Dr. Doom and NCAA 25

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:52:04 Category: Sports

Trending searches: ncaa 25
[Music] [Music] let what is up everybody and welcome back to another edition of the AK show what's your boy AK the ref how is everybody doing I hope everybody is having a fabulous weekend so far today is Sunday so when you're listening to this I hope you're enjoying your Sunday Funday you've made it through another week yes you have you made it through another week keep yourself around the cluse you know what it is out here we out here doing the thing you know I hope you're just relaxing chilling uh getting recharge for the beginning of a new week which if your job involves you going back to work on Monday I hope you've had a fabulous weekend and you're just chilling at home doing a whole bunch of nothing just relaxing getting ready for the work week but we here uh like I said it's harder to figure out when to do these because I'm fulltime and then I have coaching football after school so it's just about maybe I'm GNA have to record these on the weekend you know Saturday morning Sunday morning release them on Saturday or Sunday so but listen it the episodes will get released I I can assure you that it just might be different days of the week I can tell you that so and they will be released it will just probably be it won't be a consistent I'm might have to pick a consistent day maybe I'll do Sunday no that won't work those are Chiefs games maybe it's got to be Saturday Saturday because I usually don't have a lot going on on Saturday unless I have wrestling booking but uh what what what see if it's home games I got to go work the home games at the Chiefs because I have a part-time job with the Chiefs on game days and I also have tickets so after my job is done I get to go and watch the game so on a away games I could do it you know get here early in the morning wake up and record it before the game starts I could do a Saturday mornings maybe we're just gonna have to I want a specific date like actual day of the week you know what let's do Saturdays let's do from now on the AK show the podcast episodes are released on Saturday this one's released Sunday because I didn't I didn't have time yesterday but uh we had a lot of stuff to do yesterday but to today's episode Sunday but from going forward we are going to shoot for Saturday for episode to release probably in the evening if if anything it will release in the evening and we'll get it all right so look for the new date of Saturdays if something should arise where I can't get it uploaded Saturday it'll be at least Sunday or it could even be before if I know I have to go out of town for wrestling I'll get it uploaded before then but yeah let's let's shoot for Saturdays let's shoot for the new uh new date of Saturday's new episodes of the AKA show the podcast remember subscribe to the YouTube channel because that's where every episode is at currently going forward is on the YouTube channel look for AK the ref the podcast we here we trying to grow we building thank you for everybody that Tunes in thank you everybody that subscribes uh I'm not sure where we're currently at right now the last time I looked we that 149 Mark but uh hopefully we can get to that 500 Mark I don't know let let's shoot I'm still growing slowly let's shoot 500 subscribers by the end of the year I mean we got to make a goal I don't know what a reasonable goal is you know I'm still learning and still new to this being consistent with it and uploading good content that people can enjoy you know like I said on here we do sports and entertainment I don't I don't mess around with other stuff I ain't talking politics I ain't talking worldly news I ain't talking gossip news unless it's like talking about like a movie but like I'm not gossiping about people's personal lives like I'm we talk about sports we can talk about the Chiefs you know football you know we can talk baseball uh basketball soccer hockey like I I I'll dabble into other sports I'm not familiar with and then on entertainment side you know I could put pro wrestling in sports and entertainment side either or but like movies TV shows music video games stuff like that you know keep it we keep it light on here it's gonna have those things over like I talk about something people might not agree with me and that's okay it's okay but I'm I'm not on here talking politics and all I no y'all y'all want that y'all gotta somewhere else over here we going to have a good time we going to talk sports and entertainment we we just going to keep it we're just going to keep it chill keep it real on that on that side we ain't gonna go to the other side because I just don't want to get into that there's enough of that people need an outlet to get away from that sometimes and that's what this is so hopefully you're listening you're enjoying it but uh on today's episode uh I want to talk about I want to get on we're going to talk about the entertainment side of things ain't going to talk Sports because football doesn't start for another two weeks is so this past Thursday from this past Thursday it would have been two weeks until the season opener which is the Chiefs and Ravens uh on September 5th but uh so we we'll we'll we'll dabble into that the week of I will have be going over uh mostly like I said when I talk football it's going to be a lot of chiefs like I'll talk about other teams and what they're doing I'll probably probably uh maybe next week or the following week I'll probably do an episode where I talk about uh the season who I think is going to win divisions and then my my Super Bowl pick I'll do I'll do that U let's do that next week next week we we'll talk about the upcoming football season I'll pick my division winners for each division in the NFL and who I think is going to be in the Super Bowl and then who I think is going to win yeah we do that next next week and then probably the following week I to be honest I'll probably do a Chiefs I'll probably have an episode released before the game that week of the Chiefs uh