Paizo Live: June 2023

foreign [Music] that's not a band trip that's my boss [Laughter] and welcome to Piezo live our monthly digital fireside chat where we bring our wonderful creatives on to talk about their work and everything they're making for you on these days uh I'm Alex steidel pronouns are he him and I am paizo's organized play coordinator and I'm Rue my pronouns are they he or Z and I am the marketing and media specialist here at paizo uh now we have a whole bunch talk about a bunch of cool stuff to talk about today but I'm gonna force all putting our creatives on screen as long as I can because I love attention I talked to my friend Rue what have you been playing lately um actually earlier this week I had the session zero for a thirsty sword lesbians game that I'm gonna be running in July we're doing a charity game uh and we're all ever all the players are gonna be Barbie or Ken that is incredible what about you Alex what have you been playing oh gosh well now I want to play that game I'm very excited for Barb and Heimer on the 21st um but I just almost finished uh Pokemon Violet which is new for me because I never finished video games and I have just started inscription and it's gotten weird uh that's all I'm gonna say about it because no one on the internet wants to talk about it but it's wild out there um that's a lie yeah I was gonna talk about it so when when you have gotten further in we should talk about inscription what are we getting paid here to do what are we doing tonight uh for tonight first off I should start and say as you might have noticed Piezo live has had a bit of a reskin um with uh some rotating coasts not just air in here all the time although he will be here sometimes uh we're also changing things up and we're gonna do a little three actions and a reaction so for our three actions tonight's guests include Logan Bonner who is going to be giving us a remaster update Luis Losa and John Compton taking us into high Helm and Alex spidell jump starting the first Seeker campaign tour me that's me uh yes that's true I get to talk about that stuff so you get to interview me my condolences um our mod in the chat will also be taking any questions that get dropped because at the end after our three actions of course we have a reaction we'll be doing a q a with us as well as our wonderful guests so if you've got questions that happen during the segments drop them in chat the mods will put them in a document for us and we will interrogate your favorite creatives at the end of the show thank you uh now without further Ado we're gonna jump into our first action so let's say hello to Logan the lead designer on Pathfinder hi hi hello Logan how are you doing this evening hello I'm good the these books are getting pushed out the door which takes a big weight off so I'm looking forward to having a light stress weekend uh and uh after that have you gotten to play anything recently or have you been too uh heads down um I've still been playing my my regular games I'm running a blood Lord's campaign uh and playing we were playing GI Joe and soon we're going to be doing some Star Trek themed uh uh campaign actually returning to an old campaign um so that's exciting um that has been uh kind of my my steady gaming diet but I haven't been able to squeeze in a whole lot other than that uh but next weekend to have go play Northwest coming up a nice really cool local convention so I'm looking forward to getting to play a bunch of games then yeah I went to that digitally last year it's really cool yeah all right well I know what everyone's here for they want to hear you talk about the remaster so I'm gonna open with save I'm a new player uh I've never played Pathfinder before what am I gonna love about these new core books uh the really cool thing is there's a lot of stuff that we later realized would be a good idea to include in the game um like versatile heritages which are you know a Heritage you can take for any ancestry um and those are now in the core book so it you have a lot more kind of uh a bigger spread of options and a lot more uh stuff to create cooler characters um the books are also kind of redesigned to be more user friendly uh easier to read and reference so that's going to be a big help to getting people started with the game um that's like more you know we've got a better sense of how people need to look things up a lot of things have been reorganized um and like having all the GM stuff in one book is really good because you don't have to flip from book to book as much so a lot of it is just like a lot easier to use um more more story baked into the into everything and still has like all of the all of the cool stuff about like making your choices for your character matter mechanically like the story you're telling is going to be reflected in the mechanics and the mechanics are going to influence the story all of that cool stuff is still there so like there's a lot of fun stuff to discover um in the in the new books I think it's going to be even more obvious and and uh easy to grasp awesome um and kind of like on a flip side for folks who have been playing Pathfinder for a while whether it's first edition or second edition um for veteran players what new options that are coming in the remaster would you really recommend that they take advantage of to up their game or at least the ones you can talk about yeah um I mean I can talk about all of it but you know we do have limited time so I can't spoil the entire book uh I think there's going to be some really fun uh little stuff for the people who are really really involved like looking at the new spells and looking at some of the revisions we've made to existing ones to kind of make them you know uh better value or more versatile I think those are going to be really fun for people to discover as they look through it um there's also uh some revisions to skills I think people are really going to like especially people who like crafting uh the craft skill is a little easier to use doesn't require as much setup time formulas work differently so you don't need a formula to craft every single item you can make an impression on multiple people at a penalty right that's going to add new options to your strategy Athletics has a reposition maneuver so you know I don't want to push somebody away I don't want to grab somebody but I want to move them you know laterally uh now that's a default option of the game and a lot of rules that kind of let you do that are now going to reference that action so I think there's a lot of like cool little stuff if you're really used to the game there's going to be still some new options opening up for you there's also uh some some new spells that um or some of those are replacing ones we've cut for ogl reasons and others are just like oh this is a good idea to include so I think a good example of that is like a figment spell um which is kind of like a an illusion cantrip but it's just a lot more Broad and kind of uh useful and more versatile than the the old spells it's replacing um there's some new items like there's the crown of Witchcraft that I think people are going to like if they're playing witches um there's a marvelous miniature consumable that you can you know kind of use to create an item out of nothing uh those are going to be really fun um there's just like it's it's I think going to be really fun for people to dig into it and explore and like find new angles on on their characters and stuff to add to their campaigns if they're running them in addition to all those benefits that our organization um everything you say about the witch makes me excited as someone who plays a witch in a home game I'm like I am going to become Unstoppable um yeah for a moment we had uh an image on screen for the skills uh do you want to take a second to take us back to that and tell us what that image is Logan sure yeah this is the the opening image for the skills chapter um there are some of the some of the art in these books is uh is pickup art from core rulebook or Advanced players guide and then there's some where it's like well we need a skills chapter because the class mix is a little different we didn't want to confuse the new players too much uh so this is a brand new piece of art for skills uh that is showing you know some uh some witch Ranger team up action uh to give the Rogue some time to uh put her skills to use and uh you know this uh this looks like it's popped straight out of a Pathfinder Adventure so uh hopefully they don't need more seal to put some damage on that that enemy and she's doing the right thing here I love it um options but a little bit about uh what's going to be coming for GMS uh and what new options we're going to be having in those spaces [Music] yeah the uh so for GM's a lot of it is kind of putting everything in one place with the stuff that was in the core robot and the stuff that was in game mastery guide like all that advice and rules and subsystems are kind of all all bundled in the GM core book um so a lot of the new stuff is like uh this advice wasn't as comprehensive as it could be and we're gonna uh we're gonna expand on that a little bit a lot of this especially is really valuable for new GMS uh for existing gems there's also some more guidance on things that uh that folks had told us were a little light there's a lot more about kind of like how recall knowledge works and that's another skill that we've revamped for player core based on on feedback to kind of make it a little more of a a q a uh type Dynamic to kind of clarify you know how you convey information that way um so that's gonna I think get people a little more engaged uh give them a little more agency and how they interact with the GM um yeah and then like you've got a bunch of cool new magic items to give your players uh in that jam core book um and yeah and then you know eventually monster core will come out and then the gyms are going to get a bunch of more goodies in there yeah oh man I had a question and that I lost all uh notion of it oh yes uh with regards to uh some of the clarifications that you've made based on player feedback uh I know all of this project was kind of like sped up due to everything with the ogl and the orc license but how much of this remaster would you say is also because of both designer feedback and player feedback that you've gotten on Pathfinder second edition in general uh so yeah the reasons for the remaster is is due to ogl stuff but then once it's like okay we're doing this project you want to make sure you do it right and part of that is looking at things that could use some tuning up um you know it's always kind of a challenge of like where do you draw the line before things feel too different uh but there were a fair number of areas where we just had like pretty consistent feedback that people wanted more wanted more detail there were things they couldn't do that they wanted to do and then there are a bunch more that it's like nobody has asked for this but we realize you know our job is to to look ahead to not only things people have asked for but things people didn't know they wanted uh and so there's a fair number of things coming in that are like that that are like oh here's a new general feed that opens up something an option you didn't have before um that we think are gonna just like make people excited and and get them really into it so yeah it was it was it was kind of tricky finding that balance you know because uh you don't want to you don't want to go too far but also you know that once it gets into people's hands they're going to be really excited to actually use it and expand their possibilities yeah this isn't quite on topic but it sort of is but speaking about getting into people's hands uh I know the remaster comes out in November but we're doing something with Rage of elements that uh previews that remaster content right yeah that's right so um there's going to be a court preview document that's basically um the the important thing that's doing that's really load bearing is saying like okay here's a new spell that's referenced in range of elements that spell is going to be in player core but player core isn't out yet so here is the spell now so you can use the PDF uh or you know the digital versions on Archives of mathis and still use everything fully that's appearing in range of elements um so we're going to have that available online and then you know it'll be mostly obsolete once player core actually makes it to people but it's going to be a really good uh chance for people to see some of that stuff in advance we're also you know going to maybe include a few extra things we haven't quite decided what all is going to go in there yet uh but we are looking at like oh this isn't necessary but be kind of fun if people got to look at it uh and got to use it a little early so um we're hoping to include a few a few little extra tidbits in there awesome um I am cheating and I get to see all the images from the back end uh so what can you tell us about this really cool new picture of the iconics gaming uh so the iconics gaming so this is a new one um for GM core and actually you're going to have Luis on later uh who did a bunch of the art ordering uh for a GM core and player core and helped out a lot with that so this is kind of uh you know what if uh you had a myriad your gaming table and Mauricio at your gaming table um which sounds terrifying uh yeah I I I really feel for Quinn who's just having to deal with those two and Lynn that's got to be a nightmare but um yeah this is a kind of a fun way to represent uh how our players play but uh give our put our iconics in in their position for a change and sell the other way around I think it's really fun I'm uh I'm advocating for us to start uh swapping it once it's once the book is out it's swapping that into usage as one of our social media posts for blogs just because it's a really cool picture um yeah so part of the big hype about the remaster is edix and anathema's and sort of removing alignment but still having those guidelines to uh your character's morals and those sorts of things um if you don't mind first giving like a really brief explanation I know you've talked about it a bunch of times and then telling me if you if you've thought about it what your edicts and anathemas would be uh so um edicts and anathema um were in the core rule book uh and were used a little bit it's mostly used for deities in there um and we knew we were going to remove alignment with this revision because it is an ogl based thing and also causes a lot of problems just both in like in in play at the table and is kind of you know reductive to some of the uh philosophies of characters in the world so we wanted something that was a little more robust and still offered some really cool guidance for characters um so we're kind of like uh uplifting edicts and anathema to be a bigger part of the game a bigger part of character creation so I have some advice in character creation kind of saying like hey think about some edicts and anathema