Giants' Jermaine Eluemunor Talks Week 1 Loss, Booing Fans

right now s we get back to the New York Giants time for the Giants Colin report brought to you by Town Fair Tire nobody beats Town Fair Tire nobody and the Giants this was not a pretty opener the boob birds were out early and hopefully this gets rectified divisional matchup coming up week two out in DC offensive lineman Germaine alumor is with us here BT and S Jermaine it's Brandon and S how you doing today buddy I'm doing great how youall doing we're doing well uh despite uh you know the tough performance against the Vikings by the way let me just let everybody know 8-year Pro uh you you've been a good player last couple of years with the Raiders and uh good to have you here and Giants obviously looked at you as somebody who can fix things and when you take a top 10 pick and put them on the bench which they have and you're playing for for for Neil uh that speaks vimes about what they think of you I I guess the first question what what was your perception of the Giants as an organization before you walked in the door and is it the same right now yeah I would say that that this has always been a winning franchise you know the two Super Bowls they won and even before that it's always been a winning franchise and obviously it hasn't been like that lately but my thing was I always wanted to come here just because of the history of this team and just how the Giants thought of throughout the NFL it's a part of the bigest in the NFL of than the Cowboys and this is where you want to be if you're an offensive line and trying to really make a name for yourself and grow as a player in a person so this is obviously one of I as you've seen and how I've been vocal about it this is where I want to be and I'm still excited to be here yeah and you're local kid you're from Jersey right so did you want to be a jet or a giant growing up be honest oh giant giant smart decision wish I would made like I want to be a jet but I mean shoot I want to be a giant that blue helmet the blue uniform you know the Meadowlands watching games in there growing up yeah you know like I said that place was epic and I mean Met Life on Sunday obviously it didn't go the way we wanted to but that first quarter seeing that atmosphere and the fans as crazy as they were getting that was that was something much the atmosphere I saw growing up in Jersey when I moved from London so that's type atmosphere I want to play in and it was cool as hell for me and you did get to play in front of that fan base on Sunday and there were some boob birds out Germaine uh and I know you had some comments after after the game I thought you hit the right note where maybe Dex to Lawrence took it in a different way would you would you make of all the fans reacting the way that they did to that pathetic week one performance yeah I would say that obviously fans are really pass and the fan base in New York is especially passionate about the J and so for us as players you know we need to do better to give the fans to winning prod that that they want also what we want too you know we put in a lot of work in the summer and spring to go out there really do not only do our job but do it to the highest ability and to win and you know no one wants to win more than us and and you know obviously Sunday wasn't good enough we know that sh I know that and we're going to watch the film this week and come back and you know we have a good game against Washington and Washington this Sunday and hopefully you know get back on track but like I said up to the game I understand where they're coming from I don't blame them shoots yeah I I get it you know you pay all this money to come to a game and you you want to see your team win everyone wants to see their team win that's what passion is you know and if you don't have passion for this game and love for this game then obviously you don't care about it enough and I care about this game and this team and his franchise more than anything and no one wants to win more than me shoot I mean Dex Dex wants to win to he's been in for what six years now he's only been to the playoffs once so obviously he's frustrated too and you know those the type of guys you want to win for guys who are just dominant at the position but never really got to experience what the NFL is off like within the playoffs and all that and you know that's what we're aiming for this year and that's what we want and that's what everything team wants to accomplish so like I said I understand where the fans are coming from and I feel for them and you know we're going to do better and give them what they deserve BT and S on the fan jine illuminor Giants right tackle joining us right now I it is about passion it is about wanting you guys to perform well that's where it comes from what type of impact Can it have on a team or on a quarterback you're in the huddle with Daniel Jones you guys are getting booze rain down on you does that have a negative impact on your quarterback no I would say that you know one thing that people don't really look at is the mental side of this game and I'm always open about it as someone who struggled with depression in the p and confidence issues you know some things like that can affect people but me being who I am now I'm the most confident guy in the room and on the field and I like to think that hopefully my confidence is contagious and it can affect the guys around me and that's the type of player and person and teammate I want to be and so you know obviously like I said who are going to happen when things are going right in games I mean you saw it on TV all around the NFL like when the home team wasn't doing good they were getting booed you you not the first series though Germaine yeah I mean like I said we need to do better and we as as offensive line we need to take it upon ourselves to give DJ all the time he needs back there to you know