5.0 Earthquake Iceland. Swarm of Quakes Baja California region. Tuesday update 9/3/2024

Published: Sep 02, 2024 Duration: 00:18:38 Category: Science & Technology

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hey how's it going out there folks welcome back here to a Tuesday official start of the work week if you had a three-day weekend off it is about 11:35 a.m. here California time September 3rd 2024 latest activity here on the globe shows a 1.5 into Alaska uh we're still seeing a little swarm of earthquake activity here Baja California Southward quite a bit of swarming going on here just off the tip of Baja California um and some further movement there from this morning into the Baja California area up north towards Southern California so we're still keeping an eye there on the Southern California region for some further movement out here with all this uh recent activity nearby a look at the last 24 hours here of earthquake activity on the map shows uh a handful of earthquakes out there uh including one uh 3.5 this morning 5:00 this morning here just outside of the Long Valley Super Volcano north of Mount Tom area this is is a stress related fracture earthquake five looks like just about six miles here below the surface within the vicinity that Cena 2.9 here yesterday so mountain ranges up here getting a little bit of strain due to all the stress out here against the plate boundary also 2.7 a little bit further south here near the ridgerest area that's one of our recent swarming areas and a handful of smaller Quakes out here as you can see on the map in terms of micro Quake activity not a a whole lot happening further south here for now but don't let your guard down with this recent activity here uh around the region and the activity further south here good idea to be on guard today for some further movement uh just seen a lot of activity here recently USGS reporting a 4.4 this morning but as we can see on the globe here there's a handful more so we got a couple different swarming areas here in the West Coast Area and uh along the Baja California region uh further up into Northern California here handful of smaller Quakes throughout the Bay Area there's that one Lonesome earthquake there from yesterday 2.7 just shy of the Cascadia subduction zone nothing else showing up there today M St Helen's area seen a handful of smaller Quakes very small micro Quakes there about a couple miles there below the surface um and that's an area that does see a little bit of swarming on occasion uh sometimes it gets up there in the terms of multitude of quakes but right now just very small small micro Quake activity and very minimal uh Nevada region still seeing some activity North V uh Las Vegas northward excuse me up towards the Carson City area in a linear fashion here and let's see what we got for Yellowstone anything going on here across Yellowstone 1.4 earlier this morning so let's double check that supposed to be 10 I don't know what 105 today 108 tomorrow ah you got a dry north wind out here in Northern California it's really killing my um moisture level so I'm trying to stay hydrated uh not a whole lot of earthquake activity here across the Yellowstone region for now uh maybe a little spiky activity here near Parker Peak but that's about it some type of uh um Network interference here that showed that little choppiness here on the graph so that's not actual earthquake activity or anything uh ge geology related um Texas Oklahoma oil filled country getting some uh earthquakes out there one earthquake in the uh New Madrid Zone over here from last night this could to be a little small 2.5 uh overnight late last night we seen another 2.5 here near Tunnel Hill Georgia but aside from that Eastern portion of the country pretty quiet out there folks for now the Hawaii area not a whole lot happening out here at least according to the USGS here but I'm going to double check that because you know it's the weekend and um let's see here let me bring this up excuse me uh Killa way volcano bring this up here real quick hopefully there we go I utilize the Microsoft Edge um browser because for whatever reason when I use Google Chrome it uh has some issues with that uh specific page let me show you guys here real quick it's yeah it's doing stuff that it never really used to do before and that's monia uh Killa away a volcano underneath the the instruments here I mean I've maybe I need to replace the bookmark with this one that doesn't have all the instruments on there that could be why it's overloading like that but even so when I go and look at some of these graphs here they haven't been popping up uh like if I check a tilt meter and click on it it just it disappears I don't know why it does that same for the seismograph stations here click on it past 12 hours and it doesn't want to pop up so I don't know what it is I didn't do anything different so I've just been using the Microsoft edge here because when I click on seism graph station uh it pops up and it's doing what it's supposed to do so I got a setting or something that's wrong I don't know if you guys got any hints let me know it seems like a simple but I can't figure it out anyway earthquake activity there very limited across the Kila volcano area for now just at a standstill uh in terms of the um ongoing you know inflation of this area uh if anything we've gone down here a little bit stationary it looks like and dropping here in the last couple days but really no change here we're not looking at any uh magma intrusion area just a uh