for your character and then we still have individual classes might take on specific edicts and anathema that are more mandatory uh to to do what they want to do um so there there's still kind of like two main places we have examples of edicts and anathema in the book uh the the one that was there before was in deities so we still have that but we've also added some popular ones to the ancestry so like here is something that dwarves often believe so this doesn't mean your character has to have it but it might be something that you look at to kind of guide whether this is a part of dwarf culture you want to express with your character or or whether your character bristles at that and kind of use that as a jumping off point for how you want to build your character so for my edicts and anathema I decided rather than actually like having to think about it and put brain power into it I was going to look at the ones in the book uh and grab my list based off of those and then people can try to figure out you know where did these come from you know is this from a gnome or is this from one of the deities or or where what what have you so I I've decided my edicts for this I've also covered these some of these might be somewhat influenced by having worked on this remaster for the past several months uh so my first edict is share knowledge you want through pain oh uh my second is choose and perfect and art and art uh and third is seek hedonistic Thrills um which usually that's like watching YouTube and eating Doritos but you know that's a a broad addict a lot of options um and then for anathema I went with leave an activity or promise uncompleted and engage in bigoted Behavior those seem like you know pretty good pretty good anathema to live by so uh maybe we're very convinced some folks in the fan Beast to build their own list too one of Aaron's traditions and that tradition is having each of our guests give a spoiler um so Logan what spoiler did you bring for us today so um one of the things that we put a lot of work into are new spells um some some spells removed for ogl and we were looking for like what is something that fulfills a similar role um so I brought a spoiler of an entire spell stat block that we're going to show folks uh called Divine immolation uh so this is a spell that shows off a few of the things we're doing with this revision one is we've kind of reformatted the spell so they look a little more like other actions so it's a little easier to to read these from first blush uh than the old versions uh we remove Spell components so that kind of enabled this also so you can see that it has the action icons right there in the title uh the other thing it does is uses the new spirit damage so that makes it a lot more versatile there are a lot of things that use the alignment damage before and a lot of them not universally but a lot of them is changed using Spirit damage which is going to kind of damage anybody any creature that has a spirit if you know the Spirit Blast spell it kind of works similar to that and has a lot of the same benefits as that it also has the Sanctified trait which means if you have the Holy trade you have you know devoted yourself to uh ayomide say right you are I have become holy that means you can make this a holy spell whenever you cast it and that can have some advantages like usually a demon or a devil is going to have a weakness to Holy um so there are a lot of ways you can kind of use that to uh to you know put your faith into into use uh by sanctifying the things you do so this is like a really cool kind of Nexus of a bunch of scrolling things uh different parts of the rules um and it also is an example of like one of those a spell we had to remove that we've come up with a fun new way of uh creating a replacement for it uh so I look forward to folks finding this and a whole bunch of other things that uh that are appearing in the spells that were going to be um cool things cool new toys to play with awesome um well that's about all the time we have for this little section thank you for the update and we will see you back at the end for our reaction q a um so thank you Logan and we'll see you in a little bit foreign that was awesome thank you Roo um as as we said we're doing a reaction at the end we've got a q a so feel free to drop your questions for the mods in chat before we go to break I have a question for brew um as I'm kind of curious just like what's one of the things that maybe that Logan talked about or maybe that he didn't that you're super excited for in the remaster I know for me I am really excited I have maybe seen a little bit of the changes coming to recall knowledge as someone who uh loves to ask the GM to tell him things and or lie to him or just loves to give my players lore I'm super excited for like clarifying it a little bit and also I think kind of giving it some of the structures that a lot of people use at their tables anyway but I can't say more for now um what are you excited about roof I mentioned it during uh Logan's segment um I'm a witch Mane uh and so all of the new changes that are coming for witches um and the changes coming to their familiars or something I'm really excited about um so also uh there are some changes with the ways they interact with their patrons and things like that so as both a GM and a witch player I'm looking forward to really getting to dive deep into the new witch and I'm so glad that they're coming in uh player core one so I don't have to wait till July that's right you get them right away right away yeah all right um we're gonna take a quick break uh and then when we're back Alex here will be talking to Luis and John Compton for a tour of the Sky City of high Helm and a search for the Sky King's tune it's dwarf in time bring your game to life with officially licensed Pathfinder Miniatures and Pathfinder paints from Reaper Miniatures Pathfinder Miniatures are available in both metal and Bones plastic versions to suit your gaming style sculpted in heroic gaming scale Reapers officially licensed Miniatures range features everything from Iconic Heroes to fan favorite monsters don't forget to use officially licensed Pathfinder paints colors of galerion to paint your Pathfinder Miniatures Pathfinder paints are highly pigmented for fast coverage and feature excellent flow with a matte finish all Reaper paints are water-based and easy to clean up please head over to Reaper to see the entire range of Reapers officially licensed Pathfinder RPG products from Ultra Pro the each character folio features a full art cover 12 single pocket Pages for character sheets and maps with dry erase capability also internal front and back pockets for excess notes find character folios at your local game store or this is the Pathfinder second edition beginner box and we want to show you what's inside on the front is an amazing illustration by artist Wayne Reynolds and on the back is everything showcasing what's in the box and what to expect to start we have an instructional guide that guides you through the contents of the beginner box this explains what Pathfinder is gives you directions on how to play the solo adventure and how to play with your friends then we have four pre-generated characters one of valoros the fighter Ezra and The Wizard Cairo the cleric immersio the Rogue each of these pre-generated character sheets aims to help new players get into the game faster you'll find helpful information on the side regarding the game all the stats filled out for you rules to help you play your chosen character along with some backstory of the Pathfinder iconic you chose you'll also notice that the character sheets have color-coded dice on the side and in the box you'll get one set of these imagine the colors to help affiliate newcomers to the different types of dice needed to play the game to further players are these reference cards these have information explaining what actions you can take during your turn what Critical Hits mean or critical misses and more information to help you stay in the game and not in the books and here is the hero's handbook this handbook starts with a solo Adventure Continues on with the synopsis of the game rules and guidelines to create your own hero the available ancestries you have available to you are the dwarf elf inhuman you can then customize to become a cleric fighter Rogue or wizard one of the important things to take away from the materials in this box is that the rules presented are the same as the Pathfinder second edition cool rulebook we did not modify the rules only elaborated on them in the beginner box if you and your friends decided to make their own characters instead inside are six blank character sheets similar to the Parisian character sheets these also have helpful information about the game on the side and plenty of space to create your own hero now as for the player tell telling the story we have the game master guide this has everything you need to run a Pathfinder second edition adventure as a full adventure you can run right away teaching the game master and players the rules of the game every step of the way along with materials on your own campaigns with a horde of monsters to battle against to help run the included Adventure you'll find a double-sided flip mat Inside the Box this is a 24 by 30 inch play mat coated in a substance that allows you to Mark and draw various things with a dry erase marker should you need them to help populate your table the box contains three Pawn sheets representing the monsters in the game mastery guide player tokens NPCs and action tokens which can be used with the player reference cards to help keep track of how many actions you have left during your turn along with the pawn sheets you also get these bases for you to use to help them stand up at your table and finally is a presentation of the Pathfinder Society where either you're playing at home online conventions or your favorite local hobby store you can join thousands of Pathfinders today and start playing at forward slash organized play on the back is an advisory for those wishing to continue the adventure mentioning the troubles in Atari Adventure that continues the story of the beginner box along with options to continue building and expand ending your stories and that's everything in the Pathfinder second edition beginner box you can start your adventure Now by ordering yours at or by visiting your friendly local game store to begin your Journeys stay safe and farewell and we hope to hear about your adventures soon foreign for those of you who missed it uh don't worry Logan will be back towards the end for a q a so please feel free to put your questions in the chat and our mods will pick them up uh but Alex who do we have next uh yes I am delighted to take us away with our segment on Lost women's high Helm and Sky king's tomb with Luis Loza and John Compton if we want to bring them on screen I'll have them introduce themselves I don't need to do that uh hello gentlemen's lovely to see you um hi hello uh why don't we start real quick uh Luis why don't you introduce yourself to the people real quick let them know who you are if they don't know and also tell me what you've been playing lately yeah hi I'm Luis Loza I am creative director for the rules and lore on Pathfinder second edition it's also the lead developer and narrative lead for lost women's high Helm and I just started a campaign we had our first session this week of abomination vaults I'm playing a rat full psychic named chusco who's just a nice little guy and wants to keep everyone else safe so he's all about defending other people and it's been really fun so far that's great that's awesome so many campaigns starting up and uh John if you want to do the same thing introduce yourself to the people and let us know what you've been playing lately sure I'm John Compton I'm a senior developer who works on the Pathfinder Adventure path line uh I've not had a lot of time to play things of late but uh there's an on and off again Call of Cthulhu game that I'm part of where I'm planning South African Diamond uh minor Borough War veteran who is whose current role in the party is to be aggressively White my first starfinder Society character is like modeled after one of those old like British like game Hunters very British very Posh uh so I feel it I get it I love it um so we're here to talk about some George today uh lost Omens High Helm release on Wednesday you can purchase it at there's our plug uh and the sky case to Adventure path begins next month um so I want to start kind of by talking about high Helm because it kind of sets the scene and gives a lot of the lore for what's going on in the AP so uh Luis can you talk to me and now that the book is out we don't have to do that afraid of spoilers um kind of about like the high level prep or process rather of deciding to do high Helm why you wanted to focus on dwarves but also kind of specifically like why did you choose High Helm as the focal point for this book in particular uh I had the idea for high Helm years back we're always constantly thinking about oh what's going to be next in the Lost domans line and we have a good dozen or so ideas about we can you know pull the trigger on this one next and my home was one of those I was kind of just floating about but I always thought it'd be interesting to explore the sky citadels because they are so unique to our setting and they make for a really interesting setting book a really interesting City book to check out we have Absalom we've checked out magnomar we've checked out uh so many other cities throughout the years and those are great I love them uh especially love magnumar but it was uh an interesting dynamic in that high Helm is built into a mountain I thought let's explore that let's get really Fantastical and I'm also you know a guy who over the last year and a half or so in making this book has grown to really like dwarves I'm more of a halfling supporter myself but I saw that dwarves weren't really getting a lot of love internally so yeah I'll go I'll go to bat for dwarves and it turns out they're really cool and it just worked out really well and I was able to also then take the idea of let's do high Helm and then take that over to the adventure side of Pathfinder and say hey we're gonna do this High home but consider maybe doing an adventure based around dwarves and I Helm and all that stuff and wouldn't you know it Sky king's tomb came about with that as well yeah yeah that's super awesome um can you and one of the things that I really like about high Helm is it fleshes out kind of the dwarves in our setting and also their relationship sort of with with the other ancestries who live in high Helm can you talk a little bit about like how are dwarves different in Valerian like we all have the this image of dwarves in our head from Tolkien and stuff like how how do our dwarves kind of differ what makes them unique and interesting to you now that you spent a year and a half with them yeah well there's a lot that is just familiar