matchup preview against the Ravens and then maybe maybe uh do a post post game episode on on Saturday or whatnot but I know I will have episode released before the game a previewing the matchup because it is a season opener so that week it will come out before Saturday next week we'll do Saturday and I'll just give my thoughts on the season the upcoming season who I think is going to win each division uh what teams I think going be in the conference Championship games in their in their conferences and then the Super Bowl match up who I think is going to win we'll do that next week and then the following week we'll probably I'll release it on Wednesday get it done releasing on Wednesday of uh the matchup preview for the Ravens and Chiefs to open the season but uh what I want to get into today is uh I think it was a few weeks ago at uh Comic Con in San Diego uh a lot a lot of stuff happened to ComiCon well but the biggest news coming out I know this is a few weeks ago the biggest news coming out of Comic Con was that uh Dr Doom was going to be the new villain for The Avengers movie I think is a Avengers and Avengers secret War Avengers Dr Doom and Avengers secret war and they revealed who's going to play Dr Doom and was none other than Robert Downey Jr I want to get into that my thoughts on that and I know some other stuff happened I know like I'm I'm just now getting to this because during that time the Olympics was happening I was like all focused on the Olympics but I want to get into that today uh there was a lot of stuff that happened at the d23 Expo I'm not going to get I might get into a little bit of that next week when I when I uh do a preview of the upcoming NFL season but get into Dr Doom and just my thoughts on Robert Downey Judy playing the character of DOC Dr Doom and then I also want to go over uh NCA football the video game and I just give my thoughts on it and that's where we're going to start today that's where we're starting today so if you didn't notice if you don't play video games if you're not up on it NCAA football NCAA football released this year for the first time since uh 2013 because I know when they add the year because it was NCA football 14 which I think released in 13 because they're always like that year it's weird it's like Madden 25 is out and we're in 2024 and NCA 24 is out we're we're actually in 24 so I don't know if they kept up but the last game that was released was NCA college football 14 which I don't know if it was actually released in 14 or 13 but it's been like 10 years and the reason they had to stop releasing the game is because players are like well you're using our likeness our likeness and we're not getting paid for it and EA was like okay we're gonna have to suspend all operations at the video game and as a consumer like I'm not going to lie college football video game was better than Madden I in my humble opinion my honest opinion is was always been better than Madden yeah it was made by the same company EA Sports but to be honest you ask anybody college football game was always better than Madden I don't know why I always liked it I felt like it was easier to play than Madden but uh because it was probably at the college level compared to when you get to Pro level and Madden but I always I always like the game I always like going Dynasty mode and trying to take a a program and build them up and make him a champ chionship Contender and then uh you could always take your your own career mode you know in this year it's called The Road to Glory I forgot what they called it previously but you take your guy start him as a freshman and you try to make him a starter all four years or three years and then you could always import that character into the draft when you go play your career M Madden so hopefully it has the same features in this year's college football game to this year's Madden and then like I said dinast mode was like legit like you could play x amount of years you're trying to build your program and keep it going and so that's what I think people liked about college football it was different it was a better experience than Madden like Madden had like a franchise mode but it wasn't in depth as the college football because you had to actually recruit people you had to recruit your players you're trying to sign your four or five star recruits especially if you're just starting out and you're in a low program like a two star program you want to build them up to like a festar program like you got to put in work you're only going to get like two star recruits and then if you start winning then then like the three and then the four and then the five star recruits want to come to your program so it's like we're sitting here legit like trying like we're we're head coach we're recruit we're trying to build this program so everybody was excited when they announced that college football video game was coming back now that college athletes are able to make money off their name image and likeliness so now and EA can finally make the game again and pay the players the college players for their you know their name and their image and their likeliness so we're all excited we're like everybody was excited for college football to come out like we were more excited than for this than Madden like I haven't even bought Madden yet I probably won't get Madden until like Black Friday when it's on sale to be honest but I got college football and I was excited so I just want to give my thoughts on college football and uh and what uh I I didn't know what to expect I knew it would be a good game and you know the dynasty mode and the road to glory mean literally that's all I've played is D I played mostly Dynasty mode I I'll give my thoughts on Road to Glory it was tough I'll tell you that but uh college football 2024 on uh EA Sports I play on the PlayStation uh my thoughts so I went in I was like let me just go in I played on All-American mode which is like there's like three different level like the levels like how hard there there's freshman there's Varsity All-American and then Heisman