just a stationary event going on here nothing has changed here across this area in terms of uh any further escalation of what's going on below the subsurface area there of Kila volcano uh looks like a beautiful blue clear I forgot I forgot that one see how annoying that is I mean it's it's really really not supposed to do that when you click on something it's supposed to pop up right like this click on it voila look at that woo all right so yeah beautiful blue clear sky out there uh at the summit area not a whole lot of uh volcanic gases a little bit over here across the sides seeping through the tiniest of cracks in the ground but that has been ongoing for quite a while all right let's back out of here out that page and we'll check out the rest of the earthquake activity out here Across the Western Pacific where we're seeing some deeper movement Quakes coming back to the area of Japan ISU trench and uh a little surface feature earthquake right there uh so keep an eye on this region obviously these earthquakes come and go uh through periods of time it's not always active in one region if it is and that's obviously uh an area to watch Pretty closely for some larger scale movement but the cycle of earthquakes out here come and go as various areas of the plates shift and adjust accordingly here in the theory of plate tectonics right just just makes sense uh Taiwan Southward here into the Philippines seen a cluster of earthquakes there today quite a few threes and some fours thrown in there uh New Zealand area just staying consistent there with occasional threes across the play boundary nothing big deeper activity Quakes here across the uh Tonga trench once again there's all the activity Southern California Southward a swarm of movement here recently so that's why I say keep an eye there on Southern California for some increasing activity today it's just been quite active all around this region here uh Middle America trench as well South America area lot of older Quakes here on the map from yesterday including that uh there's a five-pointer that popped off over here uh yesterday 5.3 aside from that fairly quiet in terms of anything above the 4.0 threshold there for the uh South America region Puerto Ric chilling out a little bit calming down only a couple threes out there and some twos the Atlantic Ocean got some earthquake activity up here in Iceland that's going to be around the cat volcano let's go check that out there from the Icelandic um earthquake side here so actually that's not near the catla's going to be uh let's see I thought the cat was a little a little bit further south here but goodness that's a a pretty decent earthquake 4.9 around this area not for sure how to correctly pronounce that name but I'm not even going to try it uh but a little bit of swarming going on here around this area of volcanic Act of volcanoes obviously a rift boundary out here right so it's cluttered with volcanos uh but yeah that's a decent Siz earthquake not associated with the earthquake or the volcanic activity down here across the sart singi area that in itself is along a separate section here of Iceland separate riff boundary here that's a decent Siz earthquake up there let's go over here to the Icelandic Med office and see what they say today see what they're saying that is um there we go uh um let's see this update was put out today updated hazard assessment um so they updated their little Hazard area here to include the ongoing eruption and Volcanic gases there air pollution whatnot uh the lava bed that has formed in this eruption has extended beyond the previous boundaries of the areas second to take into account that the magma tunnel that formed on August 22nd extended further to the Northeast than Zone 3 previously did so it looks like they extended this out a little bit in terms of the hazard areas Uh current inflow into the magma accumulation area underneath SAR singi is probably equal to the outflow of the eruption so things are going to stay consistent on the map right we won't see any deformation or uh inflation or I let see two active vents in the north two active vents in the north of the Fisher just can't I can't say that right again this is translated from Icelandic to uh English here but we get it yeah there's two active vents uh Northern in seismic activity has decreased in the last few days and this is just kind of a a simple layout here of what's going on you get the magma chamber here underneath SAR singi reloading from the areas below and then of course once this gets filled up here and pressurized and it goes up here to the surface where we're seeing the ongoing eruption uh let me check out the current live view I don't know if we're going to be able to see anything out there but uh we'll check it out yeah there's that that's a huge cone out there that's a lot bigger than it looks uh still one active uh vent out there throwing up some lava fountaining uh this is from the live from Iceland site pretty neat little site if you want to check out a couple perspectives here of the ongoing eruption but uh yeah it looks like um like any other eruption we've seen here over the last eight months numerous times where uh it builds up erupts for a couple weeks calms down builds up uh the SAR singy area in terms of magma accumulation then does its thing again a month or so later it's uh rinse and repeat cycle here here's a vertical displacement there's our most recent eruption that occurred there back in August lost a whole lot of volume of inflation right that magma flu well