right a lot of dwarves live underground they're minors they they they're Smiths they are stubborn uh there's a lot of familiarity there but then we take a lot of that and either uh you know expand it out to the nth degree or try to say oh they're like your typical doors but uh so if you checked out lost opens long expanse you got to learn about the imbecue dwarves and the tarola dwarfs where like your typical dwarves except they are Kenwood Sky dragons or you know there's a lot of different things going on with our dwarves but the biggest thing that we have going on is this um notion that plans are very important which isn't you know too radical of an idea but we really go all in and get to talk about that in this book about how important a dwarf's clan is uh to the point where every dwarf when they're born are given a dagger that reminds them what Clan they're from their Clan dagger and it's something that you're kind of expected to hold on to throughout your entire life it's there to help you out as a tool tool or as you know a defensive uh weapon if needed so it's a lot of diving into these very specific things that show up in a lot of things you endorsed Clans uh but then expanding on them quite a bit uh the other thing going on with these dwarves is that they have kind of a unique history uh our doors all started off underground until the Quest for Sky happened they received a a message from torag the god of uh the all-father the god of dwarfs um and the message was go find the sky we don't know what a sky is but let's go and they start digging and traveling and eventually reach the surface and suddenly are finding a whole new world uh to to explore and live in and and experience and that's a really unique and really interesting uh history to dwarves that I think really sets ours apart and has kind of led to a lot of interesting Dynamics uh with Dwarven culture and Dwarven history as well I fully had not put together that when the dwarves were given the Quest for Sky they did not really know what the sky was and that makes it so much more funny and interesting to me I'm gonna put a pin in that because it's a really great segue to talk about Sky Kings too but I want to double back to the other segue that you gave me and talk about the Clans a little bit more can you talk about like a couple of the clans in high Helm um and also as a little personality test which clan are you in Luis which one like do you feel the most kinship with or you think you would want to join if you were a dwarf in high held we should really do an online quiz find your Dwarven Clan uh I think we should take it back to the 2005 Facebook yes exactly um so in high Helm there are a number of Clans there are over a dozen Clans but there are a dozen specifically that are the major Clans that are the most influential and each Clan has kind of a major Focus that it really uh stuck on so there's a clan specifically all about smithing one about farming and you know producing food there's one about keeping track of History uh there's one that is all about uh using magic there's a religious Focus plan and each of these Clans has their own influence and kind of major role within the city and uh when you make your dwarf characters if you want to make a character from my home you can be from one of these Clans they're so big that they constitute thousands of doors right several different families um so you can just say oh I'm part of you know clientol or or whatever and you get to kind of use that as an idea for maybe what's expected of you and whether or not you want to follow down that that path or you want to maybe break away from from your clan or maybe uh if you want you might be a dwarf who's Clan list or comes from some other place that isn't High Helm and decide I want to join up with one of these clients I really like the idea of being all about farming right and you could decide to to join up and the book also goes into uh how to do just that it talks about joining new clans leaving a clan all that different kind of stuff and I guess if I have to pick a clan I would want to be part of I think I would go with Clan Van Der Hall they're the general laborers of high Helm they kind of cover most anything they're the janitors they're uh the construction workers they're the teamsters they just kind of do a lot of the manual labor throughout the city and there's a lot of camaraderie among the clan where because they're all over the place you get to see each other all the time whereas you know if oh where the the high and mighty uh Clan about religion well we're all just hanging out in this one part of the city and this is all where we do our our thing and no one else can come in no the the vanderhall clan is all over the city you get to meet with them at any time and even though they're they're working hard that doesn't mean that they don't know how to have a good time when when the day is done they can go have some good ale and enjoy a good meal and probably party harder than um even maybe make even a cade night blush here and there nice nice I like it I like it a lot um I'm gonna pick up on the other pin that I put in and we're going to talk a little bit about the Quest for Skye because I think that that sort of historical detail is kind of a big part of Sky king's tomb but I'll let the person who knows more than me talk about it um John Compton give me the top line pitch for for Sky king's tomb what's it about why do I want to play it even maybe if I'm not like a dwarf lover yet like what about it is gonna really intrigue me sure so Sky king's tomb is a level one through ten Adventure path and three volumes um and it definitely focuses on a lot of Dwarven history and blore but it is also very much about exploring the upper levels of the dark lands and um and taking you deeper and deeper farther and farther away from what you know and into more and more dangerous and potentially even alien territory um so you're going to be starting at first level you're really discovering not only who you are and how you fit into your own character's personal lore and history but also as you do so you're you're uncovering some secret nuggets of Dwarven history that um your group is going to be uh kind of getting first first for it to refusal to follow up on and explore um so yes it's going to be just a really fun underground uh focused Adventure that's awesome um and you know we have a lot of people right now who are really coming in the Pathfinder for the first time looking at the game trying to figure out what should we play for the first Adventure path what about this like specifically if I'm a new player coming into Pathfinder why do I want this to be my first AP why is this the one I should pick yeah so um when we look at doing Adventures where oftentimes they're thinking like how are we getting people not only invested in the story but also invested in the world and their characters I don't know if you've had this problem before I I mean we just heard from Logan that we're kind of ditching some alignment stuff or where you like you sit down you're like I don't even know what thing to put in the alignment tape field of my character sheet I give me like three hours of role play and then I'll be like oh okay clearly this um I think that that period of self-discovery is really important for an adventure um especially one that's starting at level one so one of the things I really love about Sky king's tomb is the first volume takes place primarily within High Helm itself and not only is that convenient from like oh hey look we have the we lost Omens book that we can use for it but it's also a very sandbox oriented or sandbox structured uh first chapter of the adventure path um and that's presenting a whole bunch of different things you can do around High Helm um that are going to expose you to a whole bunch of different encounter types and experiences and obstacles all of which are going to not only give you a great fun time but they're going to be a great way to explore these new characters you have just created and are still kind of finding your feet on um so I really love that type of opening for an adventure path um because it gives that that sandbox that little toy box to play around with and figure things out very organically as a group I like that I like that it gives you a lot of options and I I hope Louise I hope that high Helm has given us like a map of the city at least the GMS can use right yeah yes absolutely uh so hi Helm like I said is built into a mountain which meant it had a kind of unique challenge in mapping it out whereas if something like Epsilon we just there it is sky view of the the city and you have a whole map but a high Helm actually has four five Maps depending on how you count it uh there is a side view that's a cut out of the the mountain and you can see that the city is built into several different layers there's four different layers king's crown king's heart stone breach and the depths and each of those layers has their own map they're all they're each their own unique City District and they have basically a whole city map for each of those that if you happen to buy High Helm comes in a nice convenient poster form that has all four Maps together that you can put out on the table and use that for something like I don't know your Sky king's tomb Adventure path and use that uh to help reference hey where are we in the city where are we gonna go where's my house you know you can maybe decide that you live in that building right over there and it's uh something I was really excited to work on uh Adam Daigle helped us out with that he did the initial map sketches for that and the cartography was done done by Shabbat Shawn Ellis and Rob McCaleb and it just looks absolutely beautiful and I think there's just so much in high Helm that there are even points on the map that we just say this is a thing and don't have enough space in the book to say what the thing is that we've managed to fit all of the clan halls in there so if you need to know where one of the 12 major Clans hangs out you can figure that out by looking at the map and there's just a lot of neat stuff going on there that I think will be just hopefully really helpful as a reference for when the time comes to do Sky king's tomb or read through the book or just do your own campaign based in high helm awesome that's awesome definitely is the sort of thing I would use as a GM uh we're running a little low on time but John Compton I know you brought some art from Sky king's tomb that I want to put up on the screen real quick and I'm curious if you want to tell us a little bit about what's going on in this art or just go ooh pretty art sure I reminded myself what's going on okay yeah yeah so um this is from our first volume of uh Scotty king's tomb um basically when we have you in a place like high Helm um which is this overall very safe like fortified City you might look at it and be like where's the danger and uh part of the danger is the calls are coming from inside the house so over the course the adventure path you're going to meet plenty of dwarves there to get along with perfectly well but there are also some who are up to some nefarious or even misguided uh sorts of operations and so uh this is an art piece that has one of those conflicts along with one of the four iconic characters that we are highlighting in the course of this Adventure Pass art that's uh Jarrell the iconic swashbuckler I just love looking at our art we have real good art that's it um and John you have you have a lot of experience with Adventure design between your work now on APS previously you worked on the organized play Team developing Pathfinder and starfinder Adventures you talked a little bit about how you liked the sandbox aspects of the first book but I'm curious if without spoiling anything too much because I know their APS we don't want to spoil too much if there are like particular encounters or set pieces or things like that that you think are really cool that you want to kind of tease people about or just something else that you like about the adventure design talk to me about Adventures John I love Adventures sure so there's certainly a little bit of teasing that I'll put in my spoiler at the very end of the segment but um as far as as far as uh counter design Adventure Zone goes I would I would focus on how uh we have these various Hooks and locations within High Helm that are presented in the new awesome entire home book that we're really a delight to be able to Riff on or explore further in um because High Helm has a lot of tunnel systems and especially as you go down to the deeper of the four layers um you're going to find a whole bunch of kind of Off the Grid sorts of areas that we were able to play around with so when it comes to encounter design one of the things that I really love doing is playing around with low map adventuring where it's really more about the exploration and kind of the narrative experience and so there's a kind of longer segment in that first chapter where you are exploring something called the black noon Gauntlet um which is uh this this this place that was introduced from the high Helm book where it's like yeah the black moon Thieves Guild will sometimes hide a couple of coins throughout this uh Labyrinth of abandoned tunnels um with the idea being that if somebody gets in there and successfully navigates all the uh all the terrible things that are inside of there it comes out with a black noon coin and it goes to the buildings like slams it down on the table then the guild will be like all right we are willing to interview you and explore your future employment with us you've at least proven the first step um so you're going to be able to do part of that it's not necessarily to join the guild but because somebody else was trying to John Compton which is more difficult the black moon Gauntlet or the pies of design test I mean they test entirely different things I don't know if our design tester is over ask somebody to balance on a balance on a small polar thin pole as they cross a spiked pit I mean I've never taken the design test so I truly don't know what it tests I mean I'm sure that we can come up with some digital options of the equivalent of dealing with simple and complex hazards so sure I will leave my comments internal on that for the time being um as I say we are short on time so I want to give you both the chance to give us our traditional Piezo live spoiler it's traditional right we've done a bunch of these episodes before um I will start with uh John Compton because I think it will be more High Helm and dwarf related um so John Compton what's your private live spoiler for the people yeah I'm gonna uh very briefly hint at a couple of other encounters that we have um because they're not only are there larger quests but they're a whole bunch of little side events that are more fun than dangerous um that you're going to be able to do so one of the things is that we will be showing off an actual game of the of Basilisk which was