difficulty of level so I started on All-American which in mad it would be like all pro I started on that I went to go play a game I don't know what the [ __ ] was happening I couldn't do [ __ ] I was like what the [ __ ] this [ __ ] is hard I thought like oh we're gonna put all American we're GNA sit here and be like no we're GNA sit here and we're going to do the damn thing no they said n this ain't the this ain't the same college football game you used to play back when when it was out originally I I got my ass Ki by the computer now here's here's the thing when I play video games I don't play online I don't want to play against other people because usually there's like a lag online I don't like it I play for my own enjoyment any video game like m i don't play online I don't do mut team I play for my own enjoyment I want to do you know franchise mode I want to do the dynasty mode on college football hell even when I play Call of Duty I don't play online I don't like it I don't I don't like the experience I don't I ain't in the like I like the campaign on Call of Duty like I play for the story mode I I play for my own enjoyment I don't play online online I don't give a [ __ ] what anybody else does they want to play online that's cool I just don't I don't need to play online I play for my own enjoyment I can sit here and play college football for hours I could play Madden for hours against the computer I can do my franchise mode I could do my career mode I I could do that for hours like if I play like a video game that has a story mode like Call of Duty once I finish story mode I'm like I'm done like I don't I just don't like playing it I I just don't like playing online I've never been that been out way but uh like I said so I was playing All American mode which I just imagine playing on Heisman is hard as [ __ ] so I'm not going to play on Heisman I don't feel the need to play on Heisman because all Americans just it's [ __ ] hard too I played the first game against the computer BR whoop my ass I didn't know what the [ __ ] was going on the new kicking mechanic I was like I'm trying to kick a field goal oh my god when you are playing at a stadium if you're playing you're you're a team and you're playing a way at another team stadium and it has a stadium uh thing of like how hard it is to play there and the crowd's going hyper is so hard to kick field goal especially from the hashes because in college the hashes are way out here compell compared to the NFL where they're closer so when you're kicking a field goal oh you're way out here at the hash and you're trying to angle it bro I miss so many [ __ ] field goals it's it's obnoxious I don't even like kicking unless it's like down the middle no kick it from the hash is obnoxious I even remember watching Cam Newton's live stream of him playing college football and he was like I don't like this kicking game and he was just doing a kickoff and it got a returned on him for a touchdown he was like I don't like this kicking game just let me play offensive defense but the field goal game it's tough when you're on the road it's tough that that right there is tough they say NOP we're actually gonna these college stadiums are going to have an effect on you and it really does it really does I'm like God damn I can't even make a [ __ ] field goal and even when I'm kicking it I'm at home I'm not even on the road I'm trying to kick a field goal from the hatch it's still difficult because you're trying to find the right angle with the thing and then you got to press it and press it again to hold it and go up I'm like bro it's it's difficult so I was like hold on let me go play on Varsity just to get the hang and the feel of this I'm don't even gonna lie Varsity was hard too I was like hold on Varsity is supposed to be somewhat easy it wasn't I was like okay this gives me good feel boom boom boom after playing a couple games on Varsity I was like okay let me go play another couple games on allame started figuring out still can't figure out the football still having struggles with the field goal kicking especially when I'm on the road mostly from the hash from the hash on home games and then all over the field when I'm on the road like it it's shaking the screen shaking my controller's vibrant I'm like I don't like this I don't like it I do but I don't it makes it frustrating it's like I gotta Kick this I gotta Kick this it makes it so stressful that is what makes it hard people thinking that when they played this game way back when that they thought oh this is gonna be easy we we're about to dominate no EA said no this is we're making this a college experience so I'm like let's go so it's just getting the hang of it and you still don't have the hang of it I I still hear people complain I played game yesterday on my Dynasty mode right and I was in the national championship game with UNLV you know I went to them I was like let me take a school that's like two star I went to UNLV I was like we can recruit people there be in Nevada we're close to the strip in Las Vegas right I can recruit players it took me like four or five years before I started getting like three four fourar recruits consistently and then getting five star recruit here and there and getting some transfers before I started getting into the college football playoffs and then uh I finally got there got to National Championship I was in like my eighth eighth year yeah because I was playing during the summer when I had [ __ ] to do so I was able to just just play all day and all night really but uh that's here no there but uh I finally got but I was playing a game yesterday and it was my last game as that coach because I wanted to I wanted to go be at Kansas but I couldn't get hired as a head coach so I took a job as an offensive coordinator at Miami University of Miami uh yeah that University of Miami so yeah I'm downgrading because I'm trying to I wanted to change schools I was like okay I'm not I wanted to go to a different school and see if I can build their programs up but I just went to go be an offensive coordinator