John McMullen Discusses Eagles Latest Drama with Jalen Hurts' Comments on Jason Kelce

welcome back in everybody to a football Friday here on Bird Street 65 just a week away everybody from the Philadelphia Eagles opener in sou Paulo Brazil Johnny Mack let's start H do we want to start on sou Paulo or do we want to start on Jaylen Herz Johnny Mack I'll let I'll leave it up to you I'll go Jaylen Herz let's start with QB John when in doubt you lead with qb1 that's how that's how it works in the football world uh so John jayen Herz spoke yesterday down at the NovaCare complex you were there in attendance for his um commentary I think he made this though on the radio on WIP with the radiothon with the cheerleading th and uh yeah strange now he's talked about it before I me well just clarify real quick just give if you want me to I can read the um yeah go ahead let me read the let me read the quote just so people know exactly what we're talking about here I'll pull the quote up and just a second so give me give me one second and I'll read it here's the exact quote from Jaylen Herz in the light of full transparency so jayen Herz says on the WIP Morning Show quote we had a great player in Jason Kelce who took on a lot of responsibility and as a result of that I was told not to worry about a lot of things and so my eagerness to learn over the years kind of was halted but now times are different end quote interesting comment there from qb1 Johnny Mac uh what is your takeaways to well number one and I just retweeted if everybody want to talk want want to see it at my uh my ex account uh atjf McMullen I wrote about this on August 7th and that was sort of when uh the stuff about wink marale uh came out from my buddy Tim mcmanis and him reaching out and all all that kind of stuff and you know jayen had professed this before it's he said it's it's been a role I've been waiting on basically being able to handle the autonomy at the line of scrimmage I know I've had a well-respected guy Hall of Fame guy that's been doing it uh and Jason Kelce um so it's been a thing and Ken Moore has also talked about it saying ultimately sometimes the quarterback can see a little bit of a wider lens more who was once a quarterback himself for people that don't know very good college quarterback his perspective may be a little bit different he does have a trump card ability to make those adjustments when necessary and that's what jayen has been uh hoping to get um and that's what he's talking about um now the difference is what he said yesterday that was new news and this is where sorry you know if you got baby ears put your put your hands over your ears because I'm going to criticize the quarterback um so the new part is when he said and so my eagerness to learn over the years kind of was halted because he was you know basically told or Jason's going to do this because Jason's a of Famer look this organization paid him $255 million whatever it is um yes did you know the lack of autonomy can that be frustrating for a quarterback sure that part's understandable but you understand as a 25y old at the time he just turn 26 your shelf life in theory is going to be a hell of a lot longer than Jason Kelsey even if he came back so the fact you're saying your your eagerness to learn was being halted you know sometimes I think if you want to go conspiracy theory this whole off seon for Nick serani has been talking about accountability and everybody being accountable um this dude hasn't been accountable if you go all the way back to Seattle and when Nick looked like a fool for his explanation of the interception between janen and AJ when they tried to force the ball um Nick went out there tried to protect his players looked like a fool in the process um AJ eventually stepped up and said no that was us we improvised we went off script jayen to this day has never taken accountability to that for that to this day um and this is the quarterback of the football team where I say the the one role the main role for any quarterback jayen Herz or anybody good bad or indifferent um when things are going good it's we when things are going bad it's me that's the old cliche for the quarterback position so I mean he's talked about this before but the fact that he said his eagerness to learn over the years was kind of halted just a weird comment there I thought the same exact thing weird comment it's a very very weird comment because he knew this was coming eventually you know Jason couldn't play forever so why aren't you preparing for that eventuality and the answer is he probably was it wasn't halted but it was a strange thing to say and he's going to get asked about it and people are going to get mad because we ask him about it whatever you know no one said it except jayen so now next time he talks which is going to be this week he's G to get asked about it so be prepared he's gonna get asked about and he should get asked about it because you know you you pointed out that one of the mantras of this football team is a accountability you go back to that Seattle game which we've talked about extensively AJ Brown took took you know took accountability the coaches Fallen the sword for everybody the only guy who didn't was was was it was Jaylen Herz and now you go through the summer you you look back at the 95% new when everybody was chirping him for otaa otaa play now he's it like now he's putting it on Jason Kelce that he hasn't developed in terms of reading defenses and picking up Pro protections I thought it was a really weird odd comment from the quarterback and I do think there is some concern here with a lack of accountability for