introduced in Lost woman's travel guide um so your characters will have the opportunity to step in at the last minute to um there's a vacancy on the team um but also there is a local tradition that I made up for uh High Helm called the stickleberry festival um when stickleberries are in season and you will have the opportunity to be crowned The stickleberry Sovereign if you win a pie eating contest and much much more oh my goodness I there's no rule that says Alessia you can't place the player can't play back with bass less right um all right um you know the sign of a good Adventure path when you can apply earbud to its reasoning yes I I will write that down in my mantras I suppose um Louise uh lost women's high Helm is out now so people want spoilers they can go get the book have you brought us perhaps a different spoiler I have and it is still Dwarven related uh so we've been talking about the remaster and wouldn't you know it I'm creative director of both lore and rules so that means I could look at the rules and stuff so I peeked into the uh pretty much final uh look at the remaster here before it goes off to print and I have a feat An ancestry feat for dorbs called March the mines you're marching around the mines it's a level 13 ancestry feat it costs you two actions to use it but when you do it you basically gain a burrow speed temporarily stride or burrow twice you get to move around really quick and while you're doing so you bring someone with you so you've learned how to basically March around as a dwarf and you know probably learned how to Diggy Diggy Hole with with your uh Dwarven buddies and you get to bring an ally with you and they end up in wherever you land at the other side of your two strides your two Burrows so have fun with that once you hit higher level in uh your Dwarven Adventures fantastic love it thank you both so much we will say goodbye to you for the time being so wave goodbye to the people um excuse me Luis and John will be back at the end for our reaction segment our q a so please do make sure to drop questions for them in the chat my friend Rue is back Rue how do you feel about dwarves I love dwarves as a short person like all small uh creatures like like any or mediums that are like shorter than average I feel kinship with them uh because I also can't reach the cabinets in my own home um don't make fun of me ah no it's okay um but um I sorry that totally broke my train of thought uh let's take another short break before hmm Who Am I who am I talking to about about starfinder and Pathfinders no no I wish it was Shea you yeah in about five minutes my friends welcome to New Harmony this recently discovered planet in the vast currently devoid of intelligent life has been designated as a settlement site and with the generous backing from the blanks of the aspith Consortium the starfinder society the Xeno wardens and the viscarium that's where you come in as administrators of your very own land Charter it'll be your responsibility to explore the Lush fertile landscape get along the various forms of Flora and Fauna construct projects that ensure the health safety and prosperity of your citizens negotiate with leaders of other charters for the benefit of all uncover ancient ruins and solve a mystery Millennia in the making [Music] the world of New Harmony is yours should you survive risens of the vast is a king maker in space dollar Venture path for first to 12th level characters [Music] thank you [Music] foreign tournament the world's greatest martial arts contest held in honor of the legendary sorcerer Hal Jin the Ruby Phoenix the final team standing in this once per decade contest wins a grand prize their choice of a single item from hougen's magnificent Vault of treasures this year how Jin herself will preside as the grand judge but to receive the honor of just even needing the Ruby Phoenix the contestants must first prove their medal and strength in the Untamed jungles of danger Island only the eight greatest teams will proceed to the Metropolis of go-kart to compete for the title of rui Phoenix Champions during a year that promises to be unlike any other countless Untold Mysteries await the challengers will it be mysterious Scoundrels like the light Keepers Brave friends such as tinos toughest or will it be your team of adventuring Heroes to claim the sorcerer's prize let the game begin with the fists of the Ruby Phoenix Adventure path [Music] okay [Music] the magambia is the oldest and greatest Academy of magic in the world here old Mage jatinbe brought back the light of lost knowledge thousands of years ago and his legacy still stands today the newest initiates at the school eager for knowledge soon discovered there's more going on at the magic Academy than lessons and student rivalries years pass the students are destined to become teachers responsible for the magambia's reputation around the world and Beyond they shall carve their names into the legacy of the great school building upon the strength of thousands of graduates who have come before them but learning never ends and neither does the danger the stories of these Legendary Heroes and their Mighty foes will span the ages rivaling even the tales of the old Mage chatimbe's 10 magic Warriors and the fate of the magambia is destined to be in their hands into a magic school like none other with the strength of thousands Adventure path [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] the wrong sound is never right don't let the wrong sound ruin the moment at your gaming table sirenscape has dozens of sound sets designed by Gamers for gamers that add the atmosphere you need for epic tabletop gaming see the right sound sounds right epic games need epic sound journey to to download the app for free and be sure to catch sirenscape in action on dragons and things every Friday night at 6 PM Pacific on Twitch hello everyone and welcome back to Piezo live our monthly-ish show where we bring on the creatives and wonderful people who work at paizo to talk about all the cool things that we're making um and it is now time for our third action segment so we'll toss it to everyone to enter to introduce rather our next wonderful talented and incredibly handsome guest oh well I'm very pleased to welcome Alex uh to talk for our third action about what we've got happening in Pathfinder society and starfinder Society but first we switch sides it's only oh yes we did um now I don't imagine you've had time to play another game since I talked to you last have you Alex well you see through the funny thing is I actually have I don't know are you familiar with the latest Internet craze of the password game yes my partner was playing it next to me the other night and I got I saw them get to the end screen oh my gosh they wow that's incredible for those of you who are uh not as terminally online as Rue and IR um the password game someone has built a game where you basically you have to create a password like a you know a login password with increasingly absurd requirements um so far I have gotten up to the part where it asks you to include the best chess move on a particular board in your password and at that point I'm like yeah I was never very good at chess so uh that's what I was doing for 20 minutes while you were interviewing Logan about the remaster I did not play a game while you were interviewing Louise and John so sorry um next time well speaking of games people might be able to play why don't we talk about what's coming up for Pathfinder Society I would be delighted to talk about what's coming up for Pathfinder Society so Pathfinder and starfinder Society of course are our living campaign programs you can find PFS and SFS play at your local game store at conventions online all over the place um we're going to talk a lot about starfinder society which is my baby and because we got some cool stuff coming up but first I want to touch on what's coming up for Pathfinder Society um so we have sort of a few scenarios coming out in the next couple of months um the first scenario that just came out a couple days ago actually is Pathfinder Society 415 in glorious battle I think we have the cover for it somewhere written by Luis Loza whom said I just had a lovely chat with um it's a 9 through 12 level 9 through 12 scenario so it's for our high level characters um those of you who are fans of Orcs And of the burning Sun hold definitely want to check this one out those of you who are lore heads for Pathfinder you definitely want to check this one out too I won't say more but it's really great um and then next month we have two scenario videos releasing uh 416 is gasoline Academy's first Great Prank War I'm so excited for this um it's for levels three to six characters gasoline Academy is basically an academy for the kids of Pathfinders so while Mom and Mom go out on adventures they can leave the kids at uh with Jay dazzling at their Academy and they'll make sure that they learn some stuff uh but definitely an academy is having a prank war it's exam time they need to blow up some steam so they're having a prank war some they get involved you know how they be it's fine don't worry about it and then our last scenario is 417 trapping the hag's claw or levels uh either five eight or seven to ten I can't remember offhand I'm so sorry but it's on screen so you can see it um this one is the conclusion to our Euro seven to ten thank you so much this one is the conclusion to our year of boundless Wonder meta plot we will finally be facing off against the night hag Aslan it has her schemes come to a head but some things may not be as they seem so some cool stuff coming out um and then I want to touch real quickly on what we are releasing at Gen Con in August it'll be your first chance to play the August scenarios um the first one is our Pathfinder special or big interactive all the tables in the room are playing it together 4.99 blessings of the forest which I think we also have the cover for um in this interactive special you'll be heading to keonin the Elven nation and facing off against some some demons we're gonna punch some demons in the face it's chill it's fine and then at Gen Con will also be launching our year of unfettered Exploration with the introductory scenario where you'll be taking a VIP on a tour of the maze of the open road as well as 502 the Blackwood lost where you'll be seeing some maybe planar Shenanigans maybe Elemental Shenanigans occurring at a dig site that we've been working on for quite some time fans of Rage of elements are brand new kineticists who will be uh playing for the first time at Gen Con will definitely want to check this one out so we have a ton of exciting stuff coming up for Pathfinder Society I've talked for a while so I'm gonna uh grab my table talk mug here and get a cigarette or apple juice yeah please take a drink please uh let yourself breathe we're also going to be having a starfinder society special at Gen Con is that correct yes the starfinder society special launched at Piezo con it is 5.99 battle for the bull work we do not have the cover don't worry um but it will be the second ever run of it so if you missed it Piezo con or you just want to play it again because it's repeatable we're gonna have a bunch of tables in the Sagamore Ballroom in Indianapolis you're gonna have a bunch of tables online as well um so it'll be a great event a ton of people playing the same Adventure the special is always just uh they really give you the good brain chemicals when you see everyone playing at the same time I'm so excited to see it at Gen Con like you have no idea it's so cool it's so cool I can't wait those were some of our announcements but I think we're gonna Focus mostly on starfinder society because can you fill me in on what's happening with starfinder Society right now I would be delighted to so the Starfighter Society is in election season right now and I know elections give us anxiety but this one's good I promise um the starfinder society is led by the first Seeker sort of the first among their peers they get to decide the goals of the society sort of the mission of the society and they're kind of the figurehead leader of it uh four years ago the starfinder society elected ahu Hadith a cassata as the first seeker and that was uh that was the result of an actual fan contest we had people submit their characters to be the next first Seeker four years ago the players got to vote on which of the four should be the first to see her and they elected ahu Hadith hadith's Mission has completed he is stepping down shortly and so we need to elect a new first Seeker so I'm delighted to introduce you for probably not the first time because we announced these a couple weeks ago to our four first Seeker candidates uh our candidates are niketi lampodeferos Aurora everbrite Dr Howden Savelle and sarmak I want to be clear none of my pronunciations are canonical pronounce them however you want um but these are for actual player characters that were submitted to us uh myself and Jessica and Linda went through the list of over 100 candidates that were submitted to us and from that list we chose the floor that gave us the best storyline potential that gave us you know something that we hadn't seen before that represented a diverse array of perspectives and backgrounds um and now these characters are going to be featured in a scenario launching at Gen Con you'll get to meet these candidates you will get to play the scenario as many times as you want and then uh from August until the end of October you will be able to actually uh go online firstseeker is our URL and you will be able to vote for one of these four candidates it's actually right choice ballot so technically you're voting for all four but you will get to vote on who you want to be the new first Seeker which is very exciting that is really cool um were you involved in the community for the last first Seeker election Alex or no yeah so actually when we did the last first Seeker election was kind of when I started playing starfinder Society um I think the scenario where you got to meet the previous candidates was one of the first I actually ran at the old store I used to run at in Ohio um so this is like it was a really cool way to to start and feel like I already was able to have an impact on the community and have an impact on this game that I had fallen in love with um and so it's really cool to kind of be be full circle and to see these four new candidates which I'm very excited about I also had the great honor of writing the scenario where you get to meet these candidates as well so they have kind of lived in my brain since January and have been really with me and I've grown very attached so it'll be very sad to see three of them lose an election but um I'm really excited they all have they all have a really different and unique Mission a different take on what the starfinders will be and I just uh I think they're really cool I think they're really neat should I talk about their missions I guess actually I didn't I just said their names do you want me