so this is our last game my last game as a head coach the unv uh Running Rebels we're in the national championship game against Oklahoma and mind you I put my school as a because you can customize the conferences I was customizing the [ __ ] out of those conferences customizing schedules where I was playing hard teams so I could help get ranked quicker being those top in the top ranking but uh but I I made my college independent so I could just customize my whole schedule and I never made it easy always I'd had to put like some rank teams I put Alabama in there Georgia you know univers a lot of sec teams you know some teams in the pack 10 the Big 10 I not the whole schedule but I'd be like I need like four or five games against ranked opponents right and then you gota put some easy games in there and then you gota put some teams that are on your level too but then you got to put some teams that are above your level so evens it out and it's like break these ranked opponents we can get ranked right so that was my strategy and thinking the whole time and then eventually I made my my team you know independent so I can customize the whole schedule but we're at the last game we're at the the we're at the national champ Championship right I'm down like 21 28 like 11 seconds left like more like not 11 I mean when I scored there was 11 seconds left but it was more like 30 seconds left they had just scored I couldn't stop them their [ __ ] running back was like [ __ ] All-American amazing he scores a touchdown breaks his [ __ ] tackles right they kick off the ball I was like I need a good return I start right I go left I hit a hole I'm like oh my God tie the game up 11 seconds left kick the ball off they just run out they just run a couple plays like a running play see if they can break one I'm like no I am run committing boom boom boom tackle go on to overtime they get the ball first because I won the toss they scored easily like three plays the running back just ran all over me I couldn't my guys couldn't tackle him he just like I said this [ __ ] like an All-American ranked 90 something couldn't [ __ ] tackle him for [ __ ] scores I'm like okay I have running quarterback right running quarterback I recruited and now for this season I didn't play every game I simulated some games and my team still won because I had a decent team you know I think I had like three losses from simulating and then playing I had I had a couple losses that I was actually playing had a couple losses when it got simulated but I was like I played all my games so I didn't really know much about my quarterback but I knew he was a running quarterback first play of overtime for me as the offense I run a draw play boom I get to like the five I run another play score cool I get the ball for the second overtime Drive uh run a play I tell you this hold on before we get this anytime I'm playing a team that is on my level or above I get no time in the pocket even when I try to step up and like shift to the pocket it's like it just collapses in two seconds I'm like how are we supposed to throw the ball that's another frustrating thing is like there's no time in the pocket no time I'm like I know I have like a highly ranked offensive line I got a couple in the 90s high 80s rating players but when I drop back to pass bro it is obnoxious it's like you better make a decision quick like it's not even 4 seconds it's like two seconds go Ball's got to go I'm like I'm like this is I'm like I get frustrated I'm like you gotta give me time to throw the damn ball it's like the defense is like soon as the ball snap 1,000 you better throw it otherwise you are dead me I'm like this is ridiculous so the first play in overtime I try to drop back and throw I take a sack I'm like oh my God it's like it's like and a it's like 10 y loss so it's like second and 20 right from like the 35 this is what happens on the next play I [ __ ] you not I empty backfield I was like I got a running quarterback I ran a draw play earlier in early in overtime I got some good yardage I was like running again I empty backfield shotgun QB draw I get it boom go up the middle running I'm heading towards the first down I'm heading towards the first down I get the F because like the first down was close to like by the goal line it was like on the two three yard line so I think I had gain yards I got first first down and then I got sacked so moving me all the way back to like the 20 25 so I was like oh my God now I was like second down I was like okay I need to get close to make this a third down manage B because I have to score a touchdown I I have to score it because if I have to kick a field goal that running back is going to run and just score a touchdown it's going to be obnoxious so it's like second along it's like second and 20 right I got to get to like the three or four yard line maybe it's like two two or three yard line for first down I run the QB draw I get there nobody's in the middle of the field they're all drop back to pass pass coverage I get there I'm running I'm like okay I think I get this first down I might be able to score I might be able to score excuse me I might be able to score I have my guy running I get there I'm like he's a running quarterback and I done this already before in the game G right and so I go to lower my shoulder he's got the first down I keep trucking to try to get in the end zone fumbles the ball fumbles the damn ball on the goal line the defense recovers in the end zone and then gets it out to like the go line game over I'm like are you [ __ ] kidding me I would tell you in this game it is hard as [ __ ] to get a fumble it's easy to get intercepted interceptions but to get a a turn a fumble I haven't gotten a lot of those even with like hit sticks like if you go and Madden and you hit six on my I don't know about I don't know about I I be trying to strip I fumbles are far and few between in college football it really is but uh I'm like I run with the quarterback I got like the first down and then I'm trying to truck to get into the end zone trying to get the