Jaylen Herz I'm starting to I think the Kelsey part's a little bit of white noise because you know they had a they had a great relationship they do have a great relationship okay great so go and talk to Jason Kelce and say Hey My My eagerness to learn is being halted Jason what can we do to help me get better at this while not taking away what you do well are these grown men who are making millions of dollars a year not able to have that conversation no it the conversation didn't happen because it wasn't an option um Jason was going to do it um and that's not Jason's decision that's the head coach's decision because Jason was so good at it um and and jayen has talked about over the years it's been something I've wanted to but I feel like when you have Jason Kelce it's just like let him do it so I never really had the opportunity to do those things these are quotes before so he's already talked about this but it does seem like the way he said it that it wasn't this isn't this new feeling he's had no it's not at all because if he had the problem that's where I'm like why are we as grown men not able to communicate with another grown man those concerns and then I think you know you point to the season last year and how it ended it's tough to not draw some comparisons if you I think they comparison when you talk about the disconnect with Nick serani that's where I don't think there's a disconnect with Jason Kelsey I think Jaylen understands why it was that way um I don't think it was a disconnect with Kelsey but I think that could be a an a look into maybe a a window into the bigger problem of was anybody communicating last year well when when you know when when Brian Johnson took over because of their relationship um Herz thought he would have more autonomy not necessarily the Tom Brady level where you're in control of everything but he thought he would have more autonomy and he thought it that part would grow you know somewhat it didn't um and and that was a disappointment for him um and it didn't because and I that's what I wrote about there's a silver lining to um Jason Kelce leaving because now it opens up an opportunity for you to make the shift and it's always better to have the quarterback having as tell more for that part of it I completely agree with no doubt as Kell Moore said having the trump card um it's always better to have someone have that trump card if they can handle it again not everybody's Tom Brady or pton Manning um but if they can handle it it is much better to have that even with Jason Kelce to be honest um but it's really difficult to find a quarterback like that my concern is about the halting and you know maybe it's just I talk every day you talk every day you stay you say stuff in the moment maybe it didn't come out the way you wanted it to come out my my assumption is it just came out a little bit different than what jayen head uh wanted it to come out as because I find it very hard to believe he halted his learning but that's the word he use so I mean and it's a public public basing industry and people are going to parse your words and they're going to parse these words they already have it's all over the place and that's the quote my eagerness to learn over the years kind of halted because of who we had that's his quote Yeah I'm sorry people are ripping ripping in the chat I don't give a that's a dumb comment that that Jaylen Herz made I don't care if it's a heat of the mo that's a stupid comment to make as the quarterback of a football team that you were halted because you had a Hall of Fame Center if you were so halted I would have I would have addressed it but maybe I view it different well and here's the thing and I saw it again the other day and and again if if if you got if you're that upset about constructive criticism about the quarterback I'm sorry get used to it it's going to continue um it it it you know when you talk about their failure to pick up the Blitz that all the blame goes on Nick serani and Brian Johnson and maybe they didn't prepare him well well enough for the blitz obviously it's clearly they didn't but that's where the criticism should go to Nick serani and Brian Johnson this and I don't know how many times I can say this this that the Eagles didn't have any hot routes in the offense nobody calls a goddamn hot route it is built in the offense it is something the quarterback has to recognize the receiver has to recognize with the help in this case of Jason Kelce um recognize the blitz is coming adjust in the moment and go to the play that's already built into the offense so stop blaming the damn coach yeah and I continue to see our guy Seth Joiner talk about that on Twitter and now that I've been educated on this so much by you I I just don't get what the heck he's saying he keeps saying that it's nothing is on jayen because there was no hot routes in his offense you come on I love Seth but come on yeah I mean you're a defensive player I mean calling a hot route hey I think they're going to Blitz think about that think about that from a logic perspective you're a coach you're a play caller oh I think it's third and 13 I think think they're going to Blitz the nickel corner so I'm going to call a hot route behind the nickel Corner maybe they Blitz the opposite corner and you got a A hot route from a a n it's absurd that would be the worst coach in the history of the world nobody calls a hot route from high school to college to professional it is something done in the moment now if you you want to if you want to criticize Nick serani and Brian Johnson and anybody else Alex Tanny throw him in the mix for not getting Jaylen Herz