not flu but uh flowed over the surface areas there to create those big lava fields and now we're just consistently steady in terms of land rise out here in terms of inflation so until things come to a halt at the surface this should stay fairly stationary space weather activity a little bit of inflare movement here this morning it looks like still seeing a little bit of proton activity as well across the polar regions that's what's going on here across this map mainly affecting some high frequency and low frequency navigation and commun uh communication systems out there not going to affect cell phone towers but uh that's limited up there across the extreme regions of the planet here northern and southern pole area we do have decent chance here for some flaring 25% chance M flare at 70 CF flare around 99% chance or so and we do have those uh numbers matching a couple different sunspots out here that are capable of producing some stronger flares this area down here and a couple of these regions here looking a little bit more intense today in terms of the complexity so keep an eye on uh this row of sunspots down here as they uh evolve and continue to face or turn into the Earth directed view no major Roars in the forecast here for now folks we'll see if we can get that to change hopefully uh there was a massive CME explosion on the far side of the Sun as well uh this morning um hard to say exactly which Sunspot that occurred on because we'd have to look on the far side map here but if we do that uh we can see on the most recent image Far Side area it's more than likely going to be coming from 3792 3 3790 area this is a Far Side of the Sun Earth facing side right here this is what we're dealing with right now with the the MF flare and CF flare activity there's that line of sunspots but yeah somewhere over on the far side I'm guessing it's this area right here produce that massive uh CME explosion there directed away from Earth obviously we keep uh getting all these large explosions and Earth is dodging them all right Storm Prediction Center out here today for severe weather not a whole lot in the forecast here folks just a marginal risk for some severe weather across Montana Wyoming area not a whole lot for tornado potential that's good news wind and maybe a little bit of small well maybe some moderate hell out there across Idaho Montana portions of Yellowstone so a little bit later on this evening or late afternoon we should see these graphs stir up with noise environmental noise there from all the thunderstorms out there uh we seen it yesterday right here that's kind of what it looks like not magma uh rolling around the is just wind noise thunderstorms we'll see that again kick up almost looks like it's starting to kick up here in the last uh 30 minutes we'll go check out the weather radar here real quick see what we have up there across the Yellowstone area and yeah see so we got a few thunderstorms popping up and of course that matches the noise that we're seeing here uh within the last uh 30 minutes or so and we'll see that continue as long as those thunderstorms are kicking up out there across Yellowstone but far as any you know magma or earthquake activity it's pretty quiet out there across Yellowstone all right quick glance here at the Gulf of Mexico been checking this uh for that potential tropical development here uh towards the second week of September here so let's see what the models forecast here for today a little bit of tropical development here uh towards the end of this week nothing big just a little bit of stirring up of thunderstorms and whatnot down there across the Texas area at after that um yeah it almost looks like that uh tropical system has disappeared off the weather models maybe something something down here extreme Southern Gulf area around Mexico but uh near the Yucatan area but goodness it's uh yeah it disappeared that's good news because a couple models ago you guys remember it was showing a major hurricane hit in the Louisiana area so it's best if that stays away H what do we got here on the West Coast I'm liking that got some type of low pressure system here I was looking at this last night and it looks a little bit more intense today looks like that rainfall is going to head into uh my neck of the woods here that's perfect I'll take it not a lot of rainfall but uh anything is better than nothing I mean this these uh next four days or so basically Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday here are supposed to be close to 110 here in Northern California so this is uh I'll take it that's nice but that's not going to be until a little bit later on towards the uh middle of next week there it looks like all right I'm out of here folks have yourself a good day got uh quite a few things I got to do here for the uh fall semester got to get caught up on hope everyone has a good Tuesday even though it's technically Monday for a lot of us right have a good one stay prepared and um you know keep an eye there on California it's uh definitely got some uptick going on here across this area of the fracture Zone in the Gulf of California and it's uh normally uh normally earthquake activity here will coincide with whatever is going down south here as well so we could see an uptick and earthquake activity across Southern California today we'll continue to monitor that and of course report back on any uh uptick that takes place have a good one let's see you guys back out here a little bit later

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