feel confident to feel confident in us and so we're going to take the bur of that and make sure that we do a better job to give him the time he needs to keep the hits out the pressure is out and like I said keep him clean throughout the game yeah so TOA Jermaine alumor of course right tackle for the local kid that's Morris nolles out in Denville so he made it which is awesome and he's with us here BT and sound on the fan now listen Daniel Jones this isn't your concern one of the things s and I and all the hosts here at the fan deal with is Daniel Jones's contract and he was a sixth overall pick and here we are what year six into his career and he's you know hasn't got to the Super Bowl yet whatever when Eli won two of them those are things that we deal with that's not for you to worry about but I am cons I am interested to hear your opinion on on where you think he is physically because no matter if you're a big Jones supporter or not I don't mean you I mean fans we certainly know he's a good athlete he can run when he's healthy you think he's fully you think he's fully back me personally for what I saw in the spring and the summer yes I do but you have to think about it that comes from there's also there's the like I said before it's the physical part of the game and then the mental part and mentally when you haven't played the game in a while you know your first came bet there's little rust pches you have to go through and rustiness that you have to get off and like I said as offensive line we need to do a better job of giving DJ all the conference in the world that we're going to protect him and we're going to go out there and go to war for him and battle our us off and like I said we're going to be in the trenches doing everything we need to possibly do to make sure that DJ is confident back there we have all the confidence of the world in him I've seen it I've seen it in OTS I've seen it in training camp I've seen it against other teams and I'm confident selling him and on to the game I text him I was like look I got your back we got your back I don't care what the hell happens out there we're going to go for for you every single play and every single down against whoever I don't care who's going against me the offens blind is like P we don't care who we're going against we're going to go out there and give him all the time he needs and we're going to make him know and let him like let him know show him that we're confident in him and we're going to do everything we need to to build that confidence up and get him to where he needs to be that's a great answer Jermain love to hear that hopefully it has a positive impact on J Daniel Jones starting with week too you know how about Brian dable you you you got to see him maybe from afar and you see the fire that Brian dable brings which I love about him the passion I know that maybe was a little bit of an issue where he's got to Corral that I was shocked Germaine that after that slop Fest that we saw by you guys on Sunday he was like oh we got some things that we got to clean up and he really didn't seem to be fiery or ticked off at all was there a different Brian da that we didn't see behind closed doors where he got any you guys after that performance no not at all like the D that y'all saw was the same thing as we got and that's cuz he's won Super Bowls with teams he understands that it's only week one and you know the Super Bowl was one out the week one and shoot a lot of great teams would to won the Super Bowl in February and so we understand that and we also understand that we have to be better and he understands we have to be better but it's not just one person it's a joint effort you know it's not just one person on the field it's 11 on defense 11 on offense then you have your kicker your punter and your Long Snapper and everyone else who play special teams like you don't win games alone you would live together and we all understand it and Dave understands it too and like I've said it in the media before too Daves is one of the best head coaches I've been around personally just because of how he believes in all of his guys and the belief he gives you and the confidence he gives you you know like I said before conf like I've always struggled with confidence so even when I'm out there you know constantly reminding myself how confident I am how confident I am and having a coach like Dave's on the sideline to reaffirm their confidence for you and just show you how confident he is in you is cool as hell and I love Dave's and like I said I go I'm going to war for him every single Sunday too there you go there you go so I got one more for gerain lumor the off one of the offensive Lin for the Giants B out he'll be with us all season so uh this will be fun we'll get to really know you and we'll go through hopefully some some more UPS than Downs right now it's a down off week is what it is but I talking about D I need Clarity on something because we couldn't really tell what he meant after the game we all expected more shots downfield the Giants have some weapons on the perimeter Malik and One Robinson Health you know you know your teammates of course and others who can who can who can move and there weren't any now D's answer I I couldn't tell if he was basically saying we called them but they didn't you know basically my quarterback didn't let it fly you're in the Huddle were there aot were there a couple of downfield shots called that just didn't materialize what happened so the one thing you have to look at with these shots that are called it's all dependent on the defense and how they're cover reacts to these shots that are call like we can call shots for Malik we can show call shots for w Del for slate for Jaylen but it all depends on how the coverage plays out so yeah we can call a shot and we did call shots but their defense shifted towards the shot so it left um some guys open like and shorter