prepared well enough to recognize that stuff that's that's Brie reain how about it but yeah the of there's no hot routes in the Eagles offense you know that's just dumb is there is there are you concerned with with a theme developing with Jaylen John and some of his comments I know he's not he he's not a overly vocal person he's very guarded when he speaks to the media for the most part um but there has been some instances now where it does seem like he skates by the accountability of it like I said not everybody's G to like this like this conversation but are you sensing a a theme or or am I overreacting no I I don't I don't think he takes accountability for Stuff very often and I brought up the AJ AJ took accountability jayen didn't um I brought up the we and me adage um and that's for every quarterback I'm not holding Jaylen Herz up to some unattainable standard if you're down to your third string quarterback and you play poorly same thing if you play well by some strange same thing for every quarterback at every level that's the rule um should be the rule and I I don't think Nick has focused on that by mistake talking about it I think it it ranges for the entire team but it certainly includes the quarterback when he talks about accountability constantly um and then the part is now jayen has what he wants what he he now has the role that he's been waiting on and he's got the great uh Supporting Cast um probably the best in the NFL I'll I I'll add so certainly in the conversation um to be the best in the NFL so he's got everything he wants and hopefully the halted learning has picked up again and he can handle it and if he handles it this will go away very very quickly but I will say this and people talking about oh the Eagles um acquired Jan doson you can't Blitz now oh they're blitzing yeah they are blitzing until the Eagles prove that they can handle the Blitz and when they do that they will stop blitzing I want to bring up a comment here from Chip tooth chip appreciate you being here Brothers appreciate everybody checking in on the conversation you might not always agree with what we have to say but I appreciate you sharing uh your point of view that's what Jacob is all about uh everybody can have their point of view even if it's different from ours or if John's is different from mine or cilio or whoever it is so J chip to says Jaylen doesn't have to take accountability for you or the media all that matters is that he does it with his teammates chi I agree here's the problem he didn't just not discuss it he didn't just not address it he actually went the other side of it and instead of taking any accountability or no accountability he he created a new area to to put the accountability on so he went the other way it's not like he if you don't address it you're right okay maybe he did it with his teammates he went the opposite side though chipped he went having Kelsey halted my eagerness to learn that is that is putting the accountability on another at another doorstep not your own so I I disagree with your comment that you know I agree maybe he doesn't have to take accountability with T but he did the opposite he skated away from it and he's done it in multiple instances now I think it's worth mentioning I really do yeah I I mean I'm not I'm not sitting here saying he's got to take accountability to me I don't he doesn't have to take accountability to me I I don't know why people have this obsession with the thought that um it's about satiating us as reporters or or media whether he's on a press conference or when he's on WIP or anything of that nature and he knows this better than most because he went to Alabama and he um got the Nick Sabin um education and handling uh public facing situations um he's speaking to the fans he's speaking to the people that pay his salary and all that kind kind of stuff and support the team um and he's also sending messages to those teammates where you're right the goal is he's got to be accountable to his teammates his team not us but that's that's that's who he's talking about so you can't just say I think there's that weird and it it's weird to be honest like I don't I don't care if if Jay Herz is accountable or not to be honest I don't I don't care if he wins or loses to be honest um I'm just there to report on the team and he said what he said I didn't say it and he said his eagerness to learn over the years was kind of halted because of who we had Jason kelon I didn't say it why is that so hard for people to understand you know I get it you like the quarterback I get it all right I mean I always say if you want the cheer leaders there's plenty of places to get them you're not going to get them here well you know I and and and I respect and appreciate that from you and that's what makes this show great but on the flip side you know people do view it at like people are like oh you're going to change your tune I think more speaking about me because I'm ripping them dude I projected him to be the MVP of the league yesterday on the show but if you you weren't here for that so all you do is think I'm bashing the dude you know get out of your own head a little bit I projected a 13 and 14 with a with an MVP quarterback so I'm not ripping the quarterback I'm looking at this instance and saying this is a problem or at least looks like it could be a problem for Jaylen Herz if you have such a problem with that then go to a new show go to a new channel I could care less uh Johnny ma let's move on to the Brazil comments um what did you make of the Brazil comments there's wildfires there's all sorts of stuff I thought Devon's answer was pretty