to talk about who they are uh yeah do you want to uh do you want to give me just like the elevator pitch for their missions and who they are as people yeah absolutely um so actually if we can put the the picture up again so people have a visual aid um I'll go from left to right that way I can't possibly forget one of them and feel really bad about it um so first on the left we have uh Nikita lampadafaros uh her full name actually nikitaos lampadafaros uh all her friends call her nickity so you should too um she is a sarcasian she's a very mystical magical focused character um she wants to use the society yeah she's great um to explore magical phenomena the different magical objects we've got in our vaults um her big thing as well is kesmerg's absurdity it's this region of space where way finding Maps GPS anything like that just doesn't work it don't work and that's real weird and she's like that's weird I want to know about it um so that's the kitty very very magic Focus um next is Aurora ever bright she is a halfling she is a daredevil racer and the pilot her uh her jumpsuit there has been freshly shorn of all the various corporations that used to sponsor her but now you know she's the first secret she can't be corporate sponsored um she is big on putting this big on putting the star in star finder she believes the starfinder should be out there getting the word out about their good deeds and exploits um there's a long-running vid show called The starfinder Chronicles in universe that shows off what the starfinders are about and she wants double funding for that get the starfinders out on the main stage really make us look good and be real showy and flashy the third there he is a half orc um so orc fans you'll be pleased um he's a scientist and he's a naturalist um his big goal is he wants the society to undertake this Grand scientific Expedition cataloging flora and fauna Across the Universe with the goal of creating low-cost or free medicinals in the packed worlds and Beyond the starfinder society can start putting out to really do some some real good for people um he's a quirky dude he's real fun um he once survived for two weeks on nothing but insect proteins um so yeah which is a species that was created in starfinder society itself came out of the program and the story lines that we wrote um Izel guns are kind of this uh people who sort of deliberately retreated from using technology because it kind of hurt them in the past but sarmac's an electrician so he knows a little bit about technology um he's he's an Islam he's a big big dude very peaceful um his big mission he's fascinated by by megastructures there's all these huge structures in the universe lying vacant lying fallow we don't know anything about um and he wants he wants to really get back to exploration right dungeon delving finding cool stuff from the past um another one of his big focuses is the first ones of Avalon kind of these creators of the robotic denizens there he wants to figure out what's their deal what's up with them are they gonna come back ever um candidates uh all very cool all very different all I think really really interesting directions for the society to take in future years it's really cool um I think I was going to segue into a different question but I'll come back to that um so great will uh uh will the former first Seeker the one who's stepping down still be present in scenarios or are you kind of retiring them as a character um mostly they're retiring and the interesting thing is because a who was a player's character you know uh that player can now play them again they've sort of been locked out of playing a who for a while because they're like he's ours we don't want you we don't want him to die on a mission God forbid um so um that'd be awful right um so you know we do see the former first Seekers from time to time we've seen lazy we've seen Judd neuro we might see aho again as the situation calls for it but the focus is really going to be on the NPCs who are still here and of course the new first Seeker as well a who I think is definitely a guy who's like I've had my time I did what I wanted to do I feel like he's kind of ready to have a break to be quite honest he's he doesn't strike me as like a tropical shirt uh drink on the beach guy necessarily but I feel like he's gonna go somewhere quiet for a while and just get away from it all um you mentioned it because uh you were talking about their missions but how will these elections affect starfinder society as a whole with like The Meta plots and things that are happening yeah I mean it's gonna affect it massively right on the obvious scale the first Seeker is going to attempt to complete their mission right and so you're gonna see scenarios about you know increasing their public profile or doing the natural Expedition that Dr Savelle wants to do or whichever one of them we choose you're gonna see a meta plot focused on that you're going to see scenarios focused on that but the other thing that's interesting right is these people's temperaments are going to affect the society as well right if if Aurora is elected you're going to see a society that's really in the spotlight that's really big on going big and flashy if we elect the kitty you might see a big rise in like people speaking in riddles or whatever just because they think it's fun right I think that you know the temperament of an organization's leader kind of affects that organization and so I think you'll see potentially some subtler changes there as well obviously they'll become a big figure that the various other Venture captains and faction leaders will have relationships with so so it's more than just the mission um and I hope that people you know really take some time to think about who they want to vote for but also there are no bad choices you know I think all of them are super fun super interesting and I honestly just want all of them to win so they can all be the first speaker but they can't that's not how it works [Music] um I'll I'll call back now when you were talking about uh how you got started playing starfinder Society it was a really good segue into a question and then we did a thing in the middle so uh I'm gonna pretend that we are back there and you've just told me that you started starfinder Society during the last first Seeker election um and ask what makes a selection season a great time to get started in Starfighter Society for like wholly new players who have never participated yeah you know I think I'm gonna get a little philosophical here on Piezo live and I apologize for that but like I think periods of transition in anything are a really good time to get involved with something right and this is a really great time where we've got a leader stepping down we've got a major mission completed we've got a new leader coming in we've got a new Mission coming in it's always a great time to start with Star Finder but if you're ever like there's way too much lore there's way too much that's happened this is going to be a really good chance for you to kind of jump in and say hey I'm on board this is a brand new person we've got brand new story lines you're not going to need a bunch of knowledge about the years of History to understand that sarmac's mission is we're gonna go explore some cool dungeons or that nikidi's mission is we've got all this cool magic stuff let's play with it and find out what happens right um and so I think that's a really great thing I think again like I said earlier getting to jump in and really immediately have like an effect on the campaign feel like my voice was being heard it was just a super cool way at the start you know it was it was a fun way to be like wow I I really have an effect you know what I do really matters and I think that's really neat so um the scenario where you meet the candidates as well is a low level scenario it's for levels one to four so bring your brand new first level character to meet the candidates maybe I will uh finally get to play Star Finder via starfinder Society for the elections please I want to play starfinder I'll do it I'll do it all right we're coming close to the end of our time for this particular segment um and it's only fair that you also get to give a spoiler considering we've gotten spoilers from our other guests so what do you have to spoil for us for these elections Rue I'm gonna be greedy can I have two spoilers please okay it's Pride okay thank you thank you oh boy okay so my first spoiler is not really a spoiler necessarily but we haven't done it yet so one of the things that I really wanted to do with this election season is I wanted to make it easier for people to kind of advertise that the election was going on kind of show support for their favorite candidates so the thing that I pitched was we should have campaign posters for the candidates don't you think that would be neat don't you think that would be good for an election Season room um I'm delighted to show you all the campaign posters just put them on screens please look at these look they are they're gorgeous they're stunning I went just I went to Sonia Morris uh our art director and I said Sonia may I please have a campaign poster for each of these candidates and Sonya came back to me and she said Alex I was having so much fun I made you two for each of them and I will die for her um these are available right now hopefully if Marissa has pushed the button if not in two minutes when we scheduled it to download right now on the website go to com slash first Seeker mods put that one in the chat uh and you can download God bless me please download these please print them please put them up at your local game stores I intend to wallpaper the Sagamore ballroom at Gen Con with these they are so cool they are so fun they're gonna make people go what is that I want to be involved in that use these as your uh social media avatars whatever I don't care these rules please use them uh we made them for you because I love you um those are great I just want to share with them whenever we're going to have a different spoiler oh yes yeah I want to give one more shout out to Sonia for making these because they're so good um but uh aside from those which were already a phenomenal thing to spoil what could you possibly have that else to tell us honestly it's not as exciting as that but I put out a Twitter poll on my Twitter about a week ago that said okay that said hey I'm gonna be here I'm gonna be on paizo live uh which of the four candidates sort of missions do you want to know about because in Star Finder 606 tomorrow's Secrets which I wrote um they each each of the candidates kind of send you on a little mission to sort of get a taste of what their goals are and kind of who they are as people so I said who do you want to learn about it was a very tight poll but the winner it was Dr held in Seville so I will tell you my Piezo live spoiler and starfinder606 uh Dr savelle's little Mission he will send the PCS on a journey to another planet to get some plant and soil and fungus samples Because he believes that he can use those samples to help create some medicinals for an illness currently attacking the miners on a planet called tosum five long time Star Finder Society players might recognize tosin five it's not that bad I promise um but it's cool it's a nice little taste of like creating medicinals from the natural world and things like that uh and it sets up some little interesting storylines should we choose to follow them so there's my actual pies alive spoiler but I think the posters are pretty cool too I agree and uh thank you for uh coming on and talking with me about this Alex and I guess also being here for the rest of it but mostly for this segment uh I want to say I want to say before we before we uh oh we switched again uh before we go back I want to say that I was fully out of the country and I came back and I was informed by the way we volunteered you to host Piezo live I'm having a great time I'm not complaining I'm just saying I didn't volunteer for this I was voluntold but I'm having a lovely oh yeah I'll let you finish the sign off now Oh no you're good we decided at a marketing meeting like hmm who should talk about the first secret elections oh definitely Alex we'll tell him when he gets back um anyway it's fine uh thank you and we're gonna take another final quick break before we come back uh for our reaction which is a q a with all of our guests who've been here today yes seriously gather your crew and prepare to embark on the Journey of a lifetime as you explore the packed worlds of the Star Finder Universe taking on the role of a science fantasy hero customized to fit your play style but danger lurks amongst the Stars will you fight back with Advanced weaponry and cunning tactics or will your hero wield the devastating forces that use magic and Technology together to alter reality your crew must come together if you have any Hope of Victory in Star Finder every decision drives the adventure as you build an epic Saga with your friends bring your story to life in a game where the fate of the worlds rests on the answer to the most important question of all what do [Music] begin your journey into the starfinder universe today with the starfinder beginner box now available at your local gaming store and anywhere else Adventure can be found the magambia is the oldest and greatest Academy of magic in the world here old Mage jatinbe brought back the light of lost knowledge thousands of years ago and his legacy still stands today the newest initiates at the school eager for knowledge soon discovered there's more going on at the magic Academy than lessons and student rivalries years pass the students are destined to become teachers responsible for the magambia's reputation around the world and Beyond they shall carve their names into the legacy of the great school building upon the strength of thousands of graduates who have come before them but learning never ends and neither does the danger the stories of these Legendary Heroes and their Mighty foes will span the ages rivaling even the tales of the old Mage chatimbe's 10 magic Warriors and the fate of the magambia is destined to be in their hands enter a magic school like none other with the strength of thousands Adventure path [Music] thank you very much going somewhere I was just looking for you hmm how lucky for you then it's quite a big price on your head this is money really worth all this it's not about the credits I've been looking forward to this for a long time bet you have you're not getting the drop on the villains with sounds like that your game needs sirenscape the sirenscape online player has a huge library of Epic sounds for any situation where the old players are cruising across the Galaxy or blasting bounty hunters sirenscape brings the game to life epic games need epic sound go to to get started today long ago our people emerged from the caves to a world covered in Ash and ruled by monsters to guide our way forward sister Cinder goddess of fire gifted us a Divine artifact