extra I'm like if he gets in the end zone that'd be great and he fumbles I'm like are you kidding me I should just went down but he fumbles no Oklahoma wins the national championship and now I go on to be offens coordinator at uh University of Miami Florida because I'm trying to get to a different head coach I want something different like I'm like okay this is boring not boring but I was like okay I built this program up uh we got a couple national championships been in the playoffs a couple years been do a few like multiple national championships only w a couple it's like I want to move on I want to do something different you know I do want to go to KU cuz as my as my information as my coach I put my all them out over KU so I want to go there and build up their program but uh so maybe I can do that by being offensive coordinator but yeah college football it it [ __ ] ain't easy and if you throw an interception if you like down by a score and then you throw an interception good luck coming back and winning good luck because it ain't gonna happen you throw if you're if the team is up seven to nothing on you and you throw an interception you're not winning you're not cannot unless you get a turnover especi if it's a pick six no you're not winning if it's interception okay you may have a chance if you can hold him to like a field goal or you get a turnover or even a punt but if you throw a pick six you throw a pick six and they go up by two scores n you done now if you throw a pick six zero zero okay you have a you still have a chance you throw another pick six no you're done you're done you throw multiple interceptions you're done you're not winning that's all I can say about that but yeah it the game is difficult I mean it's still fun trying to recruit these players and get them and do like using all this like oh you got to use points you get recruiting points that you use every week and you get you trying to like you Scout the player you those use points you you want to like mess DM the player that uses points you got to do different things you got to get them in like your top three before they can get a visit so he like you're working like who do I want I want this person I want this person you know I want this person what do I need I want this so it takes time to recruit you can always put on auto recruit but sometimes they be recruiting people like why are you recruiting a two star recruit when we're like a fourstar program we don't need two star recruits we need like three four five star recruits we don't even know two one star we're not there no more stop it but yeah and then like the road to glory I'll finish up on the road to glory I I did the road to glory and I wanted to take the underdog take the person that was like a one two star recruit out of high school I was like I want to go this route I it' be easy to get up the depth chart and be a starter boy was I wrong no it took me three seasons i r shed my first I couldn't get on the field and when I did get on the field I was a running back and then when I did get on the field he put me a slot receiver I'd make a play for like 10 yards or whatever I be like yeah be this next one I'm out the rest of the game I'm like yeah people know what I'm talking you play college football and you're on the road to glory and you using that Underdog you're going the underdog route you get that one play it's like I got a play and you make a play and then you're not in in the the rest of the game I'm like is this [ __ ] [ __ ] serious and then you got to go through and you got to build your guy up because your guy is like a [ __ ] he's like a 60 60 something like 68 70 may I think like that rating wise so he like you got to build him up like you legit got to build your guy up because you are not starting you are like fourth on the depth chart I went to school I was like let me go to the school I can go do things I was at the school for like two seasons I finally got like third on the depth chart I was like okay I need to go somewhere else so I'm looking at the transfer portal I'm like where can I be like number one where could I start oh this school I can be number two on the depth chart and then you can look at other things like exposure like nil like it would have grades like AB BC D or F so you want to go to school they can give you some good nil deals but at the same time like I need somewhere I can like start so I spent like two years after this one school I didn't move anywhere up the depth chart I did and it didn't move me back down The Following season I was like no I'm going somewhere else I was like I looking I was like I can be number two on the depth chart there so I was like okay it took me two seasons before I got a started that job and I had a red shirt year so now I'm on my senior year I'm on my senior year I know I no longer have to worry about school because I already graduated so I can use my focus on building up my leadership building up my uh rating and building up my my brand so that's where I'm at right now and I and I'm at KU right now I started at one school for two years I went to another and I eventually got to be started there had a good season and now I'm at KU as a starter so I've been to like this is my third different school so I'm gonna finish at KU and and I'm just trying to get the Heisman we trying to get the Heisman that's what we trying to get but this shit's difficult like you start as a under dog on the road to glory you got to put at work and then you better use the transfer portal especially if they're not moving you up you got to find somewhere that's goingon to it's got me number three number two on the depth chart let me go there and you gota look at the other ratings of the position you're at it was for me running back but I was like this [ __ ] difficult this [ __ ] was not easy I was like I'm gonna make this easy I'm about to get up here and smash training sessions when I get on the field I'm G smash it bro you're barely on the field when you fourth on the depth chart and then you're not even in the position you want to play I'm