routs and that's what you saw so a lot of the shorter throws we had obviously they were shots but you know it's kind of like like throughout my entire career so always been like you know take the profit take the profit you know New England with Tom Brady is take the profit and you know that's what made them so good that's what made him so good is you're not going to try to force anything down the field if it's not there but you also have alternate routes that are available for you when the shock is taken away and also with some of the shots too there was just some pressure in DJ's face where you know we had a shot called but there was pressure from somewhere and as a quarterback it's hard to get that shot out if there's a little bit of pressure in your face and so like I said we have as the offensive line need to take it on our shoulders to make sure DJ stays clean and we give him the confidence in that pocket to really hold the ball for as long as he needs to to take that shot downfield because like you said we have the weapons to do it we have all the talent in that building we need to be a winning team and do damage this year and I truly believe that we will you know Germaine a lot of aspects of the game you know throwing the football catching the football blocking a big nasty lineman coming at you it's physical stuff that is very difficult for the for the normal person to think about but one thing that I always think I would an impossible time doing is remembering all these plays in different calls how the hell do you do that in that huddle there you got Jones barking out a bunch of different things whatever D will say in his head said how do you remember every play that's going on in there yeah that's um that's part of the game as offensive Ling you know you have to be able to you have to be intelligent one and then two you just have to know your job and you know a lot of things go into one play that a lot of people don't see like the naked eye doesn't see what all goes into one play but that's that's why you seeing offensive L get paid the money they are because it's such a tough position to play and it's a really tough position to be consistent at and so you know that's why I love it because I love the pressure I love going against all these guys that we go against the TJ W the mares Garrett the Michael Parson the Nick BOS is CL match like I love going against those guys but then also you have to know what my job is on a certain play and listening the play call and knowing what I need to do to help that play work and to get the job done so like I said offensive line isn't for everybody but the ones that you know know how to manipulate it to their liking and are intelligent enough to go out there and do their job with the ones that are the best in the league and you know that's the that's offensive line play so I love it I know we I truly believe we have a good offensive line that will be a great offensive line with more work together like we haven't been able to get the work we need but you know we're going to work on the running get better and I truly believe we're becom a grandf of line this year yeah looking forward to watching it your man and hopefully I don't see this is the one thing I always notice about offensive linemen the false starts I don't want to hear your name Jermaine called at all for those false starts keep it clean up there will you hey I got you that's that was my fault you know I have a quick hair trigger so you know that's I just I love getting out like I try to explode out all the time and like I said it won't happen again that was my fault well yeah trust me you don't have to apologize to this guy if you guys don't start winning he's going to have to apologize to you based on how he's going to how the interview is going to go oh man all right don't worry I'll remember that one there you hey Germaine with this guy they usually do uh Hey so so from London to Denville to MetLife welcome a h man we are we're happy to have you all season and hopefully there's some wins yeah you got to win listen there will be you got to win this weekend you got to win this game yeah it's going to be a fun one that's for sure well we'll see next Tuesday have fun hopefully it is Jer thanks a lot buddy appreciate you man appreciate you having me there you go good young man right there from Denville you're now Jersey resident you kind of know where that is a little bit not too far not too far nope I like them yeah sounds like a smart young man London you know I always was curious about that the play calling like I never played football God I don't know how they do it yeah me neither I don't know how they do it at that level and like you see sometimes these shows where McVey is just rattling off whatever or head coach you show me this play what did I just say to know dble and hard knock right like what the hell are they talking about be lost I I I have I have no idea my brain can't function like that me neither and it's one thing for quarterback but then the old lineman you got to get all the old linemen on the you know same page difficult I well listen it's not just these guys last night ironically my son gets his wristband as the quarterback because the season starts this week dude there's 20s something plays that it's just started formations this left he got to like study it and memorize it yeah oh yeah that's a little bit different you rather study that than you know math or whatever of course and speaking of math he comes home last night was the first night that they actually got homework because first couple days you do nothing I had no idea math fourth grade myself my wife and my mother-in-law were looking at each other like three idiots we have no idea it's hard dude wait you left and wait till your daughter's like you know she's four she's young wait but mommy take care of that [Music]

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