a sacred lamp to cut through the darkness for many generations we carried this artifact across Tundra heal and Forest its light created a new order for all who dwelled in the realm but when the great quake sundered the Eastern lands demons attacked our people were divided and the artifact was lost we have wandered in Shadow ever since more than a hundred Winters have passed since that time now battle drums beat in the distance and the fires of War burn on the horizon to survive we must travel into the lands unknown planes buried under modern stone is the legendary tool which will rekindle our Legacy Escape of the realm of the mammoth Lords find new followers to strengthen the clan battle Mighty dinosaurs tame dishes megafauna and slay monstrous beasts defeat those who hunt us prove your strength to become a master of the realm join the broken tusks in fire in the Quest for the Frozen Flame [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to paizo live our monthly-ish show where we discuss all the the what's happening at paiso we're we're in an hour and 90 minutes at this point I don't know what I'm saying um we're in our reaction segment it's our q a where we'll be answering questions um before we do that I figured we could go around the metaphorical table or the metaphorical room real quick and uh remind everyone who's here in case maybe you missed an earlier segment or you uh like me just have baseliness um so I'm Alex vital he him I am piezo's organized play a coordinator uh room introduce yourself to the people hello I'm Rue I use they he or Z pronouns and I am paizo's marketing and media specialist um and let's bring all of our guests back to introduce themselves as well yes hello guests uh let's go in order of appearance so let's start with Logan [Music] hi uh I'm Logan Bonner he him I am the Pathfinder lead designer yes that's me yes hello I'm Luis Loza creative director for Pathfinder on the rules and lore side of things and I'm John Compton senior developer primarily working on Pathfinder Adventure pads uh now throughout the stream our mods have been collecting questions uh and we have them in a document we're going to try to get through as many as we can feel free to keep dropping questions uh just with the knowledge that we do only have so much time so we will try to get to as many questions as we can tonight yes and I have a first question I have decided our first question um but any of you can answer this afterwards from uh oh boy I'm gonna mispronounce a bunch of twitch usernames tonight so sorry about that um uh they say they're a new GM in training and they want to know what the best way is to get up to speed on the lore of galerium we have a nice little book called Lost Omens World guide which gives you kind of the brief summary of the entire uh inner see the primary section of the Lost Omen setting tells you all about the Nations and the people that live there and then if you check that out and you like that maybe check out the Lost domains character guide to learn more about the people and then if you like that maybe check out lost gods and Magic to learn about all the gods and faith that affect the world those three books I think will get you fully up to speed on everything [Music] right here also and you can also Logan I think I know where you're going with that so go ahead uh also if you really want to just do it like Goblin mode just go on and just start clicking on articles and uh you won't get a sense of the world as a whole but you'll get a bunch of weird little factoids uh to to draw you in and uh create a new personality for yourself here 's also the plane in the Lost domans chapter and the core rule book that can give you an even briefer overview of different places um which can be really good because there is just so much lore uh so it can help you to identify what you want to explore more of and once you have that in addition to Pathfinder Wiki uh there are also various online communities um I'm part of the Pathfinder RPG Discord server for example where there is a gallerian lore channel that you can go in and ask for more details on anything that's super cool I put it in the chat but more than once when writing for uh Piezo assignments I have fallen into a wiki click hole so thanks Logan for calling me out specifically for incorporating parts of the window it's a valid valid choice um I'm gonna pick up the next question and it's one that a couple of folks have asked uh so both I'm also gonna mess up names and I'm really sorry uh in for in for a cracker perhaps um and uh chrysemia have both asked how do you determine if a cleric if a deity gives holy or Unholy to a cleric is it something in the deity stat block is it something in the archetype what defines that this is really funny because it's a question that like both Louise and I are equally suited to answer um but the short answer is it's it's in the deity stat block um so it's going to tell you you know whether your deity kind of requires a certain sanctification or allows certain ones or doesn't care at all right it doesn't doesn't allow either uh Luis do you have some maybe some examples of where some of those deities fell on that um that Spectrum yeah um my joke answer is going to be oh you figured out via Vibes but uh if you're being serious you look at the Divine sanctification line and someone like ioma day will specifically say You must choose holy you have no choice if you're going to worship uh ayomade you're gonna go with holy but someone like Sarah and Ray says you can choose holy if you want uh someone like nephis will say you can choose holy or Unholy someone like um like nor gorber and say you can choose Unholy someone like asmodius let's say must choose Unholy and finally maybe someone like Verizon will just say none you don't get any of that uh and you're actually gonna get your first look at that in range of elements just because of when it's coming out it kind of ends up debuting the new deity block before clear core does I should have been looking at this to prep a question but I didn't uh so I'm gonna pick this question which doesn't have a name attached to it so it's possible that it was left by our moderators in our document um for Luis and John did you deliberately coordinate shirts only as much as uh Alex enrouted I mean to be fair Alex and I oh hey Alex and I had DMS specifically about what we were wearing for this so we really coordinated outfits so the answer is yes they did coordinate outfits I guess awesome um I'm gonna ask you a question Alex on how this works yeah no you were also do former first Seekers get secret service protection once they're done like presidents Do Or Nah I mean like that's a very interesting question I'm just gonna drop some Star Finder Laura hope Thurston doesn't mind um part of me says probably there is some level of protection because the Galaxy is a dangerous place but like to be first secret you also kind of have to be like high level to a certain degree so I don't know how much protection like you necessarily need they're probably like 10 to 12th level characters at least like they can handle a lot of stuff um so I'm gonna say only as much as they want and uh that's my answer and I'm sticking to it and Jessica or Thurston can contradict me and they'll be more official um I have an actual question all four Seekers have plot armor which is exactly as thin or as thick as what line needs to be that is actually a way better answer John Compton and that's why he was the developer um speaking of John Compton I have a question for you John Compton from uh Wealth Beyond measure uh they are curious who the iconic party is for Sky king's tomb and I'm also kind of curious like who chooses the iconic party and like how do they how do they choose that yeah our uh our iconic party for Sky king's tomb includes nomica the Gunslinger the ranger uh Jarrell the swashbuckler and Celsius um usually when we are choosing an iconic party of four for any Adventure path we're looking at several factors one of them is um who's featured in The Adventure paths that are coming out on either side of it you know we know the one before better than we necessarily know the one after it um so you won't necessarily see like five appearances of funbus in a row um another one is which iconics whether because for whatever part of their identity have something interesting to to tie them into the storyline of the adventure path in this case we have two Dwarven iconic uh characters and so it's like yeah this is a very dwarf heavy AP let's toss them in um and then uh there's also a little bit of thought of just kind of vague party balance um you know it's no hard and fast rules but um it's kind of a let's look at the party and make sure that they would technically work if they were out in the wild um and and then also just a little bit like who has not had a lot of screen time um and so especially when we have newer iconic characters they tend to show up um fairly soon after their first they first appear in a hardcover book just because we want to give them some screen time even if they might not be the absolute best fit uh Wealth Beyond measure has a follow-up question which is why can't we have five fun buses please uh unclear I see well um no matter which version you get um although if you ever uh you ever join us for any of our like isocon online um panels or the Hangouts that we sometimes do in Discord chats and like uh you can always ask us things about Story Hour uh and the one prompt for me would be that time that we had an all-obazaya table excellent excellent I've heard the story it's delightful they eventually won eventually oh oh Logan you've become a robot oh Logan is yeah I don't know what happened well Logan reconnects uh you have a question uh yes and my question thankfully that I had picked was for Luis um uh cassica 333 asks uh do you have any word on dungen hold Dwarven stuff uh if that wasn't covered in high Helm will that be covered in a different book or how are you like thinking about exploring dwarves who don't live in uh High Helm and things like that well specifically the dwarves of Duncan hold have already been explored uh we put out lost domains impossible lands to have a lot of it and that has a lot of information on the the dwarves of Duncan hold so check that book out if you want more information on them there's also you know APS around that area uh you can check out the um Outlaws of Alcon Stars probably a good spot to play and Duncan Holdsworth but um this point um I don't know if I'll be going back there anytime in the short term but I think we're always looking at good opportunities to expand more on just everything even if it's been something that's been explored like the impossible Lanes or high Helm or Maggie expanse or whatever [Music] awesome um I have a couple questions for Logan but I want to see if Logan's still a robot Logan is still a robot so I will not ask questions of Logan um instead I will ask a uh a a slightly silly question of all of you jumping off of someone who's making pie jokes in chat um uh uh where was where was the question oh um well one of our co-workers uh katsune warlock asked if we would be selling official pies for the AP for the fight eating contest uh so let me ask each of you and I will start with Rue what flavor of pie are you what flavor of pie am I Oh I thought you were gonna ask me what I like to make okay I had a different answer you can answer that one too whichever Sparks Joy uh I like to make uh marionberry crumbles Marion berries are uh a fruit that is native to Oregon in that Oregon State University designed them and so they are only allowed to grow here um and they're like a Blackberry but a little bit Tartar and so that's my favorite pie to make but I think I am uh like one of those like very like thick and dense like custard pies that nice lady from uh British Bake Off right [Laughter] [Music] I miss I miss Mary Berry uh Luis uh what kind of pie do you want to eat in a pie eating contest uh I'm gonna be roasted online I'm not much of a pie guy um I guess I'll let I'll say lemon pie lemons are good and lemon pie is yummy but I'm not really much of a pie guy give me a cheesecake or cakes in general uh instead it's very nice cheesecake very nice I feel like a lemon pie would be difficult to eat a lot of but I don't know I'm not a competitive either uh John Compton is your favorite kind of pie stickle berry pie oh it certainly could be I think the really important thing to identify whether stickle berry pie is going to be my ideal pie would be to bring in pie making professionals or really pastry professionals into the circuit so I think this would be a really good opportunity for us to reach out to our friends over at critical Edge cookies and uh tell them that there is an upcoming High plot line um and see what they want to do um in exploring the joys of stickleberries Kerry do you hear that uh pie cookies please pickle Berry cookies oh little hand pies oh excellent convention food do we have Logan we have a question for the folks oh I was I I can see Logan again but I wasn't sure if we had him back yet all right I can't hear them at all um [Music] uh for a year I I'm sorry can you hear me we tested my audio but then I had to reconnect to the call so there's a step-by-step process all right um we've all been saving questions for you Logan so I hope you're ready to just get bombarded now um I'm gonna take one from GM Reckless uh that says are the monster creation guidelines staying in the GM core or are they moving to monster core those are in the GM core uh monster core only has room for a bunch of monsters oh uh the the main thing that is not in GM core is the NPCs and their their fate will be revealed at a later date oh ominous positive I like it um I have another one for you Luis and I'm not really going to ask you a question from the chat so much as I'm just gonna drop a topic because I'm not really sure what you will or won't want to be asked uh but the people the people would like um just just a little tidbit of spoilers for kineticist is there any any little thing you could give them I know it's coming out at Gen Con I'm sure we'll be talking about it over the next month any little thing we can give them to wet their appetites the people love some kineticists um I don't know what Logan will allow me to say I mean it's not that far away say say whatever you want uh they're super cool um they I wish I knew kinetis is better so I could be like oh yes let me tell you that 14th level that you get um I I remember what always joke on either so it's like uh what didn't we I will I will spoil a different thing from Rage of elements that I know much better and then I'll let Logan talk about cadetes and that um I help contribute uh some magic items to it and my magic items are focused on like mixing of elements it's not just like a thing for fire a thing for air it's different stuff so there's a new vehicle that uh We've added in the book that is there to help you Traverse the planes uh it's basically like a