a running back they had me a slot receiver I'm like I'm obnoxious I had one game where I had like six catches for like 80 yards and two tubs I couldn't even get in the next game I'm like this is ridiculous are you y'all really taking this dep chart thing seriously really so I was like I gota get to a school that's going put me like second of the de where I can start second of the dep chart I was like I gota it takes forever to like work your way up past the next person that's on the dep chart you got to keep keep leveling up it's like it's a process especially if you're Underdog I don't know what it's like if you start as like a top star recruit but as an underdog it's it's it's a grind it is it's a grind it's like you gotta keep going to training and doing the practices and doing everything to get your guys's rating up because it is a [ __ ] grind and then when you on the field you better make a play make a play it is a [ __ ] grind but uh that's all I got on college football I do enjoy yeah it's a grind it's hard it's frustrating at times but I enjoy it I like it I'm glad class football's back especially we all love the dynasty mode anybody that plays college football Dynasty Mode's where it's at it really is it's like the most in-depth like you could play on for I don't I don't know if there's a number a max number of years I didn't look that up but I know it's like 20ish something probably if anything it's like 25 probably I don't I don't know I don't know I didn't look into that but college football is where it's at I enjoy it I haven't played Madden yet I probably won't get Madden until Black Friday when it's on sale I don't need a buy right now I got college football I I don't need to buy L and if I do I do want to buy I do want to play Mad I do want to buy it but I mean I can wait I got college football right now I'm you I'm trying to I'm trying to now I'm now I'm an offensive coordinator but uh that's where I'm at on that I do like college football if you get a chance to play it you should play it don't ask me to play online cuz I'm I'm not going to play online because I don't do that I don't do the online thing I play for my own Joy that's what that's just me though but uh we'll be right back up and we going to wrap this thing up with some Robert Downey Jr being Dr Doom we'll be right back and we are back here on the AK show thank you for tuning in I know I went a little long with college football but I had to get into it I had to get depth into it you know sometime I try to keep this at a minimum of how long I'm going to spend on each topic but we just go we just when we're feeling it we go you know what I'm saying but uh I do have to not spend as much time on here because I got to take my daughter to ballet because she has rehearsals with the Kansas City Ballet she's in production they're doing Alice and Wonderland and they have rehearsals today she has like rehearsals from like 11: to 12:30 and then have an hour and a half break and then another from like after that another hour and a half rehearsal so she has B two rehearsals today with an hour and a half break in between so I can't spend too much time CU I got to leave in like the next 15 minutes to go take her but uh like I said I wanted to get into the news that happened at Comic Con was it a few weeks ago like early August end of July I don't remember when it announced when Marvel's doing you know this is this is when big announcements happen right about movies television shows stuff like that characters whatever the case may be I like at least one day I want to go to San Diego Comic I do I went to uh we went to uh Planet Comic-Con here in Kansas City and they had like most of the scream cast except for nef Campbell like they were gonna have the main they had the two killers Matthew L L lard and Screech and they also had Jamie Kennedy and then they had uh what's her name from uh the latest scen movie I forgot her name they were also supposed to have nef Campbell but nef Campbell couldn't show up CU she had other prior commitments but who is the who is the girl from Scream 6 oh my God I'm gonna feel stupid Jenny Ortega no it was not Jenny Ortega it was Melissa yeah it was Melissa she was here so we we got we got to meet them and get some autographs it was cool So eventually I one day one day I want to go this San Diego Comic Con I want to go there and I want to like go the whole week or weekend or however many days it is but yeah but that's when Marvel was announcing some stuff and they announced that uh the new Avengers villain the main villain for Avengers and Avengers uh Secret Wars was going to be Dr Doom I don't know if it's G to be him and Secret Wars it might be don't call me on that like there's a lot of stuff going on I've been busy I haven't really chance to dive in but I know it's going to be Avengers Dr Doom and they announce Dr Doom comes out lifts The Mask up Robert dowy Jr breaks the [ __ ] internet breaks [ __ ] Twitter no it's Twitter it's not X it's Twitter breaks the [ __ ] internet I'm like I'm looking on there I see it on Facebook I'm like wait what's happening I go to Twitter what the [ __ ] I'm like I go to my daughter's room knock on the door I'm like cuz she like we we both love Mar so I go to her I'm like not go to door I'm like did you see the news she's like you know what I'm like Dr Doom is the new charact is the new villain replacing Khan right and she's like guess who's playing Dr Doom she's like who I'm like Robert Downey Jr she's like huh she was confused I was like Robert Downey junor is playing Dr Doom and she's like she's like no he can't he's Iron Man he can't do that no I'm like that's what's happening and we're like and she gets on her phone and goes to like Instagram and like I'm like no more I love you 3,000 she was like she was excited by the same time she like no he's Iron Man I'm like I get it I feel you I feel the exact same way I have I don't have mixed emotions about it I have mixed emotions that if I see him as Dr Doom in the movie I'm be like you [ __ ] you're Iron Man you know what I mean it's like