we'll see what it does as uh it continues to make its way off towards Western limb uh back behind this train of sunspots we have a couple other sunspots out here in the northeastern Lim limb this looks fairly complex up here in the northeastern segment we'll keep an eye on that overall flare threat is somewhat elevated about 20% chance for XF flare M flare at 70 CF flare around 99% chance or so and we should see those proton events eventually calm down they can last for a couple days though uh no major Roars in the forecast for now folks and far as anything major goes out in the uh warm Waters right been kind of absent of hurricanes out there recently right I'm sure quite a few folks do not mind that uh looking at the longterm models here obviously you got some thunderstorm development out here maybe a tropical system off the coast of Baja California as we head towards the second week of uh September that is going to spin around and maybe bring some rain to Southern California uh down at the bottom of the screen look at that fairly significant hurricane approaching the Eastern portion of the country uh we'll have to watch that though that's towards the September 20th time frame that's a ways out so as we can see these models can change in a blink of an eye from from model run to model run not a whole lot of expected development out here in the next 48 hours the Atlantic there's a number of sun or sunspots I would hope there's not sunspots out here um but tropical development out here potentially uh but looks like less than 40% for all of these uh systems out here there's one disturbance off the east coast here that's uh got a very low percentage of turning into some type of tropical development these are more or less just clusters of thunderstorms out there that uh really are not getting going it's it's really surprising to to hear about how warm these Waters have been and the lack of hurricanes out here right because you think the warmer water areas would stir up up the tropics more and create more hurricanes but uh yeah not looking likely for now anyway this hopefully hopefully it stays quiet out here uh let's see what else we got here folks s graph stations there got a little Spike on Grape Vine ranger station that is not the grape vine uh going through Bakersfield going south through Bakersfield on I5 that station is going to be close to the Nevada area uh tonopa Nevada area 2.7 at 2149 um I'm not seeing that on here but there is another earthquake here recent one within the last couple minutes I don't see it showing up here yet but there's a a signature of an earthquake in this area hard to say exactly what it is but anyway when you're looking at the live stream and you got uh these graphs up grape vine ranger station here is in close proximity to this earthquake swarm just FYI uh so folks don't get confused on the grape vine wording down here but aside from this one quiet for now we'll keep an eye though on the west coast got a lot of elevated activity out here you know and we've been saying that for a while but it's not going away it's still quite active we'll catch you guys back out here tomorrow morning for the uh Thursday morning update stay safe out there folks and have have a good night

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