sailing ship that you use to travel the Multiverse and it will keep you safe but the moment you step out of it if you're in the plane of fire it's probably not going to be a good time but if you need it you can use that to travel around um and uh it also has basically an emergency warp drive option where if you need to get out of some wear it real quick you can do that once basically until you fix the ship so are we also getting extra cleaner hamster balls because I really want to put some feces in those unrevealed we'll see you got back another content for your next AP John speaking of AP content oh sorry if I cut someone off [Music] okay uh speaking of AP content I've got a question John that uh you might be able to speak to because we talked about it before this a little bit uh the conflict between uh dwarves and Orcs do you foresee any story lines from The Narrative and Adventure side sort of like reconciling that this like that uh relationship or like building on it in those sorts of ways uh what do you see coming down the line narratively yeah uh so just a little bit of uh Glenn groundwork like uh there's a lot in in tabletop RPG fantasy uh DNA of just like this group hates this group this is this group this hey this group is always evil blur um and certainly over the course of Pathfinders uh lifespan it is gradually Revisited and even moved away from some of those um always true conflicts and the idea of like Orcs And dwarves hating each other is one of those that is tied into some of our like setting background um like when Louise was talking about the Quest for Skye it's like yeah the Norm's tunneled up and it was great but also uh mentioned in that historical summary is like oh and the dwarves ran into some other people who said hey please could you know oh never mind you've drawn axes and they're starting to hit us the dwarves were kind of the protagonists but they definitely did a lot of kicking in the door um and the Orcs were one of those groups that they kicked the door into and um and there's a reason that Orcs And dwarves don't really get along well um but in in the course of the Lost woman setting and some of the stories that we're telling um we're not only kind of revisiting uh how some of those schisms might heal but also we've been revisiting parts of our study in order to make it so that it makes a lot more sense for you to play characters of a wide variety of ancestries um and so revisiting Orcs in a wide variety of other ancestries is is really important for making it so that when you show up to a game or show up in a town with a certain character everybody doesn't just pull crossbows on you um so I think Sky king's tomb has the potential to really explore some of that ancient conflict um as you on Earth some ancient history and wrestle with it thank you [Music] um uh I have an interesting question that I don't know if we've really talked about yet for Logan uh about the remaster specifically looking at like the kind of optional rules that we included in game mastery guide are those returning in the remaster have they been changed or touched at all or is it just like yep here they are again still um they don't all appear due to space constraints we kind of just picked the top ones that had been the most popular um since game mastery guide is already out there and they're already optional rules we just kind of said like yeah if you want to use this optional rule that not many people used it's still there in game mastery guide and still works so the the ones we picked up were like level zero characters automatic bonus progression uh proficiency without level there might be one more I'm not sure I don't remember the exact uh Loadout but uh free archetype is in there right some of the ones that uh that are more popular uh still made the cut but some of the like deep backgrounds was like a lot of space for um you know for the relatively small number of groups that used it so it's like well we need to make room for more magic items so uh we we're gonna have to cut some of those out oh no not more magic items oh what should we do um once again Alex I'm gonna turn uh turn on you and see if you have an answer to this question uh for 416 uh the prank war do characters play as their own characters and are like sort of caught up in the prank war or pre-generated kids who are participating in said Frank War um I love the idea of having the pre-generated kids that's very cute and I do encourage you to rock up with a full student party actually that's super fun um but no you'll be able to play your own characters the idea is I believe that Jay dash lane basically says hey we're gonna have a prank war hate Pathfinders can you just like help me keep an eye on them make sure things don't get too out of hand so you'll be playing your own characters you'll have all your own abilities um but I do also very much love that idea um I also kind of love like an all-pop IT party or something rocking up and being like don't worry the toys shall protect you if there's one thing we know Pathfinders are good at it's making sure things don't get out of hand [Laughter] s uh yeah yeah um Logan I think we skipped over a thing that we were in the middle of answering and then we sort of skipped over it uh can you give the people a tiny little tease for Canada's just a little thing just a little crumb for them uh sure well since Luis was talking about the kind of combined Elemental uh items I'm going to talk a little bit about the composite impulses that was one of the things that was added to the book The playtest had uh the like the four Greek elements and then we added the other two elements and the composite impulses after the play test uh so I'll give people a couple examples of those for the people who uh get into more than one element uh one of them is living bonfire which is you make it's it's wood and fire together so you make a bonfire fire and then you can Chuck logs out of it at people um another one is lightning rod which is metal and air which is uh shoot a metal rod into somebody and then zap them with a lightning bolt so get your cupboard having like read through range of elements for like Pathfinder sanctioning it it is so fun it's just so fun like this sounds so fun and I want to play one real bad I want to rock up with a party of kineticists I think they're fun yeah we also uh especially like the play test was you know more focused just to get the data in but like they as they've expanded there is definitely room to play a whole party of kineticists and I'll have them be different and fulfill different roles yeah that's super cool uh whole party of puppet kineticists at the prank war when Gen Con statistically Gen Con um my character tries to uses class abilities cool you catch fire and catch all the rest of the party on fire let's do a different campaign [Music] [Laughter] um oh sort of tying together uh uh remaster and some of the narrative stuff with everything happening in the remaster um do you foresee changes to the adventure paths or perhaps going back and sort of revisiting some of those Adventure paths to update them or more of a as things go forward we will up like we will new adventure paths will be remastered compatible um but not touching the old ones um certainly we're going to hit a point where you know the the new ones are fully remastered because they're like multi-volume uh paths um like you don't want to switch switch gears in the middle of one um but uh for older ones the main thing we're going to focus on is giving people like enough guidance that they can adapt things on their own um most things are going to work just fine uh after the remaster is mostly going to be like alignment based stuff that gets a little trickier um so we want to make sure people can do that for themselves and then if we do like more hardcover compilations I'm sure we're going to remaster those um but uh I don't think it's very likely we're gonna do like oh here's Errata on you know age of Ashes that is going to update all of it just because that is going to prevent us from putting out new adventure pads because it'll take enough time off our uh off our plates to make our other stuff keep going okay um I am ignoring our co-workers fun jokes that are getting introduced in uh in the question chat thank you very much Dustin I will not be asking any further of them on air so I'm running a little light and we're running short on time um but I will I just love to Ask Logan for spoilers I guess uh about class stuff um there's some people there's some people in chat interested uh and also very interested in uh which stuff and how the witch might be kind of changing in the rematch but I don't think we've talked about all that much um I don't know if there's anything else you want to say about them or if you just want to tell them what the crown of the Witchcraft looks like oh uh so the crown of Witchcraft is a focused item which are the the category of items that give you an extra Focus Point once per day um so uh folks have already seen some of those for other classes and there's a witch item in Treasure Vault but this is going to mean they have two instead of just one option um and that there's one in you know the the first two core books um I don't have off the top of my head all of its other abilities uh but that was one that we we kind of wrote from scratch to to put into Jam core uh the main thing with the witch is there's a much clearer kind of story to them and there's more of a focus on having your familiar do something special that other familiars don't so instead of a patron theme there's a little bit more of like a a cryptic title for your Patron uh and a little more kind of uh story baked into it a lot of cool like stuff to get you started on like how you interact with your Patron and you know uh the the first kind of inkling of what they might be is a little more emphatic in this um most of the individual lessons are kind of similar right it's uh but there's a little bit more space that we could expand like here is what this lesson is teaching you and like why a patron might tell you this lesson so that you can kind of treat it from a little bit more of a story angle rather than just a mechanical angle uh so a lot of it is uh is kind of putting that story together and then kind of uh every familiar every Patron gives a unique familiar ability uh and you're familiar kind of gets even more abilities than they did in the pre-re-master version and one of those is going to be unique and it's keyed off of when you cast spells or sustain hexes uh so that's going to be what much more interactive with your familiar and they're going to feel like a more essential part of your character I'm so excited you have no idea um I think maybe we have time for like one more question before doing outros and I know uh there was something Luis and John were talking about during the break that I think is uh interesting John how is uh how's leveling up working for Sky king's tomb oh okay um so in the course of Adventure uh design for the past decade and change uh you've been seeing this much xp from this this much xp from that Hey look it's an encounter it's full of XP um look you got a story award and that has been a great way to kind of estimate when characters are going to level up um but lost elements kind of explore a an idea of Milestone leveling and um Sky king's tomb does use Milestone leveling so it's more every chapter uh you're expected to be leveling up for something um it means that there's been a lot more flexibility in terms of how many encounters are put in each chapter or um how we populate dungeon encounters things like that because we're not necessarily trying to um make all of the XP align behind the scenes um and sometimes we're giving you more sometimes we're giving you less but it's all to tell the story that needs to be told rather than um filling in with little side encounters uh just to make sure that you hit Level Seven in time [Music] awesome um well oh I wanted to oh there we go uh I wanted to thank all of you for uh taking the time out of your weeks to come and talk with us today on Piezo live um why don't we one last time go around and tell folks uh who you are and if you so choose where they can find you on the wild world of the internet I didn't know if the two of you are also going or are less recessed uh I'll save you for the end I guess um I'm Logan Bonner I'm the Pathfinder lead designer you can find me on Twitter at Logan Bonner uh I'm on Macedon loganbonner dice dot Camp uh so you know give me some actual posts to read on there that'd be nice uh and uh I hope everybody really enjoys uh the books that are coming up and all the cool stuff we've talked about today yeah hi I'm Louis sloza uh creative director for rules and Lauren Pathfinder side I have my little bottom third that says at Donato classic for my Twitter account you can also go to for other information on me uh check out the lost and wins line and trans rights I'm John Compton um again bottom third at archetalk on Twitter when I actually show up there otherwise you can find me on the Star Finder and Pathfinder RPG fan discords times [Music] thank you all so much [Music] cheers I don't know why I'm raising my glass but it's happening oh it's just us now mine is also empty so I don't know why I raised it either yeah thank you all for tuning in to this month's Piezo live we've hoped you've enjoyed our Fireside Chats about the remaster High Helm and what's happening in organized play election season baby yes uh we are taking next month off to prep for Gen Con because we will all be on the plane like a day after paizo live um but get ready for our Gen Con keynote and our other streams and announcements coming your way the first weekend in August Gen Con is August 3rd through 6th I don't know why I have to look at my calendar it's embedded in my brain um and Martha calendar is for the next Piezo live August 25th at 4pm Pacific unless we get canceled um if any of the projects uh the products and projects that we talked about tonight caught your eye uh good news hi Helm is available right now the first secret elections open at Gen Con the first and the first issue of the sky king's tomb Adventure will also be dropping at Gen Con I believe it's one of our July drops and the remastered player core and GM core will be out on and in your friendly local game stores in November never miss a product with our subscriptions as well and you can get your paiso news weekly via our newsletter which you can sign up for at news uh I've been Rue I use they he or Z pronouns and should you wish to find me on the internet when I'm not working for paizo you can find me on Twitter as at Ilana night 13 which you can see in my little bottom half of the bar uh and I've been Alex vital you can find me on Twitter at Alex title uh Mastodon Alex and someday I will be on Blue Sky uh or in a black hole according to the thing roof scripted for me uh thank you all so much for joining us for advisor live and we'll see you next time have a good night thank you