I like it but at the same time I'm torn because Robert Downey Jr is Iron Man in that sense but at the same time like I'm excited to see where this [ __ ] goes right and I know no like I said I'm a Marvel fan I didn't grow up reading comics right so when I started watching it started with Iron Man when I started getting into all this superhero stuff like like I am now but growing up like I watch Batman Michael Keaton he's the OG he's the best Batman there's no debate that's what it is right he's the best Batman so I had him and then like watching Superman uh I want to see keiana Reeves Christopher Reeves him as Batman and then there was other stuff but like into the comics like I wasn't in the comics so I don't know these characters like that I don't know their back stories so whatever I see in the movies I just go with whatever I see in the TV shows I just go with and and like I said said here's the thing I've enjoyed everything that Marvel has done I've enjoyed everything I have no complaints I really don't because I don't have anything to complain about because I don't know the Back stories I don't know the comics I don't know the characters like that I don't know their back stories whatever I see in the film or the TV shows I just go with like I didn't even watch the X-Men when they originally came out with those X-Men movies back in back in those days I didn't really I didn't get into those I don't know one time one day we just went to go watch Iron I saw Iron Man I was like I [ __ ] with this and then I remember we saw Avengers I was like I [ __ ] with this we saw Iron Man too I was like I [ __ ] with this I did watch Spider-Man with Toby McGuire I was I did watch that so I got into that too but so maybe it was Spider-Man that got me into but Iron Man I did I did watch blade back when Wesley Snipes was blade because I like Wesley Snipes I was like I watch this [ __ ] that [ __ ] was dope blade one blade two I watched them all but like really getting into it in the Marvel Cinematic Universe was like it was through Iron Man like I said I watched the Spider-Mans Toby McGuire I [ __ ] love those I watched the Blade movies I Lov them and then they started getting to the Avengers I went I think we went to the movies to watch Avengers Age of Ultron and I was like what is this and then I got more into it I was like the next Iron Man movie came out I watched that I really didn't get into like Captain America and things like that and so I got more into like what the [ __ ] is actually going on and I started learning I was like oh then I went back and watched Captain America even the old Hulk movie uh the other Captain America I was like okay I'm into this [ __ ] now it took away like it was a buildup I got into it and then my daughter got into it and then endgame happened Infinity War happened and then the rest is [ __ ] history from there and then we get Disney plus and we get the TV shows we get you know ju division we get all of it and then I had to go back and then you get black panther Captain Marvel you get it all and it's just like and then also I went back and watched uh Agent Carter on Disney plus I was like why that why didn't that get more than two seasons is beyond me I love the [ __ ] Agent Carter character Peggy Carter loved it uh I went back and watch asan a shield I think that's what really got my daughter hooked is is when I was like you need to watch the show agent Shi because this [ __ ] is good I love agent Shi and we before we get on to Dr Doom mutants Daisy trimers she's a mutant she needs to be like in the X-Men I don't care she needs to make an appearance in the MCU yeah she we in you know marvel ages of Shield she was a mutant she had powers she needs to be an X-Men she needs to be in the MCU somehow trious because I would I would love that I would love if some of the other characters like fit Simmons were in the MCU I would love if they're all and I know we don't have Coulson because technically now he's a robot he's a AI robot technically just give me all the characters and put them in the MCU somewhere from agent Shi all of them all of them that are still alive please especially if if did you just get one make it Daisy Johnson trimmers uh quake whatever her name is she could she can move she got powers she can move stuff right what I say about that but like I said Dr Doom Robert Downey Jr there was a lot of people I I wasn't one of them I was I was excited for this I was like I want to see where this was go and I was hearing other people or reading and seeing videos of people complaining that like he's Iron Man how are they going to make this work whatever whatever and then I would see other people talking about when the comics at one point Iron Man was Dr Doom in Another Universe I'm like so what are we complaining about like how is this people were complaining how is this going to be done well if they did that way in the comics that's all the [ __ ] they have to do here so when he shows up and the Avengers are fighting him and it shows that oh it's Tony Stark they think it's Tony Stark but in the reality it is Tony Stark just from a different universe but he's Dr Doom and they think oh Tony you're Iron Man who's this Iron Man I'm not Iron Man I'm Dr Doom he's from Another Universe so people will see him be like Tony you're alive I was never dead so it makes sense like it's easy to do like people are complaining that they can't do this it's not going to work that's what the Multiverse is anybody can come from a different Universe did you not see the other doctor strange that was evil in the Multiverse of Madness yeah this is very simple like it's not that hard like literally he comes over from Another Universe they see him they think he's Tony Stark still alive as Iron Man but in reality this is a different Tony Stark this is one you don't know so it makes sense but what I'm excited to see hopefully is that interaction with Spider-Man and Tony Stark as Dr Doom when he sees Tony Stark he gives him a hug and he pushes them off of him and Spider-Man's confused like what the [ __ ] and and Dr Doom