WETTER DEUTSCHLAND: Gewitter-Tief "Frieda" tobt über Deutschland – Schwere Unwettergefahr!

IRA: What is the weather like for the weekend? Unfortunately not much better, but no, I don't know how to get out of it now. The weather is really bad today. Then just start, storm-like, but okay. Well, Tief Elke is now followed by Tief Frieder and contrary to her name, she's having a blast today. Good morning The air is very humid and therefore high in energy. There is a threat of regionally severe thunderstorms with a local risk of severe weather, especially due to large amounts of rain, storm fronts and also local hail. Thunderstorm systems with severe weather potential are moving over us from southwest to northeast. These can be very dynamic, temporarily weakening, but then strengthening again. New storm-like thunderstorm cells can suddenly develop in the humid air. In the morning and mid-morning there are three main thunderstorm zones with potential heavy rain: in the far west and northwest, over the center and also over Bavaria. These thunderstorms are all moving north to northeast. Regardless of this, small-scale and very violent thunderstorm cells can develop at any time during the day . But there are also friendly phases in between, with very different maximum values ​​from 18 to 24 degrees on the coasts to sweltering temperatures, partly in Lower Bavaria and Lusatia. On Saturday the threat of severe weather will retreat to the northeast. Then it rains long and intensely on the Baltic Sea. Otherwise, precipitation will only occur sporadically . Yes, and Sunday, sorry, will be quite friendly with showers, as will Monday. Things will get a little more changeable again on Tuesday . Yes, it would be nice if things got better again at the beginning of the week. IRA: Thank you very much if it gets better. Yes, the weather likes it.

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