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Maxbrown : Interview de Pierre Saliba sur ce #JDR d'aventures horrifiques contemporain

Category: Gaming

Et bonsoir à toutes bonsoir à tous et bienvenue sur la chaîne story ce retour de vacances et oui on est en retard et ben et en même temps qu'est-ce que vous allez faire hein voilà donc on arrive quand on arrive et maintenant on est là salut à toutes salut à tous et pour m'accompagner je ne suis pas... Read more

VRL Round 9| Raiders V Roosters thumbnail
VRL Round 9| Raiders V Roosters

Category: Gaming

Hello everyone it is great to be with you and welcome to tonight's match between the canberra riders and the sydney rooster i'm andrew voss and with me as always the man eddie hemmings perfect weather for night football and the crowd is starting to get a little restless as we build up to kickoff only... Read more

FPRL | F1 24 | Tier Vote | Tier 2 | Season 8 | Race 5/10 thumbnail
FPRL | F1 24 | Tier Vote | Tier 2 | Season 8 | Race 5/10

Category: Gaming

Hello everyone and welcome to fbrl season eight i think we are tier two this is um your host cl ads alongside 8 y so this is our tiered chosen race um for some reason tier two have chosen the difficulties of the streets of monaco so this is going to be very interesting um i'd expect it's going to be... Read more

Nuevo bug en Supermarket Together! thumbnail
Nuevo bug en Supermarket Together!

Category: Gaming

Encontramos un pequeño bug en supermarket no no no no son grises mira [música] tom a ver tírala tal t duplicamos la caja esta caja los dosos chocol [música] to [música] lim don't look down just keep your head you finish Read more

Rob Cornelius "The 315" 8-29-24 thumbnail
Rob Cornelius "The 315" 8-29-24

Category: Gaming

Is rob cornelius getting ready for his trip out here uh to the dome this weekend rob thanks so much for hopping on for a few today happy to do it brian happy happy to join you guys we're not sure what we're going to see when we walk out there on saturday frankly neither are we so that makes that makes... Read more

Part 46 - CFB25 - UW Husky Dynasty - Year 3 CFP Semis Rose Bowl vs Oregon thumbnail
Part 46 - CFB25 - UW Husky Dynasty - Year 3 CFP Semis Rose Bowl vs Oregon

Category: Gaming

The rosebowl is washington at rank number five and oregon number two we get another shot at oregon who we just barely lost to in the big 10 title game oh baby what a matchup let's take a quick look here at the college football bracket holy [ __ ] okay washington has beat north texas we have beat miami... Read more

Kyle McCord "The 315" 8-27-24 thumbnail
Kyle McCord "The 315" 8-27-24

Category: Gaming

Without further ado the first of our weekly visits with the orange quarterback well it is our first of our 12 weekly visits this year with orange starting quarterback kyle mccord and have you processed that whole sentence yet kyle it's been a wild nine months that here at a different place it's a different... Read more


Category: Gaming

E e e all right we back i watch a g guy if he shows up with that is uh play single player continue we last left off i believe we were we yeah we were uh right here with potato we had a new ooze let me uh hold on a sec i'm gonna oh no it's fine return the game what about you guys uh i was curious what... Read more

Fall Guys vor dem Dschungelcamp-Finale! 🌴 !dixper? !freeskills thumbnail
Fall Guys vor dem Dschungelcamp-Finale! 🌴 !dixper? !freeskills

Category: Gaming

So dann wäre ich soweit ready i guess den stream machen wir auf öffentlich jawohl und start ich hoffe ich habe nichts verpasst oder vergessen einzustellen aber ich denke das funst und dann würde ich mal behaupten geht's jetzt auch los mus n ganz kurz hier meine bohne einstellen so wir haben nämlich... Read more