is trying to kill him the emotion right there that's going to happen in that scene alone needs to happen somehow it needs to happen uh Spider-Man Peter Parker seeing Tony Stark alive again but that's not really Tony his Tony Stark that's a different Tony Stark From Another Universe From Another World Another Universe because we're in the Multiverse we're always going to be in the from now it's always going to be the Multiverse like I know we're getting into the a we're going to get into the mutant with the X-Men and things like that but it's still going to be a Multiverse how you think we got Wolverine and Deadpool I Logan died you died right oh he went and pulled another Wolverine from Another Universe right it will always be the Multiverse and this is how we can get these things going right so doc Tony Stark is Dr Doom I love it I love it I love it because they had to do something it was either because Jonathan Majors f i [ __ ] love he I love his work and I loved him and lowkey and what he was doing I [ __ ] loved Ant-Man and the WASP uh the quantum realm uh I I love Jonathan maor as Khan the Conqueror and I'm I'm still upset that we didn't get to see that because at the end of the Ant-Man movie in the quantum realm and they show all the Kongs the different versions in all the universes I would have Lov to see that battle in Adventures cuz I feel like like I feel like he was a more powerful character than Thanos villain like I feel like he he would have been a way harder villain than Thanos and I was like I'm excited for this but then that stuff happened and I get it like they're like okay we got to release you I get that [ __ ] happens right they released them it's like and then there're thing like we get a new villain I heard rumors about Dr Doom being the new villain and then there was things like just recast him which could make sense because you're in a Multiverse and you have different variations of Khan the Conqueror just like they had different variations of Lo key in the lowkey show like baby lowkey they had like old lowkey they had a woman lowkey like there could be so you could have recasted to him and it just had different variations you could recast different people as con the conquer and different you know variations of that person but they're like no we want to go with a because because even if you recast it's like you still showed all those at the end of Ant-Man in the post credit scene you showed all of them were Jonathan Majors so if you come in with the new thing and you have different variations like well we saw that as all Jonathan major characters portraying all those different versions of KH the Conqueror Kan is it KH K I see I always get that confused you know what I meant so it's like seeing all of him so if you recast it it's like well we having all those versions of Jonathan the maj's Conqueror character right so they went with Dr Doom which I'm not mad at not mad at and they revealed the Tony Stark I love it it's [ __ ] brilliant Tony Stark gets to come back hell we might we might get some other people we might get uh Steve Rogers back who knows but I'm excited to see where this goes I'm excited like I don't I don't think it's that hard to to make happen with the Multiverse like if we didn't have the Multiverse then you'd have a hard time explaining how Tony Stark is Dr Doom but since we have the Multiverse it's not that hard to explain it's not that hard to do he just comes in boom he's there from Another Universe but I I'm not like I'm not familiar at all with Dr Doom's powers or anything like that but I'm assuming he's going to be more powerful than Thanos that's what I can assume that's all I know so I have to go back and look and see what actually Dr Doom is all about and things like that but uh hopefully one day we can get Jonathan major back as con the Conqueror and we can see where that goes in a different Avengers era or whatever because I hope I hope he gets a chance to re to come back because even like if you go back from Robert Downey Jr he was in a lot of trouble he redeemed himself and he rebuilt his career and now look at him he's like the number one guy at [ __ ] Marvel right so I hope Jonathan majors can eventually get back to being KH the Conqueror cuz that he was he was dope as [ __ ] as as that character and like I said I love his work so hopefully he gets another chance down the line like after after everything if people deserve a second chance like I said Robert down Jor got multiple chances and look where it is now so Jonathan M Majors deserves another chance to redeem himself and be con conquer and let's do this cuz he's a phenomenal actor what he was R training lowkey it was phenomenal I was like bro this world was brilliant so but Dr Doom I'm excited so let's get it I want to see where this goes I'm excited I'm excited for the future of Marvel I saw Deadpool and Wolverine that [ __ ] was exciting oh my God Ryan Reynolds Ryan Reynolds is phenomenal uh Hugh Jackman phenomenal it's Wolverine like it's amazing I can't see I'm ready let's go Disney's got me hooked and with all the stuff that happened at d23 the Expo let's go I'm hooked you got me hooked I'm going to Disney next year we go bro I want to go to Disney every year I love Disney I love look like I said I showed you the tattoo in my arm of the castle but it's got my dad's name because he love Disney I love Disney I [ __ ] love it I love it I so much I love it I love it all of it and with that announced at the d23 Expo Disney Expo I love it I love it let's go let's more Disney for everybody it's the most magical place on the face of the Earth but uh that's all I got for today uh thank you for tuning in I gotta get out of here thank you for tuning in be sure to subscribe comment on what you think of NCAA football the video game and comment on what you think of Robert Downey Jr portraying Dr Doom moving forward as the new Avengers villain and uh be sure to like subscribe share I do appreciate until next time I'm out peace let's get it I gotta go goodbye

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