good he's like no comment no comment you know I'm just going to play football but no nobody's happy about this trip I I'm con convinced I I've yet to hear some well maybe Tanner mcke Tanner was down there um yeah what's the deal with him he was down there for something or he has like Ro he had a mission uh LDS mission down there before he went to college so lived uh for two years um right around uh sou Paulo as a matter of fact um so he he knows the area very well he loves the culture and all that kind of stuff and yeah I mean I I think from the perspective of you know the NFL had a a conference call with the media people that are going down there and it's a bunch of don't dos um and AJ Brown brought that up the Eagles had a meeting this week telling the players don't do this don't do that um for instance don't walk down the street with your head in your phone something bad might happen all this kind of stuff you know that might happen in Philadelphia let's be honest I I think a lot of it is overblown but when there's un it's something new um I think it you know people people get a little bit nervous and all that kind of stuff so I I think the thought is from the Eagles perspective they're only going to be there for a very short time they're going Wednesday and they're coming back after the game so I think everybody's kind of focused in on all right we're just going to stay in the hotel and do our very brief uh media duties for the international media play the game you know Nick Gates called it a business trip um couple times and that's how they're looking at it I don't think there's going to be a lot of sightseeing or a lot of um engaging in the culture that Tanner mcke likes so much and it it's a shame and I think if they if they went in for a longer period of time maybe people would have had an opportunity to do some different things right um but you know now it's just like all right go down there hopefully get a win get the hell out and get back and get on with the season is pretty much how everyone is taking it is this smoke from these fires going to be an impact at all John I mean I I saw Minister declares war with fire as smoke there's so many there's so many but here's it the the this is one of the most populous areas in the entire world for people that don't know it is absurdly congested um from uh the media hotel to the stadium they told the people it will likely take two and a half hours to get there um and coming back at 2 in the morning it goes down to about an hour so that tells you about the congestion right um enormous amount of people it's just extremely crowded this is one of those decisions where you look at the NFL and go they didn't they didn't they didn't plan this out too well um and you can see the fly by the seat of the pants um Stu now you get wildar stuff like that you can't control that so I have no idea how that's going to work out but just the logistical part it sounds like an object disaster it really does yeah it really does I'm with you on that I don't know what the heck they're going to do um yeah there's no chance that this game is moved or anything right like this they're they're in too deep they're in too deep playing the game they're playing the game and that's what I said hopefully you take your three hour drive to the stadium and hopefully um you get out of there with a win and get out as soon as possible let's see if they can do it we'll see what happens joh let's get to our next commercial break I believe also uh sat uh national holidays coming up too so there's going to be some crazy stuff there was just dis what in Brazil there is yeah oh God yeah I I it's yeah logistical nightmare yeah uh I don't I don't understand why the why why this is all happening but at the end of the day we're going to we're going to do it I like what I'm I'm going to side with Devonte Smith just football man lineup uh John I will say I'm happy that you're you're I don't know if you're upset that you're not going to be at the game but you will not be I don't like to miss games but I know but it makes me feel a little bit better that you're not going to be down there uh in Brazil well there's going to be a lot of so um I I do think the danger part of it is a little bit overblown but uh yeah Good Friday uh um I don't know so I don't I don't know there's a lot of stuff going on from a logistical standpoint point but uh I do think the safety stuff and Tanner said that as well I think that's a little bit overblown I mean that's like if you go to any big city anywhere I mean you you got to pay attention to your surroundings so yeah no no doubt about that well AJ Brown didn't help with that narrative yesterday with some of his comments Yeah well yeah AJ staying in the hotel yeah which is good I think they they should probably all all do that better safe than sorry so uh we'll get to our next commercial break we got Ed Katz coming up in about 18 minutes looking forward to talking to Ed uh getting his take on the new signing of Byron the new um the Jaylen Herz comments we we'll kick that around with him maybe Ed will walk me off the ledge a little bit uh and we'll do all that coming up next here on birds 365 hit that like button everybody appreciate all you guys being here we'll be back in three minutes on the other side Michael Vic ATB catch an incredible 125% sign up bonus on your first three deposits plus 10% gamblers Insurance bet us my online sports book and [Music] casino if you missed any of today's show on the Jacob media channel listen to the podcast on your way home available on YouTube apple and Spotify

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